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Show MORMiyO TXAHrSTTR: OGDEX. TI1E speech period. IMASONS LAV free people. characterise ihla flail ill So much eo, that t MOBXIXG, . DECEMBER HOZlfXT ETAH, I, 1MB. He children, and a chilJ became a sacred and bo.y tniog. He told the story Vf ike Prodigal Sob. and there waa kindled In the breast of every lot maa aid woman a lamp of hops which could only be extinguished by death. Wiih all the puriiy and gallantry of basTca, He looked upon woman and ahe bocama the equal of man; He attended a wedding aud marriage became a holy sacrament: He en'ered the hotoe of Mary and Martha at Beth-ny- , and every home was transformed into n sancLuarr and every fireside became e sacred place. AYhta I think of h Jesus has dune for the human race, I am impressed with the fact that Voltaire at least told ih truth ace, when he said Jesus 1 ths creator of civilize Uon. AH jB indebted to Jesus Christ and the only we can ever way discharge our obligation la by making the worlds Elder Brother our personal saviour and king. To in say way discharge this obligation, w must worship sad serve Him. Your lodge, soy brother, is a beau-tifn- l piece uf human workmanship, but remember the church is a divine aad aa you have love for the human, I trust you will have even a higner regard fur the divine. I say be loyal and faithful in the discharge of your lodge duties, but do not nfcglect the higher duties and raqalremenia of ths church established by Jesus Chlrsu I believe that tbe text of this morning is appropriate for ihe place and occasion, for you, my friends, make love th foundation of your order and you have than selected for your foundation tbe beet thing of the earth and heaven. Fklib, Hope aad leve are th frulte of Jesus' life, and these are the luscious frulta which adorn the table la Hi church aad of which all of His children have a right to eat. Three three principals form the foundation on which eTery benevolent institution in the world rests. Because a Christian has faith la God, he has faith ia humanity; because his hope reaches out to a better world aid purer life, ba hopes for th betterment of human conditions; because be loves God, he bas love for ths human race, a love that shows Itself la charitable expressions bad nobis deeds. Faith, Hope aad Lore are three links ia the chain which holds heaven to earth and bind God to man." The reason the apostle herein emphasises love is because he realises that Christianity la one great system of love. When the aervloes, which were very Imprasriv la their character, had been concluded the Elks reformed apd marched back to tb club room where tha services fur the day wens conclud- IN MEMORY for iheae KiteriL-spreading THE FIDDLERS THREE the ere imo Rubais inu ibe EDITORIAL , All of th oppressed. roust rit vj of Old King Co. InipMdnt ere today at peaoe with one 5 Lra . , Beil Phene I ho '!' Out merry ig ie over MICE-Idmphovering ProHrriiy BUSINESS lhat because tb mera? laud. The power of ocean are every-ahei- e PIiom oal rocervma felt. Thw apart: which Franklin s Fho-kept kzU-ii- ! Bel coated front ibe ('loud, dowa tko M. GLASMAN- Nvv string of a kiie. ba grown Into such Independent Phsn lzo force and splendor that nan la nw Bell Pbona 1TO rt bath telephone systems enabled to achieve almost In credible .K reoulca. We Cas Supply Yon Witt High Class Groceries closed 'ten Speaking Into a roctd'ir, hie voice la beard aud recogulxud thouIf you Pont jet yeur peper phene MAKES MEDR. E. M. CONROY Bell 77Sx! Ind. 872. D. G. Nelson, SPECIAL TRAIN CARRIED OGDEN sand of milea away it is recorded a Price That Will Yon Happier Thai MORIAL ADDRESS- trtonager. MASONS TO SALT LAKE. upou a roll uf a ax and treasured up come. The rvro'i fur gnailons to Old king Cole Ever Thought of Being, of today are read everywhere tomor& row. OH lHxatlon and learning have Order Attnndn Services at Methodist MacMillan, Grand Orator, mounted to height heretofore Herbert Blair Rev. Church Where Paya Tribute to the Order In an Preaches Special Stnmon. Eloquent Addrese, And yet with all thle boasted knowlcirill-utlon edge a lib oil ihla perfected we are engaged is tbia wild Throughout tb country, in nvry Mens Tke corner atone of the new kip' rush of commercialism. NEW RAIBINt. NEW CURRANTS, CITRON AND LEMON Wealth no to know con-abounds eein city where the Elks havs lodges, there EL, DATES AND FIGS AND ALL KINDS OF NUTS. sonic Tenipie. under course of become tbo have tv ad mempower appear were services held yesterday In WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF FRA Mr a ruction In Salt Lane, the eceud auaesrhetixer of mou'a coaeeiences. AMERICAN GOODS. CONSISTING OF SOMETHING ami , unic Temple m be buili la ibe xl,e (jreNl apim onward over que tenable ory of the absent brothers those DELKIOLm money PLUM PUDDING INDIVIDUAL ONE, TWO AND THREE POUND had ho before. to Sunii- - j of ub utaii uiaiuoid ruic. gu&e the Witness afternoon coveted rowes to iatd yesterday goalsliteral re aud receive Tha lodge In ihla city Li common rd oibi-tll (;riinu jaMlge of ihe State of strife among governments to enlarge ALL KINDS OF SOUPS, PINT AND QUART TIN tbo.r naviea: io Invent greater de- - whh their brother lodges held services, ariL with all of (be imprewiivenes I I tab, RIPE OLIVES IN BULK AND GLASS. tor fur which the services of Abe order are! ttraclive agene.lea the preparation revivwas the the to and devoted day I M. J. Snil:k. an Oregon Short IJnWj UO r(j r in the enlightened ago of peace of (boa members who mem- the looking forward to more power ing the memory euKtueer from Ioca.ello, Mabo. baa. hundred knd twenty-fivha and of the gallows. Nolo tbo bad pasaed to the Great Beyond, and j her of tbe Weber Iradge .escorted by haea transferred io Os den the passion of Ogden I Wk awngued to a run out jjnni comuiandery, left Ogden ail formaiion of i rusts and combine to services were held at tbe Methodist aud ou the Wyoming uivi.ion of ibe Luon u(xt on a special train over tha Ore-- crash smaller concern church and in the dab rooms. Tbe membera uf the kxlgn assembled Pari Sc. gon Short line for Salt Irake to parlplirh monopolies. the onatavment of club rooms soon after nine ilcipsic in tbe giercisea uf layiug the! labor to Increase profita. The pasaiun e at. the lift Mark tha oclock the morning and ihe memorHave you seen the beautiful Bucks comer aioue of the new temple. In of tbe corpora' ion. ial ruual of the order was gone tnrough j just demands of labor upon capital teres la Sidney riirveu Implement party were Herbert ilia doing of that to others, tbo pre-S- . After the ritual had been rend. company window? grand via or of the Grand lidge aud was Dr. E. M. Conroy was introduced and V. ltaduou, deputy grand master vaulted of whirb to tbeinwlve k delivered tbe memorial address. He Tha freight t raffle bsa tncreaed of the Grand lodge, Imih of whom tbo very Inception of their orgauixa-toocere-ne-rIke labor ttonn. of the for The tbe In spoke of the significance of the day to mai!nU passion aud pans prominent again have linn. Wltwesa tbo fall of what Elba and of ibe beautiful custom of railroad companies io equip temporary t nm die arrival of tbe aptudwl trail I been considered some of Amerlota the order which eel nlde one day in aliooiic up from box cars. Thin baa I the year when the memories of ths been dune on ibe Southern I'anflc iu Salt Lake, the Ogden Mamme were foremost citlarnaan their freniled y dead brothers were revtvsd. and their by tbe Salt Lake City aud Park sire for wealth. Senator, repnvania-Ciiand I.uion Pacific. lmdgea, aud the Fort Uouglaajtlvea national law maker have been memory kept green in the heart of A cutter gear made to convert your baud, and they marched to the Ala- - tempted end their passions led them tbir brothers. A short musical program wan also The standing room only" sign was sonic ltall. the baud leading lhe.pro-cesAiobeyond ibe circle. Professional and cutter, at Sidney Sieves buggy into Onward Christian buaineaa men ere proetilatlng their given. Colonel John Met set presiding in vogue last evening at Utahns theaplaying Implement Co. cal tinge for the' gratification of pM-lio- ai the piano. KoMnrs." ter at Frank Lindous production of A whole life in wasted hoarding J. Smith iang the Redemption.' At the Masonic Hall tha procession his own play, "The Prisoner of Alcontenof bone become Mis and to was formed with the Port Ibwigla Hyman sang, Oh, Eyes That up 1 band aud ibe lodges from different tion and unseemly strife among tbe Are Weary. giers." Tha large and enthusiastic accumulatfirair audience that made up the After the ritual had been rend in pari of the ette acting aa an escort survivor. Rvrn tbe fund to the Grand Lodge, and moved akmg ed from bard earned wages tor tbe the club rooms tha members formed in nlghlera gars th drama a splendid Mouth to Main, thence along support o( tha widow and orphan have line and marched to the Methodist reception. The members of the comMain to First Mouth, thence east on not been too sacred to Slay the .slimy church, where the public memorial nerpany were well up in their respective paaton-bnndvine was held, the Reverend Samuel First Mouth, tbeure east to the Temple eneroscJimenia of tbe parts sad everything neat off without Blair preadung ihe memorial sermon hitch. The Prisoner of Algiers" Is site on Bast Mouth. There were over I We wonder where it will end. Pnasli The rhiirrh had been decorated for have arranged pud Knight Templura and Blue Lodge la in the ascendency. The stampede Count of Moni Crist," lo sequel running into Malt the occasion, the odor scheme being; for apePial extwtrsion rate for tlij Mason in line. beyond tbs eirele 1 on. by the same author, and denis whh Tbernfor H I good that amidst all purple and white, the Elks cokira. The tha death of tha Count's enemies .at JVn Jlur enwor.weut. whirb ts to be hi tha Tempi ait a platform hadl of organ, chancel and nil bad baen etnlng tha hands of hla son and the love laged at tbe .M. Lake Theatre one been erected, and upon this the Grand this commercialism and dlsay thiwhirl mad with long eireamen of tha colors, 2IWh to Hath. midt business entetprlse Masons were sealed. of the Counts non with a daughweek, . scattering of while white carnations and violets AHer tbe Grand laidge had Keen rush tor power Ihi ter of hia great K. Ij. Benniaon aa Captain Alberta, and the Mason had assembled men's psnsions. we ehould pautm long were used la profusion. The pews ed. renft'.iaiur but blast heat- - I The Bik-K'-s Uylng of a lhat had been reserved tor ths mem1 la the afternoon the Elks again as- nun of the Count of hlonta Cristo, was er i more beautlfslin pii trance .and about the plslforui. Architect W. E. enough to wiinMa the such as tbt. bars of tbe lodge Jisd bow hnote of sembled in their club rooms aad went decided success, la his numerous 'leiia te lun than a bard cal i Wade delivered the luol to Past roruer slon tor a temple purple and white ribbon dripped on to th Ogden General hospital where portrayals Mr. Benniaon ia fast beheater and doe ne ssme work, Mold ! Grand Mneier Charles W. Morse, chair-- For It will ever be the home of mdu of the Kuildiag committee, and ternlty wblrh gatlma together people ibe sides of each and in the bow knot they Inspected the room that his been coming a favorite of ths theatergoers. bv Kidney Hicvens Jmplemeai Co. was a small cluster of csnmUo&a sad endowed and the room waa dedicated Frank Llndon skllfnlly handled tha j he, on behalf of the committee, baud-- j of all elaaes and conciliates true and Twenty-Fift- h St. to ths use of Elks. double roles of the Count and Ooloael Martha the ii vtir old daughter of I ed (lie leel ie Grand AUater Ohailas j nverksMtag friendahip. Jt Is refresh violets. For the occasion the regular church etto Breed as Leoard Mr and Mr. (Andreis H. Martin, died I B. Varlan, with the request that be lag to turn from paaaworenalaved go Dangler. Harry la the roruer alone of the building. waa much stronger and in better form nr diphtheria at tbe family ruffd'ent-e- , inanity te take part In the building or choir had been augmemed by the adteacbe the n which order tor CHRISTMAS COMING dhe Yarmn a dition of of Grand a then home best IS aoretned Matter number i ringthaa in toms parte In the peat and Twcmw-ilInst 143 street night The' of desire and the aub- ers in the city, and Ihe chorus of 23 tha Graud Luvla and called upon gave a splendid Interpretation. X. L fuueral vnlvlch sill be private, will h Barbour as Berinieio Is a real Italian Meld at t o'clwit. Inienuent In ' y Gie grand chaplain for prayer, after duing of passion, it in well that in voices rendered The hymns and anwhich the consalslng the cur this materialistic age tempts should them In a beautiful manner. Mias And tha Merchants Are Preparing For In his part and hiu dialect is good. Jock cemetery. tha Busy Season. rent poliNcaiions of the daily and be hulli isto whirb mas may enter Biddle pre-ldal the urge and Mias Winter ably handles the double roiea leaving Haymaa and JBaihb sang solos. Miss of Dr. Fontatao and Sergeant Newell. After an lltne. nf twoinionfibs. Jesse weekly newspaper, coma of different, aud abut out tMs madat rush tb vretraw Hajman sang. ''Zion," and Mr. Smith sou denominations In use la the Tailed his tares sad worries Havtd Muinfoid, the fisw year-olCorporal McKenna, an Irishman, In This is Boar a buy season for ths ibe FYench army, Is in the able hands sang, The Choir Boy's Message. The nf Mr. and Mra. George A. Mumrord, H rates, repore of the Masonic meet- and feeling that all wham ba meets one comedy work died of cnlargenicni.af (he llta-r- , at the ings and ether document, was placed within are his broth era. Joined (a aiu-ee- choir rendered, Onward, Christian Sol- local Jobbers and retailers of Christ of Fred Hogan,-whosIn ths siune and rerelmt hv Grand Hcc another by Indlaaalubla chains of diers." Stand lp, 8 laud . Vp. For mas novelties, th Jobbers being buy ha won many round of applause. home of hi parents, J.'.! 1euty-hcc-iilito tha As oasis, tha Is affesiltm. Jeans," and "I Dove lo Tell the Story." filling orders and the retailers In mak- Irene Horton in the part of Eugenia street. The fuiu4'al atsvlcrs will reury Diehl and Grand Treasurer was dux covered traveler af ths desert, so The memorial sermon was preached ing their selection of the guods that Danglers makes a very charming herbe held on Tile relay alt t o'clock front Shaw, after which the reiui-u- l eure-wor- n They will be pleased ts give by the Rev. Samuel Blair, aa Elk and they will offer lo the holiday trade. oine and ably handles the part in an tli Third wavd metelnq luuise. and spread. The biotin was lowered ro Its will this temple be to. mafly of life pilgrims through this pastor of ihe church, and he said, in Aa uaually. there ia aa abundance of original and dramatic manner. Edith Information on iht remains mav lie viewed on the Uav resting plane hr three distinct utore-nicnistrife. A calm iu Ihs storm. part: the holiday trad bringing Oglesby In part oT Madam Dangler novelties, of the funeral between .the hours of Jt t In behalf of the members of After the first movement the grand It la good for w nation It la good out many new and attractive designs la very good, at ia ihe Lucky Star," and 1 o'clock. honor was given euce. after the errond tor a family U la good for u indiFirst Methodist church of Ogden, I In Christmas goods.. The Jobbers say IaiIu Sutton as TotnsUe, who In fura these be extend to the Elks lodge of our city that there seems to he no end to the nishing the comedy of tbe production, The fmiersl rer vices over the re- movement tb grand honor wm given vidual. that such works u movement fostered, for no mao eau Htm to tha a most cordial welcome to these orders this year and that they expert add In no small degree to Its enjoy-abilitmains of Mrs. William I'raier; who twice, and after1 the third three tcuchlnga of Masonry but that ha beservices. It is a privilegs to Join to be rushed right up until the day Hie play runs all week. died on Friday nuChi, mere held yes- the grand honor was given liinea by the craft. come a better man. None can ba a with you this morning in your annual before Christmas. terday afternoon from Klirli'es bat- - memerial service, laid. The atone Grand good Mason Inn that bo becomes u 1 fitting that Dolls are ibe big feature of . the pallors, at ! oVIork, the Master M. W. being badcon was called upopltsr aitlseu but lhat ha la mads CONCERT MARKS ELKS' you should In this beautiful way keep fceliday trade, aniL some very beautiRev. Mr. Klmqiilsr, f the Mwelsh-liii'hrrsMas' chtin-h- . green the memory of those who la ful babies' are on the market, much Tbe to examine the stone, which be did better husband and father. ForMEMORIAL DAY ofllclniinig. with lint square and pronounced It Io onry tenches us to governformer years miagled with you In the to the dl'omfort or the lltlls girls church clmlr rendered several he true. St-i-i lor Graud Warden Jtr-ret- ments and uphold laws. To lodge room. their By these services you who are sure that they are going to and the Her. Elnmuisi eiamiued the stone with the cherish and defend the marriage lie. bow your appreciation1 fit those who get n dolly, but who cannot writ for A sacred concert was held at th a short sermon, luiemtem sits iu It aud he level, to pronounced true, To keep within tbe circle. have been faithful la the performance Christmas, to gain possession. Ths Methodist church last ' evening la CTty cemetery. i'gdi-Junior Grand Warden Hitiwn, esamin-eHo we all Join la haanily congratia tha ons that la leading ALL of life's duliea, and you leach the dolls teem to be made of better ms honor of the Elks' memorial day, and Uie atone with the pliinib(and (Ty younger generation that the friend- terlal this year, some being made tbe church waa crowded by the memulating 1h lodge of Malt OTHERS and beat of all, ysur It to he true. upon iltclr magnificent undertaking ship of life are not broken by death, with celluloid bodies, which makes bers, their friends and the' church YETERAH grocer finds it a ready softer. JREMEM The alone having been tested by the end leeve wlih them oua very best and that the amallet service rendered them much lighter. In Chrlsuna tree members. The concert ' Itself was square, level aud plumb and found to wbdiea that ibis lemple msy rise to to others Is remembered long after trimmings there are many new novelpraise and the efforts worthy of i be true Graud Master Yailau priv a speedy and Veteran Flreiu.m, you are reqm-ateromplcrioo, know- those who rendered the service have ties. such n paper bells and festoons. of tbt soloists, the choir and the acto Ire prnecnl at the nest regular noil the slope to he perfect and ing aa we de. that here men will be gone to their reward. causbas week snow of the past The were cordially appreciated fur the Grand Tstdge of Ma- taught to live within the circle that meeting (Tueday night l at 8 o'clock, sen-pieYour beautiful motto: The faults ed a great demand for and the companist by tbe large congregation. Jtec. I. BuKiiie-- s of jniportsam to sons. it. will he ibe home of an order whose of our brothers w write In the sand; reteilera are stocking up In anticiThe evening services begun with the tie considered. Master flu (Iron aim and objecis are the highest In tbelr virtues upon ths tablets of love Deputy Graud pation of a heavy demand. of a hymn by the congregation singing J. K. WHIGHT, Secretary. uprinkled corn on Ihu siotie. Mentor lilt!. For no man, no priest, no me to believe lead and mtmory. would This year there seems to be a leas by prayer by tbe Rev. Mr. Gruml Warden Harrell sprinkled wine no nation rare have or conceive that the framers of your ritual must demand for books Ilian in former yean followed Blair and the reading of the Scripture and Junior Grand Warden Hrown nf a greater aim In life than tbo weldhave had In mind a scene enacted In and the Jobbers say that on sa average lesson. I SAWSER AftRAICKED IN EUREKA sprinkled oil. ing or all mankind Into one common Jerusalem many centuries ago. when out of a 12.10 order but $1 5 Is spent The concert began with the singing The Grand Maaier then had the brotherhood, over which the while there stood before the sinless Christ n for books. holiday Your Choir of "Lift Up Heads, Grand Marshal declare that the alone dove of peace ever perches, where pasretailers there by theGates." woman charged with a serious offense. Among tbe local At Eureka, Nevada, yeetkrdaf P. II. had been properly laid, after which sion are effectually subdued, where Christ listened to th accusation and seems to be more cut glass displayed O Ye Bowser, charged with having ember lie called upon Grand Orator MacMib Bracketts Vesper Prayer." sung by discord shall he unknown, where op- then wrote with bis finger upon the this year, and some of the designs Miss sled giNNla from the thru User a Pacific llau tor the iiratlou. llaymaa, was rendered in a beau, lend amisv-anr- e sands. I have always thought that are new, especially In water bottles, are to sought portunities I'ali-anIu the aaure aisle, e tlful manner nnl has never been heard company at Moat Worshipful fellow men that which He wrote was a record of of Grand Master. and idlosyneraciet etc. plates, xrss arraigned upon ilio cliai-pto belter advantage in thin city. aud Rreihreu, Friends:- - Masonry enronr are forgotten where recognition ie her sin writ Sen where It might speedily Tbe greste-- t demand Is for mechanl WATCHES AND bla bonds for his appearaiwv at tb pees The King of Love-MShepherd ii membera wiihln an I magi u- created ere that ell fact the while to an hv obliterated which is endless the of cal be elements, there toys, by Jay Smith, and Face to Is," prellininary bearing were nxeii at J. rv circle representing the boundary given sang was of new written so her record by the same Alniighiy Iarenl. are ihe pardon designs that Face," by Fred Tout, were both well many variety, and line of comhirf toward God and man. . of the same plun'et, travel- in ths (mperlshaule word of God1, where they air Impossible to describe. , , aad Mr. Tout, in hiu solo? JEWELRY beyond which they are on no occasion ing along the ssme level of time, each It would he read by all coming genera In the windows of the stores holi- rendered here front ivnli, North Dakota Gv j ud under no was good voice. in especially on of life the Ida tmffer io alag their i part now aciiug are lion. preieil goods displayed, : being day i TellAgi-nJunes "Be of tendered lia Oregon 8erial The ckurrb choir ibelr intercsia or their pa and finally all rieaiined tor that undisf tb impvrfoc-ilnn- s and along Washington avenue and AYhile conscious Hhort Line and was lodged its ibe coun- prejndli'es, ing of Ilia Salvation," "Praise tbe ion io limray them, and teaches covered coRmry from whoa' bourn or humanity, si ill we are nut Twenty-fift- h window there street, "O. Come Let Us ty Jail pemling his being Inks n to Ne- lhat while they keep themselves thus no traveler returns." to point tha finger of censure at after window filled with goods that Lord. O Jerusalem," vada. While in Ihe jail Mawier decid- cire.iimsci-ibcdh oration bare At tne eoncluslon of Worship" aad "Swaet Sabbath Eve." A cannot are bore they Our bpecialty is Repairing sessoa. man's materially the shortcomings. only suggest holiday ed lhat.' be would not go wvut wilh-c- err. offered by ihe Grand Chap- to extol bis virtue. Neither are we praver A yet no Cbrlstaiss greens have a warraii! and requisition psi-rs- . reformed ill which comphrade 'Tnder the blazing sunlight of lain, after here to eukigixc the dead. Such an been Men but by tbe latter part of He tvbuisrd from eusnody on a FUNERAL OF MRS. CIBBS mercialism, the world la today parti ci- and marched hack (o the Masonic eulogy would in no way increase tbe th week they will begin to arrive writ id hausrs coriiu and the satin lia ling in a mad rac fur wealth pow- Hall. of he mission will on the there then from My sad depsrred. happiness plenty 227 Wash. Are. dv left Ihe ciiy Tor liljlio. He wai er. This.L n materliilUtie age. The F oni' the ball the delegation from to speak words of commendation lo in the market. The funeral services over the reihe lav sfier hU flighl at days of douhl. nf dogmas, and of Ogden was escorted U their train and is UTAH. espiiin-OGMN When I recall your. misthe mains of Mrs. Flora R. Gibbs, tbe wife Msllid, Malm Mini b'oitglit back toihisjfPai have passed awn-- . The curtain left for Ogden, arriving back in tbe sion living. before ibis to of coming place of Henry W. Gibbs, of Wilson ward, ClTV. lias Iuyb riinjg down upon the age of city at 4:!n o'clock yesisrday after- worship, of your mqrcb to tbe hospital, PLATE CLASS SUFFFFRS w ho died last night after a brief Illness Jatst Moudav Guveruor thiiler sign siipei-illieVe have emerged from noon.' dedicated where s which room, you IN PACIIC SALOON of diphtheria, were held yesterday afed the warraii! ihe. rtqnst of the wiitiicrafi. limes Imo a bigger and shall be in years to come a refuge for ternoon. Governor Sparks nf Nevada for the broader world. Men are not now a and sick and the suffering resting nf Inslid on last Owing to the nature of the disease for giving speech to thought. I place for the weary, do not believe I There waa an extremely strenuous that had caused her death the funeral of Kureka Mind and conselcncea are no longer Friday Sheriff could bring you a more appropriate session In tbe Pacific saloon last even1 was and at 3 o'clock the fu.to tako advantage of onr prices. wi'Ii his oiinty, i lor ih Greater freedom win ner-e- r message than iliai written by the lag and for n while it looked as if llers) private, cor tag. left her late residence liefoiv knuwn. Thera is room only for a few arFret pres free world's greatest theologian, the Apos- some body was going to be seriously for where A telegram received by K. A. MouOgden City they cemetery, ticles to be mentioned: tle lsul. to the rhurrh st Corinth. injured, but aside from the demolition ware committed to their last resting sey yesterday from bis sister, Mra. And now sbldeth faith, hope and love, of some of th saloon property and tbe 4 pounds Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 15 Maa-cbaseitplace. these three, but the greatest of these arrest of Abe Berko on tbe charge of g trait 8. larlow of Taunton. Wilson At tbe choir ward the I pounds Jersey Bweet Pol aloe . .Zw grave Informed him lhat his brof t- Is Love.' having disturbed the peace, (here was sang Sister. Tbon Was Mild and loveOranges, none sweeter, dotes. W Before an of n no attempting analysis serious aftermath. and Bishops Counsellor Bingham ier, George B. Munsey. was the cap-lai- th text, I want to Strictly Fresh Eggs, dosen ly, tipoa yonr According to ihe story of some of delivered short address. Dates, new aqd bright, pound.. w nf the barge Delewarnna. minds the great factimpress Inare that ihe men who were ia the saloon st the ?e Coffee. T Th grave was dedicated by Elder which foundered off Minot'a Light, on debted to Jesus Christ tor you Pkg. the bright- lime. Berke came into the Allien Nuts, only the best kind, W. Stanford. Frank the Massachusetts coaM. on Friday and best est of we earth. thing Yes, for trouble. He It said to have ref pound night, and that his bro:ls-- and-h- i are everlasting debtors to God's son. marked that he waa going to carve The Reg. 20c Candy, per lb broiher'a wife had been lost together Jesus laid bla moulding, e regenerating some one. and tha bartender Iskiog exSAFE PROVED UNSAFE Pure Apple Cider, per gallon... with tbe crear of the illfated craft. band upon the race of beings called ception to the remark case the can argued Dont Send Your Money Away Jr The isl of the foundering of ihe men and they had a new vision, a new Molasses, Pork and Beans, can..... barge appeared In the Associated sense of JuHce. a higher regard tor wiih ihe man. In the course of the AY lie n you send money back cask the barrrndcr to endeavored argument, Press reuons of ihia paper and Mr. the truib. Wherever Ills feet The of a rope came very Oysters, can you pay euonuous profita on Instull-luen- i pressed throw Ihe man out of the saloon, but nearly breaking the workmen enBlueing, bottle ia Muney raw the account, of the disas- the earth there sprang up in Hia resulting iliiiiuond deal. We ar LOCATfooIn throwing ihe man gaged la moving a large asfe Into tbs Mustard Bardinea. can 'J ter in this paper, but "did not know tprints flowers of love to sweeten and only succrede ED HERE. KNOW YOU. and w feel Oil Sardines, caa at that time tliai it" was his KTolher mahe fragrant the life or the world through a show case. Silver Club rooms. Sunday morning, M it unnecessary io Hdd rsita charge tor This action on the part of the saloon sustaining severe Injuries. who was ihe captain of the barge. Xupthi Soap, bar. : Our Father, who art In heaven, and man 'h risk run in sending goods out r worst Berke still the ftirther. one of and on la angered Minot's The been had from safe light brought instantly humuniiy grasped the truth picking up a chair ha aimed at Ihe town to people we never heard f. sand recto on the New England coast or Ihe freight depot and was being movthe fatherhood of God and the A sniall when you take the on the of H ed up s npoit and the hurled bsriender, are and constantly mariner flight of stairs into the club hrolherhood of He said. Ye are at him. Th mixr of drinks ducked wa'cli or diiintond. batsne in monthly aim to avoid running thetoo close to my friend. aadUltra. room, a tackle being rigged to hoist payments. grave yard first lesson la tha wnrld received Its and the chair crashed through Ihe It. Everything was going along finely the rer. as It baa been genuine friendship. He plate glass mirror la the rear of the un'JI of many whips. YOU WEAR THE WATCH OR tbe safe had been raised up. tb delitbred the parable of the .Good bsr. The il'.fiiied City of Portland wa DIAMOND WHILE PAYING FOR IT. flight of stairs sad was near tbe top. lb and world became a neighOfficer Y sure hearing of the (Lslurb- - Then, without Utaf on ihla reef eight years ago an-- l ibe rope 26TH AND WASHINGTON. warning. borhood. lnt0 PX;W. trace hisienej to the saloon and placed all of th passengers, over son pe: cnee aa ifboapltal sprang 1Jl6 came 4 ,,roke entail hNTr by magic, men broke down Berks under arrest, much to the disPhones: Ind. H63j Bell 34son, were lot. ' ing down Ihe stairs. all sectarian walls, ihtr leapt over naof who that storied gea'hman. The workmen had barely time to tional boundatto in th-- ir effort to gust V0? 10 'T1 ,lll5 jump out of the path of the safe and Uioivn, Dec. 5. An oHlui lueiuur-andu- snccor the neeriv nd bring relief lo h nr n,n to 1fcoy ow" the fact that, some of ib.m 1ieil hy ilie adnlroliy Mairs th etifforlag. ito spoke .r freedom, no ia ir.m. were not Injured (o the nrc having Pittsburg. P-- . Dre. Jewelers and aa soon as that as tbe result, of rerenr reform umlerxiocrl nie A: ihe Berk elation was police been lb i alley held to a back certain shacWK-snd. ww nrnkni dundegree hy the nxi etliiiais for ih nnvy will teaching booked on ihe charge of having dis with a oll A0?1 Tli rai Ob' ropes attached lo H. At the Hiji Oo:k. Wash. Avc. show a reriiir'ion of hryond geons were iluiin-and prs,,B turbed the peace 4"d will hat an or other A new rope was eecored aud the At W the redne'ton nf $1 T.fitto.niwi rmri last doors were haltered So n hy His sJedg this ntoraing of telling safe at last placed la poritfon in the river at Daria island dam was a hammer Mow nf tntrh. He blest lit- - portunlty Judse Murphy how il all happud. club rmmi feet and rising. RGOM- ffPnen ut-eir-e aero na-im- r. ..."Ar,' OF ABSENT CORNER A mAiI ELKS STONE iroac-talne- BREVITIES pas-alo- t Kt-mr- e j- -j 1 ua-Mi- i y 1 de-nt- ei n Hw-on- l-- - r 1 dssss. at Sale oi For the Holidays ONE-HAL- F WE ASK A FAIR TRIAL WILCOX GROCERY CO. DIAMONDS Perfect Cut fine Color Lowest Price af-foi-rs arch-enem- GALLEYS 1 esm-nwiv- ft-a- ! fr -- Just Call Up ed d 1 ra d 39x Bell ' a. - le dl-vl- y. i y Flavoring Extracts n Blue Label t, d gat pw-fec- iii-ii- TRY IT sk-ri- H.f.UPP -- !' , m - a It Pays You pri.-.iin-- r Swx-eiu-- r; a. WE TRUST YOU Diamonds and Watches on Credit afl place-lookin- r WE WILE GIVE YOU smith the grocery hd CREDIT J. iS. Lewis Co ' m-'- s |