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Show ' ' j ' 7 I T i t - ,r v . J. II. Rubinnon and G. It Chaffin were In Layton last 8unday. aa homo Elder Robinson has a missionaries. severe cold, and be Jocularly rrpiark-eon Saturday that he would get off easy, messing that Elder Chaffin would have to occupy all the time. This week the Grand present "The Heart of Chicago, by Lincoln J. Carter. Fmni the standpoint of artistic ability, elaborate scenery and stage setting and realism, ibis play I one of the worthiest attractions that la to be seen here this season and cloaca t Wednesday. Conjoint conference of the Young Men and Voting Ladies Mutual Improvement aimoclactlon will be held at Centerville next Sunday. The officers of the Young Ladles association will meet at 10 a. m. in the society, hall. General meeting will be held at 2 p. m. in the meeting house. Thii fine weather la all right for some people, but the farmer would like to see a little more rain for his fail seeding work, and the city and county fathers would like to see some to dampen the reads and prevent their being blown away by passing d . Iiocnit BRIEFS. - '"""""' JL ' John White's home la again from quarantine. hae plenty of Trilby . L. H, Ovlait map in atoek now. A daughter waa born to Mn. Hannah Todd on Friday. . Lena Sandora left for the World Fair laat Tuesday evening. The home of Joseph Miller la now under quarantine for diphtheria. FOR SALE A thoroughbred Short-- . horn bull, ago 4 year. Apply to laaao Sears, Salt Lake City. t . Z-- C. J. Steed and family moved to Salt Lake laat Thuraday. Their new addrcei la. 444 E. Second South. Now la the time to fry a box of winds. The 8alt Lake theatre is out with aoap before It advancca one of the beat attractions of the season Maxine Elliot! In the successful In price Si-- L. H. Oviatt about It. Clyde Fitch comedy, 'Her Own Way." On Friday laat, Mra. A. T. Rone being the attraction Thursday night. prevented her huaband with a daugh- Nov. 17, and three night and a Saturter. Everyone concerned doing well. day matinee. Thla will undoubtedly - L-- If. Oviatt haa a new assortment bring a big crowd from Davis county. of broom on hand. The prlcea range Last Saturday, the horses owned by from 25c to 45c. They are the bent Joseph Clark ran away and caused made. tome excitement among the people Two Mra. Chariea Turner, Jr., who haa In tho western part of town. leen vlnitlng friend and relatives in boys were hitching the horses to a Rlvernlde the paat five week, re- buggy, and when partly harnessed, the horses were startled and ran down turned last Saturday. the street. Anally stopping near the A FARM WANTED A email farm Lagoon track. from 2 to 5 acre with 4 room house, Elijah B. Gregory returned Sunday etc. Address, Frank Kill. 127 W. South Give full from a succesful and enjoyable trip Temple. Salt Lake City. to the South, he having gone some particulate. months ago to accompany his sister, Augti.Uun Flerco I rapidly, making Mr. Wm. E. Robert of Massey, L T., hit new home ready for occupancy. to Utah, as famines compella Mr. RobWhen the place la completed, he and erta to remain in the South later In hla family will livo in the eastern the winter. Mr. Cregory spent some part of town. weeks in Texas, his native slate. the Mrs. Nephl Palmer served W. J. Millard and family of Robin, !dah:, who moved from Farmington Judges of election, J. H. Robinson, eight yeara ago, are hero viaitlng old Nephi Palmer, and Ezra C, Robinson, friend. Some aay Mr. Millard doeant with a sumptuous luncheon on elec' Mrs. Lucy A. Clark, the tion day. look a day older. declares that It would have "watcher, Tomorrow evening at 7:30 a meet- been impoalble for her to have reof of officers the the ing general mained up all night had It not been Mutual Improvement . Young Mens for the lunch Mra. Palmer had preof this district will be held pared. at tentrevllle. Mr.' Ewan! Steed, the gentleman Mr. J. W. James and danghtera. Lu- who waa so seriously Injured about cille and Louise, returned laat Tues- two months ago by a Rio Grande visit-tag day to their home at Union, after Is again very sick. Since his Mr. and Mra. J. 11. Robinson for engine, from return the Ogden hospital, he ' a short time. haa never fully recovered from the Mrs. Annie Palmer Is now employed ahJbk given hla system, and now he Sa clerk I J. D. Woods store. Mr. la reported as having been seised with Woods daughter. Lizzie, was formerly a severe attack of typhoid pneumonia. elerk there, bat waa taken away onto the ocean of a new life. LEGAL NOTICE. George Wilcox, formerly of Card-stoCanada, Is sow In Fartnlugion to IV TUX PIBTJUCT COPST, PROBATE IX- slay. For some time past he haa boeu Vision, Iff ADD foa DAVIS CUUSTXi , fa Canada, but has decided that Farrn-tagto- n STATE or UTAH. Is the better, after all. Is Iks aut tar of lb ateu of Josi Parrlah, Saaa Ou Monday Pearl Smith and Alma d, ffotlcai Tbs ysHttoa sf Bswnsl t. Parrish sod Esra Keunlngston of Bountiful were marsrsylns tor tba laanaaaa S Samaal M. Fanirh, a of In that day the evening ried. FarrM, Parlay P. Parrish and Joarjih Atauo bra wedding mention was held at the Paniahnf Latlrrsof Admlnlatrallos Is lha artats tome of the bride's parents, Mr. and sf Josi ParrkA dacaaard, ha bash art for haarlaa Mrs. Able Bm:th aa Saturday, lbs SMh day of Horaaibor, A. D. lot, Walter Rampton, neighbor of the alSaaloaks at- - tba Onaaty Court Houaa, In Argus, haa Just completed a hoy rack lha Ooart boas at old total, la raralaqtoa ally, for Arthur Hess. The Argus reporter, Darla aoaaty, Utah. Wltaara tba Clark of nld Caart with tbs Mat although Inexperienced In affairs of flie farm, thinks the rack aa well built Ibarrraf aWsad Ihta IMh Aay of RovsmbarA. D. ism. as any ho .has ever seen. HllfSY W. SVAHLh, The Argus feels by a visit Clark IntlJ from Mrs. If- - B.' F. Smith a lady who W. H. Brasspn, fa. Attoraay, !, carries the lUlics of many summers Hals of Srat yoHlratlaa, Riw. U, MM. en her head, and yet. keeps abreast , of the times. She left a basket of choice apples with her compliments and ordered the paper for a year. Abstracter of Title Isaac Sears, the well known salt man and Conveyancer. Mi the owner of a line Shorthorn bull ' Abstractor of Davis County. Licensed In whose Farmington pedigree kept shows the best to be found In the NOTARY PUBLIC. American herd. Its name la T. II. Ru-bl- a ami Is numbered 157.22G a Utah Office upstairs. Farmington C. &U. Bid FARMINGTON, UTAH. product and of the choicest breed. Ueat-cm-ai- r' c fr Par-ria- J. E. ROBINSON. i; 1100 Pair of KJVIT $3 and $3.50 ap- proved Garments fold j at - : T H"-v- .. These garments are Lamb Knit, hand and home made heavy weight. Just the thing for winter. See the Goods; they will convince yon. All kinds of shoes end geut'e famiahings in stock. WESTS MAIL 77-7- 9 WEST SOUTH TEMPLE ST. OALT LAKE CITY . ORDER HOUSE UTAH about evening, Wednesday st a uundrtsi relative and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wood, to pay homage and respect to the newly wedded couple, Mr. Edmund Whittaker and Lizzie Whittaker, formerly Miss Lizzie Wood. The bride and groom were dressed In such a manner as to bring both praise for the harmony and good taste shown. Some were heard to nay that they had never suen a couple look better to- gether. The evening was spent In listening to music rendered in many ways; on the piano, In songs, and on the Mr. Wood thoughtfully 10 pounds of choirs candy bought and from the center table the chocolates attracted even those In the . farthest end of the room. Altogether, the evening waa spent In a very pleasing way. No wine waa served; and. to the surprise of everyone, no youngsters camo probing around demanding cske as a bribe for ceasing a "shiveree," (the beating ef tin pans, and otherwise making a troublesome noise). Mr. Wood On the supper table, laughingly called the guosta attention to the fact that he had before him the democratic rooster, lately killed, and he desired all to partake of it Just aa if thev were republicans. Mr- - and Mrs. Whittaker .will make their home In Centerville. graph-aphon- t i e. s o M a ? i n1 5 . X - n ST 5 c r l i x I 2 t zo Electors James A. Miner ; Fred J. Klesel Samuel Newhouse Edward H. Snow J. H. Zenger A. J. Jacobson J. W. MrUann For Reps to (9th Congress Joecph Howell Orlando W. Powers W. H. Shock Ogden Hiles For Governor. John C. Culler James H. Moyle Joseph A. Kauffman William M. Ferry For Secretary of State Charles S. Tlngey Levi N. Harmon A. L. Porter Walter Jamee For Justice Supreme Court Daniel N. Straup Charles S. Variaq C. C. Goodwin For Attorney General M. A. Breeden Grant C. Baglay Charles E. Randall Samuel McDowell For State Treasurer James Christiansen W. B. Wilson Ole Arilson William W. Armstrong For 8tate Auditor J. A. Edward John W. Geigor Joseph MeLachlan Lewis B. Rogers A. C. Nelson Nathan T. Porter Claude Lewie A MEAD-O- N Frank COLLISION. Two Buggiee Meet and Cauee Seme ExoHsment-N- o Serloue Injury. On Sunday, the Qth of this month, a head-o- n collision occurred that may be classed as one of the strange accidents In the county and It waa not on the railroad either. Two buggies in which young men and young ladles were out driving on Sunday evening met In the nark anil I he occupants were tossed hither and I hither as If some nether god had hail his hand in the work. One buggy was smashed into kindling wood, sod the other succeeded In escaping with four wheels and enough board lo hold a driver while In charge of the reigns. ' The accident occurred between Layton and Kaysvilic. Sylvia Barber was in Jured, the wheel having run over her foot. The rest of the party escaped uninjured. The following live to tell the tale: Rhode Miller. Clara San ders. Orson Rose, Sylvia Barber. Martha Love, Txnnard Green, Thomas San ders and Lizzie Nance. A GREAT IMPROVEMENT. New Store For Bountiful Credit to tho Town. Co-o- p Special Lornwpondfnr. The new store for the Bountiful Co- is nearing completion. Carpenters are busy erecting shelves and counters,- - and the place is expected to be ready for occupancy on Decern 1. The edifice Is a credit to the town and when finished will be one of. if not the most commodious store In the county. Its dimensions are 53x60 feet; two stories, and m addition to s the main store there are large which are 28xC0 feet, two stories and basement The shoe department will be arranged similar to designs In the leading stores of Chicago and other large eastern cities The Institution has had a very large trade during the last two years in particular, and its accommodations have been very Inadequate for the amount of business transacted. op. ware-room- Horae Rune Away. Bperlul to the Argus they last f E For Presidential Mies Llxzle Wood and Edmund Whittaker Married Last Wednesday. , OFFICIAL ELECTION fETUHNS E. W. Wade n. P. Mytnn MERRY WEDDING BELLS. ' Price minimum n from which, in hi weakened condition, it Is feared it will be some lime before he will recover. Th9 manager of The Argus, while lu Salt Lake last Friday, met with an accident that he dislikes, because of his Inherent modesty, to speak of. The street car that was to have carried hi in on his way home did not slop for him, but went flying by at the rate of sis miles an hour. Thinking be wa an old hand, he endeavored to Jump ou. Grabbing the brass handles, he was toKsed into the air several feet and safely landed In the middle of the track on his hands and knees, badly cutilng his shins and bruising bis hands. The car continued down ihc street, and the misused manager picked himself up with the assistance of several heavy oaths. While driving between Centerrille and Bountiful last week, the horso driven by Mra. Jane Eldredge frightened at a cow standing in the mire by the road, and immediately became unmanageable. The buggy waa tipped over and by chance the horse waa cat loose from the harness and continued down the road. Mrs. Chris Nelson of this place was badly Injured and Mrs. Eldredge succeeded in escaping with a good shaking up and a few bruises. BOUNTIFUL BRIEFS. Special Correspondetice. . R. Christensen For District Attorney James Albert Howell Hefary H. Rolapp For District Atorney Georgo HalviYson Albert G. Horn For State Senator Wesley K. Walton William H. Rich , I For Representative Ezra F. Richards Hyrum Stewart Term For Com., James H. Larkins ................. Dan Muir For Com., Jen Nelson John S. Whlto, For Cler- k- Henry W. Term Jr. Stahle Thomas II. Phillip For Treasurer George H. Blood Samuel M. Kershaw For Recorder Sadie Finm Sarah A. Howard For Assessor John E. Woolley John E. Thurgood For Sheriff James Ware, Jr Joseph J. Holbrook For Attorney 1. E. Willey William H. Streeper, Jr. . For Surveyor John W. Chase Arthur D. Knowlton For Co. 8upL Pub. Inst: I . . . Arthur Welling A line son was born to Mr. and Mra. Wm. C. Hardy on Saturday. Mother and child are doing well, and Father ia Jubilant. Maud George Thurgood and Mis Moss were married last. Wednesday. A reception was given at the home of the brides parents on the same evening. Alma Hardy was elected Justice of the peace, and Jed Willey waa elected Constable, each to succeed hlipsalf. They are the only relics of Democracy left in this part of the country. Elder Samuel Howard who recently returned from England aa a missionary was Invited to lecture before the M. I. A. of the 23rd. Ward Salt Uke City. His son, Samuel, Jr., accompanied him and It Is said the gentleman gave most interesting and excellent talk. Ray Muir and her sister, Mrs. Zebedee Coltrin, leave for San Francisco, California, next Tuesday. Mra. Coltrin will make her home there and Miss Muir will spend the winter with her. Mrs. Coltrins husband has a position In that city with a wealthy family running an automobile. Davla County Clipper. Word waa received from Chesterfield, Idaho, that Lester, the nineteen year old son of the late Bishop Chester shot and Call, had been accidental kiJicd on the 1 ltb, and that the funer-a- t will take place on Snnday the 13th. Many residents of Bountiful will reof gret to learn of the untimely youpg liester. While living here he gave premise of a bright and intelligent young man. He moved with hla piivnbi to ('hsslerfleld eight or nine yean ago. Particulars of the accident have not beep learned at this Annie, daughter of Joseph J.' Holbrook. Is still very sick. Roy Platts returned on Monday last from his trip to the world's Fair. Two new rases of dtphtheri have developed during the last week In west BoimtlfuL A number of "Box B letters hare been distributed at (he Bountiful post office lately. East Bountiful polled the heaviest vote at the recent election that has been cast in the precinct. E. L. Willey, tho new coal dealer, has recently built a shed over the scales Ubrd to weigh eual- writing. di-at- h ... , . FOR JUSTICES OF PEACE AND CONBTABLES. Henry Moss Chas E. Pearson For Constable J. 1. Atkinson, Jr Albert Hatch 177 75 For Constable John A. Call Jed. Willey District 242 ................ District No. 2. For Justice of 76 B. F. Bowman For Constable Geo. Allan ; No. 17. 71 72 No. 13. Par Justice of Peace John Draayer 4. 71 Charles Mitchell 225 For Constable ZpjtH unilV Clinton Frazier 231 255 No. 5. For Justice of Peace Samuel J. Parrish John Reading For Constable Benjamin Brown Harold Smith Districts Nos. 6 and 7. Fur Jostlce of Peace Nathan G. Clark Joseph E. RoMuson For Constable C. L. Robinson Jmiatban Hughes Districts Nos. 8 and 9. For Justice of Peare Lev! Taylor, Jr. . H. .1. Sheffield. Jr 121 118 Tho. Parker District No. Far Justice of Peace John Fraugott Peter Christensen For Constable 45 74 45 14. 51 51 Ef Joseph Corbridge 138 Geo. H. Smith 161 District No. For Jnstlre of Peace Thomas EL 4T IK. 80 Williams 180 John W. Singleton 212 For Constable 207 195 37.1 58 80 69 Roland Thurgood Frank Hlake District No. For Justice of Peace Geo. R. Bennrtt For Constable Tho. A. Roh . reace District 75 25ff 10! Albert K. Green Districts Nos. 3 and For Justice of Fpace 17 Ellla Henry itoPhllo Dibble For Constable 168 Joseph H. Allen For Justice of Peace Edward Mitchell Joseph N. Fackerell For Constable Leo. W. Pack Whitney K. Roberta Wm. M. Waddoups $7 215 269 Districts Nos. 10 and For Justice of Peace District No. 1. For Justice of Peac- e- District For Constable John E. Barker Robert Blamlres fK. W 18 |