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Show s Cheapest Furniture House in Utah. A BK OPPOSITE TEMPLE. UBSCi Co IE Is the leading Institi tion of this Territory for all kinds of GENERAL MERCHANDISE. cm . , , n-ii- niii imum im Both Wholesale and lletail. mniw iTi im Tii mi "im iiini tmi imai C?5 It carries the Finest Selection of GENTS' CLOTHING AND GENERAL FURNISHINGS. Itcaters to the Ladies in Dress Goods, Garments. Ribbons, Hosiery, Gloves, Laces, Jewelry. Watches and a Thousand Notions, It. aims to please ail its customers, audit invites the patronage of every buyer pO T. G. WEBBER, Supt. J SHKLLKY & 77; 1UIHIKH AHTT fJuZZ I Sxrimt'iiK. mWh bra r( ft,- HtM'ku - lace house Furniture p. U-1- I ( fed "onipanj, unjihire. Carpel' Ciirbiii;, Window Hliyds, Klc. UthCr ackerZ Factory .STATIONERY C2MPANY- Mountain - o .Main Street. 5J )ri (iao,h. w- " Co-o- Dimmmit Jt'irt'lri. 221 r-- w f Main Shrrt. i GEO. 1. SCOTT (imoim'oisatki)) Dealers in 71 rw j r CO., Jhun TQYS, - HI reel. ETC., ETC. llonhhire and Mefols. Store. l Tinware. Ele. r-- Barratt i"s Main strew. J: For ?1 Bros. m Fnmilnre. Young Bros. Co. Domes! ic Sarin J l(,ll(1As ; Mactines M;i:i:!;:;ctiM(M-- FIN' I'lAXOS AX- DMUSICAL fXSTliUJIKXTK. Sa -- S8 Main Street. 3Z:5 5 S--O & NM.olosalc an.l Uwail Donlow Qlassto co ; ! f)i) AV. I' Silvertoare. W. i:rc. list Sou J. o l Fine Dry Goods IP! I lull. SI. TYPEWRIT FRR : n"aks' rrim7:S'7L '.EK all makes. Marinnes soM i , 'v llcrs. '.,.( 'Al.ll, lllustr.it.-.loataloum.- s TYPEWRITER lurmon.n'Trn Wholesale nn.l !rn: ;:!! Iiroadw.iv. VY "ahasli 24 W. a. . ( -- 5 Worn,, 'J doorf (f; Jf0S(. Sr'i 9 invnUI,;,,.. I htvdlUm: J sS v. rj(-llll- Miit!tsa)4 prices ti M ( LmeHardwareCo' lietail nmntilly pay" ; . LAJIl'S. L(,,.(, ( h- CALLAWAy- - H()0CK C?ina. C.KACKE11S. 1 - I oo oi" s ( GEOCER FIRST SOUTH. . |