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Show WALKER BROS. -- & FYLER CO. The Largest and the Leading : Dry Goods House in the West. See their new building. ;'fis the best lighted and most magnificently fitted building in the Territory of Utah. Go to them for Carpets, Clothing, Dress Goods, . Boots, Shoes and, Notions: ; F AUERBACH THE KWesternJ Standard Gauge & BRO. LEAD IN-- RAILWAY! ffl ..THROUGH THE. . ROCKY MOUNTAINS! Mr GOODS AfllD 'iS LADIES WEAR- - Dtl Men's Finnishing Goods. Choice of Threa D ' stin.t Routes. 3 C E lid s e ff AST) THE MOST MAGNIFICENT SCENERY RAILROAD Wy jjsi;" Jji'iS'CEi i IN THE) WORID. a s lis ss S -s 5 5- To g." r! Cf 5 B 2- H T -I Two Fast Express Trains Daily EACH WAY BETWEEN OGDEN, SALT LAKE AND DENVER. ELEGANT RECLINING CHAIR GARS! Froo of Cliargo. TEE MOST THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED RAILWAY IN THE WEST. ID. 0. DODGE, Hi la Direct Connections made in Union' Depots. I . jgjss isa: : r&eisg sf s 2 "e . ti. F. 8 opt. vtsmmwSm ti. o hi AND ALL KINDS OF Fine Fancy in Stock p"J AND MADE TO ORDER be-ginu- era Fur Cleaning, Rvitairhiy, i 1 x r A s A IZ l l unaerthRe to nnii tench any (airly intelligent person of ciih 1 1 1 1 I B sen, who tan read and write, and win fj B 1 1 I In ft or instruction, will work, industriousi; Thousand Dollars i tsr how to Year in thfir own lo"nliiie.,w In r vcr ....y ilve.l w ill alsofurn'.si. the situation or employ mentit w hich you ran earn that amount. No nionev for me unless successful as above. Easily and quickly learned, i desire but one w orker f rom each district or county. I have already taught and provided with employment a larra number, who are making over 13000 a year each. It's X 12 W and SO II. Kiill particulars FIS KK. Address at once, v- 3 v i Dyeing and Unfitting a Specialty. H.Inllett.fc 'o.,I"vtjSiOIoitland,aiuiiie A 05 AIII PRICES qEASOfABLE HQ StTISFACTWt GUARANTEED. Tl-ri'- IjI p.' - lOgleg ..-- .. IN MIND jv!L. - j i HBtiltK. S pOH5 D 2 r. A. Snug little fort lines hare been mid eat work fur us, liy Anna Page, Austin, lexas, am! .mio. lionn, loleUo, Uhto, lSr cut. Others n re doing as well. Why tuot vim? Home earn over f&OO.UU a month. You chii do the work and live at home, wherever you are. Even are easily earning from tf 5 to rond ii'adn.y. All npes. neshow you how start yon. Can work in spare time or all 1n' time. Ilifrjnoney fur workers. Fni! nrc unknown among them. NKW nml wmiilerful. rarticiilars free. CO - A.E.WELBY, J.H.BENNETT, Genl. Mgr. h U) o to o S2 Si? 8.5 -a 0., ii ii by Exclusive nil 6. MSH-gSY,'- . Pracwal the Funfutf in aao UTA.fi, $M o AN IT All Y PLUMBING. Gas and Steam Fittin Telephone 207. 135 E. Second South Street. QC o |