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Show THE GRANTSVlLLt NEWS, GHANTSVILLE, UTAH. Lake M yesterday : X j! X Los Angeles and Return X X X X X x' X TICKETS ON SALE DAILY TO SEPTEMBER 30th. 5 Si Diverse routes via rail and steamer, X X X X X X X X including San Francisco. for tickets including $ X X X X X SAN DIEGO, PORTLAND, SEATTLE. Stopovers at-al- points. No validation fee. l J FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31, 1917. ! X X X X T11E SCENIC LIMITED (Westbound Leaves Burmester 12:39 p. m.) (East bound Leaves Burmester 2:37 p. m.) (Westbound Leaves Burmester 11:00 p. m.) (East bound Leaves Burmester 3:56 a. in.) ' Through Standard and Tourist Sleepers. Dining Curs. Win. WARNER. A.G.l. Salt bike Cty, Utah. x Burning Locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Information Literature Tickets Any Western Pacific Agent or Ticket Office or E. MAYER 1 Ulah. Burmester, Agent, . erations at once. i Thos. . , co-clai- m; rs, ADVERTISING RATES Display, One Dollar per lucli per .Mouth; Single Issue, 15c per Inch; Full Position Top of Column, Next Heading Mailer, 25 per cent Addition- al. FORFEITURE NOTICE. Salt Lake City, Utah, September 13, 1917. xcursions ACCOUNT HOME VISITORS FROM ALL UTAH STATIONS I Cheyenne Denver ??????? nervousness and headaches. The least excitement gave mo dreadful I begin uf.lntr Dr. pain. Miles' Nervine find u few days Inter started to lake Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment. 1 soon gut so much better that 1 was encour- aged and continued taking the two remedies untll I waa so weU that work was no bother to me at all. MRS. LOUIS EJ-Tdaho Fhllw, Idaho. Chicago Omaha ; . Kansas City Memphis ,'St. Inslruclio ns to bidders, Louis together Council. THEOIX1RE U. JOHNSON. - City Recorder. Date first publication Sept. 14. 1917. RETURN LIMIT 3 Months For tickets and further infdr ination apply to agents SALT LAKE ROUTEE or write WM. WARNER, A. G. P. A. Salt take City, lIUTah. When in Tooele visit the Strand always a Feature Program 10c. to FOR DATA ON THE CHEVROLETS fciQafefo to the demands of everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and. continual standing may weaken the Heart. is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles Heart Treatment is highly recommended. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. I 5 X gineer. The right Is reserved to reject any and all bids. Hy order of the Mayor and City Minneapolis WATCH Dr. Miles Nervine I with plans, profiles, specifications and forms for contract and bond, may be obtained upon application at the office of the City Recorder or City En- And other eastern cities Tbpwsxas LIVED IN MISERY. "I suffered greatly from -- To - satisfy X NOTICE TO .CONTRACTORS. Office of Hie Oily Recorder. Grant-ville- , I' tuh, Sept. 7, 1917. Sealed proposals will be received at this office until 7 oclock, p, m.. Sept. 21, 1917, for const ructing cement sidewalks in Sidewalk Extensions Nos. 2, the south side of Clark Street between Center and Hale Streets; No. 4. the west side of Hale Street between Main and Clark Streets; No. 10, the east side of Center Street between Main and Clark Streets; No. 11, the west side of Kearl Street between Main and Clark Streets; No. 12, the east side of Hale Street between Clark and Felt Streets; No. 13, the south side, of Main Street between Center and Cooley Streets, according, to plans on file in the City Engineers office. BACK EAST TOOELE HAPPENING:; Miss Mae Collins of California was visiting with her cousin, Mrs. B. A. Rusman, last week. Striving JK j Mrs. John Frank of Ophir is with her daughter, Mrs. visiting To C. B. Deihl, D. L. Dunyon, J. A. Orme. SALE DATES T. K. Larson, J. C. Nelson, M. Ii. ' OCT. 27, and T. Uackett William Stewart, Mrs. Minnie Johnson, Mrs. NOV. 24, 27. Frank T. Roberts, their heirs, Carl Ashton and Mrs. Gertrude DEC. 20, 22, 24. assigns, grantees, and to whom Lindsay of Salt Lake City w ere it may concern: Mr. and Mrs. Sol You are hereby notified that the guests of fore the part of the the undersigned have expended Isgreen to Salt Lake week, returning for the years 1912, 1913, 1914, last night. , 1915 and 1916 through them- City in selves and their predecessore was in Salt interest one hundred dollare in Dr. F. M.on Davis business the fore labor and improvements for Lake City week. the of each of said years upon each of part the Undine, Undine No. 2 and Mrs. Frank Shaffer, Mrs. Undine No. 3 lode mining claims, DisPeter Clifton situated in Targetta and Mrs. Nor-- , alining of Salt Lake Cilyj man Nations Tooele 9f County, Utah, trict, Hows your subscription record in the office of the Re- and Mrs. M. J. Shields of Tooele the News? end week Toocorder of Tooele County, at spent an enjoyable W. Mre. II. hold with to Droubay atj ele City, Utah, in order said claims under Section 2321 Lincoln. of the U. S. Revised Statutes Mr. and Mrs. Don Sheets who and amendments concerning anbewere visiting with his folks ini. nual labor on mining claims, foGScndlaBiKa ? A X : WM. J. LAMB, J. P. GARDNER, Salt Lake City, Utah. . M Appleton of Kansas Tooele during the in one or the central states. ington went to Brigham City this morning to join in the over business op- Mr. and Mrs. YV. 11. Elkington, Peach Day celebration. Mr. Appleton used hardware business! Jr., and Mr .and Mis. E.J. Elk- - ing.the amount required to hold; City, was in The Grantsviile News. said claims for the period end- -. week looking ing December 31 of each of said i portunities. to conduct a Published Every Friday by yeais, i And if within 90 days fromja CO. PRINTING BULLETIN the personal service of this no--i Utah tice, or within 90 days from pub- -' Grantsviile. lication hereof, you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of R. D. llalladay, Editor. .nts. said expenditure as will claims in sand interest Year. your Subscription, $1.50 per of the become the property Entered ua second ekiwt mail matler unyour at Grantsviile, Itah, under the Acl of said statute. der the terms of March 3, 1879. . Observation Cars. Oil . X trains dily 2 Wm. Kelley of Ophir was in Tooele on mining business the fore part of the week. Mr. Kel.y who is interested in the Empiess Mining Co. of Ophir says that his company exepets to stmt op- X X EAST The Feather River Route . a i POINTS Western Pacific R. R. paiojsaj .ireq aujij nq sja .ireij jo sjoi am aieqx : fcj ALL Via J. Arthur Orme who with his wife and family came down from Ophir Sunday, left yesterday morning for Ilenry, Idaho. Mrs. 0 me with her brother, Pharis, will, spend the winter in Tooele. X IX TO Dr. J. A. Phipps with his wife $ arid son, Joe, left Monday for Long Beach, Cal., where Mrs. Phipps and Joe will spend the winter. Proportionately low fares CALIFORNIA Or ! X iX TO Mrs. S. C. Oime and family who spent the summer at Squirrel, Idaho, returned home last Saturday in time for the child-re- n to attend school. X X X X X X I ! X X City returned home morning. Mrs. Waldo Morse of Salt Lake 5 City is spending a few days in 3 j Tooele, . X X j The large and attractive new Fashion Book from VICTOR LADIES TAILORING COMPANY of Chicago has just arrived the beautiful styles and and Materials shown will be sure to greatly interest you. I will be pleased to have you look over the line at any time which may suit your convenience and hope to hear from you soon as to a definite appointment. Yours very truly, MRS. M. E. HALLADAY, Representative. Before You Purchase a Car. f This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCANTILE CO. Agents. Ophir, Utah |