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Show LttNS-v- .' - 1TbINISS journal. ,90giiocAW SZ'S.W& -- :;i,!0Bnre. io f11, i l'bl,c Tlie Jfcxt to re ,n' Iostollii. yes iS 7 : si. bot mi! coW Pttlnt Jill Walker Uooae Uarber iTith 1 . yrtA 'jiT- - dec23 lm. For a eoo! assortment of 2cZt" S&T 'rTjirars. for a Christinas Jsam W- - alt Uke all other favorite brands home nur Havana tobacco, dSltf call. him Give J&P j jfZA 13 - Co- - housekeepers, buyout o sell the Celebrated Star stock of Furniture -- f at si8tr I and 600 Chairaat Stead J3U , China and rjitock Glass, r l8tf Made Hoots in the n25-t- f r i lovers of bivalves : Go to u Browns Chop House and Ret Tiered in every style. Reid a n2itf Main street. TjA a shows t rift to a friend a noble im; suitable jfc finest and most in the city are to be found St. INTELLIGENCE. Raiei.e. Au elegant pair of handkerchief cases, must elaborately and Muxetaky- - Sai.t Lake City Na" tioxat. Baric. Gold: buying, 1.110; tastily worked, will ho ruflf .1 (hr on cellin'', 1.1 1. Saturday niglft, at tho cigar stand in i'rout of Zahriskio 4 Co's. Tho nuiiibi i nf drunks un tho ktreeti They will make Landsuiuo zouveuuirs, were being just yesterday lugiob. the thiug for a New Year's present. Read tho communication in regard to Ask S. C. for a ticket. jbe Emma, from our regular corres Mkktixu ln.sTiMuiKii. We underiniitdout. stand that during High Mass at the A flowing oil well has been Catholic Church, n person, whoso judg rod in llerryssa valley, rneut was not bettered by tho amount Napa couuty, California. of tanglefoot imbibed, created considerable disturbance by talking aloud, and The lines, both Fast aud West were down yesterday morning, which ac- taking exception to what was said. When a person is so lost to shame, that counts for the lack of telegrams. he has no respect for a public gatherit is time for him to hunt his holu A runaway occurred yesterday near ing the railroad, which resulted in ono of aud avoid socioty'altogether. the horses becoming badly crippled. Personal. Win. A. .Young, Esq., Gkxhrous. Yesterday Mr. Waer-ma- n principal stockholder in the Wellington showered gifts on his patrons and mine, Little Cottonwood, arrived in this friends in a way that wus yesterday, from S.n Francisco. truly refresh- We are iufuriued tho Mg. purport of his visit is to conduct the workings of the To our friend, J. P. Tracy, we are inWellington, as his ability in this condebted for a copy of the annual report nection is fully acknowledged. He of the Secretary of the Treasury for the purposes remaining with us for some last fiscal year. time. The Wellington is reported ns belter than ever. Rcxaway. A little, one horse con- ooking cern, went rattling through Muin street Port Rockwell finds his pilgrimage but wus checked up before muck to the better world a path of thorns. damage wns dene. He can yell with impunity, but there are ether things that he cannot do so Maukikh. In this city, on Christmas well. Tho other night for instance, be : l night, at tho residence nf t'm n, by off to strike a man, and just Rquarred Mayor D. II. Wells, Arthur Iralt to he as was going to strike, a clinched Miss Agnes Caine. list lauded in his party phiz, and he Another pleasant social will be given landed on his back. This rather asat the Methodist Church, tonished the old fellow, yet his great (Friday) evening, to which a general desire to return good for evil kept him invitation is respectfully extended. from returning the blow. to-da- have the best and 'ScJirornia LOCAL dl2 tf Messrs. Batavia axd Iloax, Second Lecturk The lecture toS South Street, opposite Walker 1ros., nt Independence Hall, for tho Jewell's Durham Smoking To-- have their hair brushing machine in night benefit of the Ladies' Library Association only genuine smoking tobacco be found at Sam full operation. For further particulars promises to be n success, as we ), nuuket.it-- To deco tf apply at their establishment. Try trust it mar. The abilities of the lecDlf A number of raffles will come ofT turer, Rishop Tuttle, and Lis polished Wasted. A large second combined with the praisej,wUr proof safe wanted. Write during the holidays, a watch, picture, learning, K. 8. Whittier, Evanston, of the lecture, should worthy object or f?1! to be to rallied for can be something dcl3-t- f as if aeen in nearly every saloon in the city. suffice to ensure a crowded house. Let E, 3ismose Jewelry. Tho most ele-- i The scarcity of the Hall be well filled, for we will guarmoney seems to be the the in of antee that the lecture will be highly inwortment city, cause. jewelry HLr and ftAt all styles and varieties, teresting and appreciative. A party of midnight revelers have Kan low as to be in the range of .stole (bund at the establishment so, Tiiten 4 15 ro.. Main St. dl2 tf been making the last few nights hideous Gone. Again are we called upon to with their discordant noises, in the chronicle the depnrture of one of our kpfiki old time, solid acquaintances. will find great vicinity of the depot. That they --Tholasle buyers Arthur may ioenti to bur their stock at the bust their gullets'' is the fervent prayer Pratt; Arthur, like many who have ilWUn naUUlitd firm nf F. Auerbach & tk In. of residents in that vicinity. - ol7-t- gone before, departed submissively f i without a murmur. Those darts of that Night before last there wns quite a little urchin, Cupid, were irresistible, nice want a too pickled Pigs fini the best nf coffee made in commotion on Main atreet. . Pistols aud after a protracted warfare, he surcup Cooke to 4 were drawn and for a time it seemed rendered jo unconditionally. May innuti Sain street, Reid's building, that there would he bloodshed. The merable blessings follow tho happy wrii-t- f affair was quieted down,' however; couple as they sail down the stream , of --Jut waived at F. Auerbach 4 either party wus injured time, aud as each approaching year aApstdress goods, shawls, cloaks, IM. adds its links to that holy chain of matjrjtAltiindre kid gloves, superior Christmas was very generally obF !!ir glevei. flowers, the fount of .abiding com feathers, etc. served in tbis city, the bnsiners homes rimony, may ol7-t- f fort and peace flow in perennial .were closed, and services of some kind ih :n JcvKuar. Messrs. Joaiin k were held 'in all of the churches. i hut received a superb stock of kfrai their factory at Cheyenne, There is no day in the year that is so That Dki'XE. The biggest drunk o' are unique and beautiful, universally recognized by the people ns the season was heartily indulged in last apt ai nt for yourself. aultf Christmas. night by n party whose names we don't I t exactly remember. Drunk ? Well, wc 'iiiig of beauty is a joy forever. Bu:tx. Mr. John Snyder received a should say so. There was only one in :!mly and unique designs of Christmas gift in the matter of a bounc-bab- y the XFA hi to be found at Wattcra & Bro., party aober enough to walk, and he boy, which averdupoisly is twelve No atrely useful, bat beautiful. paid the penalty of such a lnritauical :donld go without one. 84 Main pounds. Mother and child are getting manner of procedure by falling down ' decl2 tf along nicely, nnd the fond parient" three flights of stairs. As for the .a the happiest man in town others our pen refuses to go --aud cons rfa itjlLsh suit of gents or ft Jnik! fine and boots; heavy o Tub fleet footed messengers of the sidering it was Christmas, we forbear. I 1 mti, hats and caps: call on Western Union are favorites with our You can form some idea of it from the FwAich 4 Bro., opposite First citizens, judging from the profuse dis- fact that $275 worth of hats and caps, 017tf pwlBsnk. thirteen overcoats, and other liabili-menplay of hard cash which they have were sold this morning, before Hunters, Anglers, and succeeded in eliminating from our a lunch nut up nt short Croesuses. Their oue firm alone. merry Christmas re- breakfast, by J"iaeall on Oyster Jack, who frain deserves a generous response. UhtkiM. at 52 Main atreet, one Mkxd Yocn Ways. Soon this year National Bank. Remuioi's services, appropriate to will be n thing of the past. The comwlJJf H the day, were held in the Episcopal ing year is almost here, and, according action of the baths of to an almost universal custom, all are . KlUrier 4 Bro, Palace Bath church, yesterday morning, Bishop HALS to Tattle a congregapreparing to mend tkeir ways. It is discoursing large Tz ? wPmercial street, is the noble impulse to determine to live the The his in tion truly eloquent way. jjkhle, elegant and enjoyable. cleanliness, health singing of tbe choir wu exquisite, and better the coming year, but it is a lan2-t- f the services throughout were eminently mentable fact that the better doing with most of ns cousuU in the attempt and Horse, better known as successful. Etc- not the deed. Of all who have deter U in again the field. If We are pleased to an- wined to leave off their bad Retybxeu. ,W brcakfast, or an habits, bo elegaut .i,Deri ready every day at 4 p. nounce that the wife and son of Chief few there are who will be successful in in the rear of Harry Justice McKean, have returned from . the attempt It is to be presumed that 8 isIoob, 62 Main at. oell-t- f the East, where they have been spend- the first fortnight of the coming year iADH1 absence will be noted for its woman to do cooking ing six or eight months. The outcroppings of pie-t-v f J. M. Car,er. Apply of Mrs. McKean lias been very noticeand all that is noble in human nature, 0Te First Nat. Bank, room able in our social circles, in which she but it will be followed in most cases by .i- j ases M Carter, d20-lf- . was held in snch high esteem, and we excess. Humaa nature is tbe same the bid her thrice welcome. world over, and consists of good resolutions and a failure to keep them. At a regular meeting of Washakie .rrei m ever7 Rtyle vat jT e,i 10 ?ve him a call, Tribe No. 1, Improved Order of Red Christmas Festivai. Our wter rl10rnihtfiieiuls gave the pupils of Men, lust evening, the following officers l f2 Main street. were elected to serve the next six their Sunday school a very pleasing . Oil- - 'Hjf months: Tlios. E. Clokecy, Sachem; un Christmas Eve. All t:wf The Parlor E. M. Wilson, Sen. Sagamore; G. W. ?) the ainiisemuuis incident to snch. an nwi!'S Dostwiok, Jun. Sagamore; W. Fenton, b inn un were iudulged in nud the occnsinn or Rerords; S. Kahn, Keeper of Chief whose honor the Jile was in o- pupils, choice liraiuls of Wampum. JUitta v friends went home in their and given, ouli are amoug the and hoping the recurrence Christmas Trek. On Saturday after- good spirits dec!2tf infreOB S like of pleasures would not lie noon, the children connected wflh St. cVfiBC.uJIIaTE, For Sai.r Mark's Sunday School, will hold their quent. Ou the same evening the Methodist oKrrnu?,rore,, Festival. interest in the good accustomed Christmas Tree kfi school held their customary and teachers are Sunday lnnWn,ral'7 located The superintendent annual festival in their church, and was, ? 5d ,n'r'7 furnished looking around for prescnU for the 2 "d celas usual, a success. The glowing fea71 WtUre. reputation children, and by tho evening of the t animated actions of the l or S '? ebration tho boughs of their magnificent tures sad m. their satisfaction at betokened tbe children, AgcnU, 99 Kimball tree will bear welcome gift the joyou proceedings. n30tf happy little ones. f2nB,8lMain T. ' 8-- .. ci -- m -- lie-fo- -- - W .A m -- -- iff T.-- ju'Jj! soffit Jhisncce. av $ Si Ar S-aEfci- W Pn Ul M-rt- fr Tut: Dai. the N'ltwith-sandin- , the of the weather streets wn thronged wi.li pleasiin-soi.kerti. i. '1 he port of every 1 . s!i-his with air, the ly epicure, devotei of TorjiNelio-bi'ht, hilarious step, the book wor::; I'.iee. u'l juim-with his pub-- , cnsm.-iuii'in common accord t the niii.il The great day. throughout tho city were gorgeous, and tho good things of this i profi;ely represented. yeso-rdiiy- MISCELLANEOUS. TELEGRAPH It.'. MUSIC.. s Latest Dispatches. ST.I.WT . , This Afternoons Report fir TN.STUrCiTiXS y.ianx Lillies in Oil! Cimn-li- . Knit. Amii-nce- 's J W J'- -r . Eos. Joi knai, : Ta of tho 20ib, that my nitioln on tho Emuia nine has elicited a response from Superintendent. In jiit;ce to myself I will slate that my informnlioa in regard to the mine has been from men now workiiij; the ami from ia;u who are, 1 think, eotupc- tent to know. 1 did not it, dut at tho time the last mail was killed tlure, several came to me an 1 asked me to publish somethiug to let' people know tbe true state of ntiaini. 1 did nut at tho time consider the eoiajiany to blame, ns accidents are always liable to occur in so large a mine. Since then I liave learned that the timbering in faulty, nnd if Superintendent thinks that ''hU Kyle i j of timbering will stand, let tb - past and future lie his vindication a misfortune to the country us well ns the Emma company, ehn'.iid tils magf nificent mine be closed o'.im it was last. I have no il! loding towards the Emma company or any man connected with it, but in dealing with what 1 know to require plain talk, I shall hew to the line, let tbe chips full where th-- may. IUiilkt. m-x- at Arrivals Mrs Jas to-d- ay 111 nit-la- s Walkrr Houmi. R McKean, Ed B Saratoga, N Y; C W Gearhart, Camp Douglas; 11 Baker, Sandy; Mrs K M Howland, Hamilton, Nev; W X Young, San Francisco; W A Jones, U 8 A; 11 E Miller, Thos Tostevin, Tiutic; Win R Bentley, Diamond; S A Murray, Lehi; B M Du Rail, City; A S Burbank, N J Norris, Toano, Xcv; J E Williams A J Spencer, Cloverdalc, Nev; 0 Harris, Toano, Nev; 11 Osborn 4 wile, J W Miss Gcorgiv . Nevill, Snodgrass, Corinne; J F Berry, Bingham. Outfit your house at Barratt's. rnl,.r : k l- -. bmiknii'i, la., Dec. ii. -ii Bcc-hel- nn ... f ! r of nmrt, I lut 7, M'U'k lill. S nub faint lijr Zil Tints li't A, with . nii s rull.is- - liuii-- a AIm nl IK- Mw suiilli Imtf nf ln( I, l.kiik 1 IT. A, mnl Ilia -- till lwil nl' II- I- imrili llnlfi.fl.it 4, blink 117, ; lut A, un IKtiiiiUy. , IKTi, t ui.uck p m, (n wliiili b uir h.iiI i'" kin H.lj.iiiriicl mi tlia lll- -l Jiut. -e JO liollDoX, . TIh- - u!iuv Ktlu in n.lJuunit'A until lu liiUr l.'illi. nVI.n-i. Ri. St J .I'l. UuHIIOX. Is a1Jniirm.il until OirduirniSir! Tin kImivi- - y IT XIiKIIhhiI .Imll mti r hi , "i.'n'ecs ycMerday ftl in th. i Till Ward in illithu door aud ceiling gum way, cit)', precipitating about .00 persons into tin1 collar below, fouii.vn perssns ' were killed and about forty injured, some Romo of tbe killed aro tl.i seriously. , Boyd MchoiU-y- , following: Jiio. Graco Sewan, Mrs. S.'.Jti Mofl'att, Mrs. Duucan Campbell r.::d her sou, Miss Tillio JModcr, Miss Fisher and a boy named Eiliogor, child of Linn McMniiii, Mrs. Uiney, Miss Elizabeth Baskins and William Sli-an. Dec. 2(1. Ihihi A north eu--- i snow storm :.l 9 o'clock evening and still coir.iiiUt s . ui:ii unabated fury. There ara very vr passenger e irs running; ihe snow has drifted very badiy ami on the tra.-k-- , lire unable to clear ll:iu. Nev,- - York, Dee. 2ii. In the St ik s ca-.Mrs. Mary a new wi'.iie-testified, that she ires nnp.viito th residence- Intely oren- pi a! by Mr. Mansfield, oil Twenly- tliird sired; llml on the dav of tbe , rhoo'ing she saw Fisk's carriage, drive up and down several times and afterwards saw a coupe, supposed to 1h Stoke', slop at Mansfield's house; Mansfield came to the window and looked out, a ni.m got out of tint carriage and then got in aguiu and drove away. Heavy snow storms are reported throughout the north and eust, doing damage to property aud obstructing almost all kinds of travel. Washington, Dec. 25. 'The noted negro desperado Tmn Wright, aged about twenty, lias been arrested on the charge of murdering viriui-n- an nr f i !!( iI ci Jo. ti' .l,,iiinr. 11 GEO. V. Ftl. BGUTELLE, Civil Engineer and U. S. Mineral Surveyor for Utah. III f ni'iirs for Mirvi-Xl'I'I.IC.lTIOXS fur sml thr nf lh -- UiiC!is sml u)4'rs will r liiusti- (mnl !:hI pnimi'f in-ul- r ml , ilmwiii-- all wurk prSis.iiiu, inrufullY ami eurnw-tlOm.-- in ill luiililiiieiks-iii--Ovui-ihI'- willi Ilia un-- t . v p.irfurui-.llb- tbirii-yu- - i.ir. iiptHuii- - lb -- Tuwiiwinl Ssll Isiku Cily. ll.mw, a: BOOTHS eom-mrii- Cttl.UltKATKl) ItltAM) f-- OYSTERS, yw-.-jn- -rs To (lie llt-tnll- H, tinuc-cupied- . iu Kentucky. has been falling sinco noon limit IVholmlt Tr.il, to so If our rii.limiriw, , am mid lilHil fn all ilio jniHliiCamiM In t'fnli. in-da- y e ! sl-- nr Rises, l iJuring Rogers, Snow BUSINESS LOCALS. .ti-!rteli- . Willi.iii.sjHii'i, Ch-.r.- i.'i: v, i . 2.5. seo bv vour issue i kahtkihn. 1 Salt l.su: Viii in la I r Miij. J m. tiiniiii.kl, nf I'li'.t EjiiiIi .trcif, Cili.vil--- tin, iiiv ) ci;H'i.l, M. Mink's Si 'f lii.lriii'H-iii- iti.iliu-k- i, ml SALE ROOMS, 53 MAIN ST., Rnlt Lnkii City, M, V. RIUCWElt, iiSlf a. r. to Hnrci-w,-r llr-w- sri-ui- A rr sni-.r- . Lspfasm. e. CIRLTCX. APPLEBY & CARLTON, REAL ESTATE AGENTS, SALT LA LK CITY, 11 T. C'llVH Luh ATTFXTIOX TO Till! PUKI'IIAMI ul of Isnih snd rolb-i-ti-- n uf dbt in uf Undnonnwh, Apjil, wrfp, l'nuniition slid llnmrsfmil inllnilbms. UliUin PIMil, Imv snd aill lots In Roll Lake City, rulb-c- t nt pay taiM, convuyances, taka and rnrnbih abstract! uf title! acknowMgn-ut- s bir-nt- ry !i nn-r- a Omen, H-- l Main Mtreet. nO-t- f Steam yes- Cracker Factory. DKHTCniQT MTKAM terday. CRACKER FACTORY. Memphis, Dec. 2(1. An Ivory Rule, Silver BoanJ. Tbe Memphis hank, ,1. J. Murphy, anonanKCK'H block. A reward will lie given for its return to president, suspended this morning d20-t- f. this office. Assets , unknown Liabilities, Vit ara nannbrtarins a groat tuilvly of Masox-iBall. A' fine assortment u$ yet. of evening colors, kid gloves, tics and Five negro women were shot during lmws; also a line assortment of black Christman festivities . yesterday ; two suits, just received, at Siegel Bro's. their husbands and others of fatally, by KUIKIUOK QUALITY. Samuel Brennan bas iii:a: hrir cVnred admirers. Which .. offer at ly every citizen in Calistoga, Cal., a iib tj Wr i i.er still very cold, the river a town lot, and in this way lias disposed 7i'mmkUi PrlttM, lrkmlMml mmd of about seventy lots. uearl; frozen over. . Re tail. Dec. 26. X. Y. Buffalo, Ilelmbold is head clerk in a drug Mi'fvliaiita ara reiiiMtd to rail nod csanlaa ear store. It is a pleasure io know iliut the j A strong easterly wind, accompanied QObd. shining abilities of a man won owes liy asnow storm, raged for 48 hours, & 761 men are thus recognized. hoi drivcu waier on; of Niagara river O. Bos OTA. novli-t- f It is the opinion of Mr. Kemi, Ciiiof into the lake, until the supply pipes i.f Silt Uk Cily, Nov. Constructor of tbe English Navy, that the above Works are Water city entirely the Russian iron-cla- d frigate leier tbe water and reservoirs are empty. city in vessel the is the must Great powerful COPPER ORES WANTED Cairo, Ills. Dec. 26. world. A fire at Cariiandab', last night desIT TB It is said that coils of spotted and stuck brick' block and striped hair are to bo the lashiou this troyed a large winter for ladies coiffures. Au elabor- dry gooiN, owned Frank ('liapinnu. ate coil of brindled hair, like that of a loss is insured Copper Smelting Works. Chapmans tabby cat, is displayed by an artist iu iu Eighth street. $25,000. hair doing ORIX FltKH FROM pKHRABT.K fOI'I'ER AoHiaonir.will bo uunbaacd at New York. lull Lost. CRACEBB 1 'i S d I i t 5 f KIItTLKY PITT, I. It BALTIMORE s Variety weddings' have been introduced into Rhode Island. They take the place of wooden, tin, or crystal weddings, tbe happy couple receiving a variety nf presents Listen 1 of having them all of on-- : material. William Wellhouse, w'uo four years ago, when ouly eight fears obi, was page to the Cleveland city council, was so puffed up by the distinction that bo j . now weighs 16.'S pounds. Robinson of have Crusoe Tho heirs instituted a suit to recover the island of Juan Fernandez, founding their claim upon the ground that he was monarch of all he surveyed." The' only one that finds consolation in the mucilaginous malady of the horse is n Boston led, who gloats over it because bis rich rival cannot now take the contested girl out to ride. Madame lutti has made her debut in Moscow with such acceptation that she was called before the curtaiu thirty times. The bouquet of cainelias thrown by tbe Princess Dolgoronki was so large as to require two men t cnrrr it across the stage, and the value of tin1 flowers showered upon the famous canmlrice amounted to $500, LmWism. l. I. IOPK SALT LAKE A SALISBURYS Daily Stage Lines Stngo Ac Hxiir'omm t, n. Cwu'lwa, Provo, Springville. Spanish Fork, Pay son, Salt Creek, Chicken Creek, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn v Creek, Beaver, GROKf DECK'S CORXER, Lailhe amt Omitb-mm- If AIX STREET. boat! and ihotaaiada in '. th lutnat liwhlon, aad a lit THROUGH BY DAYUOIITJ gtumntet-il- . dtui Im Cheap Fare and Quick Time. KULLMAN & ARMER, Oxni'E At Wells, ' Fargo 4 Co's Suh Lake Citv. Jt KIM HALL, C 1 GAIM AND TOIIA CCO. WJ-VA'- A PamtiKTOU. PAI1TTI1T C3. W O. M. OFPOKITi: tka II I T M IIS WALKER HOME, ULAH UH.DIRO. . la Maunfiictnrvni uf GENUINE HAVANA CIGARS, V. 300 anil 300 Barnni-ut- Btraat, Dr Imt, Ban Frauetaro. Iis-l- irsc. l Im XATIIAX MAYER. x. oiliiiimc..m m.w. w. wooes NOTAllIES PUBLIC, Conveyancers, OP ItECORD. AND BRARCHKRS PAIMTIXn, . IniNirbira aud GILLESPIE ft WOODS, la Mill iu tli fold anil (oaUnura to do rrjthiii( iu tha lina uf VREtrOIRG, ArkuotrifdffmrMtM Taken fur the Several Ntntee and Terrtturlen. ORIi-- - ovt-- r WOOD K 1 1. LI.VO huira from 9 a m Io Klrut Kalbmal Bank, 9 p m. (alt Lake Hoorn No. 6, city. aritf ana riNiani.va City Dally, runBnutk tn nssisa tnawas Salt X.aka City. uov2-f- ia paid tn Iht rirnrad drivrni, an rany att-otl- oa aanOrt and eoavmlMis of yaasagaia. Hood on Um niad. . Lrsvlai Salt taks ning lulbraiathm apply to KR.GRO.J. JOHXKO.V, Runniiig Daily from Salt Lake City, via Lake Town, Tooele JOHN W. FAGAN, Stochton. Ophir, Camp Floyd ft Fairfield FASHIONABLE BOOT A Nit SHOE haa bra nrtwM with !iIfihIm wm MAKER, TIIR anil Ho Through Utah Southeast Nevada, and Montana ORA15HEO. T1NTIP, AMERICAN YORK, WOEXT HEBO SEVIER. ST.OKOHHK, IITAII; aa4 XV ADA. riOCUM, BTUEKT, Baltimore, Mil. Tar X-iu- COLIC, 310. ST SOUTH OAY and TINTIC! OPHIR (uf far sld flru of Rnarrll k Wklt,) GILMER pricca by Kim ol NOTICE. PAPER IIAXGITO, CALCIHIXIRO, tch etc. Dl I - la naaatr and atyla, Orbiliar lUml, and VattirgMirit feraapttiaMaaffclawatknaiiaklp. 1K7Z. j pinna taka alllOMAS JEFFRIKA, Ibat I Itava Tianilrtl (Jk.N0 naia III Ilia Mary lular-your miiiinsrUIn, Io Tluti Minina Dialrh-tJnali Comity, Tmltory uf Utah, nrhn-- wurk waa nmaaary far tha pur. uf aald claim. Yun in hrn-bIm of notlflad to ra the aaina to ma within nio-t- y day a (rum data of this notico. o2J-:i-a WM. B. BENTLT, L For Prieea that Defy Cempetition Rjteofe nt th tuna. Tistio Dimirv, ) Juab Oi.. Tarrilury of Ulali. M , y iat k- -l ' |