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Show ini: MORSISU EXAMINER: UTAH, OGDEX, WEIiNLSDAY UoiiM.v;. rECEMCEI! 13. MM. i SALT LAKE AND STATE NEWS CASE. OUNTY FRAUD Dav.a CMrk Say 'J Boty the AH - Did Practi- -' Bun cm. I i .. . - . thejury before begin business fcWMr. because of i:s; bel the rolling stock , fad motive power of the road, which:ii wm pioposel to buiklto the Colofailed of mater rvf. If la uich Sliil n(laM wtm llall j In . tie! district court District Atioraey j fS'! J!rmnde a asbrief opening i to what the tbe Jury vror in the case. . iufownatlon waa read to the of division fb ? in eireutolion la political circle yes- uuLy. U 1, conceded that Senator Sutherland. by virtue of a kuig estate iied custom, will be penuitied to name the paymaster in Lie borne city; . V.. n m ! ly distant. mile or statement. Postmaster Thomas, who is serving his second term, is making a hard fight for reappointment. He has of the Salisbury-Lannu- n faction of the Republican party. His moat active supporter 1 p. H. Laima n, who. while in the cast recently, laid the wires for Mr. Thuuia- -' reappointment so far aa he was able. Mr. Thomas ha a large acquaintance among men of nailuua reputation and kaderahip in (he party, and ia doing all he mu to line them up. On tits other hand the faction, to which Sutherland owes his election, is favorable to the appointment of Mr. chairman of Eldredge. The latter the Republican oouuty committee, and many young and active worLer in the Republican fold are insisting that he Ik appointed. i j ! County Clerk David A. attorney then tha dlai-ric- t '.h one niug etaienieui, in which . er be returns to the frozen north. He pad danca which ?! Alaska is destined to become to to. how that r!Ch te Prod.'cy mining center in the entire A In niie.e to J to help nuke good ? of money by present- - tbU Wr- - Bechtol believe that d t wlkd imluial which tbe ta,m- - territorial hi tij output for 19uS vniad in this atma. -- TUSSFLlSil 1 !h.w 'tsd lf two-thir- K tm. aim out during the pm and hence Davies waa inr cam-ri- . quite to December, from Beptamber 1NL F. Jonea. who - pleaded to the chsrge of conspiracy i.st him and is now serving a term dme rmr in the county jail, waa the Charles 4Hy mobI witness sailed by the slate. was asked when he resided and at S68 West Second South Ha hM Is that the county Jail?" he amt," u sfked oy Attorney Cuatin. of the the w itneis Tea, air, cell Wind- - testified that he came f ten ia liar, 1904. and met the at the clerk's office !n June, KM. and saw him again tha latter p V. d that smmUl The next time he saw ten waa on Essl Temple street near it enter of Third South. Witness bo stated that he knew Will Phillip, ska ms also chanted wiih cnosoiracy. d that he met him et the Knutsford la July. He also stated that he knew Uesry Varlin, Bd Hanna and James Airman, who are also mixed up In the huidulemt transactions. When he met Davies in June on East Tkupla street, he said that Davies ted Mm when he wae coming to the eieth office again and lie replied tht te would be there next day. Davies Am borrowed IS from him. He also wiiiled that Davies told him that he waled $390 and naked him to meet bn at the Knutsford nest day and kfoaU bring n blank certificate for (te witness to sign. The witness was til mder direct examination wha (te mart adjourned for the noon roBe further do-wm- ne Juror who were accepted to try tteeaat are Oliver Pierson. T. J. Nip-p- r L E. Hall J. W. McMurrin, Geo. Inkt Oesr Gronhell, L. O. Hardy I C. W. Jenkina HILL BUILD FROM NIPPENO. Plleed at Half a Stock la CMtai In $100 Mil-He- n Shares. yt Lake, Dec. 1J. --The News says: ftooinent mining men and capiLsI-ufioSeaWhllghL Nev., are at the Tinoa from Nevada, tor the purpose Isoorporatlng today, wWi the eec-v-r of state and under the lawn of fhe Searchlight and Northern m jp The road win he 25 miles gauge, from Nippeno thsSan Pedro road to Bearchliglit A shd it is expected will be com-ania running order in four as the grades are easy, end fojost will not be over 115,000 per Mg of narrow d ?$ K capital stock fs 1500,000 In 100 and the offierrs are: President, A. t1 anl fraudulent bounty osrtifl-I- S tor the same, and by Issuing Ytua on tha aama skins aeversl times. Ha stated that he Sdi show that Davlea had given a certificate to ona of the iTln June, 1903, laying that he Ptotweda and on half ,Text day the man 1Lmet Davies and of glm one-haV)mer County Clerk James waa as first witness called by the mate. u7 yotified that ho was county clerk 1M3 and 1904 and that Davies was fdapaty part at the time and had d a of the bounty Wifrint efieaie baslnuae of the office. On -- gjwpminatlon he said the dafend-(had on a number of occasions com-dae- d about having to do the work w k vs very dirty and disagreeable. Ba aaid that he was short handed in oflM put of the time, ns Deputy wai away on a leave ngt EMredge 4 absence without pay, during the and noma of hit other depu-ti- Hansen; vice president, P. secretary lJU'ltau; H. McCIlntock and trean-call men of I tneana and influence in the Sage Mr. Mediator said to 5J7 tala.e road wouid ha the means Jtewlng up a large district of valu-winlag territory hitherto difficult d the outlook hi such as ,he hlgbest confidence In wal futnre. The country la n j temtog proposition, but the - v re-zr.- '7 encouraging, and there ia in excel-Mi- a been ascertained new company will be able to -- ?r to ay nothing of the values from i;he fisheries, fore, lumber and otbe: sources of aealth. Tlie valiie of halibut caught last year footed up $l5,0ud,-U0alone. tfor four moniha lo sumuior the auu never arts, and people do business at midnight" end at 3 a. m.. the same as during the hours of the legular day. Basebsll matches are called at 8:3u p m., and afier that people go io the theater, and at 3 and Si.m. there are horse races. People sleep jimt as titey take a notioa, and storm and business generally continue lhnmah the 24 l hours. Mr. thinks the night or winter season la the pleasantest; and it ia by no means dark, as it is understood at these latitude. The stores and the moon shine nuiih brighter up there than here aad (he aurora bora vast ealis, or northern lights, deal of illumination. All this, with tfle anon- on the ground, maintains a sort of twilight that makes it easy enough to travel anywhere. Mr. Hechiol does not advise any one over 40 year of age to go to Alaska, as the severities of fe there are such ihat age has not sufiieleut vital aUtn-in- a to stand up successfully against them. He returns north next wek, well pleased with his visit in Salt Lake. 0 s TARIFF ; Aa-jb- ae Depot tL NEW will be able to get: The Herald qOonid Suib- inio that section without erLnd last night as to hi iurentiou. the senator declined to make any 3M ao JtXi ?r Stickneys I Cigar 5c. i- - quality for five cents! Heretofore impossible and now only by the terms of the new commercial treaty between the United States and Cuba. If you smoke save half your cigar money. Five cents paid for a New Tariff actually buys as good a smoke as ten cents would get a year ago. It buys you a cigar of the sort you arc willing to tell your Ten-cc- nt CALLISTER TO STAY. Salt Lake, Dec. 18.-1-110 says: It baa been definitely decided lu Washington that the internal revenue office for the district, compo-e- d of Utah, Idaho aud Montana, aha 11 remain u Sail Lake. Incidentally, It baa also been decided that the present coilucior, E. H. Callitler, shall retain that office tor the next four years. liuih Idaho and Montana have been endeavoring to secure the headquarters of the district as well ax the offioe of collector. Senator W. B. Ileyburn of Idaho has been supporting hia private secretary for the place, while Senator T. H. Carter, on behalf of Montana, baa been devoting hia energies rather to the changing of the location of the headquarters thau to pushing the claims of any candidate, hia inunitlou being to secure the change, after which the naming of the officer would be a matter naturally left SARAH CUNDICK WANTS DIVORCE largely to him. ' j It ia understood in Balt Lake that a Salt lake, Dec. 12. Sarah A. Cun-- : conference of all the interested k filed suit fur divorce in the dls-- : a tors from the three states wa held trlcf court today against Francis Cun- - last week in Washington. Yesterday dick on Ihe grounds of cruelty aud a rueasage was received from Washing- non support. They were married in um ,to the effect that not only would this city in IStiT, and about thirty-eigh- t the office remain here, but Mr. Canisyears ago, and it la alleged by ter would continue aa collector. This plaintiff that for more than a year past la regarded aa ending definitely the defendant has failed to export her, struggle of Montana and Idaho for the and baa treated her in a cruel manner. removal id the office and the displaceAmong other things it la alleged ment of Collector CalliKttr. that defendant has charged plaintiff wiih IHng intimate with other men, VAN DUZER'S BILL. and wllh associating with bad rora-panand that ahe was not a proper Text of Bill in Interest of Mining Inkind of companion" for him and was dustry. not intellleent enough" and has used Vila and abusive language towards A copy of ihe bill introduced in Conher. She alleges that defendant has gress on the 4th lust, by Mr. Van of and Duii-- r of Nevada for ihe astabllah-men- t the value of 15,000, property arks that he be enjoined from disposof a department of mines and ing of the same pending the determi- mining, end which waa referred by nation of the suit and that ahe be Speaker Cannon to the committee on awarded A Just and equitable share of mines and mining, has been received. the property aa alimony. Tha bllAprovldca: That there shall be at the seat id government an executive department to be known aa the EXAMINATION THURSDAY, department of mines and mining, and Salt Lake, Doc. 12. The examina- a secretary of mlnea and mining at tion of candidates for the appointment the bead thereof who shall he appointto the naval academy at Anuapolis to ed by the president, by and with the be made by Congressman Howell win adrloe of the senate, who ahaU have a begin on Thursday, December 14. at seat In the cabinet, and who shall retho hospital at Fort Douglas, where ceive a salary of $8,000 per annum." The bill provides also for the ap-- i the physical examination will be conducted by Major Smith. On Friday, polntment of an assistant secretary at December 15, the candidates will be a salary of $4,000 per annum. The bill provides that the departgiven their mental examination at the of ment of mines find mining ahull have office of State Superintendent er all matters Schools Nelson at the city and county general Jurisdiction pertaining to mlnea and mining aud Imilding, beginning at 10 o'clock. tha geological survey, and makes it the duty of the secretary to gather, DYKE FOR SALTAIR. compile and publish Information conBalt Lake. Dec. 12. The contract la cerning the mines, mineral resources about to he let. for the building of 3,Quo and mining Industries of the United feet at five-fohigh dyke wall around Stales and that the official is to make Baltalr for the continuance of that annual reports to congress showing of money received and explace as a bathing resort, and which, the amount it ia figured, will cost S30.QUO. Water pended, etc. The Jurisdiction, supervision, manis to be pumped into the pond thus agement aud control of mines and minarranged for, from the lake outside. ing lands and mining industries now vested in the interior department, if ' A. M. C. Y. FOR PRAI8E the bill becomes a law. are io lie transto the new department. Suit Lake, Dec. 12. Replying to a ferred on the ji request asking for his views CROOKS IN OREGON. work of the Y. M. C. A. to be publish-e- d Associain tho January number oi 11. Each day Salem, Ore.. Dec. tion. Men, of New York, Governor John C. Cutler yesterday, wrote as follows . brings more and more surprising evi- to Frank W. Ober, editor of the pa- - J deuces of the monumental assurance j of the gahg of school land operators pPr: My Dear Sir: In reply to your- j and Ibe childlike simplicity and of Ch lnst. 1 am plaas- (fulness of the numerous persona whom ed to give hearty and unqualified ap- they swindled out of large puma of swindlers operated sevproval to the work living done by the1 money. Theafter several of the gang eral months Young Mm's Christian association. courts am and always Lave been an advocate stood convicted in the of pleasant and neallhful activity, both of this district and they referred in in the work of life and in Its recrea- the most braxen manner to bank and tions. Inaction la one of the moat P ro- Individuals in Oregon who would have ll lie causes of evil, aa It leads to dis- certainly warred the Tictlma had they been communicated with. sipation , to poverty and to corrupting A bundio of forged certificates preassociations. Therefore, any movo-mshaving as iia object the directing sented by persons who, for obvious of the natural activities of the young reasons, desire George C. Brown, clerk into safe and wholesome channels is of the school land hoard, to withhold their names, show that in addition to worthy of the highest commendation. and forgeries of certificate, the stato seal, By providing high class recreation employ- notarial seals, signatures of official the beat quality of intellectual ment to occupy b epare momenta of and notaries, the swindlers forged be letters written on forged leUeriteads of young mn who might otherwise purthe state school land board with the led to spend those momenta in theChrisMens Young forged signature of Clerk Brown pur-tionit of evil, the association performs a large and porting to inform the operators a to Intel-- j the stalus of their land; also forged Important part in the social and i receipts for pretended payments on lectual betterment of the community, in- - different of a with made of tend, parcels and the rounded development fac simile of the rubber stamp need dividual character. I am oonaclentiena is im- by the clerk of the board. These forgin saying that the community 1 eries were uttered so late as Oclolier, strengthened government proved, to a 1905. A new complication store today, and Individual character brought discovery that part of the better fruition through the work done wllh thecertificate on the same hr your association.with great interest forged as used by are the state board, paper 1 have watched and those hitherto found having been made the growth of the local association, of your on a brand of paper never sold in this ronvlctipn of the value based on j state. areat movement is largely aocom-The forged certificate returned to what I have teen of reaniia I wishj day all passed through 8. A D. Puler, nlished in our own community. of conspiracy the Young Mens Christianof association ; now nnder conviction and others to benefiting with Horace McKinley ead sored in its mission the j defraud the government out of public ire memherji. and. through them, luwimiiniir With heartist good wishes, i land. The genuine certificates are held by the Mueller Lumber company of 1 m. Yours very Davenport. Iowa. The whereabouts of neither Puter nor McKinley are known. JOHN C. CUTLER." Ht-ra'.- ten-cente- rs Bei-htu- fm-ula- h friends about. - - The standard of workmanship in the making of the New Tariff" is the very highest, Mechanical equipment may not interest you; sanitary equipment should. Every sanitary appliance that brains and money have been able to produce, is used to insure the smoker absolute freedom from anything undesirable. The New Tariff" is the latest product of newly-applie- d modem methods that revolutionized the cigar industry. have-abso-lutel- y sen-dic- Sold, by -- all Cigar Dealers Wm. A. vStickney Cigar Co. Denver Kansas City St. Louis Fasloto won. Rey Dare second, HI Caul Cap third. Time, 1:43. Sixth race, mile and a sixteenth Rightful won, Nigretle second, Gorga-lef- t third. Tims, 1:14. SPORTING R Salt LaKe City of desperate fighting between tits aad loyal troops aad of the massacre of many innocent Riwaiaa and Chinese resident. It says Item. Madari toff's eighth cavalry took extremely dnutlle and Inhuman methods to suppress (ha mutiny, benase ha feared tha wnaequenoee that might re-ait from tha spread of the mutiny to the ahoki army. In order to compel the mutineers to quit their hiding place, the general sent men to set fire to tha barracks and the pnlillo buildings. Tha blase spread to al parts of tire city and (he mutinwta, In trying to escape, were slaughtered u (he number of 200 by ill cavalry. Later the loyal portion of tha garrison was called out, but in tha confusion aud tUswder the troops fired on each other, it being Impossible to distinguish (he mutineers from the biyal soldier. Then (he mutineers dragged out several machine guns and poured a heavy fire Into the cavalry. Thera was great bw of life. THEATERS . At City Park. New Orleans, Dec. 12. City park re- The wiseacre who continually harp upon the impossibility at he stage ever attaining the position of au eduRACES sults: cator and that tho legitimate and First race, five and a half furlongs Mini Roy won, Jjord Provoel second, classic drama la on the wane received At Ascot. a strenuous rebuff whra they became Iloae Boy third. Time, 1:08 Lea Angeles, Calif., Dec. 12. Three seven furlongs Devout aware of the phenomenal success (hat Second race, of the heat sprinters at Ascot met in won, Bel den second, Toucan third. has attended tha big revivals of claw the fourth race today and tire result Time, 1:28 aio plays given by lamia James this was a victory for Big Ben and a new Third race, one mile, handicap Orly seaMu, and Inasmuch aa you can genrecord for the futurity coure. Big Ben If. won, Elliott second. Envoy third. erally tell which way (ha wind blows won without urging 1:09 which la 1:40 2 5. by the way the draws fly, it ia safe a quatrer of a second below the record Time, to pradiel that there baa been a change Fourth race, mile and a siateentb made by Gold Rose last winter. Thistle IXiwn won. Monaeordor aroonl, for (he better In the theatrical field Two heavily played favorite, two Larson third. Time, 1:60. the past few months. second choices and an outsider won Mr. Janies, ww believe, has surrFifth race, six fnrlongu Wild Irishat six to one, took the other races. man won, Immortelle second, Benson-hur- t ounded himself with an excellent comwinJockey Miller rode three of the pany, headed by that clevef young third. Time, 1:1 . ners today. actor, Norman liankett, who will be Sixth race, mile ana seventy yards Brook of Acot today Grsvina won, Sanction uecond, Manager well remembered by hia splendid perand wired ibe woners of Cmiado forms nee in support of Mr. James In Ilocomora third. Time. 1 :46. Bear Catcher, offering a puree of tbs past. Another fine actor la Chas. race be$2,500 for a PRESIDENT Stadman, who years ago supported A TO PETITION Fair Grounds Raaulta. tween the two horse, mentioned and such Illustrious stars aa Booth, Barrett, ROOSEVELTr 12. Grounds Fair Doc. Naw Orleans, Handzarra. Bear Catcher and Crua-ado- a McCullough. Jamas A. Young is also are now racing in Ban Fran- results: cast, likewise Harry C. Asking .That the Laws as te Navigable oourpteuously half and a five furlong First race, cisco. Milton Nobles, Jr., Terese Barton, Stream be Enforced, Thanks won. second, rests Pane Many Weather clear, tract fret. Summary: Arch Draglo, Apbie Juntos. At the Grand 1:07 third. Oldham Time, First race, mllo and a aixtoenth IgSecond race, one mile Bourke Friday and Saturday nights. Sanla Ana, Cal Dec. 12. Four hunnacio 107 I Buchanan I, 8 to 5, won; Tower (Hadla-o- r second, won, ranch era of the Westminster disCockran dred secI 104 30 to 1, Chickadee Sullivan), 1:43. APPEALS TO AMERICA. third. la the southwest comer of trict Time, 5 95 1, to Sandalwood ond; (Ross), Monaco sewn furlongs Third connty. have forwarded a perace, Orange third. Time, 1:50 Brigand. Peter Maid woo. Lucky Charm second, Gevam Great Russian Praaident Roosevelt asking Distress aad to tition John, Philanthropist and Orator also third. Time, 1:27. meet te Relieve Famine, for an Investigation In'o the appropriaran. Fourth race, six furiong Water tion of the water of Bolaa Clilca Bay Second race. dx furlong Peeping Rolls second, Horae Kad-le- h (Correspondence of Ibe Associated by the Dotsa Chica Gun club as a duck Tom 108 (MrDaniel), 6 to 1, won; Wing won. Time. 1:13 third. Press) hooting preserve. The petition reCello 108 (Kuna), 12 to 1, second; Mr. Jack won, 26. Although mile one Kuv. fit. Fifth race, the fact that the club has built cites Foxhall 108 (Buchanan). 3 to 1. third. second, Fred Homherk third. Ihe government is making efforts to a dam acrnM the hay, rendering the Orileue, Bribery, Mr. Falrbury Time, 1:14 relieve the famine In the provinces navigable Inlet useless for any Time, 1:42 Budd aud Utile B. also ran. After stating the history of the Sixth race, one mile Bullfinch won. where the crops failed test summer, Third race, one mile McGrathlana Dolinda second, lPhirs third. Time, the work Is being greatly embarrassed case, the petition concludes with an Prince 99 (Miller), 16 to 5, won; Sal 1:41. by the unsettled conditions, and ah appeal to Hi President to have th 106 (Fisher), 13 to 1. second; Varieties ready ptUtul talea of distress are pour- tewa of th War department ia regard 100 (Jackson), 8 to 5, third. Tim-'1- , Th ing in from remote districts. Peas- to navigable stream enforced. nnnuc-carefPORTES REPLY TO POWERS. 1:41. Blissful, Mat Lower' and Fieri ants and their lamille are eUVving ranchers have been making an ran. ana Belle aim relief te being organised and fight for (our years to have the Fourth race. Futurity course 15ig Rrflsrdcd as a Virtual Acceptance of and private out not only gun elub's dam serosa the bay scot appetite being Demands tha Esca7 Ben 107 (Flaher), to 2. won; through Russia but to foreign counlante 105 (McDaniel), 2 to 1. second; tries. The situation In 4he province of 12 The Porte's Ore! Don Homo 102 (Preston), een, second. Consent inopJ.Duc. Is particularly acute, aad the CHINA FOR THE CHINESE. on Three starter. Time, 1:09 reply to the note of the six powers hare requt-et-marshals of the Fifth race. Brooks course Golden the subject bf Macedonia premtd lo ed the Associatednobility Press to make a parLondon, Dec. 12. The Shanghai corGreen 9G (Miller), 5 to 2, won: Port Baron Von Callce, the to the charily and hu- respondent. of th" Times nds a long ticular tion 100 (Jaokson), 7 to 2. second: Old ambassador, yesterday evening. manity appeal of American whose harvests describing what he calls th. Mike 104 (McDaniel), 3 to 2. bird. Bisks for a reconsideration of some of hare been so bountiful this year. They despatch unmistakable movement of Uhlnes modifications Turkey by proposed 2:05 the Hostoff, Coiirant, Time, ask that donations snonld he sunt to opinion aa the effect of the defeat or which was rejected by the ambassaand Homestead also ran. Alexander Alexandrovitch Stakovlch. by Japan In the directlonof th Sixth race, six furlong Corfensor dors, In their collective noe presented onn of the proiuinrtrt Libera! leaders Kusia of China for the Chines. and policy 109 (Miller). 4 to 5, won; Tramotor December 8th. Kiefs, government of OrUdf, in care a deliberate and organised ruetelanc IV-- I commie ion at A Joint Turklsh-Pemla101 (Carroll I, 25 to 1, second: He believe of the Northern bank of that placa. to foreign influence. Coronado 101 (Moore), 15 to 1, third. has been appointed to arrange the fron- The committee la arranging to Insti- thatallthe movement ia genuine and. view with the if Tea tier dispute possible Time. 1:14. Our Lillie. Retailor. bakeries wldmipn-gtute dining rooms and and thinks that it. behooves Jan, Prince Magnet, Col. Brunei on. K1 of averting s conflict. where the starving mnjlka and their the commercial powers to take united 1 couchThe Porte's reply, however, Venn co, llollie Weitiioff and Happy fomlUc-can be fed during (he winter action promptly. ed in such terms that it is regarded and also to to Chappy also ran. arrange stations for the Among the causes contributing of the as being a virtual acceptance fodder for the horrea this spirit, the correspondent enumerof distribution a settlement aa power' demand and and the cattle ot ih tanners, the th followtug: At San Francisco. of the dinpuie regarding the financial death of which would he an untold ates 1. Th assumption that the Hurd 12. Dec. Francisco. Sun Bduinlmratioa of Macedonia. women of the alliance guarantee the incalamity to then. The Nealon, an pressed by the work making tegrity of Chinese lefrltory. district have been pvt to ouudder, Tocolaw won the Ben Stonue SENATES FIRST SILL. the j lace and preaunt embroidery by 2. Th impolitic action of the Unithandicap by but. a neck today. Nealon to la Increase wbtcb H ed hoped States which, failing to perceive the rale of a ran m splendid race and was making senate the funds at the disposal of ihe com- boycott agalmt American goods waa Washington, Dec. 12.-- The strong bid for first honors si the ha- today sesits first bll of the mittee. In Oral province especially the merely a manifestation of the tch. Keene's Red Leaf made a good sion. passed It waa a measure authorising a fumlne promises to be much more feeling, adopted aa attitude of showing, although it was her first race, railroad company to construct certain severe than that of 1691 when the conciliation, which Asiatics naturally and took third menry. The day proved across streams in Arkansas. American people to generously sent a misconstrued. to he a good one for the favorite. Re- bridges 8. The Influence throughout the Mr. Taliaferro took the oath of of- ship load of wheat and corn to the sults: students fice for hia new term a a senator. He starving. province of Flrei race, five and a half furioiigi who have returned from Tokio imbued waa escorted by hia coilrttgure, Mr. Burnett Round Go won. Cap!. Merry Mallory, before the vice prtshfent, who RU66IANS. FIRE ON EACH OTHER with th idea that China ta capable BueondT Retro ti third. Time. 1:K. forthwith of following Japan's exadministered the oath. Second race, selling, clx furlong 12:40 p. in. wen! During a Mutiny in the Army in Har. ample: and. at senate th:n The Annt J. Peter won, Polly second, British 4. Tbe withdrawal of tb bin. into executive version and at I: So ELECTION IN BOSTON. third. Time. 1:16. reduction of the allied the and fleet CONTEST FOR POSTOFFICE. five s and Third rase, half furlongs The Daily Tele- garrisons. . London. Dec. 12. Ro.ton. Dec. J. Aa unpreredeuicd Rnd Ram won. Royal Rogue second. ' effort to bring out Salt Lake. 'Dec. 12 The W. H. DAVENPORT DEAD. graph 'hia morning prints a contlnun-- ; tided. Time, 1:08. the voiera popularl) Da'-ir. 12. The Dec Mote. lows. tion of the dispatch from Mojl. Japan. , - j kcoB a the iay at homes." wax j j Fourth race. Ben Htrome handicap. dccids-George Sutsercourt Senator today in cireuimttan-supreme lows tiial w. ... giving IV c. yerterday, begun Tocounv elec-Conn.. Norwich. ix furlong ji(inor indors'd Uoiiniv Clerk J. U. predominating feature of the city won, Nealon hr refogre of the that a H.ua Aail I ill" founder of th tial detail accot-ntof tiie most Time. third. IW raie Davreport. after tion sgod conn). 7. Sait of today . BOiTBMricr vli the proohirr lr for t W. H. Davenport She Arm company, alleged sacking and burning of H"-- but must vote L. Thomas. I esung ceufera lb tit. Llaioiy of Bos. he 1 ''wi. noitinong . Fif-Manchuria, w succeed Arthur 1i"d ly Vn, h Rii.rt,l rac. mil and a yesterday. were xpir-- s in January, wh- o3-- 3-- 61-5- e three-cornere- d' 5-- . 2. Tor-cheil- o pur-pos- e. fcdl Austro-Hungaria- n -- Fig-ani- n ! FAST Going Safe Perfectly of PLATTS HARNESS. void Accidents! worn haroesa n tes la a constant nd may bo the serious accident. You ,Poub,e. e 'Wits Ur Harness tehrag teams or carriage Prices that 'are eepe- tk. ,rriive. Driving Gloves. d Lap Robe- - are Tt-r kiw in prire for this se.-V-. l- ten Piatt Saddlery Co. wh. Av,. lr. Twenty-thir- d at. d S Anglo-Japan- two-yearo- anti-foreig- Hip-pona- x '' J 1 12.-W- 5 s i j 3-- t-- rm (,.n |