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Show I i Dutchess Trousers Warranty-- - 10c a Button $1 a Rip You may buy Incorporated a pair of Dutchess Trousers and wear them h 475 DEPARTMENT STORES t for Two months For every suspender button that comes off we will pay you Ten cents you If they rip at the we will waist-ban- d, pay; Fifty cents If they rip at the seat or else where, we will pay you One Dollar ' or give you a New Pair. Values priced $2.98 $3.49 $3.75 $4.25 -- $ t t 4 $4.75$ - M I Be sure you call and take advantage of these values backed up by a written guarantee. i 10c. a Button; $1.00 a Rip The Tailoring, the Finishing and Fabrics in These Suits Give the Utmost Assurance of Full and Complete Satisfaction. An atmosphere of individuality is woven into every suit in this new showing of Young Mens Spring Sports Suits note the rolling lapel with the notch collar, yoke belt. Three button, single breasted sack with either plain back and The yoke back or with flaps patch pockets with button and button-hol- e. pockets neat or and knife box either in had pinches. plaits may be three-quart- Jooele, Qphir, (5 QxzntsoJllef1jia)i . Priced $14.75 to! $29.75 COUNTY AGENTS ACTIVITIES FOR 1923 I s t The following is summary of County Agent A. L. Christiansen's Annual report of the College and Government Extension Service in Tooele County for the year 1923. SOILS PROJECT Drainage work done on ten farms. Those in Grantsville showed larger yields, as compared with the 1922 yields. Use of flood waters on four farms where yields of fall wheat was m high as 60 bushels per acre due to this irrigation. Use and care of farmyard manure on twelve farm a. CROPS SHOES I Specialty 1 t WE MAKE GOOD ON SHOES. WE CARRY NOTHa r; 1 ING BUT RELIABLE MADE SHOES AND WE GUARANTEE EVERY PAIR WE SELL. WE GIVE YOU YOUR MONEYS WORTH. GIVE US A TRIAL AND YOU WILL CONVINCE YOURSELF YOU CAN DO BETTER AT OUR STORE. ft A BIG STOCK OF LADIES STYLISH Comfort Shoes ARE NOW ON HAND S. J. Selvin ECONOMY CLOTHING STORE Irw WHEAT : Dicklo w jrown in all locala except one. The yield was 60 to 70 bushels to the ace. Four Farms grew special seed. The new treatment for smut was used in all locals and a total of 660 acres of Turkey Red Wheat was treated. POTATOES selection and treatment was practiced on tl fifty farms. Four farms grew special seed. BEETS: A survey of beet diseases was made in fifteen fields in three locals, and all found to be free. FRUIT: Three demonstrations in pruning was given. The spraying of three orchards resulted in the crop of apples being 80 per cent free of worms TTie cost of production was kept in on orchard. LIVESTOCK POULTRY : 26 purebred birds pla ced; 75 flocks culled; 22 cooperated in feeding rations; 12 house plans furn-iae5 new houses built; 10 old coops remodeled and one Poultry Association organised. CATTLE: Control of Blackleg in three locals; Treated three cows for milk fever, curing alL Free veterinary advice furnished; milk records three herds; feeding rations for four herds. HOGS: Controlled two outbreaks of cholera. PESTS Rodents: 59 farms in treating 4000 acres. All successful Weeds: Used 200 tons of salt on white top. HOME Ten Health meetings held; 4 sewing achools held at which 64 leaders were trained. 211 hats were reported finished. Ten demonstrations in the use of ahrube for home beautification were given. MEETINGS Demonstration a conducted 161 meetings held 132, attended by 2666 persons; Farm visits 1070; office calls 413; phone calls 700; articles written 55 personal letters 487; Circular leted IS OUR er Think This Over Isnt it reasonable to suppose that the largest battery maker can produce and sell better batteries at a lower figure than any other maker? Willard Batteries are the choice of 134 car manufacturers. These men know batteries and their knowledge is based nn tesJa and facts. For your Sunday Dinner THE SATURDAY SPECIALS WE OFFER MEAN A BIG SAVING, AND ARE THE VERY BEST GOODS MONEY CAN BUY. Their experience should be of value to . Sausage meat Link Sausage Hamberger Classic White Laundry soap Best Loin Pork Chops Lean Pork Roast you. 2It for 25c 15c per lb 2Ibs for 25c .'....12 Bars for 50c 18c per lb 15c per lb 15c per lb 10c per lb ,71b for 25c Frankfurters Spare Ribs Apples Tooele Motor Co. d; ters 2455. LINCOLN E R D A. Clarence Cochrane was a ingoing on the train Tuesday to Salt passenger Arthur L. Shields who fell at the Lake City. Mill Sunday and sustained quite a bad cut on his head, is getting along nicely Cyrus Bates has returend to Salt at last reports. Lake City to continue his studies at the University. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Harris and The Relief Society members spent a baby have returned home after visiting with relatives and friends in Salt Lake very pleasant afternoon January 8rd, at the home of Mrs. Ilannah Liddell in City during the holidays. a quilting bee. Refreshments served. The Lake View Ward Sunday School is giving a slipper and weight dance in the School House tonight. Good FOR SALE (35)Yearling White Legmuaic will be in attendance. Every horn hens, through the molt starting body invited to come and have a good to lay; in good condition. Mrs. E. Daltime. ton, Main St Thone 28 133-Nor- th Can Join Mica. A process for Joining mica hsa been patented by a Calcutta man. It cow aiats In bringing the parte Into contact, applying a mica solution, and subjecting the whole to beet and to With borax used as Slight pressure. a flux mica may thus be Joined to . metal FOR SALE First class hay, deliv-re- d. Gillett Brothers. Phone 60 ' |