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Show I TIM' business at year, has returunl ! lake up hie home :: is: Utahna Park Mr. Kh.pant. stare Y. MOUSING ti,v n iu :ty of The W. C. T. V. will go. ' iiiiiiiiinin V M' MINING. A I GIST 2, 5Wi. M INESjCOUNTEfiFOIT! JOHNSON HAS ROCK RATES ARE IN STANLEY HIGH DISTRICT entertain the atate preeldent. Mr. Lulu C. Shepard, and Mr. Montgomery, an elucuiiunlsi. travesty IT A II, YYENT ihe a-- 'zfiiiFs OOIIEX. INSURANCElRICfi C. T. I'., and Mr. Mcn'cauu-an elocutionist. will be a; tb- meeting Friday afiern,.vn. at Mr, t.or-toi- . Mr. Shepard wiil apeak. good attendance 1 desired tonighT EXAMINKlt: MONEY IN TOWN AGREED TO THROUGH A RACE YYINDOYY Friday afternoon, at 2?u Twenty fourth etyeet. All member are urged to be OWING TO- - DEPLORABLE OGDEN MEN GET 3G RtTlRNS YOUNG BOY AIDS iN CAPTURE OF SENDS CONDI 9100 TO SHOW HIS GOOD BURNING LAMF STRUCK BY THE present and bring one gueat. IN GOLD A CROOK. TiONS IN OGDEN. FAITH. NIBBLE. Sheriff left yekteniav Behring for Morgan with two prisoners Geo. Scheid's Samples Fiem a Vem of Had Been Mads the Victim by Accept tiandjr and Thomas Quinn-w- ho are Thai, in Substance, is Karl As-Willing to Have Happy Hooligan Meet Resident of Clinton Make Complaint " Standard G. M. Co. Aaaay Reply to Real Estate act used of having held up a companDan Z In Ogden oi Pocaing a Bogus 1Q Against a Gang ef Heed-lumMO0 I 'er Ten. soclatiun. Bill. ion while returning home from Cwj tello. den one night severe weke ago. Their trial is being held at Morgan A today. The sheriff impressed Will Karl A. Scheid, manager of this l.e wuk coming from the ciicus tt Assay of ore froti. ;tTbe much talked of hore rare, A case nf malictona vandaUint eras ' : Kay a auto Into service this morning district of the Board of Fire Standard 'Iia.r.n comEd waul Li.)d wa by horsemen of Hu city, he-- I reported to the ahertfra office this and the trip was made ia a strictly of tn Pacific, sent the lol pany. in the titanic b offic-HemcL and With D.vu E. owned liy Charles nmrntng by William Martin ef Cite ton. manner. on Salmon river, k by Aeaer j tinvugl. the iustrunienra'i:) of Norman lowing letter to ihe Ogden Real ciiuer. and Happy Hooligan, a wift a email place seven mile aontk of Lind, demonstrate ti.,: t,e comiiuuy Xiotwho 1.1od is the man black, the property of C. U. Joiinaun Ogden. Two boya in a buggy threw a Prolimlnao' hearing of the charge :.e ot :he lit-- ; j who Committee on Insurance, Ogdi n ha in it if Tocatello. and wliicn wa a bogus yli! bill on Into nviarvd rock tho else of a mam a head through m S mila-r- i against James H. Crawford was com- Real Ebtate Association, geuiienivu: ff by ihe apparent Wk-riw- n promising gold mit-ef a gang ilia: has beru Lloyd L uf John-nn- . a plat (risen miadow, valued nt $25, rla'.ti.menced in police court e of ti itlahu. is Eleven your lumiitW Receipt yesterday acknowledged baa bees revived by a letter sent lit the house of Martin. A reward of rating hi the city tor seit-radays g County Attorney Hulanleki conducted communicatiun of ihe 37ih Uutaui emirel lo Moyt-.-who is Thlrii-t-group and they are i rears old, in Judge Murphy from Mr. Johnwra 950 has been offered dor information the examination for the state. Crawof men. rates insurance to oiks in Pard's confes lunar) s ore unri a $1UU forfeit check which he ha that w ill lead to their capture. )itir Ogden ford .was repestiitPd by Attorneys city. We are glad to know that such Satnplea were reci-- ; titkiu iron, lie was hist night by ,i placed with Claude Dv. John non 1 The Martin house la ctoae to the . at Corn, Maglnnls and Davis, who brief- a committee has been appointed, and a five-fo.i.mb of forty tuau with a greasy bill, which he anxioua for the race, it will be pulled county road. Several buggies paawed ledge D.-coaunt ff witnesses several ly lo (or a tot in li.i MUr lit for within a fortnight, either at the yesterday about S o'clock; occupied feel, and beg to assure you of our heart) hag of laud)'. on details concerning the shooting. A operation. rickin' at Tocatella They repreeent the iiaoiit txamiuing closely the lull. local driving park by people who had attended the wanAt will continuance of the ca:e was taken ei To insure good faith, Zetuier of the ore body. You ask for suggestions that More gate him the ekiingi and did In th ing performance of th . 10 o'clock this morning. LAsd r secure a reduction of insurance raip. with the Kiandard a check for frnn room of the bouse a lamp waa Profesaor in office llol discover I he uselessness of lire lull u Free mill- Mini too laic to follow ldoyd. lie In As a result of a visit to Ogdra last of the company in at the time Joluiaon iaue hia burning on a email table near th win, week, 1 want to call your attention to ing gold, plainly vi.i iv m the llerriek of lh swiudle and lii h lie challenge at the far ground.. dow. XX'tthout any warning, a rock loiintj ATTENTION 0. R. C. mi tnn-- i and Zeinier he found lo ih vabie of certain deplorable conditions which crashed through th glass, broke it the two were able to Lloyd a The check U farld in must, first of all. be corrected to en per too, beidea a p.otr.aMe allowing io nuiigiril with the c.ieiis crowd. A I willlug to have the idee lake place Into fragment, cruehed the lamp and reO. R. C. are The member of the as agreed up'vn. title you to even such rates as yui of atlver. knocked picture from the walls. Marelisrge of obtaining motiev under false for a bet f ' Johnson make hia ivoeition clrar In tin ran to the door ta time to oeo two quested to moef at the K. P. hall to at- now have. Other tuple tal.t-- troni a small luvtenses will In- brought against tend the funeral of Bro. H. Markle ai nt a high following letter: il. First 1 find that the hours of ap- seam within the tioga or men disappear rapidly in a , the Mr. S p. m., Thursday, Aug. 2nd. J. U. Murphy and Claude Dee, buggy. 9 to 9 a. m. and 3 to 0 a 14 ounces of fLi in the ton. This of the crowd and Takiiig proximately advaiiiage D. L. BOYLE. Sec'y. c dlacoveii-.on the sur- the iiii'it'swd Imilness of yesterday Ogdon, Utah. Gentlemen: Your favor Numerous complaints have com p. n. your water pressure runs as low si reals to hand this A. M. Will my that he front Clinton to the sheriff's office, A1 a depin kiverwl ..t.ii aa sixty-fivwere Ulilc to pas Qr even sixty pounds, face aa inch la aitiUipts and that it would take some thirty of forty feet it had lo eeven bogus bills. They bear the name of culling on Claude Dee at Ogden, to shout a band of hoodlums terrorising STOLE HIS VALUABLES minutes to inert ase the pressure. As Inches and indication toe that it will the Merebsuis and Ilauiers bank of whom 1 have sent l(Hi forfeit money the town. Their favorite pastime la to arrange a match between Happy to det roy mail hoses, gates and fire department equipment is Widea aa greater dwh reached. Georgia ami are yicelleut luiitaiioua P. L, Malan, whose home is at the Ogden's for gravity service, that inadequate So flattering are, tin- brmipccu of a of genuine bills. ' Witt n tbe proprie- Hooligan and Dan Z for 5iat a side, fences. Considerable damage already a corner of Twenty-seventIn five, to lie has been don to private property and end Tayk r pressure during the periods stated be- rich mine that me cu.iiiany will erer' tor of a saloon askiH to stv the bll' th heat three seed at ihe must convenient place and the dtticna of th town ar aroused. avenue, wee relieved of four dollar comes a serious menace. The thirty immediately a nniil of three to ten that two men uttered la for payment whore an association will hang up th and other valuables last evening while minutes required to Increase the pres- stamps. An old one camp mill sitWith the aid of the sheriff, they will they refused to show it largeat aide purse, American Trotting endeavor to apprehend th gang and sure would he the doom of your loun us led a abort distant e from the shaft refreshments, enjoying himself at the circus. to him and left the plsce ia a hurry Auaor-hi tlona rule to govern, Zeinier bring the culprit to Justice. It seema that a number of in case of genera conflagration. 1. ia being run daily and two men, car- A good description was furnished the to one Jurte, 1 ihe other and the men crawled nnder the can- therefore, recommend that immediate their ore from the main ledge, police and other am-itare broke,! twopick rying selected to pick tbe jhlrd, nmiey vas, while the great fire scene was ou steps be taken to secure permanent and grinding it by hand power, are for. to lie diiuwlted with a well-poed, and unbuttoned his back pocket 'and pressure of from eighty to one hun- clearing $4U per day. Iuitl the new Two men representing themselves men. stole Ike articles mentioned. dred pounds at all hours of the day mill la ready for i''u!mu the old as officers went the milmad through Ho far aa the newspaper clipping I and night. mill be used, with an Increased yard last evening, boarded switch will say that that la the of force will Second. Flagrant violations men. Cuusirimr estimates engines, punaed through box car and roncerney, of first time I have heard of Mr. Zelmer'a NOTICE TO IRR1CAT0BS building laws are being perpetrated of the output of the iiiiiic, were a iarg searched employe in the yards before offer to race. I made nty offer to race without opposition. Your city ordin- er mill available, ate from to their real Identity was ascertained. publicly and It was not accepted. I Notice la hereby given that a meet- ance stipulate that no building wtoi 9k.wiU per day. It la believed that they are memlrers detest a man email enough to stoop to ing of the Irrigators of the Ogden Riv- outer walls In any part of wood ahsU The Stanley mining district ia of the counterfeit money gang. such things when hie opponent Ie out er District will meen in the court ba tolerated. Yet I can poiut out a' three about Salmon ou riur. the of the country. The mall ere running house, Ogden city, on Saturday, Aug. least four such buildings erected with- hundred mile north cat of Ogden, it Dr. Thomas Edectrlc Oil Is the and if he had wenled to rare Happy 4th, 1B0G at 2 p. m., for the purpose of in the congested district during the Is famous as a gold producing count r best remedy for that often fatal dls-ci- i Hooligan, the thing to have done was organising Into a company for mutual past few months. Henoe, I recommend and some 4 th riciu-a- t mines in IhH s to write me, accepting my offer-- nut st croup. I Isa been used with further an distribuand by provisions, that, the proper kituated protection equitable along slate ot Idaho are to stand on the street comer and talk In our family for eight years. tion of water. Representation from violations of this measure bs predat- stream. Ogden men cuiered the ter about It. I don't beep bores to bluff Mrs. L. XXhlteacre, lluffakr, N. Y. all Irrigation companies in said dis- ed. The present building ordinances rilury several year ago. They sewith. I keep them lo rare for the are altogether inadequate, particularly cured a promising rkuin and ainre trict are requested to be present. money. To show you my heart la lu as permitting a party wall of nine have eddsd tea clatu. to the original JOS. A. TAYLOR. APPtHICIIIS CAUSED DEATH the right, place. I would Juat as eonn Water Commissioner. Inches. This ridiculously inadequate discovery. Every assay made of asm draw cuta whether we meot at Ogden requirement, I trust, will be remedied pies from (be main ledge have run or Iocittello. It'd only a hint but . you In C. J. now be clerk a Bupt. ins ord ices high In gold and sliver, so much ao Manson Neubauer, reply ia desired ae I have Hlmuld embrace it CHANCES IN RAILROAD RULES by the revised early ,An th aiuce at died offieu, July, (be opporlng printed. that reports of the dingle Standard working Hooligan and would Ilk Third I found a groersl impres- company, whirk have reached aouth-c- Rued hold ynsterday at 3 : 10 p. in. ol quit of him in shape Jtgaln. Your to get yonr having laundry tunity waa recalled Tlr. C. E. Manson Terklna and sion strongly prevailing that the Superintendent Idaho, have caused a flocking of ap;tetiiUrlile. trulv, (signed) C. B. Jolinmm." wants attended to in a Batin to sttcud Neubauer, but when he Trainmaster AI. Wright are in S cent severe fire In your city was not and district Stculey the to tho strlckeu man wa pest medLake attending a meeting of Jhe op- properly handled. I undorstaad that pnpertora Tbiff Ib an, fa dory manner. many eontlguoua claims have already ical aid. He rill'd in the presence nf C. A. R. EXCURSION erating division of the western divis- a committee of investigation waa ap- been located. and you nee abwrinte realty hie wife a of friend. and number ions relative to. changes which are pointed by Mayor Oanroy. but that George Gosling, of Ihe Company, reshould not minute Neubauer had a bad attack of aphewtate to be made in the operating rule of this cemmittee haa rendered no re- turned ft, to 35.90i and from Tuesday night Minneapolis Return, afternoon. He waa ftuwtay pendicitis the Harriraaa line. This meeting Is port. I strongly urge that the propos- consult with llag u conent with uch toil shareholder upon routing preliminary to the meeting of all the ed investigation be made and the re- cerning the erecllbn of mill arid other confined to bla bed end Dr. Teiklna adTicket on aato August 9 and 19. in a Mem if exan you ap lmnurilate operation. This especially Harrlman operatlhg officials who will sults submitted If ineotnpoteaey the com- vised limit, stopover. U. A. R. ape 'Aj present the potleut would not consent lo, for lamg work at meet in Denver August 13th, where of- ists in the deportment, it should be Improvement. Halt predate hlgh-clatrain leaves men. dal seven headquarter la working pany recover. would he helieved that he ficial action will be taken on the pro- known and prompt action taken to This force will be doubled aa quick- Monday enother sttsck laid him tow. ljvk Augukt 9 via scenic Colorado moderate prices.- . Midland. Make your berth reservations posed changes . in op era ling rulo-t- . remedy tbe weak net a. If not, the de- ly as facilities for handling the ora lie grew worse. Monday afternoon and now with Commander K. (1. Bloater, General Superintendent Buckingham partment should be vindicated. available. are of Hie persuasion Some six weeke afto a cummltte evening, until, tindvr lli7 South XX'eat Temple, Balt Lake, or and Superintendent Mao son will repro 111 With the eareptlon of minor Ogden wife end friend, he conscnteil to writ L. II. Hardline, sent the Oregon Short Line at the Den- similar to yours waa appointed by the general agent. of is composed the company sumDr. Terklna whs an rpcratlnn. Civic League of your city, la response Colorado for Balt fur ver meeting. ' Midland, IS? I5t Lake, Both phones 174. men. The heavy shareholders moned. but could do aoiblng to ward te their request, we submitted recom- localFrank and Itinerary of trip. (her particulars Kill William Moore. Craig, off death. arg mendations. UNION PACIFIC W. V. Kennedy end George In July Mr. Neubauer came here Supplementing the Shove, .attention Kennedy, WATERWORKS FRANCHISE Gosling. from Sidney, Nebraska, to acci-p- l a pie n to for ia called y (result driveways Cheap Ratea East. si lion as second time keeper In Mr. with17 Nos. aa and blork Si, through Man son's office. He won friends and out them the handling nf Area from AUGUST 9. IK POJCE COURT Real Ealate Men Appoint a Committee We are 1. T." at ODDS and ENDS. the respect of his business associate. . rear becomes exceedingly: dlffloult. I. T. Alvord, 2277 Wash. 'Phono te Make Protest Ogden to Mllwauke and return. $49. SO The body will bs taken to Fldw-- on If w cSn be of further service to 172. "Any old thing" bought, sold or - Good to return until SepL 1. Nine auspicious characters arrested No. fi tmlsy. Mr. Xeubaiier's parents call at upon time, you in freely. any The Real Estate association held a exchanged. Now and Second-Han- g were lined live in Nebraaks and the funeral will Ogdan to Chicago and return. .$44 . SO Bear in mind that we are as anxious Monday at Riverside park Furniture. I. T. Alvord, Good to return until Sept. 9. sesafon nf vagrancy. yesterday In the Weber rluh. be held at their home. as you are to cbialn reduced rates for up to plead to ehgrgea AUGUST 9 AND 101 The committee for irveatlgating the pleaded one Witho'it they exception must BECOND-HANreduction but this repreSTORE. Ogden to St. Paul and return. .935.90 Ogden, rre'ent high price for lumber report- NEVADA sent a correepondlng improvement In not guilty. Officer asked for a could sail all kinds of now to Wo RECEIVE BIDS and rc and interview had WILL several that ed buy Minneapolis they Ogden case until Ihelr of they fire farllitlis. fighting '35.no turn . wa with local dealer and olhr peraoee and second-hangoods. Call or phono In speaking of conditions affect- seeure witnesses. 4 postponement 0. Good to return until Sept. in a position to know why the high W acker A Haynva, Prepay 199 19th H for received be will lllda digging ratea aa granted. a in the city whole, It, Stopovers allowed. Remember only ing Two mendicant. William Towers 4.r3 hrir for light pole from Hot price are maintained, and their report Phene, Ind. 22. might be appropriate to remind an oro to was to the effect that high prices exist sentenced forty hours to Chicago via Union were Han. tri W. and 1. rmclter (lily. Brigham a owners ' PAUL such Rpriug ganisation of property ZIEQENHIRTf limited tralna. Further parbecause lumber men can get them. Towers begged In CO. FIXTURE ft SUPPLY ELECTRIC jail. twenty daye that each Individual building has eeend-Hen- d Storm for new matter of franchise Ihe tli The ticulars furnished by any agent or A. this received hut only for mercy, Its particular lefect,for which charges B. Moseley, T. P. A., Ogden, Utah. waa If t sell ar buy Waterwnrha hove company the you anything Ogden permiturance Judge that vrvihe are made and for the removal or LEAGUE NOTJDISRUPTED phene 1S70 to 1971 Wash. Ava brought up and a committee, consist- cad er whlrh correepondlng credit la allow- ted by the sutnti's To Impose hairier 999-f979. Ind. ing of A. A. Wenger, I. T. Alvord, and Bell ed. There are already probably very line, he would get Ihe limit. LAW ATURALIZATION It ie prartirnlly settled that Murray J. J. Brunimllt waa appointed lo give Jeff Battowa. an able bodied beggar, few risks which could not be improvBL A. DENKER9 ea will meke np the complement of four the mayor several reasons why tbe ed to secure lower rate. ' We have oa pleaded guilt y. He received e Will pay Gie highest prlea for aeeond-hanrlu ha in the Utah Btate league.- filling fratichlke should not receive hi op of thirty day. Battowa asked Attorney General M. A. Breeden has file in our office surveys of every build furniture end sell 4 tho pub11 been requested by the Department of lng in your city. The owner of as; tbe court lo rcpcit bla sentence three In tho gap censed by the retirement of proval. It ie understood that the association objects to the number of fire the cheap!. 241$ Grant Ave. Bail Commerce end Labor to furnleb a list building la informed upon application times before he was satisfied ihsi b the Ogden Columbia rlun.'' It hydrants end (be clause In the fran- Phena C37-k- . Ind. 9201 At the hrglnning of the of the clerks of courts ia Utah by Just how hia rale is made np and what was not having bad dream. a arranged that a foifrlt of 9250 chise giving the water company pow whom naturalisation papers can be can be done to improve 1L Very truly C. J. HERRICK A CO, should be pm up by the several club, er to Install meters at their pleasure. issued to tliens, According to a reNO NOMINEE IN TEXAS. Successor te H. U WhHa ae a guarantee that they would play cent law passed by congress which yours, (Signed) KARL A. SCHEID, Mgr. ih ie a Min out. Balt Lake and Eureka becomes operative on Sept. 27, new Austin Tfa. Aug. 1. Three day Bring your good here If you went BEST ROOF PAINT elect ton wore them with th money, but Ogden to sell them. Cell here H you want blanks for naturalisation purpose! ftrr The Democratic primary nomine. 2142 Wash Ave. Bell Phene EXCURSIONS EAST must he furnished by the general govbuy. argued that 1iu wea eaiugh, end Turk cf Texas the race for party 19-Ind. 497. When you get tired of having your ernment The courts epeclflnf to isfor governor anil other state officers, City pleaded poverty when the tiro forfeit waa put forward. The remit waa roof painted every year or two with sue such papers are all federal, slate Via Rio Grande Western the result find T.. M. Campbell, In Railway, that tbv forfeit was fixed ai lib1, which mineral and e hep roof palms, get them and territorial court! that have a Union Ibor candidate, la the lead August 9th. and wa put up by Ball Lake, Eureka. Og- painted with Joseph Dixon's Blltca clerk and a seal, and which have a the race. M. M. Brook. C. K. Bell t thother three canrtl-dj- den anil I'ark City. . Jurisdiction In Isw and equity that Is Graphite Roof Faint, thu only flak OGDEN ILRF EXCHANGE and return. (6.S0 O. B. Colquitt,tr the convention In th Ogrtt-u- . not restricted by any certain amount. Ogden toto Milwaukee by stepping down and out at graphite In the world, tested for forty m, will go 1st. until return Good Hept. candidate has a .The.. courts in Utah which can issue ' this Juncture, forfeit the lino, but the year, end get them painted by a man and return.: 44.50 order nmitd. aiifiii'lent votes to make oilier 263 Twenty-fift- h naturalisation papers are the Federal Ogden to Chicago until three club are determined to who has handled this point for twenty received yet return Good to 9th. Sept. and years, and who makes a specialty of nominee and th contest for play ball to the red of the court and the State District courts. him the California and Eastern Reese. August 9th and lOtti, Mr. Breeden wishes the names of the nomination will have to be fought although Murrey doca not cunte in, the roof work of all kinds, and guarantee St. Haul and return. . .338.50 the will three teams will make It a triangular satisfaction or no pay. A. J. Brown ft Direst Wire for Alt porting Events which convention state out the county clerks of Utah who are also Ogden to in street. Bon. 431 Twenty-fiftclerks of the District court so that Ogden to Minneapolis and refor the penant. meet In Dallas. Aug. 14. tight . 39.59 turn i XV. D. Willluu.y, the granger candiblanks can be forwardrd to them beGood to return until 8ept. 30th. at this fore the date named. date for railroad allowed. T. lime eeenia to havedefeated Further information given upon ap"incumbent who ' ' EXCURSION TO CANADA. the pre-nplication to. sought C. A. HENRY, A. J. CRONIN, 10. August Friday, t Ticket Agent. Agent. NEGRO WAS DISCOVERED. Via Oregon Short Line. Galltopolla. Ohio. Aug. L When the STOCKS SUBJECT TO TAXATION. steamer Henry M. Stanley waa two miles from the rity early today a neOgden to Sterling, Alberta and 1. Resident gro entered the cabin oi a Cincin23.10 Butte, Mont., Aug. return stockholders of mining stockr are sub- nati passenger and attempted to asOgden to Raymond, Alberts and 28.50 ject to taxation on that stock, I tbe sault. her. He waa discovered and return opinion handed down Attorney Gener- driven over the aide of the boat by Ogden to Magrath, Alberta and 29 . 00 al Albert J- - Galen, in response to a the captain. As nt trace could afterreturn .. query from W. D. Clark, chairman of wards be found uf him, it ia believed Ogden to Cardston. Alberta and 30.45 the board of county commissioners that he waa drowned. return all beers. ImTickets good returning until Sep of Silver Bow county. At the present, according to the commisiloneri, about tember 10. ten million dollars worth of Amalgao mated, United Copper and other min O' NEGROES SHOT DOWN of lng stocks, held by resident! of Butte, O SAN FRANCISCO NEEDS MEN O o escaping taxation, and It waa the o Gaclnnati, Aug. 1. A special from are A O .1. circular C tbe commissioners ascerA.i. to of Chicago, of Sturgis, Ky, saya two negro coal min- desirewhether or not under the Mon- O haa been Issued by the Atchl- - O place ers, en route here from Providence, tain A railO Bant Fe O eon. atock of a foreign corTopeka late yesterday, were held up In the tana statute, place property was loco ted O real to all it district repre- - O road near Rock Springs and riddled poration whose O eentatlves in the United States, O the state would be assessed. The with bulleta by two men with I, dlfflcnlO O of the them of great Importance. notifying One of tbe miners was able decision C ties being encountered In the O to make his way to town, though danO rebuilding of Ban Francisco, O new postmaster. gerously wounded. The other was O owing to a scarcity of all O brought In in a dying condition. HarO clamps of labor. Tae statement O vey Springer and Bob Hall, active Park City, July 3L Piter Martin, O declares that because of the O members of the Miners union, were the reeently-appolnteO Inability of employers to secure O postmaster, arrested and taken to tbe Morga afield takes full charge of the office tomorrO sufficient I bo', skilled and an- - O Jail. ow. James Don will he Installed as O skilled, dexpiie tbe high wages O A farmer, an eye witness, says the awlstant. O being offered the work of re- O two men were la a baggy, that tbey O constructing Fan Francisco in O Mrs. Nellie Thirl'd, who haa actbad guns and stopped the negroes in ed in the capacity the past four year, O being badlr 'Marled. .Accord- - O . the road, inquiring if they were going retire with ihe good wishes of the w ing to the circular, men are O the of town. will She KenO needed In thto Sturgis to work for the West entire population trades O daughter In a few O and the demand building for thousand O company. The nrgrors leave with tucky Coal ' home in her Salt make Lake to w of structural iron workers is O gave nn evasive reply, , whereupon day-. Twenty-fift- h ClO especially iiigent. both men shot at them. One negro O O fell Instantly, the other ran and was O WANT ADS YIELD BIG RESULTS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO disabled at the Third shot-- "' -- Japanese Courtship A Undt-i-viiiei- s G-j- r nv-itiii- dn-irit- JSiait-kociatioa- - T iiiinn- -' posi-eeak- 35c; recerv.d, 25c; bleachers; 10c. pWC Dancing from to 0 - . 12 every Evening. cross-examin- XX dm. uu-um- il sum-pli'i- loi-at- 1 T. Miller baa been visiting H- Grant thin week. nth Mrs. J. bad warier Blair of Harrlsvilie eeet to visit with friend. 1 ' jury Whitehead, of St. George, g the city visiting relatives... ; gas Edith Carrought baa accepted as saleslady. g position i Wright' are j . g. Weathrrby and family ttoPtal in the canyon for the summer. Elm Ball, who ie employed at Burt Btos'. la taking a few days' vacation. j ' Eaton, principal of the Professor High School, ia in the city. MIt Lake him Kate Greenwell, billing clerk the Bell Telephone Co, ie home j to a .. Eugne Purdy has gone to Tacoma,to woik for the Southern Pa- Nn. da. , Mrs. William Light and daughter nnetta have gone east to visit with Meads . I Wheelwright, manager of the meelwrlght Mercantile Co., ie on the C. MiUhery i kiu E. W. Davis of the Palace store left last evening for a saleslady at at work after a few Edith Brewer,, Wilikt'a, ie Mp'. fllaesa. back ?:x j.' Larson brought ia the first rni tomatoes today finr J. 8. Carver fcei Co. kiu Liisie Sutherland, a ealealadf Uit A Thomas, la away on a hr dortnritlon. ' w , a saleslady in 'Burt having an enjoyable Bill Hendry, Bna (tore, la vecki vacation. H. Turner, traveling ailesman George A. Lowe Oo has gone north C. to oi a boil eras trip, - ci. Mn. Fraak Shaw, of Bhaw'a Bar pur store, Is visiting with Mrs. 8. J. (irUe in Ogden canyon. JMeph McFarland has returned from He ia a salesman for Furniture company. Mi vocation. to Boyle Mm T. Hurst, of Pnine ft Hunt, arr- Min Ethel and Lawrence Lethbridge left for Portland, On., pester-to- . where they will Join their mother. Min Zelma Wilkins, .of the Hipbone Co., haa returned from where aha haa been vial ling Bell Ke-J- re th'd la- baby boy has arrived home of E. D. Stone, manager nine-poun- the the American Unen W. Supply com- . Kiss mlle-hewi- h rough-lookic- g s auo-ces- Lilllntyne. who has been as operator for the Bell Tele-- ? to haa been transferred Co., logaa. d em-we- u Steam Laundry It Itock-holder- Second Hand Stores ' - d Pa-cifi- ival home yesterday, after, spending i nott enjoyable time fishing. i : ' ck Hit. hr. i KJi Hawi Wheelwright ia so much jirwereii from typhoid fever that ibo wile to alt up and Talk with her lrimd!. "''title and wife and .John and Mils Maude Wlntle have tr,P ,n Bt hntt4 from ,helr C- - d ein - N-- St . Stop-over- Th ' funeral aervicea over the M H. Markle will be held churcl1 111 4 re a Bidyiytfr,n T!1 Tj: ! taking charge of John Bnir.nier'a optical aton for two Ru,hn,er tr-p- Jt? ,B W. ?n Spencer hug returned from J,rT7 3fttHr!yPrre Mdre a mineral lands PrPrJr- - north J?!.:"'" end Her, fiimp-Mi? 8,,te Schol tor the Denf Dumb, returned this from nBt'.ng m Lost creek. morning ctViiHf r.B- - Da'Bw. the adopted son r omptou. arrived in the city where he haa w,fr,m Auetralla. his father. "ether, in company end sister. will leave for trip mutl " vomlng and pleasure Colorado. '"whw n this -- ,who has been em-clothing store tor w,re. ha purchased grocery etore. Mr. Steele - Kht rs,n..- '& t. a hrl? B !,r,,h 'o fill a h- - mission. of ,b frL m. il," "tT.'hM, Fred - n h oooooooooooooooo, s. 1 other Superior to perial Experimental station for the world brewing industries the ladder Budweiser at the top in town fry it Now. The only where it is found on draught is at the Diamond Saloon d - Tofrj, Wherry left last ,r,or ,nn day,- visit to Marys-- Tbey will enjoy Irimiug In the hill: s Osh-S- formerly of thie been engaged in D. A. SMYTH, Proprietor -- hr 240 street, where the palms grow. |