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Show in thj Examiner Advertise Utah Weather Forecast it la the far th price It chargee, medium ia tha advertising V The Examiner rcachea the aa tha city. Our "lty veil criptiae hooka are apan te VOL. m. NO. 225 CITY, UTAH, THURSDAY OGDLN ciivj'iiir to ihe railroad superinten r direc.iug them to use military wnerever danger exists. guards Throughout the Caucasus and the now curry Volga r.giou all train are reguards ,ind passeugi-rquired io eetabiisU their identity before being allotted io enter the cat a. dt-i- TEXANS bom.-- . MED .iii,. Russian Bandits Busy. Aug. 33. Armed mm today attacked :he lila of a rich woman REPUBLICAN CONVENTION situated iu tho curer of the city. A ' PLETED ITS LABORS. police patrol upeut-- a fusillade, and ' the bandits tied after killing a iraird wi'h Iallte Mlronovtlch and h minded Captain Hetroff, I lie s rtirf uf i he rural guard. Thy escaped. The massacre (a supposed to have yes planned by revolutionists in the ine working suburb or Frags. It was holiday, and Bn one suspi Catholic ected that a massacre waa in preparation. The weather waa beautiful, nlm and thouaanda of ike rlty wa the people were crowding from Chief of mur-(fiyr- train. Simultaneously the attacks n policemen began at. In in the morning. About 1 o'clock o'clock in the afternoon newa began U arrive from all parts of tha city reof tha vealing the concerted nature mark. In Ostrovskaia street, four sen attacked a sergeant of police, but ihe latter waa able to capture three of them, who were armed with revolvers, h a light in Torgovla street revolutionists shot down two patrolmen and Jewish merchant was killed by a gray bullet. A band of ten men Invaded a grog street, where they hop In Cboldrena wounded a soldier.' The , clerk and wife of the proprietor opened fire upon the Invaders, sod a passing patrol, at- tracted by the dlatlrbance, seized the trance of the shop, stormed the home and cantured all of the band. the afternoon strong detachments f Infantry, dragoons and Cossacks ap pm red in the streets, dispersing the crowd with their swords, firearm and bayonets. The streets ware quickly emptied and by 9 oclock all the restaurants were closed. ng and In x Thousand Struck. Aug. Io. -- thou- - Twtniy-six sand at s.ruck today, tug to the empkment of orkinen in the mine. on- - ! milieup-pro- ; tin- - With reference i.j racial ronflieta in eastern rauiusu ;ho Imperial Messenger mtf tendency u, hiugundage is noiable among iti' section of the Mohammedan population, but that this can hardly be attributed to to a holy war against Christians. The unreal among the workmen of the Bakung-Titl- i districts has Increased, but the contingency of a general railway strike la rrgawled as out of the question. The Imperial Messenger adds that while the secret revolutionary proamong paganda haa been successful tha Armenians it has met with no success among the Tartar and that tha mountain tribes remain loyal. The troopa In the Caucasus continue to do their duty, reports of disorder in individual regiments being In moat cases exaggerated. The committees of conciliation alone, the publication adds, have done much good work In maintaining order. The effurtc of the authorities are mainly directed to the peaceful solution of the agrarian question. It is asserted by the Imperial Messenger that a bill already has been submitted to the cabinet to readjust the relations between the peasants and the landowners, but that the carrying out of the project haa lieen postponed, owing to the present disturbed situation. t 81. rnur-dcro- pro-rin- anti-Gree- s. pt 10 x pe-r- tu-n- ry n s-- . cub-crih- l.u e whu-- ; it,-;.i:u- ttiy tirai (St.?,, v,i i ht- Uia:i: lor ui.r Malt- - to grfve him I'ni.'u'ul tm:h h:m iipi-i- , auj now i .lil Acting Police Chief Shot. Cbltu, ,up. 15. Acting Chief of Po-- lice was shot today as be was leaving hi home. The aaaaHsiii t i ; ARREST AMERICAN fiFTY MEXICANS ARE it It- , ih1 it In;, and' Marled oi tduie h:ghwu IlSflUilli-e-- . KILLED IN EXPLOSION nd COM- No Fusion, Liaeo.ii. Aug. 15. I tie PupuliM p!it-fordee!.i. ullixiiiv m die pnucipirs it the pa ni. ut fin. iv. sled m die naiiuna: roMeiiiiuu: tin iandk DSPUTES AM.CAELEY SETILEO for ciiw.tur, goviTi:u.eiii ow uersr.ip of raihv.i n:.d mt.ii. of m'.i of ihe peope and the Dr. Cary A. Gray Was tor of money ly ihe geiiii.,1 government only. GovsrnaiwEndorse the Present None ui ihe nomins'ion of A. t". Administration and Condemn Rhalirnberger for governor liy iln Texas Congressman. Demorrai. canted diKiiipuiuimfiit K! txoo. Tfi . Aug. lit. It i and Mine ri-- iiiuieiii iu the couit-u-no! hete that between of who hud counted lliirtv xud fifty PopurtH El Paso, Texas. Atm. 15 - The Re- confidently on the noniiuaUoii of Mexican l.iben r and liv Msudcra publican convention eiiilej in session Hung lifige of Iducoln h Ikilh con-e- wvic killed lhu afternoon .it 4:3u iu here yesterday by th- - lepuiai' state fhihiiahiib. Mexico, In the cxphiN'otl ions. r uiipleie ticket A organization placed of f dvuanillf on the Mexi proiKisnl to nominate Merge in the field today, adopiet! t resolution t The cur wa- mot wlih the annotiui-enn-n:lm' can Central railroad. ri nr n miration in ji the ta(e Hci-gdenouncing Mr. would mil consent to be being traiikferred for iruuporiition unmeasiiret) terms, anil before taktuR the candidate ot ihe Populists alone. ti the Kobitiaim mine at Kama Eufinal adjournment, Cecil A. lalia Bodies and pieces of human flesh loon of Sherman chutnunn of the were hurled Into the atr and picked up Socialists Nemo Ticket. state commit toe. The uitrodurtt.m nt Lincoln. Aug 16. The Roristlxt x mile itiaixm. Windows were broken x resolution by Mark I. more favoring in nltiHiM ever house in loan and of Nebraska held us stats concalled (urth a airotiR party vention here today. A Muir ticket many walla were erwrked. Bevernl a of of on the number partprotest Ameriran foremen are reported among was nominated, headed by Ezra delegates, C. A. Boynton f War. de- of Broken Bow. for governor. Taylor Ihe killed a dishad Chairman that Awll claring Reno iut Iona were adopted declaring ehoat-resoluon the placed memliera tions committee to make way for oth- opposition to child labor; m tavor oi ers who were in his. favor. The con- free meals and clothing for school children; favoring penwionw (nr wage test was amicably settled, however, earners over sixty year old; m raise when Chairman Idon of 'he state comtaxes and lower I bone nu corporation of mittee announced the appointment homeKieadn; favoring state Insurance; Cowimiesionar ta commitBoynton to the state ticket" Reokanae Returns tee. A compromise resolution bearing for a curtailment nf army and navy After Investigating the Killing for and appropriations government, waa upon prohibition finally adopted. of Poachers. of utilities. Allegiance to the Republican plat-fo- t ownership A resolution waa also adopted dem of 1904 wak reaffirmed, the conBeattie. Wah.. Aiir. 1- 3- IB. W in Idaho m Bims vention expressing confidence In pro- nouncing the prosecution solicitor for tha ricpaitment of fcU.-oii- r a an Mover, and lleywood tective tariff tempered with reciproccoimiierr and lslair, setil In the Bt. outrage, ' I'aul rookeries to Inveatigain condiity, surh as Roneevelt and McKinley The convenllou declared In favor if tion hate advocated." The platform sdv there, and who arrived two days rn a lie conand owned newspaper rates a compulsory edurattou law and after the killing of five Japanese trolled by thy party aiemltership. school terms in the country of (spinl retiirucd here oi day m ib pirate, i earner Jefferson. length to thus In the city. Tbe resoTelling of Ihu situRame-velt lutions congratulate President ation In the rookeries, he said: for his attitude in the fight against There were two day of active raidthe trusts. ing by the Japanese, who had four The rosolutfcma charge tbe slate adschooner and posoihly five. ministration with nepotism, opposition "Monday. July 16. during a deans Io the national . administration and fog. the guards heard firing al various failure to provide aurh school funds. National Sullivan point around the island, indicating Committeeman Wasteful extravagance is also conthat tha raiders were shooting seals Mailed Hia Answer Broadcast In the water. Government Agent lmib-kedemned. in Illinois, While ne reference to the Houston investigated and captured six Japconvention appears in the resolution anese In a boat as they landed to kill IS. Democratic HI., Chicago, Aug. there waa much la the sentiment of elulm. Tiles nurrenderwl Committee man Roger C. Bui-I- t reals with the convention te encourage the Im- National without a fight, loiter In the artermmu van out statement a twlay pression among the delegates that a which gave te ha prepared and mailed continuous firing wastwoheard around tM new in Texas haa A Carload Dynamite at Chihuahua Exploded With a Disasterous Results Pcices of n . PROFESSOR. im-n- e of nu-ho- Professor St, Petetsburg. . Blaktalee of Clark universGeorge ity, Worcester, Mas., who waa accunt-paule- d by M. X. Lulicaky, a newspaper man, waa arretted near Aug. 15. Volot-.kanis- k yesterday as a suspicious ilthutigb he had a certificate of idtnilty from the Ameriran consul general. Mr. Smith, of Mokcow, and was on the point of being sent to Ylo-kanisk when he was released by order of the governor general at the request, of Consul Smith, who. In the mean lime, had been apprised by telegraph of the situation. Professor Blakeslee la one of a number of Americans traveling in Russia Miidylng the polltital, social and conditions. chai-atite- r. 1 econ-unit- FEW HOURS FIVE CENTS Human Flesh Picked Up a Mile Away non-unio- u Cronstadt Mutineers. Petersburg, Aug. 15.The Cronstadt mutineers who are being tried by court martial, have been divided Ambulances and vans were kept busy into several aategorea. The trial of wounded the to the ring leaders la now in progress. tarrying hospitals. All paasers-bwere searched hp par - The official inquiry at Tomsk into lads and many arrests were made. Ihe abuses and malversations of tbo Hlbrriaa railway during the war Is Wdiars and Policemen Shat Down in coming to g conclusion. II hts treat. transpired that 1,600 cars disappeared It. Petersburg. Aug. 15. Acting ap and that at one station alone tha anally with a definite plan and at a stato waa defrauded out of $350,000, final, ihe terrorists and rerolutlonlaia a carnival of Greeks Caused tha Fight, today Inaugurated attacks with bombs and r Sofia, Aug. 15. It la alleged that the tolvwi m the police and troopa In primary cause of the fighting at Ahiolu rarious cities In Poland, echos pf oa August 12 was the conduct of which are heard from Samara. IT, Greeks in trying forcibly to prevent a Talta. Kietiand even far away Chita, i Bulgarian meeting there. peasants hers Acting Chief of Police Oorpln-cbenk- o from outlying villages assembling for waa slain almost on his own the meeting being received with rifle camThe revolutionists doorstep. shots from the Gieeks. The Bulgarians paign flames out with especial virulereturned to their villages, procured nce at Warsaw, where over a score arms and then attacked Ihe Greeks, ware slain In the streets and many who were forced to withdraw and barmora were wounded. Among tha killed, ricade themselves within their church. cording to the latest official advices, continued around the Fighting were two sergeant 'of police, eight church tha whole day. The police patrolmen, three gendarmes, five solvainly appealed to the Greeks to cease dier. a Hebrew merchant and a firing while they dispersed the peaswcoian. The returns are not all In. ants. A Greek priest in command at Policemen and soldlars w ere shot down the church. It la alleged. Incited ihe like rabbits In the street. Their Greeks to continue hostilities. Five who traveled in small bands, hundred houses were destroyed by the almost all escaped among tha terror firs started during the fighting. Altoiaed. but sympathetic populace. The gether eleven persona perished, five only considerable capture was a band of tha victims being Bulgarians. The of ten men whq had Invaded a grog Greek bishop, wbo was supposed to bop and killed a aoldler. These were have been Incinerated, was found hidtaken by a passing patrol. ing and arrested aa being principally Bombs were employed In an attack responsible for the Outbreak. oa the police station of tha Volsk Minister of the Interior Petkoff haa in Warsaw, where a sergeant, gone to Ahiolu to organise relief and 'wo patrolmen were and a soldier to atop the movement. vnunried. Serious Crisis May Bo Precipitated. Other Polish cities singled out by London, Aug. 16 The correspondent ihe terrorist! were Lodi, where sin at Bofio of the Tribune, declares that oldlera, three patrolmen and the wife unless the powers speedily step In to of a police captain were wounded by correct the exiatlng condition iff aftbs explosion of Bomba In the police fairs In Macedonia, a serious crisis 'atlon. and two soldiers and two terrmay be precipitated. According to the orist killed In the atreata. Random, Bulgarian view. Greece, encouraged by here a bomb thrown Into tha pplice Bulgarian neutrality and wltht Turkish ation killed the write and child of a started the barbarous captain: Vlotlosk, where the chief of persecution In Macewllrc waa slain, and Plock, where at donia and the European powers, overgiven signal the policemen on all the looking Greek favored misdeeds, Posts ere simultaneously - attacked Greek claims In Crete as If to reward nd several of them wounded. their exploits In Macedonia. This InOn sreonnt of the agrarian diaor-sr- dignation of Greek outragea. the corand especially several attacks respondent. asserts, provoked a na"" trains, the railway between tional movement In Bulgaria, which Raman and Zlatoust, which already the government cannot neglect or jk ronylng guards on all its trains. suppress. May placed under martial law. The Metropolitan of Athens haa Two of these attacks occurred today telegraphed to the archbishop of CanTfa. revolutionist In each case terbury, appealing against the atro"King a train, bursting open tha cious Bulgarian outrtagn on ihe fan if the mail cars with bombs and Greek inhabitants ofAhHolu. rfling the registered pouches. Tha lTr in one rase amounted to $15,000; Russian Agitator Escapes. tie other rase the amount ia not St. Aug. 13. The inPetersburg. Mloufi the into attempt on the life vestigation of Grand Duke Nicholas on Aug. 10, Bombs Thrown In Police Statlan. camp maneuvers at Lriz. Aug. 15. Three bomba ware at the guards' , have developed that '""own imo the station house of the Krasnoye-Selowere used in ninety-siball cartridges oclock T.jlid police prerinct here at of the sharpshooters. The ns evening, and exploding, wrecked rifle incident was preceded Krasnoye-Sel- e '''aiding and an adjoining lodging earlier In the week by two sensational t'w" mu', wounded six soldiers of the "he l!M M:iinsly. three policemen end iI incidents due to disloyalty amongCxar the Bume men White of troop. wif,. of a raptaln of the preelnct. ! fired at one of their officers tn s thrown et two Cossacks ; regiment , and a sergeant of the ambush from 'hoas street. killing one of them wbo evidently had nd s. A aoldler Gnlenky regiment, Minding the other. k'iled and a soldier and policeman become aware that plotting was taking V"f. s.n n'ied in Alexander street. iplaca among the men. was killed. Ij. tutrna outt that the police made Muo:iipr patrolman was kl'led In , when .they presumed they Cossacks repelling an a mistake Captain Kock. comin ZavMsk street killed twa had raptured n mander of the Red Guards of Finland. Tha captain la now in Christiania. Norlug the bomb outrages' , writes tha; he escaped ih: nils tired volleys In all dl-- way, whence ahecab driver and actually as fiPTral streets, tha frlng disguised ':.f uii;rc until 10 o'clock at nlwht drove two detectives who were searchTr twenty persons were ing inr him. and roaiv others were alight-,- k Ineffective Manifesto. 'r1',r'd. Traffic waa suspended and hop were closed. St. Petersburg, Aug. 15. As proor of the ineffectiveness of the Viborg Caucsaua Under Martial Law. manifesto, the minister of war anS ' P nounces that 269.715 of.iha recruit to Io-i- s 15. Tha ersburg. Aug. colors In the fall have already the ow. 5'f,'?PBrer that annetmres v -o a their names at the office of ntrevolutionary boards. ,h-g tbeiecr-owith w'Wjlof Me of railway! and comminister The la cxrsp.,onf Tw district, on account of tbe daily munications. law. In the distrleta rf of traina and the murder of fn2li n'' snwesur S"meS ha"A hold-up- s the railroads, haa tent a of officials a'ckM detachments of trooprv-Mai Cardiff. , I 'Revolutionists The auihuritivK have sufficieut revolvers today killed tary furevs at their dlM"iI to 15. ' We rejuu-- ilia, as a ivuspo .uuu, iu ilir great uiura: PRICE ili-l..r,- Twenty-si- Was Carried Executed on Holiday. Aug. 19J it, While iuer !lu cuun thi al..iea, rrviiv that hut).hi, STATE TICKET ! . toad) rii..tji Yalta. Massacre Supposed to Have Been Planned by Rebels to Avenge Arrest of Socialists AUGUST KORNLN3, i s Toif'-avak- Fair Thuraday aad Friday; cooler Friday. (RECEIVES FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES) IN MADRID. Bordeaux, Aug. 16. Mr. Bryan may deride to abandon his intention to visit Grenada and go to Tangier instead- He will attend only a few hours In Madrid on Thursday. THE PRINTERS IN CONVENTION Unanimously Adapt Resolution Expressing Confidence in Executive Officers and Council. Colorado Springs, Aug. 15 By unanimous tote, the delegatee to the International Typographical union conven- tion today adopted a resolution expressing their full confidence In the ofconficers and executive cnunell, gratulating them upon the wisdom and prudent foresight shqwn in tha conduct in the contest for an eight-hou- r day, and especially endorsing the action of me levy of the ten per cent assessment levied for the purpose of the strike fund. The agreement with the Americas Publishers association Newspaper was accepted, assurance being given by Frederick Driscoll, labor commissioner for tbe publishers, that they would ratify It next February. The new agreement ie but slightly different front the one which expiree May 1, 1907. and insures the newspaper publishers against walkouts, strikes or boycotts, they agreeing to arbitrate ail differences respecting wages, hours and conditions of .labor. A national boad of arbitration Is created to consist of tbe three members of the union executive council and three of the standing committee iff the publishers' association. Indianapolis, the national headquarters, and Hot Springs, were placed In the race for tbe 1907 convention, tbo vote to be taken tomorrow morning. Tomorrow is Home day." Beattie Invited the union to hold its 1909 convention there, la connection with the Alaskan exposition, while Bt. Joseph, Mo., also made a bid for the convention. The following resolution waa reconvention ferred by the of tbe International Typographical union to the committee on political policy, to be acted on in the regular course of business: ' Whereas, the state administration of Colorado and Idaho, evidently In mine collusion with the owners' organisation, have, by a novel process of law, unknown to the common American citizen, kidnaped. In tbe dead of night, and incarcerated the leaders and officers of that steadfast organisation, the Western Federation of Miners, under tbe false and damnable charge of murder, and, Whereas, they are now denied either Immediate trial or release on bond under various subterfuges, evidently In accord with prearranged plans to put these men tot death and tbeir organization out of business, be it Rerolved, that Typographical union No. 16 (Chicago), at its regular meeting, demand of the stale administration of tbe stato of Idaho that thesa remen. in compliance wltht their quest. be given an Immediate trial In the court, bnt, according to the process of law, released on bonds; be It further Resolved, that our delegates to tha Internattiona! Typographical union convention are hereby Instructed to present these or similar resolutions at Us next session at Colorado Springs. . n 1 JAPS RAIDED fOR TWO DAYS REPLIES TO MR. BRYAN p Republican party been permanently organised, FWhmtag ia Uiwsickri named by Die convention. Governor, Dr. Csrejr A. Gray, Ftnnla county. Lieutenant governor. Frederick Guadalupe county. l. Attorney-generaGhsrlea W. Ogden, Ban Antonio. Controller. Wentvorth Manning. Van Zandt county. Treasurer. George M. Booth, Williamson county. Commlaaloner general nf land office, Henry C. Harding. Amarillo. Railroad commlwdunesf j W. F. Connor, Dallas. Superintendent of public instruction, F. V. Andervoort, Carrlao Springs. Justice of court of criminal appeals, A. G. Foster. El Paso. The resolutions condemn tbe wasteful extravagance nf the state democratic administration, commend the Roosevelt administration, condemn nepotism In Texas. nd condemn thn Texas congressman for opposing Republican national administration. Hof-hein- NEBR'SXA CCNENTIONS Democrats Named Shallanbargar for Governor Populists Don't . F'.isa. flfty-eeoon- d ATTELL DEFEATS CAR8EY. Grand Rapids. Aug. 15. Abe Attell, the featherweight champion, got the derision over Frank Carney of Buffalo, ((might at the end of the fifteenth round. The two boys were battling fiercely at ihe end of the bout. Attell led throughout tha engagement and while Carsev held tha littie champion even in the mixing game, Atiell P rover the cle-rrgt hitting and getting away. Carsey came- - with a ruah In , tbe flftrnth round and with rights and lefts to body, put Attell through the Science was thrown to tne ropes winds at this period. Carseya rally in this round brought ahonts of draw" from the crowd, aad Keferee Sllrr'a decision wan not pnpnlar. er 15 Mike Aug. Colo., Denver. (Twin I SallLan and Rube Smith d draw hern tofought a twenty-roun- whita welter weight night for the tit tha world. championship Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 16. Harmonious fusion between the Democrat and Populists nf Nebraska waa threatened by tbe action of the Democratic state conveation which, at an emrly hour this morning nominated A. C. Bhallen-berge- r for governor instead of George W. Berge. whom ihe Populists bad : confidently counted upon as Ihe choir.-of both conventions. Furthermore, the Democrat showed disposition to seticket without lect a straight psrt Ponullst renrr',n'"',,1 There waa a debsi of Over an hour in the Democratic .' "'"...-- .u question of nomina'ing a United Slates decided In the senator, and It affirmative. Tbe Democratic ticket Is as follows: United States senator, William H. Thompson, Grand Knd. Governor, Ashton Bhallenberger, broad cant throughout Illinois In reply William J, Bryan's demand (bat ha resign from the national committee and biS'aubaequent assertion lhat hia t opposition to Mr. Ruillvan was prompted solely by his belief that Roger Htilllvan and John I. Hopkins had robbed the Itemocrati of Illinois of their political rights." 'Mr. Hulivan In bla rejoinder declines tu concede to Mr. Rryan the right in question his Democracy or hi membership In the national committee. Judgment ns to my democracy." he says. Testa with tha Democrats of the district In which I live. My title to membership in the national committee has been conferred and confirmed by a higher authority than Mr. Hryau." Continuing Mr. Hullivan nay: Mr. Bryan may have written the letters In whlrh my realgnatlon or Is advised, although the chsanel through which tbe letter have come through leave doubt of their authen- ticity." "Tbe purpsc of the demand made by Mr. Bryan, Mr. Hulivan assert to be to create new factional strife in the place of sctlonsIlKm that bas now disappeared. ibis deActually." he declares, mand emanate from two men, Millard Fillmore Ibinlsp and Owen 1. Thompson of Jacksonville. By misuse of Mr. Bryan'a name and popularity they hope to stir tin enough discord at. Feorla to enable them to pone again as leaders" and as representatives of Mr. ui,. an. to Mr. "In the letters attributed Bryan there is this plain statement: "Mr. Hulivan was selected as committeeman bv delegates who were not chosen by the convention." If this statement la Mr. Bryan's, thtu ne persists in a contention that hv the last Democratic national convention to be a mlsrepre-stiuiaimHe cannot tn fairness main-laith's position. It la true that, the seats of certain of those delegates But these contest were conteatefl. were not decided by fraud, and Mr. Bryan know it. Does Mr. Bryan deny asttve guani Tuesday found three Japaneae landing In a tsial. Two of the raider werw armed; Tbo native guards ordered tbe Japanese to aurrendar, but Jnatead they Jumped info their boat and suited to pull off shore at a rapid rate, tine shot of warning waa fired, hut the Japanese continued to get away. Then the guards fired te kill, two (if tbe Japanese firing killed outright and one wounded. The boat drifted to shore and tbe wounded man was cared for. The same afternoon lembkey and t party of fifteen guards surprised five boats filled with raider. Tbe men started tn row wy, carrying thefr plunder with them. whn the guard fired, killing two outright. One waa dead In the boat, another was seen tn float sway In the anrf and a third waa thrown overboard from th arhOMner. Twelve wore captured. The schooners then weighed anchor and got away. I will make a full rrjxirt to the secret nry of (be department. "The twelve captured were bound over to the grand Jury and lmprlaone-at Juneau. They may he Indicted for piracy." islands. IN PITTSBURG Fugitive Bank President Meets a Farmer Friend and Asks Him Not to Glv Him Away. The 16. fhrmlHe-Tt-legrap- h tonight is the authority for statement, that Paul U. Htcnsland, th the defaulting president of tho Milwaukee Avenue Slate bank of Chicago. waa in Pittsburg today and at present Is thought to be In the east. Htrnaland was seen aboard a Pennsylvania railroad train at the Union station h Oscar Holmer, a mechanical engineer who uoed to he a close friend of Htenrland, but had not seen him for two years Holmer had gone to the station tn meet a friend that was on his way !, and while talking In the Pullman car his attention was unexplainahly attracted to a man seated near. In telling of the Incident I walked up to Holmer said him and said. Hello. Ktensland, what ' arc you doing here? ' "For (Sod's sake." he said, "is It giv1 me nway." you? Don't "I tol-- l hint h and his affairs were none uf my business and then he start-e- d to talk. He xsld h- supposed I knew all stioiil. hi truiilde and declared hn the authority of the DetnorrsiJr naI can hardly betional convention? lieve B, The national convention hy a vote of 647 to 29 confirmed the right of the legal Illinois delegates to their me seat. Those delegates eterted national committeeman by a vote of 49 to 5. The national convention again Alma. fraud lieutenant governor, William 11. confirmed that action. To alleee to a seal, in the naagainst my right, Green, Creighton. . Carl B. Coucher, tion committer- - is to indict the last Secretary of sn-rnational convention and tta leaders lor Wall On. Babcock, Hast- compounding a teiony.how-r-tt- n even Mr. Treasurer, Frank do this? Brvsn alncerely and ings. almost out of his mind with iie cannot If he expeers IO accept a was At 2 a. m. a mutton was made In adHtold nte that, he was worry. two nominstb-and nom- presidential yeia journ until afttr said h had plenty of monev. east and must a n'jm'.natvin inate a straight Pu;ioist ticket, but it henee. for such friend, who came from Rochecome from those men I have named ster My waa voted down. via Buffalo, lold nu: the n.an whom not No man, The committee on resolutions to- and their associate. I iuol been on the train , recognized aff'-rto can accept front that night presented s pisiform which ig- even Mr. and they bail lulled tocity nominaa in tbe main. It any nomination, much Jess nores national issu-gether." hand bestows unstinted praise on William tion for the presidency, at the The train Vf: i ore a! a. nt. J. Bryan, pointing to Mm as tbe leader of men whom he lielicve to tie abetEgan loiiigiit Captain of deof the Demnrracv f the nation. The tors of "high crimes and nothing of Kirn-Imsaid be had f fraud. sav in parti meanor are perpetra'ur resolutions as t Ln ijkIi here, and was inpassing The Democrats of Nebraska In that Holni r h;n! iiot icpoiieil renew INJURED IN BARGAIN DAY RUSH. dignant state c-- ren lion the Inrident to lit" toict-- . The poihe their allegiance to the party of Jeffer. have taken n aciiiiii in the mailer. son. Jackson and ri appear in th-- ; woman Holmer' name Bt. Joseph. Aug. 13. -- dmWe rejoice at the rapid growth of directory, o' hers city Democratic sentiment throughout tbe perhaps fatally injured, many re- the compli- ; more or lesa seriously buif, isat the country and appri'-h- t W. F. NEARING ADJUSTMENT. ment bestowed npon "he party when salt of a bargain day ni-, to. It princlplei and riotrinea are bodily .Woolwurth Store, 017 Felix the Trouble cf Brooklyn Rapid Transit appropriated by the few progressive day. The chief of police nrdeied Company Are About Over, leaders of the Repuh!;ean party. We store closed, but rescinded th" order watch with interest hely effortz to when he found tha th squad of ten York, A'tx IS 'Ihe troub''S '( force their party to accept Democratic police on duty there had the situadoctrine ana we tbe hopeless-nes- tion under control. Hericnsly in- the Brooklyn Rapid Transit comp-- ' with thn. of Its patrons, who since of their task. Tj tbeir followers, jured : 39 north Runday, have acted under an opinion Mrs. Huran Wefiand. however, we extend s hearty invitaby Bupreme Court Jua'ice Gsynnr and tion to become Democrats In fact as Twenty-fifttret. t far1 t" A number i f others were carried refused to pay two they are In spirit, and to Join the Democratic ranks unlr tbe leadership out of the crowd vvr oni by hra Coney Island, seen' tonight to be ecu'-inan nmicable adjustment, and it t of Americas distinguished statesman. and In a falntina cnndltior. bill were medical William J. Bryan. ezpected that by Friday the sc shi-- e able to go home wi'h'-iirotiii traffic over the Brooklyn We extend to Mr. Bryan a hearty . - x - Br,-sii- wh-n-- e m d-- !. h Mr-et- N-'- 1 , TO BEEK 15.' Ixtmkui. Ang. Tlie, government decided to seek the extradition of William Canu, measurer of the Benevolent Hortety of IlMial Emha ployes, whnabMsmded to ihe Untied Ktnies, leevtug a shortage of BUi.tust. waa rnu fled tn Texas, where hawhere-aliuiHs located in April, but his present are nnknown. WM. SPROULE QUITS S. P. Another Harvimaa Official Resigns ta Accept a Position With msltar Trust - - . a. Ban ftve-cen- i I a Franrlaoo, Ang.' Traffic Manager William Bproule, the Boat barn . Pactflc company, ; han lieen offered and haa accepted wrbat la probably the high eat industrial traffic poatitnn in th. Country. Octntber 1 . next, hn gMumea.thn iraffta manage-nten- t of Ihe America .Bmejtlnff re. 1 ,f finery. Hie American Hmnltlng-Berurl-tie- s company, tltn Hmeltera Bteamshiii company, and a score of Including' railways. 'in Nevada and Alaska and nmallors nod On tbo mlnra In both hemWpheraa. Pacillu coaat alone these com panics own smelters at Tacoma, Everett, Ran Frani'laco and Helby. Their properties In Umli. Cuktrado, Nevada, JMeiiav and Houth America are immense. . Their holdings In Boulh America Are valued at a hundred million dollars or more. Bpruule entered the aerrlc of the Bout hern Pact tic as a clerk in tbo freight department In 16R2 and leaves II Iu thn highest traffic position la the weal, after twenty-fou- r year of contlmuiu service. It is known that President Ifarriman and Traffic Ktiibba were reluctant to accept hi resignation, though it ia said that Mr. Hatriman ia, with Jacob Bclilff, bla aasiN-iatin the lUrrlman lines, large stockholder ln the nmelter properties, uf which Daniel Guggenheim ia president, and, therefore, haa nut alto-gher lost Bproiile'a oervicee. The posliloti offered Bpronla gives him Jiirlodictum over 1h relations carriers uf probably the largest volume of traffic controlled by one organisation and niHkes hint traffic master of several rallroada and steamship lines owned by ihe smelter companies. It is said that the offer marie Hnroulc is most flattering and though little tufurmatloii on that subject can It be secured directly, It is Maid carries with It s salary of 635, ono per year. Ilia headquarters will bv at 71 Broadway, New York City. Mr, Hpmttle tonight said: "The nature of the offer from th companies under the direction of Guggenheim la such that, one can hardly refuse, and is the only The service reason tm my leaving. with the Hunt hern Psdfic for twenty-inn- r year, with two aurh master minds t ('. P. Huntington and E. FI. Harriinnn controlling Its deetlny. ha moat Interesting and agreeable and I break my present btistnesa and licrsonal associations with the keenest regret." amallar-corporatio- e N-e- MECHANICS AT TRISCO. err Ran Francisco. Aug. 15. Th for labor sent ont from Han Frmw loco world. has been heard around the Forty skilled mechanics arrived yesterday from Australia, where they were paid $1 a day. They will receive at least twice that pay here. Every ('ay wees rapid progress In th work ot rehabilitation. Already $100,060 haa been subscribed to veconstruct the oniig .Mens Christian Association liiiildlnK mid the remainder necessary t.i 'inkc un half a million is assured, Th California dull, the leading woman's xnrial organization of thy coast, has (Icctdcd t construct a haedaont lull house without delay. Heveral Maternal sncietlae will follow Ihdr exit m pic. MRS. ESAC LEFT OYSTER BAY. Mister Bay, L. I., Mrs. At-- I. Ease, or IJlizabeOi Case, who was to haw brn taken i Mtneola today and gives a hearing In lunsry prnrsedlngs. growing run of her prriatnt efforts m inrerview President or MS. Roosw c:t, has left Oyster Bny. -- e h EXTRADITION, el SAW STENSLAND Pittsburg. Ang. will he running under something like norma condition. this afternoon adopied The a plan angKcaied by aning Mayor Me-- 1 (jowun, to give a rebate receipt to every iterooa paying n trn-cvfare, Li be niurtivd u th five cent holder if tbe court of appeals uphold oi Juaiii-- Gayaot that . he five ccnia the legal farr io f'ouey Island. If the court should decide that the Brooklyn Kadip Trstikii couipwuy f i acting within tie right in charging Miuble fare, iiuwt-vertbe receljq I ' to te null and void. The form of the receipt was approved Innight and ' hundreds of primers went to work prriuii'iiig slip for tomorrow's traffic. It i believed the public will accept. In good faith aud trust to aa adjustment of the matter in tha couru. REDUCES PRICE OF OIL. Independence. Kan., Aug. 13. Tha JTaile on and Gt Co., here today reduction in s:ini"in(cd a ihrer-cen- t ihe ppc nf all grades of western e olLnow bring erode nil. 4? cents and fuel oil 29 cents. Higb-grad- ' |