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Show 7 OGDEN, UTAIL THE MORNING 'EXAMINER, J. J. BRUMMITT I extraordinary bargains to offtr for tho next ton days in Ogdon Itoal Eototo of which tho following is a fair sample. hm mum CHE DAY CITY THE IS E CARL PETERSON Good loom house to food loL efcap iu railroad district, large This la a gennlaa bargain ai 11,300; miii payment down and the balance GROCERY Brand new fire room house, with hall, two closets, large pantry, two parches, large lot, new and complete with elrctrle lights, for only 5L6W: small payment down, balance same as paying rent An elegant lot en the bench, near 25th street, 63x132 feet to alley, only 906; small payment down, balance cc easy terms. We etlll hero a few of those 925 lota; these lota ere our leaders, and hare the heat value of nay property In Ogden: 91 down and the balance 1 per week; no Interest and no taxes. A groat snap near the government building; business property that will by aold at the rate of residence property. If you went to purchase something aa aa Investment which will double In value during the next three years, you should look at thta property. Two new four room houses, within ) hnrk of the Rio Grande depot; these houses art brand new, will pay w ait uuvuail pur cent Interest per month on tho investment If you have some spare money to Invest it will psv yon to look Into this proposition. I prefer to sell the two together, and U yon want some time I will take a small payment down and give tints on the balance. If you are Intended, call In and we will talk It over. Thie la (he best year wo hare ever had for the purchase of real emate in Ogden. It la becoming fashionable to own your own home. I sold nineteen pieces out of tho Met that I advertised la this paper immediately proceeding 'this list. This list only contains a few o t our bargains. Call and see me and we will talk it over; will sell you a lot or a house, or if you have a lot I will furnish yon the money to build i . f ,;i i : : you ? SIR ROBERT BALL TELLS OF THE SUN'S POWER. Inclement Pittsburg, April weather somewhat retarded the events planned for the second day of of tho Carnegie Institute. The proceedings began with an inspection by the American and foreign guests of the t artoua departments of the Carnegie technical schools. Tho visitors were conducted through the schools by the board of trustees and much in: terest waa manifested in the work of the students, the schools being in full operation during the Inspection. Following the Inspection of the schools, the guests went to the Hotel Bchenley where those entitled to wear academic dress'prepared for the meeting of the universities, colleges and learned societies In Belgium. Canada, Cuba, Fmnro, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden, Swltserland and the United States, which was held in the music hall. Several Important educational addresses were scheduled for delivery but owing to the near approach of noon, they wore dispensed with until a later time. At noon all the guests boarded automobiles and were taken to the Allegheny county country club, where luncheon was served. At the afternoon seoslon whrn President Frew called the assembly to order the Music hall was waU Ailed. The first speaker presented waa Sir Robert Ball, director of the Cambridge observatory and professor of astronomy and .geometry at Cam(974 Wash. Ave. bridge university. HU address waa The Solution of a Great Scientific home. i! phonee T71. It is not time to plant jet, ii j but soon WILL HE and we want jou to know where to get jour SEEDS. I waa in the big fire, aa jou all remember, and all mj old i it stock was burned. Our new stock la arming and will be the best ever brought to Ogden. SEEDS THAT ARE SURE TO GROW Flour, Hay or Grain :t ; IX LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. Remember, we carry a full line of that famous Pratts Foultrj Food for animals ; and poultrj. W. T. ASTILL Both Tbonea 2264 ash. At. Lemons Oranges ' Dates Bananas Figs GROCERIES The Best on the Market If! Prompt Delivery E. A. OLSEN II: 2259 Washington Ave. In Garden and Flower i!i Cor. 24th and Grant f! tr. fr Our splendid stock nidi you to select Just what you want. Come and me u. Btock remedies will be a specialty with us. Phenes 289 Bell; 919 Independent POULTRY SUPPLIES. T. B. Heller ) SL Son HAY AND GRAIN. KEBLER DEAD. O Denver. Coin., April 12. O John A. KeMer. geueral man- Oager of the rnal operating depart- O ment of the Colorado Fuel A O Iron company, died suddenly O this nurntng at. 3:30 o'clock at O Trinidad, of ptomaine poison- O log. O While vlalting the company's O mines et Cunt.ro. a week ago O vesterdey, Mr. Kebler was in- O ken violently 111 from eating O canned salmon. He rallied. O however, and a day or two later O reported out of dinger. Mr. Kebler waa about 45 O O years of age and wu appointed O about a year ago- - Mr. Kebler's O death makes the sixth that hit O occurred In the text two yen re O among officials of the Colorado O Fuel ft Iron company. O 2310 Washington Avan us. Both Phonos. WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTR Puritan Paint, Jgpalar, Wallpaper Oleauar, Now is the Rruahea, etc. time to paint your home. We guarantee our paints. Our spring Btock of Wallpaper has just arrived and the patterns and qualitj arc equal, if not superior, to any in the citj. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO o O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O Bif street MALI HELP WANTEDl al tradM; free catalogue; position! FOB Paint AGENTS WANTED. A. Attorneyret-Ls- FOR SALE Good aa now beet cheap, also an orchard cult!-votat half price, w. Wedell. WANTED A gbod hustler to every lowfl to Mil our perfect water filters, retailing from 91A0 to fLOO; 100 per cent profit to agents; exclusive territory, Seneca Filter Co Seneca, Co. Washington Atc. MIBCELLANEOUB a FOR BALE One good second hand aurry, also runabout; two good bee hives, one pantry cabinet one washing machine. Inquire 644 Iktb MEN AND WOMEN are making 910 L or lnd, phone ..O.202 to 915 n day Mlltag our ambroids: y goods; no capital or experience i FOR SALE Horse, harness and bugqulrod. Why not yos 7 Write tor gy, cheap. 2261 Jefferson. and exclusive U. agency. samples 8. Embroidery 'Works, Omaha, Nab. FOR BALE Plano, cheap. 766 25th. WE FAT agents ladles or gentlemen, an hour to from 60 cents to Introduce and ndvorthe our remedies, city or country. Careba Med. Co., 2356 Washington are. FOR BALE Good driving horse, cheap. 1726. Wash. lnd. Phone 959. 91-0- . FOR SALES Horae. Apply Ogdea Pharma cal company, 281 24th, WANTED MONEY. tf To borrow money on improved real estate. Address A," Standard Of4-t- f fice. ton. Red enamel open face watch and chain, between cor. 24th and Wash, end milk depot on 24th et. Return to Horrocka Bros. Reward. LOST s woman can make herself when sue adorns herself with tasteful and handsome Jewelry. We have all the latest designs in chains, broaches and rings, LOST Bunch of keys containing tag m well M all kinds of precious of C. D. Ives. Return to thin office. tones set In unique designs for perReward. sonal adornment or wedding gifts. LOST Either taken by mistake or stolen, a Rambler Bicycle, from the hall of tho Colonial rooming house. 2347 Washington Avenue. Black frame, red keed, left handle tip cracked. No. 29.101, 1905 modeL Notify Standard office W. L BUSWELL I v FOR BALE Elegant window or dom drapery and carpet 266 Zgrd. B. P. Any time you say we'll be on ynur job and handle it expeditiously and well. ALLEN TRANSFER CO. Phone 22 tor yours. OR STOLEN At night, email team, buckskin, stripe down back, both alike, weight about 8"0 pounds. Return to barn, 2366 Adams. Reward. April 11. xjEGAL. LEGAL. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT NO. 1. WEBER COUNTY 311X1X0 AND Milling Company. Principal place of business, Ogden. Utah. Notice la hereby given that at a meeting of the directors helj on Friday, 224 of Bisrch, 1907, an agsead-mm- t of one irlil per ah are was levtel ra the capital stock cf the corpora tion. payable Immediately to A. G. Maw. secretary, Ogden, ytah. Any stock upon which this ae-min- t may remain unpaid on Tuesday. April 30. 1907, will he delinquent and advertised for sale s public auction end unless payment Is made before, the 21st da, will be sold ou Tue.-day- . f May, 197. at 12 o'clock noon, io , pay the delinquent. with the coats of adverilslag aud expense of sale. A. O. MAW, Secretary. Ogden, Utah. ae-sment- o O O O O O WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. STREET CAR MEN, CLERKS, BOOKKEEPERS, and all others employed, find our office reliable for rami of 910 to 910k Discounts If paid before due. Payments suspended to eteknese. No charge for applications. The City Loan Co Suite 9. First NatL Bank Bldg. every Tuesday erening A. T. HESTMARK. Hk sited J. H. KNAUSS, Secretary. rL, ORDER OP WASHINGTON. Ogden Union, No. 172, Order g Washington, meets every Tum4i evening at I o'clock la A. 0. u. g dL Vlalttog comrades tavltsd n attend. ' WILLIAM DOTIJ4, Prasldesi. WALTER RICHEY, Seeretary. MODERN WOODMEN OF AMI MCA Utah Camp No. 9990, Modern Nariman of America, mee;s every Tuss4v night at Eagle Hail, 8 p. m. Yishlu members toiftad. M. A. GOULD. V. C. J. H. SHAFER, W. Clerk. DEGREE OF POCAHONTAI, HORN. aOffices over Bxdcon's Leootah Council, No. 3, D. of ?, meets the first and third Wedsridsjr afternoons at 9:20, Eagle Hall. Dsn can be paid to Buslo Aldan, C. of W III 26th BL ' Visiting meubsis MARTHA A. MORRIS. PoaahaatM E. T. HULAX18KI. Attorncy-at-LRooms 21 and 22, First National Bank building. General Practice. ALICE COLLINS, K. vt a. R. ODD FEU.MWB. HAIR GOODS AND COBTUMEB Ogden Lodge No. I, indspsndaat Or dor of Odd Fallows. Meets is L 0 HAIR SWITCHES tor sale at reduced O. F. hall every Tuesday mtlu prices. Hair chains a specialty. VUiting brothers oordlaily lsvlUd S Masquerade epetumea to rant tor he proeeaL bells end theaters. AH mall orders J. W. BAILEY, Noble Orsnl promptly attended to. Mrs CL E. HENRY KISSEL, Secretary. Lee, ill 24th. P, O. Box 425. QUEEN CITY, REBEKAH LOME INSURANCE. No. 4. L O. O. F. hall Mssti and fourth Friday evsskp it W. N PIERCE, Notary Public. Real Odd Follows hall, TwostydNitt Estate; Fire, Life and Accident Instreet Visiting members latte surance, 407 24th BL IDA BAKER, Nobis Grand. GERTRUDE KOONS, BecrtT. JUNK. FRATERNAL ORDER OF EA016I THE INDEPENDENT JUNK CO. bays all kinds of junk. Bell phone I26Z. Fraternal Order of Baglas. Ofln Ind. phone 3693D, Green ft Jaeoh-eon- , Aerie, No. 119, F. 0. E, XMati 2149 Padfle. Monday ovenlng In Eagles hsU. of Reed bout, at 9:00. Visiting ButtIF YOU have any kind of Junk, phone er Eagles are invited to attend tti to Ogdon Junk Houso; wo will call Aerie meetings. for It Bell phone, 32IK; Ind. 725. T. C. MORRIS, W. Praaldml D. T. TRACY, Secretary. llftlmei DR. H. & FORBES, Aerie FhyiMu LACE CURTAINS. tf M-on- iW FRATERNAL In the Municipal Court within and for the City of Ogden, County of Weber, State of Utah. Before Hon. J. P. Murphy, Municipal Judge and Justice of the Peace. MONEY TO LOAN, on farme and city P. K. Smith, plaintiff, va. S. M. Dee-paireal estate. HUNTER ft KENNEDY, otherwise known as F. Ellison, Room 6, First National Bank Build-to- t -defendant Allas Summons. The State of Utah, to Mid defendant YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONMONEY TO LOAN J. J. BRUMMITT ED to appear before the above entitled Court within ten (10) days after the WANTED TO BUY. service of this summons upon you. if served sitbln the county in which WANTED To buy a email riding this action is brought otherwise withpony for a boy of 16. or will hirea in twenty 420 days after this service, and pay something for its nse and defend the above entitled action; feed during the summer. Apto do so, judgin esse nf your failure ply 2649 Adams. ment will be rendered against you error ding to the demand of the WANTED To bur working horae in said action, which was filed weighing from 1.200 to 1.400 pounds. In said Court on the 28th day of FebMust be perfectly sound. Apply at once to L. R. Farley, at Wilcox ruary, A. D. 1907. TO THE SHERIFF OR ANY CONGrocery Company. OK WEBER COUNTY, STABLE WANTED. GREETING: Make legal service and due return SECOND-HANgoods and upholster-ing. CUy property for nice fruit WITNESS. HON. J. D. MURPHY. farm. I. T. Alvord, by P. O. Phorc C9 and 33 Judge of said 'ourt. with the Seal thereof, this 8th day of March. A. P. first-rise- s I!"i7. WANTED Two Jersey P.VV1D JENSON, l e:K. cows. Inquire office Consolidated iSe.ll) JO<ll CHE., Attorney . Wsg.ja aud Machlno Co. BROTHERHOOD F. $ Ogdon Lodge, No. I7L T. moots eeeond and fourth TeeseW W. haU. VWflN I p. m, to A. O. U.Invited. m ambers cordially D. H. ADAMS, FroridsaL IDA BEC KERi Secretary. E. F. MI9CH, Treaiurer. OttDEN LODGE NO. OGDEN rr NO fODGB 0. 1, l. K T of P. HaU tho fljjt third Wtdnosday afteraooae month at 2:99 jp. H. SUSIE SIM8, C-JEANETTE MILL, Financier. U JENNIE FROUT, Recorder meets CLEANING For oarpet HOUSE cleaning, window cleaning and anav-engwork, 129 3tfth. Bell phone 1401. John Knmmeyer. In R. ri WOODMEN OF THE WORLft Wobor Camp No of P. hall wmeg building every Thmay eors oclock. Visiting Woodman attend. Invited to T. C. MORRIS. C. 0. B. AUTH, Clerk, rtrat Bank BnOdlng. KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAft SriflStt! Ogden Pythiaa, meets at Oariie ju. National . K. of F-day availing. All TjMKwocjaa WOODCRAFT WOMBN OF DONE of an kinds Bril phono 509 Z. Nele. McCarty, 1722 Grant SCAVENGER to salaried people without security or endorsement; payments to suit, either weekly or monthly; business confidential. Call sad get my terms D. D. Drake, 410-1- 1 Eerie bldg. WORK. of scavenger Prompt attention. John Van Swe24 tf den. 447 2nd BL Ball 74TY. AT.T. KINDS . SSiSflAK. fitraeL 1rd CWfcW1 .. Women of Woodreeft.yfg VtSlliM 591. meets unty 91 and Clothes cleaned pressed 7:90 oclock, K. of F. 167 Bell rbone 25th I5IZ. Neighbore St month, 0igos et ofiatt Duse can he PW VETERINARY SURBEON. TAILORS. tart. D. P. MILUKEN, gradnate Trierinary surgeon. Call answered sight or and Bale lay. Offiee. Ogdon ffod Stable, 2219 Wash. Ave. Both 94-t- f phenes; night phone 456K. be-Ide- rom-plai- BLK9. meeting SANITARY WORK. RAILWAY, MONEY ALIAS SUMMONS. 0. B. P. O. Elks Ogden Lodge Ne Tl Udge and club rooms, Mooud four 2415 Washington sveane. RernWr Drug I tors. 1 seek tho business of all parties; am attorney against all corporations and monopolies. Prepared to transact any and all kinds of legal business. MONBY TO LOAN. STRAYED RAI L W AYCQNDucremI a FOR SALE $1.00 per setting, 8. C. WANTED La curtains to launder. Rhode blend Reds. Poultar Bros , Bell phone 1319. corner 22nd end Wash. CURTAINS a specialty. Phone FOR SALE Furniture for 10 rooms; LACE ' 3659-M- . 2125 Lincoln. good. Apply WANTED Jtace curtains to laundry FOR BALE. at X67 90th BL Ind. Phono 1C95A. Model Fruit Perm for City Property. Boarding House, near shops, '4 atoriaa. Blacksmith shop, 10 h-- p Boiler Farms MUSIC. L T. Alvord by P. O. Phone 59 and til I SELL MUSICAL merchandise. Type-- writers, etc.; also do all kinds reFOR SALE Horses Inquire of J. pairing and notrity work. W. P. O. Box P, Ncl Toponoe, Harrisvllle, Foster, 927 Hat eL 173. STRAYED. . OBO. ALIEN, C. D- - L. DOYLE. 8. and T. d character of tho transfer service we supply our patrons Prompt reliable and at low cost. Sr tua Wasatch Division No 114 T meeta second and fourth fttijs 2:30 n. m. to K. of P7kirZL2 enue and 0BrduF taritSTk attend"11 OSTEOPATHY. Good second-hanstoves. LOST Between 23rd BL and Utahns FOR SALE Cheap. 667K. GORDON O IVES. CORA G. IVES, Drag store, oa Wash. Ave, aa ex Osteopaths, graduates from parent graved gold watch inscribed with FOR BALE Thoroughbred 8. CL Bra. school. KirkviUe, Mo. Lwls-8tay-ne-r Initials from F, 8. to D. T. Return Leghorn Eggs, 75c setting. 659 block, suite 96. Treatment by to 229 23rd. Twentieth street Bell phone '560-X- . appointment. Hours 9 a. m. to I p. m. Bell phone 1014K. Ind. 1911 TO TRADE AND SURGEONS. PHYSICIANS WANTED To trade surrey for light FOR BALE Beoond bend National cash register. Great Bargain. P. O. wagon and horse. 1475 Adams. box 982, Balt Lake Ctty. Utah. DR. A. FERNLUND, Physloian and Burgeon. Office houre, 10 and It a. m.. 12 to 4 p. ra. 940 21th BL Office LARGE productive fruit firm tor Inf BALES FOR Horse and buggy, also phones, Bell 51CK; Ind. 515. Resiproved Ogden property. W. B. We--1 dence 644 Week. Ind. ohone 592. furniture, 148 25th St , delL Is the " dllTEH r, ar Mo. Dainty as a Picture JJ0 invited to atien" ORDER OF PROFESSIONAL ' avenii Vft DONE UP. ATTO RN E 2 i aitT j RENT-STO- RE. ouiti-vato- Kob.ru" MRS. EVELYN GLASMANN MISS LOUISE KlTTEH. Curtains done up. Bell Phone 675Y. MOUSE secured; tuition fifty dollars. Ccyns FOR RENT Store room and base-- 1 Trade Schools, New York and San meat of Emmett Block. 330 14th 1 yt 117 Fras cisco, St For information call at law offtoM of Joseph Chas. ANY INTELLIGENT PERSON may asm $76 to 9100 monthly corres pond-leFOR RENT PIANO. for newspapers; sure, steady work; no canvassing; experience FOR RENT Good upright piano. 2414 unnecessary, send for particulars Groat Press Syndicate, Lockport, N. Y. FOR BALE U$i, ! la Fythlaa hall Bank building. dlallv invited to a CURTAINS I 14-l- Us O ChaptrriT: tj. PYTHIAN WANTED Parties to buy come snaps in real estate. Carl C. Raemussea. FOR RENT House with six rooms. Call 5(9 7th, morning. MEN and boyg wanted to team plumtr tog, plastering, bricklaying, electric- to ... ANNA LEWIS, W M PERSONAL FOR RENT Two offiee or sleeping room over Clarka gTroee. FOR RENT y : LILY V. HALSTEDecraure WANTO Pork, veal, and chickens at Co., 115 24th BL F03 RENT Two unfurnished nose 649 22nd street I IT Bldg. Room 42. FOR RSNT, UNFURNISHED ROOMS Aa experienced Indy wants position aa housekeeper; out of town preferred. Address Z," Standard. 1 ". TwoniyV? nT4 writes fire In a RASMUSSEN First NatL Bank CARL euranM. 449 29th - masonic! MIBCELLANEOUB WANTED, Ruaeell-Jamc- BOARD AND ROOM FEMALE. - r.;;av. Eather u r meetings Hall o Washington Twenty-llfi- k and the first and third month. Sojourning FOR BALD Reach. Is acres, I miles from city limit Address 1060 Porter An, Ogdea. g Griffin 2281 gen- UiMir Own FOR BALE Comer lot Twenty second street end Madison avenue, 9x2 rode, elghtroomad Boum, pantry and cellar. Address Mrs. A. 1). Smith, roomy 25 and 26, Woodmanaee Blk. BOARD anj room; nice, clean room. 210g Vaib, 44 if WANTED You need 940-l- Punished re:;uj. POOn. Cc.Uec.br; G B. CHAUXCKY PARRY, and Wash. Phone S590L 34-t- f. BOARD AND ROOM, WANTED PoaltDn m lady's nurse. Apply 84 23rd. Bell phone 414-- t Cor. 23 flat furnished Nicely Great FOR RENT nett Block. Ave. WANTED, tf Clean furnished room with hath, tiwreughly renovated; alee light houaakaaplng noma The Colonist 942 !4lb BL Mrs. B. L MW China, Manager. Femae help, at Bute dustrial school. Apply to superintendent. SITUATION residence in Aa elegant railroad district, 91AM. with bath, lot 60x132; A also good barn, within bk block of street car, 9 1,900. brick with hath anJ One Mwer connection, $3,000. Also one frame and one frame, all located on bench, in first class residence district 9L6U0 each. A and bath, new residence, with hot and cold water connections. In railroad district 91.900. FOR RENT In- WANTED Good reliable girt for eral houMwork 2752 Wash. BRICK RE8 A GOOD FIVE-ROOrerun barn, a railroad district; close In; 91,900. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms with bath, also light housekeeping 9MKL rooms. 941 22nd. Bute WANTED Cleaning O vu 2694 wk Two jlrla to take course In nursing. Ogifin General Hospital. House oooooooooooooooo o o A cook. Vir- Girl or general housework; family 4 two; 2549 Adams com-kitab- le JOHN 4 1U-- bwuncaiy reasonable rale tT o thousand dollars. gency toed nearly tors, investifaie. Council, No. 6j; fourth Frj.,, A. 8umc, Regea: - Rooms for light houseFdfery Annex, 2429 Wah. FOR RENT WANTED For solution of a great scientific difficulty, la which he explained the maintenance of the heat of the Sun during a period of many millions of years. He said the age of the aun appears to be very much greater than would he with the supposition that its teat waa derived only from contraction. He Mid that in the process of the contraction of the aua from infinity to Its p resent hulk, the sun would yield its present amount of heat by contraction for oaV 9,520,000 rears. But Professor Jolly had shown It would require 100.000,000 years for the earth's water to turn from fresh to sslt Therefore, he concluded that there must be some source of energy la the aun much greater then that analog from contraction. This source he said was found in the movement of corpuscles of matter at the velocity nf light.. The nebula from which the un contracted contained these particles, a email quantity of which, such as radium, would produce a tremen douo energy and heat Professor Mitchell argued for cooperation between all the Institutions throughout the world in which soolog teal work is done, particularly In cats togiiing results already accomplished and toward uniformity in the rule of oologies! nomenclature. He suggested that when the aoologlcal congress meets in Boston nest August every oulogtst who shares in the deliberation on the rule of nomenclature be prepared to sacrifice hit own inclinations and customs to the necessity of a universal scheme. Ha said that a committee of the Llnnaean Society of liondon, which has discussed at great length various possible amendments to the international rulea of aoological nomenclature, will present a summary of their suggestions at the congress. He suggested that aa the principal source of difficulty appears to be that la difficult languages the same letters have different sounds, much confusion would be avoided if all scientific &mes were to he built up only from en agreed-upouniform alphabet. He believes the Esperanto alphabet would answer this purpose as it already is familiar to many thousands of different nationalities and tongues.'' Dr. John Roes, chairman of the Carnegie Trurt of Dunfermline, Scotss land, addressing the gathering right trusty and right well beloved cousins. Mid he brought to PHtiburg the greetings of all the inhabitants of the ancient Scottish city. Hr told of peculiarly strong ties existing between Pittsburg and Dunfermline which had their foundation 150 years ago when the provost of Dunfermline, Sir Peter Halkett and his son Jame fought for their king with Washington and Franklin to wrest from the French the ground where now stands the city It remained for Carof Pittsburg. negie to complete the work then begun, the speaker said, and so well was the work accomplished that the binding ties will endure for uH time. He invited the Fiulmrgor to visit Dunfermline and assured them that the password ''Pittsburg'' would make for them a friend of epry man and woman they met. o keeping. WANTED Sir Robert Ball, professor of astronomy at Cambridge observatory, England, delivered an address on "The O YOB RENT 940-- Impure bbxid runs on down makes you an onsv linim foi mcanlc diseases. Runinrk ltl.ui Ritters purines the blood cure the rouse - builds yon up. J WANTED A chambermaid at the ginia e n Fine Red Apples 4 10 Aitan. WANTED First-casIndustrial schoo. Difficulty. Garden Seeds WANTED Good citable girl tor general housework. Mrs. D. H. Feery, 2431 five-roo- CHANGED HANDS Woodmanaee block. Ftuniahed or unfurnished 68 24th. rooms, reasonable prices. WANTED A goul reliable woman, one who underetaids cooking. 2 loti Wash. If yos want to cut down living expenses call and see ns aid be coavinced J. J. BRUMMITT Both k FURNISHED 25th. l Tes-e- k sleep- Office. 1!. FOR SALE Furniture of bouse. House fur rent if you buy. Modern houaes lor sale from 92.5u(l to 5, out). O. A. White. 362 25ih St. lor FOR RENT A large furnished ing room, 2630 Adame Ave. ROOM-5- 24 ROYAL ARCaMjMi 1 th.-".- -d FOR RENT Two nice furnished rooms for light housekeeping, 477 w 22nd street. WANTED Chamiennsld for rooming houea good pay und place for a willing worker. Atdress K, Standard MARKET FOR SALE One of the beat farms Weber county, or trade fur city property. Inquire 972 23rd aireet. or Ball phone 412Z. - FOR RENT FuniUUed rooms housekeeping. 2220 Lincoln. REAL ESTATE. FOR BALE FOR RENT Two furnished rooms fur light housekeeping; no children; no dags: 64 26ih. this FEMALE HE.P WANTED. MEAT Now Theory of How tho Host Has Bton Maintained During Millions of Years. ROOMt. HED GRANT AVE. Furnished front room fur one or two genifcnu-n- , with on 'advertisements ISC 7. 2617 FACE COST ONE CENT PER WORD FOR EACH INSERTION. NO FIRST INSERTION LESS THAN 2S CENTS. ALL ADVER TISEMENTS MIST BE PAID IN BJSI EXCEPTING ADVANCE. NESS HOUSES RUNNING OPEN iOOK ACCOUN1S WITH UB win the same as paying rent RENT-FURNIS- bath. SCO OF FOR mu 1 APRIL 13. SATURDAY, WINDOW CLEANING. moht. MRS. AUCS COWAN". flf, HffiSaSU - roe Av. tdACCU LADIES OF THE Silver Hive No. UTAH window and house cleaning Janitor and porter work. Sam Po and fourth lano Co. Boll, 193IK. Office 414 K. of C. haU. 25th St. 1. r T , iJrirel FRATERNAL KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS. Meets every Wednesdsv evening et K. of C hail. No. 2(73 Wash. Atc at 6 o'clock Visiting members welcome. J. H. DeYINE, O. K. W, J. MORAN, Fin. Bee. Ogden Council No. 777. Ogden Tent, No. end and frth 2Lm F. F. BOND. Recorder xr. 0 Y B,l |