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Show THE GRANTfWL4,E NEWS, GRANT8VILLE, UTAH. The E. M. C. Club met at the home of Mrs. B. W. Black Thurs- b day evening. Los Angeles and Return Diverse routes via rail and steamer, ' a' b b b b FINAL LIMIT OCTOBER 31. 1917. b b For rest i va tons and routings see II. I). COOK. Agt. Tooele. or address b b b s b b CALIFORNIA TO Plans and specifications for bidders are pn file at and may be secured from or Hip above named Cjly Reroi-dofrom the Architects, lon Young, Hansen, 520 Vermont J., and Iiamni A landing, Rail Lake City, Utah. of $5.0(1 is required to Insure In rel urn of the plans and specific;!-- ' ' r Win- - WARNER. A.G.P. Sail Lake Cty, Utah. b ' mxkKK Clearance Sale! Mon. Tues. & Wed. Aug. 20-2- 3. ksikoiisot ACE1 LENT BAlifi.UNS IN AIX LINES! THE FOLLOWIN'!; BEING A PARTIAL LIST OF THEM. ALL WHITE GOODS WILL BE REDUCED 15 PER CENT. J 7c per yd. Ginghams, including Toilc du Nords This will r;ive All Dress Materials will he considerably reduced. the old Prices, dust 3 ou a chaiue to buy Shoes at any way near worth $7.00. Wright Shoes at 5.15 a pair, easily 1 have a few Boy Union Suits a special at 7c; during Inis sale 50c a suit, all sizes. J Pei ecnj Oil Mens Dress Shirts tints $)()() aiues at . W5 Others in proportion. Stetsons at item? this vou can Where duplicate 10c pair AieaV Black Woik Seek, white heel and toe 2 for 25c Collars 10c Gloves at pair Men's Extra Heavy Canvass L5 per rent Off Mens Underwear Mens, Boys and Childrens Overalls at a reduction of 10 per cent Indies Silk and Cotton Waists at prices that are sure to sell 20 per cent Ribbons 33 lrr cent Off I aces and Embroideries 15 per cent Off House Dresses and Carets This is less than wholesale ..11 White laundry Soap 5c a bar. Matches jc t box 2 fac I,oose Coffee (ibis is very special) at odds and ends cent. 10 Some of a All Dishes at reduction per Price. own your THIS SALE SHOULD APPEAL TO ALL GOOD BUYERS AS PRICES ARE SS i. i. GOING HIGHER AND GOOD MEROIIAN DISK IS lIARi; T( ..L ............. .b- WRATHALL CLYDE Grantsville, Utah. Quality Store. Or POINTS EAST Via Western Pacific R. R. ' Ilach Milder Is required 1o enclose a ill) his proposal a certified check I11 the sum of 5 per wont of the amount of same and the successful bidder in the sum of his contract? Proposals will he opened at the City Hall, Grunts) lllc, Utah, nt'tlie time n:id place above Btaled. The right Is reserved fo reject any or all proposals. (Signed) TIIKO. II. JOHNSON. City Recorder. Date first publication Aug. 17, 1917. ALL TO I . ) The Feather River Route THE SCENIC LIMITED (Westbound 1 .eaves (Iranis 12:39 p. m.) (East bound leaves Grants 2:37 p. m.) (Westbound Leaves Grants 11:00 p. m.) (East bound Leaves Giants 3:56 a. 111.) Through Standard and Tourist Slccpere. STAGE LINE Edw. lk Green, Mgr. ' NOTICE Notice Is hereby given by the City Council or Grantsville, Utah;- - of the inteution of such Council to make the following described iniproveinenls, to wit: To lay a five (5) foot standard Portland cement sidewalk in tbe following named districts: District No. 4, The west side of Nile Street between Main and Clark Streets. District No. 2. The south side of Chirk Street between Hale and Center Sireets. TRAINS l),tILY 2 GRANTSVILLE Dning Observation Cars. (are Burning locomotives. Service and Scenery Unsurpassed Tickets Literature S Information 2 "Any Western Iari lie Agent or Ticket Office or Oil a E. MAYER Utah. Grants, b I Entered ns second class mail matter The Grantsville News. at Grantsville, Utah, under the Act of The east side of Center Si reel beiwccn Main and Clark Published Every Friday by Si reels. District No. 11. The west Hide of BULLETIN PRINTING CO. Kearl SI reel between Main and Clark Sireets. Utah Grantsville, District No. 12. The east side of Main Si met between Clark and Felt 1L 1). Halladay, Editor. S' reels. District No. 13. The south side of Main Street between Center and Cooley St reels. Subscription, $1.50 per Year. And defray all costs thereof, estimated at 70c per running foot for five (.') foot walks anil 56c per running foot for four (4) foot walks, by local assessment upon the lota or pieces of wliliin (he above described districts. All protesls and objections to carry-in;- : iml of such Improvements must ho presented in writing to the City Recorder on or before the 7th day of Sold ember, 1917, this being the day set apart by such Council when it will hear and consider such objections as nnv be made thereto: (Signed) TIIEO. R. JOHNSON, City Recorder. District Utah. Grantsville, ADVERTISEMENTS. 4 Sealed projiosalB will be received inti! 1:00 p. m. August 27th, 1917, by the City Recorder? T. It. Johnson, (i antsville, Utah, for labor and materials necessary to erect a City Hall building at Grantsville, Utnh, by tbe City Corporation. BANK DESERET GRANTSVILLE Auto Jack in Sunday. Finder please to led Green, Stage driver. I fee. Stopovrrs at all points. No valid;. ion b THEN OLI) BILLS YOU MAY IGNORE, ENDORSED CHECKS WILL PROVE THE PAYMENT-OTHE RILLS YOU PAID BEFORE. LOST SAN DIEGO, PORTLAND, SEATTLE. b b 9 . for tickets including S PAY' BY CHECK, AND BY CHECK ONLY, - Jo Proportionately low fares b be-te- en Amusements. Picture show at the Opera House Saturday evening. Feature Film, two reel comedy and the Pathe Weekly news. Prices 15 and 10c. including S;m Francisco. ! Open A Checking Account With Us Today I A ten dollar bill the post office and Mrs. Maud K. Cooleys residence Finder afternoon. Tuesday CoolK. Mrs. Maud please notify i ey LOST TICKETS ON SALE DAILY TO SEPTEMBER 30th. . o Mr. and Mrs. G. It. Judd and ATr. and Mrs. Chase' of Nephi, were in Grantsyille Sunday No. 10. March 3, 1879. ADVERTISING RATES Display, One Dollar per Inch per Monlh; Single Issue, 15c per Inch; Full Position Top of Column, Next Rending Matter, 25 per cent $625.00 Delivered to You! QOd(0QD (p) OKI fttjim (GrSftGPaS95 Every Housewife or g Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain which so often results in Headaches, Dizzy Sensations, Faintness, Depression and other Nervous Disorders. Dr. Miles BADLY RUN DOWN. NERVINE is Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL "I liad become greatly ran down unit my nerve were in terrible I bod frequent head-- n comlilinn. i' hes und become very weak and to do anything. I tumble wo Nervbought1 a bottle of Sr. Milos soon began to feel better, ine. my nerve were Quieted. I recovered my strength, and have since Sr. Mile' Nervine recommended to many of my Mend who have used it with enttsfectory results. MRS. FRANCES 179 Uruadway, BE REFUNDED. SB Date first publication Ang. 17, 1917. NOTICE. Xoiii:c Is hereby given Dial I he of the tax levied by the City Council of Grantsville Cily, Utah, by ordinance passed July 18, 1917, upon tjie property abutting upon the North side of Main Street, from Hale to Kearl Streets, in Sidewalk District No. 3; the North side of Clark Street between Cooley und Hale Streets, in Sidewalk DisAict No. 5; the North side of Clark Street between Hale and' Kearl Sireets, in Sidewalk District No. 6; the North side of Main Street be- tween Kearl Street and the East side of J. IV. Andersons place, in Sidewalk District No. 7; und the South side of Clark Street between Centex Street and Roy SuttonB residence, in Sidewalk District No. 9: for the purpose of contracting cement siilcwnlks, iH completed. That the Cily Council sitting os a Board of Equalisation and Review, will meet at the residence of the 13, 1917, and Mayor Mondajk-Augu- st continue is session each day until Friday, August 17, 1917, between the hours of 3:30' and 4:30 p. m.t and will hear and consider any objections and make correction of any tax which said Board may deem unequal or unjust. That during said lime, between the hours of 9 a. m. and S p. m., said list will he open to public inspection at the Mayor's residence, Crnntsvllle, Utah. By order of the City Council dated July 30, 1917. . THEO. R. JOHNSON, City Recorder. Sidewalk Extensions Nos. 3, 5, 6, 7, WHITLOCK. Schenectady, K. Y. ft SPECIFICATIONS Motor: type, 3 Four-cylinde- valve-in-hea- r, 6 in. bore, Date first publication Aug. 3, 1917. 4 in. ' lxl 2x 2 1 Oiling System: Splash, with positive plunger pump, and individual oil pockets. Carburetor: Zenith improved double . Jit. Ignition: Connectlcutt Automatic. Clutch: Cone type. system, Transmisaion: Thermo-syphoextra size cellular radiator, with large overhanging lank carrying head of water over valves at all times. Rear Axle: floating wheel bearing carried on the wheel-huand in axle bousing. IxKid carried on axle housing, not axle shaft. Nickel steel shafts and geara. Hyatt roller bearings. Ratio 3 to 1. with Front Axle: Drop forged; with integral yokes of special steel, double-hea- t treated; tie rod ends, arms of steering spindles and heat-treChrome Vanadium steel, n . Three-quart- er b at ed. Wheels fitted with cup and rone ball hearings. Brakes: Emergency, internal expanding type; service, external contractbrake drums. ing type; Wheels: Wood, artillary type, clincher rims, large, hub flanges. h Tires: 30x314 inches; front and rear. Drive: Left side, center control, spark kind throttle under steering wheel. Fool accelerator. Steering Gear: Compound spur and sector, adjustable for wear (patent pending). steering wheel. front and Springs: rear, each wilh extra wide main leaf, or driving plate, made of Chrome Vanadium steel. Bodies: roadster; five passenger touring; and five passenger touring with top. Wheelbase: 102 inches. Finish: Black. Equipment: Electric lights and starter, highest type system, single wiring used. Complete lamp equipment, including head light dimmers; mohair tailored (op, top cover and side curtains (tWo passenger roadster and open touring car only) ; windshield; speedometer; electric horn; complete tool equipment, including pump and jack. non-ski- h Semi-cantileve- r, 'Two-passeng- er er two-un- it This Car will be carried in stock at Tooele. OPHIR MERCANTILE CO. 9. First and Final Estimate. d stroke. Cylinders: Cast en block (including upper half of crank case). Head detachable. Valves: l1, inch diameter.' in. Connecting Rod Bearings: Crank Shaft Bearings: Front, 1 in.; rear, in., center 114x19-311-1- Agents. Ophir, Utah |