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Show DESEFbT LMaLE. TJHfc. Printed by ttio Pupilo in tho Deaf Jvluto Department of tti University of Doserot. VOLUME I. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH, FEBRUARY 28 1690. and silk goods. New York rs.nk first iu the value of Hr ug in your gbe:tee, O harveste rs, in ijn; busy fields of hi manufactures, soap, printing and pubT: ougli sown hi tuo whirl iudtbitfjr bn&'b, lishing, hops, hay, potatoes, buck5r in th t 'runny eoil wheat and milk cows. 'i'liu rcul ibii a rinfc f.r earnest gain, North Carolina ranks first in tar and S- nil it a, in fi. I'.s or to den grain. turpentine. ri Ohio ranks first in agricultural implements and wool. INDUSTKISS OF STATES. Oregon takes the palm in cattle raisAlabama TKUTEIK OF XATUIts:. marl, jr.inc A-'a- r J-;t'- i ! - racks fourth incoUoc. Arizona ranks second la rilvur. California ranks first in barley, grave culture, sheep, gold and quicksilver. Colorado ranks first In silver. Connecticut ranks first in clocks. Delaware is away up in peaches. Dakota ranks third in sugar and molasses. Georgia ranks eecond in rice and sweet potatoes. Indiana ranks second in wheat. Illinois ranks first in oats, meat packing, lumber traffic, malt, and distilled liquors, and miles of railway. Iowa ranks first in average population, first in productintell-igeiicej- of ion of corn and first in number swine. Ikado ranks sixth in gold and silver. Eansa3 ranks fltth in cattle, corn and rye. Kentucky ranks first in tobacco, and hp.s r. world wide reputation for thoroughbred horses and cattle. Louisiana ranks first in sugr-- and molasses. Matatgranks first in ship building, slate and granite quarries, lumbering and fishing. Maryland rands fourth in coal. Massachusetts ranks first in cotton, woolen and worsted goods and in cod &:d mackerel fisheries, Michigan ranks first in copper, lumber and salt. Minnesota ranks fourth in wheat and barley. Mississippi ranks second in cottcn. Missouri ranks first in mules. Montana ranks fifth in silver and gold. New Mexico's grazing facilities r can't be beat. Nebraska has abundant crops of rye, buckwheat, barley, flax and hemp. Nevada ranks second in gold. New Hampshire ranks third in the manufacture of cotton goods. New Jersey ranks first in fertilizing NUMBER 10 My head had a narrow escape frcm getting crushed in like an gg sh':)l, and I was buried from the feet to th: breast. The Irshman who was cur watchman then, sprang to my assist tance and clawed the bags rig t and left off me When I caught my breat h again I was thankful lor my escape-fro- being crushed to a pulf. T!"-rare people who would like to uke ing. their chances 0 getting buried uniier In ranks first rye, iron, a heap of money, just for the sake cf IVunsylvania and coal. steel, petroleum being where there is plenty of it, but It'iode Island, in proportion to its none so foolish to be found among the size, outranks all other states in the Uncle Sam hirelings whose daily toil value of manufactures. consists In shovellug the big surplus South Carolna ranks first in phos- about. Sub Treasury Clerk in Globe phates. Democrat. Tennessee ranks eecond in peanuts. Texas ranks first in cattle and It is probable that a railroad will he cotton. built frcm Spokane Falls, Washington. Utah ranks third in silver. to Alaska within the ut;xt few years. Vermont ranks fourth in copper. Competent engineers place the cost t first in rauks one hundred and thirty Virginia peanuts. million lt West Vrigiuia ranks flth in and dollars. The road as projected would coal. fhn along the valleys cf tuo Columbia Wirconsin ranks second in heps. and the Cauoo, then ever tho hills fiv::i Ta-.Cincinnati Commercial Gazette. Clcrc, and down along he Fraser river to Fort George. Taer.ce it would have to cross a long, PILSS 0? SILVS3 DOLLARS. hut not difficult pass to the valley ot the Yukon, down wnich it would go to rhe mouth of the great river, a distance Silver money piled up la heaps, like alto-etiiof about 3,000 miles. The d cr lumber, is very danger- read would pars through a great fur bearing, salmon fishing, ous, p.;3 it is likely to topple over ar.d mining, and agricultural rrgion, which crush the clerks. I know it rounds timber, would help make It pay. Furthermore, lika a fable to Teliowa whose suspen- the KusFian government in building a across Siberia J. ml down the ders have never been sagged by more Aroad moor to its mouLh. Thi will connect than a fi3tf ul of quarter dollars to talk with a road extending to a point on of the risk oc rues iu a place like this U 'hring Ntrait. This line, in connection of getting crushed to death under an with the Alaska road, wonU form a il route from Europe avalanche of good and iawfcl coined practically 10 the United States. money, but the danger is great, neverTorn war very fond of loaf sugar and theless, The other day we all noticed would help himself whenever he could that our high wall cf silver dollars a chance. One gut ha woke jH00 in each bag was bagging out in b fore any one in triemorning house was up. His the middle to fall. The old clerks all first tboucbt was, "I wish I had some cf ran to let it come, but the colored man, those hard white lumps of sugar I saw on tuo table last night. He ixotout of ignorant of the tremendous weigh of bed and went down to the dining room. ran to the and Ho was up silver, caving pile Just going to put his hand bowl when he thought into the his it with hands. sugar pushed Thinking saw on ths wall, and it a he hand he could brace it up. As well try to seemed to write" 'Thou shall not hold so much falling stone. steal." He quickly went up stairs, got Down it came with a crash, and the into bed, and covered up his head, for colored man had a narrow escape, he was very mr.ch frightened. When his mother called him to breakfast he getting off with a few bruises and did not get up, and when she went up scratches. Six years ago, at our old to his room he told her all about it. office at Sixth and Locust street, a pile His mother explained to him that it shadow he saw. Why do of bags of silver, $1,000 in a bag, fell was his own he you suppose thought it was a hand upon me and bore me to the floor. writing on the wall ? c c-- i-r cerd-vroo- all-ra- |