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Show 80 DEEB SD0E8 IF FOR YOURSELF OR FAMILY IT WILL PAY YOU TO VISIT SOELBERGS STORE urday) evening, to which the public is invited. Refreshments are to be served. 50c and 10c admission. Although somewhat late, reference must be made to the Freshmen party a week ago Sa urday, it being the most successful class social affair so far given. A well arranged program was given in the Assembly Hall, William and SamGillett followed by a track-me-et in Gowans Mrs. Western the Gym. dancing Daisy Mrs. Banket Dora Bevan Miss Fairen Marie Sloan T. H. 8. Band Serenades Bulletin After the train had left with Smithers ; Sarah Lunstead Two other plays are to be giv- thebasketball team and rooters en at a later date. The casts are for Salt Lake City, the T. H. S. incomplete at the present time. Band under the.ladrship of A comic operetta, with full Prof. J. M. Boydeii gave the Bulorchestral acompaiment, and oc- letin a serenade by ;rendering a cupying a full evening, is being selection in an excellent manner. i prepared by the music departv i ment. .The cast is not yetcom-plet- e REAL QAUStFpR SHAME por has the date :for presentation been derided oh. ; . ... Janie Ruby Elkington Mis. Fenningworth Ellen Mahoney Miss Trimbail Nellie Shields Edna Gallacher Mis. Munsey Margaret Norton Nellie Stewart Alice Hanks Victoria Knox The Bracelet. -Cyrus Bates Hairy Western John Stephens Judge Banket Sherman Marks Martin , contribute 800 tons of , used clothing, the allotment for Tooele County Chapter being 8500 pounds. Without delay the garments will be forwarded to Europe, where they will be distributed by the Red, Cross. All garments and shoes which 'need repairs; will be sorted by the people for whose benefit they are being collected. , NOTICE OP APPLICATION FOR PATENT. (N(l 022076. Salt United Antes Land Office, 18U. Lake City, Utah, Feb.-1- 8, STYLES. Notice IS hereby given that Geo. B. Woodman whose poatoffice address is Gold Hill, Tooels County, Utah, has Sled in behalf of himself and. his THE PRICES ARE VERY REASONABLE. Jos B. Beck, an application tar patent for the lode mining claim called the Westward Ho No. 2 lode mining claim, situated in Clifton Mining District, Tooele County, Uath, and s and offidesignated by the cial plat on file in this office as Mineral 8urvey No. 6450 in Uniurveyed . township. 8 South, range 18 West, Salt Lake meridian, said Mineral Survey No. 8480 being described as follows : MIM9MIIIMMmilllimilMMIIIMttMIIIMMNmiaPBIN9INMWai9MlPMIBMIil . Beginning at Corner No. 1 of the ?iW-W, 'i'i claim (from which U. 8. Mineral Monyli . ; ument' NO.. 7 bears south 88 degrees ': vjc . J. i 43 ' minutes west 784.7 foot distant) ' in with cphneetioiB Everything : V and running thence Worth 18 degrees : SCHOOL TOOELE HIGH 11 minutes east 1898.8 feet to Corner the Military Ball to be.giyen in PuMIshedEveryFridayby No. 8 of the claim;, thence north 80 v." NOTES. BULLETIN PRINTING CO. : the Opera House on Friday evendegrees 45 minutes east 813.7 feet to Utah - Dramatics are March 14, is moving satisCorner No. I of the claim (identical Gnataville, receiving atten- ing,, with Comer No. 1 Newton Albert mill A new number.of and , ; thence south 86 detion now slid several meritorious factorily. site. Lot 51-48 minutes east 108.1 feet to novel features are being planned grees the scheduled attractions are for R. D. HaDaday, Editor. Corner No. 4 of the claim; .. thence south IS degrees' 88 minutes east 878.8 near future. The first will bfe for the - entertainment of the The hall decorations feet to Comer No. 5 of the claim in two or three weeks. It guests. with .Comer No, 8 Homestead Subscription, $1.50 per Year. given are to be the most elaborate so men nutter will consist of two short days, lode, Surrey 8458) ; thnee south 18 deEntered us second ! First-class in nt GrantavUle, Utah, underthe Act of The Rector and The city.grees Il minutes west 1343.1 feet to Bracf far seenwill the Comer No 8 of the claim, and thence March S, 171. be in attendance, a music north 85 degrees 49 minutes West let, and a musical prdgram by 818.8 feet to Corner No. 1 of the claim; different school organisations. number of Salt Lake musicians the place of beginning. The total Mr. Rees and Misses Nowell and having been engaged to augment res of said claim as above described ; ADVERTISING RATES the local organization. All reby metes and' hounds la 18.418 acres, Simons in of are the charge from- which Is expressly exeepta! .and Display, One Dollar per Inch tier ' are soldiers1 sailors and turned Month;. Single Issue, 16c pgr inch; work, the casts bring as follows: Young wifttayvlie jclUahklMd excluded 0.577 acV&, the' ares in conPull Position Top of Column, Next tot be present in full at (be wsj Ms futhm mads Ma flict with Survey 6434, Nemo lode, the requested . The Rector. area hereby claimed and applied Beadipf Matter, 85 jm ccntAddiiloa-aif i;:vha net uniform, those having, seen Six for befog 18.841 teres. at ha te that ought Mr. Herresford Chas. Orme months or more service will be Tbs claim is located in' unsurveyed SMlapmd at tha mgr ha upends 'It" 'Township .8 : South,:. Range-1- 8 .West, considered guests' of hohor. One Salt Lake Base and Meridian. f!,,The large and attractive, new The nearest known locations to said interesting feature will v be1 h RED CROSS CLOTHING Westward Ho No. 3 lode mining claim which booth in the souvenirs.of . Fashion Book from as shown by the official plat of survey ' : CAMPAIGN MARCH 24-3- 1. late war .will be on exhibition. r are aa follows: Newton Albert mill cite. Lot. 51 B; Nemo lode, Survey An appeal is beirigsent out to 8484; Homestead lode,. Survey 6458; The Junior Prbm wfll bis th4 people, of America, by the Red Reward No .1 lode, Survey. 6414; and VICTOR LADIES TAILORING Spring No. 3 lode, 8urvey 4887. next big social; event after.the Cross for a contribution, of cloth- Cane CO of Chicago, I direct that this notice be published the Grants ville News for s period of Military Ball. The date as an- ing and shoes to Be sent to the in nine- consecutive weeks. HE HAS A NEW STOCK OF SHOES IN - W. K. SOELBERG . field-note- s . . - The Grantsville News. Tooele '' NewiNote.' 7 s ' . . : Dg . tv L . . -- U.Y has just arrived and the ful styles and materials shown win be sure to greatly interest you. nounced is Friday, April 11. The sale of booths win take place during the .Assembly period nrict Wednesday. Further particulars will be annuonced later. ' . I wiD be pleased to ha ve y ou look over the line at any time which may suit your convenience and hope to hear from you as to a definite appointment MRS. M. E HALLADAY, Representative for GrantsviDe. An attempt is to be made' to secure a small reference library for the High School. Students are very much handicapped under present conditions by the lack of proper reference books at the immediate command of the students during school hours. The Senior Class is to give a sack, apron and overall dance in the School Gym tomorrow (Sat- - war stricken countries of Europe where there is much suffering on account of insufficient clothing by a laige perceotage of the pop. ulation. During the week from March 24 to 81 collecton of all kinds of clothing and shoes suitable for the people in the districts devastated by the war. vThe clothing problem is one of the most serious faced by the peoples liberated by the war. The American Red Cross taking upon itself to provide 1,000,000 garments to' the destitute, refugees monthly and to do so, will conduct a mammoth collection of used clothing, shoes and blankets throughout the' entire country daring the last week in March. The eRd Cross representatives abroad and Herbert Hoover, head of the European Relief Administration, have cabled that an immediate supply of every kind of clothing is absolutely heces-sar-y to maintain health and preserve the lives of millions of men, women and children who have been freed from the German yoke.The countries crying for relief, Northern France, Belgium, Italy, Rumania, Serbia, Greece, Montenegro, Palestine,' Albania, POr . .s landand cant help cutting loose jqyus .J. ReynoHi Tohaaci Cm. remarks every time you flush your amokespot with Prince Albert it hits fiur so and you square. Its a scuttle full of jimmy - pipe and cigarette malrins sunshine and as satisfy' ing as it is delightful every hour of the twenty-fou- r! Its never too Late to hop into the Prince 'Albert pleasure-paatur- ef . For, P. A. is trigger-read- y to give you more tobacco fun than you ever had in your smpkecareer. Thats because it has the quality. Quick as you know Prince Albert youll write it down that P. A. did not bite your tongue or. parch your throat. And, it never will I For, our exclusive patented process cuts out bite and parch. Try it for what ails your tongue! Toppy red bag, tidy red tins, handarme pound and half pound tin humidort and that clever, practical pound crystal glaet hmmUor with port go moistener tap that keeps the tobacco in arch perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company, Winston-Sale- m, N. C. Czecho-SlQvaki- a, are so extensive that only the united efforts of the Allied Governments are able to cope with the situation. Very valuable suprelief can be renderplementary ed by the Red Cross, however, and its millions of members are being appealed to to assist to the best of their ability by the donations of used clothing that will prove a veritable godsend to the suffering ones in the countries named who have borne the brunt of Germanys asault on dviliza-tk- E. 559.9 feet to intersection line 8 Hbrsebhoe No. 3 lode; thence 8. 77 deg. 88 min.- E. 819.7 feet to comer No. I of Horseshoe No. 8 lode; thence N. 4 deg. 85 min. W. 150Q.0 feet tw comm No. A of said lode; thence N.. 77 deg. 88 min. W. 887.0 feet to corner No. I of said lode; the place of beginning and located in uaiurveyed Township I South, Range 18 Yeat,.. B. L. & A M containing aa area 40.411 acres exclusive of eoefiietf wtthh Mineral Survey No. 5701. Gold Lfok Gold Cota, Treasure, and Survey Xo 6351, Reaper No. 8 lode; adjoining nncL: conflicting claims as shoim by Plac of Survey are Bur. No. 5701, Gold Link, . Lntrobe, Regent, Treasure, and Gold: Coin lodes, and 8m. No. 8361, Reaper No. 8 hide, and Bur. No. 8445, Horse--sho-e No. 1 lode " I direct that this notice be publish ed in the Grsntsville News, published: at Grsntsville, Utah. GOULD B, BLAKELY, Register. Edwin W, Senior, Claimants Attor- ney, Salt Lake City, Utah. . Date first publication Jan. 17, 1819.- 8-- - or . NOTICE. M. A. No. 028788, Application for Patent, United 'States Land Offfoei. Salt. Lake City,. Utah, Jan. 4. 1019.- ... Notice is hereby given. That Semin-ole Copper Company, a corpora tkm. through its authorised agent. Cora. M-- ' - " Holderman, whose postofflce addrcsa is Belt Lake City, Utah, has made for n United. States patent,' for the Horseshoe No. 1 Lode Mining Claim situate in. the, Clifton Mining:-- : District, County of Tooele, .State of. , Utah, befog Survey Ma' 8445, und described in the field notes and plat on file in this office, with magnetic:.-variationt 16 deg. 45 'tain. East as'. ' rj- -. vi follows: : Commencing nt eor.Na. 1 of Horse,, shoo No; 1 lode claim, whence the U f. B. Location 'Monument No. 11 bears N. 48 deg. 50 min. W 8135.2 feet; Thence & 78 deg.' 08 min.' K. 288.1" feet to comer No. 2; thence 8. 2 deg. .02 rqin. W. 1500,0 .fort. to. comer,-- . No. 1; thence N. 78' deg. 08 min. W. ' 215.0 fort to comer-N4;: thence, N ' 7 deg. jD7.mfn. E. 886.4 feet to comer . No. Si thence N. 8 deg: 18 niL w' .6914 fort to comm No. 1, the plans. and located in unsurveyed Township 8 South, Range 18 West, . U containing gugrea or-6.248 amje adjoining clainu,ns shown by Pint of Syrvey are fluri Md. 5701;' Rex lode; Sur. No. '5708, Silver Cota lode;- Sur. No. 6851, Reaper No. 2. and,. Reaper No.' I lodes; end Sur. Nb.-- t 8448, Horseshoe Na 8, Keystone Nof : 8 and Keystone lodes. 1 direct that this notice be pub- lishsd ta the Grantsvlllc: News,: pub-- . . lished at Grsntsville,' Utah. . .. k ' GOULD B. BLAKELY, Register.: Date first publication Jan. 10, 1810. E. W. Senior, Claimants Attorney, 8alt Lake City, Utah. n . MK, ; ' - GOULD B. BLAKELY, Date first publication Feb. 88, 1919. NOTICE.. ' Register. . M. A. Na 088818, Application for Patent." United 8tstes Land Offloa Salt Lake City, Utah, January 14, 1019. .Notice il hereby given that. Charles 8. NOTICE F(flt PUBLICATION. Department of the .Interim, U. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, February 80, 1918. Notice la hereby given that Daniel F. CalHster fit Salt Ukt, City, Utah, Who, on June S, 1819, made Hone-stea- d Entry, Serial No. 015,054, for BWUBWK. Section 7, T. I 8 H. 7 W SftSEU. Section 18, and NWK NEK, Section IS, Township 8 Boutl Range 8 West, Salt Lake Meridian, baa filed notice of Intention to make three-yea-r Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver, U .8. Lend Office, at Balt Lake City, Utah, on the third day of April, 1818. Claimant names aa witnesses: Louis Elshols, Donald D. Cullister, Frank Pnlmer,-al- l at Soaps, Utah, Melissa D. CalHster, of Salt Lake ICty, Utah. . - L. Mordnff whose poatoffice nddcsaa' ls Gold HOI, Utah, has made application ' Staten for a patent for the Homestead Lode .Minfo Clifton the ing Claim, situate Mining District, County of Tooele, State, of Utah, befog Survey Na 8451, und described fo the field notes naff plat on file fo this offloa with magnetic variation at 17 deg. SO min. East as follows: Commencing at comm of Na 1 of Homestead lode claim, whence the U. 8. M. M. Na 7 bears N. 14 deg. 48 min. W. 1884.6 fort; thence N It dag. 11 mfo. E. 1874J fort to comer Nol: thanes S. 77 deg. .41 min. EL S66J fort to comm Na I; thence S deg. 19 min. W. 1870.4 fort, to comm Na 4; thence 77 deg. 40 fold W. 60L4 . ' t . be-.fact to somor NoL Towu-shi- p located sad unsurveyed; gtaatag Register. g. South, Rahge ll'West;.Bj L.i Date lint publication Feb. 88, 1910. B. A X4 mmtafoing an ain ftf l8.72fi acres exclusive of conflicts with MinNOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. eral Survey Na 8484, Nemo sad Bo-Department of the Interim, U. 8. ward Na 1 lode mining claims; ad! Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, joining and conflicting aa shown by Plat of Survey are Sur. February 80, 1019. . Notice is hereby given that Donald Na 8484, Nemo and Reward NO. 1 C. CalHster, of Ioaepa, Utah, who, on lode mining claims 1 direct that this notice be publishApril 37, 1115, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 014487, for 8EK8WK. Sec. ed fo the Grsntsville News, published, Section at. Grantavilla Utah.18; EKNWK. NWKNWK. GOULD B. BLAKELY, . the-ptses--of : . . , - GOULD B. BLAKELYt IS, Township 8 South, Range 8 West, Salt Lake Meridian;' baa filed notice Register. of intention to make three-yea-r Edwin W. Senior, Claimant's AttorProof, ' " to establish claim to the land gbove ney, Salt Lake City, Utah. Date first publication Jan.' 17, 111-0described, before the Register and Receiver, U. 8 .Land Once, at Salt Lake City, Utah.- on the 3rd day of ORDERS TAKEN April, 1918. Claimant names aa witnesses:; Ethel For all kinds, of nursery stock W. CalHster, Louis Elshols, Frank . Palmer, all of Ioaepa, Utah, and Daniel PHILIP ARBON P, Cullister, of Salt Lake City, Utah., :1,: . t . GOULD B. BLAKELY. . Date first publication Feb. Local Register. 38, 19)9. of the of Salt Lake representative' Utah Nursery Co. City, Utah. NOTICE. M. A. Na 028806,. Application for Patent, United States Land Office, CLRANING AND PRESSING; Salt Lake City, Utah, January'14, 1018. CLOTHES Notice is hereby given that Seminole Copper Company, n corporation, through its authorised agent, Com M. Work Guaranteed. Prices ResHolderman, whose poatoffice address ide. is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application fm a. United States patent L. EARL ANDERSON, for the Horseshoe Na 8, Keystone Na 2, end Keystone Lode Mining Claims Utah. consolidated, situate fo the Clifton Burmester, Mining-DistrictCounty of Tooele, State of Utah, befog Survey Na 8448, CHARLES A. HERMAN and described fo the Held notes and pint on file in this office, with magnetic variation nt 18 deg: 45 min East Cfril Rngfamr St Deputy U. 8.. as follows : Sarreyor. No. Commencing at coma-'o- f 20 O St. - Phone Was. 4885-- w Horseshoe Na 3 lode claim, whence collection of clothing is to the U. 8. Location Monument Na 11 Uta- hbe made at a time when practic- bears N. 41 deg. 17 min. W. 5817.1 Salt Lake Cityr. thence 8. 4 deg. 88 min. E. 696.7 feet; ally the whole country is discard- feet to intersection line 4 Keystone GRANTSVILLE and TOOELE: Na 8 lode; thence N. 81 deg. 88 min. STAGE LINE ing its winter clothing, much of W. 445.1 to comm No. 4 of Key- JOSEPH E. MILLWARD, which may never be worn again stone No.feet Prop 2 lode; thence 8. 88 deg. Lv GrantsyiDe daily at 8:00 a. 37 W. to 1 comm min. 6814 feet Na and is owners what this the by of lode; thence 8. 81 deg. II min. Lr. Warner at 9:00 a.m. the people are asked to give. In EL said 654.9 feet to intersection line 1 Lv GrantsviDe at 12:30 m. this manner the American people Keystone lode; thence 8. 80 deg. 51 Lv. Warner- - returning at 2p.:00 p. min. W, 633.9 feet to comm Na 1 of will be able to display that char- Keystone m. lode; thence 8. 80 deg. 85 itable feeling towards the people min. E. 1268.5 fee to comm Na 2 of Packages carried from Tooele said lode; thence N. 80 deg 51 min Tuesdays and Fridays. which nations for of other this E. 644.4 feet to comer Na 8 of. said Leave orders at Bulletin Office lode; thence N. SO deg 85 min. W, in Tooele country is especially noted. The 502.6 and the News Office ini feet to comer No. 2 of Keystone Mountain Division is asked to No. 2 lode; thence N. 88 deg. 87 min. GrantsviDe. . , m. lot 8-- n. 4-- |