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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL. PAGE TWO. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2. IK. of eo many chorus girls In vile New Tork city who could - WISCONSIN PEARL HUNTING, not be good. If they would, and who would not if they j Digging Clams for tha Valuable Gem wuld. for they are harlots by choice. OGDEN, UTAH. Twenty Years Ago. : Defending the honor of a woman who hasnt any by an : Publishers honest man la Indeed an undertak:ng, and yet. when this I . Journal Publishing Company, aeema indeed d. it the a la carried depth toss by EnS one dug general, (Incorporated.) of infamy. Published every evening except Sunday. clams, aaya Outing Magaxiae. Mills " stopped and the water was drawi ' Telephones. doubt but this case would have from the mill ponds that tha people no There la possible Bell 484 1 ring. Ind. CM 1 ring. assumed no Business Ofllce special Importance In the public eye but for might get the mussels more easily. Editorial Rooms. ...BeLl 884 1 rings. Ind. CM 3 rings, :he remarkable defense attempted under the clrcum-jtsnce- s. Previous to 1865. according to the $300,000 worth of Stanford White was a moral leper, preying oa government report, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. found In Wisconsin were pearls rot-nC.0 girls but his taking off at the hands of a degea Sugar river alone yielding $10,000 ho-- , Hr mail one year LM ? rate who nevef did a noble act in hie life waa the Ey mail six months. fore becoming exhausted. At that 1M By mail three months. result of Insane jealousy and not tha prompting of a noble time river pearls vers not valued aa one month. mail Uy minded man. it would have been very much better for highly as orientals,1 but now they By carrier one month SevPay no money to Carriers. society If Thaw too had been killed la that encounter on are eagerly bought by Jewelera. were factories button eral ago year theatre. Madison Bquara the roof garden of the established at various points on tha s e e e matter at the pustofllce at Entered as second-cla- ss H76. river. Men collected clams March of I. of Act under Congress Utah, Ogden, And there Is still another phase of this affair, for now Mississippitha shells to these factories and sold ha will General Manager. cornea tha farce of tha madhouse, and an attempt B. A. BOWMAN to bo mads Into pearl buttons. Boms t tenuously made to prove that Thaw not only was not pearls were found and another craxaj NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. rsane at the time of killing White hut he haa never In soon started. Men flocked to the river You eheuld receive your paper net later than 1:48 p. m. ell hie Ufa shown a single symptom of even weakness In j from all walks of Ufa. Whits men. If net received at that hour call Phone 664 and it will be I red men, black men. brown men and ' mind still lees Insanity. sent you by special mescengcr. ' women, all came, though after a eon unleaa celleetere er ore corn to other no money Pay Thera will be other experts to testify exactly the undersigned. of month sun, wind and river water they preoent credential from will haired (rid the and gray carriera or col lectors be trary to the evidence just given Under no eircumetancee I coffee, racial characteristics were not allowed to take Stops. All notices of this kind must be mother will steep her soul, if nesd bs, In Infamy, to clear J conspicuous. given to this office direct or by letter, or in person, or this degenerate son. And then pine away and die. la the summer of 1602 It waa said phene 664, one ring. mad farce tha of the and soon be free will Thaw 20,000 men were clamming on that JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO, be closed. And not untU then. will then Incident and its tributaries. la the house Mississippi A. B. BOWMAN, By the spring of the next year the nub General Manager, waa even greater, but this did not last BUSINESS AND TRADE long. Owing to tha ovarflshlng of the previous season, tho market was aloverstocked and tha price of ready Balt Lake Tribune says: The special business had dropped so low that by sheila the of the week are noted in the efforts 'iff few . boats were July comparatively mins owners to obtain rsllcf from th smelter situation. at work. Many enormous beds that THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF WEBER COUNTY. An Important meeting wee held in Ogden on Friday evenwere thought to be taexliaustible bad club I Weber the with men county Balt imeMng Lake given, out, tha buyers rejected ing, OGDEN THE COMMERCIAL CENTRE there with a view to the taking In of the now idle smelter 1 many (only about a quarter of those even at tha lab there and making it the necleue of a large Independent caught were salable, tha river waa of tha ter enseason) part and one, earnest great an plant. Th meeting was Is th gateway to tha greatest deserted. almost Ogden busi-nee POSITIVELY couragement waa given to the Balt Lake men by the raising and mining region on the face whole matter, of th Th of men pmctlcabllity Ogden. of the earth. Vast fields of waving grain; stock roaming upon the possibility of obtaining common hlngee however, on will and a In thousand at hills; fruits vegetables great rates for such simlter. If successful In this, the abundance, make It Indeed a garden of Eden. One where railway of this movement declare that they will proevery desire of the human mind can be entirely satisfied. promoters of that smelter at Ogden, which Climatic oonditlona ars favorable neither cold In ceed to the enlargement of two hundred and flfty aa claimed, a haa now capacity, winter nor hot In the summer for. the waters of Great that It would ha easy mrM tempi Is a cow house, and aver The tone promoter day. per to Balt Lake temper the winds to tha shorn lamb. Tha I to make from this unit a very large Independent emelting the whole life of the people Is gov Is truly salubrious. is claimed, further, that the farmers of the reg-- 1 I erned by the most rigid observanceTranscontinental lines centre here and hence la a com- plant: It this , proposed Independent smelter have of th routine of dairy work, every domon point tor freight tariffs North, south, east and west ions surrounding of which Is performed with tho easement rights and release of claims for damage I tall most elaborate ritual. They afona can these lines tap tha Inexhaustible stores of wealth in the given I alluvial lands and the'graxlng fluids for several hundred from amok and fume. perform th duties iff milking and but ter making ho have bean duly consa-Wltmiles around. In these euro unding districts smaller thrivaa to the wisdom f I crated for this worh by fasting and divided publicly preachers ing and prosperous towns are in evidence, for which Ogden be expected to he of I the performance of mysterious rites, la a supply point, and it le a conceded fact that the jobbing naval expansion, mere laymen cannot Reprinting the only priesthood. houses of this city carry a largrr stock and better grade on. mind upon th. subject I they are compelled after their Initia g of goods than any town West of tha Mississippi. And. tion for th rest of their days to play One of Mr. Bryans personal representatives has Qf jI being tha competitive point for more line of railroad than I juryman. Th lesser s head off Mr. Bryan I marry, bnt tha high priest prfMta any other city in the section named, the freight chargee ed the men who are scheming to I must be celibate, at least tor a gives oa all daaaes of merchandise, farm and mining machinery I nomination "Undesirable democrats." I Nrtod of years. Polyandry is tbo its- I ... sail do can and ,-g in houses Ogden being lees, the large much- - j Uy rule, but divorce is unknown, Borne man seeking Identification with s real and goods cheaper than any other city in the west which of curtailment tha for reform should start an agitation prat ends to do a jobbing trad. too 1 long. Ifa entirely lying. season for campaign Brigands New Mtsns ef Extortion. Then there la th mining Industry of Utah, Nevada, th open Even cremation has been made to to looks which this city Montana, Idaho and Wyoming We take It that none of th editors who are worrying observe the purpoees of tha brigsnd for all lines of supplies, and millions of dollars worth of an able to in a manner la which those Interested goods and machinery are annually sent out to th very over Mr, Bryan's heavy traveling expenses t Blraaburg ought to take not. lecture. a prom loins camps la the states named. Being the gate- pull down- $500 for elngl there is a crematorium with a deposway to this vast and prosperous region and th point for nrn attached. Front this such a bad itory from Irhlch supplies can be more qutckly received, it Is Congressman Kimball, of Kentucky, haa then disappeared soma days place ha Is already arranging ago th urn containing h ashes of perfectly natural tha people shmild. order their goods, case of ingrowing gn patience that About him. slow all at two members of a wealthy family wares and merchandise from buslnrss establishment In tha Bryan cabinet Nothing Berta. The poltr hava been named of merchandise, Ogden. Tbs' very full and complete lines know Rooae- - qnita unable to obtain any cine but not would he said who that In th congressman with The stock, certainty machinery, etc., always no trouble to ly HA notified tha quality la tbs very best and th. price th lowest on velt If ht met him on the street would have other evening th phone I on a murder jury. such goods, makes it the eligible point from which to do qualfylng for service at nrn would Daily Utalt Stair Slnuntal Grand Opera House ATTKACnON EXTRAORDINARY ' Night, Feb. Wednesday Occasion Ernest The Beal Society Presents the g ...... ................ ........ J THE . cll-ma- h 1- 'I business. I that the restoration cost them Fr,h00. q, Tin near-ric- h state treasurer of Michigan F. P. Glas- resigned, by request, the governor has ap- Thera are churches and schools and college of learn-- 1 ler having in th person of ing, fully up to that standard of perfection attained in the pointed the real thing to bo treasurer, I T. Rich, largest cities of th East; street railways, electric lighting former Goevrnor John . q and power plants; commodloue stone and steel business! I of some of the practical notion the on much a credit reflect would Notwithstanding larger city; blocks, which I and then thero is a great volume of pure spring water which politicians that Taft was a tenderfoot." hee heen making rushes and dashes from the mountain side, in a perfect a noise like a pretty 'slick political manager alnca he got torront and not only furnlehea ample water and power for Into th game personally. all purposes, but thouxande of horsepower has not yet When President Rooaevelt keeps quiet he gets Just aa been harnessed or brought under the, control of man. as when he does the Big Ogden to not only an Ideal business point for legiti- many knocks from his critics handNola stunt. He couldnt please em anyway, and. between mate Investments, with the positive assurance of can one where town home a us. w have sneaking notion that ho doesn't try. some returns, but it la also 1 pro-which world the convenience enjoy every blessing and No matter what you may think, wouldnt it be more duces. In on all fours with a square deal to wait until the Cubans Keep your eye on Ogden for It will positively double ten are again trying to walk alone before starting In to pro- population and buatnesa Importance within tha next diet how soon they'll take another tumble? years. the 1 Globe. Noble Birth. Shipman Co-Star- s Herbert Kelcey and Effie Shannon In the Iondon New York and Success Tho Uollls of Jericho By Alfred Sutro A Drama of Intensity and Purpose. Production of Proper Cast of Special Distinction. Detail. Prices $L50, SL00. 75c, 50c and 25c Trick of Young Girl Yields cial Returns. Good Finan- The daughter of a farmer living on the shores of Chesapeake hay, where wild ducks are found la greater numbers than anywhere elan in tha United States, has proved herself a better hunter than uy of the men who make a living by iL She noticed that at one spot hundreds iff ducks came ashore to eat the sorrel plant She got a peck of com, v ked it for two days in whisky, and then at night scattered It on th ground. Her father laughed at the idea, bat he laughed too soon. Th next morning a large number of fct ducks came ashore for the sorrel, but took the com instead. The result was that over $0 of them were made so drunk that they were easily captured oa the shore or by a boat, and tha girl mad over $25 at one haul. Perhaps ducks shouldn't ha tempted to become drunkards, but it is certainly an easy and profitable way to gather them la for the market Th wonder la if th people who eat them will also become hilarious? . In London Tews While shopping In London aa An lean school teacher was very taken with a pair of beautiful lace e tains The price of them, hovew seemed prohibitive Being only t teacher, she said, I am ml g coarse, wealthy, and I fear that 1 can not afford them. if yon will vtit , moment. replied th saleivomu, will see if I may give yon a ndnetiot oa them. Then she called to perior and said: This pereos voaE like to have these curtalni, but Oi ays she Is not. n lady and cannot G ford to pay tha marked pries" - DUCKS ON A SPREE. ' ' Reducing Ocean Record. Reports from all parts of the sees-trseem to indicate quite aa ef oeughing.., Our CeHtfod Csugh Balaam is very effective h breaking up aside and stopping hard oeughing.. Only 80 cents y CdkufotmQi Tha first steamer that ever crossed days to tha Atlantic took twenty-fou- r make tha trip, and tha early boats of tha Canard Una, organised In 1146. Prescription Specialists. In four-to- 2479 Wank. Avs. Ufa th transatlantic thotripsame OgfcsU time days, or in about tho of As tho bast of tho clippers Ball and other lines In 1546 Weak asmmanekig SataNqi tho salllnf ship Dreadnought 1. tho pasaago In nine days and February Matin, 1 teen hours, and it was a long time before a steamer beet that record. It Is nearly two decades sines tho ship cam upon th scene, and ever STOCK COMPANY. Inca then tha record has bam lowerMslednm I tha Feur-aPresent ed by hours rather than by days SsSOu at Matins Saturday a Nights st lik flvo-da- I Utahna Theater: y ' Angelin Llngerls Charlie had Just Toturned from Sunday school, when ho asked his doting parent,, am astonishing .question. Mamma, what kind of ondarclothm dd angels wear? he inquired soberly. "Angels underclothes! What la tho world do yon mean?" Evan Charlie's ot j ! FOR FAIR j : VIRGINIA; ! Prices I0c,(20c, no exaggeration to say that tha mother, inured to startling queries vast majority of peerages are in their was atnflned. Well, murmured tha evidently pnssled, teacher origin ssfodatod with memor as not little chap, Abraham entertained tho of honor but of sham. London aid that It is , 5 1 Do Yea THE STATE JOURNAL is Meed Minting? 1 Of course the member of the house who referred to I OF THE MJVHOUSE THE David A. DeArmond as the knlghtllest and noblest of them air did not mean to cast any reflection on either the doubt the farce of the madhouse is next knlghtllness or the nobtllty of John Sharp William. WITHOUT the Infamous Thaw case. Twice the curtain Most men will agree with Senator Bacon that It la baa been run down and twice-- the public has been day after day compelled, for weeks, to digest, if possible, this not right for federal officials to actively participate In politics. Yet. it has always been don and probably will at-- ! nauseating tness aa It has flashed over the wires. moral plane ways be done, unless there ia a great change In human j First, th defense was made oa that high woman and noble every true nature. which Is respected by every man the unwritten law, and th second Insanity, which. financial sharps, If proven, entirely absolves one from all moral or legal According to one of tho would-b- e the money rente waa not properly duo until 1610, hut was reaponwlbllty. I As to the truth of the latter there Is grave doubt but forced by circumstances. Th wonderful thing about this even of should be not a Is fact suspicion as the former there writing ls that a man with all that knowledge If' a man believes In th purity of hla wife, he le pieces" for the papers for a living. bound (6 defend it with hla life. He learns of her defileInasmuch ae some eminent gentlemen have positively ment; his very soul is steeped In bitterness; he eats not neither does he sleep; his head is lowered In shame and aserted then were no public land frauds In Oregon, this despair; even the sympathetic handshake of an Intimate man Hendricks, former U. 8. commissioner who has confriend only adds to his exceeding great torture. Th strong fessed that he participated In some, must be suffering man Is indeed weak, for th load Is greater than he can from some form of tho newly discovered brands of brain bear; he la mad, not from aa Inaana and unreasoning trouble. Jealoasy bnt from crashing paralysing sorrow: hla mind Hon. Grover Cleveland waited a long time to get a and body and soul cries aloud for vengeance on the dethe will salth Is I repay mine, "vengeance although stroyer, good word In the htftiee, bnt he got It, even If it was II Lord; and neither God, man or the devil stays his hand, years late, when Congressman Fowler, of N. J, said, until hla honor Is at least partially appeased by. the de- for one thank God that a man like Grover Cleveland was struction of that which has debased him. president in ISIS, and It was because Mr. Cleveland had j And who shall say him nay? appealed to J. Pterpont Morgan to help the treasury. He who is without sin cast the first stone. . Rather nervy for the Equitable Life to send a Yet how very different the man who deliberately takes aentatlvo lobblst. In fact to .Washington to oppose cerup the burden of defending the honor of the wife who Is tain financial legislation and to advocate what it wants. ' without honor; whose every act has been aa false as Paul Morton haa a fine Job. and the best way for him to hell Whose early training has been governed and directed keep It to to see that the Equitable sticks to ita legitimate j by that loathsome surrounding which is a part and parcel business I EJRCE I ll sees equipped to do Aa KINDS of and artistic AND JOB PRINTING in an manner. The progressive business man demands first class prnting. C. Would you patronise your friend if his stock of goods was several years behind the present style? Would you use printing: that was ten years ago? Would you, if you were attracted by" a handsome piece of printing, throw'it aside and forget it; or would you hunt up the printing office that did the job and give them your work? up-to-d- ate up-to-da-te I The Journal Delivers the Goods r- - to handle BRIEF WORK and TRANSCRIPT WORK, insuring its delivery on the shortest possible notice. If you need any kind of printing call us up. Phones 664. CL rrl Bests on Bale Always One Wnk 1 in Advance at CULLEY DRUG STORE angels underwear. Truth. 30c: Especially are we prepared Prices Consistent With First Glass Printing. THU JOURNAL JOB ROOMS |