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Show ' THE QRANT8VILLE The Grantsville News. f ' V; , J NEWS, QRANTSVILLI, UTAH. Latrobe, Regent, Treasure, and Gold Coin lodes, and Sur. No. 6251, Reaper No. 3 lode, and Sur. No. 6445, Horse' ' shoe No. 1 lode I direct that this notice be publish ed in the Grantsville News, published at Grantsville, Utah. L. H. Harton returned MonPublished Every Friday by BULLETIN PRINTING CO. day from Salt Lake City and Utah went direct to Hanks & Evans Grantsville, ' for a box of cigars to pass B. D. Halladay, Editor. to the boys. The reason Subscription, $1.50 per Year. is the presentation by Mrs. HarEntered as second class mail matter at Grantsville, Utah, under the Act ot ton .last Friday night of a fine March 8,' 1879. baby boy. Mother and babe doing nicely. ADVERTISING RATES Display, One Dollar per inch per Month; Single Issue, 15c per. Inch; Full Posit ion Top of Column, Next . George Turner, the tdnsorial artist, was in Salt Lake City on business during the week. Jennings Wins Contest County Surveyor A. J. Stookey was in Tooele and Salt Lake City on business during the week. Reading Matter, 85 per cent Addition-nl- cinct on which the issue seemed to hinge, was iii Precinct No. 5 and that the eleven votes cast for Jennings at Burmester should not have been counted. At the trial, however, it appeared that the information was given out in error and the Court held that both plaintiff and defendant stood in the same position before the law regarding the Burmester vote which had been cast and counted for Jennings thereby giving him a mar jority of seven votes and was de- Register. Edwin W. Senior, Claimants ' Attorney. Salt Lake City. Utah. , 1919. Date first plication Jan.-17- NOTICE. - -- - & Cnnpany Why Swift a trip to Salt Lake City Wednesday afternoon. Handle - Poultry, Eggs, Butter and Cheese Mrs. W. M. Adamson went to Salt Lake City Wednesday to spend a, few days with relatives 1 Swift & Company went into the produce business because they saw a crying need for the kind of service they there. were equipped to perform. The produce business was in chaos. Collecting, transportation, preparation and distribution was hit or miss, with delay, deterioration and loss on every hand. ' The former was at the mercy of an He had uncertain, localized market no way of reaching through to foe people who needed what he was .raising fin: them. .There was no prem- ium upon improving his stocks, for grading was lax or lacking. The consumer had to accept produce that, as a rule, had no known responsible name behind it He had noway1 of knowing how long the eggs or foe butter he was buying, had been lying around in miscellaneous lots in the hack room of a country store. Much of foe poultry was not properly refrigerated before shipment or properly protected v-by refrigeration intrahait. r Swift & Companys initiative brought system to this chaos. Their organization, equipment, and experience in handling perishable food products were already adjusted to the task. Their refrigerator cars, branch houses, central points, connections, trained sales force, supplied just what was demanded. .Now the former has a daily cash market In touch with foe nations . heeds with better prices. Standard!-- , zation makes better, produce : more, profitable. . More consumers are served with better, fresher, finer foodstuffs. . ; . ; . . NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PATENT. No. 023876. Sait United States Lind Office, Lake City,. Utah, Feb. 18, 1819. Notice is hereby given that - Geo. E. Woodman whose postoffice add i ess. is Gold Hill, Tooele County, Utah, 1ms hied in behalf of himself and his Joe II. Deck, an application for palent fof the lode mining claim called the Westward Tib No. -- 8 lode mining claim, situated in Clifton MillCounty, Uath, and ing District, Tooele 'field-notes and offidesignated by the cial plat on .file in this office as Miu: oral Survey No. 6460 in Unaurveyed township 8 "South, .range 18 West, Salt Lake meridian, said Mineral Survey g described aa follows; No. Beginning at Corner No. 1 of the claim (from which U.fi. Mineral Monument No: 7 bears south 86 degree. . - . . NOTICE. . - l . . far-reachi- 51-B- ); -- ng . a-r- . - Swift A Company, U. A. - Will Master You - Application for Patent, United States Land Office, Salt Lake. City, Utah, January 14, 1919, Notice is hereby given that Charles L. Morduff whose postoffice address is ' Gold Hill, Utah, has made application States United for ' a patent for . the Homestead .Lode Min- ing Claim, situate in the Clifton Mining District, County of Tooele, State of Utah, being Survey No. 6452 and described in the field notes and plat on file in this office, with magnetic variation at 17 deg. 80 min. ' '? "Pi East as follows;' ot Commencing at comer of' No. Homestead lode claim, whence the U. S. M. M. No. 7 bears N. 84 deg; 42 min. W. 1364 5 feet; thence IT1I deg. 11 min. E. 1374.8 feet to comer No. 2: thence 8. 77 deg. 49 min. E.' 365.3 feet to comer No. 8; thence S 8 deg. 19 min. W. 1370.4 feet to comer No. 4; thence 77 deg. 49 min W. 601.4 feet to comer No. 1, the place of bisr ginning and located unaurveyed. Town- ship 8 South, Range 18 West, 8. L. B. ft M., containing an area of .13 720 exclusive of conflicts with Min- -' eral Survey No. 6434, Nemo and Re-- ' ward No. 1 lode mining claims ; Adjoining and conflicting- claims as shown by Plat' of Survey are Sur. j No. 6484, Nemo and .Reward No.. 1 lode mining claims. I direct that this notice be publish- ed In the Grantsville News, published at Grantsville, Utah. M. A, No. 023818, v . d ; Register. Date first publication Jan. 10, 1919. E. W. Senior, Claimant's Attorney, ' Salt Lake City, Utah. west 784.7 feet distant) thence north 18 degree.-1minutes east 1892.9 feet to Come No. 8 of the claim; thence north 80 degrees 45 minutes east 813.7 feet to Comer No. 3 of the elaim (identical with Comer No. 1 Newton jyibert mill thence Bouth 85 desite, Lot gree 49 minutes east 108.1 feet to Comer No. 4 of the claim; .thence evidence. south 33 degrees 83 minutes east 27G.6 Mr. Clark through his attor- feet to' Corner No. 5 of the claim with Comer No. 2 Homestead ney contended that a fraud had lode. Survey 6453); thnee sojilh 18 debeen iwpetratcd on the people of grees 11 minutes west 1842.1 feet to and thence School Representative Precinct Comer No 6 of the claim, north 85 degrees 49 Tninutea west No. 1 by the fact that it had 618.3 feet to Comer No. 1 of.the claim, Nothing suffers from this save total The of no claim upon beginning. the place inefficiency, which has been given out in the papers and ' of sal claim as above described public support. otherwise that Buimester Pre- - by roeles and bounds Is 19.418 acres, from which is expressly excepted and excluded 0.577 acres, the areain con S. lllct with Survey 6434, Nemo lode, the net area hereby claimed and applied for being 18.841 acres. The claim is located in unaurveyed Township 8 (South Range 18 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian. The nearest known locations to sail! Westward Ho No. 2 lode mining claim . as' shown by the official plat of survey are us follows: Newton Albert mill she. Lot 51 B; Nemo lode. Survey 6434; Homestead lode, Survey 6453; Reward No .1 lode, Survey 6434; and i'ane Spring No: 2 lode. Survey 4387. I direct that this notice be published C. Callister, of Iosepa, Utah, who, on as follows: . ' , in I lie firnntsville News for a period of April 27, 1915, made Homestead Entry, 1 of of No. corner at Commencing nine consecutive weeks. Serial No. 014467, for 8EKSWK, Sec. - GOULD B. BLAKELY, 2 No. lode whence Horseshoe claim, Section 12; ENWU, NWKNWK; Register. 13, Township 3 South, Range 8 West, the U. S. Location Monument No. 11 1919. 28, Feb. Date first publication Salt Lake Meridian, baa. filed notice bears N. 41 deg. 17 min. W. 5617.1 . of intention to make three-yea- r Proof, feet; thence S. 4 deg." 28 min. E. 696.7 m to establish claim to the land above feet to Intersection line 4 Keystone NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. N. 31 deg. 36 min. If you suffer from any Deimriment of the Interior, U S. described, before the Register and No.-- lode; thence Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, Receiver, U. S .Land Office, at Salt W. 445.1 feet to corner No. 4 of KeyI,and Ache or Pain, take One or February 20, 1919. 38 deg. Lake City, Utah.1 on --the 3rd day of stone No. 2 ldde; thence No. 1 corner to feet 63L1 87 W; min. Daniel 1919. Notice is hereby given lhat April, Two of Claimant names as witnesses: Ethel of .said lode; thence Sr 21 deg. 19 min, F. Callister ,of Salt Lake City, Utah, line who, on June 3, 1919, made Home- W. Callister, Louis ElBholx, Frank E. 654.9 feet to intersection deg. 51 stead Entry, Serial No. 015,054, for Palmer, all of IoBepa, Utah, and Daniel Keystone lode; thence 8. 80 No. 1 of corner to 633.9 min. feet 7 ,W, 3 R. T. P. of S., Salt Lake City, Utah. Callister, SWKSWH, Section 7, 30 35 S. thence deg. BT lode; Keystone GOULD . BLAKELY, W., SViSEUf Section 12. and' NWtf XL 1268.5 fee to comer No. 2 of Register. min. NEVi, Section 13, Township 3 South, Date first publication Feb. 28, 1919. said lode; thence N. 80 deg 51 min Range 8 West, Salt Lake Meridian, E. 644.4 feet to comer No. 8 of said make to filed notice of Intention has lode; thence. N. 30 deg: 35 min. W three-yea- r Proof, to establish claim to 502.6 feet to coraef No. 2 of Keystone NOTICE.. the land above described, before the M. A. No. 023805, ' Application for No. 2. lode; thence N. 88 deg. 87 min, OfU .8. Land and Receiver, Register United States. Land Office, E. 559.9 feet to intersection line fice, at Salt Lake City, Utah, on the Patent, Salt Lake City, Utah, January 14, 1919. Horseshoe No. 2 lode; thence S. 77 third day of April, 1919. Notice is hereby given that Semin- deg. 28 min. E. 219.7 feet to comer Claimant names as witnesses; Louis No 2 lode; thence EishoU, Donald D. Callister, Frank ole Copper Company, a corporation, No. 3 of Horseshoe '28 min. W. 1500.0 feet to 4 M. N. Cora deg. of-agent, through D. os Melissa Palmer, all pa, Utah, N. Holdennai), whoso postoffice address corner No. 4 of said lode; thence corof Salt Lake icty. Utah. They seldom fail to Relieve Csllixter, 1 Salt Lake City, Utah, has made ap- 77 deg. 28 min. W. 627.0 feet to . GOULD BLAKELY, and do not' contain any plication for a United States patent ner No. 1 of said lode; the place of beRegister. for the Horseshoe No. 2, Keystone No. ginning and located in unaurveyed 1919. Feb. Dale first publication 28, Habit-forming drugs. 2, and Keystone Lode Mining Claims Township 8 South, Range 18 West, . jfc-' containing an area of consolidated,-- situate , In. the Clifton 8 SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. 419 40 here exclusive' of conflicts with of Tooele, Mining District, County Link, Department of the Interior, U. 8. Sinte of Utah, being Survey No. 6446, Mineral Survey.. No. . MILE8 MEDICAL CO., Elkhart, Ind. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, pnd described in the field notes and Gold Coin, Treasure and Survey No. February 20, 1919. plat on file in this office, with mag- 6251, Reaper No. S lode; adjoining tfnd Notice Is hereby given that Donald netic variation at 16 deg. 45 join East' conflicting claims as shown by Plat - pub-lishe- GOULD B., BLAKELY, . 6460-bein- 48 minutes and- running - Application .for. Patent, United States Land Office, Balt Lake City, Utah, Jan. 4, 1916. Notice la hereby given. That 8emin- - - . ole Copper Company, a corporation, through its authorised agent, Cora M. Holderman, whose postoffice address . is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the Horseshoe No. 1 Lode Mining Claim situate in the Clifton Mining District, County of. Tooele, State Of Utah, being Survey No. 6445, and doscribed in the field notes and plat , on file in this office, with magnetic -East as variation at 16 deg. 45 min. ' follows: ' Commencing at cor No. 1 of Horae- shoe No. 1 lode claim, .whence the U.! ' 8. Location Monument No. 11 boon N. 48 deg. 50 min. W 8325.3 .feet; Thence 8. 73 deg. 02 min. E. 266.1 feet to comer No. 2; thence S. 2 deg. M min. W. 1500.0 feet to comer . No. 3; thence N. 73 deg. 02 min. W. 215.0 feet to comer No. 4; thence N 7 deg. 07 min. E. 836.4 feet to comer No. 5; thence N. 8 deg. 16 min. W; 691.1 feet to comer No. 1, the place of beginning and located in unsurveyed Township 8 South, Range 18 West, S. L. B. ft M., containing an area of. 6.243 acres adjoining claims as shown by Plat of Survey are Sur. No. 5701, Rex lode; Sur. No. 5703, Silver Coin lode; Sur. No. 6251, Reaper No. 2 and Reaper No, 2 lodes;' and Sur. No. 6446, Horseshoe No. 2, Keystone No. 2 and Keystone lodes. I direct that this notice be published in the Grantsville News, at Grantsville, Utah. M. A. No. 023726, Telephone Man in Tooele. . C. C. Campbell, district superintendent of Salt Lake division of the Mountain States Tel. & Tel. 'Co., was in Tooele Tuesday clared elected. to look over the local telephone In the School election on the system and to confer with some 4th of last December W. G. Clark of the business men regarding received 57 votes at Lake Point the turning back by the Governand 41 at Erda, making a total ment of the tlephones lines to of 98 votes. Jennings received the companies. 91 votes at Grantsville, 3 at Erda and 11 at Burmester. The poll liooks for Burmester Precinct were made out for School District No. 5, it also having been listed in District No. 5 in some of the papei-s- . It .was on this ground that Mr. Clark started the contest of Mr. Jennings right to the seat as member on the Board of Education from School Representative District No. 1. The case of W. G. Clark vs. ' Thomas Jennings to contest the election of Jennings as member of the Boai'd' of Education from School Representative Precinct No. 1, was dismissed by Judge W. II. Bramel last Friday afternoon on a motion to dismiss by the attorney of the defendant after the plaintiff had put in his . GOULD B. BLAKELY, Mr. and Mi's. Jack Kirk made . link, of Survey are Snr. No. 5701, Gold Tooele Newt Notes. - II You Dont Master Pain -- -- - . -- ... GOULD B. BLAKELY,. Register. Edwin W. Senior, Claimants Attorney, Salt Lake City, Utah. Date first publication Jan. 17, 1919.' ORDERS TAKEN. - For all kinds of nursery stock PHILIP ARBON ; of the Utah Nursery Co. of Salt Lake : City, Utah. Local-representativ- e, ' CLEANING AND PRESSING S CLOTHES ' -- . - Work Guaranteed. 'Prices sonaMe. '; Rea-- N 8-- 2 4-- 1 . L. EARL ANDERSON, Utah. Burmester, CHARLES A. HERMAN . Civil Engined1 A Deputy U. S. '- . 2-- . a - , L.-B- 3 Surveyor. Phone Was. St. Salt Lake City, 20 O - : 4885-- w Utah. GRANTSVILLE and TOOELE STAGE LINE JOSEPH E. MILLWARD, Prop. Lv Grantsville daily at 8:00 a. m. Lv. Warner at 9:00 a. m. v. ;;'. Lv, Grantsville at 12:30 p. m.1 Lv. Warner returning at 2:00 m '. m. from' Tooele carried Packages and Tuesdays Fridays. Leave orders at BuIletin Office in Tooele and the News Office in . |