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Show EXAMINER TELEPHONES EDITORIAL ROOMS M BUSINESS OFFICE Nl Independent 'Pkana Na. Ball TO ana, ana ring M aortal vill ba given e ward amusement hall tonight In honor of David F. Start Tb Socialist party convention, for the BoaitnMlon of the county ticket, win ha held at the county court hc.as reeom-menda'io- tonight. Jim. E. H. Line, of 4M Tvoi'ier--on- d atreat, gave an enjoyable dinner tail evening In honor nf Mrs. Dugan and Mm. Brownell, who are preparing to leave tha cliv The efforta of the committee ap pointed by tb Weber make prirsi-hooIn attempting to secure better conference mtea from Ogden have, it ia aald. not with aucreva. During a conference heid by I he officials of the Oregon Short Line nnd the Rio Gmnde War era railroad. It was agreed that tha desired reduction he made. The rata will be $1.U) f.r the round trip, tirketa good tv returning to Oct. IS. The commlitee waa compoaed of Janie otherspi, Heher Scow prof l. Freaident L W. Shuitliff and Nathan J. Ham. d At a meeting held at the officra of Beokerage rnmpauy ike offlcem and directum of the Fairview Southend Minina copranay, the name of ihe comiiany wa changed to be knows hereafter an the South Fairview Mining coatpeny. Tine iep nf another waa neeeaMrj Mi porpornilmi claiming the name name by prior applicailou. Tho offlcem and ilirecioro nf (he Homlt FUirview Mining company nre: Dr. ('. U. Coulicr, preai. dent; John Hudson, of Nevada Hill, vice prealdem; Ralph Hoag, treasurer; Dr. R. M. Conroy and H. C. the Inter-Slat- e by Mar tea, To mold the ncrumnlation of too greet n vnlume uf business, the city council inet last night and disposed of many matter, the aldermen having postponed thetr meeting one night oan acoutint of Labor day. The and of the bnilding of grounds committee that the lease the Ogden General Hospital assorts-thbe renewed foe a period of acven yesra si a rental of $25 a year, with the aseurance of the association that the sum of 98.UOO la to he expended In iuiirovenient during the uteautl'au hniught up a question the ultimate diepoisil of sblrb may mean much to the city. After one of the council-mehad moved that the report be adopted. Dr. Boweis arose end IJndatone, Hit U. director; gennral manager; J. 1. Holliday, secBrokerage retary of the Inter-Statcompany, aeeretary; Jdin A. Kirby, general mauuger of the Nevada Hill, cuuauUing engineer e FIR9TLEGAL HANGING. n the assembly In words which left no doubt as to his moaning. Among other thins he said: Thta is a valuable piece of property and la worth much tv the nty. We have had an nundauce of promises, but there have boeu nu peiceptlhle Improvements during the peal eight or ten yesra. Ogden la growing and the road It Iona demand Improvements along this line. They say they are going to invest $6.00(1 in luipruieiuenia. It is poasllile that they Intend to ralxe the rof a few feet and pul lit three or four more coop for oilers, etc., and arrange thing to suit IbeniM-lveregardlova of the Interest of lire cite. Would it not be muck betirr to lot them have the building at a cash renial, to make the Improvements to suit the needs of tb city and charge the association for ItT" After a brief delllieratlon the committee withdrew the recommendation for one week. Councilman Flygare railed the ciaie-cll'- a attention to a communication whlrh he bad received from Mias Irene Limburg, lu whlrh alia requested that ahe lie granted $ 7S for damages and Injuries auatalned by her lu falling I hi oiigh a hole In the sidewalk on the north aide of Thirtieth street, between Uncoln and (irenL avenue. She that In falling she sank to her neck In ihe nmd and slush and almost drowned, and that her dress was absolutely mint'd . Tha matter waa referred lo the law committee. A petition was received from tho a Vlnltn, 1. T.. Pepl, 4. Robert Cot-tocolored, who last year murdered hia wife, literally culling her body Into picrea. waa executed hern today, lie Cunfeaaed. It wae the Aral legal hanging ever held In the Northern board of edurstkm requesting that as It had been ascertained that the city dial rlct uf Indian iTerrltory. cannot acquire a lien on acbnol property for work done on adjoining curbSTOPS ANY ITCHING. ing nnd guttering the taxes, amounting to 923.91 askessed against the board Daan'e Ointment Cum Eeseme and for rurbla gand guttering near the northeast corner of tlft Central school Itching Pltee Ogdon Faop4 Recommend It property be canceled nnd that nlmllar set ion be taken reapecring all like One application of Doan's Oatmeat claims. The request waa mad at the ny Itching. Bhorf treatment Instigation of George E. Maule. who op cure eczema. itching pile. alt rheum has purchased a portion of the Central any akin eruption or akin Itching. It school property. The law committee bela tbs cheapest remedy to use, waa Instructed to consider the matter. cause o little of It la required lo bring The law nomnditen waa Instructed relief and s cure. Her Is Ogden te cooperate with the city engineer In to prove it: estsbllnhlng the botidnry line on the Jamea Jenkins, a aton mason of east aid of tha city. This matter was -GA Stcnod street, Ogden, I'tah, nays: brought up on account, of tha difficulty Over three months ago I procured of collecting tha liquor license at the B. W. Iladcon'i Doan's Ointment at Sanitarium. drug store, 1 had hoea bothered for Mayor Conroy returned new water I yearn with Itntnnff pllea. Nothing works franchise without hi approval me could get done any permanent and attggeaieu that If the franchise good. I used one ointment nnd naive which la now In the hands of the water after another, but they all failed lo committee la not aufflrlent, the mailer help me. I had little faith la Dnaa'a should be dropped and the water comOintment, yet I commenced to nae It. mittee and ihe city attorney should It helped me from the Aral, lta sooih-In- be Instructed to draw up n franchise effect waa aotlceeble from the Aral, that la satisfactory to both the comfriend of mine baa naed Doan's Kidney mittee and the city. The veto was susPills for backache and general run tained. down con (IP Ion of the kidneys. Doan's Among the many bills that were preKidney PUla here dune him a world of sented wa one front F. M. Farrell for good and practically i ..red him. 940.77 fnr Iron plaice used on the For sale by all dealers. Prira, BO rldewalka at the Intersection of streets. Co.. cents. Buffalo, Mr. Thomas objected, saying that no New York, tote agents for tbs Called member nf tha round) should be Btate. to contract such dcMa without Remember the name Doan's and Aral securing the approval of the countake ao other. cil. Mr. Flygare explained that both members of the committee and the mayor had Instructed Mr. Farrell to make no more plates fnr the city. On motion of Mr. Thoms the chair appointed n committee of three to audit the bill and Instruct Mr. Farrell to stop making more plates, letter In the evening the roiinrll adopted a resolution. as prepared by Mr. Thomas, to the effect that no councilman he allowed to make an expenditure of more than 2U without flrat securing the ap- - g Foater-Mtlbur- n d proval of the munrtl, this resolution to he applicable In all cases except lu the matter of purcha-dnconi during the winter season. On recommendation of the flnttnce committee, the contract, for const rurr. Ing the sewer n Fowler avenue was awarded lo Wheelwright Row,' company. On recommendation or the and city engineer the petition nf John Browcmft A Bns t'o.. t construct s rtaduct over Wall avenue, was granted. The report nf the city engineer slat irg that on necount of the protest to rnrblng and guttering on Adams avenue and Thirty flrt street. It would not be safe to dcclure that Jurisdiction had been obtained, was adopted The claim of W. I Maglnnla for 92SH for services rendered the rlM to date was referred ti. the finance comstreet-committe- SELECT THE DIAMOND We will allow ymi to take your ehMce from a paper nf loose atones, where yon can make careful comparisons end eee EXACTLY HOW' M1TH It weigh; mount It la any anrt of a mountain an-- let you take It with you. You may ! Pay for it on Our Easy Payment Plan j and if you pay. say Sinu.pn for the ihe store, we will buy it hack at the end of a year for !n on, rath. We comtider thw a fair propnsi Una. o TE,tUSi mittee. The application or Mrs Jane Lnler for the granting of 75 for .lamages done to hi-- House and fiiruluue by the water from ditch. w;is referred u the law committee. The recommendation of the flnanre committee (hat the auditor lie ftisinir; ed to dra-- i a warrant for 12.477 op. the amount due the county for rnllccritiK taxes, was adopted On petition of the rtiirens on Vndison avenue, between Twenti seventh and Twenty eighth streets, the city eglnerr was Instructed publish a notice of intention to build curbs and gutters at that place. r c From Our Optical Business is Increasing j And the reason Is thta: We a devoting the same energy there as In other line. It MUST hr r:ghi or not at all. ari wf wJ.. LEWIS & CO. THE FRENCH DEMOCRACY. STICK-D- To- varluua poai .iit The eaUre contents of a house (la tort) for vale at a barStandard Office. gain. Address five-roo- The following Iliad yesterday: William Middleton to D. R. Lang-Inlpart of lot 17, block 4, Booth Ogden survey. J. C. Nya. administrator, to Xepq Hardy, part of the south west quarter of section 11, township ( north, range 2 west. Nephi Hardy and wife to William Gratg part of tha northwest quarter of aacrioa 4, township I north, range 3 west. Nerhi Hardy and wife to W. J. Farlter part of the northwest quarter nf section 11, township I north, range I west. N'rphi Hardy and wife to Edna Dickerson part of the southwest quarter of auction 11, township 5 north, range I west. IV. J. Parker and wife to Edna Dickerson part at the northwest quar tar of auction 11, township 6 nortn, range 2 west. lamia fjutwnnd to David Morgan the Cottage hotel, 3516 IJncoln avenue. a . , t; CASE Met. Potter ef Femley, Nev.. flays She Saw Mr. Weber at Window Crying far Aald. Biers niento, Sept. 4. A startling affidavit In behnlf of Adolph Wehrr, murdered his convicted iff having lumber it Auburn, was filed with Governor Pardee today. Mrs. Isabel Potter of Femlev, Nevada eoutity, deposen that after the Weber house was briskly hunting, she saw Mrs. Wisher ( in upper window crying for aid The defense of the prosecution was that Weber first killed his victims and then aet lire to the house. In the hope 'if concealing evidence of the murder. Mra. Potter avers that ahe told the ahcrlff and coroner the circumstances as Muled in the sffidavlt, hnl she wan uni rilled as a witness fur either side. HORSE WISCONSIN MUST GO. Milwaukee, Bspt. 4. Gov. James O. wsa today nominated to Davidson to nrihbtn, tb faithful and sturdy old farm hnraa, writes David Beecroft In Technical World Magazine for Beptemher. No longer will "the plowman homeward pled his wearr way. Instead, he will simply turn on the second speed of his agricultural motor car and go dashing up the lane to the farmhouse at tbe rate of twenty mllea an hour. In the early month of 1903. whal proved to be the first successful gasoline agricultural motor appeared, at nearly all nf the great agricultural competitions of the season In England, and carrying off the gold medals from H- i- horse in every i. y head tbe Republican state ticket, havben-rooing defeated Speaker Irvin 1 of the last assembly, his rnly opponent by a majority that may run as high as ZO.OU. Davidson carries w' h him his running mate, A. Connor (a Marshfield fur lieutenant governor, who defeated John B. Strang of Oshkosh, for second place. For Ihe Democrats, John Aylwsrd of Madison, is leading Ernest Merton of Waukesha, for first place and John O'Meara of Milwaukee, appears to he ahead uf Mlrhael F. Blerskl of Milwaukee, for second plane. The vote was comparatively Itght. Davidson won the nomination in spite of the fart that United State Senator Lafolette canvassed tha state for Inroor, making speeches for hla candidate In nearly every portion ot the Btate. Davidson and several oi his adherents also made an arrive canrasa.. The Prohibitionist! and Social Iyum ocrata named their state tickets in convention some time ago and the candidates ware voted for In com plianre wtth the primary law without opposition. For congress Republicans were nominated aa follows- - Sixth district. Alvl Dreger, MayvIHe; Seventh, John .1. Each. La Croasr: Eighth, J. H. Davidson, Oshkosh: Eleventh. John j. Jenkins. Chlpprka Falla. Return the nomination of Joseph W. Babcock Third district, and H. A Cooper in the First district. Democrat for congress nominated without opposition are:Second district. George W. Ixvn. Madison: Third, J W. Murphy. Plattevillp; Fourth, Thomas J. Fleming, Milwaukee; Fifth. J. C. Donnelly. Milwaukee: Sixth. Charges H. Welsoe. Sheboygan: Seventh. Charles F. Hill, Bllack River Falls: Ninth. Philip A Tenth. Dennis D. Hadonr, Oconto; Grand Conway. Rapid: Eleventh Francis J McGuire. Hudson. t g con-tee- Flowing proved to he Ihe flrat phase iff farm lahur to which the agricultural tnot- -r was introduced, and af. which, four years ago. It made Its Initial reputation. Si --am -- ngtna had proven too heavy for the anf' land being ployed, and here the agriculturalist expected to mire the inii 'iia combustion motor, hnl he signally fulled. For a plowing hoiK-test am-i- ig nteam power and th- - gasoline miunr. two and ROOT LEAVES FOR acre ..r very hoary rinv soil ! were aeleried was a condition lhat THE STRICKEN CITY ih- - furrow wer,. to he nine Inches wide and lx Inch -- a deep. In doing th, work nin- - hora-- s. three to a plow, will of State and Party Wilt three drivers ,v:d three Secretary did Hi" the Ruins Caused by Inspect woik lit a fiai cost of 1.26. t.r at the the Earthquake. -r acre. tat- - of f.'iU Hy alcam power the touri cost of plowing the same are.i i to i -9.fiR. or $106 nmotin'pd I Becre-sry si of RsnfiHKo. Fhlle, Sept t Root and Iris psr'y. arc.impani-- ! by per ane. and w;i',i the gasoline motor H- i- coat tota'ed 1.44. or af SI 97 per Foreign Mlnlsier Hmupms. the Amere acre For pic- vg purposes a can niinls'cr, Mr Hicks, and a plow js invariably need, exleft Ssntiaun today Val anils, where a tmratsu to ins,,Mct the ruins ranaed cept in of furrow or ve aiifltrien. h 'he Carihipinki- prcvliHis to eni farkuis on tlie cruiser for ARRESTED WITHOUT PASSPORT. fnllao. ol friendship fnr The 'he fnlteil Slacs has been s'ronglt Waikau. S i'- I Soldi-- rs hi gthe reby R .ait's visit. urrupb the 3s Irian Garden, which ws si :(- )- American legafed with nurses and ception miiii-ic- r, tion by the American in children and tpd 2nn pf rtuaa who i wwi!h-iof Mr. Rno which was at The incldeni lunilpd bv Ireaideni Ricsco and the aui,'l tremendous excltemtni. There re .r itestions that PRIMARY ELECTIONS. ror-i-i dipioinaric corps. In addilinn ru he of rhe Amep-icuin large nun, hers have left War-s- i nunicrnus foan-the of terrorizing the English colonies Vilaauheo. Sent. 4 Primary man-- . il'N'Miguishcd renresen':irvi-Governor General lions ore being held throughout of ci.unt'y (iiri rlri SkV.lon acciir.lv gjy has nrilere i the r.inein today fur thn first time s ehMc p;iid marked snd kindly ai'-- n i unis lo tbe distinguished visitor reinrn to tl-- (uuiilry nf police who tin- - law nss enartud. The voters broug!,- - Inin the town, lezv-incandidates for four 'hi coun'ry d'otrirta REPORT OF DISTURBANCES UNlirkuts- Republican, Democratic, nnpro-ct-teTRUE. hibitlon nnd soci1 Democratic. 7 Th- - wl:ex'.searches which have will select candidates for congi A Cirnui made he;(- have resiilird in nae lira Brut. 4. -l Ijvs Epe 'ho s'a'r legislature snd co failure Hani'oipb. ihe Boii'hcrn Pariffr ICke'S. a Aili'ns manager, receive The rhiif interest centers In KILLED !N EXPLOSION. todav from Canaes. Mexico contest for the heads of the Rep an-Naen. Aritona. to hc effect that can and Ttemncrs'ic state tlcl 4 the reiHutw uf disturbances nuiw.l b As a reib i.nv. .lames O. lkivits-)Fresno, ( ni and Irrt levpi'.iii-mlsf-a on he of socalicd Meslran trrific x; Utrlon. be shock Knvont are the chief contenders which ass frt for p isdius of ien governor on 'he Intcrnarional tmrter yes;eday. ie tit Republican one msn as killed snd another mhos Senator Mart'n these ad vires miles, i.ntrne According and John -ven riling I quid on The Megi-a- n traded and Ituuinn Av'waid are candidates for the dangerously there I nothing to w.irih uf prnpey was destroyed this of the Democratic ticket. (oriV'r and come senautliusa! illpatvhes sent aftevnoun at Cie Big Calwa winery m There are conieaia tor con i i At Arizona, a few drunk-i- i 'he California v ne as serration. The among the Republicans In all VKPiii-aand Mexicans enaauel explosion to as lowed by fire wh:rq 'hree of he eleven dia'ricra. m a row Id st nigh and mxtiv shots j conipb trt the hsvoc. Two hundred only Democratic contest Is la ihe weir fupj. hut bo one wn killed. ati'l fifty ea'.lnnx of wine ere lost. district. H, fhiei-inancr- - threc-furrowe- d fr - I'ha-li-si- fw-'in- - - ! e'rn ai -'c -r- pr-s-- n:. i ' g - is very sir.rere for all Right and wtvsiz are words t.,vo immense poser In France The r'ahts of man hnnmniv a,i. thrv .qualitv; pompous pbiares V,.J win hut there is romeihins fire and Imauinvrip ;(l B people thlt rjn be ... s phrs-e- a; tbs iwh. are II.I beorr than politician o'b." i!:t no; upwheiei be shili'Miii-tfr 'world Tide ctmiqieri-- ' 'tiaie ,,, It tv n T Frr-m- e ",e:i,art lug ( " w;?1! t!pj , j.t n;sk.n;rii on,., pv 'iii pvnm' - raii-nia- d I 1 . s w-- h- C. W. WILEY OF RENO. NEVADa TAKES POISON. Hit Little Boy fot a Walk Then Prepared to Bant ana Dl. oooo ooooooooooc o O C. W. Wiley died last ever ., g O O at 9:15 o'clnrt, after a tueiu- O four hours' fight made by f. ... O doctor to save his life. O Dtpod n q q a o OOOOOGOOOOOOO Due to a doee of morphine, dkei witn suicidal intent, ihe Imd' C. V. Wiley, of Reno. Nev.. lie awaiting telegraphlr . tiuna from Emporia, Kan., as i ihe disposition of his remains. Tne drag waa taken Monday en. ing, and although everything pcssibii waa done for the man by the doctor, their efforts were of no avail. Family troubles seem to have been the motive. Mr. Wiley, with hia two sous, aged about 10 and 12. arrived front Rem Monday and engaged a room at th Arcade, ljate In ihe afternoon he tulj hla tons to take a walk and retum u about two hour. They did as they were told and when they returned they found their fater lying on the hed sn-In convulsion. They notified some of th other counters and Dia. Kghan and Condon .were summoned, who pm. nounced it a case of morphine poUm. Ing nnd administered an antidote. of the case was continued until this Yesterday he wsa taken In charge lir Dra. Gordon and Forbes. The morning. In the case of John Woodfield of morphine had disappeared, against Joseph Barker, the defendant but thla was doubtleas due tn the acexwithdraw certain to wu permitted tion of the antidote. Mr. Wiley is alm.it hibits that were received In evidence 40 years old. at the trial. During the absence of hla suns be In lit matter of Ihe eatat of Jamea wrote four letters proving hla suicidal H. Spargo, deceased, a petition fur ap- intent. The letters are addressed to his proval of account and fixing inheritance tax was allowed. The matter had on. Frank C. and Tommie J. Wile.', been David referred to previously the coroner. Fred Snyder of Hpar., Mattaoi! fur auditing. Nev., and the Renu Journal. They aic A petition for probate uf will in the as follows; matter of th eatat of Edgar H. To the Coroner: This Is delflierair Wright, deceased, wu granted. suicide and you will please hold n.i over my body a this will exonerate you from all blame. Just notify Ihe Eagles and the wld aee lhat 1 am properly taken rare nf. This trouble 1 had at Spark. I simply can't stand. Notify all Odd Fallout i A good aioed audience greeted lhat I died fur one of them, although Georgia Harper and her company at no member, bui hate been doue sh the Grand last night to witness their awful wrong hy one of their member Snyder. Respectfully, (signed) product km of All th Comforts of C. Fred W. Wiley. Home a comedy In four acta. The "To Fred Snyder, Sparks, Nev.; You play went with a dash Mil proved you practiced your highly satisfactory. Mira Harper was dirty a good "Ftfl, and although the part, Odd Fellow love on a woman thnt yoj hardly did her Justice, ahe mad tbe were boundinto respect and proterthou--and the Iaclflc rooming most of It. Mr. Detrlck wa clever a placed her Theodore Bender and the entire net on Center sireet. Reno, and wmld to me. alck, and tell me what a wu well suited to the parts. Tonight come friend Yon good you were to me.- -. Mlu Harper will present (.qtmill. This are a dirty Odd Fellow to do such a is aald to he her heat creation and from nil reports th audience tonight thing aa lhat. You know, furthermore, hat yon brought her heer lo her room may expect something above th averdrank It when I waa lying in bd age In Mira Harper's Impersonation Of and Irk. What kind of a man are you? DumaF heroine. Mr. Detrlck will play "Ten men told me tn kill you. as Armand Duval and J. G. Harper will family, which " the role of the elder Duval. All you had disgraced my will bis curses rest oa special costume and scenery are car- you did. There your head. 4 Signed I C. W. Wiley." ried by the company and a To My Babies, Frank C. Wiley and performance of "Camille" la guaranTommie J. Wiley: Papa bida you good-bteed by the management. Du not under any circumstance return to tbe woman you have been BRIGHTS DISEASE CAUSED DEATH. calling mama for the past six years, aa ahe has caused yon all thla trouble. New York, Sept. 4. The death of Also this fall, this fall that I am going Herman Oelrirhs which occurred on to take. She will get her pay, so Your loving father, (signed) the North German Lloyd steamer Kai- good-bser Wilhelm der G raise far out at C. W. Wiley." To the Joiirnel. Reno, Nev.: Just ea was due to Bright' disease, acYours the facta. publish truly, to a wireless receivcording dispatch ed by the Associated Press today. Mr. (signed ) C. W. Wiley " Oelrlcha died last Saturday evening at S o'clock. He wu very ill when GIVE 8PECIAL ATTENTION he boarded the steamer, hut hia conTO HAVANA'S DEFENSE! dition was not considered critical. Boon after the steamer sailed, how(Continued from Page One) ever, hia condition became rapidly more serious and on Thursday he was force province have lately obliged to remain in bed. From that been in Harana lying low and keeping away time until hia death he rank rapidly from the various government detacht post-morte- THEATERS e flrat-clas- REPUBLICANS d The drmnciaci .if France j a ,PM pretty thlnfl. It is neither praMra! nor humdrum. Brill. It preserves a Hi. tie of the thns'riral ir of p.,, warranty deed! were , west. - . DEEDS Benjamin 8el;x at al lo Allan Koch lota S3 and 34, Koch'a addition. utrab E. Alvord to B. Hartley, part of tha non h west quarter of section 17, township 6 north, range 2 t; FARM HOUSE s X-S- l, 1104.-793.7- Good-b- IN ROOMIK. f. WARRANTY DYI'-- I y . one-ha- lf THE FOUND Ad- d an)'-thin- g IN YEBER Meeting to Csnrtder tb visability of Holding a Reunion. s BUSY -- OATH Held MEMEB of me Veteran FireAt a mt-tb- is men. held lat evening, the sdviszeri-iireuckra in the nem of hulding future was considered. The Teteran the Salt approved the idea of luvlticg Lake City and the Five Rotut veterans 111 Into Join ia aa ex"urion that v, a the letters red dav la scribe the memory cf all parrlcipsuts. ALOiher meeting of the organization will be tell in the nesr future to perfect the details and complete tbe arthat not It is propo.-eTwo Masked Men Entered Ed Delia a rangement. only the firemen, bui all their loyal Saloon nd Relieve Him of shall participate. The profriend Watch and Money. posals considered thu far are only tentative ia naiure. but the plan will he adopted in its entirety at The next Two masked men catered tha Red meeting. Sea saloon on Grant avenue a -- out 2 3(1 o'clock This morning and t.fter MQT1GN CALENDAR relieving the proprietor. Ed Bello, of his wsich. rifled tha cash register of lis contents. 29.65. and raaue their Number of Matter of in ' escape. They entered by a aide door Court District th and seeing Mr. Hello In a small room Yesterday. in ihe rear of the saloon, one of them comand witn revolver a him covered The following law and motion matmanded him to face the wall. Kis were disposed of ia the district ters been sooner no had complied request to court yeeterdav; wtih than the hold up proceeded On motion of counsel for the plaiu-tifThis he did in no abstract :he aau-a-. the esse nf Ada Draper versus gentle manner for ha broke th heavy ehain hy which It waa held and when Charles W. Draper waa dismissed withthe timepiece did not respond readily out prejudice. On motion uf the couuscl for the to his wish, he caught Mr. Bello by Btev-en- s the ahirt and tore it open at tha plaintiff, the case of the Sidney C. C. against company Implement bneom. la tne meantime the second burglar Howard et al., 4h matter waa disat plaintiff's cost. missed buaied himself with the rash register By stipulation th defendants in th and pocketed its contents. They then Water Worts comdisappeared through the aide door and cue of th Ogden al. were the rhances for their apprehension pany against Enoch Farr8 et re not at all promising, as Mr. Bello granted until September lu file their ramtut give au accurate description, answer. The case of Calvert ft leek versus not having been given a chance to P. A. Matson waa heard on demurrer aee them at close range. of plaintiff to the defendant's answer and submitted without argument and HOUSEHGLO FURNITURE overruled. The plaintiff then filed reply to the defendant'n answer and FOR SALE several witnesses testified on behalf of th plaintiff. The further hearing cluding n Judicial pos.'.on. At the Of the rights of man humanity - inter- i lose uf the mum a? kreicn on national brotherhood --equality. Nu Wednesday, I desire :o adjourn court the politicians a.e no more sincere for ine aitcrnoon at.-- I think it win than others of their kind; hut the peo- be fitting that h niny members as ple are siurere they bate that kind possible of the par at"! officer of the of a heart. And the fact la that in court shall attend i1 these day when It needs an army more than It baa ever before needed an VALUAIiCM CfTbIpERTY army If Franca la not to ahare the fate of Poland It has takes the whole, rug, complicated machine apart and List of Tim ana Aise1 Valuations la putting it together again in n war ef Property in Weber County that will make It run more armwhh Have Been Aud'ted. for democracy. This Is quite French, entirely reckless, and very fine. Only over to County Clerk Ma,'s-- turned a few years ago France destroyed her the audwhole bureau of military information County Treasurer a bureau ever other nation bends ited list uf taxes end toe valuationafterbecause property in Weber county thin II efforts to make efficient ur the unhappy Dreyfus got caught la the noon Work on the compilation for tJlor cogs, it waa magnificent; and Idiotic. stnriKtica hat been going on nook of than two months, and erery Suites. the county has been searched for of value. Ovsr last year trie YOUMC MHCBCiMIE valuaiioa uf propeny lids year ia vi9,-4Some interesting figures have been Mutual Improvamant Association Premade by the county clerk by revising Ofticara Season's Work fee pare and consolidating tax rolls and levies. Else tod le Each Ward. Mattson aud Assessor Dlx have ivd ITCa.Id, as compared At the different city wards a con- to the county with the cost uf computing the taxes was held night Bundajr joint meeting were expend of the Young Ladle' and Young Men's last year, when $1.47ti.2total cost was ed. This year the association. Mutual Improvement 73. In con sod dating the rolls, there The Young Men are preparing for was uf live columns of figures their season a work and In etch ward to a savingBesides reducing the exaudit. the organizations were perfected. of compiling the lists, the counpenses the hi of the Following personnel ty has been saved a loss nearly The city organisations: the loss of last year in mills. ward-C. Flrat J. Pratt, president; assessor and clerk deserve credit for Fred first Dark Koldewln, rounartor; excellent work of handling the the H. Crltchlow, second counselor; taxes. Their forms snd methods were WarWaller E. Bingham, secretary; by all counties nf the state. ren O. Jackson, program secretary: adopted total valuation of the oounty as The Carl Marinas Vander Gaff, treasurer; the assessor and the assessed by T. B. Ship, librarian; Willinra Pickett, state board" of equalisation is fllS.028e chorister; Francis Goddard, organist; iml. Taxes to the county and city H. C. Garner, senior claaa teartier. from this amount to I4S2.9S9.80, of Hecand ward Joseph C. McKarlsno, which sum the schools nf Ogden recounpresident; W. T. Btilwell, flrst ceive $73,311 and the county school selor; Ernest Ford, second counselor; $:il. 813.13. Ogden oily receives : F. Jesse secretary Roy Wllrm, as compered with 913U.15K.74 Siephens, program secretary; John for the state and auric srhools. The liHltten, treasurer Willard E. Kny, balance of taxes goes to the county brarian; Matthew Galt, chorister; towns for road repairing and minor A. H. C. Olsen, organist; Joseph C. incidentals. McFarlane, senior class teacher; WalIn the tuta.1 valuation of the county ter L. Btevena, Junior class teacher. estate Is placed at fl5.690.336. real Third ward Carl K. IVteraon, preai-den- With Improvements to the property John Farr, flrst counselor; Carl valued at l3.69K.37ti. Personal property Del la limed at 13.429.415. R. Erickson, second counselor; Animals not City, secretary; Sumner P. Nelson, classed a personal property, or real program secretary; L. G- Blasman, eaiate, are as follows: treasurer; Richard Williams, chorister; Value. Charles Beveridge, organist; Conrad Horses. 5.103. . 204.750 J. Hanson, librarian; Carl R. Peter- Cattle, in.50 . 17U.386 Ruben Bheep. 30,913 son. senior class teacher; 77.296 Blunders and Maynard Nelson, Junior Hwlne. 1.709 .. 5.896 elaaa teacher. The Third ward will Hue stand. 67 1 .440 .i also have eighteen special aids. Merchandise la valued at 363,264, Fourth ward Albert E. Stratford, and taxable money, $1,870. Taxes for the ytar Increased president; Earl Greenwell. flrat counIn ratio to (he Increased valuaselor; H. Percy Barrows, second counErnei Lindquist, secretary; tion. The greatest Improvement baa selor; Moroni Olsen, program secretary; been la real estate. Farm lands sad Ephraim Compton, treanurer: Isbrand city property bare Increased In value Bander, librarian, Joseph William, hv a steady consistent growth, and Inchorlater; Earl Gieenwell, aenlnr claaa dicate a natural, healthy growth. Aa teacher. figures Indicate, the county Is prosperFifth ward - Alma J. Undaay, iresl-den- ous with Its flfien odd millions, end David R. Wheelwright, flrat. take lie place comfortably among counselor; Angus Ijorkhead. second dainties of the second clase, one decounselor; George Lockheed, Jr., pro- gree better than Its former position. gram aeeretary; Laurence Malan, In computing the work the county treanurer and librarian; Thoa A. clerk's force ha been diligently enBhrere, senior claaa teacher; Iavld gaged and the completion of tha Job It an excellent piece R. Wheelwright, Junior claaa teacher. a relief as well of work. STARTLING P MEN ARE 0-- J'i.-p- i flPFfe VETERAS HALL a recess Judge Howrtl Las (': uf ein-- u of the d:'n-- f In order that the ,B'. and the officers if 'he cu:;rt mat n Haii the f uncial of h making ihe annu-n- ct meat, judge Howell si Id; 1 hat on cat-- j want to anno-inrme dea'h or OARINQ Rf jSERY COMMITTED oceurreu last urdsy EARLY THIS MORNING. 1,t had long Hall, a n.-- n and been liviug in t(r omiuunity . Inof held Mm M Uk Can A Menu U Adopted Rexolu.ion Prohibiting Individual Members Contracting Bi Is for More Than $23 Without Consent cf Council. tfjCS. Judge Howell Will Ad.W" Court day so OffiLti or tb Court CONSIDERED BY COUNCIL V A IN HONOR frKITBMKhi: MORNING, WE1XES1AY ITAH, (H'.HKX, LEASE OF CITY HOSPITAL Ns. SI No. M Independent "Rhone Ptaai, twa rings EXAMINER: MORNING THE a and steadily. The Kaiser Wilhelm der Groase, ments sent In pursuit. Major Clews exoecta to take the with Mr. Ortrlrha' body, ia due to reach of eight mrs her dock about 2:30 oclock this af- fleid after the arrival automatic guns, which have been ternoon. hipped tn the government. He ia endeavoring to perfect the personnel of NEW COURT MARTIAL t hia rapid-fir- e gun corps. Colonel Valle ia atlll In pursuit of Bt. Petersburg, Sept. 4. By order nf the Emperor, unless Lieutenant Gener- the Insurgents lu the southern part al Btoeaael, the former commander of of Santa Clara province, but up to Port Arthur: Lieutenant General Pock, the present, has been nnable to come who commanded the Fourth East Si- up with them. Special attention ia being given to berian division at Port Arthur and General Reiss, chief at staff or General the defense of Havana and the city In strengthening Stoeasel, are either unanimously ac- militia la employed quitted or are punished by the Ropp the worts. The Associated Press is Informed commission trusted with the investigation of the surrender of Port Arthur, tonight from an authentic source that the officer mentioned will he tried by a big uprising has been planned to the newly appointed supreme court take place shortly in Santiago province. martial. Col. Bima's detachment of rural NEW MAIL SCHEDULE. guard today encountered a band of forty Insurgents near Causal. In the B. C.. Rept. Victoria. 4. The eastern part of Harana province. The Canadian Partflc Railway company's opposing forces exchanged shots for au bonr. when the rural guards steamer Empress of China salted on her new mail schedule carrying charged the Insurgent end killed two the British mails In an effort to land of them. Including the leader, Antonio the malls at Hong Kong thirty Jays Gonxalea. with macheiea, and capfrom Ijondon. This Involves a record tured six. Tbe Insurgents then Mattered, leaving their horses, email arms passage across the Partflc. and equipments. A hand of sixty insurgents at Santiago de Las Vegas, APPLYING ANTI TRUST LAW. ten miles from Havana, today broke Topeka. Kans. Pepl. 4 Investiga- Into stores, seized provisions, anna tions of the International Harvester and ammunition, supplied themaelve the telephone wires company have been instituted hy C. with horses, cut for ('. Coleman, attorney-generof Kan- and rode out of town with shonts sas. tn determine whether the con- (he liberal parly and the constitution. cern is operating in violation of the They went In the direction of Hambra are hills. The p t siirie 4w. The fitting up nf tioopa to the field Church Whnt do you think of your against the Insurgent Is being niahad wife s voire since she took music les- day and night. Gen. Rordlgnes, comof the rural guards, aald to sons? Gotham ir n better; but mander We have worked hard and there seems to he more of it Yon- night: have accomplished already more thaa kers Statesman. we expected. We received today mil tiuna of cartridges and wa have all the guns we can use. Therqr will le no longer a shortage of horses, aa o have l.uon here and 2,onn coming from o O PROCTOR ELECTED GOV- - O the I'nlted Stales. We are sending O ERNOR. out tonight 100 recruits from Cama-gueo O o and mere are coming from the InO Proctor. Vt.. Sept 4 Fletch- - O terior." D. O er Proctor. Republican candl- - O officers admit the serlonsnef O date for governor, at 9 p. m. de- - O of Army the rebellion and admit that Its supO dared that the returns received O will be matter nf a Inf O up tn that hour Indicate hie O pression time. Gen. Rodrigues denies the ne O election hy an overwhelming O mor of e conflict near Clenfucgoe beO majority. a tween a government force under CoL o o Valle end the insurgents under - y anti-trus- panic-stricke- ooooooooooooo y ooooooooooooo |