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Show EXAMINER: OGDEN, .MOUSING i MOUSING, itiif DECEMBER 'iESRO LYNCHED SALT LAKE AND STATE NEWS 3 1S0J5. BYlPRESIDENT Willi From Correspondents and State Exchanges ui:l traliffSS'ja Colored Man Nearly Four Inches er Than Chicago Lad. a, levs TonopaU. Nev Tall- From now Dec. 21. until the time of tha New Year's I)ay light, to be held in the arena of the Casino Athletic Club, it la gcilus to he n Question among tha residents of this section as to which of the two men 1. the more popular. Cana made himself aolld by his actions before and during the battle with Nelson at Goldfield, last September. Herman ia making himself Just as well liked through his strict adherence to (raining rules, his evident earnestness and his apparent effort to let the miner, here know that he is going into the ring on New Year's Day intend-- ' lng to win if he can. Cans stronghold, naturally euough, la the scene of hie former NevadA encounter. At the same lime the people of Tunopah swear by him as a real fighter. They do not Intend to let Goldfield outdo them in their homage to the lightweight champ." They are not overlooking, however, that Herman la fighting his maiden fight In Nevada and that the plsee he la fighting It In la Touopah. So, with the spirit of rivnlrv known to ramps In this section of the country, Tonopah is claiming Herman a her own. m These people here are in a good posit! cm to pass Judgment on the chances of the two fighters. They have seen Cans fighting at his beat. They are seeing Herman working at bis beat. They are beginning to realize, also, that the Chicago lad has the opportunity of his life and that ha may hand out n tiaua-Herma- n it L P. M, AT AT BUtSWELLS Jewelry Store. One ticket given with each on dollar purchtk. Lady's aolld gold natch, IS Jewel move-nu-nSee our excellent lino ot DIAMONDS and JEWELRY. SILVERWARE anJ plated ware, t. for daintiness. We savn you money on every purchase. 370 Street. Twenty-fourt-h BROWN n fa-aln- guu-flght- Itroubleb 4 u 4 8 3 3 2 2 1-- 3 1-- 4 3-- 4 THE' NEW RATE LAW. sanity returned this verdict at 9:46 last night. 11 will be sentenced on the forgery charges of which he waa eenvirted Monday next. The trial of the young man covered one full day end nearly half of another in the district court, before Judge George G. Armstrong. Nearly a score of witnesses were railed by Judge O. W, Powers, conducting hi case, to show that Brown was not in full possession of his faculties when he committed the forgeries of which he has District Attorney been convicted. Fred C. Loofbourow called a half Files Hia Biennial Report for dozen witnesses to show that Brown,' Years Ending Nov. 30. a regardless of hia apparent idioayncra-- ! I state Engineer Caleb Tanner has lea, acted normally under ordinary ! circumstances, filed his biennial report for the two The last wltneaaea examined were years ending November 80, 19'tfl, with counGovernor Cutler. It shows that there Ralph Sharkey, Joseph Burbldge, ty Jailer, and W. C. Orem, Brown's ware 1,154 applications fjr appraprla- former employer. tlon of water filed la hla'offloe during The Jury was charged at 11 oclock that time and the amount of water yesterday morning, and retired at on re appropriated waa 61,3t)C,473 second to consider the evidence adduced. It feet. The land to be irrigated by waa not until 9:20 oclock last night water appropriations filed in the past that they reached a verdict and Judge , two years amounts to 5,126,890.99 acres Armstrong, District Attorney Judge O. W. Powers, the de-- j of the total number of applications fendant and others directly Interested 243 wfte for power' purposes; 73 for In the case, were notified at once. mining; 44 for domestic aiid culinary When the verdict was read, Brown use; 94 for water for stock on range; smiled and seemed greatly pleased. The expenditures of the department if for the two years amounted to 624,-64He shook band with a number court attaches and expressed himself while the receipts for filing appliaa being delighted with the verdict. cations amounted to 6, 330.40. The Judge Armstrong said that, under the balance on- hand In the engineer's fund law the time for passing sentence had Is f 1,680. The engineer asks and an appropriation of $17,140 arrived, but the attorneys agreed to postpone the matter until December for experiment work and improve- Judge ments during the ensuing year, 24, and to this arrangement The report goes Into detail In reArmstrong assented. Judge Powers then served notice gard to experiments carried on in rethat he would file a certificate of prob- gard to Irrigation of sugar beets, poable cause, and would ask for aa ap- tatoes. lucerne and grain, and states peal. He also asked for a special or- that tha testa resulted In great bender, giving him thirty daya to file a efit to the farmers. The reclamation hill of exceptions, which was granted. work In the Welter river and Bear The Jury waa excused for tha remain- river valleya la also gone' Into quite der of the term. extensively by the engineer and meassaid urement of the various streams of I say It la a just verdict District Attorney Fred C. Loofbourow the state ere given in detail, at the adjournment of court. "The verEight dams were submitted to the dict was a great surprise to me, aald engineer and approved by him. They Rrown's bond was were found to be strongly built and Judge Powers. continued until the passing of sen- up to the requirements In every tence. apect. The engineer approves the action of the state board of land com EXACTIONS OF LOAN SHARKS. missions rs In loaning money for Irrigation projects. "Flour thousand and one question expected from ticket agent of the j Denver A Rio Grande system have j been anticipated by 8. K. Hooper, general passenger agent of tha road. In a circular defining the policy of the passenger department of the Gould line on the observance of the new railroad rate law. The circular quotes parts of the taw regarding passenger tariff and lays y down the rule fr-- agents. The place responsibility for errors or violations of the law on the individual agents by the following paragraph: In- the event that an unauthorised concession la made on Interstate business, by error or otherwise, Die responsibility must rest with the agent, ns the company, will neither assume responsibility nor afford relief. The specific instructions contained In the circular follow: t'nder a strict interpretation of the law; reduced rates can only he granted In the following instances: 1 For regularly ordained ministers of religion, properly identified as such. 2 For slaters of charity In the garb of their order. of the soldiers 2 -- For Inmate cerhomes, stale or national, proju-r- l tified to aa such. 4 For bona fide railroad employes and members of their family wnnlly dependent upon them for stippor 3 In ruse of charity properly cef tiffed to of officials of charitable or com-pnn- r . OUR SPECIALTIES Planet Safa Moving and Storage. Tumi-tura- , OFFICE Ind, Street PHONES 224. Ball, 220. Railway betwtaa TheOaly DasMe-Trec-k the Misaari Elver aad Chkl(e. The panlzatlon. Laiwlevi Dale M ike World Compartment and drawing-roo- m ' taeptrg cars, observation cars, din and library bg ears, evs, with barber, bath and Book- -I lov Libriry; entire train elertric lighted, through te Chicago without ) charge. Direct connection for bnfM-smokl- ng ! 1 SL Faiil and Minneapolis Hckc. WMnadai. nl fud can fea ntoumad fnm A. Walker, Lr'ii&g3 0 ri h raxrS Hoitfi-VVeste- AsmU rn kwlk KWn Mtrt, Lake Cny, Utah. TiMBagnBam fr. some of the Important to be made January 1, the circular sperlffea lnstuucea where former concessions will bo discontinued. These are: "Ftir In tern! all- - trips Tor theatrical or similar companies traveling fur exhibition purposes. Reduced rates either state or interstate cannot be made on immigration account either for agent In charge or the party accompanying, "Reduced rates ei'her state nr interstate can not be made for teachers, pnplla or employes of Indian schools. Reduced rates can not lv made for interstate trips on acrmim of newspapers or any kind of advet'sitig. Ruduced rates. elrinT si me or infi-rstate, can not he made fi r of clergymen's font Him. Reduced rate fur lni,r'it--- ' rlps can not be made on arco-- rr ,t im,. Vnited States guvernnu m reciainh':i service. "Reduced rales ln'ertate rpp - charge Overland! Limited The Bust 6, BIX BOYB CAPTURED. " Vans, Draya and Baggage Wagons. h Iktof-twuro- t TRANSFER COMPANY Twenty-fift- BANE Major Hooper Issues Instructions to Rie Grand Wootom Agents. MALAN 408 Salt Lake, Dec. 21 W. 8. Wriacoll was again arrested tikis morning on a charge of rubbery. Police Officer Lyons made the capture at 4: SO. Driscoll ia accuaed ot having entered the room of Gus Backus at 110 South Fourth West and curried away money and clothing. Driscoll was released leas than two months ago on a similar charge. He Is an old offender and in every case robbery has been the deed committed. He has been smooth and covered up his tracks well. The local detectives consider him one of the worst class to deal with. This brings to light the robbery In the Railway Exchange saloon of an old man some two rears ago. Drtucoll and a maa named Wh were accused of having committed the deed. Mash ia now doing time in the stale prison for hia share in the deed. The trial of Driscoll was lung drawn out and when the case was finally act the complaining witness had disapeared. All efforts tif locate him amt bring him back proved futile. Driscoll was allowed to go free after he had confessed that he had takes part la the robbery. At another time he told a hard luck story to an old man, who had recently arrived In Salt Lake from the mines. The latter took him In with him and gave him a bed. Driscoll awoke during the night, took all the old man's money and left. He wee arrested aoua after. Conviction appeared certain, but he obtained hia freedom on habeas corpus proceeding, tha clerk of the court not having filed the charge within the required aped fled time. Balt Lake. Dec. 21. Arthur Brown la sane. Tha Jury ia the district court which tried him on the charge of In- It I Herman's style of fighting, as shown In hia gymnasium workouts, "FIXING UP FOR CHRISTMAS." that the people here like. He is rough at all times. H baa a tear-lwall Dont hide paper defects of campaign and he uses It every plan with evergreens or aunts other kind exhibition in his afternoon jf greeds cover your walla with with Adam Ryan. sparring The notay Adam la paper that will look pretty until liking tha work leas every day. The neat Christmas. To get that sort Tonopah fans, it must he aald. are likat cheering price get It at ing the Kid In Inverse ratio to the way Adam ia liking the work. Tbl afternoon the biggest crowd GRIFFIN PAINT CO. o that ha yet assembled in tha Big which la easily turned into a Both Phone. MU Wash. gymnasium was present to see Herman work. The Chicago hoy waa certainly there with the entertainment. Ha not only got In n good hour's work, but he also had tha crowd amused by hia kidding. Even Manager Nat Law-l- a had to laugh and Nat doesn't do it unlsa h has to. Telegrams are pouring in from all over the country. They are distributed about equally between the two fighters. Herman beard from Bat Mnateraon. tha famous New York critic. The old writes under hia own name that Herman lu more than likely to allp n surprise to the wise boys who think Gena Invincible. While not actually picking Herman to win, Maater-ao- n states that the Chicago boy la the one lightweight who has n chance with the champ, and that that chance may he better than most people, at this WITH OLD HARNESS stage of the game, figure It to he. A runaway may cause more thag Measurement of Cans trouble. Serious injuries and aomai Comparative and Harman. time death are the awful results. As Gnna Age, 32 years; height, 5 feet Jld harness Is often responsible, bu inches; Inches; neck, 141-S new harneaa with weak spots la n 6 cheat, normal, 36 Inches; cheat, la Jnat bad. ' 36 inches; waist, 29 Inches; The kind we sell have bier pa, normal, 113-- inches; bleeps, NO WEAK SPOTS. Ten will get your money's worth tt expanded, 13 Inchea; forearm, 101-Inches; ankle, 6 Inches; calf, 121-you buy harneaa of as. Our new address is 2277 Washing Inches; wrist, 7 inches; thigh, 19 Inches; reach, Tl Inchea. on Are Herman -- Age, 23 years; height, 6 Inches; Inches; neck, 14 feet, Co. cheat, 3normal, 341-Inches; chest, expanded, 36 inches; waist, 27 Indies; biceps, normal, 113-- 4 Inchea; bleeps, Inchea; forearm, 10 2 expanded, 13 Inches; ankle, 9 Inches; cnlf. 13 W. A. Malan. . Ionian, . Inchea; thigh, Inchea; wrist, 71-- 6 lurbea. 19 Inchea; reach, 66 WE CAN MOVE ANYTMINOL J.C. Platt Saddlery DECLARED Arrested This Morning on Charge of Robbery. W. 8. Driscoll Discussion the After Tan Hours T waive Man Reach an Agreement. aur-pris- 3-- 4 IN TROUBLE AGAIN. oir I -' f:-- r C.HI noi be army and famllfrg. irajs ny . - ir "''r- n' mlr tl' of their Reilucpii inte-.irsles cannot he made for ih" i.iovcirent of htiurw, ::r u Ven to the brinlk'of "despair as toe result of the heartless method practised by the loan shark in a state where there exists no usury law. In the fall, three years ago. Tonne-sen- , who is a carpenter, and finds It difficult during the winter months to secure sufficient work to enable him to provide fur his family, waa compelled to take the last resort open to the miserably poor. Hist ot borrowing on a chattel mortgage n household fnrnl tu re a small amount from a loan company. Tonnesett secured front J. T. Stringer company the sum of 920 and gave his note for sixty daya for 25. He was to pay Interest at the rate of 16 per rent per uinnlh. At the end of days he was unable to lift the note given to the t ringer company, and aa a result the Interest and his troubles began to grow. Two Others Are Still at Large I on Tholr Trail. Officer Balt Lake, Dec. 21. Mix of the eight boy a who escaped from the Morris de- tention school yesterday afternoon were captured at Murray last night and are now back at the home again, The other two boys are supposed to have gone to Bingham, and Frobatiun Officer Hahn went out there today to look for them. It la quite likely that they will he raptured before the day 1s over. While Superintendent Westlake was busy late yesterday. afternoon talking with a man who had been selling tobacco to the boys, eight of them took advantage of the opportunity to secure their liberty and they aecordlngly departed without ceremony. They tried hard to Induce another lad to go with them hut he refused and after they left he gave the alarm. The probation officers were notified and at once inSTRIKE AT GOLDFIELD. stituted a search for the Itoy. which resulted in six of them being capNo Dioturbanco Discuss Matter in tured last night. Moderation. II Is presumed that the lads were seised with a desire to spend their GoldHeld. Nev.. Dec. 21. The sec- Christmas in some other locality, ond day of the miners strike for 95 hence decided on a general outthey diswithout has passed jut day wages break. It Is now quite likely that they order and the general prediction la wll have to stay at the home for that the matter will be soon settled ChrMnia instead of being allowed to to the by the mine owner agreeing go tu their homes on that day, as was demands of the miners. contemplated by the officials of the Groups of men are about the streets, home. but on every aide the controversy la discussed in tune of moderation. The RUSH TO SEVEN TROUGHS. 3.5(h) men involved declare that the high price of living and commodities have forced them to take this action. Ban T, Lloyd Appears to Havo Struck It Rich In Nevada. The majoritv of the standard mine are rloscd and the quarts mills have lovelock. Xe., Dec. 26. The orsuspended working. Nearganisation of the ly all of the rich lease, some of wlib-were not working yesterday, have re- mining properly here talny Into an sumed nperatluns under the scale. incorporation known a the Seven Strenuon efforts are being put forth Troughs Vernon Mining company preby business men to bring shout an cipitated a rush for stock at the Fir-- t amicable agreement, as it Is feared National hank of Lovelock unparaltha: should tho dispute be prolonged leled In the history of the Seven it might end In a general sympathetic Trough mining district. For lx hours strike. The mine are In no danger applicant cr..wdej the bank building of lieing tl. Muled, as the pumps are I awaiting their turn to purchase slock n and receive receipt. The rush waa ocwork I r . IjCiisers are onirinuing work, pay-incasioned by a sensational strike of the new echednV of 5 They 11.623 per ton gold ore In great quanwill lie reiulre 1" shut dewn tiniest tities ihree fpei from the haft. and the owner of the property aeroc to the putting out it stock at 25 cent give au ex'i nIrn if leasing privilege per share. In addition to the local a the ra'e of two for one. The rush telegraphic orders came la from . miner have exhlMt-i- i no sign of vio- San Frinelseo. Tonopah. Goldlence. They appear to he thoroughly field. Duluh. New Yt.rk and o'her end def rr.Ined tn win. The ppir.:. Whin I: ea:i:e apparent tha gcr.urnl Impresup-the fret Mock of 1ih.(i:i share at 25 prevail tfcot i the err.s wou'd n bcc:-nicirnt exhausted. depend greatly iitaken :y the Lin'd j!'I Knickerbocker a notice : the effect that interne, which control the Goldfield Miti'rs company. Thl slock sale over the 100.1MM' mirk j the Comidnatinn would he made ,n the hasla of a gr alinpanv Include luuioo. Hnhewl,. R- 1 Top and '.g;imi ly enhanced v.il wib.n. g ; . HAD CONFESSED TO ASSAULTING A WHITE WOMAN. NO CITIZENSHIP FOR THE PLE OF PORTO RICO. PEO- - Warden of the Jail Surrendered tha Prisoner lynchers Ootain Sauvenira of the Hanging. Mined Blood in tho Island and Percentage of Illit- Big Annapolis, Md., Dec. 21. Henry Davis, alal Henry Chambers, colored, who committed a felonious assault on Mrs. John Reid uf Browusville, five miles from Annapolis, last Friday, and who ha dooniessed his crime, was taken from the Jell here this morning by a mob of about sixty masked men and lynched. He was strung up and his body riddled with bullets. The Jail ia situated In Calvert street, in the western part of the city, and ia quite isolated. The mob had no difficulty iu securing the prisoner. Taking him from his cell, they carried hllm along the road leading to the scene of his crime. The plana of tha lynchers were kept very quiet aa no one except those who participated in it knew anything about what waa to take place. Their movements were carefully guarded. In a statement made after the man waa taken from the jail. Deputy Sheriff Reuben L. Smallwood aald that about two o'clock a maa appeared outside the Jail and rang. He aald that he had a prisoner Deputy Smallwood sw that he had no prisoner and to admit him whereupon ho left Boon afterward a mob of about sixty men appeared before the jail with a whipping post and endeavored to batter down the door. Unsuccessful with that iXeans. they p rocs red a sledge and pick and managed to break a hula In the door through which one of the men crawled and unlocked the door Then five or six men entered the building and proceeded to the warden's room, where they encountered Warden George Taylor, Deputies Email-wooand James C. Crouse, and Night Watchmen Frank Marcellas At the point of a pistol the warden surrendered the keya. In a few moments more Da via was secured and carried out bodily. He made no resistance. Hia appearance outside the Jail waa greeted with yells. He waa kicked and beaten by members of the lynching party and In a few minutes was taken to Brick Yard hill on tho Annapolis, Baltimore ft Washington railroad. Here Davla waa closely questioned and again admitted that he had crimin' ally assaulted hi victim, and repeated that he would have done so living or dead. those Aa he made this assertion who heard him raised a cry, a rope waa quickly knotted and the nooee slipped over hia head. By this time Davis waa nearly unconscious from fright and the blow which had 'been rained upon him. While In this condition he was hoisted to a limb of a tree. Almost before hia feet had left the ground a revolver cracked and bullet cut a gash through hia scalp. It was the signal for general firing and at least 100 bullets must have riddled hia body. After a few minutes the body waa cut down and after a few had examined It and a few took pieces of rope and clothing aa souvenirs, the mob dispersed. The personnel of the mob la not known, but reliable witnesses to the occurrence state that all those who composed it were young men In appearance. They all wore masks, had their face blackened and each one waa armed with a revolver. The negro was carried through tho negro section of the city but no one interfered. When people appeared at the windows they were warned to remain In doors If they did nut want harm to come to them. The police permitted the mob to have ita way, none of the officers apparently Interfering. Mrs. Reid, the neftro's victim, waa confined to her home for some days In n serious condition aa a result uf her Injuries. Mrs. Reid la a while woman. When arrested last Sunday Davis protested innocence but the next day, after being confronted by hia victim, who Identified him, he confessed. He had already served two years hi the penitentiary for a similar crime. Chicago, Dec. 21. A dispatch from j Washington says: In spite uf the President's rerom-- l mendatlon. no citizenship for the peo-- j pie of Porto Rico will be granted by this congress and probably not by the next one either. The leaders, both la the house and senate, hare come to the conclusion that the time is not yet ripe for such action. They have presented the matter to the Presidenf and he ia now aware that hia recommendation In this regard will not he acted upon. There are said to be grave matters of public policy Involved which might be seriously complicated if citlsen-shl- p should be granted at this particular time to the people of Porto Rico. A general understanding, therefore, I has been arrived at' that the political conditions not only of Porto Rice but of Hawaii and the Philippines will not be seriously altered for some years to come, so far as their relations with this country are concerned. Congress is willing to do anything in ita power to promote the material welfare ot the Island population, hut it does not propose to extend the franchise or United States citizenship untif conditions . change materially. There la an understanding in congress that the President will acquiesce In thia decision, because it has been put up to him frequently by some of the strongest men at the capitol, who are influenced by. matters of public policy aad are in no way desirous of interfering with the President!' plans or the general program of his administration. Briefly stated, the objection to citizenship for Porto Rico Is baaed upon the existing condition of the population of that isiand. A large percent age of 'the people are of mixed strain of Spanish and negro blood. The proportion of illiteracy ia naturally large. Much progress ha been made in the school system, but It ia still approximately true that 75 per cent of the! persona of school age are not receiving Instruction. DIAMOND ('ui-olMat- nl THIEVES t be Vi-r'y-- e Your Account Cannot Go eracy. We Use this System. Wrong. Pickett Grocery " I .. Co. " BOTH PHONES 177 2344 Waahlngteii-Avanua- . Now la a golden opportunity to get the beat Christmas candlea and mm on the market. They are fresh and selected goods. There will he no dis. appointment If you will give us your orders to AIL We have everything on hand that la required to make up a flrstrclasa Christmas treat. BOTH PHONES 236. T. D. EVANS OX STAPLE Co. and FANCY GROCERIES. 2364 Washington Avenue. y LIKE AW DOB GETTING DOWN TO FACTS. patronise us Why do the well-todmosti In the right answer to this is the key to suoeesa. Think twice and answer at the JUMBLE, Halle 1144. , Rooms, Stores, Storage, Stoves. Snaps. o I COMMUNICATED HYDROPHOBIA BY A DOG. Dog Had Blmply Nosed the Hand of Hia Benefactor. Buah ft Gert'a Plano. Newman Brea. Organa New York, Dec. 21. Frank Butkan-al- , 25 years old, of Pleasantrille, N. Y.. died at the Presbyterian hospital here yesterday of hydrophobia caused by a H. C. WARDLEIGH pet dog nosing hia hands The case la remarkable one. Butlvanal waa employed by Dr. 8. V. Jones of Pleasant-ville- . Among the physician's pets waa a Newfoundland dog to which the PIANOS youth waa much attached. Last October the Newfoundland was attacked by a terrior and was terribly bitten. Butkanal nursed hia pet with the utORGANS AND MUSICAL most care and the animal, to show itg hia hand!. nosed gratitude, frequently The dog wounds healed, hut early In MERCHANDISE November It began to sicken, losing use of Butkanal Its hind legs. the treated It until Its esse became hopeYiolina, Guitars, Aceordeons, Banless. It waa then killed. Last week jos, Strings. Dr. Jones noticed that Butkanal was beginning to behave strangely and he Latest Publications of Sheet Music. suggested a trip to thia city. They went to the Presbyterian hospital and Be the Wonderful Pipe Organ. Butkanal waa admitted as a patient ' much against hia will. When the doctor told him he feared he was devel2176 Washington Avenue. oping hydrophobia the young man OGDEN, UATH. laughed at him. There waa not a mark upon hia body. The hospital physicians also were Inclined to ridicule the Idea, but Butkanal actions soon led them to accept Dr. Jones belief. Last Wednesday night Butkanal be-- I rathe violent. In hia delirium he raved about the pet dog. Several specialists Th JUMBLE buya, sella or exwere called but the) could not save changes "any old thing" (blue" the man, who died in agony. cepted) and moat - mw ones. 2300 Wash. HHo,1144 For a mild, easy action of the bow- -' NEVADA SECOND-HANSTORE. els, a single dose of Doan's Regulets la We buy and sail- all kinds of new cures habitual and aeond-hanenough. Treatment goods, Call or pho" 25 cents a box. Ask Weckar ft Haynea, Props. 169 25th II constipation. your druggist for .them. Phone, Ind. 622. . Second Hand Stores -- POLICE HAD GIVEN THE NEW YORK DE- - TECTIVES THE SLIP. When Arrested tha Man Had Several Thousand Dollars Worth of Diamonda Syracuse. X. Y Dec. 21. Aboard an eastbound train on tha New York tral railroad, at 1:30 o'clock this' morning, the police found and seized the trunk that is supposed to contain all the diamonds and Jewelry alleged to have been stolen from the residence of C. V. Stein In Chicago by two. of the family servants, Frank Hallberg and wife. The Hallbergs, In some way, managed to give the detectives the !lp but were captured when the train reached Utica Utica N. Y., Dec. 21. A man who gave bis name aa Franz Nledsielakl and a woman who claims the name of Madeline Kreeger were arrested on a train arriving here this morning upon the charge of having robbed C. V. Stein, of Chicago. The man had from 7.000 to 310.000 worth of diamonds and jewelry In his possession. The prisoner said all the artlrlei belonged to his companion, who, he asserted, waa woman he met In the old country and with whom he had been living about a vear. DID NOT BUY THE SILVER. 'ip--:- NIxnn-Wsogl-e- Register . tin--ct- f'i ;! They Employ THE..... McCasky mines. Manager Finch, its representatives, refuses to discuss the situation or make a atatemeut as to wliat policy the company aid pursue. Great pressure ia being brought to bear to effect a .ettlcmeui of the fur employes of coal companies. "Rsiliuvd rates can not ' be made from one Hiut In New Mexico to another iHiint iu the same territory, aa under tte law this is classed as inier-atst- e business. t'uder no circumstance mill what ia known a a split ticket be sold in connection with free transportation or reduced rates ;uir can a through tickour own road at tariff et be sokl rate la connection aith reduced rate over a connecting line. A to Chocking Baggage. It is nut permissible to check baggage abort of destination, except only on through tickets sold at tariff rates privileges; nor to allowing stop-ore- r check through to destination a here passenger hold free or reduced transportation far any part of the trip. Any concession whatever in the collection of storage, excesa baggaga charges or Irregular or unauthorised privileges in the handling of baggage is aa much a violation of the law as is a concession In passenger rates. "It is a violation of the Interstate commerce act to extend the time limit of tickets on any account whatever, sickness not excepted. it is not permissible to execute or validate the return portion of a round-tri- p ticket at any point other than the destination thereon. KEF, MAH CAKS AND Do Your Trading Where BE i M i UTAH,. SATURDAY Dec. 21. The treaMury ment today declined to purchase :tnv silver at the quoted price of 70.GC5 ut per fin ounce. Two thousand ounces were offered at that figure. c-- d PAUL ZIEGENHIRT,-- . " Saosnd-HanStore. If you havo anything to oelLor huy col or phono 1670 to 1678 Waah. Ava Bell 656-k- . Ind. 678. PARLIAMENT TO ADJOURN." d Unusual Bitterness In Parliamentary Circle. London, Dec. 21. The cabinet held a special session today preliminary to tbe prorogation 'of parliament for the holidays. Unusual bitterness exists In parliamentary circles over the severe blow which the cabinet' sustained In the defeat of the educational bill, the pridple feature of Ita program. The announcement iff the appoint- meat of James Bryce to suceeeed Sir Mortimer Durand aa British embas-- I sador at Washington ia Imminent and it will be followed by a considerable readjustment of tbe cabinet with the view of presenting an aggressive front when the parliamentary suasion Is re-- j Burned in February. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Taka LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tableta Druggists refund money If It falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 25c. . THREE MORE MINERS DEAD. ft A. DENKERB tha nighaat price for secondhand furniture and sH to tha publl Ave. Bad Will pay tha cheapest. $416 Gran Phone. 637-k- . Ind. 62ft C. J. HERRICK ft CO, Successors ta H. L. Whlta want Bring your good her If yew to sell them. Call rero IIfyuw want Ball Pon 2342 Waah Ava buy. 18-Ind. 407. .. ' gSSSHSSSlSS in au couwrmcwrtatoaww. uu Ant - timr, Pitwit tod InMapnxt freefict Ixctadvdy, WrHroaiMtoat WM IW r KMk Ohs b. e. Its waownoTon, 21. I. W.l Pittsburg, Kan., DecEdwards, Dorn Katz and Mat Tucca, three of the miners injured I" tbe explosion yesterday at the FRcTCy Coal company's mine near Stone City. Kaneai, died early, today, making a total of five deaths to date. HealopJ ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS. Durman and Frank Brenner, two more j WANT of the Injured, cannot live. In all j fourteen men were Injured. - |