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Show i . 3 j; EXAMINER. CORNING OGDEN, CTAII, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 19, 190 1 later in ' ijstj The dav RUSSIAN REPULSE PREPARE FOR TEST VATICAN AT MO TIEN PASS and french! OF STRENGTH first selection of matter fiir j,,.a chairman w ih"' ? and unni that other points are held j , 4. ti' - 14 WES'! lfiW' , intrum IStuniay I Plain Statement of to Will Lend Aid Federated Trades are Increasing the Forces of Men at Work Plants are Resuming Work. l; i : j ' Under Cover of Fog Two Divisions of Russians Attack Japanese Position They Are Driven Back With Loss-Fi- nal Assault on Port Arthur Will be Made This Week British Steamer Boarded. Strikers-Packer- s i 1 h. 1 1 Chicago, July 1. Although express-to ing faith in ths striker ability win. should the parting house wage test of endurance, struggle become the atrike leadera were today atilt in a from iccepiive mood. On returningixnmel-ly east St. Louie today President declared he wronld bold no further onferenrf with the packer unleaa the packer ask for a meeting, lie also said there would be no effort to call put the livestock handler for the reason that the atrikera were unwilling to cause widespread suffering among the cattle now in the pens that must necessarily follow such an action. As soon as President Donnelly arrived he met Horner D. Call, internal ional secret try and treasurer of the butchers union and went Into a conference with Joseph W. Morton and C, L. Champ, oflli'fala of the stationary firemens unions. Then President Donnelly hint Itualnesa Agent McClelland. of the elevator men. ollera and lilllwrights helpers. McClelland I called n special meeting of his organ rat Ion for tomorrow afternoon, nt which It will ba decided whether to atrike. Thia strike cannot be broken unless the psr ken come to proper terms," said Mr. Uoanelly. They are talking about tba great business they are doing. Why, they are not doing two per cent of normal business now, and I know for a tact that Armour hilled the only aliteen hogs frem the time strike started until Suturday night. In 8t. Louis the one trust parking plant la tied np tighter than a drum and the Independent packers are doing a rushing business, running both day and night. We are sending them all ths union men they need In East fit. Loula In Chicago the independent packers and butchers are reaping benefit from the atrike. I Intend to send big gangs of rattle butrhara tonight to Independent plants In Philadelphia. New York and Buffalo. We make no secret of our ileelre to give all the help we.rantj' the Independent, fair, union employing companies, for they are helping tin In nnr fight We want the public to Buffer sa little as possible." FRESH CONCILIATORY EFFORT Chicago, July 18. fort tuward a packers' strike A ruad tracks while a strong force of picket on the otter side prevented them from going into tbe work. Fifteen or twenty men employed in Swill's office were ailrUued 1,y the strike pickets after Mayor Lytle bad addressed the striker and admonished them not to Interfere wtth the conTokio, July 18, 2 p. m. At 8 o'clock duct of tbe buxine; which would lie Sunday morning, a heavy fog veiling regarded a unlawful and prosocutod their movements, two division of Rusa xucii. sians, commanded by Lieut. Oeneral Sheriff (irixfm returned frnvt Hast- Keller, made an asxault on the Japaning, but beyond reporting to Gover- ese position at Mo Tien pass. General nor Vausani. by telephone ba taken Kurukl adds that ths Russians assailno decisive action to eud Uie block- ed all the Japanese positions at Mo ade. Tien imas and In lla vicinity desperateSheriff (irisira is reported to bare ly. The Japanese resisted stubbornly, told Governor Vansant that ho 1 iw-erlcrepulsed the Russians and pursued MADE. fresh ef- of the was nmde this afternoon far Secretary Champ, of the Stationary Pirrmena Inter- national union and by President Morton of the local body of the aante organisation. The two Offl- effected a conference with President Donnelly and proceeded to call on the packer. Tbe official of tbe firemen nu- The Ion tailed in their effort. packers were scattered through- out the stockyard and could not be seen. x to disperse the count of the sympathy An Injunction strikers, it is ssld, will esse ed, are now on tbe way to the different plant from all cornurs of the country. Office employes and heads of departments, who have had exjicrionce in the killing room have been called Into help and teach men. Thu pack-er- a their equipping already am plants In western centers with full crews. Within a week the plants st Kansas City, Omsha and East Rt. Louis will 1st turning out train loads of supplies, according to n positive declaration made by one of the pack- July 18- .- Both sides are preparing for tbe teat of atrenglh which will come this week In the strike of tbe packing house employes. To tbe new men taken In the last five days, the packers expect to add many thousands In the next few days. Workers who have been hired, It ia clalm- Chicago, picket on ac- . them for a considerable distance westwith tbe airik-cr- ward. the Kurokl in big report praises the valor agalnxt bo asked. of hi men. RUSSIANS ftUGlX TO SHIP LIBERALLY. Ksusas City, July 18 Packers today began to ship liborally. At all the five leading plant it wa asserted that a Idg addition to their forces had been made uver Sunday and that the output had Imen incruaited. The receipts at the yard today had reached almost the normal atage. Tbe strikers say they contlnne to make bccunmIuu to their ranks. Apparently both sldea have settled down to a stubborn coutest. ets. Armour, Mortis, Swift and 8. and 8. today renewed killing operations on a much larger scale than during the first week of the strike. Representatives of the packers said today that they exported to he able to run their plants without much inconvenience and the difficulty was not In the producing of inun but In their ability o provide adequate protection for them while going to and from work. The packers profeas not to bo of a sympathetic strike. A behind a fence crowd threw brleka n,r Vtow at a Lake Shore train which had on bored bound for the plant of Armour A Co. The negroes took refuge bePREPARE FOR TEST Or STRENGTH hind the acata and no one was injured. w Coplea of supplementary regulations for the government of foreign newspaper correspondent at the front, dated Mukden July 10, have arrived here. They require correspondents to pledge themselves, when given leave to proceed to certain points, to travel only by tha route Indicated; la no circumstance to absent themselves from the regiment a, division or rorp to which they may be attached; in cue of their expulsion to travel by the route Indicated to European Russia, and not to attempt to leave Manchuria except through European Russia. CONFISCATE MEMORIAL MAIL. SITUATION INTENSIFIED. BL non-unio- ne-gro- FEDERATION OF LABOR GUARANTEES SUPPORT. LABORER CRAZED BY HEAT CAPTURES MAIL JUNK. Piungas Into Chicago Rfvsr and Dlaa Soon After Hie Rescue. New York, July 18.-at the abattoirs and packing houses on tho Tokio, July 1g, 10 a. m. The Japaneast side was almost suspended today ese torpedo destroyer Hayatorl has capevthe strike: as of a result Nearly tured a junk, conveying mall from Port Inery Kosher butcher shop was clos- Arthur to Che Foo. Letter dealing ed. with military and naval condition at Samuel (tampers, president of the Port Arthur have been seized. Much Federation of Laltor. hns come here. valuable information waa contained In The federation already has pledged the letters. Those which did not deal the moral and financial supimrl of its with military topics have been for22.000 unions to the striking meat warded to Baint Petersburg with the cutter. request that they he delivered to those to whom they were addressed. UNREST AT ST. JOSEPH. WILL PATROL RED SEA. PHILIPPINE BANDS. St. Joseph. Mo., July 18. There hat St. Petersburg, July 18. General been a noticeable feeling of unrest Washington, July 18. The insular today among the striking packing public satisfaction la expressed over bureau today Issued a circular Invit- house employes. A greater nnmlier of the declxiun of the admiralty to patrol ing proposals tor the sale of 3 million workmen than usual has been about the Red sea for the purpose of Philippine 4 per cent atrike headquarters In South St. Joe, of Interceiiting contraband of war bonds. The bids will be received un- and the force of police officers there destined for Japan. As yet. however, til 2:80 p. m., August 22nd, the pro- lias been Increased, although there the paper do not discus tha subject. ceed to bo applied to Iho roiiremenl has tieen no serious disturbance. of the outstanding $:i,000.000 of PhilThe packers bought more liberally on the market today. ippine bonds. DESPERATE RUSSIAN AS- SAL'LT REPULSED. Work Testimony Given By Physician at the quest Over Remains of J. Kent Loomis No Evidence as to Cause of Death Introduced, JURY VERDICT. King's Bridge, Devonshire, July The Jury found the deceased waa Frederick Kent IMiintx, and that fee was found deed in liigbury Bay, there being no evidence to show how be met his death. IB. one-yca- Kingsbridge, Devonshire, July 18. The Inquest today on the body of Kent Loomis, which was found Saturday morning at Warren Point, threw ths picturesque little Devonshire Village of Thureieston, on the shores of bay. Into a state of unwonted excitement. Tbe court, over which the county coroner. Dr. Sidney Hacker, presided, waa somewhat late In assembling, la consequence of tbe delay ia carrying out tbe official medical examination of the remains. This was conducted by two local doctors, whose testimony was to tbe effect that there was a contused wound below and behind the right ear, indicated by the extravaslun of blood in tbe scalp and a rupture of ihe covering of the brain. There also was a general bruise. Involving iho scalp and the integument of the brain on (he left side above ibe ear. Roih injuries tn the doctors opinion, weir caused death. The Amerran conr-u-l at ftvupjuih. Joseph C Stephens, a1 tended the rroceedingi- After the jury had viewed tbe body, the first witne 1 bonus Snoww a laborer den, ho discovered the remains, testified to the recovery of the corpse. A policeman who searched tho body told of the recovery of a gold watch which had stoppsd at 8 oclock, come English gold and silver coins and pocket hook, containing 60 in American notea, a receipt for a subscription to the Bienneihaasett club, a railroad paaa issued In the name of F. Kent Loomis, n receipt from the Grand. Hotel. Broadway. New York, for 8250 which Loomia desired nest to hi wife, a gold ring with ihe name "Mil- - d t RIOT CLOSES NEW Big-bur- y ? ? iiiJ '? i' u 'he-for- e DID NOT E Tokio. July IX. 2 p. m. Gen. Kurokl reports hat two divisions of the Russian army made a dec- perate assault on Mao Tien pass at dawn on July 17th. but were re- were not pulsed. Tbe stated. as Free Fight is Engaged in for Half an Hour by 1000 Spectators and Several Men are Badly Injured, New York. July 18. A game nf base-ha- ll Oakland. Cal., July 17!' The between a New Rochelle team railroad ferry boat Solano, which for nearly thirty years has. carried Bout p and one liora Tuckahoe for the rrn Pacific Monger on the Ogden nt WeiUbeetcr county lias re- and Shasta p routes snot tbe strait sulted in a free fight. At leavt l.nno of Carqulnei. between Fort Cost and spectators joined in the metre which Benicia, is to be taken off that run lasted a quarter of an hour and sev- anl completely overhauled. The Solano is beginning to feci the effort of its eral man were quite badly Injured. constant day and battling with Tbe game was played near New Ro- ; tha swift current ofnight the straits to sack A chelle. big crowd of friends accom- an extent that the Southern Pacific department ha decided panied the Tuckahoe team and betting construction to almost rebuild and refit the boat. on the result was heavy. When the core stood 3 to 2 in favor of the New NEW WORLD'S CHAMPION. Rochelle team In the eighth Inning a batter accidentally hit tha catchcr'of New York. Jule 11 John Flsuta- the visiting team. A fight quickly flan of the Greater New York Irish began and in an Instant the Tur.kahoe A. A., ihe American champion in crowd swept the grounds. Clubs and I bottles were brought into play and throwing ihe has Weight, a made new in hurlworld's record several men had to he taken horn. in the missile with "uuUmiied run ing carriage. Tim umpire, who wax the xiorm and follow." His dixtanre wax 4 fee, 2 inrlioK. or ;i s belter than ilie center, was compelled i0 faj ,), oiil recurd. aniu off to eavu himself. chant-pient-hi- w fetters. Omaha. July 18. The Chicago and Northwestern ran two special In addition tea its regular trains to end Fairfax last night and today, carrying over 2,000 men and women who propose to register for land In the Rosebud reservation, recently opened for homestead entry. The noth to the Rosebud Country increases as tlie time for registration expires, and It la estimated that about 60,000 persona have thus far Bon-este- el Electrical Storm Net Realised. Jefferson City, Mo., July Of TERROR Jlathe1 - m tb ft mi there I over. port phoi Island at organ, nnhoue JhTelertr Brtbodal th v be mat 6 turd a rf, raped; gift Viol md enjo pmlst pli lor her a isisiiubc Oa i Male p Alioi-Fol- 5 k cm-p;r- ei. ng jured. Tbe Tlctlma of tbe charge ire: Set grant John I. Fitch, company A, Taroma, (truck in back by horses' hoof and hurled about twenty feet Private TTaltcr Jones, company C, Hciiensbnrt, cut across hand by tabra Private Scan on, company F. qnlain. struck in the hack by (ahre, inflicting wound. Private William C. Meade, company A. Nineteenth United States Infantry, p; a lilied in left leg below knee. to regimental hospital. Ure Hrcredit, 4 L the result rtdaml THIBETAN POLICY OK GREAT A Locomi Branch BRITAIN London, July IS. War Secinr Broderick stated In conusmi today that with a view of preventing a nformed Russia the government at the beginning Tkn i- tale of of June of Its policy in regard to Thibet, and ao long as 'no other powers attempted to intervene in the illsin of Thibet Great Britain would sot either to annex Thibet or to establish a protectorate over that country. tone A dlhb It A. R. EXCURSION TO LAG00M MONDAY, JULY 18TH. bn, mdi wil Special train via Oregon Short Uk leaves Ogden 9:30 a. m. Reluralg loaves. 10 p. m. Lagoon fire and other attractions. n by th ind Big os; Co. PP suc- Mr. E. Hall. Mrs. Lucy Stevens. 9 Mr, Harry Eddingtor.. Mr. Ellis, (Standard office. Mr. John Butler. Mr. Chas. McCarthy. . Mrs. Montgomery. 347 24th Street OGDEN UTAH Bad Weather Has shown the importance of having GOOD SIDEWALKS Alscn r re guaranteed WITH- - Cement German fey ua. This It the beat brand on tha mnr ket You cap gat It by calling an sr phoning Laub-- r FccT's 1o,- - prepi-in- g to te fx-.itier flows and floors jest vn t t fj rtcvid d sjm at Eccles Lumber Telephone 128 1S4 Twwntyfourth Co. Street i a e Mr. Thomas Burdftt. Mr. Wygand Smith. Mr. Albert Patsrsorw Mias Hazel Hunt Mias Mable Spencer. Vrd'is Tacoma. July 14 The Ledger's correspondent at Camp 8tellacooat says that during army maneuvrea yesterday, after troop E. X:ntn cavalry, (colored) had teen ruled out of action by tha they Charged on the TTashlngtafi troops and Nineteenth infantry in their front and with drawn sabres slashed right and left among the infantry, ere-atla reign of terror fur a few minutes. During the melee three members nf the Rpiond Wahingtnn nd one regular were more or less seriously in trvhi in tl I sow f; mi close Chae. N. Giddings, Druggnt Stirling Shurtliff, Will Moran. Th l be m Iftif of St. Louis, scorns practiolh asditstii assured of the nomination fur m inf mar ernor. Even his most determined m bsnaonti veraaries cannot, at this lime, nm graphic a probable candidate to defeat hit Wildcat. There la every indication that tfe thsliatei gathering will prove one of the nm II interesting fp&i a political sUnduda ever held In Missouri. The Folk men are trying to for the selection of Congressman Yazdb ver, the manager of Folk's campsin, aa temporary chairman. This ha is Plttst aroused the antagonism of the stu haachs committee and a bitter fight his tea A CEMENT WALKS MADE During Army Maneuvers in Washington a Troop Charges Two Infantry Regiments and Starts Panic--Fo- ur Privates Seriously Injured. mil ary t Itiart and wrv i im-ne- lS.-- day before the Democratic ventlon convenes, Circuit atl thj Mfore A set Esopus, N. Y., July 18. A heavy electric and rain storm broke about midnight and reached Its height at 1 The REIGN refl1 jl tW Bigrimeni No Probable Candidate Can be Nunc to Defeat Him. Fears ef Villagers at Eaopus During ana-dow- Would-b- e I STRIKE FOLK SURE OF PARKER NOMINATION Chicago, July IS. Today brought no relief from the blistering heat. n Indications are that before the high record of yesterday, 94, might be exceeded. The first victim today was that of a dock worker, who became erased by the heat and plunged headlong into tho river, ' at Clark street bridge. He died soon after being rescued. Special Trains Utilized in Carrying I Zr Our "painless extracting by. our naw method ia a pronounced cess, aa tha following patients have testified RUSH TO ROSEBUD jailer; I J? The Chicago Dental Best Set Teeth $8.00 anese. ,h tone I forem1' I gin-l- di.iM lrmegn oclock. UglfLing flashes followed each other at intervals of a few secAden. Arabia, July 18. The British almost steamer Ferula wa forcibly detained New York, July 18. A memorial onds, and the thunder was for an hour In the Red Sea by the Rus- mass meeting has been held by the continuous. In the village fear was sian volunteer fleet steamer Smolensk, Zionist council of Greater New York at expressed that lightning would strike the buildings at Kosemont, but fears which transferred to the Fnrala a por- Carnegie Hall in honor of Dr. Theotion of Japanese mail seised on the dore Herxl, the dead leader of the were not realized. steamer Prince Heinrich, July 15. Tha Zionist movement. President Friend-enwal- d, Judge Parker rose early. John.W. Hmolesnk confiscated two Imikb of the of the Federation of American Kern of Indianapolis, who has been Heinrich's mall, destined for Nagasaki. Zionists, Secretary D. Haas and other his guest since Saturday, embarked on the steamer, Mary on Powell, leaden In the movement spoke. which he traveled to New York.. On WAR NEWS FROM CHE TOO. account of the conference of leaders In New York today, no visitors were Che Koo, July IX. I p. m. The MARQUIS NOT KILLED. steamer lllpaang, belonging to tha expected to arrive here. After the conference many prominent men are Navigation Co., Is at New New York, July 18. Reports pub- expected to come here. Former Senpresent 48 hours overdue from candiChwaug. and la reiiurted to have struck lished In Paris that Marqnia de Vllla-vlo- ja ator Davis, date, Is expected tomorrow. a mine. Tba vessel's agents cannot conhad been killed at Oatend yesterfirm thia report, although they are InAmong the telegram received by day at a polo game have, says a Herald clined to believe 1L French dispatch from the capital, Judge Parker today was one from No newa whatever has come out from proved untrue. The wu Champ Clark, permanent chnirman marquis Port Arthur recently, but the belief stunned by a blow of a mallet on the of the convention who sent his conthat the final assault will be made thia head, but soon recovered. gratulations. week is growing. NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Newspaper correspondents are arPOSTPONE QUESTION. riving here from Japanese and Chinese New York, July 18. Henry G. Daports and are ready to attempt to get over to Port Arthur immediately after nominee and vis, Its tall. London, July 18. Earl Percy, under National Committeeman James M. Head of Tennessee were the first of secretary for foreign affairs. In the tfafe REASON TOR SEIZURE UNKNOWN. Democratic loaders commons house of today, asked Gen. to put In an appearance today for the Tien Tsin, July 18. The Japanese Laurie, (conservative) to postpone a conference on campaign plana and have taken tbe steamer Helping, re- question, which he proposed, to ask choice of a chairman of the national cently raptured, to Baxelio. to await tha anent the doings of the Russian volun- committee. action of (he naval prize court. The teer fleet steamer St.. Petersburg In Senator Gorman of Maryland, John captain of the Helping has informed the Red Sea, a the governments In- I. McLean of 'Ohio, James Ouffy of her ownera that there ia nothing of a formation was still Incomplete. Pennsylvania, James Smith, Jr., of contraband character on board, and the Earl Percy further said that the New Jersey, and, others were expected reason for her seizure la unknown. question was' of the utmost importance and was engaging the earnest attenJAPS APPROACH NEW C11WANG. tion of the government. Tien Tsin. July 18. Tbe aieamer Fuplng. JiiKt arrived here from New Chwang, reports that on July 16th the Japanese army was within fifteen miles of that city. The officers of the Russian gunboat Sivoutrh have saddled hones alongside ready to make their escape upon the approerh of the Jap- I ,U oi Rome, July 18,-F-rom source it la learned iht the view of the situation Holy Sue and Frame ia "t The pope regard hu the concordat by Fram-1 F certain: the pretux, Holy See, before the vi;l Vj dent Loubet to Rome, tailed ,in of Laval to Gray resign, and was sumnioutd to Ifori:.--. i ..f1 the gravest charge. Thu ,! pealed to the French claimed that ihe H.iiv Infringing on the cuncurdiii bui the bishop had not been imnnihed V. later Delcasse ackuiwledg.-- a w Vatican was wuhiu its rigiua The pontiff la flimlv decided ceed with the case of the faixhon if he is not iu Rome on ihu -- yi. slant, will be suspended. ifce-pisldentl- Louis, July IS. The effect of the injunction issued by the St. Clair county circuit court, llcUevillo, 111., restraining the striking butchers and most cutlers from Interfering with the operation of the East St. Louis men packing houses, or the employed by them, has sonred to tho situation. Thu strikers have taken it to mean that tho packers have determined to with operate their plants at once large force of non union men and the plrkete have been Increased In the vicinity of the packing hoiiaes. The situation iu St. Ixntls la pracWOMEN ALLOWED TO WORK. tically unchanged. The price of meat today with a slight Increaaa St. Paul, July 18. The strikers to- opened over the closing quotations of Satwomen tbn all allowed day employes in Bwlft A Co.'s nflleo to enter the urday, men. yards, tint barred the Pending tbe arrival of the sheriff the clerks TRICE ADVANCE AT DOSTON, were lined up on rne aide nf the rail- - BEFORE LOOMIS DEATH - ZION- Lnagri I Indo-Chine- se Boston, July 18. Another advance went Into rffict today for almost all grades of meat in consequence of the Continuance of the Chicago meat cutlers atrike. Dealers admitted that prices were reaching the prohibitive stage tar many consumers. i SERVICES TOR IST HERZL. . Situation Present Disagreement .. 'a |