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Show THE GRANT8VILLE NE&8, GRANT8VILLE, and Miss Charlotte Strasbu g to Tooele Happenings Salt Lake City; Misses Lldrie and Elsie Mulliner to Mrs. H. IL Johnston with her Miss Elva Tanner to Layton; Miss Ella Stookey to Lehi; and guest, Miss Anna Feddicord, left Miss Elizabeth Reagley to Too- Sunday for Waunego, Kansas, where she will spend a month or ele. so visiting with Miss Peddicofd.' Mrs. Walter St. Jeor was a Lake Salt visitor last week. Mr. and Mi's. R. G. Shields Stake M. L A. officers paid and daughter, Leone, returned Clover a visit Sunday to attend from Salt Lake City afSunday the Itush Valley district M. I. A. ter a few days there. spending officers convention. Our district school is progressJohn Peterson with his wife ing nicely under the able : man- and family the week end agement of Principal A. D. in Salt Lakespend City, visiting the Steele and Miss Pearl Cowley of State Fair. Union ville, Utah. Mrs. Ellen Jordan of Tooele is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Misses Ruth and Edith Shields returned home frem Salt Lake Tanner this week. Dan Orr of Skull Valley paid City where they had been visiting with relatives lor a few days Clover a visit. Mr. and Mrs. C, T. Anderson L. E. England of the Tooele were in Tooele Monday where Co with .Mrs England Trading Mr. Anderson had some legal the week end in Salt Lake spent business to transact. to attend Conference. Miss Elsie Erickson who has City been making her home in Clover Treasurer Matthew City for the past two years, left last Speirs with Mrs. Speirs went to week to spend the winter in Salt Lake City Saturday evening to attend Conference Sunday. The Graiitsville News. Published Every Friday by BULLETIN CO. PRINTING Gruntov ille, Utah - - It. 1). Hnl'aday, Editor. j Subscription, ?1.G0 per Year. Entered as second class mail matter jit Grantaville, T'tah, under the Act of UTAH. I tc A t Western Pacific R. R. The Feather River Route j ADVERTISING DUplay, One Dollar Month; Single Issue, l ull Position Top of RATES per Inch per 15c per Inch; VERNON MENTION Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Larson, Emma Larson went to Salt Lake City last Thursday to take in the Fair. Miss Emma Sharp and Miss .Miss Edith Spanton returned to Grantsville Saturday. Bishop John Fredrickson went to the city Thursday to attend The guards stationed at the Conference. of the Middle Francis Rich is out. visiting Tooele Canyon bridge 1 ion-da- y Valley lty., reported with his aunt, Mrs. A. A. Sharp. that one of the morning Mrs. Henry Oborn was taken guards, Earl Parson, had iired to Tooele last week for medical at six persons whom he had een attention. in the vicinity shortly after ten The M. I. A. officers of Ver- oclock Sunday night and that he non and Lofgreen will meet Sun- was confident that one of the day at Benmore where some o. j number had been struck b one the Stake officers toll be present of the bullets. Arvil Olsen is visiting in Salt The officei-- made a thorough Lake City. search of the place the day : fter Clarence Busman went to Salt the salleged shooting, but cjuld L:ke City to see his father who find nothing that would indicate is ill in the L. D. S. hospital. that a man had been hit. It was Miss Maeser spent Friday and reported areund town that the Saturday in Salt Lake City, man who was shot was in the Walter James, with his son, hospital, but that is wit!. out Sam and daughter, Charlotte, foundation. The doctore in town came out from Salt Lake City state that no one came to them Friday, where they had ueen to with gunshot wounds for mediattend the funeral of Mrs. Jam& cal attendance. who was buried Monday. There is a high boaid fern e the base of the Kridge and CLOVER NEWS as the place is lighted at night, Most of the harvesting is done it would be rather difficult for and the fanners are rejoicing anyone to approach the bridge without being seen. And if they over their bounteous crops. Mrs. Joseph Tanner who has got inside the enclosure, it would been ill for some time, is report- be difficult for them to get over the fence without attracting the ed much better. Mr. and .Mrs. J. E. Evans of attention of the guard. Magna, were visiting with Mrs. Evans parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Successor of E. W. Clark to Take W. Reagley, last week. Charge of Ophir Hill. George L. Russell left here II. M. Hartman has been aplast Tuesday to join the Recruits ior the National Army in Salt pointed manager ol the Ophir Lake City, who were leaving on Hill Con. Mining Co.7 at Ophir, Wednesday for Camp Lewis. lie vice E. W. Clark who resigned Mr. was accompanied by Miss Ro- on account of ill health. selle Bbyle of Salt Lake City, Clark who is suffering frem who had been visiting with Mr. pernicious anemia, will leave this and Mrs. J. S. Russell, and by week for southern California, in his sister, Miss lretta Russell. the hope that a change of cliThe majority of our young mate may benefit his health. He people have either left or will has many friends who regret to soon be leaving to attend school see him leave the camp of which at different places, as follows: he has been a resident for more Misses Bernice, and Helen and than ten years. Lincoln A. Stookey, Logan; A fly that never lights is a Vartl L. and Clio C. Tanner, Enos Stookey, Clarence Davis hai-- one to swat, so keep busy. . s THE SCENIC LIMITED (Westbound Leaves Bunnester 12:39 p. in.) (Eustbound Leaves Bunnester 2:37 p. m.) (Westbound Leaves Bunnester 11:00 p. m.) (Eastbound Leaves Bunnester 3:56 a. m.) Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Dining Cars. j City Saturday night. : Observation Cars. Burning Locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Information Literature Tickets Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or E. MAYER Utah. Bunnester, Agent, . Mr. and Mrs. Alex A. Gillespie were Salt Luke visitors Sunday. Robt. Dick and sister were ingoing passengers to Salt Lake trains Daily 2 . Column, Next heading Matter, 25 per cent Additional. ALL TO aK i March 8. 1S79. CALIFORNIA TQ A Oil liecksted, II. R. Beck-steAngus Becksted and Albert 21, 1917. Olson passed threugh Tooele last ui the The GnintHVille News, published weekly at Granin ville, Utah, for Saturday meaning enroute for October 2nd, 1917. Dugway w here they are inspectEditor, R. 1). Ilalladay, Graiitsville, ing the Beckstod mining proper- Utah. llusiuesa Manager, W. J. Peters, ty. Tooele, Utah. M. A. FOLKS d, WE ALL KNOW T. R. Larson, J. C. Nelson, M. R. Stewart, William T. Ilackett and Frank T. Roberts, their heirs, assigns, grantees, and to whom it may concern: Statement of the Ownership, Management, Circulation, etc., Required by the Act of August You ; notified that are-hereb- the undersigned have expended for the yeai-- 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916 threugh thems selves and their pvedecessors in Publisher, Bulletin Printing Com- interest one hundred dollars in pany, Tooele, Utah. labor and improvements for Not a corporation. Owners: Bulit'l in Printing Company, each of said yeai-- upon each of H. II. Johnston, W. J. Peters, L. E. the Undine, Undine No. 2 and Kraniei, all of Tooele, Utah. Undint No. 3 lode mining claims, Known bondholders, mortgagees, situated in Clifton Mining. Disand other security holders, holding 1 Tooele or trict, of more of County, Utah, of cent amount total per bonds, moilgigos, or other securities; record in the office of the Res corder of Tooele County, at Tooele City, Utah, in order to hold claims under Section 2324 said Sworn to and subscriber to before of the U. S. Revised Statutes me this 2nd day of October, 1917. R. D. IIALLADAY, and amendments concerning anMy commission expires Aug. 27, 1921. nual labor on mining claims, beamount the required to hold ing said claims for the period end-- I FOR SALE Team, with ov without wagon and harness. In- ing December 31 of each of said quire of Frank T. Burmestcr, years. And if within 90 days from Gran to ville, Utah. the personal service of this notice, or within 90 days from publication hereof, you fail or refuse When in Tooele visit to contribute your proportion of said as the Strand always a yourexpenditure interest in sand claims will become the property of the ununFeature Program 10c. dersigned, your Who comes to town at break of der the terms of said statute. day, With flivver loaded high with f FORFEITURE NOTICE. WM. M. LAMB hay? Why, the Farmer, of course. Lake City, Utah, Septem-i- jl Salt J. P. GARDNER, When he Gets Through figuring up the 1017 Proceeds of tills years Crop, be will Salt Lake City, Utah. To C. B. Diehl, D. L. Dunyon, None. W. J. PETERS, Business Manager. . j j I rs, buy a Swell New Car. If the Fanners ever go on a Strike, the rest of us will have to live on Snowballs, 4 d WATCH FOR a DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS 4 Every, Housewife or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles' NERVINE is Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IP FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO UENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. ten BADLY RUN DOWN, T liad become greatly run down and my nerve were in terrible condition. I had frequent head- aches and became very weak and X wee unable to do anything. bought a bottle of Dr. Mile' Nervine. I soon began to feel better my nerve were quieted. I recovered my strcngttu and have lines recommended Dr. Miles' Nervine to many of my friends who have It with entlafutory result." ud MI1S. FRANCKS YVIiJTI-OCK- , .179 Broadway, Schenectady, N. Y. The large and attractive new Fashion Book frem VICTOR LADIES TAILORING COMPANY of Chicago has just arrived the beautiful styles and and Materials shown will be sure to greatly interest you. I will be pleased to have you look over the line at any time which may suit your convenience and hope to hear from you soon as to a definite appointment. Yours very truly,' MRS. M. E. HALLADAY, Representative. Baby Grand Before You Purchase a Car. This Car will, be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCANTILE CO. Agents. Ophir, Utah |