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Show -- AUGUST 27, 1905. THE SUNDAY MORNING EXAMINER, SSP - Closefitting costumes in Blue, Brown and Green cloth foreshadowed for the cool months 1 ' tha Aral tori ill there are ilnn te mm tutor mad, town bum appropriate hey look trim and seat. If acvuv, line In ouch sharp contrast to tha nuna aiaborats ad rather Intricate faahtona that have orris ai go notmahla all summer. a aamsa especially those whs prida on being always smartly feara those Ultor gowae taada ep lata la tha spring or last hofors stsrtjny 0 time the summer trip itJ apsod a money. In to mention WITH thssw-aslvs- ' and thought, not haring them sarafully to data. rep1B.11 look BOW and up resent, la foot, tha mmrlr auum sad giro more than a hint of what will ba dressmakers r1 and tailors as to what to ! of drsas for woman to wear la the street. shirt short tha The tailors maintain that and tbs almost too sersre while the the heat alyle, o a I IneW that la these days and that Loach la absolutely requlali xy ' Vi"iwr.wm. " drese-SITkl- m leml-Bin- SffiyjMSMwr mlng. Cloth, tha problem a great many et - UrTr outfit turn ortnrmi tr1 to of ouch eamoo in kat well prepared for whatever Amt audi1enlr electa to follow. Thera hit doth eoatumac are trimmed with formal entertainments, and to la keeping Ultor gowns, as called, are or hghl cloth, Irish lam or any other heavy lam ef the with tha whke fcM hats that this ysar eight wool, serge, veiling, asms aind. Tha white serge follows very hava mads their appearance so very early and whUe they are closely on the lines of the dark serges In the eesaon. Undoubtedly it to a style an eool days, they era not warm enougn la feel, mads up tor tha same tlms of year, and that will he used later when the time to wear through the winter, and, cornea to go South for tha winter. It of asaioa. tha favorite coat In the after November will seem out eomo toe to have been rather late In being length, tight fitting, mad buttoned lu uueh A charming fashion that has efIntroduced for the summer, hut to eo a bias have the that buttons a way Into favor la seen In smart that time and place to wear it will fect n with touches of green or The only trimming oa tha costume Is undoubtedly be found. ti urhea of brown. Of course Just the right the to be found In tha buttons or In the fancy Rather a noticeable feature of many of d to have shades of color jnuet he collars and cuffs, that ean ba adjusted. tiis more elaborate gowns for cod autumn result NLilafnctory, .but If the right shades Another style to moat elaborately trimmed days la to ho seen In tha elaborately arMalned the effect isa moat charming.of with mohair braid, each seam being out- trimmed boleros that ara worn with tha With a short skirt of heavy duality lined with the braid down to where tha doth or allk sklrta a silk or doth costil us veiling the skirt In pleeU and the piping of irwj plaits open toward the foot. Tha coat to' tume that would la Itself not ba warnis tin re toward the foot short and elaborately trimmed with the enough without some outside wrap eeoa around tha edga of sachnlssL Then braid, end In fact this to one of the most made quits possible by one of these seen around the Jaekst. . the sama piping Is trimmed eoatumes of the kind. with lta short steavaa, that slip or. In fact, wherever It ran be put without The white doth la made up just Ilka tha an over tha walat of the gown. ; (aahloned Mack iflk gowns and are seeming conspicuous the Idea being otof elaborate In detail. They have, aa a rule. eery pals pastel shades in doth that are . Velvet heavily embroidered, silk heavily to ehow that there is surh a waist to match the skirt aa well aa a worn In the whiter for reception gowns. embroidered and doth heavily embroidwithout miking It toa prominent. The with It, hut again tha walat The starts ara long, with antredeux or ered all are lu fashion, are most effective coat either short or long-a-nd picket fronts are fared an over to made with a yoke and cuffs of lacs or motifs of heavy lac or out work. Thejond certainly give a charming finish to trimming hem It li softened by has rams In tremendously, The what otherwise might ba a gown on the embroidery. Or tha Jacket to so made that teMer of hrald In blue and preen with a flack of a lingerie blouse can be worn Instead of coats are abort boleros covered with em- rather severe order. A surprising amount white through If, or black, the gown being tha walat. to match tha skirt. It ao desired, broidery. or are medium length, rather of warmth can bo gained In them little lined throughout with the green. Jacket by having an interlining, whlah Thera are a few of these coats that are loose, and with bands of Irish lace. fflue eergw row comeo Into play, and the made abort Aa a nils however, they are One exceedingly smart modd that 1a III not in the least Interfere with their smartest of blue serge eoetumea-th- at expensive has a long coat that to fitting well. long, and it ta safe to predict that they will with the henry welt or the cord In the The high Princess skirt with the belt be worn until late tat tha winter, for they mad of bands of Irish lam and almntr!sl being preferred ere made up and ternate bands of doth. This coat hvg-loo- attached, or mod all In on with tha belt, end are very useful, generally becoming, trimmed with cloth, the collar, Upele more from the Moulders In front nnd at that has been too much worn during the not to be found in the ready made sulfa being mads of ptola cloth, with a In this tha back to tight fitting, it to further or- summer, ta mrnatlmea to The color ran ordinary styles. braiding ef black soutache. or Fbr wear at tha aaaabww or at any sum- namented by any number of tiny buttons style uf costume the bolero taking away the ptnklah t pele blue, brown, green to ao It finest lines of mer that the will white in the resort rather In lata autumn rows double there the unbecoming mnnve that gore well with Mae. pearls aipt to possess nnd at the asms time innil dressmakers have reached a degree be eeen any number of very smart white down the front. The skirt that Is tha favorite at present In re aad white cloth costumes. Thom of Bucli a ooetuma Is Tory smart and rather troducing a not of color that makes tha nuking of proficiency that to aurprtolng Is on the elreular order, but has a narrow ergo are on tha plainer order, but the dtatfecUre, but ean only be worn for most costume look gayer and brighter. this skirt. Tha plaits are caught down front breadth. Thera are rows of tuoks and waist the from distance short a wily around tha skirt, giving almost tha effect of an overskirt, but there la no trimming tht skirt to tremendously wide around tha lOts on tha skirt whatever. The short coat or The medium length coat, tight fitting and model Is the the long no with fancy buttons and narrow Inpals, coland both are fitted close, for lar and cuffs finished with the material longer Is It foihlonabta to bars tha loose MaalC to tha favorite style (or this garfronts and tight backs. ment . Many of tha to saves hava no The Old Foshloned Polonelse. cuffs at all. but are flulahed with twa buttons and buttonholes at tha wrist. .This, The coat that hia hem emsrt all sumof course, to on tha strictly tailor made mer end la atlll In fashion the one on the GLOTJi order of costums, and to now considered aa be seen through Sited bos coat order-w- ill absolute necessity. the autumn, but It Is a hard desian to It to worn until lata In tha autnmn and carry out well and requires a good figure looks smart at all times, although, ef to be becoming whits in lacs and ambapldery that hare Black gownc are coming lu fa eh ton again course, it to not ever appropriate In tha a for street wear, and came meet attractive afternoon. It to emphatically a hard wear, sel-du- nn nee are being made up at tha present practical costume such aa ovary wsman arc made up both In light and dark colors. The alcevee on this not are of gown moment. There are all In light weight aa requires, and If well made and well turned style There are certain shades of green, brown of else ere medium They yet. and are brightened by the same style out can ba moat becomingly and Immensely and light gray that are especially attrac- exaggerated. and larger at tha top than at the wrist; ef trimming hi the collar, cuffs and lacsmart In spits of Its great severity. tive nnd that are made ap In prlnnesse In an Idealised coat sleeve on the leg ings as Is used on the gowne Just Mora elaborate and yet not ever elabeffect or on the eld fashioned polonaise o fact, la be erema mutton to order black orate veiling and light cloth costumes that i'eribed. In fact alt bough order or In tha short picket, the skirt favorite. Tha elbow eleeve coat to etllliln in again. It wll ba lightened and era worn for the afternoon are mads with being la wide or narrow pleats and In the In titotenc for but then tha the walat ef In the trimming a color by' kirts not with 'trains, but long tong brightened shape or gored. In fact, there Is muet needs correspond raactly and.Mnia to some; and yet na well enough to touch the ground and the costs, tmFrench a great variety of elylea to cIioom from In gown ales the appearance of being part of the her as has been said, are on tha elaborate orconsiders woman same skirt coat eleeve. and aa the lingerie blouse towaPdralHI complete without at treat one der. Now ta tha time when costumes of There 1s no trimming on the skirt as a anil ln demand for wear. It can Bi tuck, and with the lingerie tsffeta am Immensely useful, especially rule, although a hand of velvet Is rather easily be understood general alscvc tha that long blouse a black costume la certainly very those lu black, end it In aurprtolng how mart just around the hem, headed by l after all the more practical, ara mCHTeOWH CJM6B Or.TUBOCXDBD, BATlMe many Mack taffeta costumes have lately some fanes bretd. The coat can be tin fulness of tha sleeve seems to be eharmlng. irhed win an emhrol,lcred velvet collar PBt m bo, pints on the shoulder, and the The abort atarta and short Jacketn-th- at mads their appearance. These, however. common In with have the; Jackets, absolutely nothing Is. the and cuffs. In the velvet collar and cuffs shoulder scam, are not so rxagivratrdlr Ths R OCA.DK. embroidery, ribbon work to six Inchet wide and of soft pink aattn. Pleated Into a pqjnt on either aid e tons ere all fartilonabte .the cheaper grade of black taffeta that was to nn opportunity for the Introduction oflonf ns e boleros and the were. In fact, the flret and all similar ornamentation, which At cither end the ribbons are fastened makes the eldaa formed of the ribbon to worn in the spring and even on cool days the Jacket If of ror gown. contrast of color or rt the Mme Mlnrion thntthey this style Tha so. Include a flowered design In the pom- under ths cord. It Is nnder thess ribbons almoat plain and tha bottom quite arecomlng over seem to beds- - short it to so eat at tha back as to show 'during the summer. two plaoas of brocade are then put on perare moat popular lu tha that ths nightgowns are slipped. eccentric than those that made effects, oldpadour are more walat. The order tha of on to worn the with tha W They lUnlOMDW tha belt (hat for till. (Krai p ttaMwM lewt yep es a. tW tni OWOininK Ima elaborate toilet articles now faahkmabto. ' After the ribbon straps have bean fas- fectly plain aad overhanded along the the sleeves of the short Jackets are on tha ,hat ta In tha accompanying Illustrations a tened on the case, the upper side or pad la edges to the satin ribbon. At thea top elbow length, 1 ordeo-- as rule a fanciful ends eg the ribbon are tied Into bow. olh flnl"d IW doth e trimmed fvmta across lower the band top. a to with n. attached tha dreidediv one deep puff, finished then Tha brocade handkerchief case here SCHOOL FOR NEGRO NURSES. silvery looking braid that has a with iwl,h ruffles The two aldee may ba aewod together under shown Is of white brocade, with a decor" taffeta. Tha taffeta ,0 It. 11 to made of silk or mohair, and plaitedare also of tneekore correctly, ehows rz.2'i,halooks of elds the of The on this cord. the of ueed upper stylo the edges ing. to Uon of ribbon work. Tho ease to straight almost 11 though there were a plaiting good old dr.ye before Dr. Joseph case to trimmed with a fall of laea about on tho and seem to be a vary good finish IN those In this .tvie lower adgt. Tho olds Mop outhad tmii; hi superb system of T.MlJia,',1,VW tttPn through l. This. With the gown, with and full to material. which the dull of wide, black gathered the tea Inches against g.iea anoprtunll jr forasfirt ward toward tha top. which to allfhW collar, ruffe end trimming ef sanitation ihut out Yellow Jack tram bow. a with aide one Mg at pink finto At effect touch sleeves up the that iv. uil caught aamsc which there to a braiding ofSoutach It to quite n fad to have tbs rounded. The back of tho ease to tha Mississippi Valley, any fevert viclime it makes the costume look The care may ba hung up by two loops at In a flap about six Inches an mskra la ished with several taffeta niching, and tims lucky enough to get an old Matt unusual corner. tha upper snl more suited to cool day. than which fold over the front of the care ? If It to rather mora prantlcal than when the mammy to nurae him snapped his fingers ta " another more fancy end conspicuous facings of Is cushion A handsome bat pin buttons down. This flap to wider tore ruffles were ao tremendously popular at fats nnd the doctors nnd knew he jMmin,, very appropriate moat useful addition to onato dressing top. narrowing towird Ha extrema her would got Mammy pull through. room furniture. Tbs om shown in tha Theresas la padded and scented and s y training ln the experience school. pink rib- a lining of pink talfste It to edged men picture to mad of brocadeof and In theirs ean get Mammy's granddaughters two ptooes of arfflmd. bon. Tbs cushion Is made Including tha flap, with two vw a apeelal training school for nurses at brocade sin Inches wide at tha bottom wide gold too Tha aaama at th least that's whet they are doing In New ara hidden by n narrow gold cord. Tie Orleans ara deej front of tho case and th flapwort , In In the South Is very Negro mortality ribbon orated with wreaths of meet end attractive userul the greens which had been cut out of chlnts! curtains produced the effect ef flowers! grant, due In large measure to their rrlfON'J tha pompadour shade lavender, pink " of handiwork ftT,ihe allk bands were first appllqued to the rlamlwrlr.g ,1 ntw ara atooi Rose noranre, apathy to all auffgeeted sanitary oviw a trellis. green, mode of narrow ribbon. toBeen imen Is the enlnta md cretonne ap--, p.uticre. They were put on m a flowing bc:m:iful on the croasbar muslin. methods of livlr and a happy go lucky In- fnsene little button to which the flap I,l..iud w.dch to now being used on ajnbbon design. The gilt cord was then to sure of the to used difference negro doth. being Every portlerse i;ej,.s to covered with narrow ribbon. 1 rii e.y of falv.es and for many put poses sewed to either edge of the ribbon. On ciiinis decora-Doctors on do to now a popular going straight to glory. and mwB curtains made witn , top of tills ths sprays of roses were f,nn for,pnlt(ue tha wills or brdrooma and dnvjuttto for them hut prescribe medicine. are aaown aa the newest sawed. The design, although the same in ing rooms. t.i.a d For this purpose It Is qu'la!whlch they nre loth to buy end loth to Window drapery at the best decorating both corners In general effect, followed. usinl to use first a FACTS ONE SHOULD KNOW. background of striped take, even after li la provided by the Many of the portieres are of net of, the maker's tanry In details. tha irellla; tor or their wh.tc foUra The family to or crossbar paper paper gls Miln and elaborate wvwres end In whtte.J. a pair of long portieres were of linen ot. effort. Orren and. white paper, pink and:uniIIB t, worthy of Dahomey. of , A cleaning fluid may be made . e"inif and gray shades. The chin.s open weave and n rather heavy; white, yellow and whltn or lavender and, Bom' or .. cento worth of onltpetr ammonU intelligent non' and of ihndea is alao When many not starehsd these MN..hi, apr.l'catlon quart of having soap dleeolved It one til oru of flower, leave thing wSjrtk Uiourend j,ang.It to good for a shawn CTree articles made of handsome I: Is In soma Inttanora s It tokno the grease out of carpet materials of the ;cp'tlsr brocade design cl by an application of attk Three article nre iT most elaborate and fully, , eiihT of glt or colon. ere suitable as gifts fur persona whoa One pair of sash curtains to oil Oliva ara handaime. Injured by belngkeptloJ exceedingly net with all the decoratli T light. When and at the table lower edge and running around nigiitrowr, c.ife here described Was V, be put in a dart colored htllcr of whits t:'d pnlt brocade, lined, cern-rajonly a short distance up thej were the linen, 8r r. ,:i!e et:i:i and tr.mrrcd with heavy: a to a cool, dark place Immedla t .ilea -pnrttsre. and e. . ' v"i The chlnts flowers are also used fnr deco- cv-an r..fil.'S of Inre. Two piece of thi V SXTI5TP, after (he meal to over. The foundm-ruling bedspread rf the w lT two of the satin, such almost CUSHION iJl. d' - yi:-- ' :i- -: .is gnvir-ific- r , frtn flowered chlnti and ippliqued to thoibednproad may be of striped, plaid eraplain ' i. . lf yard wide, The design w heavier thin S7-MOooa m.cs to CIn light taw.rd th..mBriin. but JT27J;1.1! reJ c tor n !mi,1ln used for portiere n . The nprilicstlon we. rinds prlly ppAnotherheavtwi at the lower corner 'nd ,re cut hUt hsd ten UPVI VI mT. j wlMar.ll Cl ,h mker. thin of ren wide i;.'- nateriM ured for the derarallon ' hind of decoraUon muslin were or while e;lk nhom on Inch r..Pftl The groundwork arirt to I rive the effect of a lit- - iri-iu..Se,, p! r 'dr!, B'lJ hr.irrV of TV- -. liver thl irla applleiilnn, rirrrf Is usuhliy of . re,- - anil s !n .1 ur. .11 t.u i turns ut Iwi tire anj of Soyo Suit . Buz. Cloth aam. worn-JtaEZ- three-quart- er . "JiJJ5th a m thror-Qusrt- Pompadour Designs tor Boudoir Fittings er LOUSR MI&CC&1UNZ. .h.s';i;r"thi;;,7to";rum7i c.r.-uli- r lhs w three-quart- er fknh-om- f!e!?e .t irV To-da- ri r fr J iaic-icn doc-sh'p- s. : :hjft , Iv-rr- : v.-.e- tli-.- Piu. ur . - JKdVyjS . o1iror ll' - vr. , ' v.-- . hr 1 il one-hs- - |