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Show 19CS. DAILY UTAH STATE JOURNAL. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 17, PAGE EIGHT. TOE PASSING OF HOLIDAY TO BE FOR CHAMBERS GIVEH PUPILS APPROPRIATED $450 AND IMPORTANT VISIT TO SALT LAKE SCHOOL WILL BE CLOSED ON COUNCIL THEY DREW f100 EACH. BIRTHDAY. WASHINGTONS CITY TODAY. TONIGHT WELL-KNOW- OGDEN N LADY DIED YESTERDAY AFTERNOON. From 8 till 9 o'clock of Death tho Report of tho Various Committess Are Councilman J. C. Nys Is on tho Stand Pneumonia Waa tho Causo III But Been Had Tails of the and Lady Aged All Forsnoos tha of tho Heard at a Short Session a Short Tima. Modus Operand!. Board of Education. of Superintendent and Members Board to Maks an Appoal for Help. is widow of Janies Mrs. Mary McGaw, The case of 6 keen vs. Chamber At the weekly session of the board of E. M. Cminiy, Suvisit nf Secin the McGaw, succumbed to an attack of and over Thomaa along drearily still H. H. dragging by education last presided night, perintendent yesterday afternoon about Hollingsworth to Salt H. IV. Gwilllam In the absence of Dr. district court with not the beat of pneumonia Charlt retary 4 at the residence of her daught v tity today in the interest of tha Joyce. It was decided to close the success for the defense. Yesterday ter.o'clock Mrs. J. M. Thomas, 2549 Madison success-f- rr. If the atate industrial school prove then the state institution will be furnijuipled throughout with new ture. u litfh it i eadly in need of at the present time. The appropriation for the maintenance of the school will not admit of the purchase of furniture, because that would mean a deficit and ao the visit to Salt Lake City la made with a view of appealiiiK to Governor Cutler and others in power to have an appropriation made for the purchase of new furniture. A list has tieen made out of what la needed and will be submitted with a view of ascertaining the oeiitiment toward an Increase In tha appropriation or the making of a separate appropriation to cover the list. Sale of ul schools next Thursday, Washington's birthday. Reports of tiie various committees were read and acted upon. The finance committee reported cash 922,497.15. on hand In the treasury. Warrants have been ordered drawn for S9.55S.50 on account of teachers salaries. The sanitary committee reported no new cases of contagious diseases since last meeting. The following contagious diseases exist' In the city: One case diphtheria, one case scarlet fever, one case smallpox, one of whooping cough and two of chlckenpox. Superintendent Allison submitted a report fur the month of January In which It was shown that 4.545 pupils on were enrolled The school has been maintained a bed rock plan and the appropriation la nut sufficient to keep it up in the manner in which a state institution of the kind should be conducted. For some time the members of the board in this city have been trying to have the school placed on a much better basis so that an appeal like the one that la being made by the three parties mentioned will not liave to be made again. In the public schools, 2.442 hud been neither tardy nor absent. Out of the large number attending, but seven were sua- tended for bad behavior. Corporal punlahment waa administered In one case only. of that number Wilderness to Valuable Land afternoon Mr. Hendershott, a former member of the council, was on the stand and testified that the council in conjunction with the mayor had held conference over the matter of excess pay for cnunrllmen. He stated that the question arose when the streetn improvements came up, the council-mehaving a good deal to do, did not wish to leave their business and sit ujMin boards of equalisation and review for nothing and the mayor had then stated that he thought some arwhereby rangement could be made they could be paid extra for their work, intimating that the councilman knew that the excess pay was wrongful, but that they believed that they were entitled to It This morning J. C. Nye. a member of the last council, was called to the stand and testified along the same lines. He told of the resolution of the council passed on July 25, 1905, giving the councilman $100 each for extra service rendered and also to the resolution passed on December 26 of the same year appropriating $100 mors for the same purpose. The resolution of July provided that the appropriation The attorwaa for the years 1904-neys for the plaintiffs called attention to the fact that thla looked like a double appropriation and took ug their pencils and proceeded to do a little figuring. Under the resolution authorising them to collect $50 each they would have been allowed to draw $450 all told, but as a matter of fact they drew $100 for the year of 1904. Mr. Nye waa subjected to a rigid by the attorneys for the prosecution and appeared to worry considerable under the lire, and the concensus of opinion was that the testimony of the witness waa more damaging to the defense than otherhim wise. They had just excused when court adjourned for the noon 5. years Make in North Carolina Twenty-fiv- e I; LOCAL BRIEFS Big Change avenue. The dread disease which finally brought her to the death bed was contracted several days ago. The members of the family living in thle city are Mrs. E. T. HulaniskL Mrs. James M. Thomas, W. A. McGaw, Charles B. McGaw, and were present at the bedside when dissolution occurred. Frank McGaw ! In Texas and Riley McGaw is living In San Francisco. They have been notified of the death of their mother and not until they have been heard from will the funeral arrangements be made. Mrs. McGaw was bom in the state of New York In 1SS7 and at an early age joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y Saints. Crossing the plains with a band of settlers, she settled with her husband In Fillmore, Millard county. Later the McGawe moved to Lehi and then to Ogden, where she has resided for fifty years. The lot of the pioneer waa hers. She knew what It meant to live close to the heart of nature, for in the early daya In the settling of this state she endured the vicissitudes and the hardship Incident to the taming of the wilderness. Through all the trials of a pioneer's life she remained true to tho principles which she espoused and it la a source of satisfaction to her children that she bore the burden of hardships uncomplalngly and without losing hope. Box Stationery For one hour tonight ws placs on sale several dozes boxes of handsome stationery at about f the regular price. Put up in elegant boxes; newest ehapeo of envelopee and dimity paper; pajn white of bluo.tint; 24 ohooto and 4 envelopee in one-thir- each box. It io a regular 25e quality; tonight from eight till nine oclock you may have it for 9o. NINE CENTS A BOX. Not more than two boxeo to a customer. 3 3E 3 Wright's John A. Btlmsdn, the local restaurant la the recipient of a letter Will proprietor, Yellowstone. If you drink, drink from hla brother at Pawnee, Neb, askMen's and boys nightshirts cheap Game Him Out ing for power of attorney to act In dosat Putnam's ing a deal for the sale of 95 acres of Oscar GroshelL of Balt Lake, was valuable timber land In North Carolina. Fred Lews, Member of D. D. 8. BasIn Ogden yesterday. Eight helra located in different parts ketball Team, Cannot Play Again must of brother the the give country Sheriff James of Evanston was In tn This Besson. before of Nebraska attorney power tha city last evening. the sale can be made. When the Fred Lowe, 18 years of age, one of Fine wool undent ear at Putnam's father died some time ago he left the best players on the Deaf and Dumb acres Is being closed out at one-ha- lf price. among other property sixty-fiv- e School basketball team, sustained InRev. Dr. Carver of the First Pres- In North Carolina. It waa not thought hour. to the little finger of hie left hand to be of much have taxes but value, jury Chambers on the Stand. byterian church returned from a short been thla morning which will necessitate his paid upon It Recently, however, visit to Evanston today. the defendant, Fred Thla afternoon out of the legue games for a letter was received from a man In called to the stand remaining rest of the season. Tha Edmunda Tailoring Co. now North Carolina offering 95.000 for the IV. Chambers, waa examination the stated and upon direct have their complete stock of woolens land. Evidently In twenty-liv- e Young Lowe was working In the caryears hi he had faith when penter Over 1,600 different patterns this morning and In some the little sprouts of treee that then thatdrew the acted andgood without Intent manner shop money hie left hand came in contact the seemingly worthless land he J. H. Mandertleld, traveling freight covered defraud. Upon to of the big saws. The little and passenger agent of the Ban Pedro have grown Into stately magnolias, by Mr. Kimball the portly alderman with one was partially severed. Buperln CHOO-CHObalsam. and finger palmettos la on in IS the business CAR INDU8TRY Route, ran the Fourth began to sweat and tendent Driggs brought the boy down city today VERY FAST. GROWING knew he sweat hard. He admitted PeChief Clerk Glllett of the Ban town and hie injury waa attended to what the salary of the council men was dro, Balt Lake and Lua Angeles rail Mining by Dr. Baker. The regrettable feature he he when but took that the office, of the accident la that Lowe will not road, with offices at Los Angeles, Is In not work know that committee did the city today on business able to play any more basketball More Than 100,000 Smoko Wagona in Files Articles was a part of hla duties until after be season. The Injury to the bone Uao in tho United Statoo of thla over funeral the The services re' he had been a member for some time; will require time to heaL America. a quite mains of Riley Harrop will be held at that he knew that the duty devolved 3 oclock from the Lynne meeting Louisa Consolidated Mining Company upon the councilman to look after tha Waa Ineorporatsd Yastsrdsy. house. The Volunteer Fire association interests of the city In the matter of His will attend in a body. NEW YORK, Feb. 17. Some highly public Improvements; knew that the of incorporaLast articles evening canvass the council law that required M. of funeral Me tion of the Louise Consolidated MinThe Mrs Mary figures are contained In the Know Interesting election returns In open session. At Gaw will be held at the residence of ing statistics Just concerning published Hied were with the county this Mr. Kimball asked him why, then, her daughter, Mrs. J. H. Thomas, 2549 clerk.company The company Is capitalised for he liad voted for extra and marvelous the present growth compensation Madison avenue, at S p. m. Bunday. 4750,000, divided into shares of the Eopoo Engineer of This state of the automobile industry in the to himself for the work of canvassing Fred Larson, The remain can be viewed between II value of 11 each. Fred Hillman par la the returns of the election. The wit' City Haa Boon a Bonodiet Since United Btatea According to tho fig. m. and 12 Loot Decembor. president, H. J. Powers, ures the number of automobile manuness answered that he thought there John GreenwelL secretary and might have been a mistake In record' Mrs Lltick, mother of Mrs J. W. In the United. States reached The many friends and acquaintances factories Abbott, Buffeted a broken rib by a fall treasurer. The company proposes to ing the action. with an aggregate capital of seventy, Fred Larson, a young Southern $21,813,060, and the number of mawhile ascending the stairway at her develop certain claime In the Willard Isnt It a fact. Mr. Chambers, that of Pacific engineer of this city, will bo chines home, 28SI Washington avenue, yes- mining district. after you had been a member of the produced In these factories last to learn that he has been a was 29,500, valued at $44,250,000. terday. Dr. Joyce was called and set council for some time, you concluded surprised from year of bach deserter ranks the the tha broken bans that the salary was too small, and elors since December last. He Is now An Industry which shows such a recPROBATION DAY. ord five after Its establishment that you decided to reimburse your Henry Campbell was yesterday benedict and the cap' Is surely years one which Is. entitled to a for the work?" was self asked. extra a divorce hie from wife, Mary Juvsnile Delinquents granted was made ture Jensen Miss Carrie Before Report by To this question the defendant an' place among the industries of Campbell, upon the ground of deserbeautiful young lady of Bprlngvllle leading Probation Officer Jacobs in the country. swered that they had acted under ad' Utah. tion, and in leu than two hours after MaThe occurred at Juvonilo Court. marriage vice. It la estimated that the number of the decree was signed had married while Mr. Larson was em- automobiles Whose advice?" said Mr. Kimball. la d, Ida., how In service In the Mies Dora Fronberg. on the Oregon Short Line. The Fourteen Juvenile delinquents reChambers answered that they acted ployed United States is more than 100,000, now are located to Probation Officer R. young In deported couple Jacobs happy a Ratcllffe, colored, George under the advice of the mayor and In this and thla figure Is increasing with enor- city They have the best wishes serter from the United States army, the Juvenile court this morning. In Him. William Driver. year. If they were of for the n life. friends main married were most the reports was arrested yesterday afternoon about satis 3ous leapup every happy on a macadamised road To this answer Kimball said: The 6 cfciock by Captain of Police C. C. factory and speak well for the work of Hon. William Driver was a member of EARTHQUAKE AT MARTINIQUE. between New York City fuuj , Buffalo, Brown. The 'colored soldier will be the probation officer. ' But one girl re the same council, was he not?" they would', make a Urns' estimating turned over to the nearest military post ported. None was discharged thla To which the witness answered, Tea. their length at ten feet, more week, but several were discharged from sir." WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. The con- than average Fort Douglas 189 miles long. If they were De MartinFort Isle sul at of week. France, When questioned in detail as to why A runaway delivery wagon loaded probation last to give them feet placed twenty apart, reports an earthquake yesterday, these appropriations were made tha ique, with bales of hay did fhe scattering Mfety and steerage room, the line In sixty-foterrific most the years. witness answered repeatedly that IVe wyiulil reach from New York City to art aa It turned the corner of WashBDchester. Piled on end, in a perpenTOO LATE TO CLASSIFY felt that we were entitled to it," and ington avenue and Twenty-fourt- h BUTCHER TAKES COMMAND. when he was asked regarding the resodicular line, they would attain an alstreet about noun today. Hay waa x times higher than scattered promiscuously about, but no FOR BALE A well established and lution of the council appropriating $$ BT. PETERSBURG. Feb. 17. Gen- titude seventy-sifor the work, and that some of coe was Injured. Pikes that Peak and there would per day known as the butcher," be good paying business for right party of them never eral Grodekoff, acted, how it came that succeeds Linevltch in command of the enough automobiles towering In the KELLY & HERRICK. Next Thursday and Friday nights an air to bury the great mountain and appropriation waa made to Russian army In Manchuria. the Second Ward Dramatic club will FOR BALE SNAP! One of the nicest all, equal he said that they had agreed that Ite supposed heart of gold. The avermake Its second appearance In the seven-roomodern residences In the they should share and share alike. age weight of an automobile la about 18 RACING LEGAL. ward amusement hall, presenting the city. Located on the bench. $3,750 2.400 pounds. With this estimate as a Mr. Chambers was still on the stand four-a- ct society drama, 'Saved." CareKELLY A HERRICK. when this report closed. the automobiles in use In the NABHYII.LE, Tenn.. Feb. 17. The basis, ful preparation Is being given the proStates would reach the enormRlce-Llgo- n bill prohibiting betting on Uplted duction and those who attend are as- FOR RENT Furnished rooms and ous weight of 200,000.000 pounds, a figbftnrd if unin waa Tennessee desired. races a declared convenModern sured of dramatic treat in the line ure which can scarcely be realised by Wiseman Kills iences. Phones Bell 268-constitutional by a unanimous decision the of amateur theatricals as nothing so Ind human intellect 889. 2363 Adams. of the supreme court today. pretentious as Saved" has been atOne of the most significant features a for in time long Ogden. by tempted FOR BALE OK BREEDING Fighting of the Industry Is the fact that already GOT A DIVORCE. bull terrier, dark brlndlc and white, the export branch of this American au45 pounds, good for watch LOUISVILLE, Feb. 17. Mrs. Edith tomobile Industry has attained a n FOR SALE A piano at 1140. Used Peace Officer in dog or Wife of very cattle; also Scotch Collie, yellow and Nevada Committed Suicide Terry Purnell was today granted a di- Important position. From figures furonly three months. Address Piano, " vorce from Lieutenant Julius Purnell, nished by the treasury department In white, good for cattle or sheep; both care of Journal. Last Wednesday. dogs gentle with children. Inquire in army surgeon In the Philippines. Washington machines to the value of T. B. REYNOLDS. 3119 Jefferson a 12,869.621 were sent abroad during the Word reached Ogden today that Mr. BOSTON CELEBRATED. enue. first ten months of 1905. Of these the Jake lYlseinHn, wife of Constable TO OWNERS OF HORSES. larger portion went to Great Britain, BOSTON. Feb. 17. Thle city official- LOST A ladies open face gold watch, Wiseman of Wells. Nev had commit which is the best foreign consumer. ly celebrated the Longworth Roosevelt monogram In back. Lost between ted suicide at that place Wednesday We have Just installed a complete British North America came next and 26th and lYall And 23rd and Jeffer- last by shooting herself through the wedding, the mayor ordering all bells France third tn line, according to the In the city to ring for fifteen minutes, son. MRS. T. J. PAYNE, 2627 Wall heart with a .38 calibre revolver. No modem plant to scientifically make value of the machines sold. The reccause for the rash act can be learned. STEAM ROLLED GRAIN avenue. beginning at noon. for HOR8E FEED to insure complete ord shows an Increase of $792,744 over that of the same ten months of 1904, ELECTRIC SIGNS INSTALLED. assimilation. We prepare by thorough- and ly cleaning the grain; and In the pro- for $1,057,661 over the exports of 190$ the corresponding period. During cess of steaming we cook it thoroughly Washington Avtnue Will Boon Precont and this makes It a predigested food, the eleven months ending with Noa Docidodly Metropolitan paosing It directly to steel rolls, there vember. 1905, the aggregate aprpalsed . . to packer, the heat drying the grain value of horseless carriages Imported Appearance. State was $3,900,000, with all the nourishing qualities re- Into the United A. Ring, Brooch, so that the- - difference between The several electric signs which are tained. our one-thileas of our Steam sales and our purchases abroad la not You feed being installed today and which will Whatever i may be if it is anything in the Jewelry line, rest aibe Installed during the next week or Rolled Oats or Barley and only coats o very great after all. red we een fix It properly and promptly. ten day will give Washington avenue Id per cent more, a net saving of 23 Do You Know quite a metropolitan appearance. To- per cent and you get better results. Wo repair avarythlng from a stick pin to a hall clock and whata Shoe company day the Our mixed Wheat, Oats and Barley Jirel more to tho point, wo oxoreioa as much care in aoldoring a broken n the h!Ve,.the pow Is putting up a neat sign with the Rolled makes a strong, Steam spoon as in repairing a hundrad-doJwatch movement. ,n.V,te you t0 Inspect our word Shoes. Within a short time healthy balanced feed the very beat ropp,3r " HeeMe for We want you to cell us yeur eld jewelry. If ita gold we pay cash the following places will put up sign for dray horses. want th TOf Ro ert. both At All Food Stores The Reed cafe. Broom hotel. Last In Ice end service, let us suppiy yon. Thomas and the Culley Drug company. Or at WASATCH. ICE CO, Js . The Commercial Electric company 1 SMURTHWAITES WAREHOUSE, "hnlesale and Retail Dealers. 2255-T-- 9 Wall Are. doing the Installation work. Phones Ind. $612-' Bell 715-- Injured Finger Put d of cross-examinati- on I on O WEBER COUNTY 18 TO BE GREAT HATCHERY OF THE WE8T. Company Married and Friends Didnt s vice-preside- full-fledg- ed ur m Z; Mrs. Herself Shooting Wel-Know- WHATtS BROKEN? Piece of Silver, or what? rd Dee-Stanfo- rd Ji V ar . S. LEWIS CO., Jewelers A; K. Joseph Barker Roeoivoo a Lirg of Eaatorn Brook Trout Today Anothor Coming Soon. thip-mo- nt That Weber county Is to become the great fish hatchery and fish products! section of the west is the optimistic view entertained by Joseph Bufeer, who ha a large hatchery In 04e valley. Today he received a shlpsKat of 110,000 eastern brook trout ani I little later will receive another of 100,000. In all. Mr. Bute says, about ten such shipments km been ordered by those engaged in Ike business In Ogden valley. It will be a source of wealth to tt u1 county In a few years," he State Journal reporter, and that not be very long either. The 5" seem to thrive nicely In that of country and we ought to be sbk t mortK supply the middle west with win H It think the trout used.. I dont but a few years until this will b tt case. The reason I opposed th in Ogden canyon wa that it wow Injure this Industry and ultimately! believe It will be of more benefit tatm wow people of the county than the to be derived from the dam. tw You neednt be surprised hi P" wagon see to or three years time Ming down Ogden canyon by theof 8 iens loaded with tons and tons Looks good, doesnt It?" nt WINS ANOTHER GAME Weber Stake Defeats the Daf E by 8eore of 82 to The Weber Stake academy ball team defeated the deaf n'uy,V scare terday afternoon by the 9 The champions disconcerts mutes by their pretty .. accurate throwing. The ! not deposit the ball In the attempt though they made many SAY Dont You Sell Want to That Property If m. Unit will Bf KELLY& HERRICK |