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Show THE Oct ' K f.7, f 714 f; STOCK I. 17.77, 77'. Cash Quotations. r..h V H.r W bos' TV. No ti-i'- Sifady. No 7 spring Tie. .No. 3 72ft S,r. No 3 yellow r e York. Aug loomed largt n Hit fliMni'inl liiuiiii . I .( shortly aft er he opening lUt'ltey opened al k per cent and ; led hq,i-as- t il- - advance.. I lo I! percrlil, a rein scleral month non fell uio a siio-sult i he mri-- t of Inertia Miih as It had me lim. n Dothei inMueine fur seeks before 'he hick made fur loser price Match of Mr. Bryan. althoi.sh Wall hired piofi-Mrf- -- to nua'd Ihai a I a inert incidem an ecneill- -and in a reason fur selling erui e,ei theleM It rannoi - denied 'hat M Brian s atiiliide offers small comt'trr to tha aural M tested ini rests and the financial community in general Efforts in advance prices by rnmis'ina reports of gold imports seie made a' tha opening and a bile H is geperallr to that end known that no defliiiie developare under It la ment sera obtainable. to note anenl this siihjert that tar gold and American oagles roae in tha ljundun market dining 'he day. while an advance In gold price was reported from other contlueniai points. All thfa makes the chances for the imports less certain, especially as a lightly higher rate as quoted 4'' Dsns-- ,. (rtt II I lo-lat- I Shori f tii. vi- - ' ldemand. The stork market sa imit a leader I broil ghoul the session, but tha trading element played for a martian, and pi far as any mai ked tendency was discetnaliln (heir Inrilri sere fairly aucoessful except In the eaae of Union Pacific. a hick held sell at a marked advance over the previous day's close and some of the epeclslllea. la this class was Inrliuiad Adams which oa a sale of one lot recorded aa advance of fifty iminia. ftocne algnlflcsncr attaches to I he rise In this stock In view of the strength of kindred securities and the very recent increase In the dividend of a rival concern, and there were Intimations of a eloeer "cuinmunliy of interests." Trading during the early session was several hundred thousand shams below the average of leccfu da vs sad la tha late session grew even anialler. A furl her advance In call loans lo It per rent and no tints definite news as to gold engagement t added to the general feell a gof which reaultd In almost utter stagnation. The forecasts of tomorrow's bank statement showed a loan by of more the banks to the (ban 5.ftoO,fNNi. The etrengili of Union Pacific m buying whlrh emanated from one of 'the prominent western eoramlaslnn houses saa one of the pussling features of the day. Southern. Reading and Amalsn mated 'p-pe- r participated In the rise, hut transact tons In these stocks were In relaThe market tively small amounts. eluted barely steady, active lasdcs showing a tendency to rally. The transferred f.'40.4i4 to Ban Franclsrn. Ro nds were steady. Total sales, par value. fl.4fhi.nnu. IT. 8. new 4s, coupon, sdranred half per cent on call. dlncinir-ageman- y , CHICAGO FUTURES. , The Leading Futuraa aa Wheat Kept. 74Te. 704c, 70X4 fli 734c, 74c, 7SeNNie; Mar 794r. 77,e, 77fr4p. Porn Kept. 4K,c. 47X4C. 4714c; llec. 434e. 4Sc. 4344 V: May 4IN.C, kc; Pec. 44 Sc. 4l"c. Oata-Se- pt. S3 Sc, 3 3c, 29 Sc, 334ft 2Sc. 2!?r; Mav 33 V: Sc-- 30Sc. SnSQSr; 33c. SSleftXke. 91 Pork-Se- Jan. Dee. 31.4 33 May c, flfi.94. flfl.84. fl6.94; pt. Ill-Oil- . IJ.471. 13',. 113.60. Lard Rcpt, fU.kii, IS.77S, h.77S; fill Ci'nlrkKills fl"T. - sf I.! No rale t e Bjm- - II'- fi',1 per Oats, fl.75. a ("ft f f: I Rarity. tl Ktnch Kssirl-- Receipts and Shipments. fl 1G lb,, for New rn. 11 r iu 27 per h'inil.id lligli pati'iit fii'iir, Product Eachangr. Weigh', siralglll glade. J I". I'liinn cals. ;iuc paLHJge-Kaiu-i- i On ibe produce egchguce indst ihe Imiler. liu'ler markei ass aiesdy. Leui.iiis, per box. 37c to 4l'C. Ihp7-tr- : dairies I73"S'. eggs, firm , 1 20. 5 ml. giiuu, Iii's Cnal si murk r sues iurluded 13 .1 17 4c 10. Kin mm liaddlrs, firsts Ihc; tk'iss 314c; I7.r; luiusia-ri- , 2w: 2vc- - 174c lo salmon. 17',c; 12X,c. 16c, coin, lbe, , 224); 20 1. TV crop sit-u- a lend to expand non iilherwise 4 trri promising. The proiuiiu- - of cooler wesiher makes fur liierearHl activity in industry. The ir.ui and steel marke's are a little quieter, due mainly 10 scarc.iiy of ra'her than to weukenlng of demand, wlilrh as evlrieni'- -l by advances In pig lion, oid inali-na- l ami some finished lines, is still very heavy. Kindness failures in (he I'nlteri Klaltts for the week ending August 3tl, II uni tier Ilk against 155 Iasi week, 181 III the correspondiiiK week of 19H5, 1 e aup-plic- u 1S9 In litiii. I (ii in l!n:: and 131 in 1"2. In Canada failures for the week tiunihcr If as compared with IU laat week ami 25 lu this week a year ago. Wheal, including "lair, exports from Ihe I'niied Stales mid Canada for the week ending Aligns' ;in. are the largest of any nick this y ear, aggregating 5.H8 .iifip IiiikIh Is aga'iiM 3,198.371 last week. 1.421. 25" this week last year, l.x:m.rii in iiii. and l.mfl.064 In 19m. Fur Hie past nine weeks of the fiscal year ihe exports arc 23.248.697 bushels against S.9H8.754 in 19n5, 12,148,882 In 19ii and 59.187.734 In 1941. Corn exports for the week are 441r 481 liiinhel against 883.504 last week, 1.183.::7ii a year ago and 714,584 in I!ih4. Fur the fiscal year lo date Ihe exports re 8.129.445 huxhels agslnai 9.227.817 In I9iift and 5.273.SS1 in 1944. Dun's Review. New York. Aug. 31. R. If. pun Sc Co.'s weekly trade review will say: No check to rammanrlal progress ran lie discerned while the outlook becomes brighter each week through moat encouraging ciop reports, laiw-r- r prices for fsrm Maples testify to the certainty of ample crops, which In turn give proniNe of mure liberal exat. this port ports. Foreign alone foi the last week showed gains of f2.:iM;.7H9 In rxporfa and f:!.54x78 In imports. As compared with' Iasi year's figuies. 31.-fa- 1 sii-ak- lr s :mu-lon- 2- - - pla One-hal- aleck-hnlder- tu- . lilts Kaggt-,!'u'illy us the fet liug grows that rpitiiS. like winter s ernp. wheal, will prove a lui from surotid ari of belter ihuu aulic.lpated wlua' I'l'iftis. which set m likely to alter' urires still further, lull ii Ik 10 he nisei that export s liade lu flour has iiuproted gml 4:S 1 :i howcvt-i- 2 tor 2.m:. Cauiied touiaiot-sl'np curli, i lbs. for 26c. 1 1 2c lb. I Inti waienuelnii!i, Short loin met. luc lb. licet ribs, se4 lu to 124 Ik Rib roast, 12, e. Veal breasli 10c. Vaul stiak of leg. 20c. 76. QR Veal chaps. He. no 3, irad Cash. r7if!.So Harley I'ati-ticaiHalonpea. 1 tit each, Ing 3 li'ini'let for 0c. is. list Timothy - Sept. 3 RKff 4 hf. I'tsli turnips, 3 bntirhes for Sc. 3 for 5c. I'tah cuciiiiiln-rs- , Sugar. null iniiiM'oeh, 24c lh. N Vork, Aug 31. Sugar Firm; Hump roasts, be to l2Xke. leal refining 3 3 Mill 2, cenmfugal Ihckltd plga' feet, 3 lbs. for 25a. It. lined 4; molasses sugar 3 lhtll4 lambs' longue. 40c dm. Wbnla mnt'o'J, 104c lb. stead; , Isiln mutum hop, 174c lb. Wool. lag Diudon, 15c lit. Knit quirtrr mutlon. 10c ::l Wool Ml. lamia, Mo., Aug. Rlrloin steak. 174c. Rteady; lerriioi; anil wesicru tuedl-umRprmg lamb, fore quarter, fl.00. 24j?K, fine medium 18$ 22; fine Hind quartt.-i'-, f I 25. 14M7. and porterhouse aleak, 174c. Kansaa City Cattle. Iot roast, 10c. ille Kansaa Ciiy. Mo.. Aug Hound sieak. 12'4e. Receipts Su.ihui klarket sieadv; na, luc. Chuck tive sitters 4,2f4i 41.60; uillve rows Kin 611 dr 4 iiO; boiling bef, 5c. 2 hulls $3.'Mit end heifers t'lali cherries, 6 to 84. 31a: ralvek 37.'i4i 6 .Ml; wemern s' eels I'tsli cabbage, Sr Hi. cotta 2(SfAI.U0. fll.fiUAhlk; weatr-rlb. t'aiiliflnwcr, . I loga - Receipts l.nixi Msrke) bit I'tah new poiatuea, 15 lbs for 25c. I Op higher; hulk "f sales lii.iMiitfd ITiiIt Jura: I'ltits, 85c; quart, fl; 26; heavy fri.MU47li.n,ri: packers Rd.t'il I quart, fl.25. Capa, 3"c dog. vd.26; pigs and Hghia fd.lAAd n. fine apples, ?Ke per apple. Rheep lleeelplg R.mhl Hleariy Cllron peel, 15c III. f4.inift.6tiu: iambs fiiisisi 7.4D; Lemon peel, fi't lb. range welhera fl76itj6.7&; rara s4 New currunta. 2 pkg. for 25e. H S Ml. Friends naia, 2 for 26c. Orange peel. 2"c lb. Cattls Chicago Comb honey, 15c; 2 for 26c. Chit ago,, Aug. 31- - Callle Receipts Rage, 6c per bunch. HI pong, hectrs 15, him). 39ult'NH; Maple sugar, 2c per b. rows god heifers 1140.723; MockiiaisliigM, 14c, 124c. loc. ers and feeders $2.40if, 4 3H; Texans New WaliniM, 20c and 224 Hx 3 Cmtf 30; f.l d.'i 6 4dj wegiermt Almonds, SOc and 25c lb. calves 6 6n7 76. Mixed nuts, 24c lb. 12."nc, Market tor (ailed aalninr, 2ue and 25c lb. Illoalera. 6c flab. higher; mixed and butrhert fihSr (4h; good heavy I5 9HAR.36; heavy Kippered salmon, 20c lh. Smoked white flail, 20c lh. fS.3kli.7(l; pigs fi 2r4d 16; hulk of sales fa .90 ft ii. 37. Kelrhiip. 30s per large bottle, Markei 14,lhM Veal steak ol shoulder, 124c. Rheep Receipts or whole hog, 9c strong; sheep f.l fiflfl 3.60; lambs It. Isdii and rib ork chops, 16c. 76(17.75. IliiilorkH, 24c, Whole pnrk loins, 13c. tyVIDEND FROM FAIR. Veal ccrka, kc. Sliced ham, CUe. roriland, fire. Aug. 31 The lMctnc bum, lie. nf the 1wis and Clark Kni.ifin ham, 17c tn 18c. which recen1 ly corporatliHi, Sliced boiled bam, 30c. went out of existence will receive a Kasicrn hm plain; lGc. 2ii per rent dividend today. This Rrcaklast bacon, 18c lo 2uc. marks the last of the greai cxssilliin held in Portland last year. Ransuge, 124 . Aug. sat: 1 iHiuud. Chicago Produce. f'hicaga. Aug. 31. Close. Wheat- - Kept ?u 4'3R 4.1 5 Rf 3 4; Is-Corn - Sept. 47 Oats - Sept. 3 13; Lh-- t :i" 3 Pork Sept. Iti"; .Ian 3 Urd Sept. S 77 12: Oft Sk7 13. T2 2. Kilts Kept k 77 1 3. Oct Rve -- Csah, no trading, Sept. iiT 3 4 will f Cr.ilis, 26c aud llfll3i'. Yrk. i ie cheese sicsdy s acatlior an iltliti'tc aur sliiiiuiate imiii1 crop "I aiu I la, and winter buy u.K. nhifh is ap l .rllflll. A p.l'llllll ai or rbs,- miiuIi r iiiovt-nit-ii w:n cr wheat li:it the fr:ii:i on the mtl- partly more sica'I-Inia- s t mu le for a iu price of tiiui reri-ulwhich, ga'.I-ms- c ri. Kliigh. for co.i"'''. who L'la J.:-:- r u huiwiea.-i- y f railway trafllr leiurns cont'nue encouraging for AuKiist thus far. exceeding liikt lenr's figures hy 17.5 per ren. s Fiiiluii-- tlii). week tiunihered 17" in the I'niied Statin compared with 217 laai year, aud II in Canada sgslnel 19 a ea racn a Aug. 31 rs are pal.1 every one except the not onfv jo: musicuu. and be or the of tee art that has com weary gi.ti cars end much money to a"a!n. but must even spcn.1 additional rmcey to iuake the required appear I n.--I. I MINING MARKET . atice. Musicians are paid for teaching the roniing musicians, they aie paid tuioj-- t a'e y I fur church work, and they are tespecially the lor j.aid someCme BUSINESS WITH eigners) fur appearance at "swell" functions, but hasten the day when thev will be paid naturally and as a matter of course for eve.y service except that to the most needful cbai ities. Market Was Strong and Values ter the Moat Fart Was Well Sustained. THE COUNTY FAIR on top of her Mis Sarsted suffered several bruiaes Intermountain Fair Aaaocution Com- and lacerations, but refused medical pletea tha Friz List and instead cab a aid, calling hotel. driven to her Department M, Merchants' display. The crash vis heard bv ihe crowd, F. E. Grant, superintendent. mauv of which ran to the automobile Policeman Howe slid lifted I' updata No. 1. and Henry Calmer of Na 2i-- DearGoods and notions, diploma. Dry to a delegate born street, Chicago, Boots and shoes, diploma. under the Biyan receprlon. crawled Clothing and Men's furnishing goods, Mias Banded and building the pulled diploma. it. Queensware. diploma, jewelry', diploma. MUSICIANS WHO APPEAR FREE Millinery stock, diploma. IN SOCIETY" SHOULD BE PAID. Musical instrument, diploma. Sewing machines,, diploma. F Charles K. XYatt. Furniture, diploma. The professional rounlrians of PhilBooks aud stationery, diploma. adelphia have handed together with "H." farm impleIn the one object In view of shutting out ments department and manufactures, and departs ihe possibility of wxyety obtaining mu- mem M. merchants display, reasonsic for fuunlons unless tl it ready and able' space will be given ail desiring for Its functions unless It is ready and to make a display, but exhibitors and legitimate price there- attendants will be required to pay the willing to pay for. This brings up the question , regular admittance fee to the grounds. again aa to how far it pays the mu-Department N. educational. W. N. sirian (especially the young one) to superintendent. Fetteraon, give hi services without price in the Claaa No. 1. hope that the prestige" and "acquaintance" thus formed may benefit him Grade 1 and 2. cutting 5 work more largely In future. It is n nice and certainly ha Its iwo Grade 1 and 2, weaving questionwork aides. Gra-l3. best specimen of From the standpoint of ihe established artist It Is maddening to ase the penmanship younger players and singers accept Grade 3, beat raffla work dinner Invitations eurgerly when it Is Grade 4. pencil or pen that they are invited simdrawing service Grade 4. beat map of ply that their professional and school uiay he asked for without paying the grounds price; but on the other hand, the building a Grade 4. specimen of penyoungster must In some way make name for himself and secure a circle of manship I prone to think Grade 5. specimen of penacquaintance, and he that these society s (fairs may he ihe manship "ojien sesame" lo the success he Grade 5. penrll or pen awaits. drawing Society is heedless in Ihe matter; Grade 6. map of Weber if (hose constituting that body would county take tltpe to consider that to ask a Grade 8, best specimen of muslrlan to give of his wares without, penmanship adequate payment is just as bad as to Grade 6, best pencil or ask a florist to decorate the rooms and pen drawing then expect hint to accept an InvitaGrade 8. best relief map tion to the dinner in lieu of a check, of state of Utah possibly there would come s change. Grade 7. best pencil or esRut since the practice is thoroughly pen drawing tablished. and since It works unmiti- Grade 7. best specimen gated harm In the long nm. even of penmanship In though It may for .the time being to The conmuserve to Introduce the newcoiniug stitution of the U.S... sician, there seems no outlet hut for Grade H, best pen or penmusicians erervwhere to combine in rll drawing the determination to stamp out the Grade 8, relief map illusabuse. trating some topir In U Every musician who haa put from S. history five to fifteen yeara in the perfecting Class No. 2. of his art. and who has spent, from 5r Best general exhibit, rity public 400 to 325.444 meantime, is confronted, with the problem of getting money out. schools, appropriate picture, presented of it In return for what he has pul In. hy Boyle Furniture Co., valued at IIO. Best, general exhibit, county public There should he a certain definite kind of schools, appropriate picture presented price for every degree and musl-rlans music work and all pmfeasonal by Ogden Furniture ft Carpet. Co., valshould combine to enforre It, the ued at fid. Best display of school work, com younger ones relying on the experience of the older, that the "free" ap- raerrlal department, public or private pearances in the long run work only schools, diploma. harm. Best general display of private It is not only the snrtety woman who schools or state institutions, diploma. sins In asking her musician acquaintances to play or sing without reward STACKPOLE IB SENTENCED. (pecuniary) hut the church and all societies are sometimes and in some de. 31. Ernest I grve to hlHtne For Instance, benefits" G. " Angeles, Csl., Aug.of convicted the murRtackpole, arare of every s'se and description or .toel Srheck in this city on (tie ranged and musician nf every age and der 14th last, was sentenced degree nf proficiency are in turn ask- night nf June ed lo give their services. Now. there hy ludge James to life imprisonment, are some objects entirely worthy the in accordance withA tbs recommendamotion for a new sacrifice, and sometimes where all tion of The Jury. Rtackpole killsnd printing and every other detail trial was over-rulethe singer is entitled tn ed Rrberk in the latler'c bedroom at is subscribed feel at ease In giving her work also, midnight. Mrs., Rcheck. who mainhut ordinarily the hall la paid for in tained Intimate 'relations with Stack-polconfessed the murder and admitmoney, the flower cost dollars. th printing is In exchange for a check, the ted being an accomplice. - Pal' I ake. Aug. 31 Business on ihe floor "I tbc hs-- exchange opened The markc up well this morning. whs strong and value for the mcei al MINING COMPANY INSOLVENT. RoMiui. Aug Taylor Park Mining eompani. a Colors'lu crirpnra- 'll.-'nie ! l - e. COOK COUNTY'S TAXES. let himself out of the glad that a spring lock the inside saved hint, on his exit, the labor of climb-bi- g' through the trananm. Three days before he had landed in Denver on his way hnuis from Japan. The night tiefore he had Climbed tbmurh the transom of a scant apartment above a store that te might gain a little sleep. Now he was leaving' before even th porter was astir In the store beneath lest s be discovered and taken to the itatlon house. The trip to Japan had been fn ee- ape the consequence of a wild night In Si w Yoik. (in his return be had hei-- inct at the steamer by his father's agent who pressed Into hli hand tickets, a state rnon In rhlrago, and a letter. Tabor bad the letter ns the train was pulling out. It whs a terw. business-likcommunication, reviewing his escapades and "nlliig: I am tired of the disgrace you r" bringing on your name. If you hsve some borne of a mure serious mind you will find lhat the you rreat-.- ! here has died out. It lies with i whether you will live a temperate and proper life or whtther von wish '. continue the ciir-- e von have pursued Strep you left o!leg.-. In the latter event It will he useless to come (mine for 1 am determined to cast you nut st your first transgression. If you are Impenitent It would he better for us all that vnu remain in the west, re con papHilvp1r unwhere you -- el rd e won Ihe respect of all and gained for banging bee or a posse" 'll' a ranch niiiflt. wa the grin- him the inlininey nf the foreman. Hhorfy, who was almost alv Vert ning response of the man who appeared tn h Ihe leader. "Want to Join tall and ns thin aa a lath, waa rather proud of lil find, and when Taiwtr was the ready answer won Iwo or three races from other "Sure. ranehes he losl hla Identity and I here"Want a man?" "Yes, we want a man. Are you after was Known as .lock. There wa no chance fur dissipaone?" It was a suc"I may not look like the real sr tion on the Wildcat. tlrle. said Tabor, "but 1 guess I ran cession of rides, with now and then a trlik at the home ranch, where he average up pretty falrlv well. The foreman looked him over. He looked after the beef cattle nr.d the had made the suggestion In a Jest, thinking he had to deni with one nf easterners who lind the broken-dowsought an El Dorado and had found only a place where a man hns to work for a living. I do want another man." he axH In an altered tn "Uan you ride?" Roms." aalil Tahor. with a recol ieclloii nf the cups and plfi'e that tes titled to his aMIltv n a stn-pl- i hdsc rider. "I ncd to ride a hit hack east, hut not these horses nor In this sort u" "L1k to know why we can't, deIhe slightest temptation lo Inclared the foreman. There's a show dulge In Tnlmr hnd been on Ihe home ranch tomorrow night over to Greeley City, k trl.-for a week when Shorty rode in ride over and have a look at It. fr.ipi the range with another of (lie. 'The Mikado.' Ever aee It? "fait h. ns. nf time, laughed Tabor, That evening, after supper, the two "hut If you want to have a look you men sat on the bench outside the have none the best of me. I'd ride hunk house and watched the min sink dear to Denver." Out over the moonlit plain they Info (lie west. "Jut to think." commented Fhorty rode straight westward. It was fully ns he took his pipe from his mouth, fifty miles, hut Tabor now could alt "that off tha wav there' places wlih in the saddle all day and half the no Chicago, Aug. 31. - Cook county's on property personal amount to f574.897.660, full value, cr accordf 114,979.610. assessed value, ing tn figures completed by thfc clerk's nf tho board of review last night. This Is bv far the largest total ever recorded for the county and an Increase of approximately 39 per cent over the reviewers total of last, year, on hirh taxes were collected last spring. The gain was due largely tn the Increases made upon the big, estates, that In the past, have not been ch edit led. according to the belief of 4pe board, at anything like (hair full valuation. and to the increase made by the reviewing board In the personality valuations against large corporations. The aasesaed value of the real estate in the county Is plsred at f337.692.745 and the full value al SPEECH BY DICKENS. 1mdoB. Aug 31. The lamdon newspapers are taking increasing interest. In the Harvard University nrewa visit. The Daily Telegraph this morning reprints Charles Dtrkens' speech delivered at the dinner of the crews na the occasion of the contest in 1669, Because," says Ihe Daily Telegraph, It so well expresaea the feeling in all Britlrh hearts at the presence of another Harvard crew upon the Thames. of middle." The saddle's rasr." was the and ion'll get to the horses In time. Want to come? We were in get a man, but he didn't show up." ud o-- ' ton elaborate to be the traveling home said with a touch of bitterness. Of We all eared, she defended. of an opera rompany. A little knot of interested loungers were gathdhed course we knew that you were out about it, and Rlinrtj strolled over to Join the group. d At one end stood a porter, and aa Tabor followed hla companion across the tracks the negro let out a yell and darted toward whlte-jaekete- hint. But Shorty wa quicker, and the mall turned a shy white a he brought up against a .45, the muzzle of whlrh pressed his etomarh uncomfortably. Shorty turned to see if hla companion was making good hla escape. HI Jaw drooped a he saw Tahor coming toward them with a mile on his face. "I didn't rightly know," he apologized. "I ain't en familiar with your history a to comprehnd which way you wanted to run. If you wera bound for home I just thought Id maka it a handicap." "He used to be the porter on my father's ear. explained Tabor. "What are you doing here, Madison ? "This I your pa' car, explained the negro, a be wrung the hand extended to him. "He' nut here with some folks. He'll be shore glad to see n ft had been some time since he hc.-- t rlddpn much, and the long In ihe saddle. 0 ditferent from the flat English s- - t he wns to. was a forp'Piil. He w:i hunerv and thirsty, in he rode on wi'hoiit you. "I he In the ear?" asked Tabor In surprise. "The gentlemen went out to look at a ranch." he explained. "Theres Just 61 lss Evanell. complaint. Tabor's heart gave a hound. In Thev stopped at noon at a smalt the old days there had been roay hotel. Tahor ate grrdtlv and dreams In whlrh Edith Rvanell had known. Iv the others noticed hi attacks upfigured. He thought he had forget? Tahor tore the letter into shre-ls- . on his ple.te anil to comment ten all the old foolishness, hut It came He had been hrirtllv nOnne, rif hlm-M- f Shorty Tke. the foreman, ienm-hark to him with a rush. w when he had Irfi York. He across the tahl. "I hope this ain't Madison moved toward the car, i had contrlh-i'ei- j telly to the your regular pace," he s.il.t politely I don't but Tahor restrained him. t of one of the "Because H tt 1 I sure ran't flgu-- c jsyety of a certam think I'll bother Miss Evanell, he younger clubs, an-- l while he was not how we are going to park enough snld. trying to hold his voice quiet. vicious In his MiMisemen' he gen- grub around the country to feed "I fancy the old crowd haa forgotten erally managed to be Mamed for yon. me. vore than his share of the prnceed-r-rs- . They ail rose from the tn,le and ' 'Deed no." assured Madison. 'Bhe while one of the men s'noit over him done ask about you every day. She It wa now throe davs later, and Tahor got his first lesson In saddi'rg said ah knew she would meet you fce waa without money, snd for the a horoe western fashion on this trip." , hours without food (ant twenty-fou- r Tha was the rommnrinert of hi Tahor turned away, hut at that OUT OVER THE Vnn.T PLAIN TI1F.Y HOPE. Half a block flown the free , Fir rhre non'h'- - tr training. moment a girl came out on the platU group of horsemen ai'racct his ron'luued Tahoi wa aame. and o to him. Hla face form and called utfeutlon. He had not si'crt much horse waa too wild, no mi.k too ranch himse wH'e the others rede j s'rrets and ill nn! that. Just night without feeling discomfort. as he sprang toward the iei.j,r lima in the west, and h wa fill in- He took ehancee on everything that he t Tie I lighted up of n 'hink serine It was Us first prcin girl wn'kinc to town In sev- steps, ami the next moment he1 oral terested In the sight and scenes. He turned up. and In rh end be w;,s A I'll her they eral months, and trip his along in .1 wh"e dre-- s leer nf tbjs U?p as the pair drew holding her hand and looking doors went over to the other sP!e "f the as a rdgt-.r of unis and burned from his imp ar" wrarire dresses lust now. near ihe flustered houses that once into eyes that smiled street and approached th ilitie knot the outfit. up brightly at the traces d dissiparlun. He mold Shi. how- uo'.M you like- Horace Greeely' ideas of him. if men with, an awuirpib.n of Onre he hid lir".d the hru-s:i Hke S drink new Without want in I'd like s head." model punch ynur a had "You Tahor she drew hov." not Hty, long scolded, he I found on hc plain, there w. 4Pnt-iT- . licit nn fcuse frw ncrashuis ' laughed T.ilmi "Vha''a the gonl of hreah of delight. to let ns know where you were." "Mbit la this," he ask! easily, "1 Cira'n brl'.lijn y 10 hi rj.',r,g fi when wen? town there vu-- i edne fi" h.n-.r .n't a a "I didn't think anyege cared." he jnii Hrtirq lay special Ppr on pr-sc- 1 N-- n.-i-c- w-- i,i indif-fc-ron- repr-spnt- r. ; --- ed - .i- - p.-- Ban Total Valuation of Pro party Haa Increaaod 39 Par cant. MAKING A NEW MAN TABOR OF GOOD VOLUME HEALTHY TONE. - REPORTS OF DUN AND BRADSTREET. Buying. iluaen. l-- m -- Miss France A. Ssratcl of O. who is a narpsirun of inn h.nel Asior. had a Inrow escape from htiug seriously jured last night al 27h atieei and Broadaay. when the autouiob'le in which she was riding skidded on the wc asphalt and crashed into a email building used tor iur;ng repair tools, ri Better Weather and Definite Aaaur-anceLarge Cropa Stimulates lb. lluoprr ciieew. IT'-jRaiss ilioeae, ;jc 10. Cieani''ry liiiitei'. Uljlige. lniiu 2ac lo l0c. Uai-ai.s- b.-- . o: u uce'icr of ja the toe ri.mpucr i New TRADE REVIEW Sack, vT.f.-- i. P-- r WOMAN'S NARROW ESCAPE. ' buck-llal.bu- :, no Cam 4 I:I,A which collapsed lac, bouiitars. Mi:es 124c: IV lb. sloped bass. WEEKLY SR. 26c Per d" i'hiCI, 2ic lit. Rgst t beesH, 2ac. lUei f j Ji suck. ta-i- ir.v.du m. 11.50. XDltl'.rS sell to.3'.' i h? leeeil ii;h legt-.- l F p-- per lb. 2.r: 3 Ih. t tur bus lx ef iliia ci'y. e.e j Whole corn. 11.40. Cracked corn. fl.Eu Ur hu and sbMts, ell! I,r hundred Shorts alone. fl.;m i huudred. Cracked barley, fiGo. r 2aC - f IJ'c h Urd. Julb. of high wilts e. eai Pavetip caiaixupes. I" to 12, c each. Ii.tcin s. it- per p u lei. veal. 124c. Ride veal, g vf; loin veal. 124c; hind quaiis-r- , IS 4c He,l lo'.u, 1.: 111. JIJ'S' , Pork Per Mil el Per lil'l lbs riear Sides ilixdi XXhtskeV Iloas-Reeel- Ranged Fellewa: No. o p'am. Kj;g I pin Mud ntei-eatin- g fr a ll - sn-ir- ' negi-llatlo- sa. Seed :si i 1 Svttei pii,i-- f Plums. Inc lb. t sl.fornla lft m.il' iig ch-i'i- e 11 Ut'; p,-'- IV arh. tf'ibi-u-- 2!ijil4t. ft 2 FaT lo Hsri' good qiis::'; iu chain- I pouu 1. ,r 2 s---' 'Itu.oTby bsy, ks, ton; timothy baled, 5f 1 11,111 '.V,, alfalfa hales. Tot a nunil vd. f j :o flu pt--i hay, loo-- i- a'e nta'ii'Siuinit f '1 lj'.i id 4c. r.siui- - c:.,i;; i.:iel li'jt.b sue-- , suusage, llsinbiirger. 1 he pric iu vacb - va'ii-.'- 2 N-- i '. No. font h 7,'ti I6'a4r. 3 red Nii. 7 ! ,c Bryan's Speech Had an Influence to (is's No3 2 Prices on New York ;:.c. No ahi'e Market. K-- e h- a, ic quivatti-ii- f 1: 1. ,111-1- IV. bs-.o,- (hupped itKi: SIII'TK-- UTAH. Dry salt .ckle.1 pufK. Sweet pvUttora from California are 2a a: 3 pounds offer d this w- irs The crop Is ye: new and li 'sl ae of aiusil ste. bi.t u; to s'anilurd m quality. I':ah in lis'jd ai 15 ceuin iht tmid niua-Meloiis and csnialt-upc- s s'putsi jiiwt-'-- l ;n pruv and van I; con'.uue 10 he tin up llirll the Season - pas'. Ifi'h fk 774. f 774: th" 74. .7. .Inn $7 .274, 7. L'32. CALL MONEY 6PEEDILY ADVANCE FROM EIGHT TO TWELVE. 31 ; IS OGDEN. CCDEN MARKETS hi. 7.!'ji K.bs -- S. pl e MARKET Nov IS 674; S7,. EXAMINER: HOUSING here somewhere and doing well, but wa wanted to hear from you. Youf father haa spent thousands advertising for yon. Did dad really care?" he asked, From hla let hla face brightening. ter I fancied that he wlahed I'd drink myself to death." "I thought that was it, she cried. "But I knew you wouldn't. TLal'i why we advertised. "We? he asked. Edith blushed. It le given one to he lnteroetoJ In an old friend, $ explained In pretty ronfuelon. "When I found bow broken down your father was getting over your silence I helped him plan his advertising crusade. "Wildcat Creek Is not a great patron of the press, he explained. We have little time fbr reeding out there." "Well, we're found you," she laughed. "We're not going to let you go now. "But I must," he declared. Round up'a coming next week and Short needs all the boys." But after the round up? she per slated. "Surely then " I will arise and go to my fath er. he quoted, though I guess I've been raising my own fatted cairn." "The folks will be back by lunch We won't havt time, she said. Teal, but you know how Madison eaa . cook. "Many's (he time I've wished ha had charge of our rhuck wagon, he laughed.. "If Shorty can come I'll stay. He turned end In pantomime int vlted the foreman to come Into tha car. 6horty scrambled awkwardly uf the steps. "I take It, he said In mponee 16 the Introduction, "that you must h the star of this here company. I'vt rea that they sometimes has a eai all to themselves. "I'm the girl Mr. Tabor is going ( W; marry,', she said blnshir.gly. here been engaged for a very lo-- .f time. An' I Shorty stared at Tabor. thought you'd killed a man, he said, you kept ao darned quiet about rur elf. Ne. laughed Tabor. "I whs jnak lag a man myself end I think th. Job's finished now. rn be going aftef tha round up. Shorty. |