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Show PAGE JUNE DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL, WEDNESDAY, FOUR 6, 190S. dullars In 'lingerie and other of the warrior who fell in the thick of flag that floats du.'.s on her iwrvon while sitting as a the fray. It is the only J that has never known defeat, for the a like meet here and they dfUnuir; OGDEN, UTAH. of the ie-- 1 nation it typifies has never lost a cause of domiuk-kPublisher. Mraal Publi&hiBl Ctapuy, male gend.r, and talk about living anln which It was engaged. (Incorporated.) Its history is one of glory anil The meeting of the Civic Improve fi,r a Quarter, published every evening except Sunday en.i diij of beauty and simplicity. ment league at the court house last grandeur, babies! the we not honor It? should night was adjourned for one week, to Why Telephones. 12th. This 1 Hm Ml Office ......Bell. Pnelnf necessary, as several of In A, Ml 1 fine flag came down; executive officers, w ho were to make It w as Washingtons star In hla dire I lh Bell (61 t rings Editorial Rooms were out of the their the Utalf State Journal lium-iv- d Greater Ogden a Convention Week I"" InL.(11 I rings tribulation It floated on high over captured York reports, of Indent the league city, being This store will offer throughout departments the greatest induce ments to shrewd buyers and we make in Terms of Subscription, and Twenty-slave- d ButTwver has waved oer an 0- - "'hlle Twenty-fourt- h W flfth eta are to be parked by the By osrrier, per week nation. SOc ular ryetematic way. In By mil- - per month Lake's penchant for prevarication may I ,T1. the fl4 of the tnm not the banner I clty ,n m clrculs-to- r. ' By carrier. If collected by on the ground times of excused at kings; th continual agitation of per month It shall sparkle and gleam till the lh Ogden more beautiful In many making end of all things matter at In this instance the offense Is so Hag-- 1 01 th blocka on Washington. Lincoln Entered ss second-cls- ss that land gur gpjmtled Grant nearly the entire block has tbs postoffic at Ogden, Utah, under rant that It cannot be overlooked. wave Bball tver Act of Congress of March I. 1879. parked and made equally beau Salt Lake Citys alleged, and ineffl- - I o'er the land of the free and the homej to any that have been done by brave. f the GenL Manager cl net. police force challenged Ogdens th clty th Bench. It Is the de- B. A. BOWMAN a game of haseball, I So, on June 14, let the banner be gn of the league that everyone, tr to flneet play Editor C. M. JACKSON whether they are In a every mast respective ... City Cireulator end. just to amuse the white vested hoisted everywhere. Let colors. H. S. FOSTER Let j pwin district or not should take the tin peelers of the village below, the I and pole be bright with its W -..-- L 1. .V. I. rttT It! Th. ..m. WM th. cMUm. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. I of learn these the and in things doing to have taken place here yesterday. Extensive preparations are being Subscribers net receiving papers will Owing to the heavy rains that have I to love it more and more, for it Is the made for improvements for next year, by the league and by the dtlsene obtain earns by special messenger by prevailed the grounds were very wet symbol of deathless hope, the emblem both In generaL There will be more parkAnd office any Telephonic communication was had of a better lime coming. by telephone. calling up done and trees planted next year ing earner failing to deliver paper at with Zion and Chief Sheets asked to than ever before, and it la the purpose MISS BAKERS MISTAKE to have all such work done In a syste prep or address will be charged for such Inform hie aggregation of butter fingers matte way. Already several blocka are messenger service. If they cared to come up, the Ogden being organised and planned and the department stating the condition of the Alfonso Zelsya is the son of the I ground gotten ready for this work next I ball park. Chief 8heets answered thsi president of the Immense republlo of year or this fall Thera seems to be a general If the grounds were wet he certainly I lcaragu. While engaged In diplomatic decline to let hie men off; that dutle. at Washington, the There none of them were not used to water and I youth became enamored of Mias Mar. I ! acarcely a day but what some was afraid if any of them came in guerlte Baker, the daughter of a der-- 1 prominent dtlsen aeea the president OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE COUNTY he contact with it they might get damp Lynun. So Intense waa hla passion for of th league or the editor of this your shopping a pleasure, for it is al ways an easy task to find just wliat vou want when doing your shopping where stocks in all departments are at their best. And we say with all confidence you will find the most complete lines of drygoods at this store to be found in the citv and the prices have been reduced for this week's business. greatly Dress Goods, Silks, Wash Goods, Muslin Underwear, Hosiery and Knit Underwear Handsome Tailor Suits, Shirts and Ladies' and Childrens Shoes. Each and all of these departments contribute to this splendid bargain festival. ............ "4 m dark-blood- . MORE CHEAP LIVING. Shirt-waist- s, IT PAYS TO ed . ... BUY at, BURTS ipotlwi llnrene. Chin chMti nld nli Uini kidnaped and returned home, work will be noticeable Immediately, men were too pretty io risk where I marked This side up, with care," Al-- 1 much of it is of a nature. under way for That very excellent, but usually Im- there was any considerable amount of fonao promptly announced that if he Already plana are well u the One Fare for Round Trip, exen,lv drive- paaaed by the city council of Ocdcs water and beseeched the Ogden boy. l wasnt Permuted to return to the Uni- practical organisation, known as the nrxt at plus 11.00, from Chicago to Boston ana City, April 10, 1901, and approved kr have ,ntenMon t0 bjr year I to I the until the iun postpone fame states and wed the object of his least one drive from the depot through return, via Nickel Plate road. May Hat the mayor, April 11, National Federation of Women's dubs, be and tte I has been in session at R. Paul and had dried up the moisture. This was choice he would sever hie jugular and the canuyon graded.' trees punted and to Juno Ith, Inclusive. Also excursion same la hereby repealed. I com 2. hss The offloeri Rea This ordinance shall take ef. already city rates via New York city. Extended ,et hi ,nclpnt Ctiiian corpuscles turn among ether conclusions reached It de- agreed to, because the Ogden of the work, and limit menced on its ISth. Chao. E. Johnson, dis- feet upon its passage, approval and July cents per diem cided that twenty-fiv- e the grass from green to magenta, Pa the league ' Is part getting the necessary trict passenger agent, Nol 111 Seven- publication. la enough to sustain any adult person, yielded and the young man came back. plana perfected to plant ths trees, Passed by the city council of tw teenth et, Denver, Cola He married. Marguerite. That waa two la very gratifying the way everyone City, Utah, June 4, ltos. and that a young'couple can sUrt life in this good work, and Approved June I. 1808. weeks ago. Now the young bride is with one hundred dollars and do lots Cheep Rates. soon Ogden will be noted for its to New W. J. CRITCHLOW. very Haven. Cornu, from Chicago dihome with her parents. of things. beauty. City Recorder. New York Juno rect and via 2nd, city. Oh of course, twenty-fiv- e cents Is It appears the pair started off on a E. M. CONROY. Mayor. Extended Sth. return 4th and Ird, enough. Who denies 11 and u'hy was wedding tour that waa to have Included LADIES OF SECOND WARD limit June 80th. Write Nickel Plate StateW.of J.Utah, County of Weber- -e Critchlow, city recorder of I an ocean voyage. But they got no It necessary to reiterate it For twenty-office, Na 811 Seventeenth street DenOgden City, Utah, hereby certify that live cents one can get enough horse GIVE BIG MINSTREL SHOW ver, Cola, for particulars. farther than New York. Alfonso acted the above and foregoing ii a full, true feed to last a week. For twenty-liv- e very mean to hla bride. He treated and correct copy of an ordlinnce enWANT FAY. ADS JOURNAL The minstrel show and polite vaude. cents one can lay In s supply of hog her brutally cruelly and outrageously. titled," An Ordinance Repealing aa Ordinance, Entitled An Ordlninoi liver ample for three days For twen the foregoing statement la made in or-- 1 gh woul(1 ot Btuid jor and j, roinZ ville entertainment, given by twenty ve Jroun Bwond ward Granting the Right to the divorce. oents a person can get corn meal der that the people may know the - -- rrw hall Monday and Tuesday TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Candy Comny, a Corporation, in we as the case, sill Water. oh, very well! Its Just another enough to make mush In quantities to Use a Portion of 2(th street In Ower eminently successful I distasteful to the avenge lesson (hat's all Marguerite was and reflect great credit on performers gden City for the Purpose of Laying g sufficient to fill th frames of an entire know d directors. Crowded houses wit FOR RALE Entire furniture of nine Railroad Track to be Used and Opent Salt Lake City policeman aa it ia t wedding a scion of a noble house and section gang. rooms. 2501 Adams Ave. Also pl- - ed by Railroads In Switching Can la When we get. right down to bottom an Inaane canine. No man can fief expected she would cut a slash down and From Their Factory.- - passed bytW oents la too darned a Job on the police force In Zion ln the yellow fever society districts, tha oWtim minstrel show, showing AN ORDINANCE REPEALING AN city council of Ogden City, April It, facts twenty-liv- e much to waste on meals. Why not until he demonstrates that he to 1808, and approved by the may g( got left. A plain American boy end men, colonial girls, and a bunch cut down the expense T Fifteen Is dieted with chronic hydrophobia. Just wouldn't answer. She got what was of pickaninnies, with the interlocutor, ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN OR- said city. April 11, 19A8, paaaed by Qa city council of said Ogden City soon aa the ground dries up the coming. and. while we feel sorry for plenty. It will buy a can of tomatoes DINANCE GRANTING THE RIGHT the 4th day of June, 1901, and approved I can from below ths borough and a package of breakfast food, and peelers her trouble and wish she had had f op tep Th 'fouP rnd rnentladles) were by the mayor of said dly on the fth TO THE any one ought to exist for a day on sight and sense enough to avoid it. sMj called Mr. George Primrose, Mr. day of June, 1906. Lew Dockstader Mr. In witness whereof, have hereunto Charles A CORPORAother a Thatcher, CANDY be to much fate her Soak fodder.' COMPANY, that may the breakfast warning eet r. my hand and offlxed the corporate Billy .tept food in the tomato Juice and eat until little butterfly, who want to become I TION, TO USE A PORTION OF seal of Ogden City thli iffi day of the audience in continual laugh . your surfeited stomach will taka no unequally yoked with foreign 14 their jokes at the expense of local peo June, 1909. 26TH STREET IN OGDEN CITY more. Why, fifteen cents la too much. W. J. CRITCHLOW, Governor Cutler has issued a procla pie. The singing of eight pickaninnies City Recorder. made a decided hit with the audience. Buy beans and "work" ths butcher for nation for the observance of "Flag FOR THE PURPOSE OP LAYING (Real) moke-u- p , 1804. June little Published of these The girls a bacon rind. Tell him you want to day," June 14, In which he urges upon A RAILRCytD TRACK TO BE very good. grease your boots, or that you want all good citlsena ths patriotic duty of The drill of the Buster Brown girls, BY RAIL AND OPERATED com-USED 1 It for a pancake griddle doper. Boll devoting a portion of the time to on June I, 181, Mr. and Mrs. James In costume, ln the second part, the beans with the bacon rind and have memorating the birth of the Stars and h. Wallis of Preston, Ida, were wed cleverly executed. The colonial girls, ROADS IN SWITCHING CARS TO IF YOU ARE IN DOUBT ln colonial costumes, gave the old the mem for breakfast. Warm It up Stripes. ded. On this June they will cele time graceful mlnuette in a pleasing AND FROM THEIR FACTORY," for dinner and have cold beans and It la one hundred and twenty-nin- e brat their silver wedding. An elabo manner. Dockstader and Primrose, ao to what typewriter bacon rind for supper. years since Betsy Ross completed the rately printed greeting In honor of the monologues, during whicn they introPASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL to use, eee the Of course a young couple can start first edition of the banner of the repub event has been received at the office of duced a number of Jokes at ths expense OF OGDEN CITY, APRIL 10, 190b, local people, kept out in Ilf on ona hundred dollars. Xta lie. Betsey, it will be remembered, the State JoumaL Allusion t the con of prominent audience In a good humor. "Stay a groat plenty. The happy bride can taught General Washington how to cut tents of the document's interior shows Tour Own Back Yard," by eight little AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR star with one snip that fourteen children eight girls pickaninnies, was one of the big hits OF SAID CITY, APRIL 11, 1900. cents. Let out a get a suit for thlrty-flv- s The llttla glrls sang ven," ? her buy flour sacks and work them of the scissors, and sh was an elegant Edith Elisabeth, Mary Lillian, Violet The grand finale, Be it ordained by the Mayor and City over. The groom can purchase a pair seamstress, for, when she had com Martha, Jessie Bertha, Lily Belle, Pearl J nicely together. on Utah." composed by W Council of Ogden City: Mlt of' overalls for four bits and a hat for pleted ths task, Washington was highly jand RUby-a- nd six boys, Hearknet, Emmett, was sung by the company. Rea 1. That an ordinance entitled a quarter. In the summer time they pleased and complimented her highly jamea Benjamin, John Arthur, Robert Mrs. John A. Herrick la to be com "An Ordinance Granting the Right to success on the resulting need not go to this expense. Just pur. pllmented the Candy Company, her capable direction. The work chase a can of pa frit for forty cents and the young ladles, while that of ami a Corporation, to Use a Portion of 2(th a brush for twenty more and take WINDOW teura, showed that painstaking care Street in Ogden City, for the Purpose turns at decorating each other. With had been taken. The staging of the of Laying a Railroad Track to be Used Corner Grant and 24th Strtet of those and Operated by Railroads In Switchproduction and the make-u- p proper, care a can of paint ought to to ot from Cars Their and were hands in the Factory," ing taking part last the entire season. If they want "The Jungle," the book that created! George Wardlaw. Both were well done to be real extravagant get two cans, such a sensation because of Its expose Job Printing sea The differently colored. For of packing house conditions, is to be ted" lnto"riddihl." 'eIirif "anyJournaI before going elsewhere, But why all this economical disserts. harmony were struggling for human (loll, deliberation, disc us slim and con- liberty. It lias never been an emblem of those packers have been selling be all off clusion? Who wants to Uvs on twenty-- of conquest for gain and for power, but I Kosher ham hitherto, it will comes out. edition when that five cents per day, and who la re- In every war where It has been bornel t Now comes the news that Simon quired to, except the extremely Indi- by the breve and the valiant, the troops Today's markets ss furnished by F. gent? Why not debate some method who followed it were soldiers engaged Guggenheim wants to be senator from Tom to succeed Colorado Patterson. IfG. Sprague A Co- - 1411 Washington of bettering conditions so every one In an endeavor to either freo them can eat dollar meals if they so elect? Bless the dear girls, what a lot of of oppression. no auch thing ln the wide world as a Cm land or on sea that banner has step ladder. trouble they do take In trying to Im4 waved over the bravest and best men prove conditions. Yet we will bet were made at Jefferson City Charges box of gum drops not one woman there that ever crossed bayonets, or laid to the effect that an attempt Ve are slashing the prices on Summer hoea yesterday dolIt has had been made to buy delegates to the ate a meal costing less than half a alongside a fur man's vessel The season is just right for them, but we must ge lar, restaurant price, while present: been waved in triumph over the con- - Democratic state convention, and It recited that $250 per head had of them quick, and you get bargains in consrid that not one of them had less than one jquered and hss been the winding sheet was been offered. Some one has been bull. equence. Ing the market I ng lo, I . I . I- ty-fl- ve Shupe-WO-Ha- nd t" 8HUPE-WILLIAM- S X W fly-up- -1 the-cree- .. S U N tf flve-potnt- ed Underwood BEC RAFTS Shupe-Wlllla- 1 lila . first-cla- ss Hot Weather Shoes HotWeather Prices . The proposed amendment to the under which It was Intended to regulate divorce, was defeated In the senate yesterday. All of which Is correct. Legislating for every evil the flesh Is heir to is becoming very monotonous. I When using baking powder it is always economy to buy the Royal. Royal makes the finest, most wholesome and delicious food. -- ... . Announcement is made to the effect that "The Jungle" is to be dramatised. Wonder If they will put on a real pack. Ing house, hog killing scene, true to conditions? I After these packing house disclo- sures. we can't see where Teddy haa any kick coming on the man with the muck rake. ( Ill Ask You," Have you seen them? Why! rare views portraying gold scenes In, "TH Ask You." Daws Is there, too. Visit that Panorama on I Utahn Drug Ca corner. I You can ffet I up-to-d- Job Printing at The Journal Job Rooms. The most modem Ideas In printing are cheaper then inferior work. Give us a trial or der. Both 'phones 664. Childrens Canvas and Kid Oxfords; also Jkr some small size Ladies Oxfords Cl yjj Misses' Patent Leather and Vici Kid Ox- now . were $1.90, fords, button or lace; w Oxforda Children's Patent Leather and Kid 0 SC. Slippers; also some Bare- . foot Sandals Ladies' Extra Fine Leather and button and lace, turns and welts; the $3.00, $3.50 grades, for $2.48. These are all great barg as the styles and quality are very goon. US Ladies' Kid Oxfords, in turns and welts, $2.50 to $3.00 grades, for w a Before you buy Oxfords, call and see have.. ,It will payyou. .. ... V" STO KtS CLARK'S Wash. 2356-58-60-- 62 HBBBBBEBBHn Ave |