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Show SATURDAY, ,, APR-- FAGZ EIGHT. Ecclee David and M. S. Browning School Children Close Important Implement Deal. Browning confirmed the report thia morning tint he end ra Id Ecde w- -a purchased the control of the L Uh Vehicle A Implement company of Salt ljLke City. Mr. Browning aa'd, however, that the report that the Utah Vehicle A Implement company and the Morton Implement company of thia city weiw to be conaolidaed and conducted under (Hie general management had no real foundation in fact. He control 4, the local concern and thia fact haa no doubt given rlae to the talk of consolidation, hut If there la ever a consolidation of the two Institutions, It la atilt tar In tha future. They Secure Central Mr. Browning and Mr. Ecdea th Intereat of J. G. Groendyke of Chicago who held 11 per cent of the stock Issued. Thia gives the Ogden mrn control of the Malt Luke City concern. Capital la to bo put into tha with bneinees and it la to bo pu-hvlr.or from thia time or In the g. niaatlon which tool: piece yesterday kl. B. Browning. Pavld Kccle. W. S. V Comtek, John Q. C .ehow and A, It 1' vine weie choa-- n (.liwtor. Mr. Oro-ndy-ke and IHn r U. Jones dropped 11. S. pur-chaa- ed . ed l Thia deal was MfitlaN entirely by John Q. Crltchlow who was In charge of the business. George A. Snow inay h'tve represented M. Groendyke who llvea in Chicago but ho was not known the OgVn in the transaction so fa men are concerned What tha Daal Meana n' Tht rtah Vehicle A frpl.wci.t waa rriglnalljr inccrpoiati'd fer 758.000, but only 101.000 worth of the remain-iii- g tlrk was ietued, th ba'a-i-- umleraUnd-i.r Tin In the tetaaury and Mr. Fela the I Mr. Bmw-ln- g re secured la cntlr- - hoUHnge cf Mr. Groendyke giving them foir fifths of t:i- - laued stock. The corporation ha hem handicapped for lack of capita! f.om tha beginnlnr, T'lat lack will rw be overcome. It a lit Intention f tbf new men to irV cf the iTtah Vehicle A Implement company one of the leaders In thia line if bun nece in m-i- e u. Intot-moun- ta n Will Plant Two Interesting Tests Made Eighth Grade Divisions Arbor Day, April 15. On Friday. There will be a general cleaning up on Arbor Day, Wednesday, April 15, according to the plana outlined by William Allison, superintendent of the city schools The boys In the schools have been requested to clean up the yards, both front and rear, at their homes and some of them are ouay at It today. The city haa been ta.jued Into districts and boy Inspectors have been named. They will Inspect each district and make a report to the principal of the school, on a blank provided for that purpose of tha work accomplished. In addition to thia, however. It le the Intention of making a feature of the day the planting of rose bushes. Arrangements have been made with the nurseries for a supply of 8,006 roes bushes, that will bloom this year and those the puplla can obtain at a reduced rate and In this way much can be done to beautify the city. If 8,000 new rose buahea are planted Arbor Day Ogden will be a garden of roses by midsummer. At Portland 6.000 rose buahea were planted on Arbor Day. All members of Ogden City Improve ment League are requested to meet at the City Hall at 10:48 a. m. Arbor Day. From there they will proceed to Lester Park to participate In tree planting under the directions of the Board of Park eommlaaloners. Tha Mayor and members of tha city county are also Invited to meet with the City League and participate In the exercises which will be wholly Informal and will afford an opportunity for all to learn more f the plane of the Park Commission era and for a general discussion on tree planting. The public is Invltted. J. C. NYE, Pres. Trass are all Goad The unloading and planting of the Mg carload of trees received by the City Improvement League la being continued today under direction of William T- - Stillwell, park superintendent. The trees end shrubbery are being stored In the rear of tbe city halL All pneeed the inspection of the County Tree Inspector, Raasmuaaen who has carefully gone over the consignment. An Interesting spelling test was made In tbe A. division of the Eighth Grades through out the city schools yesterday. This la the class that will enter the High school in Bepember. The test la quits a severe one In the opinion of school men. While the words are In common use. they are by no meana simple. The words were selected from the pages of the dally newspapers. They were given to the puplla without preparation. The following Is the list Of 28 word: Attorney, revenue, strength, disaffection, diagnose, freely, panacea. Innocent, Insurance, ancient, opportunity, senator. Individual, freight, operate, experience, suicidal remedy, hence, develop, anxious, situation, vicinity, occur, believe. The schools and their averages appear below: Lewis school, 87 per cent: school, 80.6 per cent; Dee school, 71.1 Madison school, 85.6 per cent; Grant per cent; Mound Fort school, 86.6 per cent; Washington school, 64.7 per cent While the test waa made for the advanced division of the Eighth grade it wee also given to the B Eighth. In some schools the B grade excelled those of the advanced division. The record la as follows: Madison school, 62.7 per cent; Madison school, 70.6 per cent; Grant school, 71.2 per cent; Mound Fort school, 72.4 per cent; Dee school, 72.1 per cent; Dee school, 71.6 per cent; Central school, 70.1 per cent; Central school, 70.1 per rant; Washington school, 65.6 per cent; Lewis school, 61 per cenL two-year-- ARE FIXED AT $200 Oliver White, arrested Thursday under the new law which provides that parent shall take care of their children until the latter are of age, was arraigned before Judge Murphy this morning and his bonds fixed at 8300. White will be given hie preliminary hearing next Tuesday afternoon. It la alleged that he left a wife and babe, only a few months of age, deetltute and depedent upon ( the home for support and that he had refused to contribute anything to the support of hla wlf or little one. n Ort-nde- lilt Increased Production of More salt was produced In the Halted States In 1901 than In any previous year, and the value of the product was greater than In any year since 1890. The quantity waa 8 944,138 abort tons, or 28,172,880 barrels. valued at I8.6fi8.850, a gala of 208,871 tons, or 2,206,588 barrel!, over the production la 1905. Thia Increase la production waa accompanied by a alight increase In price from 11.68 to 91.88 per too not sufficient, according to some producers, to offset the Increased coat of labor and supplies. Any bread baker of ability will tell you Ita all in the flour, that's why ao many of the success fu ones UB( Riverdale Flour A charity worker of New York said the other day about Miss Gladys Van- derbilt: When thia good and charming girt goes to Hungary, I know of certain hospital wards where she will be missed.1 He paused and smiled. But let me tell you," he said, of an Incident that befell Miss Vanderbilt last year. There waa a childrens hospital which she visited regularly, taking fruit and flowers to the little patients, and In a certain ward a boy waa pointed out to her one day aa a bad customer. Oh, he la Incorrigible,' sighed the nurse. Miss Vanderbilt talked awhile with the little chap, and when she arose to go she said: See here, I have heard bad reports about you. Kow, 1 want you to promise me to be good. If you are good for a whole week I'll give you a dollar when I come again next Thursday. The boy promised to try to be This promise, though he did good. not keep. On her next visit Miss Vanderbilt, going to his cot, said: 1 shall not ask the nurses how yon have behaved this last week. I want you to tell me yourself. Now, what do you think do you deserve that dollar I promised you, or not? The bey regarded Miss Vanderbilt with a troubled frown. Then he said In a low voice: 'Gimme a nickel." & Elevator Company A Daring Inventor. Inventors balk at no obstacles. One of these agents of progress haa devised a plan for Inducing women on leaving street cars to step off forward Instead of backward. If thia Invention works the discovery of the secret ot perpetual motion will sem less hopeless. . Made by Ogden Milling Youngster Evidently Waa Aware of Hla Own Shortcoming. JEWELRY AROUND EASTER J. S. LEWIS & rn Is becoming more and more popular as gifts. It is ao much more lasting and acceptable than other offerings. We are to show you a prepared variety of jewelry you cannot see elsewhere. Come and see how glad you would be to receive some of It as a gift. Then think how acceptable It would be from you. OOLD and SILVERSMITHS , POPULAR DANCES AT SYLVAN PARK Beginning with a social dance Arbor Day evening, April 16, the management of Bylvan park will Inaugurate a aeries of dances to be continued throughout tha eason. This will not, however, be the format opening of the park which will coma soma time later, Manager & T. Richardson announces that everything In connection with this popular resort, will bo conducted on the same moral plan which- made tha park ao successful last summer. The resort last summer waa made one of the rleaneat and most delightful of Ita kind In the atate and the atamp of public approval was placed on the good order which prevailed, aa waa evidenced by the box office receipts. This season, i manager Richardson has announced. It la expected to add some Improvement features and make the resort even more popular than last summer, If that be possible. The social hop next Wednesday night the first of a series to follow at regular Intervals and the pavilion will be enclosed. Refreshments will be served free and the mualo will be provided by an augmented orchestra of ten pieces. The officers of the Bylvan Park Co., remain the same this year aa last, with E. T. Richardson, president and J. S will be Bpargn, Embroidery in the Thousand Rose Bushes On DESERVED ONLY A NICKEL. OLIVER WHITE'S BONDS THE SCHOOLS A ROSE GARDEH AT THE HELM vice-preside- nt. Begins Monday a list of crisp, white em- white goods are wanted. We offer broidery at prices which will positively take the white out before the week ends. 30c Corset Cover Widths for 18c Widths for Dainty Embroideries aet Covers, very wide, the regI6o ular 10c value for $2.50 Corset Cover Leng $1.33 hree brides and three grooms, all the Balt Lake Temple Wednesday, are In Ogden the guests over Bunday of George W. Larkin, who by the triple wedding has become an uncle three times over, the contracting parties In the three connuMal ventures being nephews and nieces of Mr. Larkin. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Wofflng.r, Mr. and Mrs, Abe Goats and Mr. and Mrs C. R. Wing form the sextette of newly weds Mrs. Wofflngcr was formerly Miss Agnes Goats. Mrs. Abe Goats, until her marriage waa Mrs. Alta Hart ofXampa, Idaho, and "Mrs. Wing's maiden name was Mira Violet Taylor. The young people are all from Lehi and after their visit In this city will continue to Nampa. Idaho, where the three grooms will replace their wedding garments with working clothes and resume their labors for the ytah Sugar company. The trio of blushing brides are charming young ladles and their respective husbands are held In highest esteem In their communities. wedded In Mexican Alois. Two tahleapoonfula of blanched almonds, three tablespoonfnle of rice. Grind the almonds fine first, then the rice, then mix; add a cup of sweet milk and cook In n double holler until tbe mixture thickens. Add salt or sugar to test tod serve. 2; embroid- Oata-Op- 58 2; en. dosed, 48. 88 2; 53 8.8. cover, 1.56 Length complete length Mc Onc-ha- lf All white goods will be cheaper next week. of Embroideries we offer a sale of white materials for Waists, Dresses, etc. This reduction will bo applied to our whole White Stock and will make an attractive feature In connection with the EMBROIDERY BALE. With sal Goth Free $100 with Cluny Table 1.00 purchase In tha Art De- every A chance 1 partment. WRIGHTS coal miner. Men who know say that tha American, English and Welsh miners generally speaking, earn mors money and are more profitable to the cool than are the average man, companies THE another thing in their favor, they generally appreciate fair treatment nnd try In return to do a fair day's work. It I generally conceded th- -t the plan adopted by Jease Knight at all hla properties haa resulted In hla obtaining more and better labor for the money the official of an learned waa from It Elk Coal Company that tha company's coal camp would bo unique in that there will be no saloon allowed within Ita border. Bo far aa their town Is concerned there will be absolute prohibition. It la planned to furnish only such recreation as la not harmf il o good dtiaenahlp. Only such aa Hatha, Bowling Alleys, etc., will be operated and the company expects to attract ta their camp a class of miners w:o will appreciate such invlronment. The official stated that IV company had made a careful Invests Cioii to determine the number of coal miners wl one general character waa such that they would naturally iircfer such eu commit ms to their with all nationalities and kinds of me-lwas learnt d from this Inquiry that the number likely to be attracted by such a condition far exceeded the total number of men desired by the company. It will be their general plan to treat their men fairly, giro them opportunity to Improve their general condition, provide schools and places of worship and generally cater to the higher pad of prer-'-n-t assoclatl-m- t SUITS for expended that the companies whole policy la mors exacting. The Elk Coal Company will adopt similar method and should fuccqpd In the same way. SANITARIUM 10:15 a. m. m. US a. 8:15 excepting Sundays, car leaves Sanitarium 10:15 p. m. Can OBDEH CANYON First car leaves depot every SO minutes. Do you know that leather U made from the aklna of animal? Imitation leather skins the people, Wo have a fina fasthsr case (cowhide) for $6. If you want to get the belt made trunk for your money buy tha D. I. Gallacher trunk direct from our factory In the ' Grand Opera house block. Save the middle man's profits Wa manufacture all trunks according to our Ideas gained by years of experience of how a trunk should be mods We sell retail only at low and prices. Our trunks, bag FREE suitcases are always the highest quality In every respect 1,000 fine Calf Skin Leather Name Tags will be given away until May lot. Trunks Repaired D. I. Gallacher Trunk Co. Opera House Block' the Ogden, Utah STRENUOUS In these hustling days when effective rapacity is heralded as true success and men lead what is termed the strenou s life, it is impossible for them to give the required thought and attention to details in dress. A has only to We come here and well fit him are selling the very latest in Spring Clothing suits made with all the skill known to the tailoring art pushed-for-business-m- an up-to-the-min- ute. $10 to $35 1-- 4: 5-- 8; dosed. 2; Cover contains material to IL8S pries 2. 47 93c Thousands of pieces which the mills have left, we buy thi-ivery cheaply; plecea contain from one to six yards and are all hung on Unas for easy choosing tha price will be about half of tha regular selling price. ery to complete the cover, sale CHICAGO GRAIN CHICAGO. April 11. The following quotations on grain were reported to day: Wheat Open. 61 high. II low. It 1.2; dosed, 12 Corn Open. 67 high, IS 8, low Lengths Thia Corset Mill Ends For About) This place contains sufficient a very handsome 22c Dainty Embroideries for Corset Covers, very wide, tha reg22c ular 40c values....... for Cor, of $L50 Corset Cover 40c Corset Covers gs HE 18 AN UNCLE THREE TIMES OVEK ESJaj high. IS 7-- 8; low WATSON-TANNE- R CLOTHING 376 24thjL |