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Show M?C The identification mark cf good hats Men are More Criti-ca- l than Ever finely-mad- e . . manly in fashion. Nowhere will you find more quality, better style. ... Rothschild Star Hats See the many new styles and colors; all first quality. You cant but like them. Theym most desirable to buy and wear. About Quality These Days. ' ' We have just received a particularly interesting assortment of Hats. The critical dresser will find among them the very .Hat he has been looking for. The variety of styles is most and their wearing quality is 2s TOOELE nfeRCANTlLE CO. Mi SOMEWHERE IN UTAH Mi's. M. A. Adamson, mother of Sheriff D. M. Adamson who has been critically ill, underwent an operation Wednesdey, but was still very serious at last re' ports Thursday. : A baby girl was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snyder last Saturday morning. Mother and babe doing fine. Miss Susan McKee of the Tooele General Hospital staff was visiting with her mother and sister in Salt Lake City during the past two weeks. Stanley Johnson and family who had been visiting in Idaho, returned home Thursday. Mr. and Mi's. John M. Isgreen and daughter, Ruby, returned Tuesday from a months visit with friends and relatives at Blackfoot, Idaho. Good roads and thrift should lie Ulali'a greatest asset. Mrs. Philip F. DeLaMare re- turned Monday night from a visit to Salt Lake City. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Isgreen Orval Singleton who for the and family returned from a past six months has been on the J. W. Mann had his father, three months vacation in south- Bulletin staff, left last week for Jos. Mann of Oklahoma, visit ern Idaho. his home in Provo. with him during the week. For Shabby Weather-wor- n Automobiles There is no need for your car to be shabby, weatherworn and mud stained. Yon can easily refinish the entire car, or touch up the shabby spots with Lincoln Anto Enamel Finishes simplify the problem of anto refinishing. They are made especially for automobiles, from selected materials which are adapted for the pur. pose. Ask at our store for color sample card and instruction sheet showing in detail how easy it is to make old shabby can spick-and-spa- n. Tooele Motor Co. pmWWWWHNNW IWWWWWIWIIII with friends and relatives at Twin Falls and other Idaho towns. Some mischievously inclined persons have been throwing wire nails along the streets for the express purpose of causing punctures to automobiles tires. This is a petty form of malicious mischief and if the perpetrators are discovered by the officers they will be hailed into Court. NOTICE No. 024,662, Application for Patent. United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, Auguat 12, 1912. Notice is hereby given that George F. Ttlson of Payson, Utah, and lllff Simona of Burley, Idaho, hare made application for a United State Patent for the Red Devil lode mining nislm, situate In Clifton Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, insisting of the 1500 linear feet thereof, and face ground 671.1 feet wide being Surrey No. 6476 and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey Dress Better SttJttlJ M,itiiBiaasMMiBSKiigaasnMMiaaaai cent per month until paid and for on file In thu office, with magnetic Instructing Grandps. coats of said action, for warn variation at 17 degrees 80 minutes T was talking to mjr little grand- and merchandise which goods, plaintiff aleast, aa follows : other the over the telephone leges to have delivered to you between Commencing at Post No. 1, a comer daughter to a of the claim, (from which U. S. M. M. dny," mid an old ninn recently "nnd the dates iff May 16th, 1919, and June 18lh, 1919, and in case of your failure No. 1 bears S 61 deg. 24 min. E. 4639.7 few of his friends nt u hotel, S 88 deg. 16 when I ended I said, Here, Dorothy, to do so, Judgment will be rendered ft), and running thence min. W. 671.8 ft to Cor. No. 2; thence is a kiss for you. Slie replied, 011, against you according to the demand N. 56 deg. 24 min. W. 1500 ft. to Cor. lishuw, grandpa I Don't you know that of the eomplaint. Given under my hand this day of No. 3; thence N. 88 deg. 16 min. E. a klsa over the telephone Is like a 1919. June, 671.8 ft. to Cor. No. 4; thence S. 66 straw hatT I sweetsuld, 'Why, no, WILLIAM A. LYMAN, deg. 24 min. E. 1500 ft. to Cor. No. 1, how's that? Its not felt, grandJustice of the Peace. the place of beginning. Said lode min- heart, (London). die pa, Date in first located la claim Unsurveyed publication July 25, 1919. ing T. 7 8., R. 18 W., S. L. H., and contains a total and net area of 19.607 acres. Said Red Devil lode mining Optimlatie Thought. AN ORDINANCE. claim being of record In the office of There la naught in this wide world at of said district the Recorder mining like sympathy. An Ordinance amending the Revised Tooele In County, Tooele, Ordinances of Tooele City, 1918, deUtah. The nearest known location befining the rules regulating vehicles ing the Lucky Jim lode. Lot No. 59. Division of Samoan Islands. upon the streets of Tooele City, by I direct that this notice be published In the Grantsville News at Grantsville, By the agreement of December 2, amending Section 8 thereof, so that Utah, the newspaper published near- 1899, among the United States, Cheat same shail read as follows: Section 4. It shall be unlawful for est the said mlnng claim, for the Britain and Gemini ly, the Samoan Isperiod of nine consecutive weeks. Uni- any person riding or driving a motordivided were the between lands GOULD B. BLAKELY, cycle or motor vehicle, within the BriRegister. ted States and Germany, Great limits of Tooele City, to ride or drive Date first publication Aug. 15, 1919. tain retiring and accepting compensa- at a greater rate of speed than fifteen In of the form her for retirement tion Date last publication Oct 10, 1919. E. D. Dunn, Claimants Attorney, colonial concessions elsewhere In the miles an hour, and provided further, world. This agreement ended a long that it shall be unlawful to ride or Salt Lake City, Utah. same in the business section, series of outbreaks and disorder In the drive or over crossings, or to turn any corcivil a to of state Islands amounting ner where there is an obstructed view, war, due, it was charged at the time, at a greater rate of speed than eight to the Intrigue and aggression at the miles an hour. Upon approaching any curve or descent, or street,- - or public Germans. or private crossing, the operator of a motor vehicle or mortoreyde shall at all times have the vehicle under immediate contftri. Further, It ahali be 8UMMON8. In the Justices Court. In and for unlawful for any person driving or in a motor vehicle to cross over Wendover Precinct, County of Tooele, ridingaide-walwhere the view la obState of Utah. Before William A. Ly- any structed, on either side, without lint Impurities from your body man, Justice of the Peace. bringing his machine to a full atop, A. J. Spencer Company, Incorporas you would dirt from ated, Plaintiff, vs. Gna Mares, Defen- and pounding the horn, or otherwise giving a warning signal. dant SUM MON8. This Ordinance shall take effect imyour home. The State of Utah to the Defendant upon being filed and pubmediately You are summoned to appear Constipation is the cause before thehereby above entitled Court with- lished. Paaaed this 1st day of July, 1919. in ten day after the service of this of much disease. Approved this 1st day of July, 1919. summons upon you, if' served within Published this 18th day of JuV. the county in which this action la 1919. Keep your system clean brought otherwise, within twenty PETER CLEGG, days after service .and defend the Mayer. ' by using entitled action against you to reAttest: cover Judgment for the sum of $54.75, IDWAL AJAX, with interest thereon from and since Recorder. June 18th, 1919, and for interest on . City Date first publication July 18, 1919. aa aid judgment the rate of one per sald."-,-Bllgh- ty MWMIWWMIIIWIWMIIIWII THE ; Safe Mild Sure SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS MILKS MEDICAL CO. Klkhart, lad. RELIABLE Let us put New life in your Old Shoes bo that yon would not know your Old Shoes for comfortable' wear. b Guaranteed and at Reasonable Prices. We use only the Best Material to be had. Shoes sent by Panel Post will be returned the following day. Our Work Highly recommended for Torpid liver. Biliousness, Constipation and Indigestion. OLD i Modern Shoe Repairing Co. MATT LEONETTI, Prop. Vine St, Opposite Oquirrh HoteL Tooele, Utah. j |