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Show oJ TTaTEST A ??--E VERSION RECENT POPULAR GOES SOMETHING IT IS TO BE HOPED THAT THE SCOUNDRELS WHO TURNED THAT CAR OF TIES LOOSE AT NORTH OGDEN WILL BE CAUGHT AND PUNISHED. -mother. this, MOTHER. TURN MO-th- the hose on VOL XL ME." No. 166 yublisljri Daily al UJiiftru. Utah FRIDAY. JULY 12. 1907 A SENSIBLE JURY ACQUITS MRS. BOWIE. : ? NEW LAWS ARE ROOSEVELT ENTERTAINS VISITING JAPANESE. i ITisidi'i SIBBEIG ""It 'll. 1 : K K.i.i- -, 1.1111-- . . M.n.il ms-,.- . . ! .K i Kind it. 1' - III EFFECT TODAY : i,iini Anlvi , S uisirnelinn: INSURANCE AMENDMENT OPERATIVE LAW. tit hrii Be iill ; ;. Hie Mikado' . .f n.n.il ..n.l u J uli afi, i . niiielienn Ad- ,ik..... .. ..ml t'i 'lvluiy i f Slate X.h li d III, U ft AN IS i.: a,. ,. , r (li,. J.iji- - ft ir...il!.. Hilh it;,. m(ihk ft Practically All of tba More Jnp.i! fM i.iti.eiM g Companies Have C osed TheiiImportant Offices . Knlldn pl'i nit'll Ml t til ft Orchard in That He Knew Him and Ara Preparing to Withdraw from lin.'Scl I'll Willi .1 .iii'i- - I ft - a gift of ti t nk.niIt ii the State Law a Moat Strenuous Ona pit mi lilt. 1 null dm fit'1'. 'tin - S Member of us mi lniliiull.i'i nl '.In iiMit.i.l . Merely ft ft1tli.ll L.'!ina I v ft VESTIN'. Hi. July Knud.w . veil. it mi ft i nt.. r. i'iiu in uf (In., lit tii- soli ilir u't 1. us. I.. ei: Ulidt I Use u ft '!.i Ki.i-iN'ir into tli most Weight of j.nlt-ft BolEE, July 12. "Mr. Haywood, ids-"f SlclIDriilici i; 1. t i l l ed li- Ins inui.1 in l.ni f.r tin. regulation of life take t:ie stand." uid Harrow, imme- olli "I and Hot in Ills nisnii.il iliara. ft i him. i .in. i ei iiii.i ii it's ccr iHiSMt-liy diately uiu-- ail in? jurors answered tel iiini acts. He tiiii.irn! ih.n lie ilu of ai.y state, lrui'tic-l- i the roil i all. ufliT the noon recess ne ' Inld Simpkins tli.u In- miisid.ivd il.iui' CHANGES TO BE WADE -s all ..f til.- in. .ii' liiiiorluti The defendant, a big, 8tyesterday. his enemy After Simp- - WALTER TRAVIS IS lui i'l.ii-iilii'ii' otfii'cs and virile, active man. six feet one and 220 kin It Deliver in lK'i einlier, lHOi, two ii li.lraw n from tluAT NAVAL ACADEMY pound til Weight, strode to the chair Icll" is were received from him refersiatc, ami a ill OUT OF RUNNING hi uutluus in ihi- inn-ilii- il facing the Jury. Standing on the lit- ring eiiiiiviy to organization business, of tin'll' Texas busiiit'xa. Heir-afltle platform, he towered like a statue no ugi'iit of tlie big t'ontiunies WASHINGTON, July 12. Captain as he raised Ids right hand and took and Ii. heard nothing more until he a - Walt, i Tr.i-- i will lie allow LEV ELAND. July Charles J. Badger, formerly command- the oath to tell the whole regarding tin lo solicit (lolicic or and hit tug (if cipher telegram truth is of llie Chicago club lou. i.il Ills collivi I'M'iniuiii lawyers for orchard. ant of Annapolis naval academy, today nothing but the truth. Haywood was wii Inn the bonier ii.ii .ood was still being clnrs today t.. Eownes of tin- Metro- of Ti xas. A, lut'Ki number of siimIUt succeeded to the superintendent, re- calm and not a whit nervous, unquite al regarding llie Cripple Creek de- politan eluli of New Yoik. .. in- up at life iiiMiruttiT coni crus have ai. licit Banda, retired by like Orchard wln-placing he was called to tlie twentieth hole toda. ill llie tituils iH i'iiiiis. however, and are velopment when ret css WHS ordered. virtue of the age limit. Many other the stand. for llie nutlonal golf chuiiipioiililp. lo ciiiiiily willi llie ii uvlsloiui of the next be will SB made the He was said he changes during years of age, born Today's Proceedings. This is a severe blow lo (lie Wcxlt-rluw. few months, and when the academy be- in Utah. His father was an American, a Travis was depended Ximicnius victims attacks luive been In contestants, "Xevtr I life did Oriliard my iwy gins its sixty-secoyear next October a native of Ohio, and his mother wae or .my one else to kill Governor Ktcuu-eiihfi- 'g upon nliove all others lo defeat the niiiile iii,ni the provlsloua of the new there will have been effected an almost lairn In Bouth Africa. Her futher was act by officials of leading life Insuror to eoiiiiiill a crime against Eastern players, having lieeii for tlirv-complete change In the roster of pre- an officer In the English army. Besuccessive year the champion of Am- ance coiiiimnifs, aiul these have aroused 1 ii one. knew Orchard a as had simply with his Harrow boyhood. ginning siding officials. fellow member of tile federation, wliu, erica. Tracts was oif color, and It llie i eM'iil nieiil of State Insurance Captain George P. Colvocoresses, Haywood relate the story of hla life Wlien driven conceded by both sides that he was ('iiiiiiiiissliiiicr If. T. Milner, lio lias out of Cripple Creek, came is commandant of midshipmen, will also and hla early work In the nitnea, going below his average form. Kuw ncu Issued ii stuti-iiirii- t fur explaining the Ruli-trlsto memat to ilia lilu.. a as charter Silver intervals, headquarters story Oily, on llie summer this and retired list was tlie mail that made the erstwhile go hill aiul its provisions, insurwill be succeeded by Commander Wil- ber in 1895. In 1899, when the trouble connecting mo with Ids alleged crimen champion relire from tlie game. Ilocke ance iinn have stated that it would lie la tu faiac In came Uneur the Haywood d'Alenes, every particular." liam S. Benson. Commander Benson is feller. Kawyer and Wood are innv tlie ucccssury to hian or Invest the Texaa Haywood, on the witness stand In his only representatives left from tile West fluids of Insurance ciiiniaiiiles so as to now on temporary duty at the navy de- was secretary of the B liver City union, and sent own and that local contributions partment, having been relieved from relief to the men In Northern Idaho. tion defense,In made the above declara- and as Huwyer Is (lie only one Unit cun net from g tu 9 st cent xr annum strong and unqualified In ehiHxid as championship timber, It In order tu protect Hilicytioldcia. This duty as lighthouse inspector at He never saw nor knew Governor leruiM.today lie also gave the lie to one wit- looks as though tlie banner would float ('iiiiiiiiisstoiicr M tliicr brands as false, Charleston, 8. C., a little over a month Btcunenbcrg, though he went Into the ness. Mra. Lottie Day, when he said cvi-- New York or Toronto. setting forth ttial an earning of 6Vk per ago, caucus and helped defeat Bteunenberg he had no recollection of ever going to cent Is all that Is necessary. Another change will be in the official when he renoinlnatlnn. tin ltelniMiit rooming house' tu meet Orsought 'T'ndi-the law tt Is iHissible fur forA BIRTHDAY. aid to the superintendent. Lieutenant 1 never had a personal feeling chard. ile also swore that lie never PRINCE JOHN HAS insurance companies to own 40 per eign Arthur MacArthur, Jr., will be relieved against Governor Bteunenherg. said bought a horse and buggy for Orchard Youngest Child of Princo and Princoss cent of the stock of each iil.il every and his position will be Haywood, H y,ja otter ( ,o , lunik In Texas now organized and to he (JS(, , , assassinate IVubody, Lieutenant-Commandof Wsloo lo Two Yoaro Old. W. union man In the West I condemned hia taken by Goddard or Gabbard. Bell, organized fur all time lo come." says R. Shoemaker. 12. like ITInce him LONDON. John I Just any July IHilicy. regarded 51 liner, it ia very Haywood said he first met Adams in Charles Krunrls, the youngest i litlil ul ('iiimiilasloner The board of officers appointed by other politician one who waa swayed conservative to pliice the average eurn-In- a t,,H waa he when ,,f I'iIiici-homl the 1i'lnce of Wales, hail the navy department at the request of by capitalistic Influent." capacity of bank stock In Trxaa to headquarter by Kd Mill- a President Roosevelt to revise the in substance Haywixid said that he brought birthday today. Though ITInce John at 9 mt cent er unnuvi. Many are et. r. on to a prior going prosiiecting is but two years old anil stands sixth course of instruction at the academy had never met Orchard more than half more, few are earning less. doxen times In his life. Orchard at trip. The next he heard from him whs In the line uf succession to the throne earning will probably hold another session next "The luaurance eoiniwniea have the ill he the fall in wired when Is accorded Ogden, lived his where roomed one Pettibone time birthday anniversary week and will continue occasional alt under the Robertson set to was him $75, which was never paid back. the same official honors ns in the ruse authority iiw ii every first mortgage bond of any tlnga throughout the summer. The across the street In Denver. ThisOrchIn Hi' saw next famCreek blin and of the older members of the royal he saw Cripple Corprealdent la strongly in favor of mak- In 1905, and at that time liny every solvent divldend-puyln- g and one day at Pet- - later In Denver as a deportee. Ho ily. I ton laws under the Incorporated pora ing the instruction of the midshipmen ard occasionally, i 1 it Is interesting to note, hy the iny, f the state und doing business here. more simple and practical and has tibonea house Orchard said he waa go- knew Art" fustian, a member of the birthday coincides The law does not only authorize them recommended the elimination of por ing to Alaska. Haywood reprimanded Crtpplo Creek union, and also kuufv that irlnceof John's Caesar. After the Julius Ed Minster, but never sent them any with that tlons of the course considered too him for deserting his wife at Cripple purchase, but tlintta them to the she money or employed them for any lllcgul latter's death and deification the au lo Orchard that and replied Creek, choicest securities tn Tesns. It specitheoretical. Recommendations of the had two or three saw tlie gurs announced that whoever boys by her first fically provides that they shall Invest proposed changes will be formulated husband, and that he did not Intend purposes. last saw Orchard In August, 1905. light on Caesar's birthday was des- only in the best, safest and soundest and submitted to the navy department to work to support another mans chll jn he received a letter from tined to liHjijilnesH and greut glory. It collaterals In the state. It even' pro'Prior to the opening of the acadeinlu If0- that nil England hibits them from erecting buildings exMra. asking where he was, and goes without sayingleal Ions may prove year In October. The board in charge holies tlielr prognoxt declared emphatically that he m.all).d that Haywood hHd r(.,lurd nld cept In the best towns those of mors Is composed of Captain Richard Wain-wrigh- t, he never sat In Pettibone a back yard n correct ill ITInce John's case. waa than 25,0(10 Inhabitants and In nu city to Alaska. Not KOjg former superintendent of the July, 1905, or any other time, and disbe permitted to run the rlak will to was her said he tell he that wanting 8. ARE KISSES DEVIL'S WEAPONS? of they more academy, chairman; Commander R. cussed the pumping off of Steunen-berthan one ofries builderecting to ate her a hud desert because going Lieutenant-Commander A. Griffin, as testified by Orchard. Nor did which they liava The ing. waa he he he opportunity told believed ter An Illinois Divina Thinks That Thty under the Robertson act for earning and Lieutenant A. W. Johnson, he ever talk with or pay Orchard for family, Orin Alaska. next The heard of he Ara. recorder. the blowing up of the Vindicator mine, chard waa in connection dividends an ns broad as the rewith the 12. the dynamiting of the Independence dekisses the Are III., sources of this state. CAIRO, July Bteunenherg crime through the news- devil's A THRIFTY LITTLE WOMAN. to lure the souls of lict, or any other Crimea. weaisins In He no Interest had had Most of the afternoon session was papers. men and women to destruction? The END OF TEMPLAR CONCLAVE. She Smiles Through Her First Hue-ban- consumed by Haywood recounting the Bteunenherg for years, Rev. L. I. Hass of this city answers Explaining the draft sent to Simp-ale- s this question in the affirmative and After a Four-Da- y labor troubles and political controver- -Meet Knights Are Set of Falae Teeth. in which the eight- kina December 21, 1905, he aaid that alleges that osculation ia the very esin Colorado, Homeward Bound. 12. When JANESVILLE, Wls., July In in waa when December, Simpkins early sence of evil. figured. Interspersed Mra August Kramer, a reaident near hour agitation SARATOGA. N. Y., July 11. Th were direct denials of Or- - paid for his services on the executive There la something remarkably thirtieth triennial conclave of Knights the town of Fort Atkinson, and a his history accusations relating to numer- board, he left 1100 with hlin to be for-o- magnetic and thrilling In the oscula-tor- y la a thing of the past and thrifty little German woman of (0 chards that he said were lnstl- - warded Juat before the holidays to Spo-gatmurders embrace," asserts the clergyman, Templars smile is will married soon, she all years, outgoing trains were laden toduy waa and done. this with knowledge uf hla facta. kane, by Haywood. apparently home-boun- d By paasengera. with through her first husbands set of false little Darrow tried hard to get the letter When two iwtra of lips come together Haywood said he knew very teeth, he having died two years ago. of the Bunker from Attorney Murphy to Nugent In It Is two clouds charged with elec- night the white plumes and gold girt the up about blowing Twenty yean ago Dr. A. P. Burrua Hill ft Sullivan mill, but that he knew evidence, but the court refused to per-a- ll tricity, the one positive and the other uniform which have been so familiar of Janesville made a full set of false action In the mt it to be used. The Murphy letter negative. As in the case of the clouds, for four daya will be a comparative about numerous Instances tha teeth for Mr. Kramer, and spared no arrest and 8teunenberga of residents of recites that many criminal charges laid also, there Is likely to follow a storm (rarity. In tn order expense In the way of gold fillings to the district. door of the federation In the an emotional storm that sweeps be- commanderies have split up at the of interest tn this remake them possess the appearance of to take of and all points fore Indication all an it morality proiiriety here have gave past always proven false; that to New the original. For eighteen years this hiaHaywood coolness by asking that a window Attorney Crump for the Colorado mine and all reserve. A cloudburst of ex- gion. Many have gone direct have other while a set gave the beet of service, and would shutter be closed, York is parties such and City, cessive ecstncy passion explaining that he owners had left for Caldwell and would to New England have lasted fifty yean had not the could not see Borah's eyes because of probably try to place the Bteunenherg kiss. Nothing has more or heaven's gone on excursions husband passed away two yean ago. sacred flame or the searing fire of resorts, to the White Mountains and murder at the door of the federation. the aun glare. hell than a kiss. The best things perThe day the body was placed In the the Bt. Lawrence region. di- Den-rectas ly You regarded Bteunenherg Haywood's story of his arrest In the worst Instrumentalities casket Mn. Kramer asked that the Everyone appear satisfied with th for all these out- - j ver tallied with that of Moytr in every verted are evil. responsible for deadly success of the conclave and the manplates be removed, as she saw no rea- rages, did you? asked Borah. point son why they should be wasted, for nothing as subtle and ner In which the visitors have been I never. Haywood's direct examination waa as I know of "Oh. no," was the reply. a burning, thrilling kiss. entertained. The gathering has been as damning she would soon be obliged to make the regarded Bteunenherg any differently completed at 10:20 and Borah croee-tha- n Great Oml, deliver us from the kiss- notable for the great number of wopurchase of just such a set. Her reI did you, Bartlett Sinclair or examined. The early part of the cross-othe- ing devil." men present. was Many of the knights quest compiled with. who were on that aide, said examination was devoted to detailing wivea and daughter their This week the climax was reached brought TWO-CENHaywood's connection with the federa FARE HEARING. when Mrs. Kramer came to Janesville Haywood. with them, and nothing has been unhia critl- - tion as a member and an officer. indicated that The witness ST. PAUL, Minn., July 12. A teari- done to contribute to the pleasure of and called upon Dr. Burrus with a reng ia set for toduy In the suit 'brought the guests. For the few knights who quest that her dead husband's teeth In the federal court here by stockwill be here tonight ami for the localbe made over to fit her. holders of nine Minnesota railways to committees a number of supplemenAfter the work was finished Mra enjoin the attorney general, the rail- tary social functions have been planKnmer, with a smile that enlightened road commissioners and the shippers of ned. These will mark the formal close docher entln face, said: "I do hope, the state from enforcing compliance of the conclave. tor, that I will not look over 25, for the with the two-cepassenger fare act truth of this matter is I am soon to and the commodity freight rate law 12. Under BAN DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S PLAN. FRANCISCO, July wed another. Iiassed by the last Minnesota legislaMayor Buxton this of the plant were located large am- ture. BAN FRANCISCO, July 12. District Attorneys for the complainants LIKE A FAIRY TALE. announced this morning told the whole story of his monia tanks, ten of which exploded set forth Langdon two lawa attacked Attorney the that his plan for the selection bribery and hia confession to the grand w'lth a noise like cannon, one uf them are unconstitutional. that morning Beof a mayor by delegates from commerhooting through the side of a building Picturesqus People Have Not Disap-paaro- d Jury, In the trial of Louis Glass. fore going into the telephone bribery and down Main street for half a block. cial and labor bodies would be held Many Still to Bs.Ston AUTOI8TS REACH CHICAGO. acin America. matter, Buxton testified that he met a The loss will probably be 2150,000, 12. The first car of open until Saturday night. If not CHICAGO, July The young should be taught hlatory, man named Roy at the letter's home, partly covered by Insurance. noon cepted by that time It will be withhere at tour arrived Glidden tbe a substrategy, valor and patriotism, and and of being trapped into accepting and others are following at Intervals. drawn. He haa not prepared any stitute SOUTHERN ARCHITEGTS MEET. Flfty-sl- x should be taught it In a manner to in- bribe to fight the ordinance prohibiting plan. Bouth cars started from to skating delibly impress it on their mlnda. children under II from going Bend, Ind at 8 o'clock this morning. swore He a rinks without CHICAGO GRAIN. guardian. Primitive people from our own world Artistic, Seisntifie and Practical Side The autoists had six hours and fifteen adof Profeeeion Discussed. t pulled-ouand people from every part of the that Heney, Burns and Langdon run. CHICAGO, Three make to July 12. Wheat opened the minutes he refused. A and closed at 89 2; world, when brought together, form an vised him to confess, buthim Bend and one today at 89 812. Architects Va South race of tha at NORFOLK, July the man shadowed and 62 corn at and closed at from Carolina out object lessqp that la not soon for git ten. Burns Bouth and was opened for other Virginia, making repairs put became so great that he fin- other Southern states are here as the 8; 52 oats at 42 2 and closed will The autoists They all tell the tale of how they live; pressure In opened unofficial an place. then confessed Buxton everything. guests of the North Carolina Architec- remain here over Saturday and Sun- at 42. they tell it aa nothing else could. To ally see the hundreds of different things told of the contract entered into be- tural association, which commenced a day. and the prosecution. The two days' meeting at the exposition that go to niake up Campbell Bros, tween himself second this shows, which will be In the city July contract waa entered into at the morning. Many addresses on the VIRGINIA GOING DRY. and MEMBERS OF TRUSTS general subject of the promotion of the STAUNTON, Va., July 12. Prayers, 16th, leaves a vivid Impression that meeting after he had been trapped JAILED AND FINED. never dies, and causes one to wonder la now in the possession of Spreckles. artistic, scientific and practical effiare and demonstrations songs ciency of the profession will be deliv- religious after he has witnessed this startling of local a the option accompsnlments ered during the session. TOLEDO, July 12 Hammond realistic exhibition, if he haa not Just FIRE CUTS OFF ICE SUPPLY. election in progress here today, which and Clark, the bridge trust men, Ice Arabian of a 12. from The LAS In chapter dropped VEGA8, Nev., July will probably result closing all the this morning were sentenced in Nights. saloons of the city. A general state supply of southern Nevada and a great THE CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORERS. the circuit court to six months' part of California waa brought to an SEATTLE, June 12. The third day campaign designed to drive liquor from imprisonment and fourteen proAN IMPORTANT WITNESS SHOT. end by the total destruction by fire of of the Christian Endeavor convention the Old Dominion Is now being waged minent members of the lumber JACKSON, Ky.. July 1. Curt Armour ftCa'a Immense ice plant at opened with a full attendance. Among and the temperance people are confitrust were given the same sentSmith, a brother of John Smith, the this point at 6 oclock last night The the entertaining subjects of today's dent of its ultimate success. ence. The members of the Tofamous Breathitt county feudist waa fire, which originated In the engine program waa an address by Rev. Alexledo Brick company, who pleadshot and killed last night over a card room burned with great rapidity. ander Francis of St. Petersburg on THE NINTH BODY RECOVERED. ed guilty to pooling under the game by Slgai Turner. Smith waa an There waa no fire department or other The Russia of Today. FREELAND, Pa July 12 The ninth Valentine law. weft sentenced to 45 Fairbanks will close the evening body was taken today from the Auden-ris- d a fine of 21.000 each. Important wtness for the state In the means of fighting the flames, and In a case against Judge Hargis, about to be short time the several buildings were .session with an address on Our mine. The investigation is slow, tried for murder. Turner surrendered. burned to the ground. In various parts owing to the poisonous white damp. So Declares Haywood on Witness Stand Toto ! Denies -- i nlK- -i States 1 .i- as a Fellow i the Federation. .ii-t- l . Ti-x.- . . ' 1 - -- r rntii-I'l.iiii- - l - - rr id - cross-examin- - Rear-Admir- fi-- r nd on r r - hnp iiractlcally necessary, that we begfn history study in American schools with the history of our own land. Ancient history is simpler, with fewer in- terests and a less complicated social and therefii nd Industrial organisation, ore better suited to the childs comprehension than modern history. However. this difficulty is partly met by selecting the material for the younger classes at least from ths periods of exploration and settlement, when conditions were primitive and life compar Vividness of appre-- 1 atlvely simple. henslun is aided by the proper use of plrtunsrexcursfnna to historical places, occasional travel talks, etc. But It must never be forgotten that the only way tn ylilch children can learn history la through those aspects of which they can in some measure interpret by means of exrience they themselves have had. Abstract of an address delivered before the normal department; subject, Status of Normal Schools in the rolled Suites," by John R. Kirk, president of the State Normal school, Kirke-vlll- e. Mo.: There Is mischief brewing in education. Each teachers' college or school of education in the university now usually conducts a teachers bureau called committee on positions and recommendations." One member of the bureau travels about. He is called the high school Inspector." His business Is to look out for vacancies In the high school, to fill them with university graduates if possible, and to point the high school graduates and all other people to the university. The progressive normal school re- sents this Intermeddling and dictation. It rails for a square deal. It offers and requires ample scholarship for teachers In all grades of public schools. Several of the progressive normal schools of the Middle West offer academic courses covering six, seven and eight years They admit rugged, young rural school teachers who have little academic preparation above the eighth grade, but these rugged, forceful people from the rural schools have much of promise. They are in many states the mniiihtay of the public schools. Wherever the normal schools have made high school graduation the condition of entrance, there the normal shni.is have become female seminaries and have ceased to have a predominating Influence In the public schools. Very few boys who graduate from typical high schools ever expect to become teachers. Very few of them ever will become teachers Therefore, If the normal schools make high school graduation the condition of admission masculinity Is further reduced In the teach-i- g corps of our country." Before the department of art education: subject. The University Entrance Credits In Drawing," by A. B. Clark, associate professor of drawing, Leland Stanford Jr. university: Art education in the best secondary school has become excellent. This study Is justified In the public schools because at least 78 per cent of value In buildings, sites, bouses, furniture and dress Is dependent upon the amount of taste used in tbe making. The universities are slow to recog-n!- e this enlargement of drawing, nhich makes It a fundamental branch f culture." COCKTAIL STORY FALSE SAYS MR. FAIRBANKS SEATTLE. Wash, July 1L "The cktaii story le absolutely without any l'8is. a fabrication pure and simple, emanating in the desire of some one 'Tetrats a Joke and to create a cussbm which Is to me very declared Vice Prseldent Fairbanks this morning. HI looks carried tbe conviction that he Is very be subject, but further than "TO" tnia brief statement he refused to talk. thuh er . ,w' s J , r Oii-har- g, ua ed I bull-penni- ng . ! rs T cross-examinati- on UK - 1 BRIBE nt 1-- -4 1- -8 2-- . Vice-Preside- nt 1-- |