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Show clothes YOU want exceptional IFsatisfaction, youll find it to your The rJEl'J FALL SAMPLES are Here for Your Seloctiou. De recomend them for their Fine Quality and Excellent Patterns. advantage to leave your measure now for your new Spring suit tailored to your individual order by Chicago, U. S. Merchant Tailors AL Just compare the quality of our r clothes point for point in finish, fit and fabric and youll make your selection here at tailored-to-orde- once. We will deliver you custom 'tailoring high-grad- e at a price that you never thought possible to secure. Perfect Fit A is Guaranteed TOOELE nER' Weekly Weather Report. The following is the weekly weather report for the week ending Sept. 2nd, sent out by the Weather Bureau at Salt Lake City. The weather continued hot and dry until the dose of the week when showers were fairly well scattered over the higher altitudes of the state attended by lower temperatures, improving the range locally as well as potatoes and other crops. The second and third alfalfa crops, beets ,and potatoes at high altitudes are doing fairly well, but the range generally is still extremely dry in many regions. Heavy lamb shipments continue from Montpelier, Idaho ,and it is reported hard to hold cattle on national forests around Pocatello, where the range is drying badly, water supply diminishing and streams very low. Fruit has ripened rapidly, 'the picking of pears and plums having begun in many places; peaches have made especially rapid advancement and the crop is nearly harvested at Brigham City, where shipments during the week have been unusually heavy. Melons are ripe generally, and the to- worth and two sons, Wilber anct Jbhilston and family. Mr. Ehr--t Miss Veloy Adamson Bays that the foundry at the smelter, i mato crop is making rapid ad- Harold, of Carey, Idaho, and Mr. expects to leave in about the rumor of her marriage which spending the week in Salt Laki was circulated last week, like City to take in the ball vancement, being ripe in many and Mrs. Joseph Farnsworth and games. Mark Twains obituary, was a fields with commercial picking two grandchildren, Ina and Fay She says that begun locally. A Big Dance will be given in gross exageration. Farnsworth, with Mr. and Mrs. Sgt. Dennis F. OLeary enter been have it may contemplated James Farnsworth and son, Jas. the South Ward Amusement Hall tained the Altar Society of St but it has not been LOST OR MISLAID and two grandchildren, Harold Marguerites Church at a can Friday night Good music and a Policy No. 522598 issued by and Beulah 'Hammond, all of assured. party at the Parochial residenct Everybody the Penn Mutual Life Insurance Woods Cross, motored to Tooele good time 0. W. McLaughlin, foreman ot Tuesday evening.' Company ,on the life of Harold Saturday to visit with their welcome. S. Warburton. The finder will brother, Nephi Farnsworth and please return it to the underaign-e- d. family, returning to their homes An aplication has been made again Tuesday morning. for the issuing of a duplicate. Harold S. Warburton, Tooele, J. Elmer Dymock who was re27-Utah. cently discharge from Amry service has purchased the Depot One big benefit the public will Confectionery from C. E. Elking-to-n derive by school starting if. that and will conduct The Place persons, will not have to dodge Where the Train Stops in the coaster wagons oi the sidewalks future. during the day nnd thereby give them more, time to dodge the Miss Susan McKee, one of the nurses at the Tooele General bicydes. Hospital who had been on a vaBee Hive girls cation in Salt Lake City, return. The Loimha met' at the home of 'Miss Elva ed to Tooele last Friday. Atkin Wednesday evening. Mra. Mrs. G. A. Koehler of Kellogg, Evelyn Is&reen will entertain the A11 Idaho, is visiting with her panext Monday evening. girls rents here. to be members aM requested 6t present Mr. and Mrs. J. The Ladies Aid will meet with W. Fams- Mrs. Wm. Carder at her home on West Street next Thursday afternoon, Sept. 11th, at two oclock. wnnnnniwwmwwnMWMi For Shabby Mrs. George Howarth and family left last week for Salt Lake City where they will make their home in the future. Weather-wor- n Automobiles Mrs. Frank Barber and daugh- ter were visiting in Salt Lake City during the week. There is no need for your car to be shabby, weatherworn and mnd stained. Yon can easily refinish the entire car, or touch up the shabby spots with . Lincoln Auto Enamel Finishes simplify the problem of anto refinishing. They are made especially for automobiles, from selected materials which are adapted for the pnr- Ask at our store for odor sample card and instruction sheet dunrinir in detail how easy it is to make old shabby cars spick-ampa- Better Fred Riding and Miss Ida Smith spent Labor Day in Salt Lake City to witness the parade . there. Miss Agnes Forsythe spent the fore part of the week in Salt Lake City on business. in a use arguing about it, or making chin-musNOminor key! If youve got the jimmy-pip- e or cigarette makins notion cornered in your smokeappetite, slip it a few libera loads of Prince Albert! Boiled down to regular old between-us-man-talk: k. Prince Albert kicks the pip right out of a pipe! juTairpq cigarette rolling the toppiest of sports! P. A. is so fragrant, so fascinating in flavor, so refreshing! Prince Albert cant bite your tongue or parch your throat! You go as far as you like according to your smoke out bite and spirit! Our exclusive patented process cuts parch! fi a. Tooele Motor Co. : Mr.' and Mrs. B. F. Ehrhardt of Chicago are visiting with their daughter, Mrs. George J. joyus class! Puts pipe pleasure into the . jmf-- f fidy T - ?""t R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, h f"yf" Winston-Sale- -- mmJiNmm m, N. C |