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Show X PROGRESSIVE Page Four Help Wanted: Experienced advertising solicitor and subscription solicitors. Bee Mr. Fleaher, 62 Post Office Place, Balt Lake City, Utah. WANT ADS FOR SALE OGDEN UNIT - , en-te- ra ns Place Order Now E.Sherman O.S.JayneS health Dept. DECORATING PAPER HANGING, PAINTING We Do 14,7 Hy 5020 B,r BL 8elf diagnosis and the prescribing of treatment for ones aelf or ones friends, tor almsnte or defects, should he discouraged. It presumes that the perscriber baa obtained the very neceeeary long and todloni training, which In fact he has not Rex Hat Cleaning Shop AND SHOE SHINE PARLOR We Clean and Block AU Kinds of LADIES & GENTS HATS KEITH EMPORIUM 50c 246 SO. MAIN ST. Teoeived. Cleaners and Dyers Paramount Repairing ReUning Service - Delivery lat 902 South Waeeteh 2458 Went GUARANTEED WORK M and M Plumbing Co. Vearl J. ManwilL Miner G. K. GAS AND STEAM WORK OUR SPECIALTY. PLUMBING, HEATING, ' 20 N. D. A. Coupona Accepted . Yean Experience Licensed and Bonded Plumber 1848 South 2nd Ernst Street Cdl U. for Eatimate. Member of N. D. A. . Hyland 2089-- R - There is at least a daisy In receiving correct treatment and often, when seen hy one competent to prescribe and treat the ease la in consequence hopeless. This la particularly true in the medical and surgical field. It Is unwJra too to prescribe lenses tor ones own eyes. Spectacles of s kind, k is true, may be obtained for a few cents . In department stores These are not "correcting" lenses by any means, and are worth Just the few cants they cost and no more.' They are often in fact ruinous to ones vision. Individually prescribed and made lenses only, should be used. Oceullete and opticians have received .many years of training. The lenses they pe scribe fop one may not at first seem to be Just right. If the patient, however will do bis part, as well as the trained preeeri-be- r hat don his, best results will in a little while be obtained. Dentures, Incorrectly called denial "plates and bridges and other restorations of a like na ture, and likewise prescriptions, tho seldom recognised by the patient; as such. This is also true of artificial j eyee and limbs. In providing the patient with any such substitutes to take the place of lost or defective parts, promise cannot be made to restore the toll efficiency of these parte. Improvement only over such, conditions can be made. If improvement of five per cent ean be made It la worth ' while. If seventy five per cent. to much the better; oft-tim- AND GAS INSTALLATIONS Hyland 427M. dities and services only. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN! Official Organ Eaeourages Truly .1 Groaps. Notice is hereby given that qn DEVELOPMENT ASSN The Natural Development Association publishes a paper entitled the Wednesday the 6th day . of April 1988 By Lou Lewis, in Llano Colonist "Progressive Independent 62 Post at 11 oclock a. m. there will be sold Office Place, Salt Lake City, Utah, m at public auction at my home, 489 Seventh Ave., Salt Lake City, one paper hopeful of eneouraging all . Brother-The Ideals of associand truly Radio. This sale is for ths Majestic hood Expounded. ations. The editorials of this paper of purpose foreclosing a lien torrent Many people ere asking "What is are courageous in dealing with presand of said radio. N. economic ent and current storage Associproblems the Natural Development leaden. Co is ithought by great a it ation? Briefly speaking, noperative organisation incorporated under the State Laws of Utah, anl existing for the purpose of Socializing all the activities and industries of man on a just and fair system of Karl Weiss exchange without the necessary use 8422-- R Waaatch of money as a medium of exchange. ARCHWORK STUSCO PLASTERING It was founded on the ideals expressed in a book called "Natural Governwritten by Benjamin B. ment, FanswsisnssnssiaeeewwsninssnssHSwsnssnswsisisisanswstanssMnssnsw Stringham of Shelley, Idaho. The Brotherhood as ides la of described in Hr. Stringham a book are very similar, it seems to me, to the ideals of the Llano movement; a THE NATURAL FpRD. Model A town Sedan. 1921 WANTED TO RENT By Geo.,L. Btrlngbam model. For Sale or trade. Fart cash. WANTED TO RENT Small piece The YMiar in Ogden is possibly Boa A- - Phone Waa. 4648. of ground for raising Garden Pro- tbo most popular money being used ducts. . APPiy to Andrew Jensen, 699 In the city, at leaat It la the moat WANTED TO BUY Pd. talked about One might liken it to Gorden Place, City. a show actor Just entering stardom. WANTED TO LEASE Small or WANTED TO EXCHANGE At first he draws attention by bis large farm, equipped, on crop basis. ability to act in the particular field All which ho has chosen. Some USED BALLET SUPPERS. Will furaiah rood references. Box people size4 Premier Bakery. Community blaspheme him, others gossip, while X. c-- o. Progreaaive Independent. Market Bakery goods in exchange. till others boost nntll finally ho the field of stardom and eventuWANTED. Uaed tennia racket lor WANTED UGHT GAR in exchange take the place of the old actor Coupon. Oliver Smith, 68 P. 0. Place. for laundry service. BuDdeyk, 1897 ally who served hie day. Blair St. Phone Hy. 7789, N. D. A. Vallar gets complaints as WANTED: Hay, Straw, Corn. Oats, as "slams". The other day a rewell and feed cattle aa for etc., Barley, AND ADVERSUBSCRIPTIONS mark went around the city that tha horse a. Waa. 4648 Mr. Fleaher. TISING in the Progreesiv a Indepenonly bank in during the dent for produce, groceries, etc of week was the N.operation D. A., and not only Any farmer having 600 lbs. of equal value. Mr. Fleaher, 62.. Post that but it holds its own with other Kafllr corn seed please notify this Office Place. Was. 4648. kinds of paper money nere la the city; namely, checks, Ogden StandWanted To exchange printing ard Examiner AD. and BODE TYPE, with good scrip and Weber faces, needed at once. Write Mr. and Advertising for Food supplies. County scrip. Fleaher, 62 Post Office Place, Balt Apply to Mr. Fleaher, 62 Post Office We often wonder way when peoPlace. W. 4648. Lake City. ple see something good that, they dont taka advantage of their oppLAUNDRY SERVICE for butter, Machine Composition WANTED: Tha answer Is simple. If we ortunity. of straight matter and ads tor the eggs, poultry, vegetables, what have only had the chanoe to contact the Bulkleys, 1897 Blair Street many different kinds of people we Progreaaive Independent If your you? machine is idle part time write Mr. Phone Hy. 7789. oould eee that their hearts are set Fleaher, 62 Post Office place, or call too much upon the things of this Was 4648 Salt Lake City YOU CAN NOW BUY WIRE world and as a result pass up the GRIP BRUSHES greatest opportunity tor happiness HELP WANTED which comes through service to with Your N. D. A. Scrip ON B" CREDITS i humanity. Miller General Flour WANTED. baskSEE THE UTAH BRUSH MAN Recently the State A. Fas. Basin Barter System, Inquire N. D. A. or at 601 East Third Bo. etball tournament held sway.' in Hardman, Box 264, Roosevelt Utah. FULLY GUARANTEED Ogden. A program waa Issued tor the benefit of some three thousand Approved by Good Hons LADIES With Laundry Experience Institute people and among all the advertise1897 us. touch wit in Bulkleys, get ments which went to support the Blair St, Phone Hy. 7789. program the Hotel Ben Lommond end N. D. A.'s had tha largest epaceg tor this purpose. N. D. A.'s reed like Insurance for this: "Cooperate with N. D. A., an N.D.A. SCRIP FOR NATURAL AND organisation for human welfare, exGOVERNMENT change commoditise with us. GrocAD Life, Health and Accident eries and meats at popular prices. Insurance with Bigreat and CHARTS See our new store ut' 2122 Grant Bent Company in World. Bixe 22x28 Inches, Complete V6 HALF SCRIP HALF CASH Avenue. We feel that the N. D. A. is makSHOW CARD WRITING and FIRE AND AUTO INSURANCE LETTERING on A Crelits B CREDIT ing history in Ogden aa well as governmental actions are and we Call F. L-- Hickman. can assure you that we are doing Waaatch 6745 our heat to nee that it plays its part Howe. Mr. with Ut. order leave or 2428 Grant Ave, Ogden, in a progresglve, constructive and peaceful way. It "If It'a Done with a Bruch. Credit B Wall Paper from 7c per Single Roll up, INDEPENDENT . ain-cer- e, Call The Plasterer zz null HYLAND COAL CO. Carbon county Coal us Lump Coal, $5.50 Cash 2.00 scrip Nut Coal $5.0GCash 2.00scrip : owning and controlling the raw material, natural resources, and machinery of production operated by and for the workers and not for profit. commonwealth Similarity f Ideals of Llano and N. D. A. 1 -- Year and Day of Return of Jesus. The Great and Last Battle of Armageddon. Tragedy. The City of Jerusalem the Scene of. Last Curtain of Assault by To last 42 months or 1260 days from Day t International Armies. Ohvetr-Beli- eve It or Not. Jesus to appear on Mount HYRUM KAY 1933 16 iev. "No man knoweth the day and Tn viar 32 A. D Jesus said, SO About AedaJmonth and hour of his second advent" and ty?nim angel to St John, The Revelator, ' the be judge. year Believe it or not. You 52 ' INDEPENDENT Post Office Place Auditing Accounting BOOKKEEPING, INSTALLING .. SYSTEMS AND , INCOME TAX RETURNS " ON B CREDITS So similar are the ideals of Llano and the N. D. A. I see no reason why congenithey should not I ( FOR ALL KINDS OF TAILORS SERVICE Lowest prices and highest quality Cali in and get our printed price hat. ONLY 25 CASH FOR ALL WORK . 55 East 17th South WEST BDWAY UPSTAIRS Ensign Shoe Service life-givi- ut Phone Waa. 5719 South 577 East CaQ and Deliver Service East of 2nd East to 17th South. . Special Rates to Members of Natural Development Association. life-givi- ng General Auto Repairing Modern Equipment. Labor, Class "B Materials, Cash Battery Charging. Prop. W. R. Nash, 1869 South State Streets Hyland 414 HEALTH DEPARTMENT A and B Credits accepted. Inclusive of all Medical, Surgical and .Dental Requirements. Optometry, Chlropractie, Drugleaa Treatment; Chiropody, Nursing, Prescriptions and Hospitalization. For Information Apply to .Wasatch or Wasatch 10347 2796, Hyland 4508-... X-Ra- y, . Bulkleys ; N.D.A. Laundry to Blair St. 1397 Office moved Hy. 7789 Our New Phone. First . Class . Work Guaranteed Regular Prices on B Credits We Call and Deliver ' MORTGAGE SALES W. Faber, President.' BISMARK, N. D. Governor William Langer called today for action by the national guard, where necessary, to prevent mortgage foreclosures and threatened a wheat embargo In protest against market price restrictions. MAGAZINES Willy P. Henkel, Manager. Modem Woodworking Manufacturers of Bank, Office and Store Fixtures. Superior Cabinet Work. 668 South State Street Salt Lake City, Utah. Phone Wasatch 8183 . WANTED Those having any of the leading magasinea which they have read and do not wlgh to have around would confer a favor by leaving them with this office.. Especially do we need the Nation, The New Republie and others of this sort. You will be help1 ing the paper by lending us your magasinea. KEEP UP WITH THE NEWS OF COOPERATION Subscribe For The : Progressive. Independent . TeddieS Cabinet fA S Shop RALPH C. NELSON GARAGE ' 62 Poet Office Place 2 Pont Office Place. ALL MAKES OF AUTOS REPAIRED Motors Rebored Radiator Repairing Fenders Repaired Car Painting Service Batteries Rebuilt Battery 50-6- St. Paints, Laqnera. Varnishes Half Cash-H- alf Scrip Member of the International Accountants Society. Inc. Chicago We specialize at this time t 7k Furniture Made and Repaired ' "i ... RUDY W. BERTHOLD 1068 Hy.l50lW ssiNiiNiiiiBsirNfNWNNNNNNNNNNNNNininrNifNNNwnr1 SEE N.D.A. TAILOR SHOP ally in their earnest efforts to the establishment of unite that the people might everywhere, acquire raw material and machinery; and the workers produce wealth, not for profiteers, .but for the people. Break away from the present Monetary system. Mr. Stringhams book entitled, "Natural Government, illustrates his ideal by comparing it to a tree planted in good soil. Tha earth Is the raw material from which the roots of the tree draw elements that is justly distributed to every part, trank, branches, leaves, according to their need. He shows how the monetary sy stem of government is stopping the elements (food, sap or from products, and commodities) reselling the leaves and branches of our National-Tre- e the human family causing it to die. The book suggests we break away from the present monetary system and follow tho plan that places man and his economic needs first in importance. But while ws are living in a world using money as a medium of exchange even the N. D. A. must have some cash to carry an till enough units are organised ti make their "scrip or "vallar as it is called, sufficient in effecting the Ideal system of industrial management and eperation- Ten Departments Outlined By the N. D. A. The ten departments outlined by the Natural Development Association an as follows: labor, agriculture, commerce, wealth, budding, health, manufacture, mining, justice, education. The bead of each department is expected to be an expert in that field. Those active In one of those departments ean exchange services or commodities for things desired in any of the other departments, and ean do it without the use of money in the perfected program. The "vallar taking the place of money, but bearing no interest and redeemable in commo MILITIA TO HALT Cabinet Work of An Kinds , J . 7th So. and First West fwimifiinirrTT , - 1 .7 (ya Read in rotation: Matt. 24:36, Matt 1332, Acts Read also Zech. 14 (year 520 B. C.). Rev. 11 (year 90 A. D.). PROGRESSIVE , Delivered Price . . t TIIE SIXTH MILLENNIUMS PUZZLE - Washing Greasing. Polishing ' ALL WORK GUARANTEED Day and Monthly Steam-Heate- d Storage. Phone Waaatch 8139. Residence Phone Hyland 80454. In Making and Repairing Screen Doors & Screens '.a i |