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Show 4 girl liviug in Ktu?as A HORSE WITH MAN SENSE. recently secured a birthday celebiatlon fir her fvh r in a novel and touching hasu't got horse sense," years way. Tne family bad bten residents j was quite a com n )u sa ing in den of the Ualt-- d Stites for many years, ag the inte lect of others. Certainly and tne father beci m a wealthy lawyer ding some horses exhibit more sense than and decided tu make a visit to ibe old do some men. A notable instance is home. After hi arrival he was arresfound iu au animal belonging to the ted arid imprisoned for deserting the M irug Company at thirty years before, and lleela Consoldated ail efforts to secure bin ideas were (jienaale, Mout. A large sorrel horse useless, luough the Unt d S atts was purchased some two or three years minister iuterceed d uooly on his be- ago and put to working in a cart II half. His daughter, a child of eleven was led by a man for a snort time, wrn u years, was so dis rested over the mat- he oecbine better adapted for tne work ter that she wrote a piteous letter to without 0 c;ing led or drivel). When Emperor William, Pegging him toset bitchel u iu the morning at the stabl her father free on his birthday, ne g ies down to the base of the furnawhich was c'.ose at hinti. Tae request ces aud look. up to have Lis cat t loaded was granted, and the happy fa her is and theu takes his load to the dumping now on his way home to m jet his lovli w is k led to one not llis coi place, ji ing little class of tmuliUi.', out take in several classes oi miteiiais to be m vt d, and Througlout all Japan there are now as many different places to receive and open for tralli s 1,717 miles of railway. take from, and yet he never goes to the wrong place lot is be ver wrong as to The only section in the of the capital which has been opened tut time of going. When the noon during the past twelve months is that woisile blows he goes to the stable, stretching northward to Awomou This ge s diuuer and resumes work just line, 127 miles in lecgti, was opened where he left off, as perfectly as if in the au'umn of 1891, and railway guided bya driver. For two years hi communication has thus been comple- has done more work, and done it easier ted to the most nortber.y coast of the and better than if he had been driven by mainland of Japan toward lladodate. a man, aud hence he has m ;re than Tae only other line in progress is the saved the wages for a driver. The tilling up of a gap of five miles in the company have another horse to haul line connecting Yokohama with the the slag car which does it without a north west coast. Railway construc- driver, but his is only one class of tion in Japan appears to have reached routine, while the other horse has so its limit for the present. Tae ditt has great a variety as to n quire Judgment and seuse equal to man in the correct r- fused any further funds for the extension of government lices, and of performace of his duties. Tribane. those owned privatelv miny at present iu working order do not pay The Tiik police department of the city of American School. Naw York has completed the census of that city. Tae metropolis rolls up a grounds of population ot 1,001,000. In Brooklyn Te streets and public over seventy there are 893,000 souls. Jersey City Washington are shaded by thousand trees, including eight hun- has oi: 000 and the suburbs of the medred varieties and species, some ot tropolis etiuw in round uumbers40O,S00. which are to be found nowhere else iu As all of these places are really a America. These trees have been plan- part of New York, the American mted by many illustrious men, from the etropolis may be said, contains 3,021, first President to the present one. 000 people. The net gain since tue There is in the city 03L large and small compiling of the previous shows a far reservations, the latter beirg formed greater per centage than any other city by the intersection of the avenues, in the world. At this rate it will not which radiate from the Capitol and be long before New York will be the White House, with the regular streets. largest city iu the world. The BrighIn all, these cover an aggregate of 90'J ton K :cord. acres, all of which are covered with trees, the care of which, with the SUBSCRIBE FOR THE and cost nurseries propagating gardens, EAGLE. $73,000 annually. American School. A little G-Tu- un glrl.-Cougregitio- nalist. . - BOYS ADMITTED. NO-SMAI.L The no i :e of a school literary society No mull closes with the seutei.ee, bojs ldmiUed." There might have or guard. been added "without rt Tjere is something radically wrong notices are necessary, aud ytt there is cause for such notice in nearly ever) village ai:d town. The d crowd oft-i- j it bosthat nuy befi-iu every town is not composed entirely ol tne orphans and poor children out Qas mauy from families where the pareu's are in good cin umstaces and to be considered respectable ui;d worthy iu all n spects. If tae cnildreii ol tuese respectaole parents were kept off of trie ftrei t the crowd would lm much Minaller and would soon disappear, because these are the cDiidreu who are leaders. If tfjere is oue duty more hind'n g tbau another upon American cit z us u is that of p'opcrly educating their offspring. They can afford to neglect soinu oi the other duties of but this one should not be neghcted. Let parents-furuUftheir cbillren with interesting games and umusi men's at home: giv them books &ud elates and teach them valuable lessors aud make home as pleasant as possible . Let the study of the parent be how to instruct ttie children and they will be saved a great deal of anxiety and perhaps ren.orse in later years. Where it is convenient the parent should go to the literary society and take the "mu ill bo" a,long. Don't sheild the boys from tie woiid but give thun a chance to learn and if possible have them admire tlie good and noble and hate and shun thebad aud evil Norvvnen su.'ti dt-sir- e -- cltiz-Ufhi- p t mal lijgister. tTLlSHT HEW Mt 15 THE 13EST. m stums MKHiiK CP. mmvtw LI.. . ouai"- - "a, 4TLfiNTH MM. JOHN I) VYNES, Salt Lake City, Utah. CAL. |