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Show examiner telephones Office BREVITIES RESERVOIR DELIGHTED GRANGER PROJECT CUTLER WRECK Ricgham, vu committed - . I to the State Industrial achool yentenU afternoon Armrtrong upon tho rharyo uf incorrtgtblliiy. e j ENGINEER AND MAIL WERE INJURED. GOVERNOR FAYS PLEASANT VISIT TO INSTITUTION. Many Paasongerg era Slightly Bruised At tli Tiboraarlo ibis afternoon tlio eli issue of Ogda and Weber county mill have ao ooportuaity to caprota Ihefr eeuiiueitu m regard to tho of th roui of iho eeaaty and tho build-turoad iu Ogdon uf a targe noorwlr by the I'tehrun pa ay at Bhaagijrht - and Hallway jlj- jaM pj,,. bond of connty eoturoiexknr mm mewing at which r(1n th Hon. Frod. J. Klroei will preside, Urlightox' la the word that expressed (he fueling of Governur Cutler and bio pany after they had oo tuple led their tour uf iorpeciion of the Brats School for the Deaf . and tbe Blind, aad ue Si ale Industrial school, yev.erlay, and Ihq governor and eaeh member of the party placed on record as lining greatly pleased at what they had seen at the two sohowlv, and of the good management that, waa evidenced ia their ouuducr. Governor Guilrr. Attorney Genera! of M. A. Superiniendeni Public Institutions A. l Nelson. Bute Auditor J. A. Etlwin la, Bia'O Trcssuvar Willis James (hriaten-n- . Judge Brown uf the Juvenile court of Bali Harry Joseph of the board of lke, trustees of the (Kate laduairlal school, tbe Rev. Mr. Bimpkiu, and Judges McCarty and Hironp of the supreme court, arrtred in the iffty at noon and the party, with Ihe excrpilo of Mr. Joseph, were driven at ouce Io ihe Hiate Bcboul for tho leaf sud Blind. Here they were met by Superintendent Hriggo, Ihe lueniitvra of the board of trustees of the school, Mias aitacee from the scene of the wreck at Granger state that aside from Mail I'k-rHeunawy Kngiueer was injured to the exu-n-i of g dislocated shoulder and a braised hip. Engineer Pain was takeu to Evanston end Henneway sent to Ckeyonno. other then those two men, no other meu-4- r of the min en-t- r were injured, und the report that the fireman wm injured fit contradicted. The train which was in the wreck, left Ogden o'clock Thursday evening. One at of ibe passengers, when interviewed, said : "The first that I hue' of a wreck was when the lights iu the car went out. Of course we were nil in bed and of the passenger injured, none were seriously hurt,, and mow of the alight bruises xrr caused by bring thrown io the end of the car. The poor engineer awnted to get the worst of the deal. Tho fireman not even scratched, and aside from eemeune in the mall car, 1 did not hear of any one else being injured. The tender of the freight engine aud the engine uf our train were badly demolished. We can all be ihankfnl that it was no g iheui-eelve- and Engine and Tender are for the pmyoMO of gening an expree-ainJudea Howril, uf the Second dir of uplaiou from the prop la of the eetrlct court, held court ai Morgan on tha propuaad change of ibe Daniel trrday morning. and appuluiod ef ooua'.y road, before mMynrr and T, E. Buticr. Jury action oa tho gran lug of n''jing yBalio n.lsaionera for Morgan county for tar , l4! piiuon of iho rompaiir. The jud6 rati ihit Mor- - f bn ilrnidv bPB yw laisofi.experiencing n,f bi9fus somewhat of Ran beld r n,fltaviiic which waa targely boom and that the iowb can biauit of attended by the residents of ihi district auroral now bnaneaa ruierprW, chief most affvried by tbo chsngo, and a bile cf whluh ia a new reniouiam. Jus1 there waa arane opposltma to tha what excun the sown ha Sir the boom schema by several whose peraooal Iniho JuiIro could not ay. terest might suffer, k aeotbo Runarol feeling of the meeting that tho build' Mr. oad Mm K. Paul June nod Mint lag of tho reoervolr sad the consc IJUiaa tHwru enjoyed Thaukhgiviug gueni changing of the route of tha Mra. Mr. and thoir parent , day with county read would be a beuetlt te tbe Kred W. Chamber. Mra. A. B. Sidney Steven, MiM Si even having community. reouiaM tha study of Frennh and art, Corey and Charles Rosa. Bishop WatAt tbe meeting today tbe .ciciaena and will ho ut the home of her ntater. will ha aabod to expnsM their views on son. for six ears a member of the Mra. Jones of Mi Fourth wreet, Balt the subject, and there will bo an open board waa also present.. Lake City, for a tow noaihs. After a brief rear, the visitor wore disuiiasion of tbe question, as both tbe roiumiaxlonera and tha officers of the taken to ihe School for Ihe Deaf, cuui-Tho Sidney Slovens linpleui-action where the classes were ia sesalnu. and desire to have the has Hied a complaint in a suit company pay of the ciilxens before they go further where the methods for educating the MOMBSt lamia Howell, to recuvnr oa a with deaf children were demonstrated. the project pmnrtnory not, alleged to have been The itiii'iig room was next viaitad, Tbe purpose for which Jho darn la ihe children being assembled for their given hjr the defendaoL io tho plain- to he built will be outlined at the meettiff. Tho complaint recite that un ing by tieneral Manager (lampboll, of noon day meal. After prayer by the June IK, 1868, iho (lefendMnl Rato the Halt latke; (Mvil Engineer Willard 'Her. lr. Binipkin, Governor Cntler complaintiff onmimuy a note fur IlfiU, on Bishop Wade and Chairman spoke to the pupil of Ihe school which all but $8(1 han been paid. Jnda-num- t j Young, ibeui on what he bad seen Htnnford, of me board uf cauniy com plimenting io asked for floil and Slid at aud ou the management of the school. mlsslonera. fee Dinner waa served to ihe gtiems in avenlag Mr. Rlsnford ws asked If there waa any organised oppmnion the uierinteiident'i dining room, afMira Ague Mcttair has rMnrued to to the c.hongiag Of the course of the ter wlurh iha luitpecuon waa resumed. iho city, after horinn been bent for The Hchool for The Blind waa tbe aad he said that several road, some time un an exienthd vaiatlon. i received by ihr first place viaited aad the pupila in had petitions While away Mlxo McGuire vIMtoil coinnilselnneni. asking that lb pet! ihe school room there illustrated the Butlo, Montana, and la Colorado, lion of the Utah Light and Power com methods employed in the school for be not grauved. bill that in at me educaPnn of blind children. puny Captain C. Marian and tho arorhera most ererv hunaai-- ihe pel il Iona had A i tbe gymnasium sixteen deaf girla of tho BalraHon Army rieairr to thank Mime from those who iliat gav a drill under the direction of thought Iho membera of the Klka' cluli for re- their personal IniMVsr. would suffer Ite- Mrs. I'lisrlea Rosa, and from there th membering tho Aruiv on Than hurl ring rs use of Ihe building of Ihr dam pany sent io the manual traintug day. Tha Elka wm a check for lu of the school, where the He said that tha commissioners to l he explain to help meet ihn wished to be sure that a large ms work of the pupil ia different, lines of iha Thanksgiving dinner for Jorffy uf the people were la favor of waa iho pour, giveo by them. Ai 3 o'clock tbe vMinre left for i lie project before they granted the the State Industrial school. In carloir of the company. piYesterday DAVID JENKINS ARRESTED. afiernoon several of the riages. Ai the laltyr school the bausllion of resident of the diatrlcia which pro Buppeood Lunatic Wished to Explore Reeled by the change, were in (ha cadets had beeu drawn up to receive Father's Intarier With Butcher city visiting bssine men in an en the governor, aud upon ihe arrival Knife. deavor u create 'a sentime m egalait of iba parly ou tbe ground the goviho grant tag of the petition of tha cum ernor's Mime waa fired, which the Thtriil Jenkins, uf Five Polnla, who general" waa sounded. pany. Whsl they accomplished la not was a rrexted by Offli-e- r Robert Burk, known, The member of tbe hoard of trusrm the complaint of the nwn'a faiher, the proposed chengo tees ff the arhool. Dr. Conroy, Harry Maps showing that hli non had tried to elab him with and ihe work to be dons will ho ex- Josephs and T. U. Evans, were presa butcher knife, waa taken io tho coun- hibited at tha mowing, while Engi- ent us t ihe members of the par-- ' ty Jail Into eveolag, where lie ia being neer Young will ho on hand to onawor tv and cacnrl ihem about the Instituheld ponding an examination Info hla ell questions that any of tho oilmens tion. sanity. werv The school rooms ask. visited, Jenkins mih hold at tho city Jail may rstffi (o where the pupil wer la sltendauce Thiiraday night, and during hla atay tpd spwial attvniion was given lo there dUplared aymplonia that led the HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL TEAM the work In mntinal traiulug done at officer to believe that the tuaa waa IS BANQUETED BY SENIORS Iha school, especially tbe printing ofwhich coopted, wiih the knowlfice which han been established and edge uf hU ailack upon hi fill her, deiu which the lioyw seem greatly inter cided them 1. an examination Into The members of the High acbixil cs'ed. hia sanity should he held. A visit waa paid to a nearby a banquet spring, A Himmlaslon on luuacy will bo football team were giving A. O. which the board of trusleea are conat and dance last ihe evening called this morning and a examination I1. W. hall, by the memluirs of the sidering as g source of g waier supply madainto the nmu'a mental condition. senior class of the ncbool. for the school. The irueirM mil linfoot-11ed to the governor their, plana for givilia of 1ho members the chum, SNOW IN KANSAS. ten in. and meuibera of the family ing the school a wn'er enpply, that of tho tndiuo) wqyo at tho af- would assure au antpl supply of lJec. 1 A ganeral fair, which waa oneprosml Topeka, of great, enjoy-n- u fresh water for all purpose. enow to falling Na aoriheia Kansas nr. l'pon the vl urn of the part to the aha snrw woo occompaslod br rhMil the pupil were assembled and After the iuuiuuel. speechtnaklng o ri la tompemiaiw. ondiug the colil waa in ! the AiuKin.-t'iwcgovernor. Judge W llila Bron nrd wave that ha prove I led during tbn Wilson, order. Principal Brownell of the leant, Harry Joseph spoke to them, admont'spiatn tarn past day. With fw except ions Van Patina aud Craw Thor-bur- n ishing them to he faithful in their du- live stock Is well shuttered and I lie iiHtiagrr of the Alaniul. speaking of the ilea and to b obedient to thg atiperin-- j enow trill result In pnartlcaily no dam- aurceiixfnl Ntotball aeaaiNi that has ten den i and hia officer. age. The wheat crop will be greatly Just cloned, and of ihe chances for next The party Ml for ihe rity shortly benefited. season. after 6 oclock and returned to Balt I on Ihe evening train. Among those present Ihrre wan a All expressed themselves as being sentiment that another year j general their should ha an greally pleased with the work being ! league ip Utah, which eould ragulaie doue at the two institutions, and that ihai this year hare mused they believed Ixuh were in their difj the abuse min hard feeling between the differ-- ; ferent phern doing n gresl educacm. school. tional work. j After tha banquet there wax dancing j In tho large ball until a late hour. A NEW CARDINAL. j Bsb-coc- 1 toe-nay- li e tn-a- a, K, ' PJJPP BATCHES ' MONTHLY AND be Washington. Der. monthly! coinage statement tailed by tho diree-- l tor of the in'tit. .shows that the total coinage executed at tha mints of the Tnlied Biataa during Xoreuber. 105. wan t.lAIT.Sld as fellows: GoM If.- .1 IK. .lot); Silver IHN.M": aitpor ou.ua 8f7I.nitl. There were also executed Tmt.Pud peso for Cimta Ktra and JEWELRY Our Specialty i COINAGE STATEMENT. Repairing S,-IH'- penna 2287 Week. Avo. OGDEN, for the Phlllppiaew No maTter how long yen bare had th cough; if it batai already developed into conxumption. Dr. Wood's Norway Pina Syrup will eura It. UTAH. WE TRUST YOU Diamonds and Watches on Credit Dont Send Your Money Away When you send money baek cswt. you pay enormous profits on Installment diamond denis. We are LOCATED HERE. KNOW YOU. and we feel it unnecessary to add extra charge for the risk run in sending good out r loan to people we never heard r A mu all cep, mil wheu you take the waich or diamond, hsisnee in mtitn!y payments, q YOU WEAR THE WATCH OR DIAMOND WHILE PAYING FOR IT. J. S. Lewis (Si Co. Jewelers At the Dig Clock. asm DECEMBER 2, . THE FIDDLERS TlHEE Tbroughoui the country grant liuer-cis beh:g taken in the forthcoming school elect ioa. at which members of the County Board of Education are u b elect ed. and thtu-io considerable opposition to nil but one of the member of the present board who were apiioinied by ihe board of eounty a; the time that the school district were consolidated. The opposition of some of tbe residuals uf the county to the consolidation ocean to have been tout aigat of in the contest that the different towns in the several districts are waging for the honor of having n rctiiUal on the board. At Huntsville, Thursday erealng a mealing of th two faction bad candidates in the Bald In the last city election held, at ahich L, H. Frorer was iLomiaated by aoctamailoa as the candidate for the board from Bchool Die , Pa-.n- frict No. 2, n mass m erring is to be held on Monday, at Plain Lily, for the purpose cf nominating a candidate for election ut Lhe board. At Nonh Ogden there la to be n inerting today to nominate a candidate. from School District No. 1. and n meeting will be held today at the rooms of tha Board of Education In lhe court bouse for the same purpose. No line could be got as to wbo ihe prospective candidate from the different: districts would be, although it is known that nil of tbe members of the present board are candidates for ihe nomination from their districts. supplied SUIT . After four luiura deliberation tbe Jury in the rase of tbe Oregon Short line vs. Christian Buuwhuis et aL the eondsmnation suit brought by the company againat th defendant to acquire title to n right of way over big property. on tbe Hand Ridge cut off, returned n verdict awarding damages to the defendant in tbe sum of $6,630, of which $3,675 is for the land and $3,675 for damages to property because of tbe building of tbe road. Tills is the second of four actions brought by the company to acquire right of way for the line through the Bend Ridge rut off to bq tried, in the first cane a verdif of $2,730 being returned by the jury. Attorneys Valentine Gideon and John E. Ragley represent ed tbe defendant, and Atfney Willis, of Sait lathe, and Charles Hollingsworth, tbe plaintiff. -- Ruahmer. THELMA FARLEY BURIED its Old King Cole Ever Thought of Eeing. . For the Holidays NEW RAISINS. NEW CURRANT8, CITRON AND LEMON E$l. DATES AND FIGS AND ALL KINDS OF NUTS. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT AMERICAN GOODS. CONSISTING OF SOMETHING DELICfeS? PLUM PUDDING INDIVIDUAL ONE. TWO AND THREE Pound ALL KINDS OF SOUPS. PINT AND QUART RIPE OLIVES IN BULK AND GLASS. ONE-HAL- 0 Tin. ' P WE ASK A FAIR TRIAL WILCOX GROCERY WRIGHTS CO. DIAMONDS RANDOMS Today ihe toy show wrlll be open. This information will be received with delight by many of our xmaller customers, j Tbe room Is not yet decorated, as we hope to have it before Christmas, but the toys and dolls ere on display and ready for your rbooalng 'i f jr FOR Perfect Cut Fine Color Lowest Price The High school boys gave n a rousing ovation Wednesday evening it waa in appreciation of what we said in our advertisement of that date concerning the game yesterday. There isnt an enthusiast in the school happier than wa over your success wt sort o felt that you would win. Enthusiasm is a winning factor in any game, and your ovation of evening waa anrely enihuaias-tie- . Thank you. SL Twenty-Fift- h Tho Saturday night sale will be eepeetally intereating this week it include n wider range of merchandise our d on page. 5 give full list of prlees. (.'hrialnias Handkerchief bought- tomorrow duction. may night at sharp be re- We sriil redeem Medallion Tickets. Tbe impression ha erroneously been started that tickets would not be redeemed after today when the fact is we ISSlE them no longer. But all tickets will be redeemed which show $10 purchase and which are presented before January firat. Medallion freniaa are still to be had Just now the sitsortmant Is very complete. THANKFUL FOUNDER DEAD. LEADVILLE'B ia ihn man who baa. already order! hia anpply of Coal for tha winter. Tire A. R. man who baa ordered hia Kansas Cily, Mo., Dec. 1. one of Kansas City's moat prominent business men and founder of Leadville, Colorado, died here this afternoon of rheumatism of the heart after a lingering illneM, agsd 63 yearn Meyer, WITNESS ARRESTED. IB COAL . from U8 will have especial cause for, Thanksgiving, because he may be sured of gening good, clean fuel a: fair price. We have a full line of new anthracite. Price right., SHURTLIFF & CO., Boston. Dec. 1. William H. Stan- Office Rosa Book Store. Roth Phoatar ford of Philadelphia, who had been called here ae a witness for ihe fens In tbe trial of Percy D. McLeod, charged with dismembering the body of Susanna Geary,- waa arrested as he waa leaving the court house today, charged with being a fugitive from Justice. 1 - Just Call tl 1 Chicago. Dec. 1. The large steamer Western Star, owned by M. J Cummings, of Oswego, N. Y.. la now 768 867 lying on the sandy shore of Lake Superior 16 miles eaat of Ontanagon, Michigan. The chanues ana that It can be floated before winter sets in. Tbe boat was run ashore during a snow . , siding. storm last Tuesday. Prayer wa offered by G. J. 8. Abies end Elders John V. Bluth, E. A. Olson, Tampls, Fla., Dec. 1. Practically and Bishop Counselor Hyrum Belnap, entire huinMi portion of the the each whom of words spoke comforting Rome, Dec. 1. The Popq h of Arcadia, Florida, waa destroytewn to bereaved of and tbe the parent, hi intention to ereste Mgr ed fire today. Los $250,000. Every by of innocence little children, Csvallsri. the patrarch fif Venice, a Musie wa furnished by the Fourth business house In the town except eardinal nine pectore. Hia nomination, ward choir and 31th. Mary Farley three brirk buildings, the King. Sewhowever, will nut he mthlished until a ard and Desoto blocks, were destroysang two solo. the later consistory. Consequently ed. ws a of wealth floral There offer the con cardinals to be rivaled at flowena completely covering the inge, 11 will he only istory of December of the llUle casket. Chicago Ills., Dec. 1. tho four already known, which inInterment was in Ogden City ceme- the Monarch Automobile company, of clude Mgr Jo De Arroverde Do A Ihn tery. Aurora, today petitioned for tbe apqiierque Csvalesnri, arehbishnp of Rio pointment of a receiver. The asset of Janrrio. Ihe company are estimated at $100,-00VERDICT IS RENDERED. and the liabilities are stated to exmnwwqff MAY PROLONG INQUIRY, ceed that sum. wiwRhro Annapolis, kid.. DrC. 1. The In tbe case of Midshipman Following am the arrivals at the i Minor Meriwether. Santiago. Cuba. Dec. 1. Absolute re Albany. X. Y.. Dec. 1. Gov. Higgins Reed hotel in the twenty-fouJr., who waa tried waa asked tonight his opinion a to hour: on the charge pf manslaughter for prevailed today during tbe of the elections in the provinces the advisability and probability of the 8. C. River. Sail Jgke: K. tl. Green. causing the death or Midshipman Ja. insurance Invest lg ton being prolonged Garland; W. X. Donnelly. Chicago: J. It. Branch. Jr., in a fist fight, rom-- ; of Santiago and Puerto Principe. The beyond the next session of the legisi. J. Burke. Ban Francisco: K. J. Moore. pleted its work late this afiernoon and jioliii were closed without a single disI cannot say ns ;o that.' he reInre. San Francisco: Bill Smith, clt: H. F. adjourned. No Information was given turbance being reported. The liber. SL I xml: plied. "until after- the committee has Gee. wife and of the court. The als refused to vole. R. K. nut a to the flr-g- s Selduiin. New York; John Mauler. proceeding end records In the case reported. London. Dec. 2. It. Is It was suggested that the cotnmiitee Sail loko; J. B. Hirdail. Tampa; D. will he forwarded to the navy deparl- might continue (in investigation while J. Norton. New York; fl. W. Green, ment for review, and the verdict will announced that Field Marshal Lord w In srxeion. ho Roberts has resigned' from the com"It ie Garland: B. Dia. cliy; . C. Kin- le announced from there. not advisable, said the governor, for sey. city; E. 1,. ilarhvtailt, Seginaw; mand for imperial defense in order to to work during ihe Alfred Kiylnrr. New York. take up the organisation throughout speciabconimiter JUVENILE COURT, mutton. J; im.orforo with logfsIsMve the couniry of work connected with proceed Kirii limit e. Aid.. Jrc. 1. Jack Jlin-mm- i Wasbiugiou. Dec. 1. The Diatrict hia proposals for universal military aud Voting Frier Jackson, both Commissioners have decided to send to training. ALBANIANS ARE RUFFLED. of California, mci in a twelve round I :hri committees of congress the bill Washington. Dec.. 1. Commander fight before :be Eureka Albleiir cluo ; uroviding for a juvenile court with lieen ordered to request, for ft passage. The bill will Harry H. Hosier A; ii '(nigh-- . no decision 1. Dec. Salmiicj. European Turkey, include, within the Jurisdiction of the the command of the Glacier, which,y li is rumored that Albanian yesterday : wa given. Johnson had undertaken wl11 assistance of the colitera to knock .lack-oout within twelve court, not only (he trial of children tor j ai tacked the troops nt. Llumm and cap-- 1 L'aesar. will tow the dry dock crimes and misdemeanor, but' or sake rounds the small end of the turned evrral cannon and that TheuU from the Solomon island to purer. He failed in do so. largely on commit men i to charitable Institutions Dewey Pasha ha gone to IJiimni with troop the Philippine. sud the for the insane. hospitals 0r account abilJackson' remarkable IL Is slated that the Albanians are fuliimscf covered and io the Janrious at the prospect of the Earoprau ity io keepJarkritiu Richmond, lrd..'ler. 1. W..R. fact, that did nut hesitate to Parii4 Hep. 1- .- Premier Kouvier to- vier l powers taking over the Tlnitcl-of New York, hsa bought.- - for a Via run from sway .Johnson e uppuurut. day announced to the council of of Macedonia. reported io be $12,500, tbe Inwhenever pounded bill) that. Ihe Moroccan conference price diana station Director General. he could rearli him. but wa utis'.d had been postponed until January, owGenera! I the sire of the noted Ruleiah, V C Ttec. 1. A am-iu- l to score n kuof i.o- -t blow. ing io ihe itelav in the arrival of the grand t roller Maineheet, (2:681-2)- . save rV,r Gw.-front Asheville, N. Morocci-- t ik legates. V. Vsnderlttl Ms sold to V. ? i,nl Rome. G.. D-- c. 1. The New F'H-tenNew York. Dee. 1. Adrian Iseiin. TV. Alexander, of fharic e n.i company -brough into courl t'hvsxo. Dec. Following a walk- - Tr.. icnight dented published report other, the standing timber cu hi today ex iinuiven batikrupls. Tli Ted of glass worker, who refused that be had resigned a a intatee of TlPyecali fnrei reserve uwuf-.rwrte M.ihK) srrre of land couipant to accept ;he offered hy iheir Ihe Mnrual Life Insurance company. con i aina 1.660 acre of v-forest In ld,l Gfc.. was capliaiired at ik c L' uited Glass Manufaceiupkiv with :;iki.uoo.UiHl feci, of markciahie SaOii.tHiA and fimtided town the New of turers association, met In Chicago toSt. Thomas, D. W. I., Dec. 1. The limber. The cfinwiler p England t'i-- ' G.t pe claim h M hr day an-- l drclfird to maintain "open British cruisers Sappho and Diamond nearly the fLtdnrwi:; . htreaftar, to De mar are. hare v d d Up 39x Bell They will be plsaecd I five Information an REED HOTEL FlavoringV Extracts i Blue Label ia tha on that la leading ALL OTHERS and beat of all, ywjr grocer find it a ready al!r 0. TRY IT court-marti- lt or-de- pan-sag- . acml-ofllciail- i ! leui-ilatu- in. THE SMITH grocery Twenty-aixt- h Ttlephenea: and Washington-.Ind. 1163; Bell J40-- " I bi lowf Wa continue to lead I" W guarprice for good Groceriea. Bl',e buy antee evary item you money or eatiafaction entire Brn-pett- n cor,-tro- min-l:-r- uiiiiji-i-cifull- y t. 4 pound I pound Jersey Sweet Potxtcs- - Jersey Sweet Potte25t non eweeter in Oranges, dosen Strictly Dates, new and iv .Eh1 Pe.idi.'iae ,15c . d 1 ut . :. I MALLETS Wed-neada- y - Wgsh, Ave. without We Caa Supply Yob With High Class Grocerk Price Thai Will Stic You Hippier Tkn The fimeifl services over the mains of Thelma F. Farley, ihe little daughter of Mr. and Mra. 6682321 TxtRoy Farley ot 856 Twenty-seconstreet wan held yesterday afternoon from the Fourth ward meeting boue. Bishop Couneelor Hyrum Belnap pre. th. W!" c, b.MruVia.'T treasury. n HEAVY CAMACES IN CONDEMNATION 423 446 466 536 422 ihat'a because owls groerrymaa No. 5. la School District At S o'clock yesterday morning an la the yard engine switching ur Granger. Wyo., waa struck by passenger train No. 3 westbound, which should have arrived at 3:45 this inoratng, hut will not rsaeh her until ibis afiernoon about S o'clock. None of the passengers was Injured beyond n lew slight bruises and n general shaking up. but the engineer of the paHamgi-r- , Alfred Paine of Kvnnstou, waa badly cut about tbe face and the engineer of th freight Bunraiaed n sprained ankle as the result of jumping Iron bis eugine. Thai the number of persons injured waa not larger and that many were not killed is accounted for by reason that at the time of the collision the passenger train an-- the switch engine were both undtr conrrol in th yard at Granger. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS When the first report of tbe wreck was leoetved at Ogden it was stated ewMta that Engineer George Murphy waa oa On account of two of tbe members iha passenger engine and bad been of the Board of Education bring unkilled, hut investigation proved that able to be present at the meeting held last, evening, several Important matMurphy wua not in th wreck. ter that were to have come up were allowed to go over until next week, BUSHMEB MEN BEAT NYE and only the routine business was transacted. ' The finance commit lee reported havStanding of Tsarna, Played. Won. Intel . P'c't ing received from tha county treasurer ou account, of school tax for she year 1604. $46.06. that warrants for ihe payment of tbe janiiora salaries for the month of November bad bten drawn, amounting to $638.35. and that the traaaurwr reported caxh on band amounting te $10,640.77. TbM the Aral time during th present school year that the treasurer has Although they lost the Iasi game ie been able to report n cash balance. The sanitary committee reported Ihe match with the Fred M. Nye team at the Association alleys, last evening, that tlfer were four caeca of contagion th Ruahmer Optical Company mensg in the oil)', three of diphtheria and ed to win out by a good margin, which on of chicken pox. Mien Ethel llancomb, who baa been waa due to the copsialent work of all of the players and tbe Individual work ubnUiullng na n teacher, waa appoint' ed to n regular position. of Riudimer. Superintendent Allison reported that Fred M. Nye was high msn, with a score of 2DG in the last string, while A. M. Steele, who baa been engaged to Ruahmer was high average snap, with fin tbe vacancy caused In the faculty 638. and eemuirt individual high man, of tho High school through the deRutherford, weald parture of Professor with 204. Tbe ecoce: on Monday and la tbe-aitarrive Nye. .would at once tab up the duties of 121 0ti 1SL ;78 hi Flamers position. Mr. Steal ! n graduate 125 110 13fi 174 of Biickmfiler thoTlaivarsiiy of Chicago end ie an 134 126 141 400 Banger experienced man. having taught in aev-- . 471 eral 143 123 206 F. Nye high schools In ihe cut. 143 167 180 450 ti. Rcndder Bills a mourning to $1,668.88 were reported allowed end warrant a order676 636 788 210 ed drawn for ihrlr payment. 161 136 128 Wherry 148 160 167 Burton 190 168 138 U Trestedcr 160 204 178 Ruahmer . .... .106 166 147 lice 1905. fcCKQOL ELECTION Demolished. a 1 INTEREST IN COUNTY CLERK State Officials Saa Methods of Teaching Afflicted Once in Operation and Compliment Tone horn. a ut MORNIXG, Hon. Fred. J. Kiwi Will Preoido and Furpooo of Dam Will Bt Explained. csyo. -- fTAH. SATURDAY DETAILS OF TO DISCUSS DEAF SCHOOL EDITORIAL ROOMS Mapendant Ph " Rill Mm BUSINESS r Indapsadsnt Pena " M Bill NGLA8MANWM. Jf! Ifidepandent Peon Bill Mm eyatem of Sort telephone 120 ,.N siod oft K P- If you don't rt your paper P"" Bdl 77tc: fed. 87 0. G. Nolooii, Clr- j SUSS MEETING IN TABERNACLE iuktta Managor. THIS AFTERNOON. ........ EXAMINER: OCUE', VOIRfISC THE bi-m- s jne Pure Apple Cider, p 9 Molasees. can Oyster, canBeana, ton Pork and 15e |