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Show '"'Ur- tt ato mi all other pP - hl- frg ret md8"8 Utah Weather Forecast (RECEIVES FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS DISPATCHES) NO DL VOL THE n,r' 0d T CITY. UTAH. WEDNESESDAY OGDEN 115 them Immediately useful aa protection against tha cold rain that fell about noon. To guard agaiast possible misapprehension by people engaged in tbe hand-ll- n gaud distribution ef food supplies. It may be stated upon the beat authority that the condition at pretest existing and the prospect for tomorrow end the ensuing few days are entirely favorable. Unavoidable delays there have combeen and a few of the mittees representing chnrltable and fraternal organisations failed yeeter day to comprehend that the officials In charge of the Oakland depot who directed ehen and where ell supplies shall b sent, era acting at all times upon perfect knowledge of the existing condition oq this aide of the bay. At the army transport dock, for Instance, )t chanced yesterday that the amount of matter reoched and distributed was, up te an early hour of the afternoon, practically nothing aa compared to yesterday, when the supply from across the bay was never a me ment depleted and the procession of outgoing loaded wagons was continuous. At the same time, the supply of goods across the bay on the Oakl.vd wharves was continually increasing) but the military authorities were dichannP.a, recting the food Jno and consequently, a long line of wagons was compelled te wait reveral hours at the transport dork. inSouthern Fictile' officials h. creased the facilities for transposing can and miscellaneous supplies acioaa the bay to the fullest extent. The system is under the direction and at the disposal of Captain Baker, assistant department quartermaster, under Major Devol. AH mercantile busies of every description haa been act side and will be neglected until conditions warrant its resumption. The steamer Shasta this morning unloaded twenty tons of general aupplHn at the transport dock. Another large steamer la expected during the day. 11w steamship Buckman la due today from Seattle, with 1,000 tons of food and general supplies. MORNING. APRIL freut lines, asd APPRAISERS Making Arrests Indiscriminately and Carrying its Authority Too Far Schmitz Calls a Halt The St. Francis Not Entirely T elephone Service Has Been StartMerchants Hold Meeting to Decide UpMethods oi Resuming Retail Business. Ruined ed on That the are ,flhi, unlike the regular troops, the with w harmony working gU M wtl nnikoriiles is evidenced by the glaring lettern sent toaight by Mayore command-(ctnltr to General Koster, d the national guard : great number of complaint, hare Francisco, April 24. (u noon to consider the beet methods of re constructing and resuming , San Frauciacoa retail business. The necessary steps were taken for the formation of a resumption of trade leagues were formed repand resenting every trade In the commercial world. consist of three men of every line of duty of eaeh to attend the 'resumption of business In ita particular line. They are Instructed to report each day to ths general tcommib tee. The committee on the housing of the homeless ha. reeeivad tenders of assistance from various places, one coming from far off Dallas, Tex., which as id that in addition to the H orphan children which he had already offered to care for, Superintendent Buckner of ths Buckner Childrens Homo of that place offered to take care of a dona maimed or crippled children. The Stockton relief committee oft feri to supply everything and eare for a thousand people at Sanitary Rest camp at Stockton. Oak Grove, whffih is conveniently located and asks that famine, particularly women nad children. be sent there. They request those coming to bring na much bedding as la possible. At certain points In ths former business heart of the city some signs wers manifested, of attempts to start again the wheels of industry. In ths telephone conduits workmen were engaged In recon struct leg the more important cables aad JiMfc .The main building of the telephone company on Bush between Montgomery anf Stnsome being nsrd for occupancy, axreat cable was dragged from there to the new building of the corporation two blocks further north on Bush street and from there connections are being established with all the buildings that remain standing and in condition for business. The workme stated tbta they found the conduits in much better condition than they had hived for, and tikis-fac- t makes the outlook for the sewers good. The Merchants' Exchange this morning had already cleaned out the ground floor and the second story of its building, and by tomorrow expect a to be transacting some business there. of the exAH of tbe change are in operation and noeded attention to shipping haa been given. The shipping business, however, is at a standstill. Only one vessel of any sins has been permitted to leave this port The exception was big German freighter, bound for Hamburg. The Are underwriters are making some plans to reopen offices in the Merchants' Exchange building. The San Francisco Gns and Electric company yesterday obtained permits for a small army- of men to go about the city to gain some Idea of tbe details of the damage and by thin means place Itself In a position to effect a restoration of the normal eonditlona. The United Railways company today had between 450 and BOO of Its employes on the streets clearing the tracks and erecting temporary trolley poles on Market street. These poles were erected from the ferry building to Fifth street. Coffee and sugar are wanted in San Francisco for the relief camps. Other provisions are to.Se had In plenty. There is plenty of meat, which is being sold at normal prices. Many easy of clothing, old and new. were unpicked yesterday morning at stations established on the piers and distributed among the needy. Several thousand people were supplied with garments during the first few. hour and there atlll remain many unopened cases. A doaen large boxes lixes of overcoats containing assorted were emptied --In a. twinkling, and for half an hour afterward the gratified owners of the garments engaged In alternately trading and trying them on. until they -- ecu red something like a fit. Not in the least embarrassed by the faet hat the price tags had not been removed from the coats the owner found e, rM.oribyr0MhffrepPcMnUUv. paid nf elilxriK in tha employ of the and officials of 6j, nad even doctors igidiy and couaty and pressing them hie service for work upon the public Ule-a- i Hiscta tueh set ion Is absolutely ud 1 wish to hereby officially such time you are relieves fc the federal troop, or the police that you issue an order to wen that these nets stop immedl-ixl- r. Tin re is no martial law and KTir has been since tbe earthquake, rt 4 la order that there may be no eon-fibetween onr officers and your men I bh that you would see to It that Aa act merely as sentinels and not ult the drastic measures that In some they an now taking. Very pa bn E. E. SCHMITZ. Ximr of the City murine." and County of San Kuril O'Neill had the mayor add a fMfrsph to his letter: sheriff v The is also protesting miast the action of the guardsmen." Chief of Police Dinan has received a sort that 0: A. Hensley of the 'company, . contractors, "hi. cit liens to work afenakea si the it reefs The report Is poW be-h-( kraattgared. h root pray with Willlsm Dohrmau, Hen-tv-Gre- ths 8t. Francis hotel, the Associated wpssesi stives of Press explored the building aa far ad the fourth floor. The Interior resent-Mthe Inside walls of a dead furnsce. Tkttffsrt of the Intense heat Is shown hr netted glass and metal objects. The villa however, do not appear to be knag and the building can be remind. The engine room in 'the be sestet sustained little or no dimage. Tkt steel itiperstiuctnre la apparentlv alerted sad save at the southeast oner, there are no creeks in the tow-e- h sella. The annex, forming the AM whig, which wae tn course of wee nnlnjured. The vaults containing the safety boxes ere Intact While the metal Miblnm hive been melted off. It 1 fcheved that the contents are safe. Tt k believed, roughly estimated, fSOO.-will restore the magplllrent to Its former splendor. Of the 450 gnsts who were In the K Fraud hotel, as shown by the rec-fpreeerved, about forty have refold ind registered at a temporary set up it the main entrance of hotel. The employes ire In charge thig office and request that all the fogueni of tbe hotel return and reg- At auditor of n s. de-for- k R ho-fc- y o Telephone connections to Oakland ,lf Bn Bruno way are now com-W- e sad todey the Pacific States Tel-an- d Telegraph company had l wrtt throughout the city nd laying underground lines. Before nightfall a shl had been laid the entire ST of Market street in the street 'yth cable Hot. and messages are now JM L mat without difficulty. toward San Bruno has SO this also la In working or- The compiny'e underground eoti-- Z generally shaken and In estss destroyed, but to what ex-- J "2 Pot been determined. At enfllcient power Is being gasoline plant In the J" Jm-ho- "e gen-totmr- , large plant has been w Hire ,nd h th. near future. GlM 1 '"Itef 8ft BemfIC!,m, ro?dl,i- fojSj hi la expected V"T?' Mid this re now In a hut he hope to ,eTwhre within - He ,5drd that 4iwrhthr while company had omes now on Ban met this after- - roprowtailve "wohsnta HALF - ... x - STARVED DOGS 01 Gl floa Wejaekets were dispatched to the , the scenes designated to kill all dogs ' . 0,1 T?151 ,,ona In the vicinity.' AU morning th n,,ro flU reports could be heard on the hill- ,h, ' ,lde nd ,loa I6 Ule when do" wers killed. Men were pressed Into ver div2J?dl!rh service, either to bury the dogs or to 5l,ar,n- - end throw them Into the bay. In n few L5fhe at the !'Fhurled places smouldering fire were found. mins. WhZJL'ILi e w " i!"Proiru tied tho there it was possible to cremate th animals. . It wa not believed the' of th jwvw 5re k there were so many dead In the ruin.' wl? TBf Into th. V..T' to lor hat u..i- - . to of Telegraph and Russian hill until 7 eecinra the dogs were found there digging for th. cm iht Poti the bodies. When the dogs have all eickcning con nd Immedl-- 1 been run down and slain n further , fPratrj ,n or th areh will be made of those sections, fz1"! Vront dUtriet. i to ? ttrir appr. obtain .the bodies and bury them a nat something be aoog as possible. ,!! ' wissthatHiiienS bach 5!I. ra4 eating hum..LI7ed . beh d,B Id hr ton-ti- re ANOTHER POSTPONEMENT. moot Protests Will Be Heard Next Pridsy. Washington, April 24. The senate committee on privileges and elections today postponed Its meeting for final disposition of the protest against Senator Reed Smoot until Friday next. , l MANILA WILL HELP. to Raiae Funds for the Earthquake Sufferer. Maaa Meeting Manila, April 24.- -A monster mass meeting to ratine funds for the victims of the Ban Francisco earthquake and fire, which la endorsed by Governor-GenerIda, and will be composed of nil elements, will be held hero tomor- al row. i SIGNED to Y PRESIDENT. Washington, April 24.President Roosevelt late tonight signed the Joint resolution of Congress appropriating 11,500,000 additional for the relief of the San Francisco sufferers. HE PEARS ENTIRE FAMILY IS LOST ,EI Paso. Tex', April !4. "Pope" Schrader, elalmin? to be the head of the "Divtno . Catholic church,", and known throughout the west ns n divine healer, reached here this afternoon. fleeing from San Fnnelaeo. He raid he feared his entire family was lost and not alf ihe horrors of the disaster have been reperted. . HRINERS POSTPONE ... .MEETING OF COUNCIL Los Angeles, CalM April 24. A telegram was received here today from Imperial Potentate Collins at Toronto, Canada, ansoundsg that the annual meeting of the Imperial eouncll of the Mystic Sbrineyu, which was to have been held here May ,7 to 14. has ben Indefinitely postponed on account of the calamity in 8an Francisco. AY RAILROAD RATE , t BILL WILL BE PASSED Trinidad, Colo., April Cowan of Forth Worth. 24. Judge Tex, today wired from Washington to Mnrdo president of tho American National Livestock association, who resides here,. that after a canvass of tho senate, he was satisfied that the railroad rate bill would pass without anv amendments,. Judge Cowan la representing the Apiericaa Livestock association at .Washington. Mae-Kinil- e, ub-rell- EAT HUMAN BODIES Townie . TROUBLE THREATENED. Angry Strikers Surround a Kenosha Tannery,. 1906. The o:her portioua of the dry trill be Improved exactly ar.er Mr. Burnham's plans, which hare fully explained in the San Francisco press for the last two ywars The great boulevard,; tiie terrace at Twta Peak and the various parka and other beauty sjkms will now be concentra'.ed. REFUGEES PRICE ARRIVE HATE Dearer. Colo, April 24.-S- ix hundred refuges) from California arrived la Denver this afternoon and evening Most of them were penniless and hungry. They were supplied with food In abundance by tbe local relief commit test and free transportation eastward was given those who had no money or rallroed tickets "Great credit must be given the soldier for their work In protecting the people. said Henry Kershaw of Cleveland, O, who spent three days following the earthquake in San Francisco. "The soldier worked hard and went without food or rest in order to restore the atrirkrn rty to a semblance of law and order. "Tho Red rroa attendants, the doctors and nurses of the city, and hundreds of private Individuals, gave noble illustration of for the sake of tha suffering thousands. Every private home that was still standing was thrown open, and evrrythlng In It was given up in providing romfort for others. "During the day of tits earthquake I counted seven distinct shocks. Other estimates place the number at. If and 18. The movement in thera shocks was partly side to aide aad rotary. It was Just the art Ion that a man uses In working a sieve. "It Is almost Inconeeivshle the nerve and courage that the women In Ssn Fraitrlsco showed during the excitement following the earthquake of laet Wednesday," said George Singer, Jr, of Pittsburg. "I really belh-vthat in the heat of the exrltement the women were more collected than the men." With Mrs. Singer Is her daughter, IxuiLe. They walked Ihe streets of San FrsnclHro all night Wednesday, after being forced to leave the 8u francl hotel. Oakland, April 24 Th fire under8an Francisco and vicinity now known as the insurance adjusters bureau, today held another meeting in this city, aa a result of which a vat appointed to confer with a Itira committee from th architects and builders of Ran Francisco to make preparation for th beginning of San Francisco's Its main object ia to see that no chanp or wooden structures are ererted In the ruined diatrict of the city. The Insurants men state that they wish to thoroughly Impress on the pm. pie the faet that The use of uninspected chimneys will draibtlrsa Invalidate the insurance In case of possible future Area. Inspectors of th various conipsnlef are also to bo provided for free aervire In other citiea. Raquaets were sent out last night for proof of loss blanks, the different rill being asked to have them printed at once if they have not their quota on hand, (Monel Mauas, after an examination of the appraisers' building, reported that all of tho bonded goods at the warehouse wer unharmed. There were many consignments of valuables Import stuffs 'a the warehouse. Retail business within a limited area being reeumed. Several meat market were opened thla morning. Butter and cheese stores are making EMPLOYMENT PROVIDED. ready to provide for the wants of thlr customers. Stocks of groceries are brSalt Lake, April 24. Four expert ing received. Bakeries are bring re- iroi workers who were bona fids refupaired. Flour and other necessary ma- gee ftom San Francisco will be able terials are being procured. Prices are to aerttre good snd permanent posinormal. tions In Salt Lake, if they will appiy At a meeting held today the retail within the next few days at Ihe headdealers decided to make an effort to quarter of the Merchants' and Manuebtala such provilons and supplies as facturers association will eaaMwaoma of the restaurant A prominent manufacturing concern, to members of the aaeorlatinn, requested ,j There ia no water south of Baere-ment- o Manager Gordon II. Place or that orstreet and virtually none south ganization to md four Iron worker! of Mission street. In this arm 1 ths to this firm, where positions will b" major part of tho district that was given titem at good wages. The only not burned an.l here are also collect- conditions imposed are (hat. tha men ed tho majority of the people In San must be bona fide refugees from the deFrancisco. Mint of the water supply stroyed city, and tbnt they must he workers. for these persons ' comes from the flrt-elu- s storage reservoirs of the Spring Valley Water comoany. Wella and spring TEMPORARY BUILDINGS are being used, but machinery and ARE BEING ERECTED pumpa are Aeddd. All the priaonersw ho were detained Saa Francisco, April 24. Temporary at the Presidio guard bouse, serving structures have been ererted In Golden sentences, have been released, and are Gate park for the housing of 40,000 peodoing guard duty In policing districts ple. This work was completed this occupied by the refugees. Due to this morning by the shelter committee fend force, the Pros'd lo is exceptionally the homeless who have been sleeping rlran and the physician ther are out nf doors for nearly a week were quarters. sanguine that the health of the mured Into comfortable refugees fa well guarded. All officers About the same time a supply of blanwas rereived, and this questioned morning express ket and bedding themselves as r.ot only satisfied, but these have been taken to the park. At besurprise! at the order preserved in present here Is lltllo suffering, and reffore a week it is expected that the th" reservation. Superintendent Jndson, of the garb- ugees here will be comfortable. These age reduction works, announced today temporary structures have been built the that within ten hours he will have to rrnmmodatn 40.000 people, hut. will be courapractically cleared the City of dead work nf improvingto.them At the samn time animals. At the reduction plant, on geously attended committee Is sending an many of th Fifth avenue, a large force of Chinamen Is engaged hi cutting np and the refugees as posslbla to inleria consigning the rareasses to the flames. points. Work and succor have been promMr. J ud son hes taken possession of ised. The railroads fumWh transportatwo scows having a tola I of tion gratis to all who come with rectwo thousand crbic yards capacity and today ommendations from tbe committee. placed them it the disposal of the The selsure began yesterday of all board of public works for carrying vacant, houses in the nnhurnt distrirt garbage to sea. is still under way. Many vacant flats have been taken, where the homeless BATTLE WITH COWBOYS. are housed and fbe sick are found good A committee of si accommodations. Rumored Cattlemen Caused Trouble on chltert has been sent out to examine Reservation. i rhurches and other buildings. Inclining school houses, with a view of turnPendleton. Ore, April 24. A report ing them Into living places for the has reached here which cannot be vert-- 1 homeless. fled owing o telegraph wires being W. J. Bartnett, chairman of Ihe sheldown, that a battle has taken plnce on ter committee, say the situation Is the Umatilla reservation between cow- well In hand. He does not believe that boys, Indians and troops. It is repeat- there will be Much hardship. Supplies ed that three soldiers and three In- of food are romlng in rapidly from dians were killed. It is alleged that ontslde points, end are being central-Ixe- d some cattlemen had driven stock upon In the freight sheda and warea remote part of the reservation. The house still standing. A corps of shipIndiana, it is reported, protested, but ping clerk has been placed In charge were resisted. Tha troops are said to of tbsse depots snd every ounce of fool have gone to the Indians aid and the la checked as It comes In snd goes out of Michael Casey, battel resulted. At Adams, the near- With the est point to the scene, the rumor is president of the Teamsters' onion, the fully credited. food committee has sucreded in sys, tematising the distribution. FOR A BEAUTIFUL CITY. writers of com-mkt- re self-sarrifl- 1 -- Milwaukee, . WL, . April 24. An Evening Wisconsin special from Kenosha. Wls.c says: Offers of Charles W. Allen, head of the Allen tannery In this city, in the have hope of checking the strike, proved futile. Aa angry mob surrounds the plant and trouble It feared. Rebuilding Will Follow, Plano of ArThs men have made a written demand chitect Burnham. on the company for an Increase of 1 a week and a three years contract. San Fnncico, April 24.Sip ore being taken to organise a movement for tile rebuilding of Ssn Francisco on NAPHTHA LAUNCH MAY r HAVE BEEN LOST AT SEA the plans of Architect Daniel Burnham. While the various other commit-- , New Yok Apil 24. The Herald to- tees have been busy with relief work, many prominent ritJsens have been In day saya: Among the friends of Angust O. Hod-dic- consultation and within the next few aa architect of this city, there day plans will bo outlined ond the for (he ate grave fears that be and his broth- vork of making arrangements er, nf Buffalo, have been lost whllt most beautiful city in the world will making a cruise up the eogst from Flo- be well under way.one of the men in W. L. Bartnett, rida to Norfolk, Va. all the They left Charleston. 8. C, on April :ht latest movement, nayswork will 13 in the naphtha launch Seakail, and hinds needed for this great e e forthcoming Just as soon as the should have been la Norfolk two day is ready to begin its work. Tellater Ten days have passed and egrams have been sent all over the haa been received from them. Is- - well knowr ountry explaining ihs plans of the August Hoddlck young unmlttee, and great men of finance among yaehtlng men nndofthe New Yori ve expressed thrir willingness to of architects in the great work and advance Hi brother, Arth'ir, Is one of the pr. ' y funds that are needed. In Buffalo. Boi store art an of rrietor ' The ork will commence right at men are wealthy. hd water front. Thia district will be Two months ago the two went devote . 'ntircly rebuilt 'on new and modern, Florida, where they have and hunt- ia well aa picturesque lines. It Is esmost of their time to fishing rommuni timated that the work right there will In were frequent ing They New. wharves and cation with friends to t Ira north, up to cost 125,000.00. buildings, constructed on entirely djthe nf they. Mfc Cfcarleeton. com-nltte- PUGILISTIC STARS IN BOXING TOURNAMENT Los Angeles. April 24. A grand boxIn liing tournament participated nearly all of the leading pugillstir stars of the country and attended by 2.W people, nearly half of them w men, was given by Manager MrCarey of the Psrlfic Athletic dub tonight for e the benefit of the Ban Franrlsro sufferer. It netted 8iA4. James J. Jeffries, retired heavy, went weight champion of the world, two rounds arh with .lark Root and Dsn Long. Battling Nelson boxed four snd ftst rounds with Eddi Robinson, NelAurello Hererra, who I to meet son May Hth for the lightweight, boxed the same number of rounds with his brother. Vaunt. Tommy Burns, who defeatid Marvin Hart for tiis worlds heavyweight championship recently In this city, fought four round with George Blake, a local heavyweight, and Kid Herrmsn of Chicago, who will meet Jimmie Britt here Mar fllh. boxed four round with Abe Attell. the world's feather eight chambattle with Frankie Nell pion. whot-for last Friday night was poeiponed on account - of the Ran Francisco calsmltr Tonightperformance lasted two ana f hours. artb-qauk- chant-pionxhl- e oma-hsl- FIVE CENTS OVER THE IN DENVER. WERE DENIED RELIEF on te the East. Work Thursday. CHARGE THAT CHINESE Are Fad by Rsllef Committee and Ssnt Insurance Men Trying to Systemize ad new depots will he bt-e- sub-reli- ef jliHtia is built. 25f Fair WtdnMdqr President Telegraphed That Assistance Was Given Homeless and Helpless; Irrespective of Race, Creed or Color One Week From Day of Disaster Sees San Franciscians Exerting Every Effort Toward Cleaning Up and Rebuilding the City. Ban Francisco, April 24. Thla was fortunates with the consideration ani day since the earthquake kindness worthy of nur civilisation nnd Jarred the city so severely and start- of our country. The people of Ban ed the Area that laid It in asbra, and, Fran cl ico are ririving with all their aa with tha preceding days. Tuesday hearts to relieve their deal hut ton. care took up the aceuuiuleted Impel ua of for their atek, protect their helplee-- t Monday, and added much volume of amjupllfl the atrirkrn Irrespective of fore of Ita own, and Wednesday will race, creed or eoloV, In accordance dawn on a situation that ia long way with the dictate of humanity in toward the normal. Buck maria of manner vorthy nf 'Ameriqun. and la man. trades as remain unburnad were open- the common brotherhood ing fur tha transaction of ordinary Please give presa. Signed) E. E. buainra. temporary structure were Behmits, mayor; W. W. Morrow, presibring run up for the accommodation of dent of Ked Cross; T. J, Bymraea, of the devastated area president, merehanig association; J. othera, cleat-luof ita ruins was well under way, ibr I. Phelan, treasurer relief commitiee; Inquiry into the rundillou of ths bunk Rabbi Vouraangw, commute on hunvaults waa, completed, tho organising ger: Catherine C. Felton, committee Irk an 4 helpless." and preparation for aueb of the railTha working of housing and feeding ways a ere so far adranred that tha company expressed Ita readlueaa to the homeleaa amt of reconstituting tha resume business aa soon aa ths mayor sanitary conditions, already ao far Monday, wjit carried on with would permit, the water company announced the rronpletkra of surh re- tremendous energy. It is certain that no one is hungry in Ban Francisco topairs as enabled It tu aupply a total of twelve million gallons dally, ia fine, night unless he Is wilfully so. Thera theta w ail the evidence to put at Is food for all, and the method of dls-t- ri buttons has boen so perfect that it real now and forever the fear of those who predicted that Ban Francisco la within the reach of all. As for tba health and sanitary conditions, they would never rise agalu Tha citizens of Han Franrlsro havo are, considering 11 clrrumstsuces, exdono so splendidly In tba fare of surh cellent. An Investigation of tba sewers an appalling caiestroplio that aohi has shown that they were not as badly little cuuMicrnuiion was created this damaged as was feared, aad where morning when President Ktxntrveli'a there were breaks, these have been rehaa been no outbreak nC proclamation wa read, titrahig over to paired. There I)r. Edward Devtne, of the notional Red disease nr a contagious character nor ia eay feared, and aa for these pulmonary Cross, the management of relief uiMnhntJon of the great diseases that might be expected to be funds so generously afitroprlated by prevalent, to ueii ,crfxla. they are congress and reoommendlng to ths chiefly rota bla by their absraoe. The people of the United States that their hospitals which in the few In a (a Does roalribittiuus of food and supplies and were crowded hr greet number, ere money 'should he diverted Into the discharging by the score. These foots speak In riestor terms for the energy same hands. U there was' a tnonetary feeling that of jhe ski Ifit II aurgeons and nuraae the men who bad endured tha heat and who bad the Institutions fa their burden f the day were being unfairly charge. In tbe great i stretches of Golden treated by this diversion of authority Into new snd foreign keeping. It waa Gat park, famed tha world over, for soon dissipated by the reflectiou that its beauty, there have arisen frame the arllon of ili President was the "bolter for 4,000 peopla. No millionresult of mlain'hrmation. At a con- aire in tha land baa so magnificent n ference at Fort Mason, attended ny setting for bis home as havo these General Greely and Ftinstan, Mayor waif of the greit Kan Francisco lire. Hchmitx, (tovernor Pardee, Dr. De- There at still come wljo are tenting vin end soma others, Jt , was agreed on the saptr grounds, but this Is purely that this was ths case and that Ur. a matter nf choice. There ia atm conDevine himself should frame a tele- siderable want or blankets, bedding gram to ihe President informing him and and when this has bean met, as of the splm'DI work already dime possibly it will be within the next hours, the condition of and of dls perfect willingness to assist twenty-fou- r those in view of all in forwsrding the methods already that hnunfortunates will, taken. happened, be almrnd, ideal. What hurt. more I hup this, Kr some days Ban Francisco was the suggestion made in Ilia lrlh-- r allowed an unoumled eagerness to got from Presides Roosevelt to Secretary rid of Its people. That period haa of War Taft that reports had reached passed. There is no further anxiety, him 4hst less charity was being shown when the measure of relle.r under the Chinese who dwell here titan Ihe way throughout the country ar conwhites, and dlrertlng that If this b sidered that she, will be slilo to prop-- , true, the sltustlm should be remedied erly car,- - for all who remain. Of tha at once. If the people of Han Fran-rlse- o able bodied m'cltsuirs and laborers, are not in knre with ihe Chinese she ha especial need and the Ig makIt was felt tint the name they have ing every endeavor to hearten them earned In the past for rMsrlty and and induce them to work. They are should have saved answering her rail noblv. them from any possible reflection in The city Is net yet In sight of th that they woul! have permitted any resumption of tanking business. Thera human liflng while, hlack ot yellow was an Inspection today of the book within I heir reach to suffer. Mature vaults in the burned district and in reflection, however, brought the con- no instance werj they found to bgve vict ton that the I ruth bad not reached been destroyed, but it is realized that the President and a aperlnl messnge an early opening srould endanger their was sent him. idled by th constituted perishable contents and in order that authorities, reeoiititiug the exact fact. this may he avoided, some week must The message was as follows: 4 claps until they are thoronghly cooled President Theodore Roosevelt, White off, before they are entered. And in tho House, Washington. D. will be done at nieantirae(buties "All report that the pcpole or the temporary quarter with money furofficial or the relief committees of nished through the medium of the mint Ban Franrlsro are making any dis- and the United fltates ofg, tinction In succoring or pro- fice. tecting the Chine or any orher peoMilitary rule by (he police, irksome ple differing in race or color are at all times to the civilian. Is still totally lalse and entirely unfounded. maintained. Yet there Is ome amelioraTbe committee and even the home- tion of its severity. The soldiery of tha seventh reli-vin- less sufferers Ikamaclves are treating the Chinese and all ntfar fllow un (Continued on Page Two.) PEOPLE NEED HAVE NO FEAR OF AN EPIDEMIC San Francisco, April 24. "Bay to the people of California, of the United Stales nd of th world that there la no epidemic In Ban Francisco and no danger. We are not absolutely free from contagious diseases; we at least have fewer than We have under the circumstance any right to expect. Indeed, we hare at this moment cases of such diseases than we had a month ago. and there Is nothing In the present condition of affair In Han Francisco that would lead us medical men to fear an outbreak. The sanitation of the city is absolutely under control. 1 wish to Impress this upon the people of Ban Francisco snd of the outside acrid, for I have information that lead me to. believe that alarmist reports emanating from certain source in Ban Francl-c- o may result In an embargo bring placed npon the movements vt refuse frso the city. fv The calamity we have endured Is certainly anfflclent without adding to II this additional and unaarranted distress." Thl statement, made by Dr. J. W. Ward, chairman of the health committee ai the meeting of the general commiuce this morning, waa rereived The doctor waa diswith applau-- e. tinctly impressive and his remarks were at once supplemented by a moo tion that It was the sense of the Press that the Associated should desaeminale thla important new through it agencies. Dr. Ward, continuing, said the city-habeen divided into three grand wbirb had been divided into which enabled him to insure the committee that probably by nightfall every block within the unliunie.l portion of the city would be visited anil Inspected hr tho rcprcrentstlves of tbe beard of hcalilu com-mitre- dia-triet- s. |