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Show ' SANDY CITY STAR. SANDY. UTAH TAR Z AN AND THE JEWELS OF OPAR KULTW By EDGAR RICE BURROUGHS Authmf of the Apes Son of Tirzu" Ttrzn CwrUta. lil. r A. c. UcCIhi t Amorican Smelting and Refining Co. Garfield Smelting Company ' c Purchaser! niimn.wW CHAPTER XVIII. -1- 7- an Ae Ape hurtled the discordant through the tree sounds of the battle between the and the Hone emote more and more distinctly upon bla sensitive ear, redoubling hi aararanoe that the plight of the human element of the vonlUct wai critical Indeed. At Inst tli glare of the camp Hr ebon plainly through the Intervening tree, and a moment later the giant pauaed upon an figure of the overhanging bough to look down upon klio bloody acena of carnage below. Ilia quick eye took In the whole gcene with a alngle comprehending glance and etopped upon the figure of a woman atandlng facing a great lion acroae the carcase of a horse. The carnivore waa crouching to spring as Tsrxan discovered the tragic itableau. Nome' was almost beneath the branch upon which the stood, naked and unarmed. There waa not even an Instant's hesitation upon tba part of the latter It waa as though he had not even pauaed la his swift progress through the trees, so lightning-lik- e bla survey and comprehension of the scene below him so Instantaneous hla consequent action. Wide went Jane Clayton's eyes In wonder and Incredulity aa she beheld this seeming apparition risen from the dead. The 1km was forgotten her own peril everything save the wondrous miracle of tills strange recrudescence. She saw the sinewy form leap to. the shoulder of the 1km, hurtling against the leaping beast like a huge, animate battering ram. She saw the ciiruivore brushed aside as ha was almost upon her, and lu the instant she realised that no aubstanreleas wraith could thus turn the charge of a maddened lion with brute force greater than the brute's. Tarxan, her Tarsan, lived I A cry of unaiieakable gladness broke from her lips, only to die In terror aa she saw the utter defenseless of her mate and realised that the lion had recovered himself and was turning upon Tarxan In mad lust for vengeance. 's At the feet lay the rifle of the dead Abyssinian whose mutilated corpse sprawled where Numu had abandoned It Tba quirk glance which had swept the ground for some weapon of defense discovered It, and as the lion reared uNin his hind legs to seise the rash who had dared Interpose Its puny strength between Kunia and his prey, the heavy stock whirred through the air and splintered upon the broad forehead. J Not as an ordinary mortal might strike a blow did Tarsan of the Apes strike, but with the maddened frenxy of a wild beast backed by the steel thews which his wild, arboreal boyhood had bequeathed him. When the blow ended the splintered stock was driven through the splintered skull Into tlie savage brain, and the heavy Iron barrel was bent Into a rude V. In the Instant that the lion sank lifeless to the ground Jane Clayton threw herself Into the eager arms of tier husband. For a brief instant ha strained her dear form to his breast, and then a glance about him awakened n to the dungers which still the surrounded them. The blacks who had witnessed his advent looked on In ainaxemcnt as they saw the naked gluut leap easily Into the branches of the tree from whence he had dropped so uncannily upon the scene and vanish as he had come, bearing away their prisoner with him. Unmolested, Tarxan passed from the camp of the Abyssinlans, from which the din of conflict followed him deep Into the Jungle until distance gradually obliterated It entirely. llnck to the spot where he bad left Jiy In his Werper went the heart now, where fear and sorrow bad so recently reigned, and In his mind a determination to forgive the Belgian and aid him In making good his escape. But when he came to the place Wer-ie- r was gone, and though Tarxan called aloud many times he received no reply. Convinced that the mm had purpose' eluded him for reasdhs of ills own, John Clayton felt that lit' was under no obligations to expose his wife to further danger and discomfort in the prosecution of a more thon-ugsearch for the ndssing Belgian. lie has acknowledged his guilt by We will Ms flight, Jane, he said. let him go to He In the bed that he has nude for himself. Straight as homing pigeons the two made their way toward the ruin and desolation that had once been the center of their happy lives, and which waa soon to be restored by the willing Mack hands of laughing laborers, made happy again by the return of the master and mistress whom they had mourned ns dead. Fast the village of Achraet Zek their way led them, and there they found but the charred remains of the palisade and the native huts, still smoking, ns mute evidence of the wrath and vengeance of a powerful enemy. commented Turxan The Waslrl, with a grim smile. Cod bless them 1" cried Jane Clayton. They cannot be fur ahead of us," mid Tarsan, Basull and the others. The gold la gone and the Jewels of Opar, Julie; but we have eaeb other and the Waslrl we have love and loyally and friendship. And what are gold and Jewels to these? "It only poor Mugnmbl lived, she replied, and those other lirave fellows who sacrificed tliclr lives In vain mdravor to protect me I" In the sllimce of mingled Jay and grow they passed along through the Abya-nlnln- ape-ma- n ape-ma- n Mu-gain- the Belgian's pouch wllli river gravel before 1 escaped the camp of the Abyssinlans whoso prisoners we were. I left the Belgian only worthless stones, while I brought away with me the Jewels be had stolen from you.- That they were afterward stolen from me while I slept In the Jungle Is my shame and my disgrace; but at least the Belgian lost them open bla pouch and you will see.'' Tarxan untied tlie thong which held the mouth of the leathern bag dosed, and permitted the contents to trickle lowly forth Into hla open palm. eyes went wldo at the sight, nd the others uttered exclamations of surprise and Incredulity, for from the rusty and weatherworn pouch ran stream of brilliant, scintillating gems. The Jewels of Opar! cried Tarxan. But how did Werper come by them d ape-man- , ape-ma- Noteworthy mwcmdi Lead Plant at Murrays UtaH Copper Plant at Garfield, UtaH ISUraaa all communications to J. M. BIDWELL, Manager. Room 700 McCornick Block, Salt Lake Gty, Utah' What you expect ur Kmb is Just a reminder ratoraefi a4 laundry you an disappointed la. Oar iMMBa aa MBaa ar! ter high elaaa eelorod aktrta, ar watt aaats' er rough dry b always and to aid eemsiets aathifMhn tel vat n an Isaadarsd at the fanadiy. reported by the United States department of agri- culture In grading up mongrel flock of poultry by the continued use of males of purr breeding. During the last fiscal year, according to a statement of the bureau of animal Indus-- Fhona today tar a trial Murray Laundry agalnr None could answer, for both Chulk and Werper were dead, and no other knew. n as said the loor devil lie swnng back Into hla saddle. Even let In death ho has made restitution his sins lie with his bones. 1 g ape-nu- GOLD. SILVER, LEAD AND COPPER .ORES, COPPER MATTE, BULLION AND FURNACE PRODUCTS wall-lade- Hem. Tanas at the man-thln- Iu Itself the hunt was i success, and BEST FEED FOR LAYING HENS familiar jungle, tad as the afternoon waa waning there came faintly to the ten days after Its Inauguration n n ears of tha ape-msafari took up Its return march CampealtiM of Ration Rather Than tba murmuring cadence of distant voices. toward tha Waairt plain. Lord and Msthed of Fsodlng Influences We are nearing the Waslrl, Jane," Lady Oreystoko with BasuU and Egg Production. 1 can hear them ahead of rode together at tbs head of the he said. us. They are golug into camp for the column, laughing and talking together Experiments In the methods of feedlu that easy familiarity which common ing laying hens show that tha componight, I Imagine. sition of the ration rather than tha A half hour later tha two cam upou interests and mutual respect breed bea horde of ebon warriors which Basull tween honest and Intelligent man of method of feeding has the greater Influence upon egg production. The had collected for hla war of vengeance any races. upon tha raiders. With them the Jane Clayton's horse shied suddenly testa were made at the Ohio expericaptured women of tha tribe whom st an object half hlddea in tha long ment station. Rations for laying hens should conthey had found In the village of Ach-m- grasses of an open spac la tha Jungle. Zek, and tall, even among the Tarxan's keen eyes sought quickly tor tain from 10 to 12 per cent of meat giant Waslrl, loomed a familiar black an explanation of the animal's action. scrap or a good grad of digested form at the aids of Basnli. It waa ' What have we hers 7" ho criod, tankage, or their equivalent la skim whom Jana had thought swinging from Ms saddle, and a mo- milk. Mugaubl, The wet mash has some disadvandead amidst the charred ruins of the ment later the four were grouped uhnnt a human skull and a little Uttar tages, It Is found, as It requires some bungalow. time each day to prepare end give the Ah, such a reunion 1 Long Into the of whitened human .bones. Tarxan stooped and lifted a leathern mash end msy cause digestive disturbnight the dancing and singing and ances in the fowls If too much Is fed. laughter awoks the echoes of the som- imuch from the grisly relics of a man. A satisfactory ration coualats In ber wood. Again and again wars the The hard outlines of tba contents stories of their various adventures re- brought an exclamation of surprise to feeding s grain mixture of corn, three parts; oats, one part, by weight, and told. Again and once again they his lips. for the dry mash ration, ground corn ha their battles of with savage beast criod, Tbs Jewels fought Opar, seven parts, bran 8 parts meat scrap and savage man, aud dawn was already bolding tha pouch aloft, and, pointfive parts. About twice as much grain breaking when Basull, for the fortieth ing to tha bones at hla feet all that a mash should be consumed. time, narrated how he nod a handfnl remains of Werper, the Belgian. Look within, of warriors had watched the battle Mugambl laughed. for the golden Ingots which tha Abys- Bwann, he cried, "and you Will set UPGRADING MONGREL FOWLS sinlans of Abdul Mourak had waged what are the Jewels of Opar you will against tha Arab raiders of Achmet see what tha Belgian gave his life for,' Noteworthy Progroas Reported by ConZek, and how, when the victors had and the black laughed aloud. tinued Um of Male f Purs ridden away, they had sneaked out of Why do you laughr asked Tarsan. Breeding. Because, replied Mugambl, I filled MAGNA FRUIT & ape-ma- THE END. Purebred Whit Plymouth Rock Hurtling Against tha Leaping Beast MANY .LEGEND OF THE HAW Like a Huns Animated, jtatterln Rain. Scarlet Berry Regarded in Soma Parts the river reeds and stolen away with of the World as the Emblem the precious Ingots to hide them where of Hope. no robber eye ever could discover them. Around Little Bock the haw Is seen Pieced out from tha fragments of In tlie full glory of Its fruitage. In their various experiences with the Bel- woods that are dull and brown its myr-Inberries greet the eye with a warm gian the troth concerning the mnllgn activities of Albert Werper became ap- red of glowing conls. Ilere Is n single parent. Only Lady Greyitoka found tree. Its spreading branches studded aught to praise In the conduct of the nil over with scarlet fruit It makes man, sad It was difficult even for her a picture that seems to bo welting to to reconcile his many heinous acta lie transferred to rnnras. Further on with this one evidence of chivalry and are five or six trees standing together their muss allowing n wealth of color honor. landscape artist might reDeep in (he soul of every man," that said Tarsan, must lurk the germ of joice to reproduce with his art Any righteousness. It was your own vir- one of scores of gronps of these trees tue. Jane, rather even than your help- would, In a public park or large prioblessness, which awakened for an In- vate grounila, Im a stant the latent decency of this de- ject of admiration. He who has not read of hawthorn graded man. In that one act ho retrieved himself, and when he la called hedge has not rend the literature of to face Ms Maker may It outweigh In Englnnd, remarks a writer In the Litthe balance all tba sins he has com- tle Bock Gnsette. In that country of beautiful landscapes the haw blooms mitted. In been beautiAnd June Clayton breathed a fervent fiedmany spots that have by long years of cure. And It has "Amen. Its legends, both pagan and Christian. It lias been regarded as the emblem of Months bad passed. The labor of snd Its branches are said to hope and Waxlri the of had the 'gold Opar hare been cnrrled by the ancient and refurnished the wasted Greeks In rebuilt processions and to homestead of I he Greystokes. Once have been wedding need to deck the altar of more the simple life of the great AfriAn old superstition In the can form went on aa It had nefore the Hymen. British Isles accounts It unlucky to coming of the Belgian and the Arab. uproot a hnw. There hns been for cenForgotten were the sorrows and dan- turies a story thnt this tree was the gers of yesterday. source of Christ's crown of thorns, For the first time In months Lord and there Is a tradition among French Greystoke felt that he might Indulge peasants that, In Its Innocence, It utIn n holiday, and so a great hunt was ters groans and cries on the anniversorganised that the faithful laborers ary of the day when he whose birth might feast In celebration of tlio com- we celebrate on Christmas, suffered death upon the cross. pletion of their work. il never-endin- g fry, the JhhlEMMEatiu Allot . of JSaired i t Plymouth Bock grades showed marked uniformity In color and typo, and Whit Plymouth Bock grades showed much Improvement but did not all come pure white In color. In both klnda of grade Individual occurred which so closely resembled stock of pure breeding that It waa impossible to tell the difference by their appearance. - Read the oldest records of our race, and you will find the writers holding np to admiration, or relating with heartfelt emotion, the facts that we ourselves moat delight 'In. The fidelity of Joseph to hla master, the love of Hector for his wife and child, come suddenly aa to home to our hearts those of the indent Hebrew among tlie Syrian mountains, or the pagan Greek In the Islands of the Aegean sea . . . The first Chaldean who observed thnt the plnnets seem to Jonr-neamong the other start, and not merely rise and set !n with them, that Jupiter and Sirius followIs different now the lawn, knew a troth which foundation of astronomy In London and Iurls no less than of old In Babylon. The first Egyptian, who, meditating on curved figures, discerned the that there la one In which nilinfer-ence lilies from one point to the cl ren ore equnl. gained the Idea of a circle, such as It has presented Itself to every later mnn from Thules and Euclid down to Laplace and Herschtl. reKny, those who most exalt the with our of compared age quirements Eight Months If Simple Measures Are Taken Lime Good as Water Glaaei line of misfit and uncalled for Clothing in IN Good After Egga laid during April and May ar of better quality for preserving than are those laid later In the summer. One pound of air slaked lime added to cooled, boUed water is equally good a preservative for eggs aa water glass. Only dean, fresh eggs with sound Use an sheila should be put down. earthen Jur. Stir the lime thoroughly Into the water and drop the eggs In as gathered. Some Ume settles to the bottom of the Jar but does no harm. Two or three Inches of the solution should cover the eggs to allow for evaporation. Rffep In a cool place, preferably In a cellar. Eggs preserved by this method may be lately kept for eight months. When ready for use, remove only tin eggs that are necessdVy. DO NOT MAKE GOOD MOTHERS Best to Use Incubators and Brooders With Leghorns, Minorca and Similar Broads. Leghorns, Minorca, and similar breeds, while having many qualities to recommend them, do not make mothers and the work of hatching and brooding the chicks may be done more satisfactorily with Incubathe past and they can hardly bo too tors and brooders. much exalted must admit thnt nil progress Implies continuity that we CARE FOR CONFINED CHICKS can take a step forward only by having firm footing for tha step behind it. Much Greater Attention Needed Along John Sterling. All Lines Than These Given Free Range. Saint Lucy. Ref resiling as a spring on a July noon, lovely as the tong of the thrush at the close of a gliudy day, la the life, record of Saint Lucy. The dear girl, whose name, from the Latin (lux, lads) means light," was born In Syracuse In 804 A. D. Iler startling beauty brought n mob of aultors at her feet Rut she had vowed herself to the religious life and declined their addresses. A young nobleman, maddened with love for her, accused her to the governor as professing Christianity. In the fearful persecution under Diocletian she was martyred. She Is represented In art as holding a plntter with her two eyes upon It Chicago Alphabets yg We carry the largest EGGS the State. NOBBY 219-22- Advertise? Thai'i what others have aid and aOof a sudden If chickens were always given clean food and pare water, they would have fewer worms. Cleanliness la the beet prevention against worms. Improvs Healthy fruit farm a homelike be gained In no Appearance. trees give a poultry appearance which can other way. . The letters In the alphabets of the Ducks Mated In Fleck world vary from 12 to 202 In number, Ducks are generally mated In flocks fbe Hawaiian alphabet has the small- of from 20 to 28 females and four to est number, the Tartarian tba largest five males. Salt Lake W An Heuae Signs and Seanary Painti' ng. All klnda of Interior DUKE. No. IB Canter BL, Magna, Utah Fo r m Aaxioaa to Help your own opinion of th quality of printing we tun out by looking over th amplei we will he glad t how you. There la noth ing in this line that w can't do to yon entire aatia range. 8ee thnt they have plenty of green feeds that have not wilted down to almost the decaying point and that the yarda are kept sweet Calling also Is more essential when chicks are Good Worm Preventive. State Sc Decorating. Work tha beat Prices reasonable. found some competitor waa doing what they thought they couldn't d& And getting away with k. Get the bulge on your competitori by telling your story in an attractive manner to it will be read. You'll get the results. Growing chicks that are kept closely confined need much greeter attention long all lines than those that have closely confined. 1 SUHORIUM Yea Say You Cant HUMAN NATURE NOT CHANGED Through the Ages. includ-ingholidm- BRINE PRESERVING sotls-fncto- All Records Show That Mankind Has Remained Much the Same VEGETABLE STORE,, All kinds of fresh fruits, oft drinlu & Ice cream, Open every day until 10p.m. Main Street between 1st & 2nd Eaat faction. High elaaa prlntiq createa a goo Eagle Publishing Company Murray, Utah Phone 35 Imprei aionfc and Cofra Vr 8dforo you Jmd your Worth Out j Teton |