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Show THH m MARKETS Uk OF TOE EXAMINES, UTAH, OGDEN, FTC IDA Y JUNE MORNING, 24, 1904, a man equal to any imeition in the gled with the routine that was ncces-sarto complete the record. counrry. His words induced another The galleries were empty by the demonstration which lasted for some had entered the resoFairlime the time. Cries of Fairbanks," UHflTD STATES rEPOSTTOU, banks. sounded in all sections of the lution. Graeme Stewart, of Illfnoii. was recball. The cheering was brought to a OGDEN, UTAH. close by the upraised bonds of ChairV'S' ognized and moved "that the convenT man Cannon, as he demanded order, to tion do not? adjourn sine die. Chairman Cannon pul this motion fch itnrodine Senator Foraker. ..Tlw ftwiitHl Konci A rwy .. Mr. Cannon's nexi introduction was amid great confusion as tbe delegates called clerk. "Alabama. the A Bm ... Sefiator Foraker. whim seconding tnd spectators were leaving the hall. Mr. Hundley as before, announced from tbe He declared it carried and brought his evoked iribute warm speech a that his slate desired to, waive its convention. Brib fORSH gavel down with n resounding whack in the of state of favor ell loss, (bafts His characterization of Senator Fair- at just 2:23 o'clock. this lneuni Senator Dolliver, who was banks as a fit running mate fur Presito deliver the first nominating speech dent Roosevelt pats was energetic, and callCORTELYOU CHAIRMAN. in favor of Senator Fairbanks. ed forth applause. As the tall form of Iowa's Jttuior Mr. Cannon Ininidmcd Governor national 23. Th Chicago. June SALT LAKE MINING STOCKS. senator was seen pressing toward the cheerconvention iiscker the and elected Penny Geora&e B. Cortel-jocommittee platform, the shouts broke out aud ed him. chairman. He was sent for and by Ogden they were redoubled in violence when Morning Call Furnished The Republican parly held its first went directly to the room where the Brokerage Co, 370 25th Street. (hairnmu Cannon led forward Sena- convention in that city of western aesskm was being held. Phone 215. Ogden, Utah. tor Dolltver and spoke a few words Pennsylvania, which in energy, enterAlive, bid 30. of introduction. prise and wealth rivals the great mart Ajax, asked 10 SENATOR DOLLIVKR upon the ahoree nr the inland lakes Bullion-Hecbid 1.00. NOMINATES FAIRBANKS. wherein, after tbe lapse of nearly Carina. asked 8. "Geniletnen of the convention: The half a century. we meet today. Pennsyl80. 64: asked blJ Century, National Republican convention now vania may well claim to he the leader Con. Mrrrur. bid 22; asked 23 nearly ready to adjourn, has presentamong Republican states. The princi50. asked Creole, ed to the world a moral spectacle of ples which are embodied In the platla!y, bid 2.49: asked 2.60. 23.871-extraordinary lnterast and significance. form of the party as we have adopted Daly-Webid 23.23: asked It is a fine thing to sc? thousands of it are the result of the teachings of her bid 4.00; asked 4.50. millions of people, echolars and statesmen. Her majoriWe have every instrument Eagle and Blue Bell, bid 50; asked men, representing fighting in the political arena for their ties for the nominees of that party are 75. marhlne necessary for propand lavorit candidates and contending greater and more certain than those of Galena, bid 4. contrasuccess for of the Suing glasses. Work finerly Grand Central, bid 4.45; asked 4.60. valiantly any other state. She alone, of all the ished the same day ordered dictory principles aud conflicting doc- states since the election of Abraham Horn Sliver, bid 1.05. trines. Out of such a contest, with its IJm-olin I860, has never given an Ingot, asked 1. noise and declamation, its flying L. Mammoth, bid 13; asked 17 electoral vote against a candidate of its thunder of the captains and M. Washington, bid party for the presidency. the shouting, the truth often secures theRepublican asked 1.21 Mammoth, bid She ie unselfish In her devotion. Durman a vindication the and 1 bid right May Day. ing the period of half a century that Montaua-TonopaSometimes, has gone, no son of her's has been bid 2.35; asked comes out victorious. Expert MPg. Optician. confus-ktn- , In wisdom la lost the .i.iwever. 3. 147 She either or president 2412 Wash. Ave. and mure than once we have seen has been New York, bid 4; asked 4 satisfledjlke the Earl of War the claims of leadership swallowed up wick, Ontario. Md 2.75. to She he of tbe maker kings. in contention and strife. Petra, bid 41-bos been content that you should have Richmond Aaa., bid We have the honor to belong to a regard to the success of the party and convention whose constituency in ev- the welfare of the country rather than Sacramento, by 141-2- ; asked 14 Bllrer King, bid 5A; asked 55. ery state and territory and in the is- to the personal Interest of her citizens. asked 5. Silver Shield, bid 41-lands of the sea has done its thinking The waters of the Ohio, rising In the So. Swansea, Md 61-asked 8. by mountains of Pennsylvania, roll west by quiet firesides, undisturbed asked 10 Star Con., bid 10 cion tor of any sort, and has simplified ward, bearing fertility and men to the ELECTRIC LIGHTS 8TEAM HEAT Sunshine, bid 1; asked 3. our responsibilities by the unmistakCENTRALLY LOCATED. prairie lands of Indiana. Ths thought 44. bid asked 39; Swansea, able terms of I he credentials which wo of Pennsylvania turns with this kin371 Twenty-secon- d Street. Tetro, bid 82;" asked 33 hold at their hands. dred feeling toward the stats which lias Itacle Sam Con.. Md 15; asked 15 of the produced Oliver p. Morton, Benjamin MRS. S. H. ELWOOD Prop the at "We eland beginning 20.871-2United States Mining, bid ; new era, and while the Republican Harrison, and the brats Holders who THRdUGH-OUT- . asked 22.50. FURNISHED party leans upon lb counsel of Its fought along aide of Reynolds on the Utah, bid 45. to not old hesitated leaders has it re Oak Ridge at She well Victor Q. S. M.. Md 1 MODERN EQUIPMENT summon to the responsibilities of pub- members that Gettysburg. when her own senator asked 83 Yankee, bid 321-Beard by day or week. lic Ilfs the young men who have been who did so much for the Republican Rates Reasonable. under their guidance to take party and whose wise counsels, alas, The closing quotations and aalai trained burdens . Telephone 630 K. which they are ready are missing today, bore a commission to up the were posted as follows: to down which finish the work and lay no more had sincere he Asked. Bid. comes to them as an inheritance of Washington, Alice , ...... 30 supporter than the able and distinpatriotism and duty. That is the a i e 1 guished statesman, who then, as be Ajax is l I I i of tbe nomination of Theo- does now, represented Indiana In the Bullion-Bec- k HAS MOVED dore Roosevelt, and that is the explan- United States senate. Pennsylvania, (.arise ation of the call which has been made with the approval of her judgment and Con. Mercur by the Republican party, without, a with glad anticipation of victory In hei Creole , the popular hack man has dissenting voice. upon Charles W. Fair- heart, following a leader like the cheDaly banks to stand hv tlie side of the pres- valier of France, without fear and moved his stand to the Kay . ident in the guidance and leadership without reproach, seconds the nominabuilding, corner 25th and WashDaly-We- st in a of the Republican party. ington Ave. If you.-arof Charles tion for the A and A Bell hurry see Slade, he'a always , Galena While he has not sought to con- W. Fairbanks, of Indiana. on time. st rain the kingdom of the convention Grand Central Ry this time the hall was thinning !Vcnndon wagons leave daily himof out. seats Great Horn SUver or hae aphe gaps empty kept indirectly, directly at I a. m. and 2 p. m. for Og- in tbe galleries that all day hod which affectation from the self free peared Ingot riles over 20 rp under-valnelittle Bell,..,iii.,.it . the dignity of the sec- been tacked. A hum of conversation celve rate, special waa room the and there apof Imwer Mammoth , . In American ofilce tbe the pervaded ond gift x auue ml H. May Day people, and I do not doubt that his parent tbe signs of nearing adjournMammoth heart has been touched by the volun ment. In introducing Senator Carter Mr. lary expression of universal good will I have introduced to Petro which has already chosen him as one Cannon said: Sacramento of the standard hearers of the Repub- you four of a kind: strange to relate, lican party of Ihs United States. The here is a fifth ace Tom Carter of Mon once has sought ths man and he will tana. Silver Shield The whole convention laughed. Mr. South Swansea bring to the office the commanding Star Cou. , personality of a statesman equal to Carter spoke brjefly, but got a big of applause. Sunshine any of the greater responsibilities share Are there othsr nominations? railSwansea which belong to our public affairs. eA Before you start call at Utah leader of tbe senate, the champion of ed Chairman Cannon. Cries of No. came from tbe convenUncle Sam Con. .... all the great policies which constitute Mr. Chairman, called Senator U. A Mining Co. ... the Invincible record of the Republi- tion. Boston Con can party during the lest ten yearn, Ctillom. rising in. hie oral. He was . . of recognized and announced that he had Victoria his name will become a tower Mr. a telegram from Hitt., suggesting . . strength to our cause, not only In his own state but everywhere throughout that his name be withdrawn and Ihe Century . of Illinois be cast for Fairbanks. Healy House, Opp. Depot. Phone 161Z. Emerald , ......... tbe country. A man of affairs, the vole A large Assortment of Low Rates "A rel here any oilier nominations? ... . Golconda wliole business community shares the called end the Reliable Information conutontly chairman. aaso-ciair-s Golden Eagle confidence which his political Hearing non, it remains for ms to on hand. Guaranteed by the M. Washington have reposed in him from the uerlare Charles W. American Ticket Brokers Assll. New York beginning of his public life. The quiet., the candidate of thsFairbanks, Indiana, Republican party Rlcbmoud-Anundemonstrative, popular opinion for the term commencing March 4, Tst ro . ...... ...... which has given the Republican party 1903. Victor . ........ .... a platform upon which all Republicans Reveridge. silk halted and with a 334 can stand with no dissenting voice Yankee ........a. 32, ling in his hand, led a round of cheers. anticl or has lung here, any place, Great confusion and it was REGULAR CALL SALES. pared the action of this convention In difficult to controlreigned the audience. Ths 2.6IL 500 at Daly. adding to the national Republican tick convention was on ire feet and cries 50 at 23.60. Paly-Wes- t, et the name of Hcnator Fairbanks of for Fairbanks Invest in a piece of unimproved land? began. Indiana. I take pleasure in presenting Silver Shield. 1.000 at It was with difficulty that the chairIn Weber County? 500 at 4L honored his name, everywhere man obtained order, so hearty waa the Adjoining Improved farms? Tetro, 109 at IX throughout lire United States, as our demonstration for Mr. Fairbanks. Half mile from R. R. Station? candidate for vice president. Cannon announced that Fairbanks was Right next to Irrigation Canal? The firsi mention of Senator Fair- not in the hall. THURSDAYS SESSION Providing you can buy on monthly banks nams was the signal for cheers Senator Dnlliver was and payments? which were renewed when he formally offered a resolution recognized providing that Say $10 or $15 or $20 per month? (Continued from Page Three.) presented the nam of the Indiana sen Chairman Cannon shall head the comOr quarterly? American and Mr. subsided American the When honeety aior. applause valor, mittee to notify President Roosevelt. Or annual payment?. 8enstor Cannon aupremary. recognised Depew, The resolution was agreed to with And no Interest? both mandate a on pleasing the whose appearance platform s will. A resolution was offered hv "Obeying And no taxea? of on ths behalf great Caiumn with Chairman and supreme, grasping his Senator Nelson directing the secretary Tho owner to pay taxea and conem and tbe Minnesota mighty state of hand, was the inspiration for an out of the convention to prepare end pub- tinue to use the land until it is fully pi re of the northwest, whose growth I urst of applause. lish complete reporta of the nfflcfel paid for? fill will ever pare I introduce, although it Is not neceskeep and prosperity troceedlnps of the convention. Itnation with tli giant tread of the A resolution by Governor sary, begin Mr. Caution, not Sen Morph r inn ator. hut Cbaunccy Depew of New was passed expressing tbe ihanks self, I desire to second the nominal of of that (etrepld leader, that potent Tor." ihe convention to Sam r. A voice, Have you had your din chairman, hnd the membersRaymond, stales man. that master workmen upon of the the greater republic, that tried, tnieied ter? Chicago committee on mahageraent. the servant 1 am and Incomparable public about In say something shout also the committee of the national the dinners of the American iicupte,' rommittee; tbe citizens of Chicago, president now. the president to be Said piece of land will cost you (29 ROOSEVELT." THEODORE retorted the senator. etc., for the hospitable and perfert per acre. Mr. Cotton has a voice and he used Ilia speech was In second of the nomarrangements made for the conven$400 for 20 acres. it. Ills was another of the speeches ination of Fairbanks. He reviewed the tion. $600 for' 49 acres. that was heard In the remotest nook work of the party and the wonderful Announcement then was made of $1,200 for 60 acres. of the hall, and the fact that these development of the country and waa in the committees to notify the candiwere able to hear the speaker caused high favor with his vast audience. dates. tbe galleries to cheer repeatedly. As is usual, the closing was full of lie concluded with a second to the Address or Call on warm. The to grow hall The began nomination of Senator Fairbanks. confusion. The delegates enjoyed sun beat ami the out died wind had to llicinselvos while the officers strug HUNTER & Senator Fairbanks he declared KENNEDY, down on the great iron roof. Inside the fans and temperature rose rapidly and Room 6, First National Bank handkerchiefs papers fluttered ami snEsrav1 were called into play to protect colBuilding, Ogden, Utah. lars. inthe followed Prolonged applause troduction of Mr. Cummings, from Maryland Mr. Cummings was introldMk 31G552I duced as "an American aiiixen whose GRADE parents were brought up from slavery 4it years ego and will have mad more will receive 50 per cent on progress in one generation ihua any all picture taken within the i ace aver made before. Mr. Cummings showed that he had next 30 days at GASBERG'S A good time to leave Salt Lake been admonished to speak' plainly. City STUDIO, 276 26th St. for St, Louis at 1:15 p. m., when the A real ovation waa given Mr. Cura-minBurlington Routes as he closed after a lew modaily through simper leave. No'hssly breakfastments. Mr. Cannon thou advanced to 1 no hurried ing: packing; no running tbe front of the rusirnm and nt :"9 to catch early morning street cars. announced the roll can for nominae tions for president. The dark began AlaA good time to arrive in St. Loni states. When roll the by y (ailing at 7:19 a. ni.. when the Burlington bama responded with her cntiTc vote As a was cheer. Route's there Roosevelt for daily through sleeper get there. Street, nut no congested: hothe states followed In alphabetical orthe so with not tels full; places not so bard to der and each responded find. the Roosevelt," orde, "Theodore cheer waa repeated; as effort was made bv New Jersey to suspend further calling of the roll, bnt the convention protested loudly. Senator Platt Drop me a portal and I will wrtta had been on hi feet tn make the announcement for his state and when ail about IL you 2372 Washington Ave. his state was called, the convention betn excitement. the came enthusiastic cheer as Mr. BoynTexas also got R. F. NESLEN, General Agent. ton made tbe announcement Tor RooseCarpentering, Building, Re79 WEST SECOND SOUTH ST, velt. pairing and Remcdeling of Ticket Office, Oklahoma's response a as six voles Houses Promptly attended to. All from the next stale on the banner of SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. the Republic. work Guaranteed. Enquire of Chairman Cannon announced al the 545 Ole 16th street. Nelson, Theocall roll that conclusion of the Telephone 329-dore Roosevelt. had received the enhim to tire 994 votes ami SflSSEiU 22BISV Utah National Bank. WALL STREET MOUNTKG t Mj Humiliated for tbe presidency by the Republican party. The enthusiasm folios ing the was dutch than ;hai which followed the first call, the cheers not lasting over two minutes. ;.l r. Cannon then announced: "Ths dork will call the roll for the U- - be ." Ways are Winning Ways Mining Quotations, It Is evident out-luo- peculator In stocks. on the pari of those at leant who have sufficient means to expr&si their ronvicliona In la deoperationa in storks. Sentiment cidedly niiaed betwwn those who we current unfavorable news sufficient Iv discounted In tbe present declines snd who axpset ths developments to be toward Improvement and those who fnr continuance of shrinkage of trade in Industry. Instead of inducing opposing of speculative operations, this conflict'and opinion seems to paralyse activity even accentuate the conaervatlem and which prevails. This spirit ' timidity aeams to ha a fair reflection of that ex- -i luting tn the buslnees world at large, to aud its attention there is awaited an ottr ths security market either fur advance or decline. Amalgamated Corner's npMsponsIvanesa to news of a iwornhle Judicial decision la Montana urns regarded as highly significant of Du Qulescsuos at a part of capitalists .whoso market movements are closely , watched fbr leadership by tbs rank and lo of speculators. Increases In May "wot earnings hf reason of reduced op- -. , "crating expenses for Wabash and Cen-tral of New Jersey revealed a isndenc-from which much la hoped toward of capital. The failure of a acsavings bank In Massachusetts on efcount of "poor investments" was of fect on sentiment, rather from it exof such ample of a constant succession events than from its Individual import-aor- e, which was Insignificant. Ponds were firm. Total sales, par lvalue, 1170.000. V, A bonds were unchanged on call. r - New York, Juno 23. Sugar: Fair recentrifugal 96 test 3 fining S molasses ungar 8 Refined firm; crushed 6.60; powdered 6.00 granulated 4.00. COFFEE Quiet; No. 7 Rio 7c. 0; STOCK. OMAHA era and feeders 1.6004.10. Hogs Receipts 10,000. Weak to Dc mixed lower; heavy 4.07 hulk of sales 2.10 4.01 04.20. 1-- MONET AND EXCHANGE. New York, June S3. Close: Money call extremely easy per cent. 90 60 and dull' Time loans easy; tn days 202 S Prime mercantile paper 4 per cent. Sterling exchange heavy: bankers bills 4.17250 4 J730 for demand and bills. at 4.152504.8535 for 60 day Posted rates 4.86 and 4.88. Commercial bills 4.85 Bar silver, 66 Mexican dollars, 46. 0 1-- 7-- l lbs. 100 05 July 7 July 7 62V. 9 7 23i 7 Sept Short Ribs, per 100 lbs. 7 Vi 15 7 49 7 69 ! 624 Sept. 7 00 7 174 7 50 7 79 Cash quotations were as follows: Hour Dull and easy. Wheat No. 2 spring, 93096c; No. 3, red, 98099c. Corn No. 2, 48; No. 2 yellow, Suite. Oats No. 2, 4140414c; No. 3 white, 11044c. Rye No. 2, 65c. Barley Good feeding. 340 40c; fair to choice malt lug. 42052c. Flaxseed No. 1, UI1; No. 1 northwestern. fl.07. Tlmtdny Seed Prime, 82.92V',. Meet Pork, per bbl., $12.91)012.(15. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $6,950 6.97 Short Rib Sides (loose!, $7.3740 5095r; , I f Nov 2 iso. Short Clear Sides (boxed), $7,250 J.50. Whiskey, basis of high wines. Clover, contract grade, $10.75, $1.28. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS. Articles. Receipts. Shipments. 16.100 33.400 Flour, bbls. .... 57.900 17.000 Wheat, bii. .... 231.400 Corn, bu. . ...... ..2322100 OatS, bit. a ,aaaaa Rye, bu. ....... Barley, bu. .... CHICAGO ..113.6(H) .. .. 8.000 26.700 111.700 "6.500 PRODUCE EXCHANGE. On the produce exchange today the butter market waa eteady: creameries, 1340174c; dairies, 3 It, 16c. Kggs-Stead- y. Cheese Steady, 714 ft 8c. KANSAS CITY STOCK. Kansas City. June 23. Cattle Receipts 5.000. Market steady; native steers 4.250 6.40; cows and heifers 2 00 05.50; Stockers and feeders 2.750 4.75: bulls 2.500 4.25; calves 2.0004.50; western fed steers 4.0006.00; western cows 2.000 4.25. 1 Togs Receipts 7.000. Market steady: bulk sales 5.0(105.15: heavy 3.1005.22-1-2- : puckers 5.9005.15; pigs and lights 4.2501.07 1 2. 3.000. Market Flieep Receipts lamlis 5.00 Meadv, Muttons 4.500-5.25"16.80: range weathers 4.000 4.30; ewe, 4.5014.75. : 2. al, Daly-Juilg- e. 421 251HSL & & SUCCESS MARKET 2361 WASHINGTON AVE. Live and let Live" la our motto. We do not promise to aell you aomethlng for nothing. Our Meata are fresh. We endeavor to please everybody who patronizes the SUCCESS MARKET. The LILLIE BRAND LARD not made by a TRUST OUR LEADER, no compound or EASTERN LARD mixed with It Aak your GROCER for It J. T. Rushmer 2. 2. h, 1-- 1-- 4. 2. 4. THE 8. ELWOOD 2; 3: 3-- 4. 2; No. 1 bacon THE OREGON SHORT LINE TIME CAKU. (June .IS Phono ordora given special attention. NO. 4 FBONK 4. & BDRGI o o Phono 227 Y. 2-- 8. 3-- 4. 1 Daly-Judg- S. SLADE e e cy Rocco-yomesta- WANTED 1.000 MEN unload schooners at the Sharman's Ticket Office. ka a. If So 1 Salt Lake Butte and Pocatello 12:45 i.m. Express No. 11 SaltLake and Tintlc 6:55 pul No. I,- Salt Lake and d .11:20 am. No. 3 Salt Lake and Intermediate points 8:00 a.m. No. 8 Portland and Butte.. 7:00 o!m! No. 10 Butte end Pocatello 6:00 pm. No. 12 Cache Valley 10:30 a.m. Traina south of Jusb do not run - ... Mil-for- ... Sundays. D. W. CATTiS Proprietor. TIME TABLE San Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake R. R Co. 0' 0ICTOv,kV TIME CARD. Effective June 19, 1904. DEPART: No. 6 Mail and Express. . . No. 2 Overland Limited for Omaha, Council Bluffs, Denver, Kansas City and 2:50 p.m east daily No. 4 Atlantic Express for Denver. Omaha, Council Bluffs, Kansas City and nil 7:20 pm. points east, dallv Depet Third, West and South Tempi Sts Salt Lake City. EPART. For Provo, LehL Fairfield and Mercur, connecting nt Nephl for Monti and intermediate points on Sanpete Valley Ry.... 7:30 ARRIVE. For Garfield Beach, Totv Mam(To. 3 Pacific Express from ale; Stockton, moth, Baraka and SliCouncil Bluffs, Omaha. ver City (via LeamingDenver, Kansaa City and ) a a a a ton 3:50 a.m. aaa oeo &00 a m east, dally No. 1. Overland Limited For Provo, American Council from Omaha, Fork, LehL Juab, MilBluffs, Kansas City, Denford, Frisco. Callentes and nil points east, and intermediate points m ver 2:40 p.m. dailr ..... ... ARRIVE. 2:50 p.ia. No. 10l Fast Mail From Provo, American C. A. HENRY, Fork, LehL Jonh, MilTicket Agent. ford, Fri.co, Callentes G. H. CORSE, and intermediate points 9.35 g P. and F. A. jg From Provo, LehL Fai T. W. COLLINS, T. P. A and Sen-pet- e Said, Mer-- vr Vsllet Ry. points. 5.35 From Silver City, Mom- moth, EutoIul Stockton, Tooele and Garflold am cut-off- o r. B 5:35 p m Cheap Rates to St. Louis ALL TRAINS DAILY. Dally Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car Service between Salt Lake, Milford, Modena and Callentes. Direct stage and other Eastern points, via concoctions for nil Mining districts In southern Utah and It'evada. City Ticket Office, 201 Main Street TeL 356. For particulars, coll on or address agents, 8x! Lake Route, or J. L MOOR!?, District Passenger Agent . W. GILLETT, Gen. Pass. Agt 3 Trains Daily 3ma Write We can save you money. C F. WARREN, General Agent, No. 4il Ddoley Block, Salt Lake City. rlfrEKB o O jilSSSBOW lG2SC33 ALBERT. F. RICHEY. UNDERTAKER 'Phone 150. y. ibt-lure- ......a......... ARRIVE: Salt orqsbi Two Good Times For You. No. No. 9 1 C. A. HENRY, Ticket Agent To G. H. GORRK Lake Beer halt. Pass. A Ft. Agt., Utah. It la the place to get the longest and D. E. BURLEY, G. P. Ogden, A T. A.. tallest, the biggest and coldest schoonSalt Lake City. er of beer In town fbr five cents. Choicest whiskies brandies and wins and all kinds of soft drinks. Finest line of cigars in town. Call la everybody os you pass by and sample our goods Corner 25th and Lincoln avenue. Please Travel, BUTI .... 19. 1904.) DEPART: No. 7 Butte and Portland.. 12: 05 pm No. 9 Pocatello, Montpelier and Butte 1:23 a.m No. 11 Cache Valley 7:15 n.m' 12 No. SaltLake andTIntlc 10: 43 a.m No. 8 Salt Lake and Intermediate points No. 2 Salt Lake, Provo, Milford and nil points south No. 10 Salt Lake and intermediate points 4. 2; OGDEN e THE O Itan-nur- 1-- 2. WILL YOD CHICAGO FUTURES. Lard, per 6. s rvmstie, June S3. Cattle Receipts 1,000. Steady native ateera 4.5006. 20; cows juid heifers 8.200 4.40; stock 4 How Are Your Eyes? J. SUGAR, Phone 22. Ogden Steam Allen Transfer Company. Laundry. 4. New York, June 2S. Always Remember u k, k (bat convlrthms on tbe ultimate are by no means firmly field by At the Dances At the Theaters, or Catch a Train in a Hurry Winning friends and customers very day. Do you like your laundry dull finish, smooth finWe ish or some other finish? give you Just what you want; do tho work a little better than the other laanderen do It Try us und BEE. nmunr m Chicago Futures and San Francisco and Salt Lake Always on Time Our Laundry ck-rk- a fo Chicago anj the fcjfi over the only double-trarailway between tbe Missouri River snd Chicago. Excellent service Iw every particular. of One these trains, ths Overland $ Limited, is the most luxurious train In the world. Electric - lighted throughout. Direct connections at Omaha via Ti Line to St. Paul snd Minneapolis. ck North-Weste- rn Tickets, reservations and full information can be obtained from C. A. Walker, General Agent, Chicago d hwioi iM 5So M-West-m utk JKaio strcol, Salt Loss City, Itik, SSECS53EX3! Ry, E. G. W. TIME CARD IN EFFbtf JUNE 8TH. 1904. DEPART DAILY. No. 6 Atlantic Mall all points . East 0.U 9:30 No. 12. Salt Lake local No. 2, Chicago, 8L Louis lim- P lied No. 4. Atlantic Express, all 7;0 vm" points East ARRIVE DAILY. No. 6, Pacific Mall, Salt Lake H;4j '1 and nil points East Louis No. 1, Chicago and SL limited No. 11, Local from Park City 7:00 pand San Pete Valley No. 3, Pacific Express fro .. 12: all points East Om Through Sleeping rare to Chicago and SL Wml. New York Boston. Free reclining chair cars perfect dining cor service 03 . through tratnr. I. A. BENTON. Gen. Agt Pgr. Desalt Lake City. C. A. HENRY, Ticket Agent. OgaO. B. GILSON, Agent, Ogdea. |