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Show THE MOBXnfQ Important Auxiliary WRIGHTS CAR MEN NAMED BEHALF LAKE'S STREET CAR MEN RECEIVE A REPLY. Prospects of an amicable adjustment of differences between the I'tsh tbweu Ligt and Railway company (a Harrt-ma- n lntarest), of Balt Laka City, and y Its men were male more remote te Eat by the reply of President Bancroft to a letter sent him Tuesday Cats weed M. Pel haMwaftratMaMsn tree bMfoia. by C. O. Pratt on bahalf of tha man. Mr. Pratt, who to chairman of tha executive board of the Amalgamated Association of Eleotrie Street Car Employes, sent to Mr. Bancroft a letter the employee ware trilling to check came back marked ao founds" saying leavo all points at Issue to aa arbitrattXAMINUtUUFhONCS and anting the endorser to make good. ion board. In the reply sent yesterNow Hlgman may have to answer to a EDITORIAL ROOMS day Mr. Bancroft says the orly quescriminal charge. tion upon which the company will treat Independent 'Phene .......Mo. tl No. M to that of wage Ho say a the comSen 'Phene, two rings BUSINESS OFFICE pany will treat with a committee of TOILS BO SOLICITORJIUHE .Nfc tho moa but will not treat with any Independent 'Phone M N Bell Phono, one ring on acting as their agent or In the caArraetad by tha Deputy Sheriff for Ob- pacity of union representative. Tha men now hare this letter under taining Menay by Mlarepreasntatlon le jee-b-r.la- 42-- ...... r. h t, If you ere going to move aae Malta, traaefer vaaa. Leave ordere for coal. 401 Twenty-fift- h at Slades Phone H. H. Keener, fonnariy with the Wolf lee Martilne Manufacturing company of Chicago, who la In the city Installing the machinery for ti now Ice plant of the Beoker brewery, will remain in the city na rhlef engineer for the brewery. See Males Transfer On. for e forage Our specialty In moving of all kind ' pianoa, furniture nnd office fixture A to marriage licenee hae been limned II. G. Hoamer and Martha both of Pleasant View. Rllto, The raaa of C. A. Browning va. Stephen Browning has bean dlamlaaed from the district court oo the grounds of no cause for action. FUNERAL OF JOHN TELFOBO The funeral services ever the body of John Telford, who died suddenly Wednesday morning, from dlptherla. pneumonia at tha residence of Charles Zelmer, where was employed, were held there yesterday afternoon. The young man was suddenly stricken HI throe days ago, everything possible was done by hla parents and Mr. nnd Mrs. Zelmer, but to no avail and fba young man passed away. Bishop Robert McFarland presided at the funeral service. The speakers were George Hunter. Charles Greenwell and Bishop McFarland. Mrs. Mary Farley sang two sntoa. The interment waa la the West ltyeber cemetery. itCHRISTIAN SCIENCE LECTURE A lecture oo the above subject Is to 10 per rant redaction on 11 bulk vegetable aeedi at Orout'e Bead Start, ba given by First and Second Church 152 14th St. of Christ BclentK of Balt Lake City, on the evening of Sunday, April 28th, Tho fury in the cane of Ogden City In tha Balt Lake Theater. Tha lecturer, Mr. Clarence C. Eaton, vs. Joseph Perry, administrator, at el., brought a verdict for the defendant of at Tacoma. Wash, Is a member of the Board of Lectureship of the First 1400. Church of Christ Brlentlat, of Boston, The entire sheriff's force was called Yeas., and to highly spoken of na n out yesterday afternoon to locale a lecturer on the subject The two churches extend a cordial horse and bnggy belonging to tho Becker Browing company. It wan lo- invitation to the public to attend. cated In the poeae salon of J. J. Greiner, who selected from the rign In front, of FRCP. BORDEN'S ESTATE hla store tho Becker turnout Instead Gees te the Widow Becauae the Will of a lively buggy be had ordered. to Invalid. Women of Woodcraft will giro a card party FriJefferenavlIV, Ind., April 54. Judge day, April M. 1007, in 'the K. V. hall H. C. Montgomery 'yesterday declared at 1:90. Prizes and refreshments. the will of Professor W. W. Borden, Admission 25c. deceased, to be invalid. The widow thus becomes tha tola beneficiary of an estate valued at about 91,000,000. PASSED WORTHLESS CHECK Professor Borden bequeathed to the people of Indiana Me museum, conA. H. Hlgman Brought Back From taining specimens gathers! from all Salt Lake City by Sharlff Sabring. parts of tha world. When Mrs.' Burden sued for a construction of the will Sheriff Bibring returned from Salt none of the trustees responded. They Lake City last evening with A. H. HI gave ns a reason that they did not da man. whom he arrested In the village sire to undertake the execution if the below on the charge of passing a wishes of Professor Borden, inasmuch worthless check. Hlgman. It appears, aa tha provision for maintenance bed went to Mr. Nalabltt In tha county not bean made clear. court bouse and asked him to go to the bank with him and identify him WILL STUDY VOLVANIC CONDITIONS. ao that he might get a 910 check cashed. Mr. NaLMtt, who la acquainBeattie, Wash., April 12. T. A. Jsg-geted with Hlgman, endorsed the cheek instead of going to the bank. The Jr, professor of geology at the Masaaekueetta Institute of Technology, Is in this city en mute to Alaska where he will head a party of eminent whe will study seismic and volcanic ooudttlras in the Alutlan Islands Tludr studies wHI have as an underlying purpose the discovery of a means The rholce of whentbr the present trouble experienced In engineering where eelsmlr disturbances are numerous will be obviated. The party wHI take with them a number of powerful apparatus and a large camera. In the AlrStian Islands fifty-nin- e voloaanet have here reported and one of them, near Dutch Harbor, was reported active last March. Among those in the party are Professor H. V. Commere. of the univsr-sltof California, and Dr. Van Dyke of San Francisco. They are Uklng waterproof silk tents with bun boo poles for use In the mountains. Bego IJly Circle 174 r. Korlzioann Pianos um-slds- n d y SYMPATHETIC Their owners feel proud of them. Magnificent In quality, yet wonderfully reasonable In price. Terms If desired. - . J. M. PANTONE, State Agent I also handle a fine line of vio-lln- and other MUSICAL MERCHANDISE 414. 25th SL Phone 103SK. s STRIKE. IN COMMITTEE ao that la tfco whole wheat. scieatifically prepared an retained wuh their nutritive the loanees beacti-5elpropertiee. Eaten once a day it will be fonad health aa well aa aa economical article af daily diet. af Wpaatlaa and Beady Palatable -B- uWHeua-Easy BREVITIES PETITION LETTER TO President Bancroft Says He Will Treat with a Committee of the Men But Net with Their Agent. For obtaining various amounts of Lmaa money by misrepresentation Kewney, n solicitor for tho Loo Angelas Examiner and Ban Francisco was arrested by Deputy SherNOTICI TO SUBSCRIBERS la Bak- iff Clark upon complaint from Green ing eosplalnte recardias the delivery River, Wyo., where he to wanted for of the Examiner do ao direct to cir- beating n board Mil. W. B. Tribble culation department, and not to car- of Green River claims that ho owes rier. Any eubecrlher falling to re- him f!5 for board. It la said that ceive the Examiner will confer a favor Kenney la a am noth one nnd every-nher- s he goes he leaves n number by calling Not fid either phone before 9 m. whom he heats out of money. It la LAMAS KELSON, said that J. H. Epperson to BIB short (Signed) Circulator. from having met the wily solicitor and a blind man la out about $60. Leroy V. Rnao hea Bled a ault for dtwrre from hie wife, Lillie M. Rnac, YANCER WILL NOT COME alleging deoartioa. C. R. Hotllege-wortto attorney for the plaintiff. Chicago Bay Wants a Guarantee to Depury Sheriff Barney McGarvey of Mast Hyland. Bannock county, Idaho, we in the Pocatello from A dispatch was received from Benny city yesterday. Yanger or Chicago, last night, by WANTED CO lahorera, Ogden Rap- Bam MrCllntle, manager of Fightid Trenail Co. ing Dick" Hyland, to tha effect that a guarantee must be posted whether hb M 8. Luty, the recently appointed should win, kiee or drew. Flnaeune tnalnmaatnr of tbo Balt Lake dlvlalon and Hiillivaa era yet to be heard from of the Southern Part tic, went went te by the promoters of the boxing oon-teafor aa Carlin yeatendav aftarnoou on who will try and get aonie good hie Bret trip of Inepnctloa alnce ha tuaa to box Hyland la Ogden on May the dutlee of Me new ofle 10. APRIL JVW0T. THURSDAY, LOVEY FUND SALT WHEAT FLAKE CELERY OGDEN, UTAH. BANCROFTS H7i?lISS The food we eat ia "P"11 of disease, auxiliary is the treatment wa today five! tu preventive. The educated physic impwteat the subject of food m. PRICES EXAMINER, President Bancroft nays: Ia connection with tha agitation of differences between the Ulan lght and Railway company and ita employes, a good deal of spars has been occupied In tha dally papers lately by tho exploitation of this subject by Mr. Pratt occupying some position, as I understand, with tho Amalgamated Association of Street and Electric Railway Employes of America. I am personally disinclined to discuss such difference! in tha newspapers, and yet I recognise that thn question of transportation in thn city is one that not only streets the company nnd Ita employes, but is of very great moment to the public who have occasion to use the street car transportation. In ona of tho morning papers today notice what purports to be given out by said Pratt as a summary of the propositions made by the executive board of tho local dlvlalon of the association, most, If not all of whom are also employes of the Utah light and Railway company. Tha statement of tha contents of this proposed agreement by Pratt (a garbled, and an Imperfect Idea of ita entire eon tents ia given to the public by hie at element, and some of tha must objectionable features are suppressed. My view la, and I have ao stated to the committee of employes, that 1 have conferred with, that the question of whether en employe belongs to n union or declines to belong to such organisation, ia a matter of hto personal right, and I have not the slightest disposition to interfere with the exercise of It. My disposition la to employ nnd retain In tha service 'of the company, faithful and (Orient men. They must bo such or tbo company falto to perform its obligation to the public, and liability results. In view of the circumstances of tha publication of this Imperfect view of the demands of this association, 1 present and ask to ba published, the pro posed contract. In full, to that tha publle may know the character of the demands mads; and also. In tha aama connection, (he rule of the company' regularly issued, under which tho men are now working, and to which they gave their assent less than a year ago. "To enter into aurii an agreement would be to compel all employes to belong to the nnlnn, and require Ike company, by posting notices and otherwise, to become a promoter of the wishes of this association; and again, it would be compelled to dismiss an employe however faithful and efficient, and however long he might have been In the company' service, if the said association should expel him from Its membership. In other words, the proposition to that this asaorlaMim shall dictate both tho employment and discharge of men engaged In the aerviue The effect of this of the company. would be to deprive a ritlsen, capable, experienced and willing to work, and whom the company might desire to r employ, from exercising his rights the law In the protection of hla liberty, hlg person and his property, far the right to work and earn money Is one of the distinct rights of property, protected by the law, as 1 understand H. un-le- Answer te Prstt. The answer ef President Bancroft to the second letter from Mr. Pratt wsa sent to him this morning. It follow; Dear Sir I acknowledge receipt of your communication of the 22d instant. Prom Ita general tenor. I Infer that you do not folly appreciate tha position of the company s expressed In my or April 22. In that letter note to I Intended to slate dearly and concisely the suggestion made by General filanager Walla to the committee of employes mentioned, and J think on rereading that note, the confpanr's position was clearly stated. But I will restate the exact proposition marie by Sir. Well, and which I advised you to approve. It is this; "That a the employes of the Utah Light and Railway company are not. satisfle,! with the scale of wages they re receiving, the company proposed to them that they select one arbitrator from amongst thetr number, the company to select one aroitrator. and they tWo o chosen to select a third: and to such board of arbitrator the company propose to submit the question of a sc ale of wages for thlr determination. The arbitration is to be confined to this oue subject, and that. I think, is clearly set forth in my previous I note lu your letter of the 23d instant that you state you are appointed by the employes to act for them. The appointment of an agunt does not preclude the principals from acting for themselves. The company's business Is with Its employes, and we are still waiting for a reply from the committee of employes, to whom Mr. Wells ma le the suggestion of arbitrat- ru Bt. Petersburg. April 54. A sympathetic strike started in severe! factories here today. Including Nobel. Ten thousand man are nlresdr out and ion. It ia feared that the strike win become If you have a real Interest in the adgeneral. justment of the differences between Thin movement Is the outcome of a the company and It employes, you conflict yesterday between troops and can most successfully further that oba number of men who held an Illegal ject by refraining from further intermeeting In a factory In which :0 of vention. Yours very tntlv, the workmen were Injured by sabres W. H. BANtmOKT, sad whips. President. ROSTER OF THOSE WHO WILL SOLICIT FOR BOOK OF CARTOONS. RAILROAD MEN TRAINMASTER WOULD HAVE REINSTATED. Considerable Interest Being Shawn In Think That Hla Discharge Was Unjust Motive Power People RePlacing Levey's Cartoons Before tha Public. sponsible. The Elks and thn Scribes of the city cwmmmkUl-lspirit in the movement toward raising a sum from the sale of Lovoy'o book of eanoona to assist Mr Lovey and baby and the dead cartoonist'! invalid mother. The ffka' committee hae already been named and yesterday afternoon President Bussner, of the Prea Club, appointed the following from among the nenspaper men to work in conjunction with the antlered bunch: W. D. Bratx, P. M. Whipple. K. A. Larkin, W. M. Hughes, Howard Greenwell and W. Fred Boesner. The Elks' committee to as folloas: W. D. Brown. J. H. Knaua C. O. DeWolf. Phil W. Knlaely, OUo Meckea nnd J. are avowing A. HowelL The compilation of all of Alan I Lovoy'o best cartoons Into pno mammoth edition will result in' n book which every man interested in public affairs might feel proud to have in the house. Tho Da Lass edition will be a magnificent one and will aell for 925; the popular edition will be placed bo fore the public for tbo very low figure of 95 n book. Tbo committee la Balt Lake City en- gaged in getting together the best cartoons are meeting with flattering sucres. It la announced that they have gotten the Rambling Reed nnd tho Fussy Jim set complete, half a doseu f Lovey'a beat cartoons of Uncle Bam, several very good Lnn-nacartoons, Kearns' preparation for the President's visit complete, McKinley's western trip complete, Roosevelt's bear hunts complete, nnd many others extending from hla late worirn during hat fall to 1829. In addition there will be cartoons of Lovey, himself, by Dutton, hla warm personal friend, and by Young. Evans nnd others. Rev. Simpkins funeral sermon will be given la the book, as will also of Lovey by member of of Salt Lake City, who knew the cartoonist for yean. A number of cartoons of Interest to people in Ogden will bo among the list, n the-pres- s GEN. M'CLELLANS EFFECTS. New York, April II. Personal effects of General Geo. B. McClellan, which have been stored In a warehouse la Orange, N. J., since he died there In 1945, are bring overhauled and within n few day will probably' be dispersed. Army uniforms worn by him have been burned heennae they were moth eaten. Boom, weapons an various other articles are to be sent to army popta throughout the country. Some- of the old household furniture to to he sent to Princeton where the general'! only son, Mayor McClellan of New York, has n real dsn oe. General McClellan owned a handsome country sent la the Orange mountains. HONEY MELLODY BESTED. Loa Angeles, April 22. Mike (Twin) Sullivan wax given the derision over Honey Meliody t the end of twenty fast rounds tonight ..At ell stage Sullivan showed unmistakable superiority and outgeneraled Meliody at Melody's tectics were confined to rushes, generally eudlng in clinches, where Sullivan used right uppercut and hnrt hard Jabs to .the face with telling effect Meliody took a world of punishment and, although at several stages of the fight seemed staggered by stiff rights to the face, came back fighting. FIRE ON A STEAMER. A petition to being circulated among Southern Pacific railroad- - trainment and ia being generally signed asking for the reinstatement of A- - W. Wright aa trainmaster of the Salt Lake division. As yet the petition has not been presented to the official but it ia understood this wljl be done soon. A short time ago Mr. Wright was dismissed as trainmaster of the Salt Lake division nnd since that time the men have been quite free in expressing their opinion that he was pnjustly relieved. He haa always been very popular with trainmen, although ffuite strict In hb treatment of them, and they recognise tho fact that ha has tried to he Impartially fair at all times. It la understood that complaints to the chief officials from the motive power department are responsible for Mr. Wrights dismissal. When the freight congestion on the road was so bad he bent every effort toward getting more motive power to haul the train with the result that he Incurred the displeasure of that department. The motive power officials, of course, saw an opportunity to shift responsibility and tha result waa that the small fry got cooked. Just what will be the result of such a petition to hard to state. Thia much la certain, that It will ahow the Balt Lake officials of the road that Mr. Wright to popular with the trainmen here nnd that merit 1s recognised among them if it ia not by those who should give the trainmaster's department their support. BIG RESULTS. OUR MOTTO i Good Goods Cheap Not Cheap Goods" GRIX'S 358 25th St. FRYER I Makes the tee Cream, Sherbets, Punches, Frozen Puddings, Etc. War Secrotary Haldana'a Spoach on the Measure. London, April 24. War Secretary Haldana'a territorial army bill pasted Its second reading la the House of Commons last night. In concluding hto speech on the measure Mr. Haldane said: I am rejoiced to think that the colonial premiere, in their reoent conference have been unanimous In agreeing that this la the beat pattern of aa organisation nnd that, just ns we have proponed this organisation for the territorial force for home defense, ao thrjr bava proposed to keep our pattern in view In the organisation of thetr own home forces. Thus there will be a chain of territorial forces through the empire which may give us toms real security. I believe that by organising to ensbla tha people to defend themselves, we shall get rid of that unreat and lark of tranquility which are the strongest Impelling forces toward compulsory military service. The government takes its stand on this hill as a bulwark against compulsion In any shape or form." Gosnlp In the lobbies In the House has turned reosntly to the prospects of legislative program for the remainder of the aearion. It to already aeen the program of the government la too heavy, something must be sacrificed, probably the Irtah council! hill. Thera are four Important measures before the House, the English land bill, the Scottish land bill, the army bill and the Irish bill. It is expected that the lest named MU will be introduced about the middle of May but there Is declared to be some hitch in Its drafting, Sir Anthony Patrick Mac Donnell, under secretary to tha lord lieutenant to Ireland, considering the government's proposal to be too drastic. In any event, even If this bill is Introduced, the prospects of Ita passage are not very bright. arlll. Among the plaintiffs to Flora Wolff, the negroes who claims to have been the common law wife of Bererford. and to whom he willed 9)0,000. The others are persona to srhom Bereeford was indebted, whose claim! a New York lawyer, representing the Bereaforda. attempted to discount. The estate la valued at over one million dollars and panr- consist of lands and cattle In Mexico and Canada. After bequeathing 910. ENGLIBH MONEY FOR SPAIN. 000 to Flore Wolff, the will left the re malnder of the" property to Bereeford' 24. Telegraphing tn'o brothers. The Wolff woman de Cologne, April from Madrid, the correspondent of the rllned to accept the amount left her Koelnlsche Zeltung says that English claiming a wife's aharo under the laws money will buiM the new Spanish of Mexico. He adds that fleet In English yard Admirals Lord Bereaford. when here the Cortes will be naked to provide some weeks ago, failed to reach a com7T.2O00 for the navy. promise with Flora Wolff, and left the other c:alme to be adjusted by bis at- WANT ADS YIELD supply your wants in Millinery, Sliirt Waist. Muslin Underwear, Gauze Vents, rants, Union Suite, Lung aUtj Short Gloves, Hosiery, Kimonas, Wrappers, etc., eie. To TERRITORIAL ARMY BILL. NO STRIKE FOR MAY 1. New York, April 24. The harbor n with firemen had a bard fight today fire which destroyed the freight steam Wagca Now Higher Than Ever Before In This Country, er Pioneer, causing n loss of 876.000. The pioneer arrived from Newark with cotton, jute, red lend, oil end carbonic Chicago, April li. For the first acid. The fire started while the time In years May 1 will be ushered la irt earner waa lying at her pier in North without any' serious disturbance In River. The fumes and smoke mads the Industrial world. This peaceful It difficult to approach her. condition applies not only to Chicago, hut to all the large cl Ilex throughout tbs country, according to James A. SLOT MACHINES TO CLOSE. Emery, seertary of the dtlsena' Industrial. Association, who was In ChicaButt Mont.. April 22. County James K. Murray has ordered go. "There la hardly a cloud on the inRherilff Henderson to does all klnda of slot machines. With the dosing down dustrial h orison anywhere." said Mr. of these ninrhlne all forma of gam- Emery. Wages are higher than at bling with the exception of pool sell any time In the history of the country and in moat of the cities the relalug will he at a standstill In Butte. tions between the employer and emFIRE AT PEORIA, ILL. Through ploye are harmonious. from our different associations, Peorie, III.. April 24. Fire today I am kept in touch with Industrial afund destroyed the rectifying bouse of H faire In every part of the country H. Bchufeldt and Company, anil fanned I have never sect the outlook no promhr n fierce wind, hae novr apreed to ising. where In nearly every instance t&e Godel Parking House and the Union stock yards. working contract have been entered wage Increases have been granted, so that May l'this year will not only MONKS WERE NOT KILLED. bring fewer strikes, but also higher Constantinople. April 24. The re- wage than ever before. port cabled from Vienna, that Bulgarian bandits sacked the monastery of BERESFOROS COLORED WIFE. Bt. Amerglri. In Macedonia, after killing the nb!vt and thirty monks. In El Paso. Texas, April 14. Creditors without foundation. It la undoubtedly of ihe estate of the la&e Lord D. J. an exaggerated rendering of a recent Berasford, who was killed In a train unconfirmed rumor that three monks wreck In North Dakota. Dm. 24. 1906. of thi monastery had boen murder- leaving a very large estate, have filed ed. an application In the district court here for the appointment of aa adMINE EXHIBITION CO. FAILS. ministrator, and the probate of the New York. April 24. The North American Mine Exhibition company, organized for the purpose of giving mining exhibitions In New York ami throughout the United States, haa assigned for the benefit of its creditors. The com pan v was Incorporated in 196 with a capital stock of 9100,004. Jaa. P. Williams is president of the com We Are Prepared You will need for that party. Phone Round Trip to Los Angeles On sate daily, April 26th to May 19th. to July 31st, 1907 Good returning Worlds Greatest Pageant will take pace first week, in May. Ask any Utah agent or write for information to . J. H. BURTNER. D. P. A., SALT LAKE CITY Just Received! 50 Exquisite Patterns Your Choice $23 Coat and Trousers $1950 Made in Any Style EDMUND 305 TAILORING CO. Twenty-fourt- h St. |