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Show 73 THE DESERET EAGLE. MAY B0fgi lor the coming University year. school Are you coming to school next fall? Nephi Larson has drawn and framed More tables are being mide In the the Mormon Temple at Manti.Utah. It is a very neat drawing and haegs in shop. school-rooAbk the small boys if they like to the Messrs Driggs and II ynolds were at raki? About 4 weeks of sckool. Are you the Unitarian Church a week ago yesterday. Tuey are visi.ing the differony? ent churches of the city. We wonder if it will ever stop I).'. Gordy, of the east, has been raining. delivering lectures on educational Baby Alice dismissed the pupils at matters before the city teachers of breakfast, Siturday njorniug. this city. Oar teachers attended All the trees but the locust are in several cf them. Itaf and thty are getting there. A black-boar- d has been placed in Who are going to carry of the priz 3 the dining room on which the names of for bpt Jiing in the dining room? variiU3 articles of food and model We expect to have a picnic next senteLCes will be placed. This is to enable the younger pupils to avoid the week IF the weather is pleasant. I) jes Ezra Caristensen like towatch use of S'g:JS. . The advanced class in Geography the University boys play foot-ball- ? Mr. DUgs bad a call from his were given a li lal examination last mother and lather last iiday marn-m- week covering the entire work. Ezra Cnristeniaen carried off tne honors of 97. Earl Moore secured with a J )e Olorenshaw spends his Satur- a markmark of 93, Charles Stucki 80 and at home his with days Sundays and J jseph Olorenshaw 77. The class mother. average was 86 . Wednesday Misses Zorbaugh and At the last meeting of the Literary St 111 :r took tea with Mrs. Keeley Society the question of Spelling vs. bin Lit Signs was discussed. The question , Last Friday was letter-dayand all was decided in favor of Spelling. In the pupils wrote letters. We hope order that some practical good might they will be answered. come of the dUcussion it was decided, Mr. & Mrs. Metcalf were out to see by a vote of the Society, to do away the lijatoniaus," in the Silt Like with signs in the dining room for the theatre the other biht. reminder of the term. As an extra The class that flushed Geography inducement two priz s have been last week have commenced the study offered; oee to the boy and one to the of United Stales History. girl who succeed in using the fewest All are making a commendable E'giu Jicobson and Oie Pettit went signs. and up to date but few signs t home Friday to rpend Sttuiday and Sort have been recorded. Several, among Sunday with their parents. our greatest talkers too, having a cltau Mrs. was in the city two record. weeks ago and she took Elmo home for Saturday and Sunday. STUDENTS LITERARY SOCIETY. Messr Driggs and Reynolds were at MAY 7TII. the theatre to see "Jane". They say that it was very, very funny. The members of the society met in Amelia Comer speed Sunday the 8th the chapel as asuai Saturday evening with a friend. Aud on Monday she at half past seven. was out for a ride with her. Prayer was off ered by Miss Siillljr. The minutes of the last meeting The boys have a new V inch rope for the debate for use in and other games. were read and the Judges chosen, they were Mr. Driggy, Eirl They must take good care of it. Moore and Am Divine. John Clark likes to work with the The programme was rendered as little boys for a change. lie says follows: that his muscle is growing now. Debate; resolved that Spelling is Joe Keeley usually brings several better than Signing. bags of candy to school Monday Aff. speakers; Njpai Larsen and morning to treat his chums with. Amelia Comer. We understated that quite a number speakers; J hn Clark and of changes will be made in the Julia Collett. Julia was unprepared. m. g. ite. K'-m- p tug-of-w- ar N-Jg- . The decision of the Judges was for the Afll. mative, Interesting stories were told by Amy Devine, Willard Hansen and Aksel Amundsen. Declamation was given by Charles Stucki.. The programme was then given for the next meeting. Mr. Metcalf spoke to the society a short time about spelling in the dining room and the meeting adjourned. Libbie DeLong, Asst. Sec'y. Pupils Ooltiattii Earl Moore, ) Libbie DeLong, ) Editors. . Rainy weather for the past week. Less than one month before school is out. Libbie DeLong had her picture taken last week. Some ladies came to visit our school the other day. The boys have nice times playing foot-ba- ll now. It was Mr. Driggs1 turn in the dining room last week. The boys bought a foot-bal- l. They foot-ball. like to play The little girls are making clay dishes, which are very pretty. The little folks in the articulation class teem to be improving. The 8th day of May was Earl Moore's birthday. How is your back? Mr. Driggs had his photograph taken, and gave one to each of bis pupils. We have stopped signing in the dining room now and it is very quiet. Julia Collett took the train for home Friday morning. "We wisn you a pleasant journey Julia." Leo Hawkins has not been in school for a few weeks. He and his father have gone south. Last Thursday the girls got the foot- ball and had a nice game. They like to play foot-hal- l. It rained very hard on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday of last week. Mr. Metcalf and gcraj of the boys went out for a walk to the lime K Ins north of the Institution on the 8th of May. Libbie DeLong's father came to see her on the Sth of May and remained till Wednesday morning. Sac bud a good time with him. He was surprised that she was fat, because she was thin when at home. |