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Show THE HOUSING EXAMINES OfiDES, UTAH, FATtT.PAYJIOllXIXO, Kill gr .up of s'ate. Signs of tn:rr"'-ilu-noted heir will lie v-- ry STREET OE THE WORLD SPECULA ACTIVE CONTINUED TION AND ADVANCED IN PRICES. n litsl. Railroad earning for January s'lra .lindrrate increase in gross r ci.tr. Copper and lead are higher mi the cell. Wind ja quiet, but fit m hetc. aniilon wholesale price were goo I ex pi that sniiie .,w grade crus- - bieds eakeued slightly. Building arttviry has been lettered y went cold weather and iumle-- t mi building material fur iinnie.ua: c ae aie afftvied thereby. Lumlier. leaver. is strung at prominent, point auJ igber pi ire are luokrd fur. Iliuduc-- s failure t r the week tiring Kelt. 2. in the United Stales num21ti in the ber 238 against 228 last Ike week in 19u4. 2U8 in 1903, tit, in .9o2 and 250 in 1901. In Canada fai lilies fur the week mini-je- r 30 agaitihl 4u last week and 25 in hi week a year ago. Corn rxpoi'lH lor the week are 5,202.-03- the largest total tor over four Um week. 3.033,733 again-- t year 1,411,190 a year ago, 2.400.216 in 19'3 ui.l 109,145. in 1S2. From July 1 jute the exports of turn ere 33.14':.'. W l gainst 34.881,588 in 1904. 22 735.929 in wk: Principal Interact Center in Eastern Railroads With Recurrence Strtngtn in Pacific. of New Yi.ik, Feb. 3. There was cim-tiuod mine fciiecitliiinn in mocks toils v anj considerable inn her advance lathe pi ice lei el. The movement was uneven and Intermittent, the advance to anotlirr. idiiftilif fnni one 'lheie sac no dcflulte news to account for the ditnaud wi.irh aos on general considerations anil which was tostered by the extrema abundance of niouev. lrliuiiaJ Interest centered in rallroada of the eastern pari of the country, although there was ifiie recurrence of airength la.er in the day In the Pacific Reading contmuisi to be the feature of the market and the rapid enhancement in Ita quoted value had s material effect on the coaler and the Pennsylvania group particularly. Another motive for the mai king np of the price of Pennsylvania waa for the purimne of adjusting it to Ilia recent wide advance in New York Central. A movement in either one of tbo atandard trunk line stock la certain aooner of later to b followed by the Other to preserve a certain parity between them. Pennsylvania is naturally beneiltted by the growth In value of the vnrioun companies in which it hoIJa a dominant Intereat and rupee tally by the increased dividend ilisbunemenla on ninny of Us The rale of accumucontrolled stork lation of Pennsylvania mid in feet of all the coalers waa very rapid. Blucka of 1.000 to 1,000 aharea were constantly transferred. The announcement of the Southern Pact lie refunding plan revived the demand for tbe Pacific, but did not carry the movement in them far. Thin plan ban already figured to aucb an extent la the previous rise In both Southern Pacific and Unkin Pacific tlist ita infiuenra aa n market factor waa largely exhauated before ita announcement. Thera waa soma awakening In Rock Inland after n period of comparative neglect, but that movement nlao was not welt aualmined. It seemed to be based on the Intimation that the supposed change on control in Kansas City Southern and Colorado and Southern waa designed In lha Rock Island interast Atchiaon hung back during tha period ef atrength and waa one of tha Brat stoeka to weaken. The prospect of n prosecution in the Colorado Fuel rebate cane la not relished by stockholders, especially in view of tha present public attention aroused to this whole subject. The extremity to which tbe grain rate war ia being carried must ba taken to some account ia regard to tbe earning power of tha grangers. A number of the stocks which have had unexplained advanre relapsed snarply today when efforts were made to dispose of recently accumulated holdings. The Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic slocks were an example and the M. St. Paul and Ste Marie Mocks also were heavy. Chicago, St, P. M. and O preferred, tbe purchase of 100 nharra of which reused a rise of 35 points the other day. relapsed today 25 points on a aale of 400 shares. The active relapsing movement today was coincident with tbe appearance of the estimates on the week's currency movement indicating n loss of cash by the banka of upward of 15.000.000 duo to the excess of gold export over the receipts from the Interior. Tbe renewed strength of the coalers, however, and a rush to buy Missouri Pacific pulled the market up and made the cluaing strong . Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, 55,741.000. . DUN'S REVIEW. New York, Feb. 3. Dun'a weekly review of trade tomorrow will say: Business progressea steadily, all peculaijve exceaaea have been avoided thus far and the numerous negotiation now pending indicate that the maximum activity la yet to come. Taken ns a whole, results for January wars very much better than the same month last rear pnrtirularly aa to failures. Distribution of merchandise is once more on a liberal scale, traffic block ades having disappeared in many cases large clearance safes having disposed of burdensome stocks. Collections ire si in somewhat Irregular, but. on the whole there Is little cause fur complaint. Few lubordisbutes are interrupting work, although several new controversies are threatened. Manufacturing plants are making the beat returns. Iron furnaces and steel mills operate close to their full rapacity and the quarterly report of the leading concerns showed an enormous tonnage of business on the bonks et tbe end of the vear. deeplte the fart that tbe rinsing months of 1904 made good exhibits. Railway earnings for January wers 1.1 per cent larger than a year ago and foreign romerre at this port for the last week showed an Increase of 3979.-08- 9 in exports and gain of 1528.007 in import. Commercial and 19"8 in 20,637.191 Cashier Assistant Cathie Interest Piid On Savings Accounts 48; I Butler Liberal o. 2 tthurt Clear 81 sides-(box- 0 6.02 ed), 4. basis of high wines 1.21 Clover, contract grade, 112.50. Whi-ke- y, ARTICLES AND SHIPMENTS. BRADSTREET'B REPORT. New York, Feb. 3. Ilindstreet's tomorrow will say: told weather hampers Widespread trade In nearly nil lines, thus retarding. hut not entirely checking the opening of shipping dhtributUm. Except in a few cases however, notably trim -- ports' ion and mining, industry displays rather less than seasonably interference and ths feeling is strong that milder weather will usher in wider peed activity In all line. The late freer in FloriJa did much damage to the fruit and truck rropn. Records of past movement confirm optimistic reports given in these columns. January clearings are tbe largest ever recordea In that month, though falling behind those of December. Failures reflect tbe annual stock taking and balancing of bonks In the large number of failures, but in greatly reduced liabilities as compared with January a year ago. The south here carries the chief burden, hi that the entire Increase in nnuiber over n vear ago Is reported by that, section which Sfeo shows the laigesi liabilities of Alta 5. Julia 4. Justice Andes 33. BcIchcr 24. U. and If Sugar: Raw centrifugal 96 quiet; fair refining 4 Remolasses sugar 41-teal 51-4- : fined steady; crushed 5.85: powdered 6.25; granulated 6.15. Coffee quiet; No. 7 Rio 8 New York, Feb. 3. 13. Mexican 15. U. 105. (ivermaa 31. ik'cldentai Cun. Uulliun 26. Washington, Feb. 3. At the cabinet meeting today Secretary Hitchcock took up the subject of the use of Indian trust funds for the benefit of sectarian achoola. Francis E. Leupp, commission er of Indian affairs, was called into the conference. It ia said a statement will No. 6 Atlantic Mail all points m- T:45 be Issued in a few days regarding tbe But : local No. 12, Salt Lake matter. No. 2, Chicago, 8L Louis Um- :1S itad .. GENERAL FEES COLLECTED No. 4, Atlantic Express, all I: P-points East ARRIVE DAILY. County Clerk Gathered In Over $400 No. 5, Pacific Mail, 8alt Lake During January. and all polnta East ....11:4$ a. n. fees collected in tfae No. 1, Chicago and S Lamia Hie general I:R P- - m- limited county clerk'a office for the month of January of this year amounted, to No. 11, Local from Park City 1423.35, divided as follow: and San Pete Valley.... 7:00 p. m. Civil cases ., No. 3, Pacific Express from ., 55.00 13:56 a. m. Probate case .. ,. ,. all points East 10.00 . Through sleeping cars to Omaha, Jury fees 39. U0 Chicago and 8L Louis, New York and ., Stenographer 1 86. uO Boston. Free reclining chair ears. A ncorporat Ion ,. ,, on ali 95.00 perfect dining car service Marriage licenses 13.00 through trains Naturalisation papers 27.75 C. A. HENRY, Ticket Agent, Ogden. Miscellaneous L A. BENTON, Gen. AgeLPagr Jlept, The receipts for thp county treasurSalt Lake City. er's office during the same period were: O. B. GILSON, Agent Ogden. I 2.50 Redemption from taxes 110.00 R. G. W. TIME CARD IN EFFECT. Cost of advertising JUNE 8TH, 1904. DEPART DAILY. 3112.00 Total 56. Caledonia 66. Ophir 737. Challenge Cun. 2L Lot iso 13. Chuilar 26. Savage 37. HGM 8. Belcher 8. 8. Nevada 43. 8. Hill 6. Union Cun. 63. Utah Cun. 18. Yellow Jacket 29. 19. Excliequer 19. G. and a. 21. II. and N. 130. 2. NEW SUGAR l FACTORY. 3-- 4; Will 2. 6. WOOI y St. Louis, Feb. 3. Wool nominal; and western mediums 21fa22; line medium 17018; fine ltifal7. ter-rltor- ailCAGO PRODUCE. Chicago, Feh. 8. Wheat-M- 100 8; Corn 45 3-- 42 7-- 8; July 303-- 3; July 1 Oats Feb. S0 July Feh. 42; May 297-- 8; May 8. Pock Urd Feb. 12.67 Feb. 6.721-3- ; 2; On the produce exchange, toJay, tbe fainter market was flru. Creamery 19029. Dairy 1 9 1', 025. Eggs 22033. Cline se steady 11012. NEW YORK BON DU U. 8. refunding 2s, reg V. 8. refunding 2s, coup Close: 116 Rept. 93 1 3. ay May 12.87 12. 6.92 12; May 104 104 103 U. B. 3s, registered U, 8, 3s, coupon. , U. 8. ney 4s. rrg U, S, new 4s, coupon. ,, ,, ,104 130 131 105 105 75 103 104 96 103 104 95 U. 8. old 4s, registered U. 8. old 4s, coupon American Tobacco 4a, certL American Tobacco 6s, certL 3s lt 4s 3a KANSAS CITY LIVESTOCK. Kansas City, Feb. 8. Cattle Receipt 8.000. Steady; native steer 3.50 63-65- ; native cows and heifers L756 3.0064.25; 4.35; stockera and feeders west-er- a bulls 2.2563.75; calves 3.0066-50- ; fed fed steers 8.5065.25; western raws 3.0003.75. HOGS Receipt 5.000. Steady; bulk 4.6564.90; heavy 4.8564.95; packer 4.7504.90; pigs and light 4.0064.80. 3.000. SHEEP Receipt Steady; muttons 4.2565.65; lambs 6.5067.50; ewee 4.50 range wetbnra 5.0008.50; fed 63.15. OMAHA LIVESTOCK. Cattle Receipts Steady to strung; native steers 3.400 5.95; cowir and heifers 17504.15; cancers 1.5003.50: stocker and feeders 8.6004.35; calves 3.5005.50; bulla and tags 1.7508.00. MOOS Receipts 4.600. Market 6c mixed 4. ,'0 higher; heavy 4.7504.83 64.76; light 4.6004.70; pigs 17504.40; Omaha, Feb. 3. 2; bulk SHEEP Receipts 700. Steady; west- ern yearlings 5.504x8.30; wethers 6.000 lambs 6. 4U0 5.63; ewes 4.4005.25; 7.40. CHICAGO LIVESTOCK. Colorado Midland 4s Colorado and Southern 4s Cuba 5s, certificates . . Denver and Rio Gramle 6s ., 74 92 106 , ....101 80 Distillers Securities 5s 101 Erie prior lien 4s 92 Erie general 4s 111 F, W. and Denver City 1st 110 Hocking Valley 98 Japan 6s, cerliflcaes Louisville and Nosh. Unified 4s .103 106 Manhattan consol gold 4s 79 Mexican Central 4a 23 Mexican Central lt. Ine 51 97 inn., and St. Louis 4s 51 100 and Texas 4s it., Kansas Miss., Kansas and Texas 2nd ... 85 81 N. K. R. of Mexico con. 4s New York Central general 3 Vi ...100 New Jersey Central general Rs ..135 105 Northern Pacific 4s 76 Northern 1nciflc 3s Norfolk and Western con. 4n . ,NI03 97 Oregon Short Line rfdg. 4s 104 . , Petra, ronv. .102 Reading general 4s SI. L. and 1. Mountain eon. 5s ....118 St. L. and Ran Francisco fg. 4s . . . 92 82 St. 1,0111s S'wcHlern 4s 4s 3r Reahoard Air Line 4s Rout hern Pacific 4s . Southern Railway 5a Texas and Pacific 1st Toledo, Rt. Ib and Western Union Pacific 4i 88 96 119 4a 4- - 1 -- Plant The Standard of January 9th, 1901. had a story about tbs erection of a sugar factory at Lewiston. At that time there waa some friction between two of the men who were directly Interested in tbe movement, but a short time after the date nientioued, differas ences were adjusted and it acen-if the sugar factory wuuhl be built during that season. Now it has been definitely derided to erect a sugar factory at Lewiston this coming season. All the preliminary arrangements have been made, and Joseph A. West has been rommlhsiunel to go to Lewiston and make the surveys for the buildings and roadways. He will do tills within a day or two. Judge H. TL Roktpp, who is secretary and treasurer of the company, saya the factory will be one of the largest in tha west, and the largest in this state with the possible exception of the Lehi factory. The Lewiston factory will have a capacity of 600 toua of beets per day, 200 tons more than the Ogden factory. The machinery for the new plant has been contracted for from Dyer Brother. Cleveland, O., and will be of the best improved and manufactured. This will make It unnecessary to anlarge the Ogden factory this season, as planned a few weeks ago.-- Whilo the Lewiston is a separate company ftom the Amalgamated, which controls the Ogden company and the Logan company, moot of the men in the Lewiston are also heavy stochholdera in the oth- .,$97.60 ,... d Atchison general 6 July 7.05. Alchlimn adjustment 4s Riba Feb. 6.65; May 6.37 Atlantic Const Line 4s Rye-- 73. Baltimore and Ohio 4s Flax-1- 22. Baltimore and Ohio 2.85. Timothy Central of Georgia 5s 114 Clover 12.60. 93 Central of Georgia Inc Uarlejr-380- 50. 92 Central of Georgia Iue lae 70 Central of Georgia 2nJ Inc. CHICAOO WHEAT. 108 Cheapeake and Ohio 82 Chicago, Feb. 3. Wheat: No. 2 re.l Chicago and Alton 1L and Qtilnry new 4e ...100 ISO; No. 3 red 1146117; No. 3 bard 115 Chicago 82 6117; No. 3 hard 1066115; No. 1 C. R. I. and P. IL R. 4s 91 northern 121; Nn. 2 northern 1156113; C. R. 1. and P. R. n. col, 5a C C C and St Louis gen. 4a 103 No. 3 spring 1086114. 97 Chicago Terminal 4s . the Enlarging of the Prevent Ogden ... 121 83 105 32 91 119 70 93 . . 94 94 Union Pacific conv. ts U. S. Steel 2nd 5s Chicago, Feb. 3. Cai tic Receipt lata Steady; good to prime Mcers 5.60 Wabash Wnbaeli Deb. It 3.6003.40; 06.35; pour to mcilitim Western Maryland Mocker and feeders 2.3504.25: cow ke Erie 4s . 1.2564.60; heifers 2.0005.10; rennets Wheeling and Wisconsin Central 4s 1.2502.60. t HOGS Receipt 24.000. Steady BALT LAKE 511NINO STOCKS. strong; mixed and butchers 4.650 4.85 good to choice 4.8004.90; rough hesvv The closing quotations and sale were 4.6004.70; light 4.5504.70; bulk 4.650 an follows: 4.80. SHEEP Recetpte 6.000. Sheep snl CLOSING QUOTATIONS. lambs sles.lv; good to eludes wether 6.2005.65; fair to rhuice mixed 4.15f failures this week In the 3.10; western heep 4.5006.65; native Bid. Stocks. Asked. United States are 259 against 35 last week, 335 the preceding week and 240 the corresponding week lat year. Failures In Canada number 30 against 42 last week. -- I the preceding week and 29 Iasi year. for Tbe official closing quotation mining stock today were as follow: Crown Puint SUGAR. MINING STOCKS. ('uiifldence 95. C. C. and Ya. 210. Gon. liniierml 1. 2. liar silver Cl 12. Mexican dollars 47 4; SAN FRANCISCO ' 6 G1 13. 48; 29V Fair to rhuice malting 42 fa 16. Flaxseed No. 1 1.16. Nu. 1 north w cetera 1.22. Mess Pork per bill 12.75012.80 8(1. Laid -- per lUU Il 6.500 Shoii rib wide (loose), 4 at 2u0 May Dpy 2.500 at S. New Y urk 3tit at 49; buyer 30; 101 seller 500 at at 49; 100 at 50 : 300 at 48 4. Silvtr Shield 500 at 14. No. 2 white 32fr. Nil. 3 white 30V Rye - No. 2 75. Barley Good feeding 374x28. -4 4.85 'sts-N- 4s; OPEN BOARD SALES. l.lbfal.20. 43. $14).46u,b6l; Money on rail per cent. Tim loans easy; sixty and ninety ilays 3 p- -r cent; six months 31-4- 0 8 8 per pent. Prime mrrcantile paper 312$ 4 per cent. Sterling exchange steady; hanker bill- - 4.880 4.8805 for demand; 4 8570 to 4.8375 for sixty day bills; posted rates 4.841-- 3 and 4.89; commercial bills bi'Slt. Wheat - Nu. 2 spring 1.14' 1.16. No. 3 in'. 'it 1.16. No. 2 red ('urn No. 2 Nu. 2 velluw 43. ' New Y'ork. Feb. 31. fa 2 8'; l 200 at ax May Ua s. lief 3d ; 1.5(91 ax tbiv.T Shield 500 at lltt! 504 at Oat 14. It'..; T. ir.r .Vh at 19 . Victor Cun- .- 1.(9 it) at Si. New York 3t hi at 19; f.'iO at 49';; Mw m 5ou at 49; 19') at eel i Lr 30. Cash quotations wcie a fulkiws; MONTY. 13-- 4 REGULAR CALL SALES. 8.9'; n steady Pro aidant Vice President Ralph E. Hoag A. V. McIntosh at balaices huw that the evil con. plained of by the opponents of government aid to sectarian chooL ua that 'it 1 contrary to the letter and spirit of liie coiutituiiuu of liie United States ami utterly repugnant to our American institutions and our American history to take from the public moneys and fund for the supiiort of sectarian institutions. It confirmed this idea that it was the use of public moneys of the Ir.it.-State or of ihe American people Unit wa objected to by quoting Ihe language of the Indian appropriation act of 1894 and report of Secretary Hoke Smith of December 1, 1894. It quoted the debates in congress to how that the intention of congress was to reduce the regular appropria tion of public funds so as to get rid of contract schools aided by that .appropriation of money belonging to liie American people. It further howed that in the case of the Osage schools nl Mission schools on the Sac and Fux reservation in Oklahoma, Indian trut funds continued to be used and the contract system applied to them, after the declaration or congress. The argument of the memorandum briefly was that, notwithstanding the declaration of congress not to make appropriation in liie future of public moneys for sectarian institutions, tbe previous lews giving the secretary of the interior discretion to use certain moneys of the Indians held in tru-- t In any way that lie might see fit, into sectarian assistance cluding sclioula, were not repealed and consequently his discretion remained. United States Depository Wtihingion, Feh. 3. Today stste-meof the tressuiy balance in the ion fiiHi.(K't) general fund exclusive of gold reserve in the division of rodcrun-Liu- shows: Available rash gold $50,282,743. tu OF OGDEN Flour 4, 1905. (Continued From Page 2.) National Bank 19tt2. FEIlIJUAIiV PRIEST APPEARS The Utah J. Y. Dooly Horace E. Perry . Owl Saoon Bros, Props. No. 232 25th St. Dealers la first clans liquors of all O'Neill They Are Playing ths Deaf and Dumb Basket Ball Team. Y'esterday at Deaf and Dumb school the B. Y. U. basket ball team of Provo and the Deaf and Dumb school team will try conclusions in a instch game of basket ball. The viidinn from the south are undoubtedly the strongest aggiegaliun of players and will in all likelihood make a larger score than did the B. Y. C. boys from Iigmi, but they'll have to pluy hard because the locals, though small, are a game lot of boys. The B. Y. V. team came up from the south today under the chaiieronsge of Manager Thomas Smith and Prof. EL 8. Hinckley. Following are the names of the team; Adams, Kim. Gourley, Richards. Greenwood and Anderson (sub.). Harold R. Rmool, son of Senator Smoot, George Lindsay and Warren Colton, instructor in the gymnasium at Provo also came np with the banket ball team. gymnsHium, CHANGES IN ACADEMY LECTURE COURSE. Tin following extract of a Inter from the Red path Ly cm m Bureau of Chicago, to the Academy Lecture committee, is d that you had been In- formed by our western office that F. Hopkinson Smith cancelled his western engagement. He refused to go further west than Liniviln, so that we had to ram-e- l shout three dates in your territory, which wan very disappointing to u.Weand we are Mire, to the commiitceM. don't have any lecturer in the West, of bis r.ink, during the remainder of the srMNin. hut could l you an excellent musical company in March or April." Fortunateiy the committee had already secured the service of Irofrtsor & H. Clark of Chirngo fur three extra resling. so that Mr. Smith's failure to licditled will be doubly appear as compensated by Prof. Clarks extra recital. It ha been decided by those giving the ruur-- e to admit all holders of Ktaxon ticket free to all Prof. Clark's entertainments. This is certainly generous, ur belter, appreciative of ih- - support given by those who season tirkeU. and hv so doing helped to ear-- y the financial respon-i-bi'lassnntM n giving such a course. ihe next cr'prtalument will be given February 15. )ti. 17. lty .Mr. Armstrong, who appear in illustrated nadinga from "T'.e l mnie Brier Uiih." "The ;i l tbe Little Minister. Sky Pilii-,pur-clms- ry kinds, wines and brandy. All goods delivered to any part of city every Saturday. Whisky 75 eta to $1.75 quart. Wine 85 cts per quart, 8 quarto, $L Brandy, $1 quart Whiskey 'pr. gaL $2.25 to $5. ONEILL BROS, PROPS. Phone 1352. Always on Time At the Dances At the Theaters, or Catch a Train in a Hurry Always Remember Phone 22. Allen Transfer Company. 412 25th SL OGDEN Attetin. Tixa. Feb. 3. The lower him uf the state legislature today puod the lull forcing persons giving ground for e tion in divorce rates to remain slng'e for three years, the oth- er parties one venr. the divorce to remain Trail ietbe Wri4 Compartment and drawing -- rooe sleeping cars, observation can, dinand library ing cars, rs cars, with barber, bath and Library; entire train electric lighted, through to Chicago Timeut change. Direct connection for The Meet Laxerleai buffet-smoki- ng Book-love- St Panland Minneapolis c k Chicago & as WC sr HW14S San Pedrot Los Angeles and Sait Lake R. R. Co. . AfM. R. rn 4 LOW RATES ' To DENVER, KANSAS ;j OMAHA, at Nephi for 5tenU and intermediate point! on 8:00 A Sanpete Valley Ry For Garfield Beech, Tooele, Stockton, Mamp moth. Eureka end Silver City (via Learning- - North-Weste- South SC. Ath mx.. Mt Like Otr. Utah. Depot, Third West and South Temple Ste. Salt Lake City, $ CHEYENNE, DEPART. Lehi, Fairfield and Mercur, connecting okulncl Genera! CITY, ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO m .... MONTREAL, BOSTON, And all CRIee NEW YORK, ef Europe via Sharmans Ticket All Line, Office, 7:45 a m Healy Hotel, (Oppealto Depot), Bell Phone 161Z. American Fork, Lehi, Juab, MilHIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR UNford, Friaco, Csllcntea USED TICKETS, and intermediate points &05 p m ARRIVE. From Provo, American FOrk, Lehi, Juab, Milford, Friaco, Cslientes and Intermediate point9;45 0 m From Provo, Lehi, Fsliv other Eastern point via field, Mercur end Sanpete Valley Ry. point.. 5; 3 5 p m From Silver City, Mammoth, Eureka, Stockton, Garfield Tooele and -Beach 5:35 p m ALL TRAINS DAILY. Daily Pullman Buffet Bleeping Car Service between Belt Lake, Milford, Direct stage Modena and Callente. connections for all mining districts in southern Utah and Nevada. 3 me Write can aave money. We yon City Ticket Office, 201 Mein Street CL F. WARREN, TeL 250. 411 Dooley Slue For- - particular, call on or address General Agent, No, Salt Lake City. or Lake Belt L. J. Route, agents. MOORE, PietrUt Pseomigw Agent E. W. GILLETT, Gen. Peat. Agfi. ton For Provo, cut-of- f) Cheap Rates to SL Louis trr 3 Trains Daily WILL YOU Invest in piece ef nnimprevctf land? In Weber County! Adjoining Improved farms? ' Half mile from R. R. ttatlsnl rext to Carta If Irrigation Right Providing you con buy on monthly f payments Bay $10 or $16 or $20 per month? Or quarterly? Or annual paymorts?. And no intereat? And no taxes? The owner ts pay taxes end een tlnue to use the land until K ia ffau paid fort If So Jo-p- ar Addrus or Call on HUNTER & KENNEDY Room 6, First National 3ank Ogden, Utah CorpenK. Ing, Buildh.g, Rea. of Remodeling Houaet Promptly attended to. All work Guaranteed. Enquire ef Ole Nelson, 645 16to etreot. T slap hone 326-gaining y. CARD. Dec. 4. 1904. TIMECARD. DEPART: No. 7 Butte and Portland 13:0$ pja. Effective Dec. 4th, 1904. No. 9 Pocatello, Montpelier DEPART: 1.25 an. No. 6 Mall and Expreea... I:I and Butte 7:15 p.m. No. Z No. 11 Cache Valley Overland Limited for No. 12 Salt Lake and Tintio 10:50 a.m. Bluff Council Omaha, No. 8 Salt Lake and Denver, Kenea City and ..7:3Mam. points out dally No. 8 Salt Lake, Provo, No. 4 Atlantic Express fur Milford and all potato Denver, Omaha, Council oouth 3:4$ pjn. Bhiffa, Kama City sad oil No. 10 Salt Lake and inter:Z0 puiata seat, dally 6:80 p.m, mediate points ARRIVE. ,8, 15a.m. n 4 No. 3 Pacific Express from ARRIVE: Omaha, Council 2:15 pm. Bluffs, No. 1- - Sflt Lake Denver, Kansas City and No. 6 Butte ard Pocatello ...... ..12. 60 a .....east daily Express Limited No. 11 Salt Lake and Tlntle 6:55 p.m. No. L Ovarlaad Council No. 7 Salt Lake sad MilOmsk .... 11.25 a.m. . from ford Bluff Kanins City, DenNo. 3 Salt Lako and and all points seat, .... 8:05 a.m. ver points daily a a a a aaa a a a 7:00 a.m. and Butts.. Portland No. 8 No. 9 Fast Mail No. 10 Butt and Pocatello C:uU p.m. A. HENRY. ........ intor-medla- eld piece ef lend will seat you acre. $400 for 20 aeras. $300 for 40 eeresL $1,200 for 81 screw Building THE OREGON SHORT LINE TIME ..... " t Overland Limited DAY AND NIGHT, BOYS FROM PROVO. upKi-c- TIME TABLE For Provo, The directors of the Iwla(on Sugar company are: C. W. Niblcy, president; Thomas D. Dee. vice president; IL H. Rolapp, secretary and treasurer; W. H. IjCwIs. George C. Parkinson, Joseph Howell, David Eccfes, Joseph 5Iorell and II. H. Spencer. We The C. A. Walker, Everything here the bast. 8hert orders at all hours. All hinds of game and fish In season. Extra fine dinner Sunday, from 12 to 2 p. m, 25c. Fine lunch from 11 to 4 and to 8 p. m. JIM A YOUNG Props. Street. 224 Twenty-fift- h The Raffway betwese Ticket, iwrvttap. ani ful fra cos BOSTON" CAFE OPEN Double-Trac-k the Miueari River aad Chkaga. WHERETO EAT - self explanatory: TkcOoty .... No. 12 Cache Valley Train Sundays inter-modia- south of Juab te te 10:35 .m. do not run a Ticket B. MOSEUSL Al-A- r . C. A. HENRY'. Ticket Agent. A. B. MOSELEY. Trav. Pass. Agent. Ogden, Utah. D. K. DURLEY, O. P. A T. A., Salt Lake City. Scan theWantAds |