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Show TIIE MORNING EXAUJSLK: BAPTISTS Butler. 4, car repairer in the Pacific shops. sas struck on anl sledge huini-.i- r tnr head with era taken la th Ogden genial !!! i where iT is stated hi iih a cjved, in. He a us working who was wielding the hi::mer. lelpt-rwhen it glanced from the ehieol ucJ Butler in the bje ui the skull. J. C. bvn-p;- ul, It looka now as if the legislamn. will continue its labor until midnight of Wednesday. In the general windup a good many bill not deserving of consideration will be lost sight of an I be scheduled to do the Hip Van Winkle 'ktunt" for the neat two uir. In the case of Annie Beach vs. Earnest Beach, plaintiff was granted a divorce yesterday morning in tuc district court ny default. Suit has been commenced by Ange-lin- e Hollis vs. F. H. Hollis for divorce on the gi ounds of desertion. A complaint was fll'i yesterday afternoon. Hanging Lamps for the Store, Hall, library Funeral services over the remains of Earnest E. Stevens will be held at 2 p. m. Wednesday, in the Second Ward meeting house. The remains may be viewed at 2Dtiti Lincoln avenue on the day of the funeral, between the hours of 10 and 1 o'clock. and Farlor to $8.75 prices from $3.50 ftand, Alao a full line and lamps. Kind parlor juumnwr. Wednesday ai midnight the special carrying the "Madam Butterfly com pauy will start on ita record ran to Denver. The distance, 720 milea. is lo be made in 18 hours, 30 minutes. Wheelwright Bros, mercantile Co. Funeral services over the remains of Joseph Eggleston are being conducted In the Fifth Ward meeting bouse this afternoon. Woodmen of the World are In charge of the ser- vices. 2476 Wash. Ave. At a meeting of cattlemen and sheepmen in Wyoming a compromise was effected as to gracing on the Med lclne Bow forest reserve. A dividing line was marked out which both sides agree to observe. There had been danger of a clash. la executive session Monday afternoon, the senate refused to the appointments of William J. Ly nch and William D. Candiand to the state land board, and 8. T. Whitaker of Weber county to the governing beard of the Utah Art Institute. of dissatisfaction by entrusting ua with your bundles whenever In need The manner In of lundiy work. which we turn out our work ought to d tight the moat fastidious, while ELY COMING our yrioes are an low an any other We await laundry eetabUahment. orders. your Ogden Steam Laundry 174. CITY IS I- CAMP - uinthit BUSINESS MEN FAVOR THE NEW TOWN. John 8, Lewis and John Adam Have Returned From the Copper Country. anifrMfjpuH NTIIIKS. Spring Gleaning is at Hand Geo. A. Lowe Company Ilat tbe necessary Tools, Garden Hose Warranted two years. LAWN MOWERS RAKES, HOES WHEELBARROWS Stock now fully complete and marked at attractive prices. Geo. A. Lowe Company OGDEN, UTAH. "Where the Big Fire Wse." WANT adb yield big I'T.U. 'TH .W WEI AROUSED ARE HELD SPIRIT HERE results. At the clove of a week' sojourn in Ely and the copper territory on which Sflyltea bank. J. 8. Lewie and John Adama have returned with glowing accounts of the possibilities of the camp. Unlike Goldfield, the situation nt Ely It unclouded by labor clashes so that construction work and business of all kinds are being pushed with the vigor characteristic of western towns. Both men were Impressed with Ely hut are of the opinion that Ely City, a new town si to, situated not far from the old camp, la bound to eclipse Its namesake In the course of a few years. It has natural advantages In Ita favor. Bltuated amid a beautiful landscape It Is in contrast to Ely located In a gulch devoid of any of natures Mr. Lewie stated that while the rivalry between the two cities Is Intense the general movement of new comers Is In. the direction of the new i town. The Gnggenheims, who control valuable copper mines In the nenr vicinity, are pending barrels of money to make of Ely City a model municipal' Ity. It Is assured of a $15,000 depot, a 1100,000 hotel and a waterworks system, estimated to cost 5200,000. Excavations for the depot and hotel are the pertly completed. In addition to coneffort! of many enterprising and servative Investors, the managers of the-- smelter trait, are erecting two hundred substantial cottages for the benefit of workmen. The disbursement! of the futnre copper camp will he nt Ely City and the banking of that section of the country will be done by the Ely hank whose manage-mea- t la preparing to move from Ita old quarters. These are a few of he farts noed by Messrs. Lewis and Adams. Both men predlot big things for both cities, Many Ogden people were visited by tbe local men end, without exception, they were found to be prospering. APRIL JUR0BS -- M.!,V A IN! PASSENGERS i. ir a u W7. o. T 3. GRAND OPERA HOUSE Diieilion Northwestern Theatrical i SINGING EVANGELIST CAUSING A GREAT AWAKENING. ORDERS ISSUED To STOP COLONIST TRAVEL AT THIS POINT. Hia Songs Acs Soulful and Inapirs Rev, Brown ef Salt Lake to Overland Trains Are Tied Up Rene and at Sparks Flood Watera Drop Tnrce Feei. Wt Speak. R. ALEXANDER GRANT. Rea. Sign TONIGHT lla.-i- v t Tv in .UiiMc.il of :itvt (i;,-:iic-- t THE of ilit- year - The Umpire est. iui.'d liom ii iriunipti in ;hc HANAN Fred Mace n t.sin The meetings being conducted at iuid t(. hoM the First Baptist Church hi Prof. . un-.iof bp saii-Stout the noted evangelist, and the Rev. D. A. Broun, of Salt like the Truckee river hiIimiU-- u.l the j repaired, City, are continuously growing in in- giesi amount of nour terest and in power. "From night to it will be at least t.m-foulonir benight men and women, boys and girls and perhapswillronsideraMy be r, Mimed. are deciding for the Christ," sat s Rev. fore traffic A msage from Heuo Blood. The Truckee river has dropped 8unday was a great day in the hisyesterday, and it is tory of the Baptist Chmvn. A power-fu- l three feetthesince worst of the flood has and searching service in sermon thought and eong was given to the Christian passed. All overland train are mill tied here and at Sparks, the dipeople in the morning. At the Bible visionup At three utiles ea-- t. point, school the following Immediately best it will oo twenty-fuii- r hours the entire morning service, nearly trains will again bo nimuiig." school came forward, kneeling In prayJunes of the SouthJeto er and in determination accept left sus Christ ae Savior, It was a touch- ern iseifle companymen with throe hundred to repair the ing sight at Floriaton, hut was blocked The mens meeting in the afternoon breaks at Elder, where a snow slide deat 1:3d was the most helpful meeting molished five hundred feet of enow of this kind that has ever been wit Shed. Numerous other slides are renessed in the church. in the mountains. In the evening the auditorium was ported The damage doue in Heuo proper crowded to the overflow. The large will probably roach noi more than doors back of the pulpit were opened 130,000. of room church the and the lecture laths to farmers living in the valleys wee also well filled With those who will reach into the thousands of dolhad come to hear the Gospel story as lars. Every ranch has been abandonit fell from the lipa of one of the ed and the owners are bring sheltered sweetest and most powerful goepel in Reno and Sparks. A light drii-xlln-g singers in the United States today, as rain Continues to fall. 8o far It also came In a powerful and tender no loss of life has been reported. way from the lips of the Salt Lake A special train carrying workmen Brown. Rev. pastor, to California and Nevada to repair Monday evening's service was also a the power plants left here tody. . one and most Interesting profitable On the south side of the river where Prof. Stout sang The Sword of the the greater part of Reno lies, ilie peoAlao several ple have been without electric power, Lord and of Gideon." other splendid solos, among which gss and water elnce nine o'clock yeswas "The Bella of Conscience," a truly terday morning. plendld thing. Tha flood is the greatest kn iwn In Rev. Brown spoke, using as his text, Nevada in the past 37 years The eubject of bis John 16:16-14- . sermon was, "God's Last Witness to the Sinner." He said that God had MORE SPINAL MENINGITIS given two witnesses to guide the soul and church the to from earth hsaven, the Spirit of God. The clinrch said Mrs. A. L. Davla la Attended by Three Doctors. the spanker, is made up of external witnesses. The spirit of God Is the internal witness who has taken up his Rtricken with that dread disease, abode to convince men of sin, of cerehro-aplna- l meuingltla. Friday to of and judgment righteousness night last, Mrs. A. L. Davla, landlady come. The speaker then dwelt upon of the large rooming house at 371 the goodneaa of God In giving ue a Twenty-aeconstreet, now lies at the "No la soul second witness, saying, address given, in an extremely critical God does not condition, attended by three doctors. ao low and so sinful Jhat end Into the darkened depths of that Blnce taking 111 she has been soul the Intents! witness to warn It of a greater part of the time. the awful state before It, The speak- Word hai been tent to her husband, er then gave a very helpful discourse manager of tba "Bkiddoo" mine. In on the part that oonscl rustless plays Inyo county, Cal., but It will require In religion, showing that we prove our about two days for the message to existence by consciousness, and that reach him, as It will be necessary to consciousness of God is always in tha carry the telegram by stage from present, and that .sines we can not bo Rhyolite, Nev. conscioqs of an unreality, the fact that Mrs. Davit was formerly Mrs. we are conscious .of God proves his Meyer and has been married just a to reality. The appeal H listened little over two months. very attentively and several responded There are three caee of spinal mento the invitation at. the close. ingitis near tbe Lewie school. Older have been agent at this pointl arm-boun- d a: I of liff. rail. lu.f feme) su.l a sujHTio: Metropolitan Company, replete wuh catchy uhmle-al'l- r tum-s- . SEE THE GREAT FOOTBALL Gams. Weber Stake and High School Yells and Colors Used. THE FAMOUS ORIGINAL BROILr ERS Beauty Chorus of Fifty. 61.00. $1.00. 75c, 60c, 25c. SEAT SALE TUESDAY. Price, offers the ease of softy pliable leather Sarr.-mcui- HOUSE BURNS TO THE UTAHN A THEATER TONIGHT! skilled workmanship. "Ten Nights in a Barroom 10-20-- 30 Auditorium DEE-STANFOR- SOLE AGENTS GRANT AVENUE. Will 19ih. Tuesday night, March will remain uprn foi rol- - "n t . ler skating morning, afternoon and evening as heretofore. Tha rink is s now In shape, having a new floor and new wheels on the skates. The roof haa alao oeen repaired. Mr. O'Mura will give bis personal attention to tbe rink tor a couple of weeks. flrat-clas- WHY 8 IWo mu Ladles Admitted Free Mornings and Afternoon a Except Saturday. Admission, gfternoon, 10c. Admission, evening, 15c. CuJtBUd CARL C. PETHtSON CONSULTATION FREE We SCO Guarantee Speedy and Abmo -- lute Cure ATTENTION In Cason Wo Aeeept I)rs. Elliott, across the street from old stand Washington Avenue. now at 233G All those holding stock certificates la the old Weber Cunnty Fair Association and have not yet exchanged tbe same for like number of shares In the Intermountaln Fair Association, must do ao immediately or lone all Interest In said stock. By calling on Theodore Tracy at the office of the Evening Standard the stock will be THE WAGON GOT STUCK IN THE exchanged share for share. Be sure you bring the stock of the Weber MUD, County Fair Association with you, because the stock In the new comcan only be exchanged by Call Sent to Station No. 2 Quickly Re- pany the old stock. Tlie stock in sponded to. But Bad Reads StopWeber County Fslr Association Is now ped the Fire Fighters. valueless, and the time for exchanging the slock has expired, but the directors of the Intermountaln Fair Asfew sociation have decided to grant The honse occupied "by Mrs. more days In which the transfer of situated on a line with Twenty-seconinime-fflat- e street, outside the hydrant dis- stock may he made. Give this attention if you want to save trict, was burned to the grounJ e . Moat contents of the your rights. structure were awed, but fanned by a By order or the Board of Directors, a mass March 16(h, 1907. stiff breese, the building-waO. M. RUNYAN. of flames befort aid could arrive. The President. loss has not been determined. WM. GLASSMAN, Secretary. A cell wse sent in to station No. 2, which responded promptly and made a rapid run to a point above Tyler ave$10 REWARD nue, where the heavy wagon stock in the mud and could not bo moved. Another call was, therefore, sent to For the erreat and conviction of any station No 1. Tbe horn wagon reparty or parties stealing the Ogden paired to the scent of the conflagraStandard or tbe Morning Examiner. tion, but the house was nearly deLAMAR NELBON, Circulator. firemen when arrived. the stroyed On the return trip the team on the DECURE FOR OPeTsHOPS home wagon was attached to the combination from No. I and by the efforts of men and four animals the Master Plumbers of Balt Lake Will wagon was dragged from the mire. Fight Strike of Journeymen, SHOE CO. D Roller Skating WEBER COUNTY FAIR STOCK HOLDERS and the elegance of smart styles; made permanent by the very best material and e d OGDEN HaaSH OiJDEX. GROCERY tmmammmnmmmmmmmammmmmamammmmmaaaa GROUND yesterday MEAT BUSWELL MARKET US JEWELER in cut down living see ua and be call sod expenses convinced If' you want Has Moved His Place of Business to More Convenient Quarters at of-th- ' it was announced yesterday by an official representlbff the Boilermakers' union that the boilermakers the Pacific had no thought of strik-In- . Union names of The following are the those selected for April Jury servlet In the district court: W. D. VaaDyke, Sr, SOU Wash. WHY IT SUCCEEDS. Ave. Moroni Brown. 2911 Whah. Ave. Bees ue Its for Ons Thing Only, and Charles D. Hayes, 2461 Grant Avav Ogdan People Apprschrts This, Charles Shaen. Plain City. William Bailey, North Ogden. Nothing can be good lot everything. F. A. Bhlella, 2204 Monroe. Doing one thing well brings success! 'James Cassia, 2560 Unooln. Doans Kidney Pills do one thiw Benjamin Orpman, 2017 Grant, only. 652 21st BtreeC E. A, Olsen, They cure sick kidneys. O. M. Runyan. 630 24th Street They euro backache, every kidney 2555 Quincy. m. 8. H. Hen.lc robot, C. B. Rapp, 249 Slst Street Hero la Ogden evidence to prove it: Adam Hunter, Weet "Wleber. Mrs. Frances- - William, of 2330 1228 Wash. Adama avenue, Ogden, Utah, nays: Henry Tribe. Jr, Max Davidson, 658 Slst Street. "The good reports I have heard N. O. Ogden, 2540 Madison. about Doan's Kidney Pills Induced me Peter Mlnnock, Jr, 165 23rd SL to get them at W. 8. Badoon'i drug G. P. Busch, 2171 Reeves Ave. store and the results obtained from W. F. Burton, 2620 Monroe. their use, fully prove that the great O. A. Burrows. Huntsville. praise bestowed upon them la full C. B. Bears. Burch Creek.. warranted by ita great valne to sufR. P. Critchtow, 2350 Wash. ferers from kidney eomplalnt or backC. N. Leadom. 239 2 23rd St ache. I have personally recommended Plain B. City. P. Green, Doans Kidney Pllle to many others J. G. Mnnnmg, Jr, Hooper. and I am only too pleased to let the public know of such an effective CREST OF THE FLOOD. remedy." For sale by all dealers. Price TO Cincinnati, Ohio, March 19. The cents. Foster-Mi- l burn Co.. Buffalo. Ohio river reached a stage of 62. New York, sole egents tor tbe United feet at 11 o'clock lari eight and stood Statee. at that level since, apparently haring Remember the name Doan's and reached the crest of the flood. taka no other. The master plumbers of Salt Lake have declared they will operate nothing but open ahopa from now on, as a result at the walk out of about sixty journeymen plumbers Saturday after noon, upon the refusal of their employers to raiae wages from $4.50 to $5.60 and 66 a day, says the Hr raid. About eleven shops are effected by tbs strike. There are perhops half a dosen open shops already established In the city and these are not affected by the walk out. The master plumbers met yesterday and decided not to treat with the striking journeymen aa members of their union. The union la not to be recognised from now on. Any of the old employes my secure work If they will work "under open shop conditions. Union regulations n the shops have been taken down by the master plum- bers. according to a employers, statement made last night by a member of tbe Hlgaon dk Roselter company agreed to giro the journeymen an increase of fifty cents a day in their wages. The union men would not listen to this proposition and the strike resulted. Tbe latter came aabe-a surprise to the employers, who lieved that the more conservative of the union would prevail and keep the men at work. The masier plumbers say they will The ele-me- n have little trouble in securing men and that building opera-tlonthroughout, the city will not be affected to any degree by the strike. non-onio- d Cor. 24th and Grant Phenes 2B5 Ball; 613 Independent 2367 WASHINGTON AVE The Public is Especially Invited to Visit His New Store and Inspect the Beautiful Line of Jewelry. Garden Seeds HOW ABOUT Harness yos need? Dosl that think you can't, afforj H till you're Infergiven .ua a chance. We sell no ior goodi. no old faebloned appliance!. iff It Is not lime to plant yet, bat noon WILL BE and we want you to know where to get your SEEDS. I was in the big fire, as you all iremember, and all my old stock whs burned. , Our new stock Is arriving and will ke the best ever brought to Ogden. All Our Harness of mads from the heat moat workmanlike manner. Blanket. Haltere, Whips and everything a hone owner needs. to - the JsC. Platt Saddlery Co. I MITCHELL BROS. FOR MONUMENTS. Juul arrived 2 cxrloails of marble and granite to select from. Don't buy from agents, a they get large commissions end you have to per them. Order at once for Dewatlon Dav. YARD OPPOSITE CEMETERY. CITY - Seeds That Are Sure to Grow FLOUR, HAY OR GRAIN In Large or Small Quantfties Remember, we carry a full line of that famous Pratts Poultry Food for animals and poultry. W. T. ASTILL 2264 Washington Ave. Both Phones mam |