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Show MINING UTAH FrlilaF (IVIL KwlKi IJM'rmbrr In the last report of Gpii. F. I'!. Spin i:cr, Treasurer uf the I'niteil State, lire luntiiiued some observations ielullve to (,'iril Service Reform, cnlcululed to awakeu in the thoughtful, unpleasant jircwntimenU. The reus in of the present impurity and corruption exist-inin high places, he give ai follow : There in a class of oilier that rich intn will take, for the honor the? are supposed to coufcr upon the holder. There i another class that diahoneat men strivo for and struggle to obtain, because of the stealing i the hope to inako off them. Aa matter are now arranged, an honest, competent jhht man i debarred and virtuallj disqual-lie- d and disfranchised from holding place of public trust. None hut rich men or rascal can now afford to hold any of tha public offices that were formerly considered places of high houor. Then offices were conferred upon persons of distinguished honesty and ability, and were coveted hy the purest mud best men in tho land ; and office holders were treated with respect, and were looked up to hy whole cominuuilies as .'Xeiuplars of private and public virtue .Vow they are looked upon with suspicion and distrust. have Tho truth of these statement fjrced themselves irresistibly upon all who have observed public events for the past few years. It is not equally pluin that the he aeen, however, M increase an he proposes remedy Government of the wages of employes will bring about the desired change. The reason that so many dishonest officials are found in power is not so much because salaries are so low that none cun afford to fill ths offices unless intending to increase it by stealings, os because persons are placed in these positions as a reward for political services rendered, rather than from regard for their peculiar qualifications and fitness for the place. So long as that damnable heresy, uttered though it was by an able and patriotic ruler, to the victors belong the spoils, is allowed to prea vail, just so long will there he corrup-tioand inefficiency in our civil service. It usually occurs that the official positions are promised before the election of the appointing power to obtain the influence of him who is to he the recipThe latter, ient of the patronage. g urged on hy selfish principles, expends his time and money to secure the success of his principal, and when in the promised position he scruples not to repay himself by stealings for the private expenses incurred. This principle has been carried to such an extent that elections iu tho United States are al most s fitree, the aspirant capable of distributing the most official patronage usually being victorious. This widespread and growing evil, founded ou a principle wholly unworthy of a true American, is the deadly enemy of civil service reform. No mere machine work, such os competitive examinations or increase of pay can do the work which it requires and a higher patriotism and nobler conception of the duties of the rulers of a free people to accomplish. CAXXOX. This great piece of Mormon ordnance, Laving been directed on Washington, and supposed to have been fired (though not with love of country) has at length returned to his old home, to "enjoy" the holidays. We greet this chief of woman's defamers with the wish that his next departure may he te a place of more permanent abode than the last, as Washington does not . appear to he just ths place for him. Tnx National Republican of Washington, D. C., in its issue of the 18th insL, says : Georgo A. Black, Esq, the Secretary uf Utah Territory, is on a visit t this city, and registered at the KLbitt House. evening this young and accomplished officer of the Government was made the pereenal recipient of uiauy siuevre congratulations. Ist From an exchange we clip the fol- lowing in reference to our mines : 'I he production of silver from the mines uf iuh for the venr ls"l, is roughly esii mated at fci.OUU.OOO, and a writer in the (Inntlm llanhl predicts 'hat tin- - totul yield for 17", will reach ioiilile that iiuiiiiint. it isdillimlt. however, to arrive at mii estimate of the prod ii et ion in ihut Territory, as be sliipuieiils are made, some of theiu n relim-- we imagine there will be considerably less profit, ut li'UKt in winter, unless is exercised to more care and We arrived make them cumfurlublti. ten this morning, three here si bull'-pu.- -t hours aud a Imlf lute, and not in sea- TO AKIXOSA. The Arizona Ciliim, recognizing tha Lake City, growing importance of Salt would acbenefits that and the MT. service iikfohm. RECOIL OP IttMlI JOURNAL. many crue to the inhabitants of that Territory esminuni-cutioby having a direct means of is urging upon its readers the necessity of having a direct route from here to lrescott. It say : A party of engineers were, in October sod November, and may he yet, at work to find a practicable wagon and prospective railway route from .Salt take City to lrcsrott iu Arizona. A cross road of some kind is much needed and ought to he encouraged. From the i enver Pacific and Denver and Kio Grande railroads ou the east to the Salt Lake and San Bernardino wagon road on the west, there is no passible highway opened from the ceutral overland routes to those in Arizona. Lieutenant Geo. M. Wheeler, recognizing the necessity for a highway between the points uumed via St. George, St. Thomas, and other southern Utah and Nevada settlements, bos been giving the subject some attention. The mines of Mohave county are certain to soon call together a large population and create mnch business, and to them this new highway would be of vast advantage. Beside the many mines along the whole route, there are numerous valleys of great fertility and considerable extent which are possessed uf healthy and pleasant climates. A route from here into Arizona, either wagon or railway, would make this city tho source of supply of that entire Territory ns we(l ns n considerable part of New Mexico. No possibility of obtaining sgch a valuable trade should be allowed to pass unbeeded, aud we doubt not that by a hearty of the Salt Lake merch&uts with the people of Arizona, the work could be Much of the peedily accomplished. trade which now goes te other places would inevitably seek this place, and the mutual benefits to the two commercial points would more than repay the expense, not to speak of tke advantages to the intermediate sections. EDITORIAL ROTES. Ka Rente Omiki to Cincinnati end Washington. Git.iisouso, 111., Dec. 22, 1872 The snow blecksdss on the Union Pacific railroad a year ago, were no doubt very frightful in public estimation, and the luckless travelers who happened to la caught in them had good excuse, if not reason, for their many aud loud complaints ; but . the present winter, although thua Car net as severe in the Rocky Mountain region and on the plains, as lost, shows that the overland passenger has cause for apprehension of hardship, delay and trouble on roods east of the Missouri, no less than ou the great continental route ; and it may be said, that should the changes sul improvements mods on the U niou Pacific to prevent obstruction by snow, prove as we believe they generally will, effectual oc c&sion for fear will be all confined to the menus of travel, after leaving the cars at Omaha. To our mind, however, sack blockades as those which occurred on the U. P. line, are not more to be dreaded than the exposure aud uncertainties to which railroad passengers are subjected on the lines eastward from Council Bluffs. We came ou hy the Many of u Missouri. Burlington having and keen well nigh frozen in having our baggage checked ou the open platform of the depot, between the river aud the Bluffs, and by the war, how can you well conceive of a greater outrage, than to compel the necessity of passengers standing, for perhaps an hour, without the slightest shelter from the elements the mercury, as in our case, down to 20 degrees below zero, and the piercing wind penetrating, it would seem, our very bones ? Not a particle of care to save the traveller from these hardships and risk of health is made by any of ths railroad companies tunning . out of Council Bluffs. Tha Northwestern, the Rock Island, the Burlington and Missouri and tke Kansas City line all hare platforma together, aud serve their patrons, iu this limiter or cbeckiug baggage, just the same. Ladies journeying without escort have u bard lime uf it, aud nut a few must necessarily suffer most afterward, from their cruel exseri-uuiil- bullion .ill in ores of wiJely different degree fineness, believed, though, that 'f'lie l.illle his Cottonwood llist riel alone 1ms yielded more than $15, 00.1,01)0 the prevent year. There are seven mines diere, besides the Ktnuia, yielding inure than J jUll.UOU each, some reaching us high as $ 1,100,000. Information is wanted cf Capt. Hunt, who left lioche in May last for Arizona, with a company of men. Address, A. B. Jones, Record office, I'iachc. IIox. U. C. McCormick receved a total of 2,222 votes for Delegate to Cou gresi from Arizona. steam, night, comfort vauitked and the pas lay shivering in their sections unable to sleep and anxiously hoping fur inurniiig. Wheu it came some were uumb with cold, others fell sick, while about all raughed incessantly. Iu this cotiuccliuu it might lie sugge ted, if the Pullman Palace'' Car Company had become so poor, or mbax, that it cannot, provide but one thin blanket for each berth, that some of the ornamental fitting of the cars bo removed and exchanged for euitahle cov d ering to the beds. It is popularly that Pullman's palaces pay but sup-pore- will call thaw, immediately eating, at tlis OCCIDENTAL missing couuectiou st Indianapolis, and another detention of eight or ten hours. This is pleasant, especially to such ns hoped to get home for their Christmas disner. But we must expect disappointment In this world and they, who like your correspondent, have no better souse than to ielcct,""a tecond time short routes, such as connect with the Burlington snd Missouri at Gsles-bourinstead of the longer bat surer lines via Chicago, don't deserve sympathy. Passengers for Cincinnati by Chicago, who were with us to this place, will arrive at the former city morning. We shall scarcely get there The till next - day possibly later. writer of this fully appreciates the situ ation. He is iu s most amiable mood and much inclined at the present moment to attempt something funny, but would not then Smooth Ephraim like it, you know ; more particularly as he has so recently established his fame os the Pee Wee humorist. It is better perhaps nnder the peculiar circumstances that we should repress the expression of anything smart The occasion after all is not appropriate and so in concluding .our remarks we beg to do so with the assurance which to you we know will be most comforting that for the balance of the day till we eonnecVwith another train of brilliant ideas, we shall spend our time in deep snd profound meditation upon meteoro- at Hunter's Point. Long Inland, Dee. 27. logical (look at dictionaiy and see if All railroad travel on Lang Island this don't mean something about the has ceased. . Tim steamships Halsatia sad. City e weather) subjects. Were it not for our early training, Limerick lor Europe, aud Columbia for besides several coasting steam' and the respect we cherish for ths feel- Havana, ships which were to leave yesterday, are ings pf our exemplary friend and coun- detained by storm. No arrivals from selor Smooth Ephraim, we might tha sea yesterday, A special from Boston, at midnight, vary our efforts to while the hours states that all travel was impended ia away by a littls profane chin, all to the No trains whatever arevening. ourselves of course, but onr conscience rived or left. will sot permit. Lore to our beloved - There were five alarms of fire in the brethren. evening, oue of which came from tho Gould, new post office, the walls of which were j overheated by the furnace. Another IOTBI.' alarm was caused by the burning of tho small pox hospital in the Highland DisA man named Jerrv Howard, of Sutwhich throws some 300 small pox ter Creek, was killed in the Lincoln trict, patients upon tha community. The pey. He Mining Company's mill loss is $13,000. Over twenty was esught in ths cam of the shaft and cuniary thousand people were compelled to stay horribly mutilated, in Boston ever night, being unable to The President signed a bill reducing reach their homes a the suburb. the expenses and officers of the Internal The snow yesterday prevented the tevenue Bureau and work, putting the search for the girls burned in the Cen uew law Into execution which will bo tre street fire. , The Fire Sspcrintend-e- nt commenced immediately. of Buildings in a card says there are thousands of buildings in the The President has remitted a portion of the sentence of Paymaster H. B. fcity more dangerous than tho oua burned in Centre street. ieese, charged with irregularities in his Baltimore, Dec. 27. accounts, which suspended him from There were two fires ia ths city last rank and duty for four months. night. The President also remitted a similar Some disaster occurred to the steamer mrtioa of ths sentence of Alexander A. George Leary, of the regular line, which femmes, of the United States Navy, left Norfolk lost evening for thie city convicted of cruel snd inhuman conduct and haenotyet arrived. Nothing hai as commander uf the U. S. steamer, been heard of the iteamer since she left .'ortsmouth. Norfolk. Doubtless she has been deAt Columbia, S. C., the heaviest storm tained iu the bay by the ice. The harof sleet and snow that ever was known bor is closed to the mouth of latapsco iu this lection commenced at one o'clock for sailing crafts. It is announced that Joe Jef the iaj before yesterday, aud continued will fenon make his on reappearance for thirteen hours, delaying railroad the stage in this city during new year's trains, etc. Improvised sleighs of every bis health being regarded as perdescription were brought into use yes- week, restored. terday and everybody was cleaning the manently snow from the sidewalks. y so tigers lila, who it al l or Uuluu Telegraph. Scranton, Pa., Dec. 27. Twelve inches of suow fell yesterday. .Judge C. A. Lane, of Wilkesbarre, died suddenly in this city yesterday. New York, Dec. 27. are banked with The streets snow. No such snowstorm has been witnessed in this section for upward of twenty years. Lest night the streets were deserted from aa early hour in the evening. Business is mostly suspended. No persons ventured out except from absolute necessity. Thousands slept down town at hotels or ia their offices, owing to inability to reach their homes ia the upper parts sf the city. Classes dependaut upon their days earnings for the following nights shelter, suffered immensely: thousands of them wandered about the streets not knowing where to go. Some of the principal line of street with double cars are running Few stages overloaded. teams, heavily coolinne running; bnt it is oaly at rare intervals that carts or other vehicles are seen. The Cleaning Bureau yesterday ordered a force of labarers to work cleaning the cross walks, approaches to ferries and in general shoveling snow. Special attention will be given to the cleauing of Broadway, on which the snow lays a foot deep on the level. The entire coat of cleaning this street for a distance of seventy blocks, will reach $20,000. The thermostands about on an avermeter with yesterday, ten degrees above age zero. The storm told heavily upon bus! ness, especially by delay of mails. No mails were sent yesterday except those sent early in the afternoon. No mails have arrived here since yesterday noon. In Brooklyn and suburbs nearly all travel ana business are impended. Daring the height of the storm yesterday afternoon a large meteor was seen j MURPHY; a curtain Guarantkk all dyspeptics and warrant it iuralli. EAHTKllN. east to Ciucinunti, Louisville, and via there points east, must remain bore till o'clock this evening .with prospect of till we fell get silver hullion. others in bne e verul hours bchiud time. The roaches of varying value, and others were wurm for awhile, but along in the mure Pr Wr.Irrm & AUER This Mornings Report. son for uny "cuuuecting" trains. In consequence, those of u bound south- posure. We taude fuir progress at Grsl, but the intense cold was too much even for the engine, and we were obliged to muke frequent and long stups to NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TELEGRAPHIC. SALOON, riKBT SOVT11ST., Emat of Qotlb a Jt CV. ifoor Flo w-a-perk- h aul-t- f RU6GIST AND BARBER SHOP, """''.I lu to-da- gh to-da- RKKSE'S The large toliacco warehouse of Lcg-- I jett & Donainau, at the corner of Second md Wuluut streets, St. Louis, was turned last night, with the adjoining tobaeco store of J. C. Tiej merer. The 'oss of the former on the building, machinery and stock is nearly $10(1,000; nsurance about $65,000. Tieytneycrs oss is nearly $75,000, which is uearly covered by insurance. At Buffalo, there is great anxiety felt among the citizens over the derangement of the waterworks. Petrols w era formed to guard sgaiust fire lost night. The cause of the trouble is nut Some think that the mouth of the tunnel iu choked. All factories, etc., requiring steam and which are dependent on the waterworks for water, are stopped, cutailing a loss on thsusuuds of eperaiive. The Commercial snd Courier offices are obliged to haul water from the creak to enukle them to get out their pupers. James McCrary, a noted desperado, of Visalia, Cal., who lm killed several men already, shut and killed Charles Alleu this Hftprnuon. lie was nrn-sieby officers in an out house nud was armed to the teeth, he was twice taken from the officers hy an excited crowd, amid cries of Hang him," etc. The officers succeeded in lodging him in jail. A vigilance committee organized around the jail door and a demand was mads for the prisoner. The sheriff and deputies were overpowered and the keys taken from them. McCrary was taken from the jail ami hanged to a bridge in (lie vicinity. The body is still banging from the bridge amid pouring rain. definite-sscertaine- d. edu-cuti- MISCELLANEOUS. it liml Hint hitud tliunlil In-- oh Ami Kwli sihI MinnI an r)ui! ' AUcgaand,.,,, FOR KENT. Dnig8 and Chernic Hr, TUI 8 TORN AXD In Oraoabrck'f Hiock, now ocas-pi- A BTKR JANUARY A byBooaiaoiit tha loaetAUl'l,. Partory, with In or without tha evoaa. Tha orrna or sow food ardor, and will ba aold or ranted. Apply as tha dan. KIKTLKY A PITT. dactttf Danorat I! tram Cracker u h"7k w-- - OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! FHATTJ MALTBYS CELEBRATED Baltimore .u Prttleular attend ABOLITION ! Oysters OIL ! FOR BALR BY G. A. HATTEHLEE, Vtrat South Strort, Eight Doom IVeot oj JTafi A tract. I WILL BELL HAMS AXD BACOX AT COST durian tha aaxt thirty day for eaah. Country trade tblldtrd. P. O. Poi 72S, -- STsSahS; Mnrtam, Arhsod trtrt 1 ia&fc tad IIIATTS PIGH FEET ABOLITION A LAMBS TONGUES, iTWoorMauaFrknd. OIL Ever, IXKITS AKDKBQS. HAMS , BACOm ! BUTTES, CHESSS, ' BOOS, Xtc. JEto AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES aevST-td- . j Dissolution Of Copartnership 'a lxx. bbiham akdt. r. mulloy.doixo A nndor Bra noma boilnaa tha of Brabant A Mulloy, hart thia Say mired eopartnonblp by Biutaal coawat. All IlabtUlIra of tha Bra praaant to T. F. Mulloy A Co., who will colUrt oH out- standing debts dot tha Ara. ALRX. BKNHAK, m T.F. MULLOY. j Balt Laks City, Doe. 17, 1STL r. ucuev. r. a. at. smuts. Ac CO stock axb s. s. T. F. MULLOY nut purchased of Bonham 1 Mulloy, will Bayixq will sod Xranafor buolaoto at tha LIVERY STABLE, On Second Bontb Btiret. Tho poUIr ia inapoctnilly oitlicitad. T. i patronage of tha F. MULLOY ! OYSTERS At BOLE AGENTS FOR uy Coxae Scrofula, Boll Pimply SJn Lear-ane- iu PRATTS imw iiiPB. Fries, 81. For mis byollDrpSx A. McBOYLE A Cft, DrmgglatiaudChmim lu Fiudm SuitPnfnwx GODRE CO, Druggists, Sallkkft OTtt-l- WheMtlpsu E. A. FARGO w WHOLESALE DEALERS R. SCOTTY CKLEBRATKD CAX, KKQ and SHELL OY8TKK8.J.R.B. Kxtn tortn , Balm-laXXX Baltimore Oysters Saddle Hocks mad Clams. All LI QUO 118. 310 Promt St.. Cor. Commttdd. BAM FHJSCIK dorS-t- f CALLAHAN M. B. CO., CO. wna UlLVNDIHH, OBEYS CO.. Lock Box 74T. 0. PRATT & & Importon slid Jobbonrf K. B. Particular attention paid to country orders. Addram, C. taint and dl infer dlaorden of the Bleed ftem the Sya, Cum Piles and snd I Kidneys to himtioJrKSfo Is as regular te clockwork and fertile A. j system against diatoot la say fora, THE WEST A n-w- han MISCELLANEOUS. J. uorST-t- f XyaBki?bE,:,4 Carta, Chiuale and IiSamttrttra ovary other remedy faiu. ! ! part of 1! The Orest Ysgrtabla Blood PsrlfeiitLw lavlgentor. CO., First South Stmt, woot of Kimball near tha Market, IX BLOOD of Life! Pmuyg docSO Sw Frroh arery day sad drllraird to tho City. OBEY Rirtr PBATT8 N E W L I FE Sc CO. Balt Lake City, Dre. 17,1KB. OYSTERS Tha Krndtcstaa, Syphilitic I y. BLOOD! ou gs ! block. LKAYK TO AXNOCNCK TO THU Poor Gentlemen In EsglaaS. John Huddv, a gentleman and law student who had received the best tliut England affords, died o: ' starvation in London the other day Unnlilo to make a living, and too prom to beg, he was carried to the workhouse, where he died of inanition. He was man of vast erudition, fine abilities, am temperate habits. What a cuiuuientar upon English charity and philanthropy The income of the Inns of Court in London is not less than $350,000 a year, positively lying idle, snd yet the Benchers of the Inner Temple compel law student to pay fees for admission to their libraiy. Foor Mr. Iladdy wm irevcuted from earning a few poor shil-iuat law reporting on account of this arbitrary enactment. He bail no money wherewith to pay library fees, and he was shut out from following his profession by reason of hid inability to buy law bunks. What a fearful place that is, with all its awful poverty, aud liuw tempted one liecomes wheu such am ends as these are rororJed to cry iiluinl with nil the niigtiikh of poor Tom ILnsI: wa BHOB that ha has oiwna i Bnt clan Tonaarisl Dapartaont, aiuutpuiud Is lha city. Give him a dZT-l-a trial. to-d- ay to-d- ay (. aj.portfa EMIL BUTTKOWSKY to-da- y to-da- Main a front of Ed. Conollyt Saloon, CHEMIST KUU COPYISTS AXD COXrSYAXCERB, MINING, MILU'G FIRST SOUTH ST Srit to Gtodbc's Bmlldlmg. ORDRRS ted. All TOR CONVIYAXCIXfl AXD DIF; stylos of Copying rasped tally aullri norS-t- f HAIB DRESSING SALOON" FURMACEB, CRUCIBLES HUMANIIAin 1 MIIKINAV, Main Ptreel, ime ilnur South uf Whitt IIoim. Icrl.l-lAt a recent ecclesiastical merlin Edinburgh, Rev. Dr. Mnnin iid,"tlint IX WAXT OF A the famine price of enal wns s just am fjlHOXK natural retribution on the laud, fur tho neglect by the churches of tho mining districts nnd people. For, nrgued the Will he ante to get ihe wurlh of their mine Dr., if these colliers who now work only three dav in the week were brought under the influence of the gospel, the r would, hy thu lesson eonvered in it, b induced to woik six days In the week, ODI) FELLOWS' HALL. ' which would bring down the price o Dr. Gilman I Bennett, who died in coal accordingly. South Berwick, Me, on the 10th insU A foil aasnrlmeut of the at the age of (17 years, had been several Mrs G. I really must give yean in the legislature, was one of the warning, Charles. She djes use Senator of 1 ork county for two years very bod words I Amalaotly uU hand, AT or more, served u County Treasurer for TO SUIT UK TIMES. PRICES Mr, G. I What sort Really, dear several years, and was one of the of words are t I AH. .T. COLL 1 NN, Cl they Trustees of thslussne Asylum some Mrs. well the same ns you 31 Montgomerjr Street, Imlf s dozen years. ose! GOOD HAT Agent for PLATFORM, HAY, taco. Cot, CAL5 S Agent for HKItCULEH' j'OVVyK11 Taylor Agent for F. II.braird ISAAC r. nr 1.- ( Koro-- J Eii role n plT 1- UUI U J1 i.r iiijllc0 TloBHrtFrthhHmbto tailors- MERCHANT ix SKY N0' ,.ka,'vaV LATENT HTYLI5 Ik-w- RAILROAD AD COUHTKIt 1IONKKR HATTEIl Ann IV 13 0 II O AX COLLINH' G.0 S Tinware, Htoves. llAIH Erer lironght Utah, nnd competent zentteman ahathiiiunnhly of lair Dn and all kinds r Ualr work mada ing. Win hler. lluir dnaaed fur Hall, and Partin. Ladles III receive the crmti- -t rata aud attention. My ki Aimi.lHil lu a Hjiup lj le SMnrNUM-- In any uf the Kaatern cities awd fLCXS-- a UHKKSI.M1 AXD SUAVI.NU. I hare aa liawl Ilia largest and la-r- t omurtnieiit of MATERIALS ASSAYERS RKTURXKD PROM SAX UAYIXO JUST Intum my namt-nm.I runs that I amI would better erriairsd than eny In der.Vliiu HARDWARE BUILDERS' (jl.reiudifea RKV A will V' YOk C,, Genllexns X11 IldetJ 1 ' York - |