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Show tlJE ulM bulk of 5.90: packer! 5.85 6.00. WAIL STREET 3.75 EXAMINER: OGDEN, SALT LAKE. MINING STOCKS. 5.95; bear? SSI'S 5.85$-6.(M- ; pigs and light Stocks. 2.94 NAR- Striking Advances Are Accomplished in 6ome Stocks, But Market la Restricted, Nevertheless. S' O' Chicage Livestock. Chicago. Aug. 7. Cattle Receipts Ij.itoO. Strong to 10c higher; good to prime steers 5.20 5.90; poor to medium 4.25 4.90; atockers and feeders 25; ccwa 2.7544.75; heifers bulla 5.0H; canncra 1.75&2.75; 2,2514.00; calvea 3.80 7.00. HOGS Receipts 33,000. Tomorrow Market 5c lower; mixed and IP.'.'OO. good to choice butchers 5.8500.10; 6.10; 5.M rough heavy 5.0507.85; liyht 5.95 6.25; bulk of sales 5.80 V SHOW OF STRENGTH, BUT ROW MARKET. TOOT! Portsmouth, N. H , Aug. 7. There was great dlsappoiu mvut ia this city the arrival today over th dt-f the Russian au-- Japanese peace envoys. Although m'lt-- was prompt iy given yesterday by Hear Admira. Mead, of tha Portsmouth nary yard, upon learning that the United State warships bearing the representatives of Japan and Roasi.i bad been delayed by fog at Newpur. :fce news of the had not postponement of the of Portsreached many of the mouth and its environ. Consequently this section of New Hampshire was astir early and by 8 o'clock eve- electric line from the country wa bringing many ig;:it-ers- . When the tact of postponement became generally l.nown there were many expressions f disappointment, but, upon the circulation of rumors of the possible arrival of the chips, mot of the crowd decried to have a holiday anyway. Tha postponement of the functions necessitated hurried ordeia to the tate troops which wero to arrive here from all parts of the state. Governor McLene waa up at daylight dictating telegraphic orders to the troops to remain away until tomorrow, lnfom-t- i tion waa also despatched to the con- gressional delegat.ou ot the state. tb. members of which tad been lnvitci to participate. During the forenwn Governor Me from Third Lane received a Assistant Secretary Bierce at Newport stating that tha JUj flower and Dolphin and the Galveston, their convoy, would not arrive until Tuesday moruing and the proposed reception should be postponed forty eight hour without any change in the program already arranged. A formal notice waa thereupon Issued to that effect. 4.40. AUGUST Fill 10 IIV.E Asked Bid. MORNING, TUESDAY UTAH, PEACE ENVOIS Tha following quotations sad atocki were reported aa follows yesterday: 6.000. Strong; SHEEP Receipt muttons 4.25 5.00; lambs 6.506 (.50; range wethers 4.25 5.00; fed ewes MARKETS OF THE 5.85 MORNING C.un. 8IIEEF Receipts 25.000. 8teady to lambs 10 15c lower; good to strong; show choice wethers 5.40 5.90; lambs 3.00 New York. Aug. trad-la07.25. of strength resulted from today's In nocks. A study of the 1UI In CHICAGO FUTURES. de'sll revtmls that the market was narrow and restricted In Tha Leading Futures Ranged aa somewhat Follows: of the general appearance of cpl strength. The inertia of a large proportion of the standard railroad storks was a striking feature of the market which is only fully percept lble,howav cr . by considering a hat waa not done iu trading as well aa a hat aaa achieved. The closing of the London stock radiance for a holiday and the continued vacation absence of a Urge element of the stock exchange membership here are factors in the duUneaa of the market But these qualifying considerations do not obscure the fact that some very striking advances wers accomplished during the day. The buying which cauaed these ass concentrated upon the specialties to a conspicuous extant In the same way that the market of last week was affected. The motives for demand were, however, to a Urge extent in the general conditions. The news of the day was particularly favorable la in general tenor and covered crop conditions and p roped of railroad earnings and traffic, demand fur anthracite, large orders for all classes of stesl products and sustained ease in the money market. Reports were specific of the very large orders being placed for Iron and steel, products, some of ths mills refusing, it waa said, to consider new business except for shipment late In the year or next year, aa they are already overcrowded with work. The Iron and atsal Industries gave evidence of or Cash quotations were as follows: ganlaed support and moved as though a speculative party had embarked in Flour steady. Tha a campaign for higher prices. Wheat No. 3 spring 1.05 1.10, stock make United States Steel did sot No. 3 9561.05. aa Importhe widest advances, but had No. S rod 84V.86. on lbs gentant sentimental influence Corn No. 3 64V wt-reral Hat. Railroad traffle officials No. 3 yellow 68 4. Oats No. 3 24V quite unanimous in reporting a volume of traffic which waa fast absorbing tha No. 2 white 2723. No. 2 white greatly expanded equipment facilities which have barn added by all tha great Rye No. 3 5844. railroad systems In the Uat few Harley Good feeding S(i38. months. Grain has commenced to Fair to choice malting 41 43. move freely, except for toms backwardFlax Heed No. 1 1.15. ness In the corn movement and orders No. 1 northwestern 1.33 . for all grades of merchandise are reTlmoihr Heed Prime 3.5S. Mesa Pork, per bbl ll.8590. ported to be on a large acalti, based os tha growing confidence In tha crop lard per 100 Ilia 8.87409.00 outlook. The grangers were relatively Rhort riba aides (loose) 8.10 backward owing to the comparatively 8.30. mall movement of that grain and the Short Clear Bides (boxed) 1.50 critical parted yet to be passed for Its 8.62V. maturity. Tha action of tha market Whiskey Deals of high wines 1.23. was due In no small part, however, to Clorey Contract grade 12.60T5. tha maturing of the conviction that tha countrys grain crops era practically Shipments and Receipts. assured and that they will prove large. Tha Southern railroads enjoyed another advance in concert without regard to tha poorer outlook for Corn. Saturdays unfavorable bank state-nien- t was thn subject of soma dlscus-slon- , but thn sustained rasa of the money market soothes all apprehensions based on possible future developments. There waa aonie profit taking lata la the day, but prices recovered On the produce today, the again and tha closing waa strong and butter market wasexchange, steady to firm. active. quite Crrmerlea 1720. Them waa a large demand for Dairies United States Steel second 5a. The Egga easy at mark cases Included movement of prices In tha general bond Uat waa slightly Irregular, but mostly 15Vi. Firsts 17. strong. Total sales, par value, Prime firsts 1IV4. Extra 21. U. 8. Honda were all unchanged on 114. Cheese steady 10 g M- Promontory Point and - k F slti sorit: 1 taut Mid-la- ke jMt rahi itch t WAIT rrifi rOR THE DATE oct l!U ; .rz re j Monday, Sept 4th, teh-gra- PORTSMOUTH'S F 18 ( 0 1905 ew Jt (lit Mt! k Bathing accommodations will be provided and Ogden's proposed Lake Resort will be tested. The finest sandy beach on Great Salt Lake is located at Promontory Point. The Weber Club, the Ogden business men's association, will give this excursion and the profits are to advertise Ogden. st & IMPORTANCE Suddenly Impressed on Foreigner Watching Peace Meeting. Ktl! j 11 ud 1 Kk rP dlht WU 1 fifi U Alto Berlin, Aug. 7. Portsmouth, N. H.,J lid a place unknown, and even unmarked i on some maps in common use, has Regular Call Sales. WU spot on which the j suddenly become Carisa. 500 at 17. 'stl of the d plomatlc world Is attention Lower Mammoth, 3.201) at 30; 800 fixed. Not only the foreign office, but rfpn at 2!); 5mi at 304 : 500 at 80. it ri the Boers and the great trading and New Yoik, 200 at 53; 100 at 63; financial houses of Germany look for-- ; apt 100 at 53. 4tlsl ward wlih extreme interest to the meet-- ; 1 tr fnga of the peace envoys and numerous tfr nl n, Open Beard Salea. Russian enterprise. oM loot financed by German credit, wait on the Comstock, 100 st 20. V results of the conference. lower Mammoth, 200 at 81 V4. wife of all fWi New York. 60 at 53V: 100 at 52; The doubts existing in London and too at 52; 20 at 51 V. 300 at 514. other capitals over the prospects of found roll the peace exist here, but In a far milder Sacramento, ElH) at o hi Sliver Shield, 1.500 at 23. form, Tha prevailing opinion ia that , Ertm of $1; Raymond end Ilia., soil at 25. although neither Russia nor Japan la only non Uncle Sam, 2") at 3116: l'H) at 39. anywhere near the exhaustion of its '0 free. resources yet, peace Is so noeesaary children to both that each will be reluctant to Recapltulatlon, ter I Shares. Value withdraw from the negotiations, once fort without are attaining begun, 5.900 they 1 1,789.00 Regular call Pr peace. It la believed iu official quar-- 11 1,032.00 3,550 Open board tors that each aide will find the other 1'T. Total .9,450 12.830.00 adopting a stiff attitude in the begin 'UI0 to close ".?Tt tha g (HiJM-Sand breaking coming nlng UB common a but that nlrimately point, San Francisco Mining Stacks. mn be reached. will Mr Sun Francisco, August 7. Thn offi- ground Jana cial eloslng quotations for mining prol good sized shark. It would probably be will therefore be lmpowihle. tsN be non OF FISHES THE SfEED SEEING BOSTON. the stocks were as follows; the speed champion of the ocean. No help thinking It would memorial ns RUM Alta 3 Justice 4 fish is better shaped for rapid going. point If some suitable an which sechurch Kent. Con. 3 tion Boston, Aug. 7. 21. Witte, the Seme years ago a yacht builder in erected In the Alpha Can. 6 tv Mexican 135 nior Russian plenipotentiary to the Andes 17 of the speed of fishes la em-rr- New York constructed a sloop with a stands over her remains, to rsrori lsrgi Study w in Engib Occidental Con. 87 pmcq conference at Porthmout.il, who Belcher 15 irjr c hull patented exactly after the un fact of the Interment ?.. by unavoidable difficulties. It. and H. 125 left the crulsar Mayflower at New It in not posalble, aa with birds, to set derbody of a Spanish mackerel. She of the ancestress, tbrotuk tamllle irtfc Ophlr 725 Virginian Th Overman 13 liulllnn S3 port yesterday, left hia apartments at up tall poles at intervals of a quarter waa called the Undine, and, if tradlv. many distinguished from primm. fort Potosl It) Caledonia 43 the Hotel Turnlne In this city at 9 of a mile, and with tbe help of stop- tion does not He, she never waa beat- trace thrir descent groundthe they 10 race whoia hunting 'idet o'clock today. During breakfast tha watches time them aa they go by. Nev- en. Challenge Con. 22 Ravage 68 y Rcnrploa 10 (holler 15 Like tha fish after which ahe waa possess. seems to be authentic sad dlatlagiiishcd Russian and hia asso- ertheless recent Investigation of tha term! This Confidence 90 8. ltelcher 7 ciate, M. Wilkenln, decided to take subject goes to show that the macker- modeled, ahe had her' greatest breadth thouiiK hundred The aeveral 'Me C. C. and Va. 130 8. Nevada 37 an automobile ride about the city and el, if not the champion racer of tha of beam forward amidships a decidthat distinguished to imv 4 tb B. Htll 94 Crown Point 11 orders were accordingly given for au- briny deep, cornea pretty near to cap edly novel Idea In boat building. Ona descendants of seem lady hi Vnlon Con. 42 tomobiles to be placed at the disposal rylng off tha honors. Unquestionably, may My, indeed, that all modern wa unfortunateof Indian Exchequer 50 all reasonable excwsr aid. O. and O. 17 Utah Con. 7 of tha Russians. sometimes as faat aa an ex- ter craft are more or leas flshllke In deprived In any special oetewogW; travels it believing T Tellow Jacket 19 H. and N. 155 After breakfast Mr. Wilkenin stat- press train at high speed say, at the their make-up-; yet on the whole it la The old church wu Julia 3 ed that as the 'Delay to the squadron rata If sixty miles or seventy miles surprising that marine architects have collection. are there and all the bones Mill not striven more earnestly than they mingled In the long democricf bearing the other plenipotentiaries an hour. --Wi 59V4 Silver .Bara . ..: nawould defer their reaching Portsmouth from hints the obtain done to have undertake larger Other things being equal, death. We cannot Mexican dollar nominal p Mr. aa until of own th awlms morning, Tuesday illustrations of Just tures probably aquatic tiflcatlon. The bones the fish, the faster it sit 5 Drafts, eight Wltta had decided to seise the op- the huge steamship ia able to travel principles. Saturday princess 390 years sfler drtth w "Ml Drafts, telegraph . aaaegeeai 7Vi portunity offered by a days postpone- at a much greater speed than the lit- Evening Post. Tk actly like those of the EngIlP" ment of tbe conference to eee more of tle harbor tug. woman or the yeoman- - daughter in and Boston mother Interests historic the FI 10 Undoubtedly, the energy employed PARKER MOUNTAIN GOLD REGION the squire's venerable TRAINS MAKING TIME anxa thirty-Cambridg. Ha waa particularly Harwithin the name wall. by a fish of greet else, such uass visit to Wilkenin thtirow said, Mr. ious. foot shark when traveling at its Challis, Ida., Aug.6. The Parker shall have to relinquish lie Rich calL Salt Laka Division of Southern Pacific vard University and Bunker Hill mon- beat gait la something tremendous. Aa mountain excitement W'j ml I attractive project still continues to and Makes fina Record. ument, and. If possible. Magnolia, tha ordinary tug, which represent a max- grow. New strikes era reported dally wtl New Bonds,. York, Baron where Roaen, north shore resort Sugar and Cotta imum of energy In a minimum of bulk, and everybody able to leave town ia 5r 103 Trains on the Salt Lake division of the Russian embassador to the United utilizes about 200 horse power. Of either there or la preparing to go. New York, Aug. 7. Sugar Raw D. B. refunding 2a, reg Bitter Blood At Burdock 103 cen- U. 8. refunding 2s, coupon the Southern Pacific are making a Slates and colleague of Mr. Witte aa course, it Is only a guess, hut It would The Goes brothers, William T. and a clear bead, an active brain, a firm; fair refining W I R. 3 roglteresd v U. ached-u- lt had stayfieen 1" fit 96 to record mark 4 In suphim to have remarkable over plenipotentiary, peace teat molasses " of Salt William seem the to be makes not keeping H., bought Lake, Jot trifugal body Refined steady; V. 8. 8s. coupon whale makes a one-hatime. For the past w-eInterest In the Parker claims vigorous freights ing. The Initiative plan has been pose that a seventy-foo- t 1 sugar battle ( life. automo133 an for not there providing made tha when offered have It for crushed (.00; powdered 5.40; granulat- LL S. new 4s, reg for 310,000 and $40,000 500 goods propels carrying perishable hone power Mitel use of S. new 4s, coupon .,,, . 132 ed 5.80. only been on time, but have made tip bile tour of Boston this forenoon and lie huge buk through the water at a Ed. Williams group, which waa refused. tei u. 8. Old 4 coupon . ...... l'H Coffee Steady; No. 7 Rio 654- Ths rich ores are now found for two from 20 minutes to 6 hours and 63 for a trip to Magnolia after luncheon, rate of thirty mile an hour. A whale L Li U. S. old 4s, coupon 104 minutes in the run from Ogden to returning to Boston In time to take which la a mammal, and not a fish-m- ight miles along the belt and it la practan Amerlrnn Txhncca 4a. certl 754 Sparks. Fruit trains caatbound have 40,000 PRISONERS Wool. evening train for Portsmouth, be compared to a freight train It tically demonstrated that the formaMi American exTobacco Ufi certl fin, hours' ride hut two In is an which occurs by la ore the 1 which ball tion but schedule from Sparks, a express, a cannon the shark retlt St Louis, Aug. 7. Wool Steady; Atrh Ioann general 4 ...104 100 from this have claims one. The ahowa an ocean 1. city. extensive record for seven days press Fully Tokio. Aug. but it can beat the fastest ing territory and wVtern mediums 28 Atchison adjustment 4a ... 974 the , Urtmi been staked within tha last ten days, In a contest. average of 39 hours and 27 minutes, of the convict on Bakhalin 80; fine medium 23 2G; fine 1618, greyhound Atlantic Coast LUie 4s ...103 ore rick fasconsideration. of them showing 1 or 38 minutes less than la called for. SAIL FROM NEWPORT. gold many now under t If there la a fish that can travel Baltimore and Ohtin 4a ...105 0 s will probably be taken be Hupt. K. C. Mtnson waa asked If this Chicago Product. ter than a shark It must be the tar- on the surface. Baltimore and Ohio S'. . ... ... 95 there did not indicate not only an excellent alan coast and will R. I.. Aug. 7. The yachta eft! pon. which can probably hit her tip Chicago, Aug'. 7. Excellent weather Central of Georgia 5s Newport. ...114 aulhlt , condition of motive pow er, but a high Polphin and Mayflower, POCHONTAS' BONES. ferred to the Ruselan with thrir to the tune of eighty miles an hour. If tei for tha fast ripening of tha grain In Central of Georgia 1st Inr .. ...99 class of service generally, and he took convoys, bearing the Russian and presaed for time. Under a p rearrangement, tuewj, 'ark the northwest created weakness In thn Central of Georgia 2nd lnr . ... 87 occasion to say that the engineer! aian prisoner of w,rfc? uttri commissioners to PortsGenerally speaking, it may be Mid ' It seems certln that the proposition wheat market hers today. Pit trader Cheapnnke and Ohio 4', . ,...110 Japanese . and trainmen on hia division were an mouth, sailed from thia harbor at PtiOT land, 40,900 in all. are that finny creature which live near to bring the bones of Pochontas back had liberal offerings but demand waa Chicago nnd Alton 3 . ... ... SO He ia a. m. With the exception of Mr. the surface of tha ea are swift swimported to Japan. to Virginia for final Interment will' not comparatively light. September open- Chicago B. and Q. new 4s ,.,.1014 exreptiimally able lot of men. to lower at 83 to 83 A gentleman from this city only lately off the Pocatello division of Wine, who left for Boston by special mers, as compared with those thnt euceed. and C. R. I. nnd P. R. R. 4s ... .... 2 ed the Oregon Short Line, where they rain last night, the members of the dwell In the depths. Thus, the cod, ends u a clipping from an English sold off to 8SV4. Minneapolis, Duluth C. R. 1. and P. R. R. col. 5s . ... 93 pride themselves on their railroading Russian and Japanese parties were on which la a deep water aperies, ia slug- newspaper of recent date, containing and Chicago reported receipt of 491 C. C. C. and Rt. I xml gen. 4s and. therefor, he la In a position to board their respective vessel. The gish and would stand no show at all an article on the subject, ending aa cars against a year ago. Silly 4s 96 .... Terminal draw a comparison from a high stan- fog. which hung heavily over Ixing In a race with the mackerel or her- follows: The corn market also waa affected Chlrago Colorado Midland 4s BROS. conto seems free of. L. and dard of work, The Rev. E. Gedge, rector by the favorable maturing weather, Colorado and Southern 4s . Island Sound yesterday and which ring. 94 Pacific, its made neertsary the stop at this port, A fess that the Sonthern May I point out sentiment being rather bearish. These latter, which are distinctive- Gravesend, writes: Cuba 5s, rertl FOR 17 crews and operating department gen- waa burned away hy the sun this ly pelagic, depend for their living upon that, owing to tha original church In prominent long wan a moderate seller. Denver nnd Rio Grande 4s . 1"1 was buried havnot excelled in any part Rolfe Mlatreia are which In prey, were conditions September opened Vs to (4 lower st Distillers' Securities 5s . ... erally, und Ideal agile heir the punning activity morning si 5244 to S2vts and declined to 624 44. Erie of the Intermountain country. and they mugr T-- - quck in their move- ing been burned down in the earlier for continuing the voyage to lien 4s mi her following Oats were easier In sympathy with Erie prior A part of the century 4h ments in order to escape the attack 93 Yard SOM Jefferson the wtraknens of other grains; receipt, F. VV. geenral BACK FROM UNITED STATES. death, the exart situation of her tomb of thrir own enemies. and Denver City 1st ...115 translation were a trifle above the amount Mon- Hocking Valley 4 New York, Aug. 7. Dr. Charles Pel . If the mackerel were as big as a is unknown. The proposed 119 ANNUAL CONFERENCE day and this helped to weaken valtu-s- . Japan fit., certi former president, returned legrtnl. 1011, September opened 04 lower at I mils villi- - ami Nash. I'nl. 4s .in4-- Runday from Europe and the United Of 26V to 26 and sold off to Seventh Cay Adventists to Be Held a New York Herald 4s . Manhattan cmuol .194 State, says Buenos No withstanding a slight decline In Mexican Central 4sgeld Next Week. He waa from - 77 Ayre. parti the price of live hog the provision -t home from the dork by a great Inc . ... . 54 Central market was firm on a fair demand Minn., and St. Ixniis 4s . ... . 974 crowd whom he addressed. Ho spoke The fipn'i.il conference of the Sevform packer. September pork was Miss., Kansas and Texas 4 . about the United enth Dnv Adventist denominaMon will .102 enthusiastically lard M1s Kanesi and Texas 2nd tip 74 to l"r at lS.fij to 13.67 Rtatea and expressed himself aa grate- br held in this city Ana. . 86 was 2', to Sr higher at 7 .5" 7.52. N. R. , R. It Is the custom of the Adventist he met from . 824 ful for the reception Mexico eon. 4s . if sud ribs were unchanged at 8.12. people to hold an open-ai. 99 President Roosevelt and others. New York Central gen. 3 gathering Wheat August Bep-- t Cloe: onre each year In al their confer.134 New Jersey ('em rat gen. 5s Dec. ember 83v May Northern Pacific 4s ence. For the Mill beautiful TELEGRAPHERS' STRIKE. pttrnnse ,.195 57 FAMOUS r 77 grove at the corner of JefPacific 3s Nnnhein 7. St. was Pa.il. There Aup. very Corn September r,3. old 33; Dec. Norfolk ferson avenue and Cnnyon roRd has con. 4s ...193 Western and little in the telegraphers' old 47 ; May 4;,. 45. ed up. Upon and Orej'n-.phnri Line rfdg. 4 .. ... nr.N, trike ritual Ion today. The Northern been Oats Augut ;r. : September 26; Penn. conv. tin hare been 3 ten's iwo large ...194'. Paritlc Great art! Railwav Northern December STVa 'll ; May 29. ...1"2 com panes continue in their attitude pltriv'd in which service in the Enggem nil 4 Pork Septemlier 13.80; Oct. 15.00. Resiling I itti-lish Rcandlnavian languages will S'. ouis and I. M. eon. 5 ...11fi that the strike Is broken. Both road Lard September October R. font's and 7.55; R F. fg. 4a . ... ... 8H during the conference. report increased facilities for handling he comlui-te.45; Dec. 7.25; Rt. I.oui S'wesiern con. 4a .. ... 82 7.624; November A large number of small rents are also (heir tutelar. The telegraphers still BOTTLED OR IN BULK. January 7.25. 99 I RcabonrJ Air Line 4s . ... ... com- - heinc erect'd for the accommodation maintain that the blockade ahNiy Riba September October Sou'hcrn Pacllic 4s BerLIKE... that perlhable freight, if r the ratr.pnra. It I also understood Draught or Bottled YOU and has been purchased in piete This whiskey 1.27. , BEER i ...118-3Smi.hrrn Ri'iwny 5s extended to all liuu.l.e.t at a i. is being handled I.i that an Invliatlon plentiful, THE bond and came direct from the U. 8. Rye Cash 59'., 700. Texas and Pacific fots . ... ...1V5 im.u'.l qiiantl'les. itfaliy partie 'n :he city, who desire to spend government warehouse. It la guaranFlax Cash northwest 123. T'lt-i!- ". St. I., Webern 4s . . . x an outing in the grove, to bring their Patronage of th public teed pure and unadulterated, unex' Timothy- - Sept emtvr 3.3U. ! . t"5 Vr Pacific 4 tents r ni ramp upon the grounds fn-solicited. celled for tahtc and medicinal use. Ctover Atitist 12.75. I'rii-T';ic"'c com-- . 4 . ... .1:11 of cost. Barley Cash dOfitfi. U. S Rfcci 2nd 5 . 97 , Pre'uninnsv evening services will Wat-.ns.litcomment e Thursday, Ang. in. at ii(i D Kansas City Livestock. Wu'Tokio. Aug. 7. The r. m. ni pci. Kansas City. Aup. 7. - CalHo he-- i An invi'.vion is extended to 'lary'and 4s Yayol was i..;,vesR-fulidestroyer b !e 17.l)9n. Marki-. to 8,n4s .. stenly gk jin, launched at Yokoi-.u-these public to lower; native steerr l.i'iivt 5.tio: native Central 4s dimension and Her are cow and heifers 2.9QV5 25: s'oeker. ((.! C. 2.)it series similar to the cla-;- . .f Poston (Mass.) Centra! Labor union, ' now TWENTY-finnd feeders 2.75TM.49; Imlls 2 on;, j.,,,.,,, 4., STREET, OGDEN 92 la roarer of at by an overwhelming mnjnrly. repent !y 2.50; calves 3.5"fi fi.iiu; wisti-nrs f!n. I.,it . or 97' an-deth vote-not to nuliilc. navy yarl entpr 32565.00; western row 2.0uEi4.''0. Coin. Ind 5 rr" nounced by disuniting influence or poli5 909. HOGS Receipts Steady; S. I. I 4s pi" tics InVades union. I ; ! Save Your Money for This Trip , i - j 9. , ' s 262. 1 summer excursions. Take your on nature's sandy velvet carpet, and children and tickets, round trip, at Promontory Point.' Price under 12 years, 60c; children under 5 years, Watch the papers for coming attractions at this, Ogden's own. and only salt water resort. QQ OO j'a It will be the trip J a r lfi18. peed-makin- g " Kewa-Leade- ,,,.103(4 r. i lf '"I . , . MITCHELL monuments . 26. 15-2- ;; 84'.; r box-elde- i d f-- Tonic Like ! I - , - y t serv-.cra- n mt i '..p-ju- -..I . |