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Show DAILY UTAH STATE FACE SIX. IN IKE JOURNAL. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15, 1908. DEMOCRATIC M GRAY DU TARIFF WALL STUMP Ladles low neck Minnesota's Governor Talks Poli- William J. Bryan Sends Vigorous Letter to New York Retics to 500 Kentucky BUT MOST vpcwiai iaiues in Summer Underwear and Hosiery form Club. Democrats. a.-.- j vesta Ladles' low neck'anj vests Ladles' low neck svi vests extra su . Fine Lisle vests 50e, s'i,rVe'fgl'15t . C 50c m Delaware Jurist Forced Into Pres- idential Race Over His Protest DOVER. Del., April 15. Despite llw written declaration of Judge George Gray that he could not under any circumstances conaent to have the dele gatM Inatructed for him, the Delaware state convention yesterday offl- daily p Laved his name before the Dentorracy of the country for that party's nominee for j reUlent of the United Slates. Judge Gray's declaration. i on tallied In a letter to Thomas F. llayard. chairman of the state committee, which was read to the conven-- 1 lino, came as a surprise to the dele- -' gates, but they did not hesitate an Instant to place him In the Held. All For Grey In moving the adoption of the platform, llr. Handy said that Judge tiray'e letter emphasised the modesty of hie character. It proves. Indeed," he said, "that we are not Inspired by any ambition of his. His fellow clttsens desire him to be president of the United States." The motion to adopt the resolution was carried with a hurrah. The unit rule resolution was unanimously adopted, and following Its adoption the convention ratlueu the nomination of the national delegates selected by the caucuses and adjourned. The delegation la as follows: William Saulsbury and Caleb 8. George Gray. of necessities to ths people; burdened a few, and has promoted the formation of gigantic Industrial trusts and fostered the establishment of monopolies. We demand the Immediate revision of the tariff bill." It la demanded that the Sherman anti-tru- st act shall be enforced against all Illegal monopolies. In concluaiun the platform mya: We believe that George Gray la the Democrat in whom the American people can moat safely put their trust. of Dover; Landreth Layton, His devotion to the constitution, his Georgetown; William T. Records, Lau- sympathetic union with ths great rels; Peter J. Ford, Wilmington; L masaea of the people, his passionate devotion to Justice and right and hla Irving Handy, Newark. modesty and moderation of character, Plank For Judge Gray mark him as the man beet fitted to lead The platform condemns ths present our government to the better and safer tariff law aa having Increased ths cost many industries In order to subsidise Pen-new- lll ways which made It glorious In the days of the fathers of the republic. His personality and career Illustrate the reform which the evils of our times demand. Hie judgment Is sound, mar and hla patriotism ture and and civic courage have been tested by many years of exalted public service. In urging his nomination we are not inspired by any ambition on his part, nor animated by mere state pride, but we are Impelled by a profound conviction that hie nomination will Insure a victory for our party at the polls and a great, wise and progressive Democratic administration for the general government. We, therefore, hereby direct and instruct the delegates this day elected to support, advocate and v j'e for George Gray for the presidential nomination." far-seein- g, BE WELL It Is a very Important feature to stylish dress. No matter how elaborate the hat or gown, all effect of taste Is spoiled It the proper footwear Is not In evidence. Now fust a word about what Is right TAN SHOES will be very popular this season. Our sales now are running ahead of our expectations and the makers of Un leathers as well as the makers of shoes art way behind their orders We have a very attractive line of exclusive styles for Men, Women and Children, and shall be pleased to have you call while the assortment is com plete. Ten Russian Calfskin, Bluchers, Oxfords and Pumps are shown in a variety of new effects for Men and Women. Ten Russian Calfskin Buttoned Boots for street wesr are being worn and we have a very smart line at $5. Just ths thing to finish out the high shoe season. A very handsome new shade of Tan Russian Calfskin In Men's blucher and regular pattern Oxfords on new custom lasts, plain and perforated foxlngs, brass eyelets, tO 9500 Womens Tan Pumps and Ties The largest assortment and the most attractive styles, we have ever shown In Tan Shoes are now ready and we Invite your Inspection at your earliest convenience as later there will be increased difficulty In gttlng such desirable shade. Pries range Is $2.50 to $4.00 For Footwear of Quality DEE-STANFO- RD SHOE CO. NEW YORK. April 15. With a letter of Indorsement from William J. Bryan and vigorous speeches on tariff reform the tariff reform committee of the Reform club last night opened what promises to make a vigorous campaign for th revision of the tariff. Ths occasion was a dinner of the committee at the Hotel Astor, attended bjr more than one hundred and fifty members and guests. Mr. Bryan's Letter Mr. Bryans letter, addressed to Brysn W. Holt of the eonrtnlttee, waa received with applause. It follows: I regret that I cannot he present at the tariff reform dinner. Tariff reform Is sure to occupy a prominent place in the coming campaign, and our cause la greatly strengthened by the confessions that are now being made by Republican leaders." Secretary Taft has, through the convention of his State, declared In favor of an extra session of Congress to convene March 4, and Vice President Fairbanks, not to be outdone, hae declared for a special session to be convened immedlatetiy after election. The gentleman from Indiana seems to be four months ahead of the Secretary of War, and two other candidates, Senator Knox and Governor Hughes, are yet to be heard from. Cauae of Excitement The excitement la increasing, and It may yet b necessary to require the candidates to submit sealed bids for the tariff reform sentiment In order that all may be upon equal footing. Those who platform last, platform OPEN (Ul air secure v LUD Fin 01 CHICAGO, April 15. Lisle union .!, V trimmed pants . Ladies- - Lisle union so-- s' tee, lsce trlmmi ..LMi Good quality cotton -fyking. 12,,'a per pair. rtbw New Lace Waists. The M. M. tVYKES Ol 2335 WartiingMn Utahna Theater $10.00 IN CASH PRIZES will he given away even- night week to the lucky mimed holders. Ragular prices 10 DONT FAIL . go thl seg ao TO SEE. TRILBY." WB HANDLE GRAIN AND FEED of the best quality only. We find we get mere steady customers that way and hold thsir trade. If dissatisfied where yea are trading give ue a ealL CHAS. F. GROUT DEALER N SEEDS, HAY A GRAIN 952 24th Street Allen Transfer Co. Albern Allen, Mfr. rtMC 22. I 412 25th stmt DIRECT 2:12 Standard and Reg, 44,249 By Direct 2:05 2 sire of 20 in 2:15, in 2:20 and 70 In 2:25. Hfe dam 41 the Great brood mare Francesca, b 1-- K t Almont 29, she having produced I H rect 2:12 2. Sable Frances 2:17 -t Erosment 2:22, Guyelaca 2:!4.8tdnnKi 1- and Earl Medium, sire of MV Kanawha Star 2:14 Bird 2:12 wiU Tom Martin 2:14 4 etc. I Direct make the wesson of 1005 at the Feb 1:27 UTAH A 1-- 4, 1-- PISSES A movement fo abolish complimentary tickets la one of the Important under consideration at the meeting of the Middle West theatre matters annual Theater which convened yesterday at the Sherman House. Managers of theaters In a doxen states are In attendance, and a project to extend the activities of the association, making it a national organisation, will be considered. W. W. Bell, manager of La Belle Theater In Pittsburg, Kan., Is president of the association. FOur hundred playhouses are represented In the convention. Another Important matter considered at the meeting Is that of discontinuing certain classes of advertising. Moat of the managers agree that newspaper advertising affords the only profitable medium for promoting theatrical' publicity. One of the prlnci pal objects of the association la to project managers and the public against worthless attractions, and In this It has been highly successful. Managers association, Ladies' beet But It will h seen that all the Republicans reformers give more space to defense of the protective system than they do to the need of tariff reform, and the fact that they have allowed al these yean to pus without any effci to respond to public sentiment on this subject and the further fact that they even now refuse to make the slightest concession, even where the rates are over 100 percent, ought to convince the tariff reformers of the nation that a reduction of the tariff cannot be entrusted to the' Republican party. The Democratic party, looking at the question from the standpoint of the taxpayers rather than from the LABOR LEADERS standpoint of a few beneficiaries, and strengthened in their position by" the fact that our manufacturers are celling abroad cheaper than at home, ought to bo chic to make a successful appeal to those who want to restore th government to Its old foundation and make It a defender of the rights FORT WORTH. Tex, April 15. With thousands of union workmen In of alL the city, and a program Including ad' Very truly. dresses by Governor Tom Campbell, WILLIAM J. BRTAN. President Samuel Gompers of the The President Retires American Federation of Labor and After the reading of Mr. Bryan's President Charles Barrett of the National Farmers Union, the largest labro and other letters, John D Witt Warmeeting ever held in Texas was op- ner, who presided, stated that he had ened In Fori Worth yesterday. Six written to Poultney Bigelow to aacer-tai- n the possibility of President State and Interstate labor bodlea will hold eeaelona here during the next few Roosevelt attending the dinner. Mr. days and many entertainment includ- Bigelow's .reply, he said, contained the ing a great harbecue. will be lntes par- Information that the president wished to be dropped from the rolls of the sed between the business sessions. The conventions are the State con Reform dub, for the reason that he ventlons of the Brotherhood of Loco- was a Republican before he waa a motive Firemen and Engtnemen, the tariff reformer. Order of Railway Conductors, the Among the speakers at the dinner Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, were Henry T. Rainey, Miss Ida M. the State Federation of Labor, and the Tarbell, William Lloyd Garrison and district meeting of Electrical Workers Herman Bidder. of the Second district embracing Tex' as, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arisons. The State executive committee of the Farmers union Is also In session. FREE Mens Tan Low Shoes $350 LOUISVILLE. Ky., April 15. Governor John A. Johnson of Minnesota was given his first formal Introduction to the Democrats of Kentucky at the banquet of the Jefferson dub Monday night, at which he delivered the prtlclpal address. The welcome accorded him waa enthusiastic, 500 diners siting down st tables in the Seel bach hotel roof garden, while the remainder of the garden waa filled with auditors by the time was speaking began. Democratic A number of Kentucky leaders were present, although pronounced political flavor waa mitigated somewhat by the presence of Governor Wilson, .Kentucky's Republican Willson journeyed from Frankfort to meet Governor Johnson, and It was he who delivered the address of welcome and Introduced hla fellow executive to those present. Governor Johnson's speech, which was brief, touched upon Democratic principles and the development of the Jefferneeds. sonian doctrine by pwwmt-da- y What the Governor Said Govmor Johnson eaid: Expediency never got a nation anything, it never got a people anything It never will get the Democratic party anything. When the Democratic party in Its national convention plants Its cause on the grounds of expediency and adopts a platform baaed on expediency, it cannot win, and It ought not to sin. What we want today la to go before the people with a patriotic, manly declaration and ask for the concurrence of the people In that declaration. The Democratic party has not always been worthy of Thomas Jefferson, but he has always been worthy of the Democratic party. He waa worthy of it because he was not a weather vane In politics; he was there yesterday and tomorrow, and if the Democratic party la to build wisely and well, It sill stand by Thomas Jefferson and ths things ha stood for, and abate the wrong wherever it might exist. I know it may be a long road to the victory which we all want to see come. If we have the patience to endure; if sre have the faith that ought to be In ua, and If we have the intrepidity s'hich ought to bo characteristic of a Democrat, we wilt get there." WASHINGTON, April ter the Uintah forest 15. Soon af- reserve was Grounds In Ogden, Utah. established it waa decided to withdraw 52.044 acres of land so reserved for the Strawberry valfey Irrigation project TERMS! I2SJ0 for the eese". " For several years these lands have Gat extended psdiri been credited against the 1600,000 ad sura return. vanced by the government to the from F. W. HORTON, Keeps Uintah reservation Indiana It Is Utah however, that It would be a good Or A. & FELL, Owner, Ogden, ptan permanently to attach these lands to the Strawberry valley project and with this purpose In view Senator MANAGEMENT NEW UNDER Smoot has had several conferences with the secretary of the Interior. The at. favorable to the proposition ptrF to dispose of these lands at a rate of 11.25 an acre to those who have the Strawberry valley propect In hand, but this cannot be done under existing law unless the lands In question are Street paid 336 Twenty-fift- h for outright On the other hand, the People Interested have not the necessary funds available. H. PATTIS0N, Prop. Smoot with, the approval the secretary of the Interior, will, ... Etc all probability. Introduce a bill to Choicest Wines, Liquors, provide for the sale of the 52.000 acres Look at Our New referred to at a price of 11.25 an sera, Stand. Beet of Importwith the understanding that payments ed, Key Weft and ooy be distributed over a period Domestic Cigar ywx. and the funds . thus obtained credited to the Indian accounts. It California and Eastern believed that this will redound to t.. wire far ell aperting reet best Interests of the government and also result In adding a large ract of available Irrigable land to Utah's agricultural area. Journal want ads deliver the gs OGDEN CANYON SANITARIUM First ear leaves depot 10:15 a. m. excepting Sundays, 9: IS a. m. Last ( car leaves Sanitarium 10:15 p. m. Can every 94 minutes. real-fee- d. OGDEN TURF EXCHANGE tr |