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Show wr A crowd of young folka were abating Local Briefs. Jtd Abbott ia here from Bear River. The child of Mm. Lotte Bradley ia vary. tick. Aa we go to prcaa, aaow li fcfflaif, gently falling, today. Miaa Lean Clark haa returned from Porterville. Elder Br T. Ckpanar returned home Rom a miaaioa to England hat week. A aatonnding alangbter of prices. Look np L, H. Oviott'aad tbia week. Have yon aeen It? Wkat? Why, L. H. Oviattaad thia week. Look it np. B. H. Clark ia placing new aeil in front of hie haoee. He io going to have a hwa. Prank Baker and George Spackmaa wont boating rabbi la Satarday on the laat Friday evening, and had aa enjoyable time. Thoee in the party wen Herachcl Tanner, Rhoda Smith, Florence Todd, Nina Hern, Annie MacDonald, Myrtle Steed, Viola K now 1 ton, Done Sunders, Claire Todd, Grant Clark, John StoScl, Richard Knowlton and Fred Cotterell. Charlea Turner baa juat returned from a tuaincm trip to Bear River, having gone to Garland to purehaac hay for hia sheep. While therejhc learned that the wheat crop haa auflend a blight and will probably all ha doetroyed. Tha hay crop ia flourishing, ond aa a revolt ia aelling ala bargain $joo a ton Mr Tnrner yet tone of hay. Mim Lillian Ramptoo, who baa been troubled for aome time with what waa thought to be a boil, waa taken to Salt Lake laat week, to ascertain from Dr. WUcea what the swelling was. The Doc torn gave tha thing a long Latin name, and preformed a paiafal operation In the effort to remove tha gathering, and MiaaRampton ia now ptogreaaing fairly well. pur-chaa- ed OIL WILL A FAILURE, Band ridge. B. V. Richarda and f. H. Wileon are Out,-wo- rk aarving an the petit Jury ia the Federal PI poo Now Being Taken on New Well to Bogin Been. Canrt at 8alt Lake. W. R. Rumbeugh haa abandoned the WANTED. Any kind of carpenter work of drilling for oil, begun a year ago. work, either raagk or ftaiahiags John After drilling for adoo fact, and finding R. Ford, Farmington. many indication of oil, he haa now decidVon want perfumery and toilet article a ed that there ia no oil them, and the well juat now. See L. H. Oviatta ad. Ha ia will be known hereafter aa a preepective oil well. The pipe ia now being taken giving a jo percent, reduction . Alma Smith, the Black out, which provea beyond a doubt that the Hawk veteran, came In from Ogden on proapact of oil ia that locality, ia only a Friday to look ever hla old home again. dream. In the near future work will be Mr. Will Wileon haa today taken out a reaumed ia another locality, near Farmand probably weat of Lagoon, ' At marriage I icon an to grant him the privi- ington thia place, aome surface oil haa been lege of marrying Miaa BmMy Barber of found, and tha hope ia entertained that Centerville. oil will eventually be found in thia region. Frank Stcvvaaoa left hat Wedaaaday fora viait to Fialdiag, where ha will inciHEW OLUB FOR PARMIN0TO6- dentally to banting and v id ting, do aome paiating aomc of hia patroaa of that locality. Fgrmlngton Baolal Naur Club Oron While at work the Lagoon grada, Jom ganized Loot Friday. eph Jamea waa injured Monday, hia foot A number of progreeaive women met having been attack by a aeraprr. For at the heme of Mm. J. H. Robinann laat aevcral daya he haa been mating nntil Friday and perfected an organization to hia foot recovem from the injury re- he known aa the Farmington Social Club. ceived. Mm. C. A. Miller waa choeea preaident; On Tnaaday, the dth, tha pet man key Mm. J. H. Robinaoa, vice preaidcat; Mm. at Lagoon gave birth to a mala monkey. Walter Ramptoo, aacmtaiy; Mrs. C. L. The father. Jack, waa tha proodaat Robinaoa and Mra. G. R. Chaffin, promonkey in town, bat aooa tha gladaam gram committee. waa changed to Borrow; tha new one The club will meet on Fridave; two died. Funeral ' aerviceo warn held, and evouiaga during tha month, tha men will attended by the entire monkey popula- be entertained at the varioua homeaof tion of Farmington. the club membera; and tha remaining well-know- n two Fridaya will be given to aewing and general eon vernation among the lady membera. Bceide the ofBcera, the following ladiea are thua far enrolled: Mm. Nephi Palmer, Mra. L. B. Abbott, Mra. 8. F, Richarda and Mm. W. A. Haight. BUSINESS NOTES. The Military Dramatlo Go, At the Opera House laat, Military matic Co. of Bountiful played A the Philippines. of Drafr-i- The crowd could have been larger, but looked at from another point iff vew, that of competition there was a good tnra-on- t. The play was well rendered. LJ. Stoker Charlea Crawford, C.'P, Rockwoodps and Willard Barlow "Warren Biglow, Wood haa ehowa a good deal of aa "Dietrich Dinglehamea, were the favthe ia hia of table eaterpriae arrangement orites of the male membera; and Jessie of toys. A great variety of Xmaa gooda ia Wright, aa "Grace Crawford, of the lady displayed. All ahould call and aae them-- f members. The play waa interesting from J. D. not to buy juat now, then to have certain thlnga put aaide. Farmington Commercial haa decided to continue their rale iff achool anita until January isL Thua far the internet ia the beginning to end. and the military In Christmas Dra- matic Co may put feathers in their caps for having done welL Much credit la doe White-Da- y o J and Toilet Perfumery ...Articles... orchestra, for the excellent the engagement. music furnished daring aale haa been marked, and it order to give the Xmaa ahoppem a chance, the Comalt Lake Attraotlona. mercial haa extended the time. And, by the way, the chriatmaa gooda are in. You Laat night the Salt Lake Theatre management presented a new atar with ahould aeo them. all the well known indications of a brilL. H. Oviatt anaouncca thia week that success for the remainder of the be will aell hia Block of perfumery at 90 liant week. Thia genius ia Mr. White Whittleper cent, reduction. Thia ia not a half re romantic actor ia hia big ductiou of a price raiaed ao aa to give the sey a young acenic production of the three fai impreaaion of aa aatounding aale. Mr. "The Second ia Oviatt ia aimply alaughtering the price plays," Heartsease, at a bargain, wo hava d added to out tho prtoq. Until aflor tho flrat of tho yoar wo will glvo tho t i fallowing prteooi Toilet Water, i joo rise eeeeeea aeoeeeeeeeaeeea Toilet Water, 50 ceat rise sses 1 AOMlft SJ PufOMi t I i abuse eeeaeaeeaeeeeeoeaeeeo a sea i saves oaaaaaaasvaeves 1 fu cents sj cents milC aesssasaueeeosuoteueaeaeoasaeeeeeesteaeaueeeaoeuaeeeauMusaevooeeaSJ mlZsasaaaaasasasasaaaaaaaaaaaoasaaasoaaaasaasaaaasif aaaaaasss IO C6Bt HSC of pro-seale- d aupplied company ona of exceptional merit, hence the immense audience that greeted them laat night and waa not disappointed. All thoae present will commend him and hia company. Tonight "Heartsease will be presented At the matinee tomorrow and again. A Oharnotar Ball. tomorrow and Thursday evenings "The At the Alberta nest Friday, a character Second ia Command will be the ball will be given. A prize ia to be offering. awarded for the beat reprveented characIf the people wont ter, and everyone io assured h good tinaa. romantic aad well worth the time A rupreaeatative of a Salt Lake ceffua-an- g pretty, and money, be aura and attend the honae will be at the Alberta with hia Whittlesey engagement thia week. wareo, aaao one need go far go rent a I coatume. Rubles of Great Value. Oriental rubles arc worth, weight BallatOhrfntonaonoNall: for weight, about twelve times the Next Friday evening, the Stadentb talus of diamonds. auoiety of tha L D. 8. naivaraity of Salt Lakc, will give a grand hall In Chriatca Millionaires Becamlnn aen'a hall. B very one ia cordially inEton wealth does not alwdyTHg vited. Thom who have attended the L. D. S. U. hallo, invariably return feel- notoriety to its possessor, raw people outside hla circle know ing well repaid far having gone. Thia anything about Immediate Amoo M. Lyon, the ball will bo even bettor than mil, for successor of Russel! Sago la the Now the membera of the committee have York put and call market And to break the record the reeozd at ko la worth more than 925,000,000. yet go leaat of holiday halla. common are millionaires nowadaynf ploaao the average aweetheart. CMtl cent CCtttS rooaassaeeeeaeeeeeeeeeaeeeaeseaeeaeeeeeeeeeeaeeeaaeeeaeoeueaeeeeeoeu HSIf ToniCt jO CCBt SimCoeeeeeaeeaeeeaeeeeeeaeeaeeoeoeeaeuooeeeeeeeaeeaeaaeeeetaaeoeeeeSJ Tooth 0 eOttt Bil6ssMeeeeaeaeeeeeaeeavaeeeaeoeaeesvueceeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaee2J Tooth Wash, 15 cent size coeeeeeeesaeaeeeeaeaieaeaeeseaaaeeaeBaooaausessssa ntf Tooth Powder, sj cant aish... ......itj. Ci earn of Fresh Lemon, 90 cent siss. ........... ,m ,.,09 Colonial Toilet Cream, 5 cent size....... ...ia Blush of Flak Cloaca, 90 caul ai xc, . ... .,... ...... ............. 39 Smelling Saltu 90 cent size. ........................ ......... H ............. ......... 29 Talcum Fowdar, 09 cent air. ...................................... .........is jf and "Soldiers Fortune, and if you want a bargain in prefumery, command'' which will be given there for the of all call on Mr. Oviatt. fust time at popular prices. F. O. Liadecke now baa ia atock a The fact that Whittlesey ia being aupply of cigaro and of candy. On Sunby tbo firm of managers who day bo will remain open during the afterFlorence Roberto ia Salt played cntly noon and evening, thia giving the Sunday was a guarantee that the production Lake beaux an apportnnity to call at the ladiea would bo on a lavish scale and the home well with the delicaciee that order to give you an opportunity to buy your CIBtfl Ctfitf cents cants cants cents cents cants coats L. H. OVIATT, Farmington i CUT THIS AD. OUT! This ad., if brought to identities the holder toa reduction ia ou School Suita, 23 ,vrr you krinf Ihu may rmf. nfsrfws. Therefore, be wise, and do not forget to cut thia ad. out and put St in your puna. It means a saving of 99 per cent, ou a Boys Suit. Juat like cutting out a green back, isnt it? If ? tor fyaa W oftor a Rrwat Reduction In must makd ream far our now aupply of Suits. Mono, In W ordar to olaar our ahatvsa of tha present atoofc, ws must oftor tho ultoatabcttorprloo. There to no mod of going oloowhore tor Bargains. Our prtooo havo not boon marfcod high tomakotho roduotton took lorgar. WE NAVE OBDUOTED 98 FER CENT. OF TNB MARKED PRICE. SantaBartltnfsCtau Vhtit January , all our School Suit 0 at one fourth Trice. Look this Trice List. Headquarter Sait fie tv XorK Cash Store, j Lake City FAfimiNpTON commERciAit - Santa Clans is a groat bargain hunter ; not only does he require an Immense atock from which to aeioct the thouaand and one demand! made upon him, but he must know poaitively where he can fill hia orders ht the leaat expense. Hes a practical buaineaa man with many years of buying experience thats the rsason the New York Cash Store has been selected as hia official headquarters , r : i 8a,t Cak Knitting Works, 5S Main.8alt Lake Knitting Works, 58 Main. ce o USE JUDOffiEHT , X Toys, Games and Holiday Goods! a I fAIL ia the city ran pretend to carry aa large a atock of Toya and Gamas. The basement and warehouse !e packed with everything the market can aupply from the moat expensive playthings to the finest mechanical novelties. We purchaeed in such large quantities that we can offer them at F to LOWER than any other store la the city, and in addition give s : In baying your No house ONE-FOURT- H ONE-HAL- holiday ? T presents. Don't yon know Knit Underskirts, i Knit Shawls, Knit Sweaters, are the Z v meat naefal and appropriate A a 5 token to give a friend? IN . TRADING GTAKIPO o with every purchase to tho amount' of w A SPECIAL CUT 3 Bartlinfs OF 9S FER CENT, FOR DAVfS COUNTY a 90 i r ft ffetat $?ork Gosh Store A SALT LAKE CITy ' BUYERS. OALL AND a SEE THE LINE. X a at c 5 SALT UARE KNITTING UlOffRS 88 A MAIN STREET. o T s z 1 fi t)UM M MO M BufUfUV f$ ? |