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Show THE BOOSTER UNTIL HE TOOK UP GOLF CLOTHES, AND ALWAYS SUBJECT TO A UNTIL HE TOOK UP COLD UNTIL HE TOOK A GROUCH THERE WAS NO HAPPINESS 111 LIFE. JUST ENDLESS HOURS OF BUSY. UNTIL HE TOOK UP STRIFE HE WAS GETTING FAT AND OLD, HE VMS A SLOUCH, AND NEARLY ALWAYS ON NO SPORTY EXPERT SUMS UP Bl Best Brief Article Written Month. No better summary of t iie business condition in tv States has been given recently that which follows, it is hogq 3 very business man In Sugar will carefully read It and get fa tent Every paragraph lg too the point. THE PARTY IS OVER. And It was some party wife lasted! Deflation is with us, aq with the balance of the world. y, know this adjustment had to some time, so why feel blue m cournged? We have been throng same thing before, and we wr through tha adjustment period ifc. Banks. We have a banking system holding up In fine shape, and have no money panic. Consider would have happened in the months - without the Federal System. Movement Unprecedented Building Certain, Says Flalie- -. Building during iii- - current year will lur exceed tlum ! ;.ny of t':i hOiiihi-:ul.period In tin- - hi aid Lon Fisher If tuu Juit.ible Imwe Construrtiou Coinjian the nthT day. Lon is a uiau who h:is bin weather eye u)ion thn build. tig movement Just like a shepherd has upon Lis flock. Lon went o.i to convey his opinion that the shortage of hoifto s would prevail for a couple of years at the very least, and that tlie logieiil- district to absorb local expansion In Sugar House. Building permits during the current wetk. continued I.on. "will run around $50,000, which is merely the beginning. "Conditions at present are move favorable to the building movement than at any time during the recent years. This factor, together with the dearth of homea available for an avid resident class points very positively to the boom now In the offing. Incldentaly, Lon avers that the only thing deferring a deluge of orders for the Installation of portable garages In the Southeast la the desire of many live prospects to hold off a week or two longer untilt he usual spring signs re slightly more mature. BUT NOW HES UP BEFORE THE SUN, WITH NINE GOOD HOURS SLEEPING DON- E- GRIN THAT'S FULL ALL FULL NEER A THOUGHT .OF PEP THE WHOLE DAY LONG -- AT HOME AND NEVER WIPED OFF -- LOSE OR WIN Jf OF SONG, BECAUSE HE JOINED THE DcSERET GYM. GOLF CLUB. AS FIT AND TRIM AS SAILING YACH- T- FOR CHILLY MORNINGS WITH SNAPPY TOGS AND CHEERFUL OFFICE After Briggs Gold. We have about hair the knon ply of gold In our bank vaults Much interest is being evinced in the opening of the Deseret Gymnasium Golf Course. Those desiring to join should get in touch with B. S. Hinckley at once. .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii,,,l,,,l,l,,,lll,,,,llllllliiiilll,lll,ll,,lll,iii,,iiill"i,,,iiiiiii"lliiii,m "I E" Stoddard Dry Goods 2045 Cast. Alice Brady Nellie Waldron Edward T. Langford Tom Blaine Edward M. Kimball Rufna Waldron Samantha - Justine Cutting J. Clarence Harvey Stephen Mallery Arthur Ashley Stephen Mallery, Jr. Michael Flynn Walter D. Greene Nellie Waldron marries Tom Blaine, a railroad telegraph operator, leaves her aunt and uncle! farm and goes Spring la nigh and that away with her husband to an means lta time to have a station far removed from any The loneliness of the other habitation. FISHER PORTABLE nerves. She meets Nellie's on life gets GARAGE Stephen Mallery, son of the president installed. Takes but a day of the road. A flirtation results in and the price ia very reaStephen trying to persuade Nellie to sonable. Dont wait longer.. go to Chicago with him, but ahe rePhone or call for fall infuses. Later, however, she quarrels formation today. with her husband and goes away. Her PORTABLE HOUSE CONaunt having suspicions regarding her STRUCTION CO. acquantance with young Mallery, re210 fuses to receive her. She takes the Phone Hy. Sugarhouse. train for Chicago. Arriving In the city she again meets Mallery, and through his assistance she succeeds in obtainmodistes ing work at a fashionable CAN MOVIE PICTURES TALKT shop. Mallery, unknown to Nellie, is the modiste for retaining her A Swedish engineer nnme.t Sven paying services. Nellies eyes are opened Is invent'Bergleuae reported to hove when visits her at her room Stephen ed a method by which "moving picand makes love to her. She repulses tures can be made to speak. The achis advances. During the struggle tors speak, and phonograph ; words which ensues her husband arrives on and films are made at the same In- the scene, thrashes Stephen and the stant, electrically, 10 that the move- two are reunited. ment of the lips in the pictures cor An interesting study In contrasts Is responds exactly to the Broken words. (Continued on Page S, Col. 8.) South 11th East SUGARHOUSE Specials for Friday, Saturday and Monday FROM OUR DOMESTIC DEPARTMENT READY-TO-WEA- To Introduce our new line of children's eummer wash suits, made of glnghama, chambrays, linens, galetsa, In the prettiest conceivable com- fins Turkish Towels, 24c, or, per dor ... $2.55 40c for 29, or, per 75 for 50c, or, per don. --$5.55 30c fast colored, red border, Huck Towel 19c Per doxen $ m 40c extra large Huck Towels, white border, 25c Per dozen 81x90 Piquot Sheets, extra special, each$1.75 35c : 10 35c Surgeons binations. $3.50 regular, special for $3.00 regular, special for dark19c A FEW h 27-In- - . 5 -,- ..$2.95 $2.45 39o 69c LADIES BATH ROBES AT REGULAR PRICE. ONE-HAL- Mens double yoke work shirts, of extra heavy hambray or extra fine quality, black satlne, at $1.69 sox- - Mens work .10c Ladles extra fine mercerized hoee, value 59c, 41 M pair for Closing out all men's hate and caps at coat all up to date and splendid values. 3 Ladies Irish hand embroidered regular 45c, handkerchiefs, F Ladiea fine quality crepe gowns, in pink or white, regular $2.00 values, special .... .. $1.25 64-In- h ...... Ladiea flesh nanlaook bloomers, a pair Crepe, a pair iyx'1 Percales,' light and 29c fine, soft finish Indian Head, yd beat quality Sateens, regular 85c, for 45c 14c light and dark Percales,' yard fine quality Mercerized Table $1.75 nu. Damask, yard Fine quality natural, all pure silk Pongee, hu- yard $1.50 all pure natural Art Linen, 24 Inehee aB- .wide, yard h Beautiful plaid Ginghams, wide, fast -- 19c colors, special, yard Table Felt, $2X0 grads $1.50 Heavy ?30c Cotton Huck ""I "g $18.00, $16X9 and $15X0 fins 81 Marys Wool 411-9Blankets, your choice h R Ladles' fast color mercerized chambray house dreeeee with embroldeeed yokes and pockets, fags regular $5.60 values, pLii $9 an $3.50 Charlie Chaplin style . Beautiful line of middle! and smocks specially priced at $1.50 to $2.95. These come In very prettily embroidered style, all fast colorq. Must be seen to be appreciated. Boys t good quality pants, fully lined, special, pajr . Mens and boys flannel shirts, to close out, 75e and 59o at, each Mlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll NOTIONS 5c darning cotton 10c hooks and eyeo All Hickory and Warners worth up to 39c, special 4c hose supporters, 19c One lot of bone hair pini, regular 15c, forBc To close out what we have left In Fleischer's knitting worsted and 8axony Warners rust proof corsets, less 15 per cent Complete lino of McCalls patterns. yama29c IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllillllllllR Credit Every nation on the earth ovqa money! Think of the billions efu lars In stocks and bonds held Urtri before the war, on which we went lifted to pay dividends and Istmg These stocks and bonds are noth Americas strong boxes. Money. Our dollar Is the only unit at rency In the world commanding i p mlum In every market, and this tlon will continue for years. Exports. Our exports exceed our imperil y a wide margin, and will do teferi long period. We have the coal skid every country must buy from my land has not the tonnage to ktqq r her exports. Our only Bait Is the mechanical means of deqh the cars Into ocean ships. Ail n have the ships. A few of then mj leak, perhaps, but we have thsjuii In which to build others and repair the ones we own. And our flag flki h many ports where it has not tees seen for yean. We have thevM, the cotton, the copper, the nv and the world must buy otmor do without Railroads. Our railroads have been given Hvtag rates. They need everything (tin tncks to locomotives, and we on IN factories which can supply then. E Building. Every village and city in ourlnl Is seven years behind In their bniUMg program. They require everytMil from chicken coops to office bulUbp, and these wants must be on Page 3, CoLU pre-wa- s snpplM-(Contluue- IF LIBRARY BOOKS COULD SPEAK. PROTECTION Againsf Againsf Againsi Tire Burglary Decay Once house is properly inte against de cay. Decay is just as aestnictiive as hre. Paint, to serve its real purpose, must protect . 1 pleasing effect is only a Buy your nouse paint with this thought in mind, then you will think about quality as well as color. oy-produ- ct. SWP House Paint) (Sherwin-William- s ka in it the staying, weather-rantinproperties that give a house It has wonderful protection, covering power, it holds ks color and k everlastingly slicks to its joh. It is real insurance, k insures protection bom the elements; k insures value in your property; k insures beauty and distinction. There is a special Sherwin-Williaproduct for every surface around the home Mar-nfat Doors; Flat-Ton-e for walk; Porch g ot and Deck Punt for outside Boor etc. TeD us what you want (a punt and we will sell you the best fur your purpose. JL Sherwin Williams X fapj Paints Varnishes -- i The recent departure to sunny California for a vacation of hit competent staff, Mr. and Mrs. DeWilt Porter, has placed burdens .upon the herculean shoulders of Juno Keddlngton that has made that affable and popular owner of the K. & K. Engineering Company, In the basement of the Library building, decidedly chagrined nnd eager for the return of his stenographer-bookkeeper and foreman. June says that In the future when his desire vacations, he is going to arrange for the mto take place at a period when tlie demand for his Skinner System of Sprinkling is at low rhh. and not during times like thp when everybody Is simultaneously o dcring an immediate installation cf this famous of Irrigation; In other words. In the late fall or early winter. Incidentally, Juno says that the Skinner System Sprinkling Line such an impression with th: people of the Southeast that he will undoubtedly have to immediately enlarge his staff to handle the buslne- that is now floodiug the concern. and blackened, their leaves torn and dirty, and the backs of many are missing. What cruel treatment they must have received! Is the same fate In store for us? In hopes that we may have long and useful lives, I make this appeal to the hoys and girls of Sugarhouse. Do not handle with soiled hands, and mar our clean whitrp ages, for and mar our tit na white pages, for to our clean friends who love u and care for us. Do not tear nut our pictures. Leave them for others to tnjoy. Do not bend our cavers back. Soon our leaves will become loosened and then lost. When you have chosen us, take us straight home and pul us in a safe place, and do not leave us to our fate while you go to play. Teach your younger brothers and slaters to love us and care for us. Do not let them use us roughly. LION WANTS LION'S SHARE. Do not take us Into a house bearing the sign of a contagious disease Tha Reparations Commission of th" within. You will make us carriers Allies seems io be in a dcndlock over of disease and death, so that, much the distribution among them of the as our keepers care for us, we will ships which Germany surrendered. have to be destroyed. The other nations think Great Britain Do not keep us beyond the is getting too large a share. allotted time. Remember that others sre waiting for us. HOW THE LANGUAGE CROWS. If you move far from our home, do not take us with you. The liNew words appear new and then brarian trusted you. Do not betray The old time real estate sgent is now her trust. a realtor. and the There are thousands of boys and undertaker is a mortician." The other girls who have no books and no liday a hobo came in to get a dime and braries where they can get them. said he vas a lelsurist. A.q so It Think what a privelege Is yours, goes. Houston Post and do not abuse it sv-io- m one-tim- I Granite Lumber & Hardware Co. I have Just come to the Library with hundreds of my relatives and friends. As we waited to have room made for us, I could not help hut shudder at the condition of those whose places we are to take. Their once bright covers are soiled ARTICLES BY LIBRARIAN Lawn and Garden Sugarhouse rs who have neglected their library have certainly overlooked an asset of great value to the Sprinkling community. Besides finding a comprehensive library, one may enjoy a refreshing diversion in spending a half hour with Mrs. Nellie C. Bartlett, the librarian Has at last been simplified to Mich sui extent that old disposition to neglect the lawn or garden vanishes. Mrs. Bartlett has spent years In research wotk and eac.'.i year undertakes tlie study of one subject. Her cur- rent Investigative activities are at the fern-tinout of information tijion fur farming, and her colleo-- t on or colored lllu.t'rntJons of animal . specimens is rapidly Henceforth shall present t3 our readers timely articles from th pen of Mis. Bartlett which will le intensely interesting as well as educational. Next week Mrs. Barth tt will cover the library activities and explain what she is doing for the kiddles This will be followi d by an article ful-lexplaining the possibilities and pnic.Licability of fur farming. The Booster considers Itself foi lunate In being abb to offer its readers the writings of Mrs. Bartlett. It fur ther thanks her publicly for the fine idrit of shown toward this enterprise. the Skinner System Sprinkling Line ia constructed a portable form. May be eaaily set up or moved. Automatically oscillates on its axis by flow of. water, and so water is wasted. A inci-aulng- w-- y ANOTHER N. D. BANK CLOSED. Tlie Fecurity State liank of Courteney, North Dakota, has been closed by the bank examiners. It Is about the thirty-fourtIn a few weeks, due, It Is claimed, to the unsound methods of the "Non-lartlsa- n 1eague. The large new shipment of ladles' sprons on display in Hit windows of the Stoddard Dry Goods Company hnve been the rauso or so mnr.h activity among the ladles of Sugar House to secure first choice. Sprinkles over an area 50 to 60 feet wide, and length up to 250 feet. This is the one ideal solution to the successful water ing of large truck gardens, lawns, perks and golf greens If you are one who finds it difficult to apply the time necessary to properly sprinkle your garden or lawn, the ihstallation of the Skinner System is the solution to yosT problem. The expense is nominal. Or, if you have a large area of truck garden land to irrigate, you will find the Skinner System the greatest time economiser at your command. We will welcome an opportunity to 'demonstrate th system to you, and prove its value. No obligation will he incurred by your requesting such demonstration. Merely phone Hyland 1097 or drop a note to K.&K. ENGINEERING COMPANY Library Building, t this with the situation belong, war, the present situation of they pean countries, and Sugef Hoe |