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Show TIIE EXAMINER TELEPHONES EDITORIAL OGDEN, GREAT MASONIC DAY; MANY VIEW NEW TEMPLE ROOMS ladapaiHtsnt PIim tall 'Phan, Iw, rings rUSlNESS OFFICE InMptnMm Phons Boll 'Phono, ono ring EXAMINER: STOCKING Ns. El Na. 51 No. M The Beautiful Edifice is Visited By Thousands, Who Admire Its Interior Embellishments. . R. P. Lund, chief tioln agent of the Southern Pacific railroad, na la l)g-lie- yooieruay. honored wood, of police of William Lyacli. Pah Lake, attended I he Masonic tens pie dedication jesietday. lee-lum- After having hern followed from Ogden la Malt laki William Kollis. u Greek, was held up by two men near tho Rio Grande Vu siem ireighi yard at that plane Iasi Saturday uigbi and robbed of flail. Sega Lily Circle. Na 174 Women of Woodcraft, will give a ball at L'uhna park, Tueadar eienlng, September It. prise of ta.iw in gold will lie given to party bolding lucky number. Ad mission S3 oeuts each. Piank A. Chilion, geaeral car fore-maof tha Hsrnuian lines at thin place, has severed bia connection with the company and liaa aitrepied a pu liiau with the Kw Grande railroad at Salt Lake Iflty. hate hat - k fiimi hi r room Slid flic soiuew l.Hl HtiiHiltr, H MM' ofliHP 111 uni armory IimII kill ofliftin' quay- lent. These are all mi Ihe see- - ASSOCIATIONS would adds The passed by untold and the hu gift unnientioned oa thi not o with bis bre'lireu. who, greatly apprectatiiig tilts generuiisilv. demand some public of the gift settees and Tu preaen ling the chairs lie has evidently had in iniuJ ill. numerous times, when you uiadc llie great discovery wbleh is no airagestite and important lo He flat' iw. here is this delightful reMinu place, under the must favorable rondl lions, in eonifon and luxury, lie would have you learn, and learn well, the gieat truths of Masonry. Truths that are bow practiced In every civillxed rountrv under the aun and tliai assist In niimldliig the highest type of manhistd. wlii't silting In these comfort able clislrs, lie would have you ltssona In building: not in Imilillng temples of stone, bin In building chat a cl ts that will win (In- admiration of nieu. the approval of Gial and reflect glory upon the Fraternity. Tn presenting the altar uimn which Is tn rest the Word of God. lie desires that It should he suggestive m holy aasortaltpua, of sacred things, and that you should appnatch as revercut as Mimics near to tho burning hush, may Impressed while atanillug on hls saenri spot with tho presence of And ha wmild have Ihe altar ever in be a Silent reminder of the llai event evening. mutual Improvement room. ls the lieauty uf this donor. In his lUiKimiy, r Waiter Thoms Mills, the Dtied ou Socialism, will speak at Parry hall, corner Washington avenue and Twenty .third street, box I Tuesday N. L. 8purson f 2872 Washington a rerun atinnuirsv her mllllnnry open-InTneadav and Wednesday, September It and 1. All etirdlally tnvlied to come and Iwpnnt tho Hue of shape aud pattern hsis. MORNING, SEPTEMBER MONDAY 'cifUsiiuciiOB of this Bidroiiul wilfli. Here ,lef-plenhKraivo these oamea Tbs practM-ailidiperkiianie. d nor of thl& tablet and eugrs itf tT'tS ia J olw,IB i upon i'iigiukitm which you took when you tiecome The third floor con- - Mason. yourself "lei the altar he a landmark taiua a largo liHnquct hall and shall speak of the gial and good Hovftrnl smaller t tml t1 Mir. Held rooniM. lllns-trlmi- a mm-nicnre- d ex-re- 1' n beau-titvin- Uur brother, J. g. Ltwe. wliose father was sometime Master of Weber ljodge. No. 6. desires the acceptance mark vt of h:s hlstuiical tablet as bis strong attachment ;o (he Masonic Order. May tie. anil you M W. G. M. aud all ihe brethren present live long to continue the upbuilulnt of the causa cf truth iu thia temple and Anally ga'hi r one and si In that "temple not mamie with hands, eternal in the heavens Badcon Ramembered. Ti- t- grand master was shout to proceed will the regular dedicating when W. J. Bheaiy present l to Gran-Master Kidney Y. Badcon a gsvel flora I'lah niuhuganv, taken fioni 'he mountain! ea- -' of Ogden and lii'.'iivil aud (Hilishi'd by 'he boys of the fish State Industrial school. The and silver came finm L'lah mines sail the mounting anil engraving waa dune liy the Juha 8. Jewelry The gavel was a pro-cu- t company fnuii ihe Weber lodge id Kidney Bad-cii- n a- - s and slight token of a reward fvtr the services rendered by him which made the Masonic icinple a Wilha Beardslya Kindneee. W orshipful Master C. 1. Ives reported :hut he found on the altar heftnc him a new gavel, a must gift heavily mounted with silver, on whieh Wilas engraved the words: "From lis Heardsly tu Weber bulge No. A. A. F. and A. M., Ogden. I tah." The gift kNik for itself, the handle aud head cie made from the horn of the carilato or water buffalo, the native beast of burden in the Fhilippiue Mr. Beardaly had been honislautls. ored many times by his lodge, and while he ia not a resident of Ogden at present, he nevertheless remembered that Ht tho dedication uf Ogdens new Masonle temple a new gavel wmild lie in older. The gavel ia without doubt the gneaieat novelty in Dab. On the end of the handle is a miniature cariboo, aa true to life as It could possibly be made. The Architect Discharged. A. K. Barker then presented to the grand master the square, level and plumb, the nrtual tools used in erecting ihe temple, stating that he now surrendered the tools given to him when he was made aupervlaing archi ten to build the temple, snd that he had completed his work. The grand cere-luou- I s Ihil-Ippin- a tnlitif. Nel-Its- rominmlal ; ,cdMto" "w hh, Iarkor t,. - t. Hlr'ooki. o'1" ir I'rif in . tm-Mcn- t, Tf .line apritn. is,. t. "rr,;ri ,r.: - MYSTE h.-u- SELECT THE fr DIAMOND DEATH S'-oi- - LY IjHw-rn- lx-wl- Pay . Payment e consider I bis a fair proposi-fon- . Grind Junior tlisrvn. W. lev. Graml senior steward. A. T. Heards I'srker. Grand jtmior steward. John K. Ilerry. Grand ilir, Adolph Anderson. w. X O y Mil V M AT I N a i TJ.ljl.l tiHltUStittllfJIFft; fir Our Optical Business is Increasing And the reason s this: We hre devoting the same energy there as in other lines. It MlST he right, or not ai tsf-- A alL LEWIS CO. Clock. Before the dedicatory ceremony began John K. Baxley arooe snd n a few well chosen words presented tu Weber lodge or nehalf if If. C. Woid. who la hrrtrr .remembered as the of Papf. E. T. tlnlanlskl. a beautiful clock, which coat over STu. The wo. nl work was wnmght In Phlladei. phia and tho clock proper wo mud" In Boston. The clock is said to ho the n.iwt unique and expensive Mine Rockv mountain keeper In the Mr. Wsids is a member of regitm. Weber lodge and hla Manmic pride was tiiiirhrd when he saw shat his brother Mason were doing in llxdeu and he then-forsurpside them wiih hla royal gift. Nsw Furniture. Hardly had Mr. Bagiev retired when the 11 if. Samuel yiair anise and prr-- r sented on liehalf of Ahhn;t It., d the furniture In the lodge i Mr. Blair spoke sniist.-intuilss son-ia-la- 1 & i l- - A Beautiful e lley-woo- Rev. Blairs Address. 'I have the to pic.-en-t to thi RY SURROUNDS . V ti,e Ik Men Wi-qjarerte and I'Lr a Mora a was a The house y FOUND 'half hour before the curtain ' IN SHULL y CANAL j ! Tramp Detective,four act presented by- company, W. W. rector. - a drama in the Ltahra dl- Bitner, I - j Alp-bot- wo-ma- "first-nighters- DAY OF ( Brigam. Sept. 19th. Via Oregon Short Line; 75r nuird rip. Special train leave Ogden, f id i. in. Returning apecial leave Brigham midnight. Free peaches, free me;. ns: all you can eat. Evert budy MEN, WOMEN AND MEALS. When men suppoec that dinner g.t whether they are at home at no', hilKir under a curious Arthur Fendenys. wriiiu mt this melancholy fact, dechmv. Some one once said that an ordimm-- t Oman's fsvorhe dinner ia an egg u i drawing room. A'l women halt- a isoaiun for something on a tray. To .he masculine miud things on a uav arc unsatisfying; but tu the femi-.iiiiniaiiii.x '.tody they embody the very from hesveu." Ii ia easy to iiiiibr-unthat Arthur Fyndcny oi anv nher masculine mind' might haw trouble in comprehending the why auj ihe wherefore of this debiliialim; tuste; hut no woman would be at a loss to explain it. it comes from ilie 'atigue which woman suffers at (lie result uf her colossal task of fiviiiiiman. To nourish the human rui-- is the appoinled work of woman. A! th-very Inception of life thia is her lnmn and never can txlstence be so liin , so free, so heroic or so beautiful, th.it she must not uuuae three times a G.iy beud her mind to il or more-- to menu that shall please her lord. 81 a has been accused of writing iui epic; it ia said she la incapable of composing un oratorio, of designing a cathedral, or conceiving an Iii'Itcrt statue or painting a picture of quality. The retort is that she might have done something of tho kind if the men had not been hungry so frequently or Insistently. To he the nourlshor of thch unran race i( an undertaking m prodigious tbai ! is a marvel that the men exaspcvaiiun of being chained to the larder hunot made friends or lunatics mil of women and from squaw to couuicsm. their Buffering in thia regard have points of similarity. Is it. any wonder then, that with the man out of the way. the woman seeks escape from the tyranny of food, and "eats srr wherries by moonlight un a Reader. flowery lwnkT-T- he " d j ever-hungr- y TO ELY, NEV, EXCURSION Friday, Sept. 28th. Grand celebration Ely. Xev.. account opening Nevada Northern Ry. Fare, round trip, Jlti.50. ' the record of the erection of the temple anil the names of the various oifi. eers anil commitlnea. tier. Browns rmarka were aa follows: Rev. Brown's Address. M W. G. M: It la a great honor fur me to lie permitted to sneak to this august assembly and on this solemn occasion Kverv artist hy hts work declares the doctrine of God. and of eternity. Fur art Is "Eternity revealThe temple In ing itself in lime. Jerusalem represented Jehovah, and the work of every architect, of every poet, of every sculptor and pa Inter nsttflna to the Eternal One. This temple which we assist In dedicating this day, attests the doctrine of lrtiv Temples and dries demv. and damn temples and ete rise upon thetir ruins. .Men cf la'er geticrnthins dig Into the foundations cf built, ami And deep dwn in the earth the blstorv of the former temple and elriss. mrbtdlnq the mr-irand the names of thnse ws contrived and wrought and fought in hv. gon days. Une if the methoilK of making indelible rorordw was engraving on brass or bronse the name end facs to lie Here on this beautifni pp served. l'ilnr l a tablet. In great p.nt sliver, lecnr.linx the names if the eotiimitters to whom was com mil r ml i lie pl.inn ng tnl rtpertisiag of tho ntag-finirie- d Service Over Remains of Mrs. Thomp-o- n and Charles Raw Yaatarday Simar Body Arrives Today. Funeral serviette over the remains of Charles Rowe were held at the Third ward meeting house at 4 oclock yesterday afternoon. Bishop's Counselor G. Torgeaon presiding. Music was furnished by the ward choir. Mien Bessie Blair. Earl Vst and Miss L. A. Farley. The speakers were George H. Bradshaw, J. TV. F. Yolker and Bishop James Wotherapoon. All spoke in high terms nf the honorable and exemplary charaeter of the deceased. There waa a large attendance and a lieauriful display of floral offerings. Interment was in the City cemetery. Mra. Elisabeth V. Thompson. The funeral of Mrs. Elisabeth V. Thompson was held at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon at. the First ward meeting house. Bishop D. H. Ensign officiated. The ward choir sang three Helen Ions. Mark Brown sang a solo, Fans to Face. and Benjamin Crltrh-losang a solo entitled O My Father. The speakers were Elders Richard Rye and Horace Garner and Bishops A. Bingham and D. H. Ensign. All apnkd of Mrs.. Thompson as a loving mother, a devoted member of the Latter Day fliiints church and expressed their faith in a glorious resurrection. Tho services were largely attended and many beautiful floral tributea were nffered. Interment was in the City The grave waa dedicated hy Jiihit C. Childs. 8amul Satin-factor- term M. G. BARNES Music Dealer Grand Opera House A. Aimer. was received yesterday announcing the death of Bamuel A. Binter. aged 2A. at Uul'e. Mont., of heart failure. Ills body was shipped to Ogden at 2:45 o'clock thia morning and will arrive at B:5S this evening. Fred Simer. a brother of the deceased, will accompany the remain. They will he taken to Larkin A Ron's undertaking establishment, where they will be prepaed for burial. Mr. Bimer la survived by a wife, a son and a daughter, who are now visiting in Ogden, and who expert to make their bom here. The deceased was member of the order of Red Georg-.- - Mil'n-r- . aged, BA. was found in Men at Butte. a 'lying :n in his room in the house of El tin' r Jones, corner of Grant BLAIR LEAVERS TODAY avenue and Twenty-sevent- h si reel, Inst after o'clock Mr. shortly night. .Incs and hL fiimtly had been attend- Former Paater of Methodist Church Goes to El Paae, Texas. ing eh'iicli and when they returned they found Mr. Miller In a critical conRev. Samuel Blair, formerly pastor dition. They it once summoned Dr. r the First Methodist rhurch of this Maker, but bvfo-- r he arrived Mr. Mil-I- ritv. will leave today for El Paso. Texhad expired. Death is a'trthmed as. where he ha bean given a pasto to rheumatism, which, it is thouclii. ra'e. His successor. Rev. David Trane affcc'eil hi heart. nf Nebraska, will arrive on the after Mr. Miller, arcnfiipHiu-hv his wife noon of September in. Rev. Blair's mid ten children, came to Ogden from congregation regrets that he has been Spring nty. Trail, ahoir one month assigned to another charge, for he has g". lie had employ nient mu only won many intimate friends with .lone Bros., a patent medirlno while hero hy hla kind disposition, but firnf. and was living with Elmer Jones, has succeeded In paying off a mortone nf the members of the firm. He gage of long standing, a labor for had heen suffering from a severe which the 'emgragaritm cannot bat of rheumatism during the past he thankful. ' hn'e weeks. Sheriff Behring was notified and he EXCURSION TO DENVER. impaneled a Jury composed of M. J. Colorado Spring and Pueblo, Hewitt, it. T. Utanrett and Hcher Heber Coleman. They viewed ihe a September 21, 22, 23. last night and the remains were removed to The morgue. 117.73 round trip. Via Inlon coroner iiigiiol will lie held this Ticket good Pacific, to return until October ntcrnuiR. in. SuiKivcr allowed. cr its purity of torn! If you are thinking of buying a now l'iauo b suit to call at our warerooms anil loos over our offering. Upright a and (3 rands of superior workmanship. Don't let your children learn to play on uu old, worn out l'iauo that will apoil their touch and y technique, but get cue of our flue instrument. Jti cem-eier- A ntcHsuge ANNOUNCEMENT THE VIENNA CAFE WILL OPEN A DELICATESSEN DEPARTMENT IN CONNECTION WITH OUR CAFE Caterer in Delicate-c- n for Dutch Lunclie purlieu, pirnie, etc. Tourist lunches put up. You can be served with any delieaey in Reason. 'o such variety i offered anywhere outside of New York nty, Chicago or Onr'nhr Pan Francisco. our is tn pat-,- , please ject ron. Agents for (he celebrated Booth's Eastern pints, pints Oysters in and quarts. Cans on iee. For sale at the counter. 2 at-ta- mi-iliihm- SS'Zt Our place is so conducted that yon can bring your wife and daughter with perfect safety, and the pleasure Is yours. A complete line of imported and domestic Wines, Whiskies, Brandies and Gins, and all kinds of Cordial. In fact, every article in the line known for purity and good quality. Salads, Cold Meats, Cheese and Hmoked Meats. Lunches put up short notice. - THE VIENNA 320 Twenty-Fift- h PHONES: Ball, 783: ind, 824, t .H ih-T- DAY EXCURSION. It is Angelic FUNERALS I. ; . PEACH , s in-- i. season will be a aucceaaful one. whi. should be the esse, for the gtiers are given a dollar ahow a: p,.p- - ular prlct Tn "The Tramp Detective presented at the I'tahsa theater last night by- the the man Stock I'tahsa the company, MRS. LARSEN DJtOWNED IN IRRI - ! UMiellt fUI1j piece that met wlli GATING DITCH. instant fxror and The coin p nay, uhiuh i the beat stuck company the house ha ever had, was given a splendid The many old favorite of the Effectiva Work by Sheriff Behring and theaters-giierwere estended ovations Deputias in Organising Searchat (heir appearance upon the stage. ing Partita. Manager Grant and Director Bitner ann to be congratulated upon their effort-lbringnig Lugether such a rapabh The lifeless body of Mr. Henry Larcuuipauy. sen, who had been absent from home The production deals with the tri-.- ' since last Tuesday morning, waa found id a couple of young men in the Pen. sylvan! coal field, whooe yesterday forenoon lying face dow in about three feet of water iu an troubles are brought about by- asebet irrigating ditch a short distance from iug "sharp' and unwilling aecomplicv her house on Recond street at Five Scenes are laid in New York and i Fuiuts. Bhe was found by Peter Van little town in the great coal field. The Sweden, a meiubei oC a searching par- murder of the heroines father hy tin the ty organised yesterday morning by villian, who accuses the hero of Sheriff Behring. Aa the body was crinie and cuukhk the separation of the found near a little footbridge whim lovers; the bringing tu justice of thi crosses the stream It is thought that villian and reuniting of the hero and Mrs. Larsen lost her fuming while heroine forms the plot of the producwalking on the bridge and fell head tion. H. B. Carpenter, aa Tom Dailey, the downward Into the water. InMrs. Larsen had been living with tramp detective, gave a splendid the her won Lewi. She was first missed terpretation of the part, sustaining and last Tuesday morning, but the young entire eaiisfuction of the audience man supposed that she had gone on a waa fully deserrant of the reception he received. Fred Moore as George Dalton visit, aa she bad been speaking of vis- and Zcllsh Covington a Lbngshot n wistcr-iJewell. Mrs. her iting law, themselves very well Ixtng. acquitted who had her relatives, Kridag evening In roles that are thankless sad devoid become alarmed because of her abof sympathy. Judge O'Dowd in the he Blierlff and notified sence, Behring capable hands of VY. W. Bitner. "Big immediutely instituted a search. Dep- 11111 won instant favor as well as apmust uties Wilson and i'lurk spent hi entrance. E. F. Tayof the day Saturday In looking for her, plause upon a lor, young member of ihe promising but without avail. in the role of Frank Rowden. company, BeEarly yesterday morning Sheriff Mias Pearl ably bandied the role. u hring and Deputies Clark aud Bliaw Ehiier, a Utah girl and slater of went to Five Points and organised a who plays leading role Either, party. Borne of them were instructed in Ben Hur, In the part of Constancy to follow the irrigating dltrhes, while mgde a pronounced impression by the others searched for the missing wo- very earnestness of her work. Aa Nora man In the brush along Ihe foothills. O'Dowd, Hi i Wilbur extracted all At the same time the water in the the comedy possible from the part and ditches was shut off and to this fact is wss accorded a "baud several times attributed Mra. Larsen's discovery, as throughout the performance. A a Mary the officers had passed the spot where Jjogan. the very much wronged she was found, but did nto see her on Mrs. Bitner giving a splendid account nf the depth of the water. protrayal and was accorded a recepPeter Van Sweden had followed the tion by the Chris Moditch in a noriheaaerly direction about ran. who first appeared with the Bit-lione block from the house, when he company In Ogden about eight saw the body in the water. Mrs. I .al- years ago, doubled in parts of ien had been in the habit of crossing an Irish "cop" and old man Ihe stream at this point to gather Bheldon. The many old friend of brush In the field. It Is supposed that Moran extended him the glad hand. she wsh crossing the stream for this Chris" has not forgotten how tn win purpose when she lost her footing on applause with hla song and dancea. .. M. Devere as Dusty Hoggan. Sedley the bridge. The body, which was In a good atate Roach as Josh Honeycutt, A. R. Harof preservation, waa removed to Lar- vey as Ruben Turner and LJUlan Oskin's morgue, where it Will be prepared born as Swipes were very good. fur burial. An Inquest will be held at - A feature of the peice la the sensational leap from a house top to a tree 10 o'clock thia morning hy the following Jury: A. E. Peterson. Peter Roy- lii the third act by Mlaa Either and E. er and N. Nelaon. all of Five Points. F, Taylor. The stage setting waa Mrs. Utw was M years of age good. Specialities were presented by and la survived hy two sons, lrawia Larsen and Emil lausen. The funeral will he held at the Lynee ward meeting houoi! at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. The remains may be viewed between the hours of io and 1 on the day of funeral al the borne of Emil Larsen on Second street. aus-e- . mding rvk.ru only Mgu was n,-If the company is gietied by a au.lifuces in the fir ure ns uey last night, it is needles tu say i -- and if yuit par, say tU'f.'v' for the the alone, we will buy u iisrk at the end of w year for $'u n.l, cash. 1WG H,r M brother John Uingletoa wtl--kn.n to all in Ogden g anxious to help forswid the of our cly. and to rnobi Mar rotit an Frelata of E: Monte that men who have bowed around the altars nf for this inagni-tirenl- . Masonry ill the past and who have Preparations Meet mgs of the Mutual Improvement perfumed the Temple hy their Ptriiilnro won who were' always well association of liir Weber alukn were aliont tin year ago. Informeddeeds; hold yesterday with a largo attendand reliably Intelligent; ance. ttitirers ol all the young ladio Work on oxcHriitioii began whose hearts of love best In sympathy-wlttheir feluw men. and whose hands orgonlsatinns csnpi three, aud all April 27, lOtlo, uml tho eornor of charity were extended u helpful- master accepted the Pail end mid he two of tbs young mens orianlou-llnnhad Inspected the work and found it liiiii 1 1N 1,1. .Iiino 11, ness to the needy. wore present. Among tha apexk-er- a Ptoiio was In these heautlful perfect und relieved the architect were Susie Y. t'aum of the Young Tho rout of tho building and presenting randiest leka, In whrh shall lie placed from further duty after thanking him ladles general board and H. F. Grant folltld I. ahoilt f,iO,(MMI, gild the lighted tspers, (loither lteywood for hia faithful service. of tho Young Mens general board, then summoned Each organisation held two sesainna thf furnishings uboilt $.'l,tMNI. utendsd that they should be more than theThe grand master o At rent befote him and lodge lie grand them hava b1 mild to to m. 10 a. one and at tho si; day. during There in non u Imndrol Ml tu hra at I p. m. and a Joint session wni ,ho liv M,Hr thp uds said : ftdnoNH of nlMtiit M'litt'll room, lights thixiwlnii their hsliful rays Worshipful Mauler and Brethren: bald In the evening. "Masonic records inform ua that In The subject Air diacuaatira during tht Iihp Itooii nniallv plmnil Im- - "P,,n ,he or'l "? fut wlilrh Is the tha Ma year 1S74 Weber Isslge No. A wa which nnon fiMindatlon tnith of morning aessinn of the Young ladies t lift Ogdftli Mato ltiltik, In Ogden, whh Hro. Dr. more organised beatiliful a woolly reari temple was: "How do you pro illry organisation Master. Since which RoV Worshipful thft of than and the 1'irst National lrnilk and. comtemple enduring the , puaa lo Introduce and conduct onc ,h,, l0J, ' " time Welter Lodge figs advanced slowing year workf The apeakara were t h o National the earth.hlh ly but ameiy. Aud many time In the Miss Julia Hawkea, Mrs. Ruby Hco. "Mr brothers, tty word of God early history of the order In Ogden, ville and Mina Jenentte McKay, Abort bank. The work of construct Ion which shall rest upon thle altar and the advancement waa nnder tha most speeches were made by Patrlarrh Da The vtd McKay, Bishop E. T. Wiailcy, Kllen baa MHIt Hilltop till' lieooti..ii whuse pages shall lie Chiinlnaied hy adverse circumstances. baa progress been no ; lhe tght that, shall fall frm candle of this lodge, however, we T. Stanford and Mr. Cates, lies trice are caled Off1. It. I COM, t orplilpfll! Mhm- - placed In these reeeidarlee. is the complete that today Parley muig a solo. to dedicate this beautiful hall. Tbo speakers during tha afternoon tftr Mulouo Il.r.,dml FiwlVoli; TsfrVn,.l,y upon "To tee the lodge room la, and I beThe session were: Mite Martha Rimpanu, L. t . Tilt I ariillll'CtP wort' A. gulden fleei which his isen soien lieve It ought to be, one the Ideals Blsbopa James Taylor, John Watson and J. A. Smith, 1111 the garments Which even- Frae of every masoii. There Is no place ( and Robert MrQuarrie and Mm. Elina F. which a mason should be more proud. Thl ,n',h form McCune. Tha regular weekly meeting conlniH xvork wn Mltmn and Hnev Miiiii There ia where a name may lie had of ,hia might, of thle organlialiun will begin next ill . Ilumpll, BrcMherlmod. till hailda uf This hag made MwKnnry which the world cannot take away, Tuesday eveaing. Ihe greutest human organlMtioa in the but which the world Could not fall to os. The lopice dlbcuaned at tha young world and its atthlinie and Immortal honor; a' retreat Where obligation menB meetings were: "Cigna Work 1 ho Tftllltlo nPMoi'irit loll coin-- , precepta will he helpful to men for means the very soul vd honor; where Improvement, "Missionaries,' utvuibersblp algnilles rectitude; where tn it lot won rompoiM'd of S. Y oeniiiries to come. Fund," and supplementary "And now. brethren, la behalf of duty is voluntary ; never forgotten: 1. S. A. id Tha it It. win, reading. regular weekly eetlnka Hiitlt'ou, Brother lteywood, I present to the where God ia revered and government of this organisation will begin the first IIo.vwihmI, I?. T. F. V. members of the Masonic Praternlty-thi- s iwtalncd: where good cltixenship ia' llntno, confcrcuce. after Tuesday general ftirniture which he hopes wlil the passport to. and charity the adornYoll and W. .1. Slioaly. help tn meke thle lodge eo attractive ment of the bulge room: where mm 4 11011111 Ijr at o'clock tho that every tnrtnhef of the Craft will have a standard value, based un dePEACH DAY EXCURSION. Moll tliriKil otr ill (lift be found in hU plane on rach meeting terminate principles. light After which ihe temple was dediBrigham, Sept, ttth. largo hull, tho visitor retired W1- cated according to ancient maaoulo r Via Oregon Short Une; 75c round Mini WclM-bulge of Ancient I nefore Rev. seat H. customs and UNages which are not for trip. Special train leave. Ogden H:IU II lid MiimoIIN I', linker hnd the Boor aud pdesented publication. Acci'plod a. m. KeturalDg. special leaves BrigHerbert R. Macmillan delivered the of Five iiearhen; , free wa called to order for the !" ,h' ham midnight. lie dwelt key hunging on a polished flah onyx oration of the occasion, melnns. All you can eat. Everybody HII t"MO uf iliillcnlllig the toil!- - tablet. The key Is of g pattern made iMiilrelx on Masonic aubjocta and watt Invited. us file. (Ivor two lilllidlvd .Man- - ri'l,,l",L' ego In the old world, and greeted with a thunder of applause rehe closed the ceremonies. The 1,01 ,n !,,,lrMn1 on were mid. dmKod . doors of King Solomon a temple porter would like to publish his speech, ill tliftir white Kigm- - on Mount Moriah, It I said to he g but fearing Mnsnnic discipline, be has link connecting an- - decided to follow Mark Hanna's adtil'll tliftir n'adillOMMH to pro- - v,r- - Imimrianl vice and stand pm. At the conclusion of the ceremonies Dr. H. N. Mayo, head of the thtr'y second degree Ma1). j Temple association responded. Ol'khjjtflll .M II Ht cr of rtah, announced that on the Ivo had hartllv calhil the I h'HMe nld he felt that the receiving of sons Mst of neit nion'h the Masonic temwas a like crown ncl'ni key ...... put e.l.ie l,ulm to ( W III 11 t III oflii in the WpImt lodge h.v the ancient Ma- - ple at Bait loike City would he dediof the grand lodge of I'tall 'unir hretbren. The directors had cated and lie invited Ogden Murom were iinuuiinctil hihI wen f''11 ,1,,rt,a ,hwi'-- 'Mbo 'h evidences to be present. cre not uimeni of a j ariaprompt. tltllllllli d and tookjiug fr.iin some influencequickening that waa ud- charge of tile proceeding). The 'bil.uisl and separate fiotn tha' also aciorded be the uiembcrs. grand liMlge ollicciK wlio ut luriily "The duties l been, although ti'mliMl wen: made elcai hy ravs of light Most worshipful grand iiiiiMicr. K. W. lib'll ever seemed over and beyond. Hadenn. The architects hud given rheerfnl and Deputy grand maaier. A. S. chiip-msn- itiie'llgent diligence supplemented hy the enthusiasm of the contractor. Senior graml surdeii. James II. "Now, this temple, erected primal t! Hrwn. the craft, was the Masons contri-IJunior grand wnrdcu. Genige V. tint to the arch It eet ure snd beauty Schramm. of UKileo. Ibivlng here the Are! Ma Grand tressmer. John 8. sontr temple rreelel in the Rtvck moim-uiWe will nllmr you to altr your Grand serreisry. Christopher Diehl region, the people were bound to choice .'nun a paper of loose Grand chuulNin. John M. Msnsen. It and the Masons lo rherGEORGE MILLER FOUND IN A rand orstor, II. K. Muetnillan. stones, where yon cej make care, tsh It. DYING CONDITION. ful ronipsrisona srd si- Grand lectiirci. It L Cnnely. Silver Tablet. HOW .Ml'Ch U weighs; rui'ipt it Grand niitrshal. Satn C. i'ark. 1'ev. Alfred Brcwn then nrose and la any tort cf a moun'nlng and lei Grand ptirMilvan'. Ilarry Knowles. t'fcri nn'! to the lodge silver lab-- , you laVe it with you. You may Grand standard bearer. C. W. let Tor snd in liebalf nf John S. The Deceased Was a Former Resident Tile tablet whs fastened to the Aral for it on Our Easy nf Spring City, (iiMPd sword benrer. .1. II. McCoy. ' pillar supporting the gallery. It gives Utah. C'lilnr A. Y. Mela-ishucnrou. Greud Pfon Attendance at Meetings Yesterday Afternoon. Largo BODY n-- e I IT, Com-msndr- v. St No. UTAIT, Street Taltphon at Each Tabla |