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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL. FR DAY, JULY 19. 1907, PAGE THREE 33ETSH Prof. Goda Will Make a Torpedo Ascension, With a Parachute TONIGHT Dancing Jump. Eight P. M. 8:30 to A dt DONT MULE OK 1 1 :30 P. M. THIS ROYAL IS II the Pavilion from in THESE DECOYS KANSAS CITY ARE Choose Your Druggist j THE REAL THING, i SCRAP EVIDENT AMONG DELE GATES TO CONVENTION. WOULD PUT BROWNING'S STAR' CREATIONS TO BLUSH. Tha Quaation to Be Settled is Whothe- - But there ia a Reward Out for tho Ar- tho Cattlo Should Bo Paid for on the rest and Conviction of tho Fellow Hoof or After tha Government Has Who Told tha Story Would Go to Held Its Post Mortem Exam. Postoffica for Mail Every Day. trm C 0.e Walter Wellman Valter Wellman, journalist and Arctic explorer, waa born at Mentor, O., on November 1, 18B8. lie early ahowed a liking for newspaper work, and when only 14 year of age he established a werkly paper at Sutton, Neb. He married in 1878 Miss Laura McCann. Mr. Wellman made remarkable progress in the newspaper business, and when only 21 years of age founded the Cincinnati Evenlng Post. Mr. Wellman in 1894 j Their Deepest Pity. Women always feel the deepest pity for the happy woman who would be unhappy If she knew the truth about her husband. TIMELY TOPICS 08 FIRE INSURANCE Don't let fire catch you without a policy and wipe out yur years of accumulation. A policy in one of our compan- -' will afford you ample n, These springless springs are annoying when you !iave the money with which to build a new houae and cannot spend it oa account of the pro-tectlo- If have any insurance to write, phone Bell 1IM, or call at our office, 415 Ecclea building. We can save you money. Let us tell you the Reason Why." you weather. Blowing Window Shades. The annoyance caused by a window shade blowing In and out when the window la lowered from the top can be oviated by having a cord In bottom of shade and fastened to any movable object, as back or arm of a chair, and chair or object moved out a sufficient distance from window to prevent shade from touching window frame. A free circulation of air is GEO. A. HORN Real Dischorde. If silence la golden, that accounts for some people being broke all tha time. Crying is a good thing for any worn an who leels like it. Solomon may hare been wise, but the Idea of him having so many wives la damaging evidence. When a man has passed forty, he should never try to learn over again to akate. Frequently, before a girl Is thirty, she will not marry a man who smokes. After thirty, she would like to sometimes. The armless wonder in the circus never appeals strongly to the unmarried ladies. Why speak of hard work? Isn't all work hard? The deaf and dnmb language of the eyes manages to convey Its meaning, all light. s at lowest rates. first showed his liking for polar exploration and made an eminently successful trip to the Arctic regions. He returned to Frans Joaef Land In 1898 and remained there nearly a year, bringing back much Information as to this then almost unknown polar territory. Mr. Wellman waa president of the National Capital Frees club. His home Is In Washington, where he has represented a number of the most im- poi tant newsiiapers In the country. Estate Fire and Life Insurance also obtained, whether the shade lowered or raised. 418 ECCLES RUlLDtNd la Creditable. a credit to Americas scientific spirit that money can be found to finance a polar expedition instead of being invested In a trust nearer home Tt la eoeosoooooooo o WeaR Eyes o 2V Rlmuld not "n. Only Q m be experimented experienced eye are competent to ,,1 your eyesight Our ex- H'uinatlons are thorough, and FREE. s acl-pni- flc tw 0 Q J T. Rushmer Manufacturing Optician, 2464 Wash. Ave. O Q O O O O SO&Q8GQQOO$I KANSAS t'lTV, Mo.. July 19. A liuttle royal between tlu packers am: the cattlemen is litiw in prospect, ue eni'dilig to delegates to tile National Live Stuck exchange, In session heti today. The treaty of jaruee agreed upon some time agu Is said to he alreadv nullllled and open warfare between thi producera and the packers of beef 1 The trouble has grown uui certain. of the question as tu whether tin packing eonceriiH should ay for cat tie and hoga prior to being slaughtered, or after a post mortem haa lieen made by the government authorities. Millions of dollars a year are Involved In the answer to thla question and every meat eater In the country la affected At the present time only the inferior grade of cattle, known aa "oannera or "cow stuff, la being considered. All of the big packers announced over a month ago that thla grade of beef would be purchased only subject to the approval of the United States Inspectors In their Anal post mortem exami"Oannera'' are made up for nation. the most part of breeding and dairy cow and are particularly susceptible to tuberculosl. The rigid examination of the health instiectors lias resulted in the rejection of a considerable proportion of "canners and th'a lusa liaa fallen heavily on the packers, who are seeking to transfer It to the eni-tl- e raise.. Believing the edict of the packers, If successfully put Into opera lion, would be speedily followed by similar regulations governing the purchase of all kinds of live stock, the cattle r.iis-- , era and commission men prejiared to do battle. As the first move, they r dried the ranchers to hold their "cow stuff or divert it to the market x of the East and Houth. This plan resulted in a first victory fur the cattlemen Kansas City, Chicago and other centers of the packing industry were deprived of canners'' and a belter grade uf cattle had to be used for canning purposes. Thla Increase on stock yard prices resulted promptly In an advance of beef prices to the consumer. If the packers do not give In the boycott will be continued and the price of In will probably continue to soar. Commission men state that the men of the range will not give In to the packers and will continue the fight fur months If necessary. The purchase of cattle subject to post mortem examination would be a heavy blow to the cattle Industry. In the past all live stock deals have been made subject to payment on approval by United Mutes inspectors at the scales where cattle, hogs and aheap are weighed on thea hoof. The new jolicy which the pack-erare attempt!,.? to inaugurate would put the cattlemeii si. the mercy of the than suMugate big packers. themaelvea to the big beef Interests, the cattle raisers will fight to a finish. In this stand they have t a aid of the commission men, score c. whom are Rair attendance at the press t convert tion of their national organLation. In Tha Almighty Dollar. recent headline, Rule of the Dollar, haa suggested the Inquiry, Who originated the familiar phase, the almighty dollar? It was Washington Irving, In The Creole Village, The which he published in 1637. phrase became so popular and excited o much controversy in consequence of n doubt whether the adjective were irreverent, that Its author had to explain 18 years later that he Intended no Irreverence, even to the dollar, which he la well aware ia becoming daily more and more an object of "Dollar la certainly one of worship. the world's greatest words now, and it is difficult to real'Ae that It only meant the thaler having been "valleyer, named after the Joachlmathal, In Bohemia, In whose valley It was first coined In the sixteenth century. LonA BOY'S LIFE SAVED. My little boy, four years old. had a severe attack of dysentery. We had two physicians. Both of them gave him up. We then gave him Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, which cured him. and believe Chronicle. that saved his life. William H. Btrol-In-no don Carbon Hill, Ala. There is Water Wagon Gets Gay. doubt but this remedy saves the lives of many children each year. Give It The sprinkle wagon made Its first with castor oil according to the plain appearance in a new coat of paint printed directions and a cure la certain. yesterday. Minnesota Newspaper. For sale by all druggists. g, lllllll will) i j Prescription Specialists in the City iirliilitoii ikiwii tin the l'atiixcul tivcr, h snort lisiiint-l licluw r .Mui'llmm, Otlt-li- , h'Kic Muckt'iixlc ot clinics a cabin Iliili. ui i Mucking i in sin-uni- . relates the M dors Hume a.sluiigton Mini', laiimiig on a kiiihII scale iiml lit- - uIho I. , charge of the huuif uf he (llclie tl it. lie 1m at si s that lit Is emitiah uf -- ."4 :i I'ulitlclan to throw the country to Main. Salt liki-- . 'iiler iioliticnl party, hut his long suit igd.n. --'4u7 VYhmIi. Is naming ducks. I.ugun, 47 N. Multi, l ilt the greatest duck trainer you lnivu. 32 tVuti-r- . it "i- heard of," hi- - told a withering of Park City, 361 Main. club members anti frit-lidwho as-- ! cmliled at the home of tho club on 1'vt t With 1liiteK. Teeth Kxt I'iictfil Without a recent Saturday night. "I have six trained ducks, and they are just the No dlffcrciu-- wlmt ymt pay ynu rammt grt any lit any pi ice. same aa members of my family. No 87 Met ) of Teeth Gultl $1.00 and up Killing (best red ruMicr money could buy (hem, and 1 want to r UN A Good Met fur mid Amalgam Killing... .71 Silver say if any of you accldcnta'ly kill Ceint-n- t 60 $3. till tu $!i.0u Bridge Work, best Killing one of them you will have to pay me Ilirci-lal81.00 83. RO to IS.rtn Gold CrownM, 22k Killings ten dollara lor hint." What is that your ducks can doT' Twelve Years Protective Guarentee. Interrupted one of the listeners. I tell waa the Free examination and advice. them, Anything earnest resiainse to their owner. Two Honeet Work, Fa r Dealings make our Succee Continuous of them won't associate with the others while they are in the water, and Open Till 6 these two go gunning with me. When laid y attendant. t wd go tu the river 1 tell them to go Guarantees good at any uf our five offices. away and bring nte back some wild ducks, and they do it. They will go down the river ami swim about until they get aonte wild ducks about them, and then they will siart back to the tasat blind uhe-- e 1 wait for them. Before 1 E. President. I RALPH E. HOAO, Cashier. J DOOLY, they get within ahoollng distance they A. Y. MclMOf H, Asst. Cashier. 5 JOSEPH S. PEERY, Vice-Pi- e will flultcr about in the water to let me see them, and when they near tha blind they will bwIiii away in order to get where no shot will reach them. Do you really nt'-athat they will do what you say?" asked a member n fllllf. i- j ; JSSSSgL ESEB' AHM s liiin; : . n p.m.; Sunday, 102. J The UTAH NATIONAL! BANK of the party. UNITED II Do I mean it? echoed tha Yon Prince George county inan. watch the ducks In the morning, and then you will see for yourself, and that ain't all they can do. I can send one of them to the post office at Fig Point, more than a mile away, he re aponded, and he will bring back my mall to me. Nothing more was said about the ducks until the next morning. ' Then George and the guests of the club stood on the bank overlooking the creek where the Six ducks were sent out They did as their owner had said, two of them left the four and went down the river, the four going In the oiqioslte direction. George re lated the story of how the four ducks would go to Pig Point and how one ot them would go to the post office and get hla mall. And, said one of the Interested ones, how does he bring back tha mall? was the response In his mouth, of the trainer. "Let me see you send him to the post office now, suggested the former. There's no use sending him said MacKenzie, because the office ia not open on Sunday. re.-ill- y to-da- Gods of the Borneo. Tha natlvea of Borneo place rudely carved Images of female figures by the aide of tha entrances to their huts. Tha image represents a goddess, which protecta the houae from any harm or sickness. If there should ba Illness previously to the placing of the butlong at tha entrance aha prevents It from becoming worse. . Yea, It Would. The average woman's respect for her husband would be greatly Increased If the could hear the life agents telling him how much money it would take to make good the loss to hla family in case of hla death. Or OGDEN STATE.? DEPOSITARY Interest Paid on Savinas Accounts and Time Deposits SPECIAL SUMMER EXCURSION RATES VIA From CHICAGO t'e LAKE SHORE" inns OR Michigan Central The Klsgrs rail Route. (MROet From ST. LOUIS uhk BIG FOUR ROUTE AMERICA'S GREATEST RAILWAY SYSTEM' To BOSTON" OLD HOHE WEEK 25, 26727, 287 From' CHICAGO or 8T. LOUIS ONE FARE pluo OLD HOME WEEK Cele$2.00 for tho ROUND TRIP. A grand bration and Reunion. 8even Day of Public Festivities, commencing July' JULY 28. Founders' Day; Patriots' Day; Greater Boston Day; New England Day; Maasaehusatta Day; Woman's Day; Military Day, During theea Sevan Daya Historic BOSTON will ba AT HOME to all her Sons and Daughtara, wheraver reaiding. BOSTON and RETURN JULY 13, 22, 23, AUG. 6, 10, 20, 24, SEPT. 10, 14, 24, 28. Fare from ST. LOUIS, $27.00. Fare from CHICAGO, $24.00. r JULY NEWI ENGLAND RESORTS pr AUG. 6, 10, 29, 24, SEPT. 10, 14, 24, 28. From CH CAGO or ST. LOUIS, One Faro Plua $2.00 for tho Round Trip. 18, 22, 23, CANADIAN RESORTS DAILY UNTIL SEPT. 30, 07. From CHICAGO or ST. LOUIS, One Faro Plus $2X0 for tho Round Trip. Full particulars may be obtained from any Tickot Agont of tha NEW YORK CENTRAL LINES WARREN J. LYNCH, Paaaongor Traffic Manager, CHICAGO. I i |