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Show THE GRANTS VI LLE OBSERVES. GRANTSV1LLE. Ivw 5 V " Say "Bayer and Insis 4 FORMING HABITS ft to! mi go see tha name "Bsjef' oa pekm gs ar aa tubists yen ni nut tua genuine bay nr product xt gag-(il- l acribad bj plgrslctaaa Renin and proved aor twentj-tw- e (a bjr biUUubb Demlsche Toothache Lumbago EaractiB Kheumatlem Neuralgia Bain, Isln "Bam Tabiata of Aspirin" Aept aljr. Each anbrolsn enutalna topar directions, Dandy (out a( Iwelve tablets coat few cents. 1'n.g (tala alao soil bottlaa of 84 and 100. Asperla la Ilia trad mark of Barar Manufacture af iloanaretlractdiistar of fcalicjjlcartd. Adv orrlarnneot Golda luu-kag- Faad far Tbsugnt Bride "Who area tlial ya Just bowed tot" ltrlilrgruooj "Thai waa third wlfs. dear." bj SHE DYED A SWEATER. SKIRT AND CHILDS COAT putoa bitdirections af "Dmnood ftyaa" esu-tau- taa dva ar tint her worn, shabby arMwa, skirts. waute. coats, storking, awmieia, envannaa, dmoenea. bsnsuiss. aeeryUuna. even li aba koa sever died before, Puy wo ohar kind then "Utamnad I bats-isDiaprtfrry koma dyeing I uie not te rpA, mond Ihrs are guaranlrnl fade, atrmk, ar ran. Tell your dniagirf whether the material yoa wish to dve wool or oi Ik, or wkerher it linou, auttoa er aa aiauila any woouib mised Virtue Is In on a reward, but some to think that It requires people a bd of ailverrlalne m-i- s Relief Sure TOR INDIGESTION iHot water BCLLANf AA4. 1 good. We become skeptical, cynical, Bar tow, and unless by nnie fortunate discovery we ere the falsity ef our poetiloB before it la toe late to stood, as Bod ourselves In company with a the gniiiclut and eour-fare- Sure Relief ELL-AN- S VICTIMS RESCUED Be niaa er women who would wla success and the gMid opinion ef hla Has An)tme Laughed ! At You rarnf U8R VOLK a to jmamw4 Am Runs. An, wsefArrMSsn Riwmm. tins sto Hu gwnnt, iuius at totft SliWfiliisl Wmvsrm'KMis. tlae-gyitman Trap Brady tea taring to km tf w koa. Wa OLtf Was. boa. IVtIYWNHI Jt Miave With Cullcura Soap The New Way Without Mud Rei'.hing Upward. a worn never ooe wl.rt-sa liottovoa wl at be rei'a hr, er oo'y moliie ho'iova. iron I r a man go's morr'od boll go te Mo believing that ho know tt oil. rr.tona r" ,if'UiP fm iiAyiJ .'tVfC .JlQ uD O on. Seethes, Mant or Adult fiwtrebNi end Mmw4w. f'A Mm Ami; WnkV U they Tee Itch Smart ar Bam, M Sana iTrtatnd, Wlauiod ar Gmiemd.aao Murine t Irhoykta Wmefar Atalllowma. Bum HIM! panw with them. Yet the eenie msn wbo has n mind that may be of mrw value than t million earn will. In sine cases out nf ten. go through ll's without ever knowing what that mind ran do. Tew of us ever develop noire thso o quaver of our ability, few of us r more tl.as half of the powers that lie In our mind. Tho reason for this lo rhlefy I nil Ben. Il lo on ntimh easier to work to niske o living than Just hard enoi-gIt In to work hard esougn to amount dun-ove- y uv I- - 4iv n:y I.(w bill R.y fo It. vm kill. Ii'-- kA I tvP-''- . 1I d ts -- Ci-ii- rna ig), 1 )u f fj, An aa I ; Ivr fc V i I ul t J h..." I .,, . .. .. iH a., 1 ft "t:. V s ! iif fr i'll' ft. - i ( !). hi-- t l Beaw bWuSI 11: nr j SCHOOL DAYS Kum-idai- l 11 1 i i.'i . '". 1 lava M to () i i wwi w rin r- I j thoi-ubi- Salt Lake Cily Firms r ' i .1 II N'li'INHIlii ! biRh aa I ftoi im rr. H y h m n dO I All in d- In Av to a A Ml hi van rai avr v a a J i' ("ft i im H I BN I' hnui rtlo on ton ' I . . 0 111 tf I i id ) R ll H B li ' ff I ffri'll anam ii.grTvostr . i l " A' r( fir tli lid bil .if ft iriuno riii! imviriiniii',il iu i.'m'ifb, auiiliA j rAanr liy must povora tlmir' arllunHi to a if hw .iiiii tft.h, o i ! f Aa lo th ( it : 'UNAfN nit-- ni i.i i i j ou anui.ld It hi'R tnr ii. te ln; iiNitfi.a to b iIinm i)ii nr SfMi r Mfl 1, 1 i nr l aa tkn Aiuil bo H'ra ' ws. k i'l . ( 'in it 4 ar no !"hii ( Iimo mnNiiiNioiMii flHit'MclNffl r (, a A HftTBnltg Intflmnil !". Aril Jtfdpa InUaitoBne A HI gum ftfilUM I'Nt'iHnin). O ill'll I LUlin-In ailHiiiA )'u Ah a nvili'Ar 4rin'iy lull mi ili"" iintfi ac wt r l'in. a dn-a- an l.v im ncf lj!m t kiitow. i (4 ViMn f llMa r. I UIhU' AM PirM.g I. n Hi Ati rihor XhHiti" ft ML gAI 1 NillO tfUI Hl ftii-s, .ir. hi uu Ahnll I In t Aonied In imrin. ft o gMn " ii"iini.i J h a',1 ai.t a r a. I'aM or lttr ). moi av tli pnt'rn ami am on Minne a rniy and pi i.k tf. I'f vitr Akin In i 'rm ftou f J "t ef U I rnt'iy ! IIM ftliiRHi AVU kltjilHMl md n l (nn iinrkl dr In, i'i,h and M cm nir blut-aunl i:vy HiL AN1 TI( K H frlUMr.iH'K, v't rw ! ( g ir T'ffir ftu.a f 'igntMr idig i'Ai f(i ftiM"Nimn, I ii i no ft rn ktt rNiftf Adr i'f anil HffcV Mla fii 7 ftM ura I niuuviuk w h lry. you I am pUd 11 : 1 rnrnar vftnr tdvrntfr. I'hhi.fc ymi au vijr nisi n f r it r rn. and 1 am Htnaliir a Bi-- mlt li i jcha auii(ribiiiis-Ilia P1IA1IM, A Ml IIhs r nrlm Tha aura Annrnrr Uhan.ro. k" WM l of Huff fruni 1 to HMU Ana liar ft'.mnnii'li,' j me nf ' ,miu' kee Miar "t, . J,iiifii a fritrg MU A tli pflllt II Hop 1 uioy ta of aorvba lo ywu 1111!!! kh buiurd. irat laroe. iiianba In aiivuii' 4 auiiia tmm. ft. Stf.l n wd rov k $ $ 4 4 4 Of THE ROMANCE WORDS vr afl lnr4 1r li GVNBV" 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ri HAa vrr riff lir.tfiliiB) Trill Kl jk icy AmHra waa nauii1 4 tu I am a'wava an ripl'inT glia had na you? H; If fiirgalliiigs org'itin rnr ia iiir me Inti th ra i i.i'ira Ha ti iiikiMf ail Ins dsv i right to tha li'iii'ir, ami tha "tur "i' How tii lung hour pu!v a me you taf Your "V'g can kry" (b ranch i nia ar pniiirt I ranaoi . I" inf If her r ? fraiw , kiMta f " if It IudHh dlndf hallg Or fthruugh all tha arrange mats pad to bsv fitf h Dai Pi., ia t Lnn I up. aN. HI Tun ean'a Ip so W frum tha you dai price ImM'IN. nii,',n lirnnuitiiAra1 J fPAv, auw gayP on!) Inatrad if (ha finVr Hw Diima g of foiifa mi (Alft,IM;iA to gumetliliig big. (hut a g Ikka the, ftftiaa ftronka fap yimr vi(i,. kk'i'iiid im ki(iunt 4 fM1 4 one nmr I"'1 furnmr course. I knta you ran Yet I haa for-an till t f'rr'! t in j vk'l rs '"i s't lake fat aiiyat tothinIrarand that (hrao of tha rarly Into our corner I am a lnn"rf And our iiinda, Uklng uerrlae. pofitfn you ahv. i tftaaria. ba,d-i.! f 1 bav nuniiit with long" ever era made In pnnluim fli reaulta 4 AamlrPtig irihea h.td thrlr ori- J j Or aoHMing bvriTin ( btf t Lfctf. ' WtfiN and And Ua paBAtfil th A1 vvn yarn. I j iti g ; ig. a I n I'll na yon r!n, j J Umf they rmild ikruduca. gin In l.gpl IhAiHad i'f I ao "U aim bav to TiM ti 4 H ft t lit Af I I I ks pi ra (imiiiut ktiiul. Whan (lima 4 )f i s ion re nr'if. near wrcitio and aicMia LcfurtiiiuiMy the reullMtlnfi of (Silt (' frgiMng Pint 4 av vuada I tiiHr ap I koto farm Bail. have tutmnrn yuti 'un. O routes gauntly too Inr. At forty as 4 niigrNturj ripM b'liv fnd gr nava rad ttit'Mipti in,r,i RgA liar. bi.k fcrt 4 aarNNU ird (.A sea otlr iurn, who in youth hud go J pm ra nra In l.fiK'Mr,d at tha l I du nm ,r!'a,-,AV11 If n ynur rornr 2 yneyMUgH you? tlg I rti't'nrh ' no in n. I haw it giormig of i better mental equipment than wa had, l'h a M'Sf I fa iti rtfNiht ar IK! IT griftg AD IKi.llAR! I I H4TKS f It la ni'b n V i'h 'Ha ao If I am In J fury, thrlr dnrk romplrali us ti nt vtiaik n r a faior ka uqiuMini ua. ?' i la b 0 I IH a'?" k d'HC, itf a. and nit. inr Kvr you" aa vu , , n p ciupIhyI rslt ViiNa. Viy.'ish'R 'ra Be see thiit If we bad been ns 44 and fnrrlgn a ia tvl n md nmx tf 1 f trr Ritr Yu OjNi l 'y I i UP! - ymi gs fttiip Min' V c.J i!If fi.rH'Una w thoughtful anti as Industrious si they. 4 to It thrir ad'Mji'Md bmvi-itl mi) inMl fi,M my lusii. ng tm I Ml lah halt a' ftiirnmK , !iiinr bug hla k arfa i Im s: ' 4 of VI anp u Slid bad developed our Istt-ii- l I half rt) ua f Pi" i'tf'f I ii powers, 4 ftkttn a inp r it ti I'L-' f Irrt f o.i g to Pl.'l to r lnrtigtinHie we m'ght have rtora as well. ui ;k llig a hii 4 AA It r prt rnnul. 1 am, pvtuna." pn Tr aa rMl AIIS Rot mind boll. ling la liH.g and hard 0 dmlgnHthm aa ' ' JAi K F'lpt! nr yiu 0 r to ith I? If ana In Rally And the time that It run be 0 work. ri a ) " f - p nto a oiiim i'F "ii T' V. I. 0 hr aImmihirmI (Mi tlnrv I r g.it dear Vfli.i, !rv ! U' " dime le In yu'h. ) and N'li v ) mir Jf in I p f 4 n uv 'U' fc Wall. link fin(f"n you tnn Get nil out of your mind Mint Is In 0 Into th aryi'fv iihmw rnidt'm itt i tl v noJ an. I i ) I had n. i 0 n,,l iiHum hma Rg,Mr hy It. Yon may not lie g'fied whh VM'' I.M'vr Nhnijjit .I tour p air.fri, gilus 0 tiod r (iAN AfrVi inv Htak. car sr ftf a Hroi-f- a: f an- n tma bnaa 4 or even talent, ihit you wll never 0 Alu-'IV. P'Urn Y'll t HM Niil 1 fta Is our rnrr' AiJ'A ) U I'-1'dv mrNRd b A ( Rinf. b i rlr fnf n'tfMA. t 4 fH'-A v of I iiai 41101)14 a f a t Hi i" find tliMt out llll you bring U'lt every 0 rvMf kiiifw, til! f.gp pr,ld I . AltKAk-rRill to II. fbifiriviiiins.'" tia nrnaiFn graMra nrpfvc-nf pi.fu.'l l;v f'r pp 0 unit nf pinser tliul Is In your bruin. r th f- "AlUA ft nr IN A f.rtr a f t trvnim And the only wny to do that Is to 04 Nltf t f Var Tim MmM I. ' efl to aamnim. totid a ad I an rrrikf alNi!f:n n ha Rig'irh 0 i.riwrtN use it ronstmitl.v end Imeirgeotly. .u armth west by the Jr MH l.k hcamp f m 04 Am giiwp. Mns As.i! . ng fnki'f) by 0 he triers A ilirlN tt at te ttflfAMi!' WI.U (C k 4 g'HlT gPgtfAIIHTg Rif ! finsf tn man B'i ot r - r1 th Muijniofi f Tia t a 0 I' 0 l' tiiat an vriiiin t f.M i'f rsfM'i'iMl tli trnni-Rv'O and Mating r o"l 4 In lh i.K'mri 0 id Hr. A 1. IUras. t"t goyd Pa'k g'dg. is'giMi i4 Isiva ih tfica f tli ea era h 0 ta of l"lfifiriiu rrr" ftitfp 0 ini. ' f (RfRurkknir Art pr m rm .: n !f Pn A 4 th ti.iv-- frnn aii'li lhy Aor alng v af d h' aa r th on 0 ar.,,,, lit soul rhi : "f lh I nrt r "lit Mr OffS'lM. to I. b"Tl: t 'cr: l,f K and fl. rRH)it m if g ft la AAAlar to rfwt a tblng thaa to 0 praii!.:i'4 f Alf F' ft M 4a Aioto. wa tnt. 0 Mr'i It 9n fhn ft eeruit ft It a a w to d lk Insfenrl, a t pi' i ' y 7urin r lo t a ,,!f r tnt! "'9 N'rifP " Ad m Hf i r " v ""A N!f It It a In tfir 00 Rf Mi'n'fiRN rrtA:n try than to Imih ta :j fcut ft ' I ir t1 nuw A r knltala ii;v :s t( A hf.ftoa r Wg ta p uff at f'tn opa and nui v up itf r Jf pjiHy, irv d iilin'ff both rsvwt tIA ruar" than h m to (uit'vaia n apprwia-tur- n 0 Is a al'i'M iN.i.iri.f ''sift da-ia l.nrpArtgg and you r' iM 0 1 nera in tea a 't awnfl''' t fut gu' i niuaw.. - f .".e !! flannrr" or r 4 A tv. ! th a V Iff Iny i'rg pniffi I bsraa aid Iseka Vi4nI and tosisf, 0 hirk a Pn I. ! fntot v il ky tk fffto-R- a Adtra'a, i MOPI GOOD THINGS n'1 hna ty g g:4r.rg Gsndi ' a. f for r1" m haa V M' "IrfRc'l "f 't piA to f'd 'A,,A, r y ? hv F '. ii and! -P laandlrd NICE raba ftrhlrh ta good a rt rg fi i,a v PAW VI VIVTTt h bV "f i ican f? ir 'Arp with almost anything to am ar 7 waft, f Is I va tf I' san fti""l H. vr v'srsd ' n P ft Pa(d Rapt P4p fw gang and rgCAnd narr f nod at any mml N: pn of f mr, f"' . tin ton A tu Rift fahhkspkci) til v a'trtf, urcltfif Cam Tiaka Cask mg. P'P b T g s V nr is I to :? ft'rvfa1 rot as p.nt tha Maa of two aggg unM: tmspoanrnl of anil and on and on ' I ftto ArPkrv to lu aaafn tn t k ( l(wa I a a py ror. T '.a ip rv t a 'pwmr ta Jota ft Tt to a rmi t a?iff, add gnd'iNl!y ana rrpftil of lin'f tUJR;wv,fcta hablng nf a "' Maid ar f i er nf y n ft t 1 I at !"ma, f ' I am aioa-raan; nvll monn-"n "f a.ort " I fn pru f r t a aipa rraaponnfiil nf vcnllia, AtH to ti :iyar, onr-ti!- f Af 1m tn ta nrt A br to la vhe g In fh r Mtm of fii .OR PR. I wr. d k tn. Wt a cr(.a one rnpful jf ffnaot and two rupfni tr.a-- a A ', w!.h mi d A'l-ray b u tr'i'-I bawa f..g'.-'Rig!. ' BTI in os. far hkr pana N. fa:if I ft. 4'rT I of romfinkaff. 'u'h by toHiqMwjtfu't tr'gid I Pm? ko-- a raarp plsa Fplop ibM-orb t t' p'hrtr Araa:d I ) v bsnr ( rt.rfcar i a ,, h v t ad rtR on a but frrrd Imbing aitrvf and hak kw w nr Arvra af l a 'NT as j1;for ' . rlm-i-.m- ) tiAsii-m- j rtva an ; ' I hn tivr nAi-to- VI i 1 avn'n I frrtf i I rrd 1 nr bn V i!- rl-r- ) R.- - ft p If t I r i . . ft ! 2 A T : : ! - ai-J- i . ! ii t h- . fh fr fc I M- r gn Jr M : .! ! U j.'t MolHcKDook vmiti 1 l OHcmmcH n tuMkt Alia. V1lA mf lira is your corner. Mai me ef it fur utfoi nuliou eu quoaiioua I iibiv I llsi vl J.i 111 wLick a;o puialing you. It will La a plcasuie anJ privilege to atuvu cair-foll,4I tar I ) r aii4 I Al'.i 14 i.4 and proatplly all quration submitted to me, except tiowc avliiii nuti-ka- l 1 ! As t iifstf if lit i: !nl bakil pUA advus Names aud aUJirvcs uf kuuitra In ms cannot le piuiled tiers I'lsl Ili'lMf )VII iih in Am.ua. 1 iiUiiRi..tf )u Ui but will be tent if a aclf ail.lt ecd, sauijn-- cnvvloie avuiiiiania t!ic le- - dll! All A For a peiaunsl rrply and ataiiijmd eiivcloie. (,uc.iuiis mud I l: ai,4 K., lu"hAnA IuaaL mu do 1i"l kn.tW V I and name and a.IJrwsa atud accompany each letter. All comn.7 4n: to 1 duil oii IM h' A li ltli A mil I munications are held sti icily contuleniial. il lot I do iit A.ldies Irttr.k very plainly, wiili pm and ink, to Holeu Brooks Bui II i II Ll Is d llll tof 4'Ur Iffdllffll A ka A 1(4 If III! 4o I kill 1.1 Ml.! ISIS. Nall latke C.ily, Ilah. 1 uur :tu il i.i Rt In requaaiing poem and songs die correct title, the fitvl line, or the iibui.'l'U o 1 limy in4 II lo oa aiiaoU author w iKucweary ta order In hud them. , , Hf TlutnfriiAMl AN V BIT lirtbilMT.' Mdaiaa X'fn Ao. ftitkill. Mil LmA aliuJiwA. ft 4a. HfU'Wb b'TKR Uii Hoi Rir!rinii 14a. Ana a Plan ftU'n. ami Ail"ph If au Alii An4 m iir Aumk- I Hi. e iutiIh i:n W..:y M. ss Ml y,.ol kt Aava your MinA a inf aIiI glnd lo ford Ia ii ynr out aii4 Tmr li'mi..n l i kp " , la . a I'lTA ttniA AgA. Ahd An4 (Imm AtAt'A 4oaa iaidiII ii'Ulii KmIi'IaiiIv In 40 rt liw Ai. ickA-Mir y nush, riTf r tlmiu. nto fni: rhtnllrA l.gnMi.M of 0ir l0g Amll 1 a Ait ii wit: la yuu AiA. i(ollAt min aoaaai lug i. wur uaiil-iT i ii a 1. n M.uvh Mtto Aty HrAok. f.r otiM ya l)mr 1 ' " 1 W tli pu plAA h i11iaIy4 III Her Mlm Hr..,. a. I ' s so an. J I thA HMr thr IHftAr I rnn I (he fuliOAKiA rr.rtrr ill if VI H. ru- - of ill r I'liMiur for noioa IUi.m Ii It hatv lull I .C TN 'tNr A f llo Ahniiiri on lUMiilnin ili H A Ahoi.uS a O) iM fvr t!if io a irl Iia l'Mj na kl (ri ii ii 4nDr;of A0 IN' iii AOil I 'A Ail o Iia h T fR) tft hn( AI4 VMi.i.R a AhAA AAlAlhA Allh t AA fill Irt k I ViA.dtl A III HoohAll (.; Mi l.i an4 n. ay 4k i'b aid of you ? uaa ui rok(A fof . Mnrv '! hford In lib ah' v I Hi IM1 A'U . ,,r WiaMuff TOM P. 1 lAh s.tt.1 HH n. r.r., ; lMl b anR i., ns ,.r nt.v ,u''Nt .14. vmM ..,.1 .. i,.r (II Hlif Tom P. It.,. 14 l AiA AUih a uuaaitoA? IfhA'l How ru.i4 I kaA ltbA tlii-ou ii I'l'tiilrAii Toaiilili.n ivr4 iu liAdst fr"in )mi aualn. ftrofli ini 9v lll jruil. liniumi I Nhin)4 (nil I uii a lo a I r o. ii ui a ( iHiut a 4 m. I'saMt I bill IlM AH OU JuV ho ft Iu A ar AvihRA Ma tU A:ovd Kit I'l Mol am4 a ouiiin't (kAl b An aaIhI thiim to I am "jsiii lul I i'll n.Mi.A younm ino 'fr I'Nic-hrt Hh.mi j 4u. for thn. no aha would Mr it 4 a ml I'ioimhia aai4 'iot In nr l' N'iiilv, II) , '!-oa a huii-lo At AAMtn. know llif I Wllil nut hool n lo ih wNiii of a uor ou nnt your sa It fOtlflllHIIlUI. A ftiut rAAlli. Tmo, AliNII own ai4 ii h tu how ou k Iuoh ifioimit I nur !'I v fmi b ou raoiiy ah4 truly (oil I u r ii u a uui4 oor bmr t h (ifiiv )imi Du oil! nir mt'r 1 am tuhA hof"1 ur n4 hAl tn ui Mi'l n'iai hni a avniqri i imh ii loiia anun airil. (Il Voiit Pim'Iom know Jui whAt Ia soy ai4 ahn to i Hi ci in.i vii at I'M t IJ kwf tmr tii A ") At t k fiiuii! Imt ' " ft! M n aav It, and until that limA tko my ad In if"! at vdri" 'i nrv f , ii .4 lu a Hit at 1 wit! I'A And 4a m( prApAAAe for omotiinoa I Am iiuil cjufti.ii am t hud IhtMi) ' ay It to (la), h'ritii imr And fttv th Iia lAfn AtUplcd Iu tliv t Il AI II A(liiliy AOll IIiAH AliHr - f a "To iii;.a and (ink. nin, tiia g ohAlii yn .oiti to k a:1 (9 Thai on ftvtr A h if. h'in i aaii miri liA hun ah.iola atli rbrAM.m n, Mud : a i)av, Jh1AiilarAbiA 4lirinc'A of unliii-(In v la AinoiiR m ,.i and C,. lr bill l. lip Imr.ii-aAuthorii Im on Mmv f ONk a 'li inoli.iiA And ll.r ft4 Ahg wiifa yu ihutqo:j I orroel la ftNMrmlly ant a trutriAii I.mIy Ihaj immiioo or iw? on t)m young man abould rak M i ih n- Mher of aim riiluiroa. J l. av brum and hair, 1114(111111' 'hI amftliaa ItrnflvN: iiAtput and )oi'4. kliht riha ainfiii'! Aornar nnl inrprtN'cd In wear Ali4 m IimI Atilo of droum? ftibouiiiii u a ir iUM a ii Aiah l)i ou tlnaa I no lo Imar fttiaa Brook; paniHA ftly A I the a i la to tiiNA hKf I wrota le you one fcofurA I waa 0 VI ill you (i. Amid h I'iihHAh ro wor.l I in 1 and 'My B hi uf kiiuiuiU4.AT, 'In wall aiifl4, 1 am going ! tmiura oh "Thr lii)niRii" r friah Hoae" I rnn Ain, Aialn B hat la tli nornml kainlit uf a li in tli dial Im ia. Uf (9) It Is ariam aulki gliia "ftban Inioliig dar old IrUu4 In thr I'LHbT. l.Mba, girl af who nr popular whan they nr oung A I uaar, vnairy lonnih of 4unn. your 0 4. p.ay ka Alii not ia wtiaa thy glow older, la Tb klida a 01 a aaaaUv muiclRg III All lied irry, In tli ntuaia a'k i ao I can Katura aoanicil In tuu. this vary oftra the ruaaf (3) Ar Batlnnal ftulA aid fur A git I of Uf I hop to aa an anawar to my UMar hut Mtnt ll nm. triad ta her it m aonl la It proper t write to mmi stare la tha ruiiinui of tua isurnar. 1 bunking 10 you, thin. gH, tf au Aiak. line g NO' n ar aak fur thotr pluturasf Hoping aa yen a a4anA. have not aaked tua many gueail-riaa XiNTITt. kfMiftfl A BfrAITl lil'fkMTDg aa imich nr rauiatR. f.r an(t (I) Thank ran l ha mrrAdad JkCK AND JH.tm aong, and I fcoa m (f b.ffMRI anal r ft y,r.4(si hi Am aorry, Jack and Jill, but mi did radr will have tii aong you Ai.'ii an A IN cYlto'B gMxwiI t u'Ii:, ft rtiil'w of but I Ho not ftnrl It limtd In anv aymiimI'im RN' ! too hiMiiy Aak Kit At iimi A .! r!n ' "UOs N"V 111 hook a ima ta be two nf AA U: .n or CAtalogua. (9) korriy i h fcigona mi 1 1:1. i i II hr fct AhBAer nr tha Huioand ou n.uv aenl ahuuld go to IuHit'A it la a i iriit a IiairM lilt and tba rMr In1. (1) Tli A ihann y lo ago liH"iiia r"rikiin of 1 I "I uf 11 la ftNig Im lioa tfti 1 d nr ouialfla their hi'in. Inn- nioni.l Hoi lnii.li tl'ia la A liAinlrini naxliiA In make ever effort to kep BhieuAi i'Ki bc.mI any Aqoma, an I umiMl n.'t if 1 enirr the tinma in airy way. f r n in' h in AM'1', ) Into n faminNr Aith tha ui a.l lo g"V"iii imf o.! Ar ro' lua. In (link (I) il nn! their to !' xri'l ad via thnn A larijr and Ali. ftnui T am1 ih a'htn v f 'l t ihrK nIiihiui riil'i'cNii mriml be rnrAj bv run Hi a Atfoa prognpl Arib and ftfhk olir kilt Oo nor Am RffcriAfotna mtaiiaa Ik aaam af B iiti: 'HiMho parn rnloa Ahlfk Aor A(Mid to vO'iiia u: nl"Hnic oa racb ikw paiMr. tui j vim in your ihliitlmnd rear ai ai.inr if im moat C know what your mind YOU never do till y.xi uaa tt. Tha uaa wbo saves hie Binary until be ran buy as sutoDinblls Boils out right swsy whst that automobile ess do. lie takes tt out on the vned, end runs it Me reads slwiut the aimed and ndunmee and gRSollse ronsoniptlos of other rsre. And ho eiwrinwiis with Me own te Bud out how II em hr J'Ri't k..at i ar I li in I'd. I 1 to--1 , a'.-.ii- ! fr fnr'd nr' g-- at No i, mi la doily I fo ought te ho aotlafi-- d with nhot life bow la; be ought awry day te be looking for ward to oumo of tlm , mho. Ur tmpmvr non; Edward Everett Ifni. A 4 Uncommon $0U)MQw en Elects Pisii li m btr vi'urt Aiid' luu. i iu i iir And b(iii ki.Aa .. Kdl kbOl Im li.i? l.k lull lu 4 J I anihl-tlnu- Sense . . iliiuii b No Aa: (rr little," "you aren't Interested la anything but your work," "wa nitaa yoa at our boaau." "yoa ell win show up any more" aad more of these things are said to you! Aren't they! Weil, maybe yoa ate getting a hit loM(led. This, of course, yoa have to dei ride fur yourself. Being neirr hurt anyona You rail arrtva oa auy other traia. and It loot a partoreur tralu, either; tt le the long wnrkninn'e train ami It takes the Morlflie of the things to which your frlcnila ay you never appear. Wien you have a goal you are liappleet when you are an "the way" parties look small and everything vise look loalgiilflrnnt. All well end paid. Nothing la as marvel-eu- a aa the path of the auihtttoua te the smlittbHia, but you must never forget that to be foe onesided may block and turn ever your cur. Getting there la your buaiueea and laughter never hurt the really sincere. Yeur Qet away here lei Te get the beat eut ef your Ilfs; yea have the right te cheese the right things te leave eut. It is entirely up to yew and ne era's affair but yeura. ( ky SiUiae Navinm hntlmui LATH HOPS TV world's standard re wady far dun thunders, will eftnu ward tm thaaa dm-- By DOUGLAS MALLOCH g lg UlR ciiuia gitnikA 14 I e Van Are Over Amkltiomf "You work too hard." "you play toe Kidney, Gear, bladder and aria acid trouble arc moat dangeroua Because of their lneidtoua attacks. Band tha first warning they give that they need attention by taking TW1 faull-Bader- lull ui.tf - had tome rather phraaiit timaa or her friend can hope to do aw 1VE day by day without Brat oven. timing hie or bar That eebs livingreuimulwred chime tike degrading bablu. life's way, weary Along To do this there aiuit be formed That make my heart again a boys the practice ef meatal wutchfuinewa And give my aplrtt wtiuie with a will power behind It caiwl-iwere the onlluary joy of moving alwtya iu the right diwe-(loa- . They And ordiuary thu.gs The Bied diniHieitiua te do a thing Strangs but the triumphs of aa huus comas from aumeroua irpeittloaa. It The vlcttaiwe sluts la by aucb a pmcsaa that good or bad Uave lost their old, accustomed powm are which cuatuuis formed, ultimately And area as l,aigar gwnt take te the bright billlupe or down wore but tinsel, wer. ' ul Icy They the dark valley ef failure and disThe quiet moment brlueu couragement. A thought uf ordinary (lua of the good hahlta to for.n la Aad ordlrary tldiign youth to that of a I tout mo, e penally la regard to advh-from iwmiis Life's battle le eo hard and Seres who know from riierlmce what la Buck poaaloua sweep the soul aeeded for the stimulation ef grew-biAs through tha foetus u lias we pieras minds A pamage to the goal. Tide applies with like to Tits very trluuiph often rlcv everybody to all matluna uf Ilfs and And, oa the thnui of kings especially te those wbe are depen deal bleu huig for ordinary joy ' oa others And ardiuary things The bahlt of giving lu ten aa attenr tion to orders however trivial, and Whatever else, make sure ef (hewe leinenitierlng them when th time ar Aa through ttie world yoa go; rives for tlotir etecutlos amrke the for. after all the vlct-rtdifference between the competent and Your heart alii want. I kl.JW, the Incompetent, the bNillah, and the Borne memory ne time deatreys thuwe are deetlued for lire whs wlae, fUuae quirt hour that knigv servitude and those who are deetlued Tha tewee uf ordinary oya to lead. And unlinary things mwwrw k. Every good habit la laadabla, every O had bahlt reprehensible not to outbid auoti ar. Its hasty kr Mvillar Because DIAMOND DYES WITH TN A broad aetua, bablt may be tanned (lie element of cnnactoua or aanmacioua persistence. Borne babUa are opposed to noble indifference growth, aucb aa lml,k-nre- , to tufty impressions. forgetfulness, the acquirement of raaavd teui)ra, vulgar speech, failure to adait one's self te Bear circumstances. fault Bndiiig aad the eumuum habit uf thinking evil af eue"a frtenda aud neighbor There are hundreds uf eui'h bablte which are opposed to the development uf the beat there la la un ruinous alike to our future careers and contentment. By following a traia of wrong Ideal Mala and again, wa gradually loae eur ability te diatlngulah evil from (or lb I rd:.nf rout lortto Rjod i Mtai ai Ur to Abuw litlwniittviwii I Una M tkfavW 10 uo til DvlMI tl A Am A U.MAET Hiss Kraoks: I The Ordinary Things Something to Think About T. A. UTAH fh!-r.i.- ij r rnn4 A t r c V fvr -p ('I iry i.g . -- ht . aa-n- .nd. ft'1 n !' f:N,r, ro-iM- TSa-'k'r- T g ltk p . lrnart f-- fo br-r- K A- -e T t ; t4 t r' |