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Show DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL. SATURDAY. MARCH 3, 1906. PAGE THREE J- - Why the Main. Man Drew the Genealogical Line Where He Oid. 1:. :!iv memorable campaign of l$y0 Thou :i it. Heed wcut to address a r.a meeting. On the a ay an .M-- : u named Heed Ikm r Jed thr car in ahieh the genial T:i:" was aimkir.i; and entertainint; h: and on being oivaenied, UTAH NATIONAL BANK ilc-ma- saw": BAKIN Ret'il. I had thought to write but leaniiuc you a ere coming ya. lea a 1 aaited your iviniug. f wilt s mre 1 could leant more In a brief U:riiw than 1 could from an eorreiKin!ence with you. 1 h:.i- '.hue tar faihd to find in any of !!it- uutueroua (.ketches of your life any mention of jour back of year father. Thouia Brackett Reed. Sr Will you kindly give me the nan., of your grandfather on your fa tb. r side?"' Mi. Uee.l promptly responded. "And your grealgrandtaiUcr? was the next inquiry. llre the speaker gave his relative a broad smile, and wiMiug his numth ui oue side, as was his wout. he said: 11 have to admit 1 don't know. TIk (aet is. Mr. Reed. I retired from the field of genealogical research quite early in life. After satisfying that no one of my immediate tnju-lauct store had been hung for murder or been run out of the couutry for horse stealing, 1 thought it safest not to purs", the subject further! Judge "Mr. the lightest most POWER it-t- ofOUDEN, UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. - delicious cake, new-foun- tasty hot biscuit hot-bread- s, PAYS INTEREST ACCOUNTS AND POSITS. aiu-eatr- and able to the preparation of the finest " rolls and muffins. No other baking powder equals it in strength, purity and wholesomeness. NEW YORK THE SPORTS MAKING SPORT OF MARYIN HART HAS ENTERED RACE PLENTY OF APPLICANTS FOR POSITIONS ON THE TEAM. BUNCH OF HAS BEENS RIDICULE THEIR NEW CONVERT. The qualifying games for the select- lllstah Jack Johnalng, Signor Gus- Ruhlin and the Hon. Robert met through some strange freak of circumstances at Broadway d street yesterday and morning, and the anvil chorus was played above the pugilistic grave of the late Marvin Hart. The dear departed had on numerous occasions made uncomplimentary remarks about all three of the B. P. O. Arm and Hammer, and consequently they were not surprised that Tommy Bums had proved so much the superior ion of the team to represent Ogden tave at the Salt Lake Bowling congress have Fits-slmmo- ns Forty-seconManager Camp fa highly pleased at the list of entries. There are already fifteen of the best bowlers who have declared their Intention to oompete for a place on the team and more are expected. The time for the dosing of entries has been extended to March ith and at least a half doxen more are expected to enter the contest. Those who have entered are Frank Bcudder, C. M. Leedom, M. FretweU, of the Kentuckian. J. N. Hess, J. L. Lund, Gua Scudder, "My word," said Mr. Fitzsimmons, C. L. Miller, O. E. Wilson, J. H. Thomd'ye ever bear of such a bloomin rotas W. C. Camp, R. J. Taylor, J. T. ter, GusT Knshmer, E. J. Watkins and W. 8. Serves him right, quoth the giganCraven, tic Ruhlin. Hes been doing a lot o Each man on the list must play fif- talkin' and little flghtln, and he pickteen games, and the averages will be ed out a fellow to box that he thought carefully kept by the, management and was a sure thing and he got all that when the games are concluded, the was coming to him. Just like you. five highest will be selected to repreBob, when you signed up . to fight sent the city at Salt Lake. OBrlen." Gow on, said Bob. punching GusB. A. A. SCHOOL GAMES. tave in the stomach with a mighty dig. BOSTON, Maes March I. The sevI knowed dat Mlstah Hart couldnt enteenth annual Indoor track and field fight, said Mlstah Johnslng. tole bcamplonehlp games for schools, un- you all lota tf times he wusn no good. der the auspices of the Boston Ath- He got de clslon over me, but he hadnt letic association, will be held at Mechanic hall, on Huntington avenue, thto are all time In the meet will be awarded five evening. The events cratch events, and are as follows: points and. If any team breaks a recForty-yar- d 00, (00 and 1,000 ord, It will be allowed three points dash; NN rune; one mile run; forty-liv- e hi addition. Each following team will FMvto, high hurdles, three three be awarded one-ha- lf point less. As flights, t six inches high; running high In former years the teams of the simijump; putting sixteen pound shot, and lar schools made the beat showing In vaulL the bar to start at the the relay races, though outpointed In Might of nine feet. Besides that, the other field and track events, this were will he a relay race between new rule will place them on a much of the various schools. The more even footing with the older lmi chool relay team making the beet teams than in former years. begun. 328 e 1 a - Missouri Pacific Railway OBrien. Thro' standard sleeping ears and thro tourist slteping cars leaving Balt Lake City every day afford a eervice that haa tielied thousands and will satisfy you. These ears run to Omaha and Chicago via Colorado Springs nd Denver. Ales thr tourist sleeping ears daily for Kansas City and 8L Louis. If yon want a satisfactory trip east, Brop mo a line for further information. R. F. NESLEN, General Agent, 79 W. Second South Street, Salt Lako City. BIRMINGHAM, Ala, March L The shop Bible class teams of the Young Men's Christian association will have a big athletic meet this evening. The list of events to be contested for Is as follows: Standing broad jump; potato race; chinning" the horizontal bar; swrlmmlng, 120 feet tug of war between teams of ten mea, and a relay race of 000 yards, between teams of ten men each. The trophy to be completed for Is a handsome loving cup, presented by the Birmingham Arms and Cycle company, and must be won by the same team three consecutive times to permanently remain In the possession of that team. It now In the possession of the team of the Smith Gin Works and the other teams will make determined efforts to win the trophy away from the Smith team. slx-ty-y- Tlis Yellow Fever Germ haa recently been discovered. It bears a close resemblance to the malaria germ. To free the system from i ease germs, the most effective remedy la Dr. Kings New Life Pills. Guaranteed to cure all diseases due to malaria poison and constipation. 2Sc at Ogden druggists. Dental Parlors JOHN PINGREE, Cashier. JAS. F. BURTON, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS! David Ecclea Adam Patterson John Watson M. 8. Browning W. W. inter Tribe H. George L. Hills Joseph Clark H. If. llulapp Barnard White John Spiers Respectfully solicits tho accounts of banks, mercantile firms and individuals. Ws pay interest on time deposits. Ample resources, courteous treat- a 2465 WASHINGTON AYE. OVER SPARGO'S BOOK STORE All Well-Br- ed Persons Like Good Bread ment superior service. That is why we sell so much Ogden t"; ( State Bank Spooially invitee tho aeeounta of ladies, for whoso use they have handsome Russia provided leather pass and chock books, portmonnaia size. Phoenix OR. Riverdale OFFICERS Get the Habit. Best in the Land. 1. C. BIGELOW, President I. M. BROWNING, Vice-Prea. A. P. BIGELOW, Cashier. R. A. MOVES, Asst Cachiert DIRECTORS Ogden Milling IL C. BIGELOW. - A. J. WARNER. J. BROWNING. K. SPIERS. A. PARMLET. G. L. BECKER. E. L VAN METER. J. N. SPARGO. A. P. BIGELOW. , 1.' M. if., . JOHN a 6 Elevator Vi Company Through car, Balt Lako City, to City. Only St Louis and Kansas one change to New York. Buffalo and principal points East low rates for summer travel. Especial attention to ladles and children. Tourist sleepers through to Chicago, Boston and other Two points without change. trains daily. Inquire at ticket RULES. Fine, Princeton. Mr. Dennis acted as chairman, Mrs. Reid aa secretary. It appeared from the very beginning of the meeting that there was a lack of suggestions. The committee will probably remain in session all day. FELSHAWS OGDEN, UTAH DAVID ECCLE8, President M. L. BROWNING. GEO. H. TRIBE.... j : Short Line to St Louis STILL TINKERING FOOTBALL NEW YORK, March A The Ns tlonal Intercollegiate Football com-- 1 mlttee met here again this morning at the Murray Hill hotel to consider the matter of changing the rules of Intercollegiate football. Among those present were Dr. H. L. Williams, of Minnesota; W. T. Reid, Jr Harvard; Dr. J, A. Babbitt, Haverfoid; Lieutenant C. D. Daly, West Point; Paul Dashlel .Annapolis; Walter Camp, Yale; L. C. Dennis, Cornell, F. H. Curtiss, Texas and southern colleges; John C. Bell, Pennsylvania; C. W. Savage. Oberlln E. K. Hall, Dartmouth, and Prof. F. B. (225,000.001 : COLORADO-UTA- H office. Any Information cheer- fully given. . YOUR HOUSE H. C. TOWNSEND Gent Passenger and Ticket Agent, 8L Louis, Me. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeee LUMBER PILES. It keepe us busy to keep our stock full, so wo ean meet all demands. Wo are especially prepared now to take care ef ordore requiring long timbers. But our stock of FINISH LUMBER ia alee complete, ineluding White Pinfi Yellow Pine Finish, eta. Utah and Oregon Lumber Co. SHOP BIBLE CLASS ATHLETES. Satisfactory Service Eastward s ooeoeoeoee eoe eases eeeeeo sleep-produci- . ST. H First National Bank First Elevator on Record. reference to the Ling and queen, who. for the comfort of their bodies had a machine made like a car. which is drawn up by a chain from the bottom to the top of the house; it holds about six people, who can he at pleasure to any story and at each landing who seen oughter had it, and there Is a contrivance to let place de fight knowed it. Dry wui'n' no and out. them in 1 cornin 'lm but outiuilnted knockout, Is this the first mention of anything an goln', our modern lUt"? I sees in dls heah curious circumapproaching stantial conglomeration In de heavy- Notes and Queries. weight fiel a chance to redeem mysef, Dsafnsss Cannot Bo Cured an Im goln to challenge Bums right sway. Ef he don't meet me It'll be be cause hes skeered. But I'm goln to by local applications, aa they cannot challenge him right away.1 reach the diseased portions of the ear. I beat you to it, said Ruhlin. I There Is only one way to curs deafness sent him a challenge last night And I'll find him a place to fight without and that la by constitutional remedies. trouble, and therell be plenty of money Deafness la caused by an Inflamed to put up and to win.' condition tha mucous lining of the In the meantime there Is dols In Eustachian tube. When this tube Is Louisville. Hart la mighty popular sound there, and when he landed In his home inflamed you have a rumbling when It Is or and Imperfect hearing, town, after Jeffries handed him the championship title In Reno, he was entirely dosed. Deafness Is the result, given a banquet at the best hotel In and unless tbs Inflammation can be town and hailed as a world-beate- r. No taken out and this tube restored to Its body in Louisville, New York, or any- normal condition, hearing will be where else, for that matter, thought forever; nine cases out of ten there was a chance of Bums making are caused by Catarrh, which Is notheven a decent showing against the big ing but an Inflamed condition of the but the real outcome mucous surfaces. Kentuckian, shows how the judgment of the best1 We will give One Hundred Dollars Informed may err. for any case of Deafness (caused by The Kentuckian, it seems. Is done catarrh) that cannot be cured by Halls A great big man, Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars free. for puglllstically, stockly built, and with a mighty punch, F. J. CHENEY ft CO, Toledo, he lacks the agility and the judgment Sold by Druggists, 75a. that make a boxer of the first class, Take Hall's Family Pills for constiand all of his ability to take the most pation. awful gruelling stands him In poor stead when he stacks up with a clever man who Is able to stay clear of his wild and punches. He Is a game and square fighter, and, notpoor withstanding hla unexpected showing In the fight with Bums, he will be rated as one of the best men of hla day. Aa for Bums, he will probably go out in a burlesque show, and after a long time may get a match with Jack ' TWENTY-FIFT- e California and Eastern races, s 2 Direct wire for all sporting o events. In the Greville Memoirs" (Genoa, March 18, 1830, evening) there Is a There la little chance of Jeffries ever going back Into the ring. Hart was the only thorn in the big fellows side, and now that poor Marvin la removed Jeff will doubtless retire to his ranch near Los Angeles. i ef Naturea own. if you are fortunate enough to require only a single tooth or parts of t'te, or teeth needing only filling and crowning, still you can get exactly what you want and need here at tlie right Irlcea Established in Ogden 23 Years. rreeent achievements in is one of the marvels of the age. As we keep abreast of tha time sometime in advance thereof email wonder that we lleae so many people with our dental woili. if you have any trouble with your teeth see to It that wo attend to 1L We are always pleased to make an examination of your mouth and give an exect estimate of the cost, and the way the work should ba done. This Is free to you. den-tixt- ry ed Men Are On List for Freckled Bob, the Akron Dub, and the Big Coon Have Hot Air Foaet Qualification and Mora to Over Harts Defeat. Follow. Ahead, Fifteen Do you need them? Perfect oete of artificial teetlv replicaa 1 ele-vute- d Mill WE HAVE THEM SAVINGS TIME DE- TURF EXCHANGE j I Capital and Surplus, ROYAL HAS NO SUBSTITUTE corvxisHt ON THE OGDEN d f ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO UTAH ix-ti-;- d - ROYAL Baking Powder is indispens- - President s' x.i Makes E. Dooly, Joseph S. Pcory, Vico-ProRalph E. Hoag, Cashior. A. V. McIntosh Assistant Cashiar 145 To TWENTY-FOURT- H 8T. Just Arrived California ROUND TRIP RATE TO THE LAND OF PERPETUAL FOR BIX GOOD MONTHS. SUN-SHIN- E. Free RecIinlngChair Car Superb Dining Car Service THE TRAINS OF THE SAN A LOS ANGELES PEDRO, SALT LAKE RAILROAD ARE THE FINEST IN THE WEST. SEE ANY AGENT, OR WRITE FOR INFORMATION TO J. L. MOORE, D. P. A. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH AND SEE IF YOUR Lace Curtains ARE j PERFECT CONDITION. If net, send them to us to be laundered. We handle them earefully and return them looking fresh aa now.'. Our distilled water gives finest work on wool blankets. Steam Laundry Ogden A FINE ASSORTMENT OP LATEST STYLES IN Shades Stand Lamps ALL CLEAN AND IN ST. 237 TWENTY-FIFT- H 'PHONES 174. . Electrical Chandeliers KILL the COUCH and etc. Whleh are being offered at mere than reaaonabla rates When In need ef wiring or ether electrical work give aa a aalL Ogden Electrical Co. Supply A. LEATHAM, Proprietor. 2450 WASHINGTON AYE. CURE the Dr. lungs lings Nov; Discovory for C Price EOeSSI.00 Free Trial. Surest and Quickest Cure for all THROAT and LUNG TROUBLES, or 2C0VXT BACH. |