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Show T GREEN RIVER DIBPATOH, GREEN RIVER, UTAH QOTHEjlS HIDES HID IE TO HUH Pin AND UTAHNS The minimum estimate placed on the O. O. Morganaon, state trapper, durvalue of the ora broken for shipment in the Florence Divide 1 twite on the ing twenty days In July captured Are Florence Goldfield Is $128,00(1, and the coyotes, four boh cats and one bear. At a meeting of tlie county coinmls-aioner- s maximum estimate la $100,000. held thla week, September 2 Nevada Is about to enter an era of waa set as a time for the hearing of Mikfen.jnd. Lydia E. Ptakham's unprecedented mining activity," said the petition of the organisers of the Tagrtabla Convoandhatpad dm ao much Walter F. Richardson, repreaotutive of Benjamin dralutgc district. daring tha Mim i the Nevada Mining 1'raaa. Not only The Utah Consolidated Mining comlookingforwaid at Tonopah Divide Is the activity to tha coming of my but old camps, for which long pany has leased the mill belonging to Uttls om that I the Utah Metal A Tunnel company at recommending it to ago apparently all hope lied been abanfor experimental purposes. Bingham are doned, revived. being otheraxpeetant mothani Bafora The rich atrlke of silver ore recently The lease la for the period of three taking It aomadaya found on the property of tha Ameri- months. I anffand with nan. can Nearing complete compilation, tha Standard nigls ao badly that proving aa Coalition Mines, is imofficial history and roster of the 3U2d acdevelopment eoold I taoogbt I proceeda, not Hva, bat after cording to several mining men who Infantry will be published early in by T. Ben have taking tnrea bottlea just vlalted the property, located beptember, It Is stated treasurer of tlie 962d Infantry ofLydia E. Pink-ham- 's near Fort BcheUbourne, White Pine association at Ogden Vara tabla county. Compound I waa enAt a meeting of the returned solThere waa decided a In decline the tirely relieved of diers and sailors held in Park City it of 1 bad production copper by the leading neuralgia, was decided by ihe fifty present to toed la strength American copper mines last month. a branch of the American and waa abla to go Eighteen organise ra representative product aud application has been made Kami and do au showed a combined output of 77,252, legion wx My baby when seven UOO my for charter. a pounds, compared with 87.2UIMNI0 months old wytohaa 19 poaada and I faal Tlie contract to do over $120,000 o better than 1 bare for a Iona time, pounds In the previous month, a of construction on the road In worth bad any medicine do me of ronghly 10,000,000 pound", Logan canyon has been let and work aye the Boston News Bureau- One of the early day silver lead will commence Immediately to make Good health daring maternity b a tlie rouil one of the best mountain raoat important factor to both mother properties In Nevada ia again coming 111 the west nd child, and man lettara hare bean back, according to a report from Plo-ch- highways M. Win. large fruit raiser Roylance, It Is the Groom mine, which fMatoed by toa Lydia E. Pinkham In Utah county, predicts Medicine Ca, Lynn, Mass., telling of many years ago and sliliqier considerable produced health watered daring thia trying period ore which was lmuled outlook In Utah county, notsixty miles to the fruit bytheoaoof Itdto&PiakhamraVag the railroad. A number of Balt I .tike withstanding the . hot weather and taUa shortage of water, would be good. The people are it ousted in (lie distrii-l- , he believes, will be better tnan market, William Including Armstrong, w. j. Diacarded Song. for some time past. and others. Dooly Nobody Binge 1 Wont Go Home Till That Welier county will probably All mechanical departments and opMuralng and more." the lead of the counties of the take of the Consolidated erating employees Certainly not" replied Uucle Bill In the war for the extenntnaAoa state and Copper Nevada company Northern If by any chance there Bottletnp. noxious weeds, is the assertion of the Ik and remaining hard liquor available, Railway company, with few exceptions, home la the only place to look for it" went on strike last week following the of C. E. Pettigrew, county crop pest companys refund of a demand by the Inspector. It is reported that everyWashington Star. men for restoration of the where in tlie county the campaign Is wage scale. This would mean an being waged against white top." Increase of $1 per day, while the comMany large cattle owners throughpany has poMicd a wage Increase of out district No. 4 of the forest service 75 cents per day. will place tlielr herds of cattle and That had back" fa probably due to The Willierl Mining company, ocr-tin- g sheep on the market this tell, rather weak kidneys. It ihowi in a dull, In the Dome mining district. than take advantage of the provision throbbing backache, or shtro twinge when stooping. You have headache, Blaine comity, Idaho, made an excel- made by the federal government that lent record as a producer and dividend they may ship their stock to winter kidney action. Dont fact! payer and whs In a fair way to enjoy g raxing areas at full rates end return ia danger of dropay, gravel or hte dfaeaaeT Uee Doan!t Kid- - a prosperous career of continued them free of charge. Jla. Thomsnds have anved s when The city council of Hyrum has redethe fire last year eerioua more ailmente by the Its bids on concrete curb and gutnee ceived of Advices stroyed from the Doan't. timely plant. property, however, are that tqicrations tering and cement sidewalks, the work have again been resumed, and that the on which will be completed this tell. An Idaho Cbm new development program, which Ims Farmers of Sevier and Gunnison val3. A. Castile, e earpanter. already started, comprise a I borough leys, about 125 In number, ere lu faSecond St. N. exploration. vor of owning and operating the Pinto Nampa. Idaho, aaya: I waa laid a stockholders meeting of the reservoir project, which the state At up ana apring for Tlntic Delaware Mining company at wishes to sell. A committee has been aavnml waaka with I'rovo, the following were elected : appointed to meet with the state land trouble. kidney I had to be careful how I Joseph A. Hutch, Helier, president; board to arrange details of the purbecaoM tapped )r. W. K. Wberreft, Ilelicr, vice pres- chase and repot them at a meeting to any eudden Jar caused awful ident; directors, A. D. ('lurk, Irovo; be held next month.was Invited to the President Wilson Samuel Neff, Mill Greek ; J. H. Fkkurs fadea aad htpa. I heSfafttrtloSi snd A. H. Kkkers of Eureka ; J. A. conference of governors, twenty-twKldnay Fllla and got beand having slgnlAed their intention of Iloldaway, 18 Salt in August Lake, present ing general unuingcr. to Invited was also He 21. Development work bus been liegun to August on the pnqierty of the Iron Springs accompany the governors on tlielr trip The Ineonqmny, which Is located in Iron to Yellowstone national park. CO, BWTAIA R. Y. BamGovernor sent by county alaiut two miles north of the vitation was of at the wire suggestion lie! ween by railroad I.und and berger proposed with who state the of IedHr City. A force of men has been former governors put to work sinking a sliaft on tlie Governor Bamberger . are arranging tootwall of an extensive iron vein a program. which outcrops mi the surface, accord Gold medals were awarded at Price employes of tlie United lug to Information from officers of to seventy-fiv- e the company. States Fuel company who were in the Acid-Stoma- ch Report of the strike of some good military service during the war. The ore in the Colunibus-Kexu- ll property men were from Black Hawk, Ilclner, If people nh raalliad the and In the of aa acid stomach of tba many at Alta, lias sent the stock up on the Hlawatlin and Mohriand, powir klada of ateknoaa and mlaory It eaaca of market. Accord! g to President H. It. employ of the fuel company. tho lloa It litoralljr wrocka thajr weald M. H. Greene, manager of the Salt Bard acaiaat it aa eaiwfally aa they do Krnns the ore ia similar to that taken aaainat a deadly place. Tea knew In an from the 800 level and la being enLake office of the United States grain of Inatant the int nymptonia dlatroanine. painful countered In the tunnel. The ore h corporation, who has Just returned patal of Indlaaatlon; laati nonr, Camay atomach; belching; food rapaatlne; haartbnrn. ale. Whcnaror rear found In the beddings and It Is the from a trip through southern Utah, atomach fcola thla wap re ahould loaa no worked havoc tlmo In petting It to rlghta. If yo dont Intention to coutlnuo the driving of reports that the drouth narlona eonacaaonoM ar almoat aura to folthe drift some distance before making in many of the districts. low, rath aa Inlantlna! fermentation, The public utilities commission of plans for the taking out of the ore. Impairment of tho entire ayatam. haadaeha, hlllnuoneaa, rlrrhoali In a oil of sand The last week, after a conference Utah encountering of the liver; nomatlmm oven catarrh of tho atomach and tnteatinal nleom and cancer. la believed to be about six Inches with prominent officials of the Mounthat If go ara net fooling right aao if It Isnt Telegraph that la tho eauae of your III thick on tSie Gustarcson Oil company's tain States Telephone health. Taka BATONIC, the wonderful modto order a physical em atomach remedy. BATONIC Tablet! pnqierty two miles up Diamond Fork company, decided pain, bloat, eulckly and aaraly rrllova thaIndian canyon from the Uio Grande railroad, valuation of all the property of the ta belehlng, and haartbara that caused considerable excitement, as cnuqmny In the state. has clean llako tha atomach strong, and awaat By keeping tha atomach la It is declared to be the first good oil To Utah may come tlie distinction of fall no can condition get that yon healthy atrangth from your food, your general health showing near Salt Lake, and also carhaving the first war orphan. He Is ntcadlly Improve. Rernlla ara marreloualy a number of of out the ried theory Millan F. Gledlilll, the Intent son of anlah. Jnat try BATONIC and yon will be aa anthnalantle aa the thonaanda who hav oilmen that petroleum Herbert F. Gledlilll, who was killed and geologists nod It and who my they never droamed mnrvelona relief. would he encountered in thla ground. In France, June 14, 1918. The Intent anything could bring eachbox of BATONIC go got a big Mining operations at Divide have boy's mother died at Sigurd, Utah, from your druggiat today. If not eatlaf notary retarn It and ha will refund your money. been featured during the last few days 3, 1917. by a number of valuuble ore discovDuring the past two months there eries, add taken by and large the per- has not been a' case of contagious disiod was probably the most eventful ease reported, according to Health OfinwrOMAanatukAaij recorded in the district since pay ore ficer Peters, of Murray, who urges was first struck in the Tonopuh Di- citizens to maintain cleanliness shout Tkt CaBMil vide mine. The strikes were made at their premises. widely divergent points and demoUtah Indian war veterans will hold nstrate that the cross Assuring of the their 1919 encampment In Springvllle, Rtmiiy camp Is In general well enriched with August 12 to 15, under auspices of ore depositions. the departments of Utah and Wasatch Manager George Nichole of the counties. property stated recently that Engineers have started surveying the development work Is progressing In a proposed canal from Bear river to be most satisfactory manner, according to used In irrigating land in Box Elder DMbAM v the Eureka Reporter. 8ome moro ore and Welter counties. has been located In the workings Tlie Tremonton Mill A Elevator reached from (he nest tunnel and the Is the name of a corporation company is test getting things In read- company at Tremonton to Install Just organised cominess for sinking the new double mill. flour new a partment shaft Grading ter this shaft Midwest Dye and Chemical company was finished early In the week and la obtaining title to land necessary ter be under should actual way sinking W. N. U, Salt Laka City, Nsl 11. In stallation of a plant at Tooele. within a few days. Is spattered through ore Some galena Silence la golden and some remarks New Insulating Material. the seams and fractures In the face are very brauy. A new Insulating material that Is Inof the American Consolidated Mines In American Fork can- combustible Is made liy mixing 5L7 One strong point of many a woman company tunnel 14 per to General Manager per cent powdered asbestos, yon, according la at the end of a hat pin. 20 per cent mincent mica, powdered reGeorge K. Ilemplifll, who has just eral rubber (a soft substance found !o turned from the property. deposits of oleaginous schist), 1 per The old Ashdown mine, .ocated in cent rosin, 0.8 per cent pure Para rubthe northwestern part of the county ber dissolved In 0.6 per cent of bisulnear the Nevada-Oregoboundary, has phide of selenium being added. After been taken over by a strong aggrega- washing and evaporating In the air a known hard, substance Is ole raMuriaaoftea Sate for Infant or Adult tion of Rod Francisco people, Gold Ashdown as tho company, Mining Free for Write Book, talned, which on heating becomes aBDranfate. Eye At MH EjsKnbCMpaq.Cllcago.ll.S.A. and extensive operating nlnns have plastic and can ba molded to any been formulated haps. Should Read Bin. Moojhui'a Letter Pubfished bj h l, ia Mel-dru- f rmumaa. Back Giving Out? Worse Still. Miss Ann was very angry when I kissed her In the dark and refused to accept my apology." 1erhaps you did not make It strong enough." "Oh, yes. I did. I told her I had mistaken her for her pretty young cousin." The A Lady of Distinction. Is recognized by the delicate tesdnafe lag Influence of the perfnme she naee, A bath with Cntlcura floap and hot In Greatest Name Goody-Lan- d water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, by a dusting with Cntlcura Thlcnm Powder usually means a dear, weet, healthy skin. Adr. followed Their Use. T'Hey say lead pencils carry genus. Well, they are the. very things to draw them." GREENS AUGUST FLOWER In the good old summer time when fruits of all kinds are getting ripe and tempting, when cucumbers, radishes and vegetables fresh from the garden are too good to resist, when the festive picnic prevails and everybody overeats and your stomach goes hack on you. then Is the time for Augnst the sovereign remedy for Flower, tired, overworked and disordered stomachs, a panacea for Indigestion, fermentation of food, sour stomach, sick headache and constipation. It gently stimulates the liver, cleanses the intestines and alimentary canal, making life worth living. 8old everywhere. Adv. WRIGLEYiS fQUIBYJHRUliTj CHEWINGGUM Being Exact you think BHgglna has great deul of Idle curiosity?" Curiosity, yes. But never Idle." Dont Lift off Corns! Doesnt hurt a bit and Freezono costs only a few cents. neg--the- dlvi-dend- them-elve- k. o DOAN'S VfJLV Bod Sickness Caused by Scaled TUht Flavor Lasts With your fingers I Yon can lift off any hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, end the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet A tiny bottle of Freesone costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callus. Instantly It stops hurting, then shortly yon lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root end all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly ! No humbug! Where Husbands Wear Wedding Rings. A CHARMING GIFT The women in Brazil have not equal ARMISTICE PERFUME suffrage, but they have an equality Thla wfM ax time will vaaall to to Oa it uf auaUrodoi a rad hand towara ao JaaUM Switch wlih the men of their country which ao In. amehud WBaUABAVrsSiaaaadraaakalliaa. Is not enjoyed by tlielr North Ameri- H onxaa om a racial bout Ills Jlaar aold aloud nnsaa can sisters. All Brasilian huslmuds are aiomaaraM dollar! alaoaatfear ara I laa nrfiM for expected to wear tlielr wedding rings onlaror earraaer. ns cunsrienrioiisly as tlielr wives, and ABMISTICB KPBClAIjTfn 1S1 WaatSUthMU BawYark,H.T. generally they do so. Tlie ring Is n JJSALHKS, iUUN-Sc- ad I1W tor abora. lactoa- plain gold band, Ihe same as that worn by wives in the United States. The women In Brazil unanimously are of the opinion that thla Is alaiut the Inst word In equality. AM let arnmi.tica at MX Bataa ta eradicate rtaafcaX Womans Wit. Nexdorea wife ha saved up some money for a nest egg." Its a poor wedding ceremony that "Is thul why you call her nn old hasnt a hitch In It. hen?" Boston Evening Transcript. nor-vo- t h. tt-ee- nt er ATONIC Why Lose Ik YonrHair Cutkura Lehl-Tlnt- J know yOU much how toasting im- proves bread. Makes it taste good. Of course more flavor. lc nnUD ret'. 3 32-11- n nt 7KFES3T FarRaatariMCaWaad Baa my laGrayr Fadad HA, A successful man keeps his eyes nnd ears wide open and his mouth closed health-daatrar-f- h KepfRlJht Same with tob&cco especially Kentucky Burley. Buy yourself a package of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette. bf Op ftayntoed PATENTS laiaaiaaaanabla. Illahaatiafiiaaeaa. |