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Show 1HI! l S'.P:.' - pns'iic:- r - - : Piei ka hi MiLr wl'i be p:eas--.- i i. . j his new jiomu-'T. J. Keogh bucim-K- The postmaster permitted one of the new vouug machine tu be pla.ed In the lobby of the poatoffl.-- e Wfre the people Lkn learn how to vote. i;i.r; -I . c-.- Wf dni'. Orec the Oregun Biiut'i Line a.vMem. from Green River io Oft quilt !. -- lives Per, All di igytsts ief den and point a on branch line. aa EUL ESTATE KEf increase of three centa per hour in tht . wage of niarhluLi baa become t The order wa trailed hy Stipt. They Talk Over tne Success Dunu of motive phaer and machinery, Ely Ekcursten. a ad appliea to al emploien nqhily The Real Estate jvu belonging to the deimrtmeni of held a meeting in .he old-fashion- Fathrr of One of Them Sweats Out a Warrant for the Arrest of the Culprit. ion c,t yesietast. Afcr bet of ton t me ut tilers bwo tieen dt During September 70 cart of psm-hwere shipped from North Ogdt-j- . of posed nT the araoriat-caiv.'.iased Ely esc.sioc. sb-- i the which 47 were from McGrlff an Id Ogbn will rereiie. from Martha 1L Tltl i a reronl The question of 'ht by any other place in Utah. taken up and dlscurfet Ju all it It was tiita.il ordered th. Plana have beea completed fm the phases the association take Imm-dla- ir k'.eps building of homes by G. W McCune to some appro-- iriite ailifc-tislnget and Alva ScovUle. matter on the city. After cocaidering a ir.iP'ber of a Jaaaa D. Fower of Hooper and Emrelative to the local teal ily M- - Green of Went Weber were mar- tate market, the meeting adjourned. ried in Salt Lake Tuesday. , t g mat-tei- ALLENS B. B. B. FLOUR CO. Dwllon ae euarged with an assault with the intent tu ronnnii tape. Mf la e Dalion has ben; employed a lirlivt-rto for tine of the giocery he left Tntwday aflat nui-the witj logj of gruceries the cist end cf the clt. une (or a hiiiM- - neat the 'Vs; ei work rnip.my's reaer n lice .x;:enie eaa: erd of Tscic 'o.r. e, , t h g ,e,- - v hen ebon- - haf way between the at.d Knob Hill, he two little girts.uiie 'he daugh-r- r ( Kii'l.arda m. a sweet li'ilu ch'ld She anil her eight .wars a'd wive on ih-- r wav front and .is the wegnti passed t'Miil like, r Hi l.eu for a ride to their hemes. s'upped hit- wagon, waitid until he children had cHuiheil in and iiu-(Niinimici Ins way up Twenty, on fourth ureei. i'hen the Inm-Knuii I :iil wtir leached, he did not tiop, h i: iiassed at a brisk I ret. dec spite the pretests of the girls, m whom lie gave sajn.nimv ihar in a lew minute he would return, as he to go only a short distance further cat. This much of he etory bsltm adritlts. hut when asked mn reinmg the remainder, he turned his refuse! to head quickly sway and speait; n The lDtle Richardson grl. her Hud J. W. Aiken, a la'mrer at a lime kiln at the foot of the mountains oust of the cti, rupph :he evidence (.it which the mntp'afnsnt reeks the punishment of Daltmi. Both girls ir.ainrain that a: a tsiint abore Kn'ili lliii. where the read branches off thruugh rhinitis of willows. pHtehes of tall weeds anil underbrush. Dalton stopped his Imrac. J'tinn-e- d mf the war. on and made Improper . propasals to them. Thormirhly Mi'n'-enedthe children started tu run. when Da it in grabbed the Richardson girl, held iter firmly nnd tore part of her dothfioni her hodv. The other girl The tan and thus escaped the lelisrdaon girl fought desperately . until her tjiie.is.th was fail fni'ing. when Aikene appeared on the spetto MV an iinorposltloii nf Providence. When Da'.i'Jit aw AiVens lie li:f ills prostrated vle'lnt a.id ran f r the waga:ed that hefnre on. Aikene ponM apprehend hint Dalton whipped tiis l.tirso into a reti and passed on: of 'ghi dnvn the .vwd. As soon as the iittie girl rtwld till her slury. 1. nr ini her to her n inio. where f the clilM were informthe larent i ed. The police iK'pat'tnieitt was communicated with and officers commenced a search for the j ott.tg man. A'.keits wa aide to read the Ine scription on the side of the it nit of sight. With tills clue r.o trouble was encountered In At luca'ing and appreliendln Dalton. Aikthe station he war identified by en and the girls as the driver oMhe deliverv wagon. Whrn Mr. Richardson visited' the J:iiV after the capture of Halt ;n it wes with diffleuity that he was pnweuicil f ont doing the prisoner bodily injury Aiken aiaise tha'. It was by mere he happened alorg the chance road above Knob HIM. From the kiln he htn a well beaten path, a shun cut to nis home, which he follows, but last evening something, h declares, prompied him out of hie way and down the public highway. Dalton ycung Yesterday i permission lt walvn the lieprellm-inarwish-e- d that hearing. He stated to enter a idea or gitl'ty and have the ease over as quickly a possible. Tile county attorney will probably consent to aueh a procedure. Pacific Coast Factory, San Jose, Gil. . YY. H. Ransom wa Lake Tuesday. DUST STORM up from Salt r U-ln-a AND THEN uc-ritMi-k com-i-anio- ii RAIN : - IN THE FALL WEATHER. In police court yesterday J. Larson was fined 825 for destroying a show cate in Pat Smyth's saloon Tuesday night. Several drunks were fined the customary $5. Fruit Growers Suiter a Lest From the Wind Frost le Artici-patad- - A marriage license baa been issued to Charles B. Christiansen, aged !t, of Ran Francisco, and Winifred V. Austin. of "full and lawful age,' of Og- high wind struck the pity yrv'er-dato Mow f f ul v and ciitittp-M- i fnr several hour. 1ith it came a den. cold wave and clouds which ' to pi'pclpii-iitsnow on tin- mountain as Tha rase of A. I. Stone, administops and r1n In the valley. Th wind trator of the estate of Ruv Chamber- followed an ttnustiallv v.artu night hu i lain, against the Union Pacific, was Indirailotis print to a penrrsi storm called far trial in (he district court. over northern Utah. The Thcruirmet The entire da)' session was consumfell In two hiiurs after the wln.l iih-ed in securing a Jury. reached n high over twenty J. P. "Herrick, formerly with the degrees, as compared with the highest Shoe Co., lias accept eri point of Tuesdii . Picvluiin m!'d sti.i ele.il- wcsthi-wrs abrupt It emit J. Cloiuio of ilm-t- , AMUSEMENTS. lino and penetrating, were up the streets into the eyes of pedestrians, Into r.heps. sn-.- stoics. Shopmen nude haste tj bring Inside their exhibits anii rinse down windows ar.-- l shut tl.xirr, and even then the dust enterul ct evict and formed a thin powdt'r on merchandise. Many pej-pl- r stiff Joints Tong forgot their apuugb lu chase llieir hats, in the wake of the wind. Out In the fruit dirt i In a ripened pearhes, apples .til pears were shaken to the ground. The full fon-t- i uf t'i WITH wind eomlug from the uurth-.ieK- t struck' ihe farmlnx sen inti mm It iT s the ei'y and reports hare it that of choire fruits were ruined by living stripped from trees and hntleed en the ground. Windfall factu-ie- ., may be used at earning however, liy rutting away the bruited part.' which increasex the cost of prePRESENTS serving and lowers the price paid to the grower. Tomutii growers are untirlpailug a frbst to fol'riw the wind and ate making lorerd efforts It grt In a crons aa pwaiuii- bemuch of their fore l ue change (u.iicy A y I - I tcl-u-ll- d l THEATER DTAIINA TONIGHT -- I mau--boxe- The Utahna Stock Co. THELMA - CONFERENCE, Oregon Short Line October PRICES SALT LAKE. gl.10 Round Trip. and 7. 4, 8. YOIJR CHOICE SEVEN TRAIN8. 10, 20, 30c. li'-l- as-au- li. Alk-en- .i ! le-for- mi' k-- d OPERA HOUSE Northwestern Theatrical Association. R. ALEXANDER GRANT, Rea. Mgr, Return Engagement, 3 Nights, ' Starting Sunday, Oct. 7. JOHN CORT Presents LEON CAVALLO ARRIVES. One of tha Greatest JUving Writers of Musical 'Scores. at the Mcrlticiil altar of state enpventlPB to ue held at the Sait Mr Power theater toon Ijke will mu for emigres. nd Mr. Rnlapp w'1 ! run for the Snprcuie bench. In recognition of the .'ainlitig in their f thee two men. it I. rent in tin file said they will run l!' he opened at. 1" The convention There ia 'clock this morning. little or mi Intercut in it. State Chair-waMartlnean lia upened headquarter at the Wllaun Imtel wheie he wilt welrnme delegate (rum ihe six corner of 1 hr stale. James H. Mojle will be temporary whic.t chairman of the cnnveutfrn. will he called to order by Sta'e Chairman Manlneau. If Mr Moyle make a good speerh in the morning, he will be allowed to act In the aante capar-ltfor the remainder of the da). DEMOCRAT K. Caine will be temporary the most successAnd Orchestra ful Comic Opera of the dernde. in Dorothy, Book sod Lyrics by B. C. Stephenson. Music bjr Alfred Cellier. Sunday, OcL 7 Mon. and Tuns., Oct. Book and lyrics by Harry B. Smith. Munir hy Victor Herbert. 8-- 8 Complete Broodway Theater, New York City, Productions. Mabel Day, Bertha Bhalck, Bessie Stewart Carl Fairbaim, Wm. Haydn, Geo. W Leslie, Bowman Ralston,. And the Greatest Singing Chorus in America. a A Ha and THE HEALER 1 said: Second Hand Stores EDWARD OLNEY d Ai I . . 1.4 If a Cempaman Wars North ta Garland From Ogdan, Partial List of Diseases Cured Catarrh, Deminas. Ringing la th Bara DIseaaM Head, Throat, Noam Kye or Kar. AU Lungs, BraodhUl Tubes and ChasL Dloeoaea of thd Stomanh, Liver. Kidneys and Bladder. Heart Dtaa. Rheuniatlaai Aethma, Nervoua Trouble, BL VI tu Danca. Pila, Ha-tul-a and all lUulai TroahlM, Tape Worm. Blood Pol cooing from any Diaaoaon peculiar to Woman. ANT PR1VATK XMBJEASI OF etna MEN quickly otmed to star ear ad. Remember th amlatio and adviea In FMB. Cams at sacs. Tomorrow msy be toe lots. Call or writs. PEDESTRIAN SERIOUSLY INJURED NEAR HARRIIVILLE. eec-relar- j. CONFERENCE EXCURSION. Via Rio Grand Waatarn Ry. at the Geiag tVhlla walking from Ogden to Garland. early veneris), a man giving the name of Keiliert Piuaurl. a Swtoa. waa atruek h a northbound Oregon Short IJne passenger trill Conference exru.alon in Salt Lake. Fare 81.10 round trip Ttrkeia on Mile Oci. 4th to 7th. ludukUe: final limit Oct. 12th. Rlx fast trains u Salt laike a. m.. K:2u dal'), leaving Ogden1 7:4a r. a. tit.. !t:nO a. m.. p. nt., 2:50 p m. and 7 p. nt. One hour Torn Ogden t nkm depot to the Temple square. The apeeial conference flyer will leave Ogden k:25 a. m. Oi'uher 5th. Gtli and 7th. returning at p. m. Ask at I'nion dep.it. Ogden, for ticket via Rio Grande. near Ihe liarriavllle crossing, ing e number of serious wound. The unfortunate) man and bta partner were gciltig north along the trark and had reached a point about a quarter of a mil ahiiva the road crossing Hearing the train approaching bark of them, the two men atepped from Ihe iraik to allow It to paaa. Aa there wa water on both side of the track and very rluie to the ties. Pound did not ati-In the clear and an the passenger train thundered hy. he was struck by the engine and buried several feet In the elv. After the train had passed Poeaan'a and companion rushed lo the rem-ti- 1 1 HARRIMAN AND GOULD Struggling for Advantage at San Fran-clac- br Vandarbilt and Whitney York, Oct. 3. An auliinudilla race tliai will rival in interest the will great Vanderbilt cup content probably lake plsre ' daylight, Friday morning, over ihe Vanderbilt cup caiiroe, heiweenWilliam K. Vanderbilt. Jr., and llarry Payne Whitney. Hairy Iajne Whlmey, although not represon'ed b g car in the big rare, baa ueen an Interested spectator of Ihe morning practice work and has rivaled the work :if ihe foreign ririr-er- a e lime In hia by making W. K. imwer rc!"k machine. Vaiuleriiilt. Jr.. Joked him ahoni. hia effuns. Vanderbilt laughingly said that he could beat Whlmey. Whitney retorted half seriously that he rauld beat Vumlerblii In any car ihe 1a'ir aelece.l. This led Vanderbilt io challenge Whitney, ami. aa a result, the match i ace 1 said to have been agreed upon. N-- w atra-tegi- trana-ontlneni- f'. EXCURSIONS. The Rio Grand Western rpeciai conference Hi er will leave Ogden at k:25 a. in.. October 3. B and 7. Ret Lake ll:3u p. m. turning, leave Rlx fait t.H'm. to Sal) ljthe via K'o Grande Wei'ern during inference. Sec time rsM. P't New York. Oci. 3. Anrmg fel'iiw- office's, learhera and former amdenis at the West Point military academy, ihe dnnounn meni of the victory of in 'he inYb'ioiiii, R. I'.. Ocl. 3. in conse- Lieu:enani. Frank P. Ihm rrcelved Iona balloon rare quence of the Interference wl'h their terns'. gn-at aaiiafactbin. buslnes in Retiring Rea bi Japanese with IJeutenat Ibm wa one of the moat vekHclK. a large fleet of which were in hi cain Ihe sea ibis si!n hunittg ith1n pupu1r men ai West Print the 'prorrlh- -l lltrlta and ifing fire- det day, making the fon'ball team quarterback, and aa an instructor arm. Hi" BriMh t'nlumhla aesler ar" aa waw even more ponular. tu piemtit a pnuesi to the impertsi he it was a great vlrtnry." declared gnventmen. The British CnliimblN are liound, by Ihe terms nf Col. h. l Reott. superintendent of the Ihe modus vlrendl. to remain outside academy, "and I feel mighty good to nnd use spears only ' think ene of our army men raptured a rixt)-m- l veals The sexier claim the the trophy fur America. There ia no In til-'ImportII ue of fireii'fia by the Japanee makes lionin aerostatic will play that II ia nit'v ant pan in the next great war and th the seals with great I'.iffirnlty that thev ran lie United State should noi he behind the taken wbh hticara. Koine of the Jap- oilier c.iuniriea." anese F.rhuoner were ordered, when PABBT GAVE MILLIONS. leaving iVb home pnitr. to bring their cat rh to Victoria fir shipment io London, necording to letter Wanted to See What His Children will rerelred tmin Yokohoma. but Would Do With the Money. resul'. probably efiar.e their plan aa of thn raid nf July last at Hi. Taul Chiraao. Oct. 3. -- A dexpairh to the Uliind. Wla., from Milwaukee. Proscribed Limit. Inier-Ocea- kuk: ACCIOENT IN LOB ANGELES. Nine Injured in a i Angele. Oct. 3. Nine vee injuredin ' night, three of them a collision between seriously, Southern Pacific switch; engine and a Vernon avenue elecirlr rar on Central avenue, net ween Ker- 1am 1' suuth-beun- en d and Third Ja.' street. tn'jred are: Tftow mji Nc:,olaon. Hol!yuod. hack w renched, possibly broken, severe concussion of the brain: may die. Mr. T. Harris. 940 East Thirl; eighth street. Dght concussion of the brain, face rut. W. T. Hampton, motorman. face lacerated, right eye put out. ROBBED OF $5000. BpringllaM. Ohio, Ort. 3. Lillian wa robbed of Russell. he art satchel containing la.Oon in money and diamond toduy on a Big Four train. Mr. Ruksell was silting In The Pu'l-ntiiat. Da' ion when aa unknown man picked up the Michel while the actress re, n IiHtVtll!. M1 f ftP V. tjldOW. d. In a dust tight, moisturt pruof paekagt. inn-hors- Officers and Cadets at Waat Feint Ara Rajoiflng. Hava Boon Using Firearms Were Wrack. will surpass them all in the elements which make a perfect world-foo, NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY BALLOON RACE VICTORY SEALERS COMPLAIN. Persons . Uneeda biscuit In a Riv- alry. n in North to South; every parallel of 'latitude from East to West; pile thereon the foods of every dime aid AUTOMOBILE RACE Both the Southern Parliic and Weai-erPsrlflc. It i learned, have been r strlvliig to Keru'-- control of that point, aud it it utideralond that Mr. Oelrleha. .luring her recent visit, devoted quite a little attention to the matter of th opposing plan of the The line,. rival Sum hern Paclfir ha already liegun trestle .per;.ti.!is An Its proposed arrux 'he bar in advance of 'he granting of nermlaalon by the war depart men t. The Western Pacific plana fo build over aiibaUntlallv the same a polut on Its mala line route near Niles. Japancao along; every line of longitude from p -- Fair. CONFERENCE Spread the Worlds Table Piiaaart dangerously wounded. wan almuat torn completely away and aeieral bone were hrukea. The Injured man waa taken back to Hairiarllle. fitnaiahle ndrr was autii!tt.iped and Immediately made arto have the man brought rangement (o ihe Ogden General hospital. The Pa-rifl- ESTES, SPECIALIST Office hears. 10 a, m. to g p. m. 2481 Waahlsgtea Ave. (Boris Block). Ogden. Utah. Eglrgncs Room 19. Rmsmbsr tbs lumber. found San Franrirro. tin. 3. Not mtlr Ihe Su.tt nern Pa rifle, bill lite Wes.ern mm well. plan, it la aalil. lo efferl an enttance into San Franelwro front the Alameda county ahote hy eatab lihtn an all rail route via Dumbarton Inint. If present plana prevail, both the Harrftndfi and Gould llaea will ihe narrow neck of bay ai that pnim hi meant of a triangle, but neither read ail he able to effect 11 purchase m.til It has made terms withi Mrs. Hetman Oclvirlm. wbu lnherlte-.this land fioni her father. Senator e DR. receiv- : 1 ft- My visit, to America has more significance lo me than a mere tour. It 1.00, 7Ie PRICES Night $1.80, is nr ptirpoee while here io get the j 80c, 25c. ; material for si least one opera based on American life. I want In go to tha theaters, to see the people and meffi and talk with them, to learn their Ideas and ideals, and see if I can write them Imo words and anisic. 1 have Wa art "I. T." at ODDS and ENDS. not studied so much of the American Phone literature as I could wish, but believe I. T. Alvord, 2277 Woah. sold or after all that II will be better for me 872. Any old thing" bought, Stoond-Han- d to learn at first hand by meeting the exchanged. New nnd Furnitura. I. T. Alvord. peopie." STORE. SECONDHAND VADA OCTOBER 5, S, 7. There 1 not a man. woman or child Va bay and anil all kinds of now in all Ogden who ha nut heard of er Call I second-han- d phone conLine good. The Oregon Short rperjsi Dr. Oiner, the unexplained healer, m. a. 5:45 ckar A Hsynsa, Frcps. 188 28th ference train leaves Ogden who hes been performing miracles in tna, Ind. 822, No stops en route, arriving Salt Lake hia office during the past week. The City 9:35 a m. Returning. jeav Balt Dr. has given free public demonstraPAUL ZIEOKNHIRT, Lake 8 p. m., arriving Ogden 5:80 tions in the Court House of hi healStore. Booand-Hanp. m. Sea elsewhere this paper, comhas proven to the peoyoa have anything ta sell ar bay plete time card. Your choice seven ing power and a doubt that healing in a 1878 Walk beyond ple or phono 1870 ta from Salt Lake and trains to City. 8584c. Ind. 578. reality: there ia not a gy the doctor doe not do luatantaneoua healing, MOTOR CYCLISTS INJURED. BL A. DENKER8 . such a Heart Trouble, Rheumatism eeeard-iII There is no pay tha idgheat prte far San di ego. CaL. Oct 3. Breeds and and various diseases. If for chance argument. furniture and sail ta tha publls people will motor left who here cyclists Herrick, 2418 Grant Ava. B cheapaat. Y., rail at the office, they will be taken to en route to Buffalo,-N- . Saturday, S20. 887-k- . homes Ind. and the penplc'a ins they wll) went badly injured at Escondido. Monfor tbemeve. q do not day. The paid were traveling Taut testify C- A CO, HERRICK names la the paper. J. pttliUeh patienB' when the machine Decamp unmanageSweceasera to H. L. White. Any Mie denIrliiK lo call will be welable and ran Into a" wall, throw-in-s If over hero ff Paror Journal offtco. ring your goode both rfde?s violently. The men an I come. sail them. Call Para 427 24th St Office hours I a. m. to Ssll Pheas machine will resume their Jmtrncy in 2342 Wash Ave. r tm r.nn.iltetion Free It Curse whan ether fall. Madam methedo. Fra cenaultatiM for any Cbrwnla Dtaeaaa of any Ham or nature. Every case suaranteeB, TRAIN 1 Stewart Opera Co. DoctorEstes Specialist PASSENGER Jo-ep- b pONVEHTIOI Nan- York, Oct. 3. With s new Orianilo W. Power of Kail Lake n march csllci Viva lAnicrlca" In his H. H. UoIbpp f Ogden air the two portniatcau.- - co:np,wpd In commemorawill lie offered "pon I he tion jf his visit to this country. Rug- men who giero Jonox Csvsllo. the comiwecr of "1 Pagllscci," "1 Medici," and other tipsrss, who is considered one or the greatest of living writers nf musical scores, arrived Iste yesterday afterWilhelm der noon mi the Kalrf-- r Urosse. A man of universal artistic: renown and nf an attractive personality, his coming is an event of great public. importance to the music-lovin- g known The "Msostro." as he wherever Italian opera Is heard, is to make a tour of the United Status and Canada at the head of Seals Orchestra of Milan. man. Leon Csvsllo is a Demom-aiibrimming over with good humor, and was Hcnixed ail the way over hy the passengers. Speaking of his vial:, ha - STRUCK BY A cum-psnic- iht GRAND Direction Eastern Mills and Factory, Manawa, Wis. fV-ie- The Republican county rommittae has established headquarters at rooms No. 21 and 28, in the First National Bank building. The first meeting of the committee will be Friday morning at the office of A. I). Clumbers and Friday there will be a Keeling in headquarters. A voting machine has been placed at headquarter where voiera SUDDEN CHANGE will be instructed how to vote. ' ed ss Laurence Da tun. etgn'een ei o'ti. afternoon srrcwtej Tt.e-r.a- .' f.n a aga-uspreferred him La i not Richardson, manager of th : firm .f Richardson d Grant. Thi nmrun. e t'ouu j A Hl'.sq-Ul.- l ilitw a cuiunluiui in which s aive.-tiMu- Tbs registry book will he again October fhh and 10th. opened 9 Take a package of this famous Health and brain building flour home with you New England Brown Bread A chance at ,and enjoy some good a right hot loaf will make you think you are in Boston where the Puritans made bread just like you can make from ALLEN'S SELF-RISIN- G B. B B. first-claFLOUR. All grocers retail and wholesale handle it. YOUNG MAN DROVE THEM TO A SECLUDED SPOT. the of it Weber club nmc,. i. VICTIMS (tec-live- pa-m- ui vtMiM.M., i,iu .or cn:. ,.ft m:: iv I Aliens Boston Brown Bread Flour GIRLS ARE t c lit ' TWO LIT TL E : Dont let :hr bm,: ti.m seuia. aoies or au i'c'i.ua of the Doan s Ointment ITAH. Ouli:.N, J . -- , trip 3IOISMM! That Captain Kiederirk Pabal ga f hi children Sl.uu.h0 prior lo hia ileit'h. because he wanted to be rerare to a cerlieved or hi bufcine tain extent, and becanae he wanted to see what they would do with ft. and how they would bear the responsibility. wa the theoftestimony of Henry Internal revenue, Fink, collector hefnr'i' Judge Caqienter in the county ester dm. The proceedings crjtul were i!:litiied lo determine the lax dnr the amount "f Inheri'anc at 4' e, They Fear the Light ' WHO DO THE WRONG BURO-LARSNEAK THIEVES AND THAT LIKE. A Turn on the Light ONE GREAT ADVANTAGE OF ELECTRIC LIGHTS OVER ALL OTHERS. 11 Lilt & Railway R. B. CAMPBELL, Gsnsral Manager SMUGGLING DIAMONDS New Dir is Wstched by tet Ssrvtos Men. Ysk Ses- E. W. WADE, Co. Agent latter, on reaching MontrwL learned that tha secret sarvte men wr w qtchfng him and h hia changed plane. Tha Jewel are raid to Tw in Montreal. It wa reported York. Oct. that among customs officials "SWINDLIRS WILL BE SHOT. who arOn for Every Fourteen Persona In a New York Diamond dealer, in Montreal, few rived ago daya a tha Cty. to smuggle aeroee tbe border El Peso. Texas, Oct. 8. A special to value of 8159.000. On th Herald tbe diamonds 3. The City of Now York. Oct. today from Chihuahua, says be United H. of E. Twobey. New York now ha one telephone for request the Mexican supreme court today Monla customs The representative New States Mtch fourteen persons. down a decision affirming th were handed death oeatencs In the cam of RichardYork telephone company announced treal, three secret service nea New York. It la said son. Hari and Msaon. the New York veslerday that In September It placed sent there from the suspect- Life insurance 7,5X4 new telephones in service, which they have been watching company swindler. i any previous ed man. Is l.ubO more than They will he shot. diamond the that tat The story month's gain. There are now !7G.,,u" telephone in were cut and polished in Amsterdam, declare Honolulu, Ocl. 3. Tbe United Stales that and that an English broker took thtmi m i vice. The mmtiany handed then. battleship Wisconsin arrived hero New York i now the beat telephoned to liODrinn. where h from Yokohama. I.i tho world." TELEPHONES IN NEW YORK. Nw yetidy ' |