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Show THE GRANTSVILLE UT.iMW kiMfUU X X X HOME VISITORS X X X . UTAH. cent fire. Former Sheriff Phil Aljets 1 who is now a resident of East tf Ely, Nev., was in Tooele yester- K drive a bunch day, having helped a of cattle to Die market here. Andrew Hanson is spending several days in Salt Lake City, ACCOUNT 51 NEWS, GRANTSVILLE, j A i TO ALL POINTS Via Attorney L. L. Baker was in;; Salt Lake City yesterday on TO X I.OS ANGELES X X X SAN DIEGO X X X X GREATLY REDUCED RATES X X Daily trains LIMITED THE SCENIC 2 Mr. and Mi's. L. V. liar ton who had been visiting with her! foiks at Panaca, Nev., returned! home yesterday morning on Salt Lake Route No. 20. While in; Nevada, Mr. Hailon pu X X The Feather River Route" week. SAN FRANCISCO X Western Pacific R. R. Mrs. Chas. Kuchs was a Salt Lake visitor the fore pail of the OAKLAND X X (Westbound Leaves Hurinester 12:39 p. ni.) (East bound Leaves Iiunnester 2:37 p. m.) (Westbound Leaves Burniester 11:00 p. m.) (East bound Leaves Burniester 3:56 a. m.) Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Observation Cars. Dining Cars. Oil Burning Locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Literature Information Tickets j X SALE DATES SALE DATES X X X d a cattle ranch. X DEC. NOV. 24th X X X 20-2- Ed. M Orme, cashier of the Tooele County State Bank, who was in Salt Lake City on busi-- ; ness the fore pail of the week, returned home last night. 2 X X X X 24th & 29th 27th w A X X X 5A TICKETS SOLD TICKETS SOLD X x X X X X x x x In November In December Return Limit Return Limit Utah. Burniester, Agent. o Many orators have less terminal facilities than a trunk line railroad. Feb. 28, 1918. ,lan. 31. 1918. Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or ' E. MAYER If you have the goods, the publicity agents will work over- - j $ time for you. A EAST m i X X i Or j A CALIFORNIA TO x x described m t J. C. Nelson, M. R. I T. U. Larson, ho stone is mure valuT. Iiackett and William able for mineral limn fur agricultural Stewart, T. Frank their heirs, Roberts, pui'iNises, will be received and noted Mayor P. M. Clegg who was in j for I he to whom ami lo Office Land grantees, assigns, report (ieneral Salt Lake City on business the at Washington, D. Failure so to it may concern : fore part of the week, returned j protest or contest, within the time You are hereby notified that home last night. specitied, will be considered sufficient evidence of ihe character the undersigned have expended of the tracts and the selections there- for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, Thomas Lougy who with his of, being otherwise free from objec-tini- i, 1915 and 1916 through themin summer the the will be appiovcd lo the Slate. family spent selves and their predecessors in COII.D II. lll.AKKLY, Uintah country, returned to Too-- ; ! sion that. I ! ! For Tickets and further particulars see Agents Salt laike Route, or address X x X X X X WAI. WARNER. A. C. X X X A., Salt Like City! Utah. I 51 . j ele last night. Nws. The Grantsville Published Ev'cry Friday by BULLETIN 1 KIMIMi CO. Utah - - j Legist er. . Dale flrsl publicaiion Nov 2, 1917. . Re-coi'd- j , $1.50 per Year. class mail matter Sulscriitiin, as ui i trains villi, Utah, Miiu-ii-i- I Ai.nrii d limli-i- - the Act of 1ST!). interest one hundred dollars in labor and improvements for each of said years upon each of the Undine, Undine No. 2 and Undine No. 3 lode mining claims, situated in Clifton Mining District, Tooele County, Utah, of record in the office of the of Tooele County, at Tooele City, Utah, in order to hold said chums under Section 2324 of the U. S. Revised Statutes and amendments concerning annual labor on mining claims, being the amount required to hold said claims for the period ending Decemlier 31 of each of said NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Mr. and Mrs. George W. llog-- j of llic Interior, .1'. S. of Salt were Dcpartmcni in: Lake City gun Lund ut Office Suit Like City, rtah, Mr. Tuoele yesterday, Hogganj October Mr. and Mrs. Lu Hunter of 1917. 20, busi-some ! contracting Oakley, Idaho, arrived here Fri- having Notice is hereby given that Philip day evening to attend the fiin- - ness to look after. of (Jrantsvilli. Llah. who, on Fidler, era! of Mrs. Hudson. They re-Man'll 1911, made Homestead Haturned to their home Tuesday George Williams of Ophir was No. 012:! lli, for WIC, of NV Serial. iry, in Tooele the fore part of the afternoon. Vi and WV& of SWVi. Section 9, Townweek. ship 3 Soulli, Range 5 West, Sail Grant Benson left Monday afLike has tiled notice of in .Meridian, Mi's Edmund Gelb, Mrs. Arternoon for Salt Lake City on his ion (o make three-yealent proof, to way to the mission field in the thur Frewin and Miss Belle establish claim to the land above all of Salt Lake City, South Sea islands When he ar- Iearson, described, before the (,'tork of rived in Salt Lake City, word spent Sunday at the home of Court, at Tooele. Utah. on llie Iljslrict 1st day was received that the ship would Judge Geo, A, Rimington. yeai-sof December, 1917. not sail on the date scheduled And if within 90 days from Claimtinl names as witnesses: and he is awaiting word when it the . personal service of this noMIS-L. Watson, John William HIGH COUNCIL & HOME Brighum will sail. or within 90 days from pubtice, M. P. Anderson. P. Richard Robinson, SIONARY lication hereof, you fail or refuse Matthews, all of (.iranlsvllle, Hah. ttr contribute your proportion of J. S. Cooper has been appoint(idl'LD It. P.LAKELY, suid ed agent for the Western Pacific expenditure as Register. at Burniester, and Mr. Mayer, Tooele Slake of Zion for Sunday, Dale first publicaiion ltd 2l, 1917.1 your interest in sand claims will become the property of the unthe former agent has been given November 25th, 1917. unthe position of operator at the dersigned. your FORFEITURE NOTICE. der the terms of said statute. same station. Mr. Mayer pre- Batesville John E. Johnson Iferred to act as an operator and Moroni England. VM. M. LAMB Salt Lake than station agent, Benmore Owen II. Barrus luii' in 1017 City, Utah, Sepleni.1. P. GARDNER, and Henry Ilainly To C. B. Diehl, I). L. Dunyon, Salt Lake City, Utah. Alexander J. Shields fooele NeWS IteiRS. andClover Wra. J. Cassity. Mr. and Airs. Chas. Berry wish E. T. AugUht K. Anderson to extend their thanks to the and John U. Hicks. Grantsville 1st John A. Bev-a- n people of Ophir for the gener and Lester Pocock. ous donation which assisted disin much their Grantsville 2nd Benjamin L. relieving very tress from their loss at the re- - Bowen and Franklin Whitehouse Lake View Robert T. Brown and Geo Morris Matthews. St. John Lyman A. McBride and George L. Tate Tooele North Jas. L. Wrath-al- l and Parley W. Hale. Tooele South Jonothan H. Hale and Eugene T. Woolley. Vernon William K. Soelberg and George Barrus. Ophir John A, Undtafff and Alvin A. Walters. Stockton Members of the Stake Sunday School Board. TOOELE STAKE PRESIDENCY, By John W. Tate, Stake Clerk. his sheep there, . i non-miner- r ei' . ADVERTISING Display. One Dollar Miiiiiji; Singh' Issue, all Position Top of I RATES per Inch 15c per per lack; Column, Next Mailer, 2j per cent g ts, J. Anderson went to Salt Lake City Friday afternoon and returned home Saturday even-- 1 iiig. Sarah Cook spent several days in Salt Lake City during the week, returning home Thiii-sday morning. .Miss - Len Sutton went to Salt Luke City Tuesday afternoon on his wav to Idaho. : ! rs, I j WATCH FOR DATA ON 1 THE CHEVROLETS I Long hours, close and tedious work are very apt to result in Headaches or other Pains. Dont suffer. DR.. MILES ANTI-PAI- N PILLS will quickly drive your Pain away, and Dr. Miles Nervine I will assist you by relieving the Nerve Strain. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. DIZZY SPELLS. became all "My nerve worn out. I bad bud liead-ui-liand sevi'r dixey I could not aleP k pi '11a. uiul iny appetite was poor. ea unlng pill ill ways gave me lief no maUer Then I pain. Miles' Nervine and was goon health again." MI.. S. L. 1 Anti-fai- n Pr. Mile' and they instant re- what the uaed Dr. regularly In perfect YOl'NO, ntUburg St., Newcastle, Penn. NOTICE. United Slated Land Office, Suit Lake City, Utah, October 22, 1917. To Whom It May Concern: Notice la hereby given that the State of Utah boa filed in this office lists of lands, x ejected by tbs sold State, under section 6 of the Act of Congress, approved July 16, 1894, as Indemnity School lands, via: Serial 021932. WH8EK, and Lots 3. and 4: Section 25, T. 1 South, Range 6 Went, Salt take Meridian, o 8W; Copies of said lists, so far as they relate to sold tracts by descriptive subdivisions, have been conspicuously posted in this office for insepctlon by any person interested and by the public generally, ' During the peiiod of publication of this notice, nr any time thereafter and before final approval and certification, under departmental regulations of April 25, 1907, protests or contests against the claim of. the State to any of the tracts, or subdlri- - Grand Before You Purchase a Car. This Car will be carried in stock at' Tooele. ; . ' . . OPHIR MERCANTILE Agents. CO. Ophir, Utah . |